new earth emissary : invitation to partners / promoters

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Affiliate Partner & Promotional Partner Invitation

Affiliate Partner & Promotional Partner Invitation:

Greetings Dear Friends,

I am excited to launch a new online course entitled:New Earth Emissarywhich will be a 5 week experience using webinars, videos, audio, presentations and workbooks.

This will be the culmination of my 12 years of research, travels, initiations, mentorships and trainings into the key transformation tools for the time we live in. In this time of great planetary shift, our creative energy, collaboration and contribution is needed to face some of the challenges of moving through older social and cultural systems and beliefs that no longer serve our development. It is an amazing time to be alive with so much opportunity and possibility.

So I am reaching out to you as a dear friend, because you inspire me and I admire your teachings and presence.I am looking to invite you to contribute an audio recording, a message, or a product as a bonus in this package.I am also seeking to team with 5 affiliate partners who believe in this course and want to promote it to their lists. As an affiliate partner, you will receive an affiliate link code. When your audience and friends use this link , we will keep track of the registration and you will receive $40 for each person that signs up. (If this is a new process to you, please feel free to reach out and i will be happy to explain more.) I hope to have about 30-50 attendees.

In this document you will see some of the themes, graphics and feel behind the transformational experience myself and my guest teachers will be offering.

This is the first time I have launched something this big virtually, so I am very excited and can also use all of the support I can get to spread the word. This course carries a timely message and a deeply activating experience for the community that will join in. If you are interested in also taking the course, you will receive a 40% discount if you decide to be a promotional partner (on top of the affiliate sign up payment). the course will most likely be around $200. It will also feature many of my books and products as bonuses.

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Creator Course & Davin Infinity Present: New Earth Emissary: Do you hear the calling of a lifetime?

Are you ready to build a new world through purpose, passion, creativity and contribution?

This is an invitation to participate in perhaps the greatest adventure of all time: birthing a new world as a co-creative society.

New Earth Emissary will be a 5-week program that includes Guided Experiences, Life Coaching, Mastermind Strategy & Deep Educational Empowerment. This is promised to be one of the most beautifully designed curriculums based on Davin’s 17 year design and facilitation history.

I have spent 15 years traveling the world studying, preparing and embodying the coming age of the New Earth. I have shared my wisdom with thousands of peoples through facilitating workshops and speaking at over 30 conferences and festivals. It is my life purpose to share the world that we have the power to create. I have mastered this through learning the art of transformation.

The intention of this course is to guide you into an experience of a new paradigm on a new planet that you create with your beliefs and your creative energy.• We will enter the land of the New Earth together. • We will breathe, embody and taste the reality of a new paradigm where we thrive and create together.• You will discover the messages and signs of your highest guidance. Your ultimate purpose will be revealed. I will be your mentor. You will be honored on your Heroes Journey. After our 5 weeks together, you will be asked to leave the training ground and clarify your direction. You will need to set the course, build energy and focus, and then head off into your destiny. You will have the tools to connect, collaborate, communicate and create so you can contrib-ute to the New Earth.

This is a calling out to the builders of the New World. We are the ones we have been dreaming of. We are the New Earth Emissaries.

Thank you, and I appreciate your consideration to support the launch of the New Earth Emissary course.Deepest blessings,Davin Infinity

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”- Thomas Jefferson

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