neuronal oscillations, coherence, and consciousness · chapter 3 neuronal oscillations, coherence,...

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Neuronal Oscillations, Coherence,and Consciousness

Andreas K. Engel1 and Pascal Fries2,31Department of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,

Hamburg, Germany 2Ernst Strungmann Institute for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max-Planck-Society,Frankfurt, Germany 3Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen,

The Netherlands


Relevance of Oscillatory Signals 49

Dynamic Coupling by Neural Coherence 51

Relation of Oscillations and Coherence toLevels of Consciousness 52

Relation of Oscillations and Coherence toContents of Consciousness 53

Conclusions: Coherence and Consciousness 57

References 58

A large body of neuropsychological and physiologi-cal evidence suggests that consciousness has to beunderstood as a function of numerous interacting sys-tems, such as sensory areas, memory structures, centersfor executive control as well as circuits mediating emo-tion and motivation (Crick and Koch, 1990; Newmanand Baars, 1993; Tononi and Edelman, 1998; Engelet al., 1999; Engel and Singer, 2001; Lamme, 2006;Dehaene et al., 2006; Tononi and Koch, 2008; Dehaeneand Changeux, 2011). Thus, any theory about the neuralmechanisms of consciousness must explain how multi-ple component processes can be integrated and howlarge-scale interactions can emerge within and acrossdistributed neural systems. Furthermore, such a theorymust specify mechanisms for the dynamic selection ofsubsets of neuronal responses, because only a fractionof all available information gains access to conscious-ness. In this chapter, we consider the potential relevanceof oscillatory neural signals for the emergence of con-sciousness. We will suggest that changes in the strengthor the coupling of oscillatory signals may relate to the

selection of signals for access to consciousness, to struc-turing of conscious contents, to large-scale integrationacross different brain regions, and to buildup of a“global workspace.” In recent years, empirical evidenceis emerging which indeed suggests that coherent oscil-latory activity may relate to these different prerequisitesand, thus, may be critical to understanding the neuralbasis of consciousness.


Oscillatory brain signals are usually categorizedinto five frequency bands: delta (0.5�3.5 Hz), theta(4�7 Hz), alpha (8�12 Hz), beta (13�30 Hz), andgamma (. 30 Hz). A large body of evidence suggeststhat oscillatory activity in these frequency bands islinked to a broad variety of perceptual, sensorimotor,and cognitive operations (Singer and Gray, 1995; Engelet al., 2001; Palva and Palva, 2007; Fries, 2009; Engeland Fries, 2010; Siegel et al., 2012; Lisman and Jensen,

49S. Laureys, O. Gosseries & G. Tononi (Eds) DOI:

The Neurology of Consciousness, Second edition. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

2013). Oscillatory activity in the delta-band has beenrelated to motivational processes, the brain rewardsystem, and is the predominant frequency during deepsleep phases (Basar et al., 2000; Knyazev, 2007).Activity in the theta-band has been linked to workingmemory functions, emotional arousal, fear learning,and attentional sampling (Knyazev, 2007; Jensen andLisman, 2005; Fries, 2009; Landau and Fries, 2012;Lisman and Jensen, 2013). The prominent alpha-bandrhythm, which has been discovered in the humanelectroencephalogram (EEG) by Hans Berger in the late1920s, has been suggested to reflect cortical operationsduring the awake resting-state in the absence of sensoryinputs. It has been proposed that alpha-band oscillationsmay relate to disengagement of task-irrelevant brainareas (Klimesch et al., 2006; Jensen and Mazaheri, 2010),as well as working memory function and short-term-memory retention (Palva and Palva, 2007). Neuronalresponses in the beta-band have been frequently linkedto sensorimotor processing (Roelfsema et al., 1997;Brovelli et al., 2004) as well as many other functionsincluding, for instance, working memory and top-downprocessing (Engel and Fries, 2010; Bastos et al., 2015a,b).

Neural signals in the gamma-frequency range havereceived considerable attention in the past two decades.Although the phenomenon of fast neuronal oscillationshad already been described 50 years earlier, it started toattract major interest only in the late 1980s, when it wasshown to correlate with perceptual binding (Gray et al.,1989). Fast oscillations in the gamma-frequency rangehave been found in a large number of different neuralsystems and across a wide range of species (for review,see Singer and Gray, 1995; Engel et al., 2001; Fries, 2009;Siegel et al., 2012). In animal studies, early observationson gamma oscillations were made in the visual andolfactory systems (Frohlich, 1913; Adrian, 1950;Freeman, 1968). In humans, gamma-band activity wasdemonstrated first in the auditory cortex (Galamboset al., 1981). In the past three decades, studies in ani-mals and humans have reported gamma-frequencyoscillations in all sensory systems, in memory systems,motor system, as well as in association regions (forreview, see Singer and Gray, 1995; Engel et al., 2001;Fries, 2009; Siegel et al., 2012). The putative functions ofsynchronization in the gamma-band seem to be particu-larly diverse, ranging from perceptual integration, stim-ulus selection, sensorimotor integration, movementpreparation to memory formation, attention, and con-sciousness (Singer and Gray, 1995; Engel et al., 2001;Engel and Singer, 2001; Fries, 2005, 2009; Engel andFries, 2010; Siegel et al., 2012). Typically, the observedamount of gamma is positively correlated withincreased processing load and, thus, with the level ofattention, as well as with the difficulty or integrativenature of the processing (Fries, 2009).

Crick and Koch (1990) were the first to suggest arelation between the occurrence of synchronized oscilla-tions and consciousness. Inspired by the finding thatvisual stimuli can elicit synchronized oscillatory activityin the visual cortex (Gray et al., 1989), they proposedthat an attentional mechanism induces synchronousoscillations in selected neuronal populations, and thatthis temporal structure would facilitate transfer of theencoded information to working memory. According totheir view, only appropriately bound, or integrated,neuronal activity could enter short-term memory and,hence, become available for access to awareness, that is,the conscious experience of sensory signals.

In the past two decades, numerous authors haveadvocated a relationship between consciousness andintegration of signals across neural populations.Damasio (1990) suggested that conscious recall of sen-sory contents requires the binding of distributed infor-mation stored in spatially separate cortical areas. Llinasand Ribary (1994) have argued that arousal (i.e., anincreased level of consciousness) and awareness resultfrom the activation of nonspecific thalamocortical cir-cuits which serve to bind sensory contents encoded byspecific thalamocortical loops. Newman and Baars(1993) have suggested that unspecific and specificthalamocortical systems interact to form a global work-space, where bound contents become globally availableand, hence, lead to the emergence of conscious states.A related view has been expressed by von der Malsburg(1997) who postulated that the degree of consciousnessattributable to a whole cognitive system may covary withthe degree of coherence, or functional coupling, betweendifferent neural subsystems. Tononi and Edelman (1998)have suggested that consciousness requires binding or, intheir terms, re-entrant interactions between systems per-forming perceptual categorization and brain structuresrelated to working memory and action planning. Earlyon, we have suggested that coupled neuronal oscillationsmay underlie the large-scale interactions supporting con-sciousness (Engel et al., 1999; Engel and Singer, 2001), anotion that will be further elaborated in the remainder ofthis chapter.

Several authors have emphasized that interaction ofbottom-up and top-down processing may be a prereq-uisite for the emergence of conscious states. Grossberg(1999) has proposed that conscious states result from aresonance, or match, between top-down priming andbottom-up processing of incoming information, whichallows learning and binding of information into coher-ent internal representations. Similarly, on the basis ofthe global workspace hypothesis, Dehaene et al. (2006)have argued that consciousness requires large-scalereverberating interactions involving frontoparietal net-works that implement top-down processing. Lamme(2003, 2006) has also emphasized the large-scale nature



of neural processing required for consciousness andhas proposed that recurrent processing between high-and low-level areas has to occur. This notion is also akey ingredient of the integrated information theory ofconsciousness (Tononi and Koch, 2008).

Taken together, all these authors seem to imply (i)that consciousness results from a cooperative process ina highly distributed network, and is not attributable toa single brain structure or process; and (ii) that onlycoherent activity, resulting from the operation of inte-grative mechanisms, could become functionally salient,causally efficacious and globally available, and, thuscould lead to the emergence of conscious mental statesand their respective behavioral manifestations. The criti-cal point is that dynamic integration may not only helpto achieve the “unity” of consciousness but may alsogate the access to awareness and, hence, turn subcon-scious information into conscious mental contents. Inwhat follows, we will discuss evidence that demon-strates the relevance of dynamic coupling by coherentneuronal oscillations to key processes that seem to berequired for the emergence of conscious mental states.


Originally, the notion that temporal correlations mightbe important for dynamic integration of neural signalswas proposed in the context of perceptual processingand integration of object features (von der Malsburg,1994; Singer and Gray, 1995). This hypothesis has beenstrongly motivated by the insight that perception, likemost other cognitive functions, is based on highly paral-lel information processing involving large neural assem-blies spread across numerous brain areas. According tothis hypothesis, synchronization of spatially separateneurons is a key principle of brain function since itallows the formation of functionally coherent activitypatterns supporting particular cognitive functions.

A critical assumption in this framework is that syn-chrony in a distributed network of neurons is subject toboth bottom-up and top-down influences (Engel et al.,2001; Engel and Fries, 2010). Thus, temporal correlationsmight subserve a dual function in such networks. On theone hand, synchrony could permit the rapid and reliableselection of perceptually or behaviorally relevant infor-mation. Because precisely synchronized discharges havea high impact on the respective postsynaptic cells, theinformation tagged by such a temporal label could berapidly and preferentially relayed to other processingcenters (Fries, 2005, 2009). On the other hand, formationof assemblies is not only constrained by stimulus-relatedinformation, but much more strongly by the intrinsicdynamics of the system (Engel et al., 2001, 2013). Factors

like attention, predictions, or previous knowledge areoften crucial for the processing and integration of sen-sory information. Therefore, we assume that temporallycoordinated signals from other regions of the networkcan have a strong impact on sensory regions by modu-lating the local neural dynamics in a top-down manner(Engel et al., 2001; Bastos et al., 2015a,b). Such modula-tory top-down signals implementing dynamic contex-tual predictions could arise, for instance, from regionsinvolved in memory and action planning. Thus, bothbottom-up routing of signals and top-down modulationof processing call for highly selective neuronal commu-nication that is thought to be mediated by correlatedoscillatory fluctuation of the activity of the cell popula-tions involved (Engel et al., 2001; Fries, 2005, 2009;Bastos et al., 2015a,b).

As mentioned already, the basic phenomenon of cor-related oscillatory activity is well documented for a widerange of neural systems and species. Numerous studieshave shown that neurons in both cortical and subcorticalcenters of the visual system typically respond with fastoscillatory activity that can be synchronized with preci-sion in the millisecond range (for review, see Singer andGray, 1995; Engel et al., 2001). Direct support for the rele-vance of oscillatory coupling for perceptual integrationcomes from studies showing that neuronal synchroniza-tion in the cortex depends on the stimulus configuration.In the visual systems of cats and monkeys, it could bedemonstrated that spatially separate cells show strongsynchronization only if they respond to the same visualobject. However, if responding to two independent sti-muli, the cells fire in a less correlated manner or evenwithout any fixed temporal relationship (Gray et al.,1989; Kreiter and Singer, 1996; Castelo-Branco et al.,2000). The experiments demonstrate that Gestalt criteriasuch as continuity or coherent motion, which have psy-chophysically been shown to support perceptual group-ing, are important for the establishment of synchronyamong neurons in the visual cortex. In humans, coherentvisual stimuli have been shown to lead to augmentationof gamma-band power, reflecting enhanced neural inter-actions in this frequency range (Siegel et al., 2007).

Beyond the visual modality, coherent oscillatoryactivity has also been observed in the auditory (Broschet al., 2002; Debener et al., 2003), somatosensory (Baueret al., 2006), and olfactory (Wehr and Laurent, 1996) sys-tems. Moreover, synchrony has been implicated inprocesses such as attentional selection (Fries et al., 2001;Gross et al., 2004; Buschman and Miller, 2007; Gregoriouet al., 2009, 2012; Bosman et al., 2012; Grothe et al., 2012),sensorimotor integration (Roelfsema et al., 1997; Brovelliet al., 2004; Womelsdorf et al., 2006), decision making(Donner et al., 2009), movement preparation (Sanes andDonoghue, 1993; Baker et al., 1999; Jenkinson et al.,2012), and memory formation (Fell et al., 2001; Csicsvari



et al., 2003; Gruber and Muller, 2005; Herrmann et al.,2004; Jensen and Lisman, 2005). Collectively, these dataprovide strong support for the hypothesis that synchro-nization of neural signals is a key mechanism for inte-grating and selecting information in distributednetworks (Singer and Gray, 1995; Engel et al., 2001).What they suggest is that coherence of neural signalsallows to set up highly specific patterns of effective neu-ronal coupling, thus enabling the flexible and context-dependent binding, the selection of relevant informationand the efficient routing of signals through processingpathways (Salinas and Sejnowski, 2001; Fries, 2005;Womelsdorf et al., 2007).



Evidence from both animal and human experimentssuggests that neural synchrony may be of critical rele-vance for the emergence of consciousness in at least tworespects. First, oscillations of different frequency rangesmay relate to the buildup of conscious states and, thus,to changes in the level of consciousness; second, oscilla-tions may facilitate the selection of sensory informationfor access to awareness and, thus, have an impact on thecontents of consciousness. In this section, we discuss therelation between oscillatory activity in specific frequencyranges and the level of consciousness. Substantial evi-dence demonstrates that state changes leading to altera-tions in the level of consciousness are associated withvariations in oscillatory signals and large-scale neuralcoherence. Well-studied examples include changes inarousal resulting from sleep-waking cycles and transi-tions between wakefulness and anesthesia.

It has long been known that the frequency ranges ofcortical oscillatory activity are modulated with arousal(Moruzzi and Magoun, 1949). More recent studies haveclearly established that high-frequency oscillations areparticularly prominent during epochs of higher vigi-lance and that synchronization across neuronal popula-tions increases during states characterized by arousal(for review, see Urbano et al., 2012). Thus, experimentsin rats (Franken et al., 1994; Brankack et al., 2012) andcats (Steriade et al., 1996; Steriade, 1997) have shownthat gamma-band synchronization is enhanced duringrapid-eye movement (REM) sleep and waking comparedto deep sleep. In addition, REM sleep is associated withenhanced theta-gamma cross-frequency coupling(Brankack et al., 2012). Moreover, electrical activation ofthe midbrain reticular formation (one of the structuresresponsible for change of vigilance states) has beenshown to induce a shift from low to high oscillationfrequencies and an increase of stimulus-induced

synchronization in the visual cortex (Munk et al., 1996).It seems likely that the increasing availability of fastercoupling patterns reflects an enhanced readiness for spe-cific neural communication in states of higher arousal.

As in other mammals, cortical activity in humansshows an enhancement of high-frequency EEG compo-nents during states of increased arousal, sleep-wakingtransitions and REM sleep. Several studies using EEG ormagnetoencephalography (MEG) in healthy humansindicate that in the awake state and during REM sleep,gamma-band frequencies are present which arediminished during deep sleep (Llinas and Ribary, 1993,1994; Uchida et al., 2001; Le Van Quyen et al., 2010). Thesimilarity of high-frequency activity during REM phasesand the awake state suggests that, in both cases, syn-chrony in this frequency band correlates with similarprocesses leading to consciousness, which are just differ-ently modulated by external stimulation (Llinas andRibary, 1994). Similar evidence for high-frequency corti-cal activity related to arousal is available from intrao-perative human recordings (Moll et al., 2009). It shouldbe noted, however, that bursts of gamma-band activityhave also been observed to precede states of uncon-sciousness during epileptic seizures (Worrell et al.,2004). This suggests that high-frequency oscillations perse are not sufficient to implement states of increasedarousal. As further discussed below and in the next sec-tion, specific coupling of such oscillations across neuralpopulations seems required.

Anesthesia provides a highly interesting setting forstudying physiological mechanisms underlying con-sciousness, albeit with the caveat that the mechanismsof drug-induced modulation of levels of consciousnessmay only partly correspond to those involved in statechanges without medication. A substantial number ofstudies have addressed changes of oscillatory activityduring anesthesia (for review, see e.g., Brown et al.,2010; McCarthy et al., 2012).

Using propofol-induced anesthesia as a model, arecent study has addressed the interplay between incom-ing sensory information and state-dependent intrinsiclarge-scale cortical dynamics (Supp et al., 2011). Intrinsiccortical dynamics modulates the processing of sensoryinformation and therefore may be critical for consciousperception. In a recent study, this hypothesis was testedby EEG recording during stepwise drug-induced loss ofconsciousness in healthy human participants (Figure 3.1).It was observed that progressive loss of consciousnesswas tightly linked to the emergence of a hypersynchro-nous cortical rhythm in the alpha-frequency range(8�14 Hz). This drug-induced ongoing alpha activitywas widely distributed across frontal cortex (Figure 3.1Aand B). Stimulus-related responses to median nervestimulation comprised an early component in primarysomatosensory cortex and a late component also



involving temporal and parietal regions. During progres-sive sedation, the early response was maintained,whereas the late response was reduced and eventuallyvanished (Figure 3.1C). The antagonistic relation betweenthe late sensory response and ongoing alpha activityheld for constant drug levels on the single-trial level.Specifically, the late response component was negativelycorrelated with the power and long-range coherence ofongoing frontal alpha activity. These results suggest thatblocking of cortical communication by hypersynchro-nous ongoing activity may be a key mechanism for theloss of consciousness under anesthesia.

Other studies have also related altered oscillatorycross-frequency coupling to the loss of consciousnessunder anesthesia. Under propofol-induced anesthesia,the emerging alpha-range rhythm can show differentmodes of coupling to slow (,1 Hz) oscillations thatseem to involve spatially different neuronal networks(Mukamel et al., 2014). In conclusion, consciousness maydepend on a delicate balance between locally specificinformation processing and the coupling structure ofintrinsic global cortical dynamics (Engel et al., 2013).Under anesthesia, abnormal low-frequency couplingseems to be one possible mechanism that prevents spe-cific large-scale interactions needed for processing andselection of information. In the same vein, excessive

unspecific synchrony seems to relate to the loss of con-sciousness during epileptic seizures (Bartolomei andNaccache, 2011).



A relation of oscillatory activity to changes in thecontents of conscious states is suggested by studiesthat have applied bistable or ambiguous perceptualconditions while recording oscillatory coupling acrossneural assemblies. Early evidence was obtained inexperiments in which activity was recorded from thevisual cortex of awake cats under conditions of binocu-lar rivalry (Fries et al., 1997, 2002). Binocular rivalry isa particularly interesting case of dynamic responseselection that occurs when the images in the two eyesare incongruent and cannot be fused into a coherentpercept. In this case, only signals from one of the twoeyes are selected and perceived at any given time,whereas those from the other eye are suppressed. Innormal subjects, perception alternates between the sti-muli presented to left and right eye, respectively.Obviously, this experimental situation is particularly



Premedication MOAAS 1

200 ms

50 µ



post Early component Late component













1 Evo








FIGURE 3.1 Impairment of conscious access by hypercoherent oscillations under propofol anesthesia. (A) EEG was recorded before drugapplication (premedication) and during intravenous administration of increasing levels of propofol. Shifts in the participant’s state of sedationinduced by a given drug level were quantified by a standardized rating scale (MOAAS) ranging from 5 (fully conscious) to 0 (unresponsive).Single participant’s EEG traces exemplify the emergence of an alpha-frequency rhythm during loss of consciousness. (B) As compared to pre-medication (left), alpha power strongly increased in frontal brain areas during loss of consciousness (right, MOAAS 1). (C) During each block,participants received electrical median nerve stimuli at their left wrist. Source reconstruction revealed an early response component largelyconfined to contralateral primary somatosensory cortex. In addition, a late response component was observed that also involved right tempo-ral and parietal brain areas. The topographies display the modulation of the early (left) and late (right) components with increasing sedation,showing a persistent early response across all sedation levels but a breakdown for the late component. Source: Modified from Supp et al. (2011).



suited for studying the basis of consciousness, becauseneuronal responses to a given stimulus can be studiedeither with or without an accompanying awareness(Crick and Koch, 1990; Engel et al., 1999).

Fries and colleagues (1997, 2002) tested the hypothe-sis that response selection in early visual areas might beachieved by modulation of oscillatory neuronal cou-pling. These measurements were performed in awakestrabismic cats with electrodes chronically implanted inprimary and secondary visual cortex. The animals weresubjected to dichoptic visual stimulation, that is, pat-terns moving in different directions were simulta-neously presented to the left and the right eye,respectively. Due to the strabismus, one eye wasdominant, that is, that eye’s stimulus was perceivedwhen equal contrast stimuli were given to both eyes.The results obtained with this experimental approachshowed that visual cortical neurons driven by the domi-nant and the suppressed eye, respectively, did not differin the strength of their firing rate response to visualstimulation. They showed, however, profound differ-ences with respect to their synchronization. Neuronssupporting the dominant percept increased their syn-chrony, whereas cells processing the suppressed visualpattern decreased their coupling. This effect wasobserved specifically in the gamma-frequency band(Fries et al., 1997, 2002). These studies clearly suggestthat changes in the contents of consciousness, as evidentduring binocular rivalry, are associated with fluctua-tions in neural coupling. Studies on bistable perceptionin monkey visual cortex also support these conclusions(Wilke et al., 2006).

In humans, studies using ambiguous stimulus set-tings also suggest a clear relation between intrinsic fluc-tuations of dynamic coupling and changes in theperceptual state. Doesburg and coworkers (2005)recorded EEG during binocular rivalry and reportedthat increases in gamma-band coupling preceded thesubjects’ perceptual switches. Using a dynamic apparentmotion stimulus, Rose and Buchel (2005) showed thatperceptual changes were associated with fluctuations ofgamma-band coupling across the cerebral hemispheres.In a similar vein, fluctuations in beta-band couplinghave been shown to predict the perceptual state in anambiguous audio-visual paradigm (Hipp et al., 2011)(Figure 3.2). Neuronal activity was reconstructed fromthe EEG of human subjects presented with two movingbars that could be perceived either as bouncing or pass-ing (Figure 3.2A). Long-range beta-band coherencebetween frontoparietal and visual cortex was observedduring the processing of the ambiguous motion stimu-lus, which was enhanced for about 1 s around the timeof bar overlap (Figure 3.2B). Coherence was enhanced ina widespread cortical network including bilateral frontaleye fields, posterior parietal cortex and motion-sensitive

visual areas (Figure 3.2C). Importantly, the beta-bandcoherence within this network was found to predictwhether the subjects perceived the bars as bouncing orpassing (Figure 3.2D). Taken together, these studiesstrongly suggest that intrinsically generated fluctuationsin neural coupling during the processing of ambiguousstimuli are relevant for controlling changes in the sub-jects’ conscious perceptual contents.









750–250–500–750 500250Time (ms)









cy (









ce (


Bounce Pass




1 FEF2 IPS3 MT+4 V1/V2

0 ms–760–0 ms 0–760 ms





FIGURE 3.2 Selection of conscious contents by coherent oscilla-tions in bistable perception. (A) While EEG was recorded, partici-pants watched a screen on which two bars approached, brieflyoverlapped, and moved apart again. At the time of overlap of thebars, a brief click sound was played. Participants perceived this stim-ulus either as two bouncing or passing bars, with the percept sponta-neously changing across trials. (B) Around the time when thestimulus became perceptually ambiguous, beta-band coherence(15�30 Hz) was enhanced. (C) Beta-band coupling (white lines indi-cate coherence strength) occurred in a large-scale cortical networkincluding bilateral frontal eye fields (FEF), posterior parietal cortex(IPS), visual areas involved in motion processing (MT1) as well asearly visual cortex (V1/V2). (D) The strength of beta-band couplingpredicted the subjects’ percept: stronger beta-band coherence pre-dicted perceiving the bars as bouncing, whereas weaker coherencepredicted the percept of passing bars. Source: Modified from Hipp et al.(2011).



Evidence for a relation between oscillations and con-scious processing has also been obtained in studies usingmasking paradigms. In a study comparing the proces-sing of visible and invisible word stimuli in a delayedmatch-to-sample task, stimulus visibility was found tobe associated with enhanced long-range synchronizationin the gamma-band (Melloni et al., 2007). Combining asimilar paradigm with intracranial recordings in epi-lepsy patients, another study has observed enhancedbeta-band coherence for visible compared to invisiblestimuli (Gaillard et al., 2009). A recent MEG study hasreported that conscious word-form perception correlateswith alpha-band suppression in occipito-temporal cortex(Levy et al., 2013).

As stated above, we assume that conscious awarenessrequires a mechanism that selects relevant informationand enhances its impact on subsequent processingstages. Evidently, attention is of particular importancefor the selection of signals and top-down modulation ofsensory processing. Therefore, investigation of atten-tional mechanisms seems highly relevant for understand-ing consciousness (Engel and Singer, 2001; Dehaeneet al., 2006). Strong evidence for attentional modulationof neural synchrony is provided by experiments inbehaving monkeys. One of the earliest studies (Steinmetzet al., 2000) investigated cross-modal attentional shifts inmonkeys that had to direct attention to either visual ortactile stimuli that were presented simultaneously.Synchrony among neurons in somatosensory cortexdepended strongly on the monkey’s attention. If themonkey shifted attention to the visual task, temporal cor-relations typically decreased among somatosensory cells,as compared to task epochs during which attention wasnot distracted from the somatosensory stimuli.

In the visual system of monkeys, attentional effectson oscillatory synchrony were first investigated byrecordings from area V4 (Fries et al., 2001). In thisstudy, two stimuli were presented simultaneously on ascreen, one inside the receptive fields of the recordedneurons and the other nearby. The animals had todetect subtle changes in one or the other stimulus. Ifattention was shifted towards the stimulus processedby the recorded cells, there was a marked increase inlocal synchronization. This finding was confirmed byTaylor and coworkers (2005) using a demanding visualtask that required monkeys to track changes in anobject’s shape over time. In both studies, the atten-tional effects were observed specifically in the gamma-frequency band. A recent study has provided evidencethat this attentional enhancement of synchrony in localpopulations in area V4 strongly involves the locking ofputative inhibitory interneurons (Vinck et al., 2013).Recent studies in monkeys have also demonstrated anattention-specific enhancement of long-range gamma-band coupling between V4 and V1 (Figure 3.3)

(Bosman et al., 2012; Grothe et al., 2012) and betweenV4 and the frontal eye field (Gregoriou et al., 2009,2012). These data clearly demonstrate that gamma-band coupling is not only relevant for local processing,but also for long-range functional communication(Fries, 2005, 2009).

Buschman and Miller (2007) provided evidence thatbeta-band activity can also be associated with atten-tional selection. The authors trained monkeys to detecta target amongst a set of distractors in either a pop-outor a serial search regime. Analysis of coherencebetween frontal and parietal signals revealed thatinteractions occurred predominantly in the beta-bandduring search, that is, in the condition involving astrong endogenous top-down processing component.In contrast, coupling was more prominent in thegamma-band in the pop-out condition, where perfor-mance primarily depended on the saliency of the tar-get stimulus. These data support the hypothesis thatendogenously driven top-down attention may beassociated with large-scale communication in lowerfrequency bands, whereas coupling may occur at high-er frequencies when bottom-up signals need to beconveyed (Engel and Fries, 2010).

A relation between attention and modulation of syn-chronized oscillations is also well established for thehuman brain. Evidence from EEG and MEG studiesshows that high-frequency oscillations are enhancedby attention in the human visual system (e.g., Tallon-Baudry et al., 2005; Kranczioch et al., 2006, 2007; Vidalet al., 2006; Engell and McCarthy, 2010; Musch et al.,2014). Similar evidence is available for the auditorysystem (e.g., Tiitinen et al., 1993; Debener et al., 2003)and the tactile system (e.g., Bauer et al., 2006). In allthese studies, attention was observed to specificallyenhance gamma-band activity. An MEG study alsodemonstrated that attention selectively modulateslarge-scale coupling of oscillatory signals in the humanbrain (Siegel et al., 2008). Subjects were simultaneouslypresented with two weak motion stimuli in the leftand right visual hemifield. At the beginning of eachtrial, a cue instructed subjects to attend to one of thetwo stimuli and to assess its motion direction. Theauthors combined MEG with source reconstruction tocharacterize the phase coherence between motion-sensitive visual areas, the posterior parietal cortex andthe frontal eye fields. Attention selectively enhancedgamma-band phase coherence between these regionsin the hemisphere that processed the attended stimu-lus. This enhancement in the gamma-band was accom-panied by a reduction of coherence in the alpha- andbeta-range. Other findings also suggest an importantrole for lower frequencies. One MEG study (Grosset al., 2004) investigated the neuronal basis of theattentional blink, that is, a transient reduction of



attention which often occurs if more than one targethas to be processed in a series of rapidly presented sti-muli. When subjects successfully detected target lettersin a rapid visual stream of letters, coherent beta-bandoscillations were enhanced between MEG sensorsoverlying the temporal cortex, prefrontal cortex andposterior parietal cortex. Thus, fluctuations in thestrength of large-scale beta-band coherence may reflectfluctuations in visual attention that, in turn, cause fluc-tuations in behavioral performance.

Taken together, the studies reviewed above clearlysuggest that neural oscillations and local as well aslong-range coupling of oscillatory signals are highlyrelevant for attentional selection. Hence, it can beargued that these mechanisms may be highly relevantfor regulating the access of signals to the conscious work-space. However, it should be mentioned that the relation

between attention and consciousness is controversial(Tallon-Baudry, 2011). While some authors argue thatattention (at least in many cases) may be a prerequisitefor access of signals to consciousness (Newman andBaars, 1993; Engel and Singer, 2001; Dehaene et al., 2006),others have proposed that processes underlying attentionand consciousness may operate in a more parallel fashion(Lamme, 2003; Koch and Tsuchiya, 2007; Tallon-Baudry,2011; see also Chapter 5). This is supported by experi-ments that have attempted to dissociate attentionalselection and conscious access. In recent studies by Wyartand Tallon-Baudry (2008, 2009), subjects were cued toattend to the left or to the right hemifield, and were thenpresented with a faint oriented grating, either on theattended or unattended side. On each trial, subjects wereasked whether they had consciously experienced thestimulus or not. Each stimulus can therefore be classified,

Frequency (Hz)

Bar touchfixation



Stimulus changebar release


V1a V4-V1a









Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
















ge (









ge (
































V1b V4





V1b V4
































FIGURE 3.3 Attentional selection through specific inter-areal gamma-band synchronization. (A) Rendering of a monkey brain with thelocations of 252 electrodes in an electrocorticographic grid. (B) Selective attention task. A yellow and a blue tinted grating were presented,with random color assignment. The fixation point assumed the color of one of the stimuli, thereby cueing this stimulus to be behaviorally rele-vant (target) and the other to be irrelevant (distractor). Up to several seconds later, either the target or the distractor transiently changedshape, and the monkey was rewarded for releasing the bar upon target changes. (C�N) Example triplet recording of one V4 and two V1 sites,using data between cue presentation and stimulus change. (C) Illustration of the two single-stimulus conditions, corresponding to the red/blue lines in (D�H). Both conditions induced gamma-band activity in V4, but only the condition labeled red (blue) activated site V1a (V1b).The double arrow illustrates the presumed pattern of interaction between neuronal groups. (D�F) Spectral power changes (relative to pre-stimulus baseline) for the indicated sites. (G�H) Coherence spectra for the indicated site pairs. Gray bars indicate frequencies with a signifi-cant effect. Note that there was a specific interaction, as reflected in enhanced gamma-band coherence, between the V4 site and the respectivesite driven in V1. (I) Illustration of the two attention conditions with simultaneous presentation of both stimuli and attentional selection of oneor the other stimulus, corresponding to the red/blue lines in (J�N). The arrows indicate the selective interaction of the V4 site with the behav-iorally relevant V1 site. (J�L) Spectral power changes (relative to pre-stimulus baseline) for the indicated sites. (M�N) Coherence spectra forthe indicated site pairs. Importantly, there was a specific attention-related enhancement of gamma-band coherence between the V4 site andthe attended site in V1. Source: Modified from Bosman et al. (2012).



on the one hand, as attended or unattended and, on theother hand, as consciously perceived or not. Interestingly,these two cognitive functions were expressed separatelyin distinct sub-frequency ranges within the gamma range.

Apparently, further work will be needed to clarify therelation between attention and consciousness. The dataon bistable perception and on stimulus masking dis-cussed above suggest that selection of contents for accessto awareness is also possible without strong involvementof attentional control. Thus, communication by specificcoupling of oscillatory signals may provide a rathergeneric mechanism which may come into play in bothattentional and non-attentional forms of signal selection.

Most accounts on the neural mechanisms of con-sciousness assume that awareness is necessarily associ-ated with some form of short-term memory and thatconscious contents need to be maintained in workingmemory (Crick and Koch, 1990; Tononi and Edelman,1998; Engel and Singer, 2001; Lamme, 2003; Baarset al., 2013). It had been postulated early on that cou-pled oscillations might not only serve for selecting rel-evant signals, but that the same mechanism mightsupport working memory by transiently stabilizing,through synchrony, the relevant neuronal population(Crick and Koch, 1990). The relationship between oscil-lations and working memory has been the subject of alarge number of studies, which have been reviewedcomprehensively by other authors (see Fell andAxmacher, 2011; Lisman and Jensen, 2013; Roux andUhlhaas, 2013). These studies demonstrate the rele-vance of oscillatory signals in multiple frequencyranges for working memory processes. In particular,theta-band oscillations and gamma-band oscillationshave been shown to be relevant for temporally struc-turing and maintaining working memory contents(Jensen and Lisman, 2005; Lisman and Jensen, 2013).

Taken together, these data demonstrate that processesrelevant to selecting and maintaining the contents ofconscious mental states can be associated with specificchanges in neural synchrony, thus supporting the pro-posal that coherence in neuronal assemblies may be anecessary condition for the occurrence of awareness(Crick and Koch, 1990; Engel et al., 1999; Engel andSinger, 2001). The data suggest that the selection of sig-nals for access to awareness is not only dependent onbottom-up factors, but also strongly constrained byintrinsically generated large-scale dynamic patterns,which result from reentrant interactions of prefrontal,premotor, memory, and limbic regions with sensorybrain areas. As suggested by Tononi and Edelman(1998), large-scale assemblies activated by such interac-tions may constitute a “dynamic core” that could controlthe access of signals to awareness and provide the sub-strate for a global workspace (Newman and Baars, 1993;Dehaene et al., 2006; Dehaene and Changeux, 2011).


The studies reviewed above strongly suggest that thetemporal dynamics in neuronal activity may be criticalfor the emergence of conscious mental states. As dis-cussed above, specific changes in oscillatory signals andin coherence of population activity may relate to regula-tion of the level of consciousness. Moreover, coherencemay serve for the integration, structuring, selection, andcommunication of relevant signals. Therefore, changesin the pattern of neuronal coherence, both locally andacross regions, may lead to changes in the contents ofconsciousness.

According to our view, both aspects of consciousnesscritically depend on dynamic coupling modes that areintrinsically generated in large-scale networks support-ing consciousness and not driven by external events(Engel et al., 2013). An important point to be mentionedis that large-scale coherence is not equivalent to uniformsynchrony. Indeed, global synchronization is associatedwith a low complexity of neural interactions which, asobserved in deep sleep or epilepsy, is counterproductiveto consciousness. As discussed above, drug-inducedanesthesia seems associated with excessive unspecificcoupling in low-frequency ranges that prevents specificlarge-scale interactions and, thus, presumably leads to abreakdown of the global workspace. Our proposal issummarized in the remainder of this section.

As mentioned above, arousal is characterized by anenhanced precision of neuronal synchrony and a shiftto higher oscillation frequencies, indicating that thala-mocortical systems change from large-scale synchronyinto states with more specific, regionalized temporalpatterning. We propose that central activating systemsmay act to modify, in a task- and context-dependentmanner, the efficacy of dynamic integration mechan-isms. Arousal may lead to enhanced readiness of thala-mocortical circuits for specific coupling. By changingboth the spatial range and the specificity of neuronalinteractions arousal mechanisms, thus, contribute tomore specific information processing.

As an additional prerequisite, consciousness requiresthe completion of basic sensory processing steps, includ-ing detection and binding of object features. These pro-cesses seem critical for structuring the contents ofconscious states. We suggest that this may be implemen-ted in the temporal domain. Synchrony as an integrativemechanism allows establishing specific relationshipsbetween neural discharges which are, in principle,independent of spatial proximity or direct neuronalconnections. Synchrony is not only determined by thestimulus, but is modulated in a context- and task-dependent way by cooperative interactions within thecortical network.



Current awareness theories assume that not all resultsof sensory processing contribute to consciousness.Rather, as an additional step, part of the information issubjected to a selection process that gates access toawareness. We propose that selection can be mediatedby neural synchronization, as temporally coincident sig-nals are more easily detected by other neural assembliesthan temporally dispersed signals. Only activity patternscarrying a strong temporal signature may be function-ally efficacious and globally available and, therefore,such a signature may be a fundamental prerequisite formaking information available to other brain centers. Theselection is controlled both by bottom-up (e.g., stimulusnovelty) and top-down (e.g., attention, expectancy,memory contents) influences, which can lead to competi-tion among different assemblies and result in changes ofsynchrony. It should be emphasized that the notion ofselection, as we have employed it here, is broader thanthe notion of attention.

Furthermore, coherence in neural populations maybe ideally suited to promote maintenance of selectedcontents in working memory. Synchronized assembliesmay transiently stabilize in some reverberatory state,endowing them with competitive advantage over tem-porally disorganized activity. This may provide thebasis for working memory necessary to achieve theholding of situational context in the respective proces-sing areas. The information carried by such assembliesduring working memory states may become conscious.

Moreover, the mechanism advocated here mayaccount for the global availability (Newman and Baars,1993; von der Malsburg, 1997; Tononi and Edelman,1998; Dehaene et al., 2006) of conscious information,because temporal signatures that reliably propagateacross systems may be suited to establish patterns oflarge-scale coherence, thus enabling specific communi-cation across different modules or systems. By thesame token, our proposal could have implications forhigher-order consciousness which seems to require theactivation of motivation and action planning systems,episodic memory and, eventually, symbol processingcapacities. With all likelihood, these faculties willrequire cross-system interactions that could also bemediated by coherent neural oscillations.


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