netaji afterlife

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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Jai Hind,



(Based on authentic information from Books, Internet, Mr. Anuj Dhar’s book ‘Back from Dead’ and Shahnawaj, Khosala and Mukherjee Commission’s proceedings)


• Japanese held Netaji in highest esteem and they did not want him to be caught as ‘War Criminal’. Japanese also saw Netaji as a person who can do something to improve relation between Japan and Russia and protect their interest in Manchuria.

• With Japanese investments and rich natural resources, Manchuria was developed an industrial powerhouse. It was a large reservoir of Japanese Weapons. That time, Japanese could have thought to give up Japan but not to give up Manchuria because the later was so vital for them, as they had stockpiled large amount of weapons (enough to sustain more than 7,00,000 troops for several years) in hidden remote and hard-to-reach areas all over Manchuria and more than 200 submarines.

• During August 1945, Manchuria had presence of Kwantung Army (Japan), Kuomintang troops of Chiang Kai-shek, groups of People Liberation Army (Communist Party of China) and then Red Army (Russian) took over the command almost without any resistance. Such an area was ideal for Netaji’s future plans as all these groups were at war among themselves, but friendly to Subhas Bose, rather Netaji was seen as a potential mediator between them, as a strong anti-imperialist and pro-Asian Leader.

• Many people will be surprised to learn that the secret diplomatic ties were established between Stalin and Japanese Emperor ‘Hirohito’ during Second World War, through Kato Kachu (an Indian), the Consulate of Provisional Government of Free India (Azad Hind) at Omsk office in Russia established by Netaji in December1944.



17th Aug. 1945 • On 17 August 1945, at Bangkok before flying to Saigon, Netaji, Lt. General Ishoda, Col. Kagawa, Maj. Gen. Bhosle and Lt. Col. Habibur Rehman dicussed how to get Netaji to Russia and some idea of Netaji’s Plan in Russia. Netaji flew from Bangkok at 8 AM and reached Saigon around 11 AM with his Colleagues. General Isoda finalized Netaji’s escape plan with Field Marshal Terauchi at Dalat.

• Field Marshal Count Terauchi, Commander-in-Chief Southern Command of Japanese Quantung Army (starting from Burma, Thiland, China to Manchuria) and close relative of Emperor of Japan – Hirihito, had great respect and affection for Netaji. He instructed General Isoda to help Netaji to reach Russian Occupied Territory in Manchuria on his (Terauchi’s) own responsibility and directed Lt. General Shidei to accompany Netaji. General Shidei, who knew

Russian language and Manchurian topography very well, was going to take command of Quantung Army in order to have a peaceful surrender of Japan to Red Army.

• A secret meeting of Netaji, Col. Habibur Rahman and Japanese Generals Isoda and Hachaiya took place behind closed doors in the house of Shri Narain Das, former local chief of IIL, to workout details of the PLAN. The rest of the INA officials were not privy to the content or subject of that meeting. Netaji’s further plan, to reach Russia through Manchuria and declaration of plane crash to be announced later, was decided in this meeting. It was also decided that General Shidei will look after Netaji up to Dairen.

• Netaji gave a written message to John Thivy of Indian Independence League “I am writing to you on the eve of a long journey by air and who knows an accident may not overtake me”. (the message indicates Netaji’s plan for disappearance)

• In the evening of 17th August 1945 at 5.45 PM, Netaji took leave of his Staff at Saigon Airport and boarded the Japanese Bomber Plane with General Shidei and Col. Habibur Rehman. Plane reached Dalat, Headquarter of Field Marshal Terauchi – the Supreme Commander of Japanese Quantung Army. Thus, Netaji and General Shidei were separated from others. Nobody went to Taihoku, hence there was no Plane Crash. (Taiwan Government has confirmed that there was no plane crash on Matsuyama Airport of Taihoku from 14.08.1945 to 25.10.1945.)

18th Aug. 1945


22nd Aug. 1945 • On 18th August 1945, Lt. General Hikosaburo met Russian Major General Shelakor to work out peaceful surrender modalities of Japanese Quantung Army and safe handover of Netaji.

• “So called death” of Netaji in a plane crash at Taihoku ( as decided, in advance, to be declared after his escape to Russian territory), while Netaji was very much present in the vicinity of Saigon on 18th August 1945.

• On 19th August 1945, a meeting took place between Ho-Chi- Minh (the Famous Vietnamese Revolutionary (later Head of North Vietnam, known as ‘Uncle Ho’) and renowned Chinese General Liu-Po-Cheng at Saigon in which Netaji was also present. American Intelligence officer and War correspondent of Chicago Tribune, Mr. Alfred Wagg and Bishop of Dalat saw Netaji in Saigon, after declared death. Mr. Wagg also took some photographs of Netaji and later met with Nehru, Gandhi, Sarat Bose and others and told that he saw Subhas at Saigon, after the news of Plane Crash.(other reference: Sunday Observer, London dated 2.9.1945)

• Up to 21 August 1945, Netaji stayed at Dalat, 10 miles away from Saigon, the Headquarter of Japanese Quantung Army in South East Asia with Field Marshal Terauchi.

• On 22 Aug. 1945, Japanese Quantung Army, led by General Otozo, finally, surrendered to General Alexander Varsilovsky of Russian Red Army in Manchurian Capital, Harbin, as pre-

arranged plan because both Japan and USSR did not want Anglo-American entry in Manchurian Region.

23rd Aug. 1945 • On 23 August 1945, Netaji reached Dairen (Manchuria) at 1.30 p.m. from Saigon in a Japanese Bomber Plane along with General Shidei, General Otozo and Lt. General Hikosaburo. They entered Russian occupied territory ‘Mukden’ with General Shidei and others in a jeep. After 3 hours jeep returned to Dairen and informed to the pilot of the plane who then flew back to Tokyo.

• Netaji was received at Mukden by Russian Emissary and Kato Kachu – the Consulate of Provisional Government of Free India at Omsk office in Russia. USSR had allowed a center of Provisional Government of Free India at Omsk in spite of being an ally to USA and UK in Second World War. Ref: (i)WO 203/4673HS/SEAC/591 dated 19.10.1945 Public Records Office, London (ii) File INA 273 Exhibit 242, page-12

• On 23 August 1945, General Isoda informed Shri Sengupta (Bose’s aide) “Don’t worry, His Excellency Subhas Chandra Bose is in safe custody”

• On 23 August 1945, Japanese Broadcasting Agency declared death of Netaji in plane crash. This declaration was made after ensuring Bose’s entry to Russian Territory.

• Field Marshal Wavell wrote in his diary “Japanese Announcement of Subhas Chandra Bose’s death in an Air- Crash…I suspect it very much…it is just what should be given out if he (Subhas) meant to go underground.”

• Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia, Admiral Mountbatten constituted a team comprising his most able Secret and Intelligence officers: Intelligence Bureau Deputy Director –Finney and his assistants Davis, A K Roy, Kalipad Dey, and “Rai Bahadur” Bakshi Badrinath to catch Bose alive. The team, after intensive investigations, reported that “Bose has gone underground to reappear at the correct psychological moment.” Reference: (i) Doc. No. 10005/3/GSI (b),The British library, Oriental and India Office Collection, London (ii) American Intelligence Reports about the activities of Netaji during17-25 August 1945 and (iii) Letters from General Mc Aurthur to American President Truman during17-31 August 1945

• Again it was a big slap on the British by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Philip Finney (who knew Subhas Chandra Bose from the days as Superintendent of Police in Bengal) was sure that Subhas has made his way to Russian occupied Territory. But the British allowed the wide circulation of Bose’s death only to keep Indians’ morale low at that time.

• Note of Sir R. F. Mudie (Home Member of Wavell Govt.) dated 23.8.45 to Sir E. M. Jenkins (PS to Viceroy Wavell) for consideration of British Cabinet on “Treatment of Bose” is a clear cut evidence that Netaji did not die in any Plane Crash on 18th August 1945. It goes like this:

Mudie proposed :

One of the most difficult questions that will confront Home Department in the near future is the treatment of Subhas Chandra Bose… Indian masses have deep admiration and respect for Subhas Bose …

1. Bring him back to India and try him either for waging war or under the enemy agents’ ordinance.

2. Have him tried by a court in Burma or Malaya for waging war against the King in that country.

3. Have him tried by a military court outside India.

4. Intern him in India.

5. Intern him in some other British possession, e.g. Seychelles Islands

6. Leave him where he is and do not ask for his surrender.

7. I do not think that there is any chance of Bose being hanged if he is tried in India. The pressure for his release would be too great; and also his trial would result in great publicity for his doings, motives, etc.

8. It is extremely unlikely that the Government of Burma, which is engaged in appeasing the Burma National Army, would agree to try Bose and even more likely that if they did, they would hang him. The Government of Malaya might possibly have no such scruples and we might get a hanging if His Majesty's Government agreed to ignore agitation in India and Parliament however strong. But a trial in Singapore would cause almost as much agitation in this country as a trial here, unless it was held in camera and no news released till after his execution. But in that case we would be accused of judicial murder.

9. In many ways the easiest course would be to leave him where he is and not ask for his release. He might, of course, in certain circumstances, be welcomed by the Russians. This course would raise fewest immediate political difficulties, but the security authorities consider that in certain circumstances his presence in Russia would be so dangerous to rule it out altogether.

10. The choice seems to be between deporting and interning Bose outside India or trying him in India and commuting the death sentence. The two might be combined and Bose deported (or "transported") after conviction.

Yours sincerely,

R.F. Mudie

(Ref: Transfer of Power, Vol. VI, Pages 138-139)


28th  Aug.


European members of Calcutta Municipal Corporation refused to condole the death of Netaji saying that “You are asking us to condole the death of someone who is not dead.”

Sept. & Oct. 1945

Netaji started his activities in Russian Territory by organizing meetings with Russians and Indians to work for India’s freedom.

Then, Netaji was seen in Indo-china on 27th September 1945. In October 1945, Netaji stayed in the house of an Army officer in South China for

several days as a guest and had a series of discussion with various communist leaders. On 25 October 1945, Clement Attlee, Stafford Cripps and Penthik Lawrence (Secretary

of State for India) discussed the issue of Subhas Bose and decided not to ask Russia for Bose’s surrender.

In October 1945, INA men were openly declaring “We are Netaji’ time bomb and will burst at right time. Our leader will return to lead us.”


1945  to

Feb. 1946


In November 1945, Netaji went to Moscow and stayed there for sometime, discussing various sections of Indians and Russians about the ways and means to liberate India.

On 25th November 1945, Indian community in Russia had a meeting with Bose.

(Ref: British Intelligent Report- PRO.WO.203/804 from HQ Army to SACSEAI2060.ISUM No. 21)

On 20 December 1945, a Japanese newspaper reported that Bose has reached Soviet Russia.

In December 1945, Russian Ambassador of Afghan Province of Khost confirmed Netaji’s presence in Moscow. Tehran report also confirmed the news.

During November and December 1945, Netaji wrote five letters to Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru from USSR but Nehru, rather than helping Subhas, informed British his whereabouts.

In December 1945, Nehru  received a letter from  Bose in which he wrote that he was in Russia and he wished to come to India via Chitral (now in Pakistan). He asked Nehru to make arrangements for his come back. Gandhiji was also aware of this letter.

(Ref: Top Secret File No.  273/INA  Document C-4, Part VI,  National Archive, New Delhi and                File No. 10/Misc/INA/Page 38-39 handed over to Shahanawaj Committee)

On 27 Dec. 1945, Nehru sent a letter to Clement Attlee to inform him that Shri Bose has been given  shelter by Stalin. He should take up the matter with Stalin:

Dear Mr. Attlee,

I have come to know from a reliable source that Subhas Chandra Bose, your war criminal, has been allowed to enter Russian territory by Stalin. This is a clear treachery and betrayal of faith by the Russians. As Russia has been an ally of the British-Americans, it should not have been done. Please take note of it and do what you consider proper and fit.

Yours sincerely,

Jawaharlal Nehru

An Asian Liberation Army was formed by Netaji with the support of Russia towards the end of 1945 and in early 1946, involving Warlords’ troops of about 15,00,000 men of former Japanese puppet Government in Manchuria (who joined Kuomintang army of Chiang-Kai-Shek after World War II and discharged under Marshal Plan). Indians, Chinese, Burmese, Indochinese, Malayans, Indonesians, Philppinese, Siamese, present in that region, all joined this army. This army was equipped with huge stock pile of Japanese Weaponry hidden in secret depots in remote and hard to reach areas all over Manchuria which was enough to sustain 7,00,000 troops (which surrendered to USSR in August 1945) for 3-4 years. The Warlords troops had an experience and training to handle Japanese Weaponry and knew exactly where the secret depots of arms were existing in Manchuria. Later, this army helped Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under Mao-Tse-Tung in his Revolutionary War, against Chiang-Kai-Shek, with 5,00,000 troops, 49 Howitzers, 300 Heavy mortars, 3700 Artillery pieces, 900 Aircraft, 97 Canons, 700 Tanks, 12,000 Machine guns, several lakhs Rifles and artillery rounds. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) could succeed in Chinese Civil War only because of this help, otherwise nobody was expecting their success up to January 1946 which had not more than 50,000 men by then. This was the reason why Netaji preferred to reach Manchuria to continue his fight for India’s freedom. Netaji was planning to use this army and huge stock pile of Japanese arms to liberate India before his detention in Irkutsk Gulag towards the end of 1946.

o Netaji made three Radio Broadcasts on 26.12.1945, 01.01.1946 & 19.02.1946 from Radio Manchukio, Russian Territory. In his 3rd Broadcast, Netaji mentioned to come to India with the help of Russia and with Asian Liberation Army in the early part of 1947. He also warned British not to harass his men of

INA:  “… We are under the shelter of one of the great powers of the world… The battle of freedom is not easy… We are sure to be successful within the next two years… I will go to India on the crest of a Third World War and sit in the judgment upon those who are trying my officers and my men at Red Fort…”

Ref: (i) Shri P. C. Kar - the Radio Monitor of then Bengal Governor Sir Richard G. Casey, (ii) PM Office File No. 870/11/P/16/92-POL page 21-22) requisitioned by the Mukherjee Commission again and again but not provided by the Govt. of India and (iii) London correspondent of ‘Dainik Sevika’, dt.18th March 1946, a daily published from Malaya.

On 30 December 1945 and then on 11 January 1946, Gandhi said “Subhas Bose is alive and hiding somewhere.” Sharat Bose also expressed the same view.

On 31 Dec. 1945, The National Herald reported that Bose is in Russia. On 3rd January1946, Hindustan Times front page story was “Gandhi believes Subhas is

alive”. On 23rd January1946, a speaker said in Singapore that “Subhas is alive and will return

to India as the free President of a free country”. Trial of INA prisoners at Red Fort aroused revolt and unrest all over UNDIVIDED

INDIA  in Army, in Navy, in Police, in Public and  in Government officials. Unrest started even before the INA trial started when people came to know the heroic deeds of INA and Netaji.

Between 21 and 26 November 1945, Calcutta was strike-bound. More than a hundred were killed or injured in police firing as many INA prisoners were secretly killed by British in Calcutta in November 1945.

Hindus and Muslims - their trucks flying both Congress and Muslim League flags—jointly took over the city, attacking American and British military establishments and shouting the slogans of freedom and nationalism coined by Netaji. Some 49 military vehicles were destroyed and 97 damaged, and about 200 military personnel injured: thirty-two Indians lost their lives and 200 were wounded. The violence soon spread along the Gangetic plain to Patna, Allahabad and Benaras and eventually places as far apart as Karachi and Bombay were affected.

In January 1946, 5200 Royal Indian Air Force personnel had gone on strike to express sympathy with INA prisoners.

Between 11 and 14 February 1946, the streets of Calcutta, Bombay and Delhi witnessed unique political demonstrations in which Hindus and Muslims forgot their differences and came together to fight the I.N.A.'s battles.

On 18 February 1946, a revolt began on HMS Talwar, a training ship of the Royal Indian(British) Navy in Bombay.

By nightfall on the 20 February 1946,  virtually the whole of the Royal Indian Navy was in open rebellion. 78 warships in the various ports of India: Bombay, Karachi, Madras, Vishakhapatnam, Calcutta, Cochin, and Andamans and nearly all the shore establishments had hauled down the Union Jack. Only 10 ships and two shore establishments still remained with the British.

Between 22 and 25 February 1946, the Royal Indian Armed Forces in Bombay and Madras went on strike and on the 27 February 1946, Indian soldiers in Jabalpur followed.

In Bombay there had been, what even the British owned ‘Times of India’ was forced to call, a 'Mass Uprising’. About 6,00,000 workers from the textile mills of Bombay had gone on strike to fight with British troops in the streets and lanes of Bombay.

The British had tanks and machine-guns, the workers had improvised weapons and even at times stones from dug-up roads. In the end, 270 had died and 1,300 had been injured. Undoubtedly, a revolutionary situation had been created without any existing political leader. The Congress had nothing to do with the entire upsurge. Rather, Gandhi, Jinnah, Patel, Nehru and other Congress leaders deplored the revolt.

·     Such a situation existed in 1945-46 owed to Netaji Subhas Bose and his INA. A Revolution could have happened if there had been a leader prepared to lead them - Netaji Bose was needed at that time in India. True, his army did not parade as victors in the Red Fort; but their trial had aroused the revolutionary feelings throughout the country. This had proved that his belief in a revolutionary consciousness was grounded in a deeper understanding of the Indian people than his contemporary politicians.

Wavell wrote:

"… In many cities, there are Muslims who support Subhas than Jinnah … We are sitting on a volcano that is about to erupt.”

Sir Stafford Cripps made the position crystal clear in British Parliament:

"…The Indian Army in India is not obeying the British officers. In these conditions if we have to rule India for a long time, we have to keep a permanent British army for a long time in a vast country of four hundred millions. We have no such army…"

Attlee quickly understood implications and started negotiating Independence of India with Indian leaders. The British government announced in February 1946 that a Cabinet mission of three ministers would visit India that was later rejected by Gandhiji but agreed by Nehru, Patel, Jinnah etc.

On 20 February 1946, Attlee pledged the British government to transfer power to Indian hands, if necessary, as two separate nations, 'not later than June 1948’.

On the night of the 23 February 1946, four days after the naval revolt started, the British Cabinet held an emergency meeting and decided to transfer political power to the Congress and League leaders.

Nehru wrote Mountbatten that Subhas Bose should not be allowed to return until India is partitioned. (Ref: Ex-Colonel of INA- Lakshami Sehgal’s interview to Mr.V. P. Saini dated 13.07.1992)

Later, Nehru had to associate with INA Trial to gain sympathy of public and INA men and to have complete information on the issue.         

March 1946

On 1st March 1946, a British Intelligence Report said “… Plane crash is a deception plan which has been extremely carefully and ingeniously organized…”

During March 1946, Nehru visited Singapore. Lord Mountbatten cautioned Nehru not to help INA and raise issues related to Bose otherwise he (Nehru) would loose power to Bose on his return.

On 23 March 1946, R. F. Mudie wrote  to Sir E. Jenkins “Bose does not come under the definition of  War Criminal adopted by United Nations.”

On 24 March 1946, Hindustan Times story was “Netaji is not Dead”

April 1946

Russian  Vice Consul General in Tehran Mr. Maradoff disclosed that Bose is in Russia where he is secretly organizing a group of Russians and Indians to work for India’s freedom. (Ref: Report C-4, Part IV dated 8 April 1946, National Archive Delhi)

Norman Smith, Director of IB, had information about Netaji’s presence in Russian Territory (Doc. No. L/PJ/12/217, The British Library, London, Oriental and India Collections). British Intelligence had a vigil on Indo-Burmese and other borders for years.

June &July 1946

In June- July 1946, Netaji helped Mao-Tse-Tung in Chinese Revolutionary War with Asian Liberation Army and huge stock of Japanese Arms (present in Munchurian Region).

On 22 July 1946, Sharat Bose briefed United Press in Bombay “Subhas Bose is alive. The story of plane crash is a myth.”

On 22 July 1946, Khurshed (Ben) Naoroji, a secretary of  Mahatma Gandhi wrote a Letter  to Prof.  Louis Fischer, an  American journalist to prevail upon the US president for exerting pressure on UK to immediately concede freedom to India mentioning “At heart, Indian (British) Army is Sympathic with the Indian National Army (INA). If Bose comes to India with the help of Russia, neither Gandhi nor  the Congress will be able to reason with the  country (India)…” … If Russia declares itself an Asian country there will be no hope for European alliance with India” …

In July 1946, riots were engineered by British between Hindus and Sikhs on the one hand and Muslims on the other. British instructed secret agencies to work out  a “POST QUIT  PLAN” to disintegrate India in more than 100 parts.   

Aug. 1946


 Dec. 1946

In August 1946, Stalin and his Politbureau members (Voroshilov, Vyshinski, Mikoyan and Foreign Minister- Molotov, discussed “Should Bose be kept in Russia?” (Ref:Alexander Kolesnikov, from a file in Paddosk Militry Archive, Russia)

On 28 August 1946, V. G. Sayadyants, a Soviet secret agent operating in Bombay was called by Nehru and handed over a secret letter for Stalin to  be handed over personally to him seeking  Stalin’s support.

On 1 September 1946, V. G. Sayadyants submitted his report to Stalin on the Political situation of India.

In September 1946, on instruction of Nehru, Krishna Menon met Molotov (then Soviet Foreign Minister) in Paris  for hours to bargain over the issue of Bose and assured him to push Russian interest in India. 

(Ref: Communication between Viceroy Wavell and India Office, London)

British Communist Leader Mr. Gallacher gave a statement that De Valera, President of Irish Revolutionary Army welcomed Bose at Dublin in Ireland in September 1946.

A. Kolesnikov (the former Major General of Warsa Pact) told Sri Chitta Basu (Forward Bloc leader) that documents reveals the presence of Netaji in Russia up to October 1946.

Netaji was present in USSR in pseudo name of ‘Ghilsai Malang’ as per Mr. Ram Rahul’s statement.

During this period, many documents referred that British High officials and UK Cabinet headed by Clement Attlee were discussing how Bose to be eliminated without taking recourse to judicious killing. Finally, both New Delhi and London agreed that best course of action will be to leave Bose in Russia itself and not bring him back to India.

It is understood that after a lot of pressure from UK and a secret arrangement between USSR, UK and contemporary politicians of India (who were against Netaji’s return to India for ever), towards the end of 1946, Stalin ordered Netaji’s detention in a VIP Camp- in Cell No. 45 of Irkutsk Gulag near Baikul Lake and Ural Mountains. Indian Revolutionary Abani Mukherjee was kept in Cell No. 53 in the same Camp.

Ref: (i) Confirmation by Shri Goga (son of Shri Abani Mukherjee) to Dr. Satyanarayan Sinha (former Indian Ambassador to Russia)  (ii) Confirmation to Press at Delhi by Ms. Swetlana (daughter of Stalin) (iii) PMO Files 2(64)/56-66-PM (Vol.III, page no. 112)   

15 Aug. 1947

INDIA WON so called FREEDOM. British Viceroy, British Army Chief and British and American Intelligence continued.  India became a part of British Commonwealth. Gandhi and Nehru protected British and American business interests in India.

Jan. 1948

Dr. Radhakrishan went to Russia in a delegation to participate in philosophical conference. Dr. Radhakrishan met Netaji. Netaji had asked him to make arrangements for his return to India. Mr. Radhakrishnan told this to higher-ups

(Nehru) on his return. Dr. Radhakrishan was warned (not to disclose the matter) and promised  the  post  of  President after  Dr. Rajendra Prasad.


Netaji was seen in Siberia VIP camps (Irkutsk) by Zerovin, a German who knew Bose from Germany days. Zerovin told Mr. Ardendu Sarkar that Bose was looked after well and was given a car and personal attendant at that time.

Zerovin asked Bose,“ What is your programme, Sir. Are you going back to India?” ·    Bose replied, “I expect it very soon.”   


Ms. Vijaya Laxmi Pandit, first Ambassador of free India to Russia came to know about Netaji’s presence in Russia and wanted to declare back home in 1949, but Nehru did not allow.

Dr. Radhakrishnan was deputed Ambassador Extra-ordinary to USSR from 1949 to 1953 and then made Vice-President of India in 1953, which surprised many congressmen of that time.

Most of the past associates of Netaji and his near & dears were posted to high offices in India and abroad by Nehru Government to win them over to his side.

International News Agency of  Germany “Interpress” published an article in which it claimed to have proof of  Bose’s presence in Russia.

German journalist  Raimund Schnabel told Emilie Schenkl  that  Netaji  was  in Soviet Union after August’1945.

Netaji was released from Irkutsk Gulag in Sept’1949; as by then War Criminal trial was over, People’s War in China was towards its end, and the cold war started between USA and USSR. (Bhagwanji later said that “Stalin did not treat me like an enemy”… “In late 1949, at the onset of the Cold War and end of ‘War Criminal Trial’ this “Dead Man” left the Soviet Union… with the best memories of choicest Indian Cuisine in Kremlin. Time was not yet ripe to go to India as British Rule continued in India even after 1947. India was under British Commonwealth. Army Chiefs were British. Indian Ambassadors were being appointed under the signature of King George VI.                                                           

Oct, 1949

[1st week]

On 1st October 1949, Mao-Tse-Tung proclaimed People’s Republic of China. Netaji was welcomed in Red China of Mao-Tse-Tung. On 7th October 1949, lead story in daily ‘The Nations’ was that Government of India

has definite information that Netaji is in Red China of Mao-Tse-Tung.


It is said that Netaji visited many places in several countries (Russia, China, Korea, Vietnam, Ireland, Burma etc.) during 1949 to 1954 in pseudo names and disguises.

In 1949, British Parliament discussed the issue of Netaji Bose being alive in China and preparing for war against British with the help of Russia and China.

In last week of October 1949, there was a Radio announcement that the lost Indian Revolutionary might deliver a speech from Radio Peaking.

On 28 Nov’1949, German News Agency “Interpress” declared Netaji’s presence in China. (Babu Bose: The Man Behind Asian Liberation Front)

In January 1950, China and USSR recognized Ho-Chi-Minh’s Democratic Republic of Vietnam. China started sending Military Advisors and modern weapons to Vietnam. Netaji was the Chief Military Advisor to Viet-Minh Army.

o A division of Asian Liberation Army headed by a ‘Missing Indian General of Second World War’ (read Subhas Bose) fought shoulder to shoulder with Viet-Minh in Vietnam War. (Ref: Sensational disclosure made by Robert Mac Namara, United State Defense Secretary and then by his successor Clark Clifford (United State Defense Secretary) during an International Conference in Jakarta held in May 1970)

Muthuramalingam Thevar, a Forward Bloc leader and close associate of Netaji stayed with Netaji in China from January to October 1950 on advice of  Shri Sarat Chandra Bose and Government of India was aware of his “illegal” trip to China without passport. Shri Thever said that Netaji was present in China as head of Asian Liberation Army headquartered at Sikiang Autonomous Region of China (Tibet) on China-Assam border.

On 22 April 1950, Col. Laxmi Sehgal told Leonard Gordon (the writer of “Brothers Against The Raj”) that Bose is now in China rather than being in Russia.

In 1951, Col. Tada told Mr. SA Ayer that Netaji planned to shift his area of operation to Soviet Russia (USSR) and plane crash story was a part of his strategy to confuse the Anglo-American forces as Britain had ordered “to deal with Subhas at spot” as a “War Criminal”.

Photographs in a book written by Shri Syamal Basu indicate Netaji’s presence in Peking in 1952. There is a photograph of Netaji with Mao-Tse-Tung and Zhou-En-Lai at Nanking near Red river. Netaji was also seen in conference of Mongolian Trade Union Congress at Peking on 8th August 1952.

In 1952, Netaji had a high level meeting with Naga rebel leader Phizo near Indo-Tibet border. (Ref: Hindustan Standard dated 2nd Sept1957 as told by Mawu, Personal Envoy of Phizo, arrested in 1957)

On 5th March 1953, Stalin died. Korean War ended on 27th July 1953, dividing country into Communist North and

Democratic South. On 29th April 1954, Nehru signed ‘Panchsheel Pact’ with China on ‘Trade and

Intercourse’ between India and the Tibet Region of China. In last week of June 1954, Zhou-En-Lai paid his first visit to New Delhi at the

invitation of Jawaharlal Nehru. Zhou-En-Lai was given welcome on mass scale for four days.

On 20th July 1954, Geneva Accords (USA, UK, China, USSR, France, Viet Minh and Bao Dai, Cambodia and Laos) divided Vietnam into North and South Vietnam.

In October 1954, Ho Chi Minh returned to Hanoi (North Vietnam) after a hide of 8 years in jungle.

In 3rd week of October 1954, Jawaharlal Nehru visited China and had secret talks with Mao-Tse-Tung and Zhou-En-Lai on 19th October 1954.

During 1950-54, Netaji not only advised China in internal and international affairs but also Netaji’s Asian Liberation Army helped Korean and Vietnam War efforts. It is said that Mao structured progress of China in Netaji’s way.


This fact may surprise many Indians that China was eager to resolve border issue with India through peaceful talks accepting McMohan Line as border, as she did later with Burma, Nepal (with minor adjustments) and with Pakistan (even by giving away 750 square miles territory). But starting from September 1951 (during the period when Netaji was in China), in spite of repeated letters and statements from Zhou-En-Lai (stating “China is not willing to fight with India”), Nehru ignored the issue and adopted an external policy of appeasement towards China but internal ‘Forward Policy’ of establishing the check-posts along (and even crossing) McMohan Line basically to keep a vigil on Netaji’s entry to India from that side, on advice of Shri BN Mullick, then Director of Intelligence Bureau.  

It is understood that China was pressurized to eliminate Netaji but Mao sounded Netaji. Now, neither Imperialist Bloc Countries nor Communist Bloc Countries could be his abode. USSR and China did not want another confrontation with USA and Western Allies after Korean and Vietnam wars. Keeping in view these developments in Asia and apprehending India’s fate similar to Korea and Vietnam (another division), if he (Netaji) surfaced out in political life again, Netaji withdrew himself from political scene of the world and took SANYAS in Tibet. After sometime, he went to Nepal passing through Kailash-Mansarovar and then deciding to live OR die in his own Motherland (India) itself (rather in some foreign country), towards the end of 1954, Netaji as a ‘SANYASI’ entered India from Nepal through Nepalganj with the help of Mahadev Prasad Mishra a Sanskrit teacher working in Nepal.              




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