neighbourhood improvement fund … improvement fund application form this form is to be used for...

Post on 19-Apr-2018






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APPLICATION FORM This form is to be used for Neighbourhood Improvement Fund (NIF) bids. Please see the section on guidance for completing the NIF application form, for more information. Section 1 DATE: ………………………………………………………………………………………… BLOCK/ESTATE/STREET/AREA: … ………………………………………………………………………………………………. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF PROPERTIES: ………… CONTACT DETAILS NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE/HOUSING OFFICER: ADDRESS ……………………………….………………………………………………………………… ……………………………….…………………………………………………………………


E MAIL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………….


2.1 What is your idea for improvements to the space? (Please include a full description of any furniture or equipment/exact sizes, colour and wording of any signs. If possible, please provide diagrams and photos).

2.2 Please describe the space and how it is currently used

2.3 Are there currently any issues or concerns with the space?



2.4 What benefit will the improvement have on the community?

2.5 What benefit will the improvement have on the environment?


Section 3

Supporting Documents

Have you included the minutes from the group meeting, or survey responses to show you have consulted with the local community and that there is support for this improvement bid?

Have you included any photos or diagrams to outline the location and explain your idea?

Have you attached a map showing the location of the space that the improvement bid refers to?



Your improvement bid will be reviewed by the Housing Department and if it meets the criteria that is set out in the advice pages that are attached to this form, then it

will be presented to the Investment Group for a decision.

Thanks for your interest and good luck with your bid!

Please return to Resident Involvement Team

by post:

3rd Floor, Town Hall Extension King Street, Hammersmith London W6 9JU

by email:

2.6 How has the TRA or local community been involved in developing this bid?

NEIGHBOURHOOD IMPROVEMENT FUND The Neighbourhood Improvement Fund covers works to the communal areas of council housing land which improve the environment of the estate or block for all residents. The fund cannot be used for maintenance, replacement or repairs, for improvement to individual properties, or for wages or running costs. The value of the fund is agreed on a yearly basis by the Investment Group and is then shared across the four areas according to the number of properties within the area.


The funding is ‘capital’ and all works must comply with the definition and requirements of ‘Capital Expenditure’ within Section 16 of the Local Government Act 2003. Please see this definition below. With a few exceptions listed above, you can bid for almost any improvement work where the expenditure results in buying, building or improving fixed assets up to the value of £20,000 per bid. There is a separate Housing Estate Improvement Project Fund that is managed in partnership with Groundwork for larger projects up to the value of £50,000.


All council housing residents can apply. In addition we will consider improvement projects proposed by smaller groups acting on behalf of their block or street. Where there is no active representation your Housing Officer can submit a bid. In all cases, evidence of consultation and support for the proposal needs to be provided. Need information or advice?

You can contact the Resident Involvement Team on 0208 753 6652, or email We are here to give you ideas for potential bids, advice on how to carry out consultation, and support in terms of writing your bid.


Check that your project meets the criteria for Neighbourhood Improvement

Funds, as set out below. You must consult with other people within your community (your estate, block

or street) to get their support or approval for the project.

You must make your bid in writing, using our standard form.


All funding bids are considered by the Investment Group. Where we have more bids than funding available, the Investment Group decides which of the bids carry the highest priority. This may be based on the nature of the improvement proposal, where it is in the borough, or the amount of funding that the area has previously received.


If your bid is agreed, the work will be programmed and we will tell you when it is due to be started and completed. Regular progress reports are submitted to the Investment Group and to the original bidders. WHAT HAPPENS IF MY BID IS REJECTED? The Investment Group will provide a reason for why your bid has been rejected. It may even be that a part of your bid has been successful and another part hasn’t. This will be communicated to you by the Resident Involvement Team. It may be that more information is required and the bid can be resubmitted at a later date. It may be that the bid could be tweaked and again resubmitted at a later date. Whatever the case, we will work with you so that you understand the reasons why you bid hasn’t been successful.


Neighbourhood Improvement Funds are for the benefit of all the community, and all residents can submit bids. Leaseholders will not be billed in their Service Charges for works undertaken as part of the Housing Improvement strategy.


extra lighting to communal areas fixed playground equipment in

communal areas (not indoor play equipment)

improvement works to existing communal gardens, including shrubs and planting and garden furniture (not maintenance)

provision of sheds

provision of fences and gates, but not to individual dwellings

bollards (not for individual parking bays)

provision of new notice boards and signs

new community security works

new refuse or recycling bin enclosures

traffic calming measures on an estate road

paving to communal areas


Community events or activities Individual improvements to resident’s properties Projects placing long term & additional financial demand on the Housing

Department Projects on land which isn’t owned by the council’s Housing Department. Applications for work at council office premises.


The following definition is a legal document. Please ask the Resident Involvement Team if you need any sections to be explained to you. What is capital expenditure? Section 16 of the Local Government Act 2003 specifies the definition of capital expenditure as:- “works which result in the acquisition, construction or enhancement of fixed assets (tangible and intangible)” Works will only quality as capital where they are in accordance with the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom: A Statement of Recommended Practice (other wise known as the SORP). The basic provisions are that expenditure can be capitalised where it relates to the:

Acquisition, reclamation, enhancement or laying out of land

Acquisition, construction, preparation, enhancement or replacement of roads, buildings and other structures

Acquisitions, installation or replacement of movable or immovable plant, machinery, apparatus, vehicles or vessels.

These basic provisions can be consolidated into two main areas of capital activity, each of which has its particular accounting considerations:

the acquisition or creation of new fixed asset – capitalisation will depend on the creation of rights to future economic benefits controlled by the authority

the enhancement of an existing fixed asset – capitalisation will depend on the works substantially increasing the value of the asset, extending its useful life or increasing its use in service provision.

There is no de minimis concept in the SORP. Items of Expenditure - Furniture and fittings This can include items such as furniture and fittings that are needed to bring an asset into working conditions for its intended use. Enhancement of fixed assets The SORP allows subsequent expenditure to be capitalised when it meets the criteria of an enhancement. Expenditure must meet the specific set out in the SORP: “enhancement means the carrying out of work which are intended to:

lengthen substantially the useful life of the asset, or

increase substantially the market value of the asset, or

increase substantially the extent to which the asset can or will be used for the purposes of or in conjunction with the functions of the local authority concerned.”

The SOPR also states specifically that all expenditure on repairs and maintenance relating to fixed assets should be charged to the appropriate service revenue account and consequently do not qualify for Neighbourhood Improvement funding. Authorities should note that a repair, no matter how large, should not be classified as an addition to fixed assets in account terms. Source: Guide to capital finance in Local Government

The table below shows the criteria that we assess your improvement bids against before it is submitted to the resident-led Investment Group

HOW IS YOUR BID ASSESSED? Officers use the following matrix to assess your bid to confirm whether it can be presented to the Investment Group.

Weighting Criteria Values

No Yes

1 Is this a true capital project? 0 1 /1

If 0/1 no further analysis required.

2 Has strong resident support been evidenced? O 1 /1

If 0/1 no further analysis required.

Weighting Criteria Point Value 1 2 3 Total

3 Value of capital investment in last 2 years >£10k <£10k £0 /3

4 Can the project attract additional funding? No Maybe Yes /3

5 What is the impact of the project on -

Weighting Criteria Point Value 0 4 6

a the image/appearance of the block or estate? Negative Neutral Positive /6

b the local community? Negative Neutral Positive /6

c security and community safety? Negative Neutral Positive /6

d the environment/biodiversity? Negative Neutral Positive /6

e maintenance obligations? New Existing None /6

Total out of maximum 38 points /38

Comments from Housing Management:

Comments from Estate Services:

Comments from Property Services:

Comments from Leasehold Services:

Guidance for Completing the Neighbourhood Improvement Fund Application


Section 2: The Proposed Improvement

2.1 What is your idea for improvements to the space?

Think about your aims for the project and what you hope to achieve and make sure

you highlight anything which makes your idea creative or special. In this section you

could also include ideas for equipment, landscaping, etc. or examples of places or

features that have inspired you. There are some examples of previous projects on

the resident involvement website to give you more ideas: Unfortunately we cannot fund CCTV, entry

phone systems, repairs/improvements to buildings or private gardens.

2.2 Please describe the space and how it is currently used

You could include photos of diagrams to help to explain this. Maybe the current use

is no longer fit for purpose, or you have identified that the space is underutilised.

2.3 Are there currently any issues or concerns with the space? You could include photos of diagrams to help to explain this. If the area is currently

used for negative activities such as fly tipping or dog fouling then please detail this. It

may strengthen your case for your proposed improvement.

2.4 How will the improvements benefit your community?

This is the space to say what impact the improvements will have for the people who

live there. For example, will it increase safety and discourage ASB or create a

greater sense of community? Make sure you say who will use the space once it is


2.5 What benefit will the improvement have on the environment?

For example, will it help attract more wildlife to the area, prevent flooding or

encourage sustainable food growing?

2.6 How has the TRA or local community been involved in developing this bid?

Evidence of consultation and support for any improvement project is essential. The

Investment Group will be particularly looking for evidence of resident involvement.

Please describe how residents had an input into the application, for example through

meetings or informal interviews. Also think about how residents could help deliver

the project through consultation (i.e. door-knocking, flyering and events), the

practical implementation (i.e. planting, painting murals) and maintenance (i.e.

forming a gardening group). This is also a chance to say what skills or experiences

any members of the group might have that can be drawn on (i.e. can design posters,

can do face painting for events).

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