natural resources - wa

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Natural Resources

Watershed Restoration

A total of $10 million in new funding is provided to the Department of Natural Resources to jointly select projects with the Department of Fish and Wildlife for watershed restoration and fish stock recovery as established in the 1994 Supplemental Capital Budget {chapter 308, Laws of 1994 - SSB 6243). A portion of this funding ($2 million) is to be used to offset a general fund reduction to the existing jobs and the environment program which is jointly administered by the Department of Ecology and the Department of Natural Resourca.

Stnte Parks Trustlund Transfer

One-time funding of $15 million General Fund-State is provided to purchase environmentally sensitive trustlands for the benefit of the Common School Construction Fund and to reduce the state's bonded indebtedness. By replacing $15 mill ion of existing bonds with General Fund-State, future debt service payments of approximately $2.2 million per biennium are avoided (which would carry through the year 2020).

hng-Term Viability of State Parks

As an alternative .to making short-term reductions in the state parks budget, the Legislature directs the Parks and Recreation Commission to conduct a comprehensive review that examines the long-term structure of the state park system. In part, the study will include alternative approaches which more fully utilize private organizations in the operation and maintenance of the park system. This study is intended to help guide budget decisions for state parks in the 1995-97 biennium.

Park Maintenance Projects

One-time funding of $5 million Generat Fund-State is provided for up to 17 critical park maintenance projects throughout the state which are necessary for the long-term viability of the park system. The parks commission is directd to make wery effort to contract locally and provide local jobs to complete these projects.

Department of Ecology Savings

Through a variety of actions, the Department of Ecology guarantees savings totalIing $3.8 million. Administrative savings occur by the consol idation of water resource supervisory activities in the central and eastern regional oftices. Further savings are achieved through other organizational consolidation and by reductions in travel and equipment. In addition, funding for the Ecological Commission, Nuclear Waste Advisory Council, and Science Advisory Board is eliminated.

Delay Impact of Agriculture Administrative Fund Shift

The budget provides $600,000 from the General Fund-State to ease the transition of shifting a proportionate share of Department of Agriculture administrative costs to agricultural local funds. This allows for the agency to adjust fees over a longer period of time. The department is also directed to report to the Legislature by November 15, 1994, regarding the allocation of administrative costs between programs and fund sources.

Washington State 1993-95 Operating Budget Total Budgeted Funds

(Dollars in Thousands)

Dept of Ecology Dept dNaturaI Resources Dept of Wildlife Dept of Fisheries Parks & Recreation Dept of Agricutm State Energy Ofice Other Natural Resources

Wildlife 12.0%

Energywce 5.1%

OtherNatRes 1.8%

Nnfural Resources

Washington State 1993-95 Operating Budget General Fund - State

(Dollan in Thousands)

XRgisIative Judicial G e n d Gwemmeat Human Services N~WFIII Resourn Tranqmatim Public Schools Higher Education Qther Education Special Appropriatiw

Statewide Total

Ph&Recreat ion 73,93 8 Dept of Fisheries 55,930

DeptofE=1ogy 53,557 Dept of N a d R ~ ~ u r c e s 46,994 DeptofAgriculhPe 14,523 Dept of Wildlie 10,021 Other Nahrral Reswrces 8,069

Natural Rmources 263,032

Public ScllmlS 47.9% A

Special Approps 5.6% Legidalive 0,6% Judicial 0.3%

Washington State

Parks & 28.1% Fisheries 21.3%

Agency 077

Washington State Energy Office (Dollam in Thousands)


GF-S Other Total

1993-95 OBIGMAI, APPROPRIATION 1,518 45,658 47,176

1994 Supplemaltal Budget 1. El-te BPA Programs 2. sha Managummt to Other Funds

f 993-95 REVISED APPROPRIATION 1488 44905 46,393

Columbia River Gorge Commission (Dokrn hl Thou~mds)


1994 S u p p M Budget 1. E I i n i n a t e V e h i c b a a d C o m m ~

GF4 Other Total 574 542 1,116

199345 REVISED APPROPRIATION 563 531 1494

1. -ATE VEHiCLE AND C O W m S U - E- a v c h i F k ~ ~ I h o ~ o f C m m i r r i o a ~ m l d rc&wAnaayOawrleoslk (ah- C5enenl Mhi-]

Department of Ecology (Dollam in Thousands)


1994 Supplanenlal Budget 1. ~ W a t e r ~ s P r o g r m 2. Administrative Reductions: GF-S 3. Administrative Reductim: Non-GFS 4. Water Grad Compliance histance 5. RedmeContncts 6. Air PragramReductiens 7. Eliminate UST Supmisor Licensing 8. Reduce Woodrrtovt Projects 9. Well M a Momamt Fund Shift

10. Eliminate Boards & Commissions* 11. Aquatic Weeds 12. Vehicle Tire Contracts 13. RetmpectiveRateRefUnd 14. Liberty Lake 1 5. Water Remmes: 2nd Year Funding 1 6. Oil Spill Account Reductions 1 7. Low Lmel Nuclear Waste 18. Metals Mining & M i b g (ESE-IB 252 1 ) 1 9. Jobs and the Envimmmt Reductions 20. En- Equity Report 2 1. Hood Cmal Coordinating Council

T0t.l Supplemental Ikms





26 1407

1. WTRtJCWE WATER RESOURCES PROGRAhi - are r e d u o D d ~ I b o ~ g o f d u t i t s f q ~ s c d i o a m p c n i w n 8 n d l b e i ~ ~ d r &

2. ADMINISTRATIVE REDUCTIONS; GF-S - mvhp fmm the elhidim oftht legislative a h h k k d i v t iatern. the tinit ~ i n t k ~ g m d a p p l i c a t i I t r v i ~ u a i t , a n d a wMhoure-rn R ~ u c r L p o r m d e i n ~ u r J y a i s a d pmnit revinv dv i t ie8 . In additim mvel d cqu@mt PU-=*

3. ADMINISTRATIVE REDUCTIONS: NON-GFS - S a h p me senentea by -g w w l , equipment. supply p u r c k .nd by k e a (Geaeral Fwd-FcdffPI, Gtncrai Fund-PrirrWtocll, St& Toxics Confm1 Aaownt, U Toxiu Cmrrrol Afwwn Air Polldon C m l Arcolrrq Oil SpiU R m

Vebidc T I hmu& k i c Data Aewrmt)

4. WATER GRANT COPAPUANCE ASSISTANCE - C o m p l h d ~ r s r i d r n c t l d i v i t i p . n m i " o c d t o h l ~ receiving gcrak d loam from the Waler Qdity Fnumrl A s l i r l r a c t p m ~ ( C ) c a 9 a l F ~ F ~ l , S t a l e d L o c l l Ilrprwnmnt Rodvhg kmunt, W a h Quality Account, F d w a t u A q u r t i o W & A c c o l m L S t & R c v d v i D g h ~

6. AIR PROGRAM REDUCTIONS - Elimi- n l i n k k g i ~ I I y h t d c d t o e w i t b t k -dlioensig Publiwtim and o u m h 10 vehicle ownem rrgudrng Itw vehicle emhim h q x d o n program uc redrrceA In addiiion an air quality cnginea funded h m the Air Pollution Contml h n t is eliminaled ( O k Funds: Air Pollution Control &count)

7. ELIMINATE UST SUPERVISOR LICENSING - The U-nd S k q t Tank ( U S 9 S y v h Licrmse proprn will be eliminrted Supervisor cwidmon mll be conducted by a private firm. (v-d stckagc Account)

8. REDUCE WOODSTOVE PROJECTS - A w d s t o v t 4- ud a project lo a r d p w&uc Emision redudion shkgiw wiU ba eliminated (W&ove Ed-im and Edormnent nt)

9. WELL DRILLER ENFORCEMEW FUND SHIFT - Iaatnacd rwonuw in the first qmm ofthc biennium allow mll driIlcm e n f m m m t c ~ t o b t t r a n s f d ~ t h e G e n e n l F r u i d t o h Reclamatioo Revolving Fund. This is a onc-timc shiR It is anticipalcd that enforcement activities will be fundcdhm tht mtalt G a r d Fund ncrtt biennium (Wm F u n k R m l m a h Revolving F W

Department of Ecology . . a r b n m l d - - ' ~ b y t b ~ o f E a l o g y m d N W

~ i n a o n j l m d i o a w i r b m t E n ~ ~ d 3ob CkwUion Turk Far*.

20. ENVIRONMENTAL EQWlK ReWRT - F* ia p m d d h t h e D c p u l m o a l o f E e o l o g y t o p r r ~ ~ a ~ m ~ ~ ~ o f

riskriamMmtominoritymdLaw-in#lmo .*. en- (w& mdcommudy Ria-- Fund)

13. RETROSPECTIVE RATE IlERrND - rpprpprktiotl a u i k h i a o v i d p d d r o m t b t ~ l a s u n n c o r a r r m u m

16. OIL SPaL ACCOUNT REDUCTIONS - h ader ta remain within ~ r e v o n u a , ~ a r e r m d P t o r d m i n i d n t i w ~ a d y l h y c m b u l c b e c i r r m ~ l i t y ~ p b r r l l r c v i d b y t b t m p d M I n . d s A i o a , l h o r o a m ~ t o ~ U ~ o n d r r r p ~ a r p d a t a ~ ~ ( O i l S p i l l w -1

Washington Pollution Liability Iasu ranee Program (Dollam in Tbourands)

GF-S Other Total


1994 Supplemental Budget 1. Eliminate Advispry Committee*

Total Supplemental Itemr


I. EUMINATE ADVISORY C O M r n E O - - wirh dvpter 9, Law d1998, Id sp.r @SHB 26763, the Polhdim Wility ~ P r o p m b T c c h n i d ~ C w n m i t t e t i s c l i m i n a t e d (PollUtioa Liability Trust Acrount)

State f arks and Recreation Commission @oUan h Thous~ndg)




Total 61,751

1 994 SupplementaI Budget 1. Rsk Management Premiums 2. Trail G w m h g Equipment 3. Capture V m c y Savings - Deputy 4. Reduce Dimtorate Travel 5. R&mcture Fiscal Office 6. Shared Responsibility for Admin. 7. Elimiaate Cwstructim Manager 8. Self-Iasure M a i a t m ~ e Boat 9. Eliminate Shop Janitorial

10. Oil Spill Account Reduction 1 1. Park Maintenance Projects 12. Trust Land Transfer Program 1 3. Governor Veto

Total Supplcmcntal Items


1. RISK MANAGEMENT PREMRfMS - Tbc adjustment fully hnds tk risk mmapwit premium in OK 1993-95 Biennium.

2. TRAlL GROOAIINO EQULPMENT - Exirling mmundile mil upi- Iw mEecded b ngcdsd lifbcycle. An available

Rud hluw* will dlow the C&im to rrpl~ce twa trail m e r s . (Smmrmobilr Aocwnt)

3. CAPTURE VACANCY SAVINGS - DEPUTY - The rodudion ~ a ~ ~ v i n p c l u a c d b y t h t v a u q i n t k ~ deputy diredm Novanbor 30,1993.

4. ItEDUCE DIRECTOUTE TRAVEL - Thirr laduaiar will I i Ibe n~rmbpr of& v h i i by the DLertor a d & dtht CwmnkimL

5. RESTRUCWRE FIX& OFFICE - Two pitim ut t- in Ihe oftice. T&a will Ix a b d d by rcmainingdaff. Funding ispvi&dfm~~l.udimtormurc~muugancn! proccdurrs ue followed with lha iapdemmlation of mw fw during the 1993-95 B i d u m

6. SHARED RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMM. - An owrhead rate will b e d w g e d t o ~ l Fund p m p m t o c o w r a h o f t h c ~ ofccntrrl-

7. ELIMMATE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER -The eg- c m w h w h ummga pi l ion is climhntd Othcr &will dmh a po?imofIbewdw4witbmajwpmj~pingto~hantswiU deslp m.

8. SELF-INSURE MAINTENANCE BOAT - f a tbe Collmission's kg& mriDtnuacr bolt will be c o d under thc

10. OIL SPILL ACCOUNT REDUCTION - A Mint m irwnue to tbD Oil Spi Il A d m i n i d o n Acmunt requires roductica moil spill prevention related sctivitits,

1 I. PARK MAINTENANCE PROJECTS - CW&IC Wing is pmvikd Em I7 a-iticnl park ma- projcds k o u g h l the rdrrle. The Deputmenl ohDuld make cwry effcd to mnbd I d l y md to use I d l a b to Calylelc these pjcck

12. TRUST IAND TUNSFFA PROCrRAM - M i h d n g is p t o v i d r d l o ~ c n ~ ~ i t i v c ~ L n d r T o r ~ b c n e f I o r t h t C ~ ~ 1 C o n d r u d i o a F u n d Ttrilmitchir m l l d e i n w d c r t o r a d u c e I h c l i t a w ~ ~ ~ . By rtphchg $1 5 million of bdn with Gaml Fuad-Scrtt, Mure debl s m k pnymcnlr of S2.2 million pa binmimi .rr avoided rbmu& the yw 2020.

13. GOERNQRVETO-Twpmviriomhthclppmprid~nhthe Slnie Parksad Remation Cwunkim were vftord (I) 'Iht Govrmor d the $16.000 d i m in the .ppmpriuion h tho Oil Spill Admimisttation kcount (2) nK t3vmw v e l d tha rtquimmnt h a t the commission impl-l nm pPrk ka to gcner*le M

additional revenue of D million

9. ELIMINATE SHOP JANITORIAL - JIIlitorial s&m in lht ~ u h o p ~ ~ t l ~ Wwillrbsorbtheworkload

Section 306

Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation @ o h la Tbourands)

G F 4 Other Total 1993-95 ORIGMAL APPROPRIATION 0 2600 I@

1994 Supplemeatal Budget 1. Outdoor Recreation Plan

TMal Supplemental Items

Agency 468

Environmental Hearings Office (Dalan la Thourandr)

GF-S Other Tatd


1994 Supplanental Budget 1. Secretary 2. Administrative Appeals Judge 3. Computer Equipment

Tdal Suppbmtatal Itcms


1. SECRETARY - F& la additid swcury due lo the i n d lurmbcrof~btingfiledwiOlthchvimmnattPlHwringpBoruds.

2. ADMWISTRATIVE APPEALS JUDGE - To addregt the .dditional l p p c a b k i n g b m u & k f w o I b e E n ~ l H ~ p O f f i c e a hrlf.time ' " t i v e l n w j u d g a i ~ t o f u l l t i m e . IarnelTorl to t&ianier, the En- H h n p offi~e will & m individual with medirtim txpaiea~e. This will allow tlrt E a v i m a m d r l H ~ ~ t o m e d i a t e m c r e ~ m d r o d u c e I h e numberdq+skou&bd~Lhe&l3Mrd

3. COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - Funding is provi&d fa mmpta a p i ~ b ~ t h e k w c d ~ o f ~ r q d h g ~viromncasrl regulrtim

Agency 471

State Conservation Commission (Dotlam in Thousandr)

GF-S Otbcr Total 1993-95 ORIGMAL APPROPRIATION 1,670 202 1372

1994 Supplemental Bdget I . PSWQA Plan R e d d o l l s

Total Supptemental Itemr

1993-95 REVISED APPROPRIATION 1fi1 202 1963

conrmentr : 1. PSWQA PLAN REDUCTIONS - F d h g n t c d u d for narpoh

wJcr quality rclivitiu in the 12 dimids h i h g Pugcl S w n d

Agency 474

Puget Sound Water Quality Authority ( D o h in Tbowands)


1994 Supplmmtd Budget 1. Reduce Travel 2. Reduce Number of Authwity M d g s 3. R e d u c e ~ ~ v e S t a f f 4. Reduce OthaFunds 5. PSWQA Plan Reduction

Total Supplamtntal Items




Total 4207

2. REDUCE NUMBER OF AUTHORllT MEETINGS - RcduEw Authwitymodifigfimfaurafh#lunlierbordaingPugdsowld

3. REDUCE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF - Reblces h k k l d v c SM i n r b c d y e r r o f l b b i a n i u m

4. REDUCE OTHER FUNDS - Rcducu envitomnmW d i m ~ v i t i t r u d ~ l u p p o c t e d b y ~ ~ wdcrwhy -radCiencrrl ~ F ~ )

5. PSWQA PLAN REDUCTION - Rcdum !iuuliag Uuough for I b t U a i w n i t y o t W ~ ~ S c l G r v r t u d W u h i n ~ ~ U n i ~ ~ v e ~ i o n p p m

Department of Fisheries (Dollam h Thousands)

1994 Supplemental Budget 1. Const Tidelands Management 2. Shellfish Litigation Costs 3. MI Retrospective Rating Refund 4. Marine Fish Habitat Reductions 5. Facilities and Services Adjustment 6. Recmtimal Fisheries Transfer 7. Combined Recreation Lic (ESSB 61 25)

Total Supplemental Itema






1. COAST TIDELANDS MANAGEMENT - F d i n g h provi&d fa ~ d f O T f h C C C C t n f l y ~ i C C d 1 . 0 0 0 p l ~ l ~ C O L s f T i d c l d w SpccihcworkwiUiacludtsIdraregmeatmd tk d w f l o p d of. -plan far h.mst on Ihcse t idc ld . In FY 95, a bi&@ p i l ion will a h w&r wty. ~ c e r t i f i c l t i o r s ~ o n , d ~ d l h c p e ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ 4

2. SHELLFISH UTIGATION COSTS - M d i M funding of m9.m u aovkled to cover Iht casls of a trial o m tlibd dwlW

3. L&l: RETROSPECTIVE RATING REFUND - Thir wiH r l h tht aseacytotqmdJ28.000inrmtrcqedvtrPtingFefiudfa ~ ~ g . d i v i t i w . m a l InwanccRanium RcRud -1

4. MARINE FISH HABITAT REDUCTIONS -Two hnbitat ad planning pwilima are e lhhakd h n the Muifie Fi propam Moaitoring of nvint fish undet the Puga Sound Water Qdity ~ I M isllPorCQlCtdby8perceat. ThiswillroducemlldmduulysL ofmuiaefuhtisruesMtpIu10fwrycdhmycar.

5, FACUSllES AND SERViCES ADJUSTMENT - l k vnwnt m p u l i y ineludGd in Ihe Dqmdmds budget frw Dcputmatt of Gmwral Facititim and &vie Revolviag Fwd Ehrga wminermr. Thisdj~prwidgthc~witb~-j -

6. RECREATIONAL FISHERIES TRANSFER - Tk Pugct Samd K c m t i d ~ d m u i n c f r s h ~ ~ ~ ~ b y U w 1 9 9 3 ~ I a W e . T h e p r i m s r Y ~ o f r h t p . o g m n k rht d t v e l o p m e a t o f ~ rtlrings~fwdclayod.rel#sc cjlinook dmoa A e e m p r i r l i o n ~ t y b ~ h l t h e o p e r r t i f i g b u d g & l o I h t ~ b u d g c t f w t h c p v c h * s e o f t w o ~ r#ring riter in rwlhan Pugd Swnd (Rea#limal F M --I

7. COMBINED RECREATION U C (ESSB 6125) - C b 2511, L*w

Department of Wildlife (Dollan ia Tbousmds)

GF-S Other Total 1993-95 ORIGINAL APPROPRIATION 10,226 98,968 109,194

1994 Supplanentnl Btdgct I . Habitat and Land Reductions 2. Washmgtm Commation Corps 3. Oil Spill AcGolmt Reductions 4. Combined ReuWim Lic (ESSB 6 125) 5. Warm Water Fish (ESSB 61 25) 6. GovmmVeto

Total Supplemental Item#

1993-95 REVISED APPROPRIATION 10,021 98993 109,014

1, HABITAT AND LAND REDUCTIONS - Tht will d redudioarthroughmurpgemsd efliciencics.

2. WASHTNOMN CONSERVATION CQRJ'S - The -hat mwomtmdhhpia impl-theqmwkd Washin@ bmmahnCorpr(WCC). TheovsltlpgmmwillborrduEadby 9 ~ m r d l e d ~ c ~ t l m

3. OIL SPIU ACCOUNT REDUCTIONS - A &cline in rwcnue to ik OilSpillM ' " t i m ~ A E c o u n t r # l u i m r e d u d i ~ ~ ~ l l p i ~ p v d h r e l d l E t i v i l i a ~ ~ a w w i l l b o ~ b y t h c h p w m & ofFiaberig ~ d t h t of Witdliftfdlowingtbdr ~ut&DcprtrmntofF~udWd~oahly1.1994.(Oil A

Spill.4, ' %AEawat)

4. COMBINED RECREATION LIC (E3SB 6125) - 255, IAW 61994(ESBB6125X e d r b l i i a w m b i n c d ~ f ~ d hmting b. O m t k cquipmnt is lo cmpl& the shift & a n a ~ l i c u m i q I y s r c m l o a ~ ~ e ~ l t d o c u m o a t (!3& wildla

S. WARM WATER FISH (ESSB 6125) Chlptcr 255, IAWS of 1994 (ESSB6lZS~cltbSirw~lmtcrguncfirhmbcmm1 p g l m A ~ l p p o l c h o f ~ ~ ~ u d f ~ c u h w i U ~ m n a w a l # f t J l i n g o p p w t u n i t i ~ . T k p p m i a f i r a d D d b y a a ~ w ~ w m v m r c r ~ f u h r n ~ o f S S . O O p c r ~ . P e M o r w c r 7 0 y t l n o l d w i H p a y r S 1 . 0 0 ~ . ( W u m W a 1 ~ ~ fish^)

Department of Natural Resources (Dollam in Tbouaands)

GFS Otber Total 1993-95 ORIGINAL APPROPRIATION 49494 167J24 216,718

1 994 Supplemental Budget 1. MI Rdmipective Rating Refiatd 2. Fire Suppresslw Reductions 3. Eliminate Log Patrol Program * 4. Eliminate Procla~nent h a t i o n 5. Jobs and the En- Reduction 6. Dislocated Timber Worker Reduction 7. Washm@nConservationCorps 8. Reduce Smoke Management Program 9. Aquatic tands Dredgine

10. E l h Oil and Gas Commation Cornm 1 1. Oil Spill Acmmt Fkduction

. 12. Metals Mining & Milling @SHB 252 1) 13. Nm-profit TV Dihct 1 4. W a t m h d Restoration Projects

Total Supplemental Items

1993-95 REVISED APPROPRIATION 46,994 176,590 223,584


I a c B l s l r i e r ( L a t l ) ~ y t l a t i n g ~ r p p m p r i s l i c m i s ~ t 0 ~ t b r c a u l ~ g a v r i I r b I t . ~ * R P m i u m R c f i r a d M )

2. FIRE SUPPRESSION REDUCTIONS - F I suqpresrion q m d h a for the frvr mmth of tht binrmum wee r i @ d y lm thea dEiprted.


5. JOBS AND THE ENVIRONMENT REDUCTION - Tbe G o M a budg&pmposrsamdddudion~thcJobs.ndthtEnvimamcnt h p m dllt to &lap in i m p l ~ o n . T k ScMtt budget h c e r DNR pad ruadifig in ordg to: (1) dleviatc the rrvenue M a l l h m ftu a ltltt &, (2) hiding of the Wuhingtm C ~ C W p g & f f ~ i z t d i n I h t p u l t ~ , u d ( 3 ) ~ ~ f w ~ t h . t t h t ~ b u d g e t p p d t o b e c l o m L AAtr~rtduction,mDPfningJoboandtkEn~audingfcr Uw hpwtmd of EEdogy a d tbe Departmml of NaturPl R- b M.0 miw

6. DISU3CATED TIMBER WORKER REDUCTION - The T h W o r k o r ~ w i l I k r s d u c d b y 1 0 m t o r t a e c l r d u j Ppm(ingkwhhrhf~purtlorofFY94. (MhaFumk * h w u m t - A E f r m n t )

7. WASHINGTON CONSERVATION CORPS - Expwiion of the W~~ Collgcrvption Cwps (WCC) h8s ~ m l o w e r I h M d c i p t d ' I h c o v a a l l p p m W i l 1 b t ~ b y 7 p e m m t t o r d M & o s d & i

8. REDUCE SMOKE MANAOEMENT PROGRAM - The Depuamrd ~ a m w k c ~ ~ u p a r t o f I h e C L w A k A c L Thia~iSruppHidbyrtmwtsfmmbummgprmit8. &wrsertvmu~artnot*t~aaoriginallyMlicipkd, @im am reduced d d y Y (Air Pdlulion CorBml -1

9. AQIJATIC tANDS DREMINQ - 'lhc Q rerponsibl~ fw lerr ingdmonitwing~iclanddi lsi twfwmrterial ~ f r u n s h t e ~ . S . v i n g a m u l t h n ~ a d i v i t y v i t y (Aguatic Lud Dredge Material D k p d Sito w).

10. EUM. OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMM - Ch~irtgu with fhapter 9, Jaw of 1994,Ist spa (ESHB 2676), the Oii a d Qaa -on C d o n b e l h b k d This C m m h h r ~ g u l a b .nd~Diludg=~lqrlontioadtwlgrmcnSMdormrcmtioa Tht Cmmbion's MP will be . s w r d by tht kputnml o f N d Rcsrwucts.

11. OILSPILL ACCOUNT REDUCTION- Adcclint inrrmuclothc Oil Spill k h i i Afcmuff requires rcdudiorm in oil qiIl prrvtMjcm &ed miviri- Adivitis c u r d y udeiaken by the ~ t o r e w i e w ~ p m F n t i o n m d ~ p l v l s w i l l b o z h i f t o d l o t h & c ~ c o m p D n m t o f t h c ~ M u u g e m e a t C a s t A m n a

12. METALS MINING & MILLING ( W B 2521) - Onetime fundit18 ia provided t~ hplnnnrt dmpkf 232, IAW of 1994 (ESHB 2521 - M d g Mining md Milling). Tk M e h b Mining I d v i p u p hl l d a fee W l e that fully suppons rU provisioas of ESHB 2521 in future biamia

Department of Natural Resources

13. NON-PROFIT W DISTRICT - to ~ ~ ~ ~ o f 1 9 9 4 ( S S B 6 5 5 6 - N a b p m M T V ~ ~ w b i c h l o w r . ~ t e l c v i d o n ~ ~ ~ m r e n r vh.1 "* o n ~ o f N a t u r d R d l u d . l h ~ w i l l p . y S O ~ d h f . i r ~ r J u t o f I b e r r a W &

14. WATeElSHEO -RATION PROJECTS - k prwidd l o t b c ~ d U l h u J ~ l o j o W y w k p j e d s w i t h tk-ofF&ud W i l d l i f a U - d f f i rlodrrreowryu~id#dm~30~hmof19W~B6243 - O m u i ~ A m & a t i m A c t ) . F d l r m y b o ~

Agency 495

Department of Agriculture (Dollam ia Thourand8)

GF-S Other Total 1993-95 ORIGINAL APPROPIUATION 13,462 52w7 66,309

1994 Supplemental Budget 1. Laboratory Reloclon 2. Noxious Weed &ants 3. State Weed aoard 4. Entom010gy Pmgrm Savings 5. Retrospective Rating 6. R e a u h r k D a i r y ~ o n s 7. Facilities and M c e s Charges 8. Gov;ernor's Trade Initiative 9. Apiary Impt ion

10. Delay Impact of Adrmn Fund S h i

Total Suppbmental Item8

1993-95 REVISED APPROPRIATION 14323 5 3 f 64 67,787

1. W R A T O R Y RErnATION - Tht Dcparcmcnt O f A g r i a I b wm &Itto~IatthtrtlocalionofIhtfoDdsrfaymdurirmlkhh Irbonlorim dufingrbt 1991-93 Bieanium duo to hip d d u I d t l . y ~ . lhfimdingforthemowdidnotcrnyfwwml i m i o t b t l m w u m ~Dep.rtmml~kul4bklouuvlcrncy vviap lo cmor ~ , 0 0 0 oftht S275.000 iotacltion tea. This ilan pmvida~gfostbe rarvining Sl85,MX).

2. NOXIOUS WEED ORANTS - R w miow wecd m- lo FY 95. thcppmb l i m i t c d t o ~ g g w C l s r r A ( b p p i p i t y ) c a d r o l ~ u n d f w r I u f y r p l ~ s e c m t m l ~ Rwvrlurdjond . . ~ d l h s ~ w d g C u r l ~ h a c f r P d u k d f a t k pomiasy#rdirlikdyiore~lhmfiuthanviagpintk 1995-97 Rhl ium

3. STATE WEED BOARD - R d h n saving h n r wcMt pcuition suppat ingIhcStateWdBwd

4. ENTOMOU)(iY PROGRAM SAVINOS - T k DcpDltmaft Will l h i m ~ ~ ~ ~ i n r h c E n t o m o l ~ R D p n c U l O O d b y # r l y p m j d h l & w n d a f 1 d l l c vehicle wntract wilb Iht o f G d m c m . (Olha F d : GamPl F d F c d t r i l )

5. RETROSPECTIVE ItATlNG - Additiwul IlppropFiaticm auhrily i~ m w i d e d t o e d r b l h h a n a o i e d " d ~ o f i a r w ~ t o b c g i a

6. REAUTHORIZE DAIRY INSPECTIONS -The D.iry -on w s u n r c b m J v n t 3 0 , 1 9 9 4 . ~ f ~ F Y 9 5 ~ ~ iDc ludcd inIheor ig i ru l~ ~ 3 4 , I a w o f 1 9 9 4 ( S S B M)98h ~ t k ~ d d U u I b p ~ o n f o r r i n lul.lpor( ofhpmgnm (AgriEuhurc l a p i Ftnd)

7. FACUTDB AND SERVICES CHARGES - Comds m aror in A m d i a g U m ~ h c i l i h d s c r v i c # d w p . ( O h ~ F w d x ~ l t u d L a e j ~ ~ ~ A c c o u n Z d c k . i n md Hay w o t r t bWl*Acwunl)

m P r m f d g busii-. (Other ~~: Rural Rch.biliution -1

9. APIARY INSPECITON - Funding I TI thc Strte Gcnarl Fund f~ .pimy inspection m e l h h e d in rhe original 1993-95 budget. This i t t m ~ p * r t i d f u n d i g t o t h c p r o g n m a ~ ~ u m i a g t b ~ g c d chaptw 178, Lnvs of1994 (SHB 26-46), which generates SM),000 in fcwtorupportthtpms~l Thebillcmbliskanewbeo ~ o a r e r v i c e f c c d c ~ I h e b # k c c p c r m g i m t i m ~ t o a u t - o f - m l e ~ ( W M M A c c o u n t )

10. DELAY IMPACT OF ADMIN FUND SHIFT - Rovidg rddihd Wihthtgamalfundtockpethetrawilicmofdrifting . . ~ v t c o e t s l o ~ c u l t u n l ~ ~ ~dfowfor tk ~t0adjust f~overa longerpCridof t imc . The-ia required to repd to the b&twc by Novanbtr 15.1994, regarding Ihe a l l d o n of tdminiatrrtivt bctmen md fwd - NOTE: Tht Dcputmml of Agricuh mved ra qpqmbtirn of S4l8.OM) from* o r i d 1993-95 T m Bud@.

Office of Marine Safety (DotIan In Tbouraudr)

GF-S Other Tot a1

1993-95 ORIGmAL APPROPRIATION 0 4,496 4,496

1 994 Supplemental Budget I. Columbia River Field Office 2. Mahe Ovmight Board +

3. Oil Spill Accouut Reduction 4. R e g i d Mark Safely Committees * 5. OMSPrioFitim

Total Supplemental Items

1993-95 REVISED APPROPRIATION 0 44m 4,290

1. MIWARlYERFIWS)OFFICE-Fd3.SFTEdhrht d ycrr of Ibe tiemiurn fw a field office on t& Cdumbii River. l l h ~ ~ t h i O F C g a r w i l l p m v i d e i n k i n d ~ f o r ~ I y a r - t h i r d o f t h t ~ b ~ (OilSpilt ~~]

2. MARINE OYERPIGHT BOARD * - The B a d is maintained in ~ u n d ~ w l t f u a d r y c ~ ~ i d t d i n F Y 9 5 t o c o v e r ~

Homva,~rrcno longprptov idedtoeoo l inut~ to Ihe Bwd (Dil Spill A h n i n i ~ a ! AcCWd)

3. OIL S P U ACOWNT REDUCTION - Duc to I -ion io ~ i t u ~ ~ t o r s d u c e . d i v i t k h p l d e d 6 w n t b t O i l S p i U A h m d d m - S ~ ~ u e d e r i v e d h l o w c ~ U u n d c i ~ ~ i n r h t f t r s t ~ o f l h e b i d u m d t h c climinrlion of- ppm m (oil Spill Adminislntion -1

4. REUIONAL MAIUNE SAFETY C0MMlfTEES'- CoaairterPwith du@m 9, IAW of 1994, Id r p ~ . (ESHB 26761, Iht four R e g i d M u i n t ~ d y ~ u e d ~ hComnitto#hrw ~ o l c d I b t i r ~ m i m o f m u t h w ~ c l r f c t y i r s u g (Oil SpiuMninamkAwwat)

5. OMS PRIORlTlES hd on Ihe MvkK Ovmigld M funding ~,Mamfw&dbEorrtinuehi&prioaityprormtion dvitia. (Oil Spill A , w r AeaMt)

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