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New Educator Guide 2017

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Welcome – Page 3

Contact Directory – Page 4

Membership Checklist – Page 8

Forms – Page 11

Service Information – Page 16

Fee Schedule Information – Page 17

Family Enrolment Procedure – Page 20

Attendance Sheets - Page 23

WHS Checklists – Page 33

Visitors Record – Page 36

Emergency Protocol – Page38

Emergency Evacuation Drills – Page 40

Medical Management Plan – Page 42

Compliance Reminders – Page 44

Risk Assessments – Page 43

Assistants/Relief Educators – Page 62

Modules – Page 63

Professional Development– Page 64

Policy Review – Page 65

Notifications – Page 66

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Congratulations, you have been chosen to join an incredibly talented team of educators; we

look forward to sharing in your family day care venture and helping you to build wonderful

relationships and lifelong memories. Please take your time to digest the information that

follows and do not hesitate in contacting your mentor should you have any queries.

Please request to join our closed Facebook group by searching ‘Inspired FDC Educator

Group’ and opting to ‘join’. You can also use this link:

This will put you in touch with fellow educators and mentors across the nation, providing a

platform for passionate discussions, answers to general queries, sharing of experiences,

photographs and ideas, enabling productive review of policies and procedures and keeping

us connected as advocates of early childhood and nature enthusiasts.

You now have access to our policies, procedures and other important documents such as

the handbook for families, Staying Healthy in Childcare Handbook, Guide to National Quality

Standards, National Regulations and National Law and the Early Years Learning Framework

vis the following link:

The password to access these documents is children

Here you will also find the link to the ACECQA (Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority) where you can access more information about the National Law,

Regulations, Standards and other important information. This page also has useful forms and links for educators including risk assessments proformas, medication, illness and incident reports, compliance reminder template and emergency evacuation rehearsal


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Contact Directory

You are not limited to the mentor that is dedicated to your area, you can contact any

mentor per the nature of your question and this template can help guide your port of


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Name Job Title Role & Interests Availability Contact Email Contact Phone Number

Natashja Treveton

Nominated Supervisor (ACT/VIC)

Outdoor environments and Playgrounds Training

Tash can be contacted anytime in an emergency

Office: 0249 478 112 Mobile: 0431 142 559

Natasha King

Mentor/Educational Leader

Creative arts, Environments and Sustainability New Educator enquiries/establishment Admin/record keeping

Monday, Tuesday Wednesday (Office/service visits)

Office: 0249 478 112 Mobile: 0423 671 477

Lauren Jackson

Mentor/Nominated Supervisor (NSW)

Special Education Arts, Crafts and Handwork Networking and organisational skills New Educator enquiries/establishment Admin/record keeping

Mondays and Thursdays 9am-5pm (Office/service visits); Anytime in an emergency for NSW educators

Office: 0249 478 112 Mobile: 0407 802 584

Janina Busch Mentor (VIC & ACT) Support to FDC educators Play based learning Studying Play Worker course Outdoor environments and nature play Behaviour guidance

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9am to 3pm Also, available outside these hours if required Mobile: 0400591290

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Katchia Avenell

Training (Australia Wide)

Nature Pedagogy Risk Assessments Behaviour and learning needs Curriculum and documentation Embedding Indigenous Perspectives

Monday and Friday (Office) 6-6 Training as needed

Mobile: 0457 159 083

Kirsten Perry

Nominated Supervisor/Mentor (QLD)

Curriculum and Documentation Environment as the third teacher Policies & Procedures Enrolments Admin/Google Drive

Monday, Wednesday and Friday Office 9-3 (QLD Time) Available in emergency situations outside of these hours.

Mobile: 0439 196 134

Jillian Zarzecki

Mentor (QLD)

Behaviour management Educator support and time management New family and educator enquiries Documentation and Environment Indigenous program support

Monday – Tuesday 8.30 - 3.30 Thursday 8.30 - 2.30 Also, available outside these hours if support is required.

Mobile: 0402 040 957

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Vickie Muddle

Administration/Accounts Manager

Enrolment/Hubworks Timesheets Accounts

Vickie processes timesheets on Mondays therefore is unavailable to speak with. Vickie is otherwise contactable on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 9-2.

Office: 0249 478 112

Alison Morris


Enrolment Centrelink queries Accounts

Alison processes attendances on Mondays therefore is unavailable to speak with. Alison is otherwise available on Wednesdays and Fridays between 9:30 – 2:30.

Office: 0249 478 112 Use this email address to send through ONLY your timesheets

- no other correspondence. All enquiries regarding anything account or enrolment related that is not a timesheet submission. Use this email address to add/change hours, enquire about ccb/ccr changes, update child info or to request a resubmission of an account. Any enquiries regarding your statements, requests for enrolments etc. should go here too.

Your mentor CC your mentor in if you have concerns regarding your accounts, just to keep them in the loop.

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Membership Checklist

This is a list of documents that we require from you before you commence as an educator.

Please email these documents through as separate pdf documents so that your mentor can

save categorically to your file.

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Membership Checklist

All Educators must have the following documentation lodged at Inspired Family Day Care before their application will be considered for Membership with Inspired Family Day Care.

1. Applicant must be 18 years of age or over

2. If the applicant has lived or worked overseas at any time in the last 3 years a statutory declaration in regards to overseas criminal history must be attached

3. Working with Children Check (WWCC) or Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP) AND mentor to document evidence of verification

4. National Police Check

5. WWCC or WWVP for other adults over 18 years of age on the premises

6. Copies of Child Care Qualifications or confirmation of enrolment (Original Document Sighted)

7. First Aid Certificate (see note below)

8. Asthma Management training (see note below)

9. Anaphylaxis training (see note below)

12. Child Protection training (CHCPRT001) AND Child Protection Refresher Course Certificate

13. Accredited Food Safety Certificate (if applicable)

14. Training Organisations Verified as Registered Training Organisation via: (mentor to complete)

15. Copy of Drivers License

16. A curriculum Vitae stating relevant qualifications, training and referee contact details

17. Written Permission from landlord (if applicable)

18. Site & Building plans – these can be hand drawn, but must show areas that children access.

19. Pool safety checklist (Provided by IFDC) & Local Government pool certification (if applicable)

20. RCD switch check/ electrical safety check

21. Cot safety – Evidence of Australian/NZ Standards

22. Fire Protection Equipment + Certificate or receipt, evidence of bi-annual checks.

23. Glass Safety Audit/Evidence of glazing

24. Car seat safety check from RTA approved fitter (If educator will be transporting children)

25. Vehicle registration document and receipt of payment (If educator will be transporting children)

26. Fee schedule signed by each family

27. Public Liability Insurance copy of certificate

28. Registration Form (template provided by IFDC)

29. Residence Venue Risk Assessment (mentor to finalise at residence check)

30. Web profile & Photo

31. Mentor to sight that educator has access to: -NQF – BBB, EYLF, National Law, Regulations -My Time, Our Place if providing OOSHC -Staying Healthy in Child Care 5th Edition

32. Medical Declaration (form provided by IFDC)

33. Completed Family Contact Template (provided by IFDC)

34. Medical Management Plan and Risk Minimisation Plan for any child with a medical condition

35. Inspired FDC Educator Contract Signed (Provided by IFDC)

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To be provided by scheme:

01 Handbook for Families

02. NQF – BBB, EYLF, National Law, Regulations.

03. If providing OOSH copy of My Time, Our Place.

* First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis training are delivered in various methods e.g. some First Aid Courses cover Asthma and Anaphylaxis comprehensively while others require separate enrolment in additional training. Please check that your qualifications are approved via

* You must renew the CPR component of your first aid training annually to keep the qualification current. Please check your certificate for this information.

For Office Use Complete

Invoice Created

Educator Contract Supplied

Attendance Sheet Information Supplied

Families Contacted

Risk Assessment Information Provided

Accounts Notified of Start Date

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Some documents in the membership checklist require you to complete the following forms:

Registration Form – Page 12-13

Medical Declaration – Page 14

Family Contact Template - Page 15

Educator Contract – Please speak to your mentor about your educator contract, this will

need to be tailored to the individual educator, as such your mentor will send this to you as a

separate attachment.

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Inspired Family Day Care Educator Registration form

(a) Personal Details

Full Name:


Date of Birth: / _ /

(b) Contact Details Phone number: () ; Mobile:

Email address:

(c) Address of Residence of the Family Day Care Service where education and care of children is to be provided (if different fromabove)

Business Name: ABN: _ (if applicable)

Your Bank Account Details: Bank: BSB: Acc No:

Account Name:

(d) Please complete the table below. including your normal hours ofoperation (write ‘CLOSED’ if you will not normally operate on the day). NB. ‘Normal hours of operation’ does not include any times where Family Day Care children are not in attendance (e.g. time spent completing paperwork without children present)

Days Overnight Before School

After School

Vacation Care

Casual or Respite

Example: 8am – 6pm As required 7qm – 9am 3pm – 6pm (tick) (tick)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

e) Have you previously been granted a provider approval number? Yes / No If Yes please include Provider Approval Number:

f) Are you a Certified Supervisor? Yes / No If Yes, please include supervisor certificate number and date granted: / / g) Do you hold a current Certificate 3 in Children’s Services or other relevant qualification: Yes / No (copies to be attached) If No, you must be actively working towards a relevant qualification. Have you attached evidence of enrolment and contact details (including name of contact person) of your educational institution? Yes / No

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• The address where care is to be provided is a residence / venue. (Please circle) Educator

• Date of commencement of registration: / / Signed (Print name)

• Date of cessation of registration: / / Signed (Print name)

h) Have you completed the following (Evidence must be provided prior to registration):

(i) current approved first aid training? Yes / No (pleasecircle)

(ii) current approved anaphylaxis management training? Yes / No (please circle)

(iii) current approved emergency asthma management training? Yes / No (please circle)

i) Please complete the table below with names and dates of birth of all persons who normally reside at the family day care residence:

Residents aged 18 years and over

Name Date of Birth

Residents aged under 18 years

Name Date of Birth

• WWC Check no. exp.: • CHRC no. exp.:

/ / /

/ sighted by: sighted by:

/ /

/ /

Additional Adult 1 • WWC Check no. exp.:

• CHRC no. exp.: Additional Adult 2

/ / /

/ sighted by: sighted by:

/ /

/ /

• WWC Check no. exp.: / / sighted by: / / • CHRC no. exp.: / / sighted by: / /

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Educator Medical Declaration

I (Educator Full Name) declare that I am of satisfactory

physical and mental health to meet the daily responsibilities of a Family Day Care

Educator. I understand that the role of a Family Day Educator is both physically

demanding (including lifting and bending) and requires the clarity of mind to respond

appropriately to impulsive child behaviours and act quickly and safely in emergency


Please list any significant pre-existing medical conditions (as defined in the table below)

which could possibly, or could be perceived by others to, affect your ability to meet your

duty of care and self-care responsibilities at any time during service operation hours:

I have the following pre-existing medical conditions:

I currently manage this/these conditions in the following way/s:

Pre-existing medical conditions include: (a) an ongoing medical condition of which you

are aware, or related complication you have, or the symptoms of which you are aware;

(b) A medical condition that is currently being, or has been investigated, or treated by a

health professional at any time in the past. (c) Any condition for which you take

prescribed medicine; (d) Any condition for which you have had surgery; (e) Any condition

for which you see a medical specialist; or (f) Pregnancy

The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge

Signed: (Educator) Date: / /

Sighted by: (Educator Mentor Name) (E.M.


Date Sighted: / /

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FAMILY CONTACT TEMPLATE This document will be used by Inspired FDC to contact families throughout the enrolment process, please print multiple copies if needed.

Child Name Parent Name/s Days and times of Attendance Phone Email

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Service Information Please discuss service information with your mentor. Each state has their own unique

service information posters to display. This poster contains information about the scheme

and contact details for the regulatory authority and must be displayed for families viewing

and perusal.

See regulation 173 for section 172 of the National Law

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Fee Schedule Information The following document is a fee schedule example; please use this as a guide to developing your own fee

schedule, feel free to copy and paste the information and adapt to reflect your service specifications. You

may also refer to IFDC Fee Policy for further guidance in creating yours. All fee schedules must be signed

by families and returned with their enrolment documentation before commencement of care.

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Fee Schedule effective from 06/02/2017 *An administration levy of $1.15 per hour is charged by the Service and is included in the fees shown below. This fee is retained by Inspired FDC to assist with the provision of quality care. Parents give permission for this levy to be deducted from the Child Care Benefits entitlements on the child’s enrolment form. A Public holiday levy of .15c per hour applies.

Hours Fees *

Standard Hours 6am to 6pm, Monday to Friday NB: Minimum fee payable, 7 hours per day

$10.15 per hour

Non-standard Hours N/A

Casual Care Hourly Rate NB: Minimum fee payable, 5 hours per day


Public Holidays (when child is not in care)

100% of usual fees apply Child Absences (illness or holidays)

Before and After School Care


Subject to change

Rosie’s Family Day Care

ABN: 123456789

Rosie Smith

Address: 12 Australia st Sydney 2300

Phone Number: 0417 000 000 Email:

Days and Hours of Operation:

Monday to Friday 7am – 6pm

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2 Weeks Full Fees Bond Families pay a bond upon enrolment, equal to two weeks booked attendance at full fees. This bond will not be returned in the case of unpaid fees, or termination of care without two weeks written notice.

$5.00 per 15 minutes

Late Fee May be charged when children are collected from care after regular booked hours. NB Childcare Benefit is NOT claimable for Late Collection Penalty

$12.50 Late Payment Processing Fee

All payments must be paid by the Friday of the week the invoice is received. Payments not made by Friday will incur a late payment processing fee from Inspired FDC.


• Payments are to be made by Bank Transfer to Inspired FDC. Families are invoiced each Tuesday and payment is to be made by Friday (late payment fee applies).

• All payment enquiries are directed to

CHILD CARE BENEFIT (CCB) CONDITIONS Childcare Benefit Does Not Cover:

1. Absences exceeding 42 days (unless supporting evidence provided i.e. Doctors Certificate) 2. Penalty fee payments, or costs incurred for travel, food, resources and excursions/incursions. 3. Absences after the child has ceased care (e.g.: during a notice period for termination of care

when the child is absent) 4. Payments to hold a child’s place before care commences. 5. When a child is booked to start care, and does not physically attend on the first day(s). 6. Children who have not completed the full vaccination schedule per the Australian

Immunisation Register, or who do not have a Medical Exemption for vaccinations may not be eligible to receive CCB or CCR.

I, the parent/guardian of (child’s name) understand the information

provided and agree to abide by the conditions as stated in this Fees and Charges Schedule

Parent’s Signature Date

Educator’s Signature Date

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Family Enrolment Procedure The following document is a detailed procedure on how to go about family enrolment. To

support this procedure, we encourage you to have an enrolment package that contains all the

information a family would require for the enrolment process. Families will need to be provided

with the link to enrol online, a contract and a fee schedule; you may also like to provide them

with your service handbook if you have one, as well as any other documents you require such as

sunscreen application permission and/or a social media release form.

Important things to remember with family enrolment:

*ALL documents need to be d provided to Inspired Family Day Care before commencement of

care. Confirmation of enrolment will be sent to you via email of enrolment. A child must not

start care before this confirmation of enrolment is received.

*For CCB and CCR to process, the enrolment needs to be ‘formalised’ on Hubworks, meaning

that Hubworks and CCMS (The Child Care Management System) need to link up; a child’s

enrolment will only formalise if names are spelt correctly, dates of birth are correct and CRN

numbers are correct, please ensure families know to have these details correct otherwise, their

child’s attendance may not be able to be processed and they may have to pay full fees for the

care they accessed.

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Inspired FDC QLD Family Enrolment Process

EDUCATOR Before a child enrols with you, it is important to meet with both the parent and the child for a Parent/Educator Interview. Afterwards, email the parent a copy of your fee schedule (signed copy to be kept on the drive in child’s folder) and home profile. Give the family the Inspired FDC QLD service contact details

Email: Phone: 0439 196 134 Please ask families to make contact asap to complete the enrolment process. This can take up to a week (depending on the family). A child cannot start care until the enrolment process is complete and confirmation has been received.

INSPIRED FDC QLD When the family contacts the service, they will be given information on how to access the online enrolment through Hubworks. Staff will send the Family the Family Prospectus and any other relevant information about our service.

INSPIRED FDC QLD Once the online enrolment process is completed by a family, Inspired FDC QLD will add the following documents to the family’s folder on the drive: Enrolment Form, Birth Certificate, Immunisation Records, Statement of Fees signed, Booking Contract A confirmation email will be sent to the educator to let them know that the enrolment has been confirmed and the child can start care.

EDUCATOR Print the enrolment docs and place them in the child’s file. Print a copy for the emergency evacuation folder. Add any applicable details to your emergency contacts list, update and print.


A child cannot begin or end care on an absence.

Parents must sign the child in and out for CCB/CCR to be applicable for the

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Attendance Sheets Attendance sheets need to be submitted NO later than 9am Monday morning on a weekly

basis. It is advisable that you submit your attendance sheets on a Friday afternoon at the

conclusion of the working week.

Attendance sheets (also referred to as timesheets) are submitted to

Accompanying your timesheet submission will be an attendance report. The attendance report

enables you to note any changes to children’s permanent booked hours as well as vacancy

information and any changes to your own days and hours of work. We need to know these

details so that we can provide accurate information about our service to the community so

please ensure you complete this and include with your weekly timesheet submission as a cover


The following documents include:

Attendance Report Proforma – Page 24

An example attendance sheet indicating minimum requirements – Page 25-26

An Attendance Sheet– Page 27-28

Information on Paperless Timesheets – Page 31-36

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Educator’s Name:

Permanent Changes to Booked Hours:

Please list only permanent changes to booked hours here.

Child’s Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Vacancies for next week:

It is a requirement by law that the service reports each educator’s vacancies each week. Please

list your current vacancies here. Please do not include casual vacancies i.e. a vacancy because a

family is on holidays.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Pre- School Age

School Age

Changes to Educators days and hours of work:

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Parent/Guardian to complete this section:

I confirm that all information on this form is true and correct

Parent full name (Print)

Parent full signature

Your Service Name Registered with Inspired Family Day Care

Weekly Attendance Sheet Educator: Week ending (Sunday) Child:

ABN: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Booked Actual Booked Actual Booked Actual Booked Actual Booked Actual Booked Actual Booked Actual

Start Signature

End Signature

Start Signature

End Signature

Total Standard Hours

Total Non- Standard Hours

Absences this week:

Total Booked hours for the week

Total fees including Administration Levy


I confirm that all information on this form is true and correct.

Educators Signature:

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Paperless Timesheets Information

After a successful pilot program in QLD, we are rolling out the option for paperless attendance sheets

across our other states. Whilst this is currently not compulsory, we are aiming to make this our main

method of delivery, in line with our sustainability principles and minimum waste ethos.

The following is a guideline on how to set up a paperless sign in system on your iPhone or iPad. This Our

preferred platform is Notability, which is only available for iDevices.

We recommend the following:

• A pointy-tipped stylus, like a pen, for writing on the timesheets (the thicker the stylus i.e. like a

cushioned round tip- the harder it is to write).

• You have dedicated family day care iPad or iPhone- one that is not synced to other people’s

computers, or used for non-FDC purposes, with minimal risk of photo or information transfer.

This means you or your family can browse the internet on your private devices without the risk

of families seeing this at sign in/sign out.

• That you take some time to ‘play’ with the operating system to see what it can do, and what you


• That the sign in sheets are collated as one whole document, not subdivided or individual

documents. This makes it easier for Admin to scroll through the documents, rather than having

to individually download and open multiple documents in one email. It also makes the

document easier to send via email, as the bytes are smaller.

• Insert blank pages between each family’s timesheets, with their name written on it. This allows

location and separation of the files easier but can only be done on the iPad.


1. Just because the timesheet is paperless does not mean it must be beautiful or perfect. Children

scribble, mistakes are made, pen is drawn in the wrong spot. This is how we know it is a living

document, and not a doctored pay cheque.

2. Always make sure your iDevice is charge. It is your responsibility to ensure the iDevice is ready to

go, as failure for a family to sign in is against the regulations and can result in fines for both the

educator and service.

You may begin using the paperless sign in system from the start of your next working week.

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On your PC/Laptop Collate your sign in sheets into one main Word file, with a timesheet on each page. You may have a program that can do this, or need to copy and paste (then format) the documents.

Make sure the child’s name is clearly on their timesheet. Ensure they are placed within the document in alphabetical order by their LAST name, then their first name. For example, you would arrange the timesheets in this order: Adam Cabbage Zoe Cabbage Clarence Frank Macy Mistoffeles Ziggy Mistoffeles

Make sure the scheduled hours are clearly marked on the sign in sheet. Do not change these, even if they start earlier or pick up later occasionally.

Type the parents name in the Parent Sign in section.

Convert the Word document to a PDF document. (Save as, select PDF in document type). Double check that in the PDF conversion, the timesheets have stayed in one A4 sheet, and have not moved onto 2 pages. Amend the word document and save/convert again until the formatting is correct.

In your Google drive, create a folder called ‘Timesheets’.

Save your timesheet to your Google shared drive as BLANK Weekly timesheets.

If you do not have a Google Drive, you can upload it to Dropbox or other cloud based storage system. This allows you to be able to download a new document repeatedly from one central location.

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On your iDevice

Purchase and down load Notability to your iDevice.

Open Notability and complete the tutorial. *This step is important, for even though it might seem trivial, it gives you lots of information, short cuts and uses. Please do not skip this step*

Press the import icon (arrow pointing down into a box)

Select Google Drive.

You may need to enter your google ID and sign in.

Find your Timesheets folder and select it.

Select the PDF timesheet you want to import.

Select create a new note

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Select the timesheets you want to import. Remember that if a child is away, the timesheet must still be submitted to be paid CCB/CCR/.

Select import

Select open

This will bring the timesheets up. Select ‘EDIT’ to rename the timesheet to YOUR NAME wk. ending date i.e. Katchia Avenell wk. ending 04/10/2015

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At the end of the timesheet reporting period.

Click on the wrench icon or the share icon.

Select email.

It will then show you the format it will be sent in (PDF).

Click Email Notes.

In the ‘to’ section, type

The subject should automate to be the name of your document- Your name wk. ending date

In the body, type what the timesheets are for and any changes.

Click Send.

This will return you to the open timesheet in Notability.

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Now save these files to your Google Drive

Select SHARE again, and this time select GOOGLE DRIVE.

Click on Folder. This will bring up a list of the folders in your Google drive. Find and select the Timesheets folder.

Select Export to Timesheets

Then click Send to Google Drive.

You can now choose to exit out of the time sheet or import the following weeks timesheet in prep for opening.

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WHS Checklists Common sense tells us that we need to ensure our environment is safe for children to play in. A

work place health and safety checklist is an excellent tool in covering all bases and making sure

we complete thorough checks. Each family day care residence is different from the next, so

there is not going to be a workplace health and safety checklist to suit all homes. Take the

following checklist as an example and use it as a guide to create your own. There may be some

aspects of your residence that you know could pose a hazard such as a gate that won’t latch

unless it is closed properly; add this to your checklist so you can be confident each day that the

children in your care are safe from potential risks like this. A sustainable way to complete your

checks is to have one copy of your WHS checklist printed and laminated to preserve then write

in your diary each day ‘WHS check complete’ or write over the top of the laminated sheet in

whiteboard marker. Thank you to two of our valued educators for supplying their workplace

health and safety checklist to use as examples for your reference.

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Daily Safety Checklist Date: to

Inside Checks Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Fridge Temp Check – 7am

Power point covers on

Cupboards locked

Front/back door locked/keys on hook

Toilets and bathroom are clean, toilet paper are plentiful

Fresh hand towels are on hooks

Floors and tiles clean

Activities set up inside

Daily attendance roll available

Environment and materials are safe for children

Nappies, hand soap, hand sanitiser,

gloves, paper towel are plentiful

Outside Checks

Sandpit clean/free of animal faeces

Wood logs/beams swept

All areas checked for spiders

Equipment is safe for use

Gate locked

Activities/equipment set up


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Daily Checklist 2016


Entrance swept clean, no trip hazards

Kitchen clean, sign in area all prepared Steps into Children’s Play space clear of trip hazards, swept Shoe basket out and ready

Fireplace guard up if fire is lit

Garage Door locked with dogs secure inside - Kitchen door to garage securely closed

Indoor Play space

Floor vacuumed and mopped

Rugs and door mats vacuumed

All surfaces wiped down

Rubbish bin emptied, wiped with eucalyptus cleaner

Toilet cleaned, top up toilet paper

Sink and counter cleaned

Towels washed, clean ones ready

Bedding washed, clean one’s ready

Sofa cover shaken and clean, pillows plumped and ready - launder as needed

Play resources checked and cleaned

Art supplies tidy and ready

Gear: Rain suits snowsuits laundered and hanging up ready

Gear: Spare hats laundered and ready

Gear: Backpacks clean and ready - wipe down if muddy

Plastic bags inaccessible

Electrical cords out of reach Laundry cupboard locked


Check for any hazards- fallen branches, cat or dog poo

Gates locked on both ends

Pond plank blocked with branch

Garden hoses put away

Water on hand in basins, buckets and/or watering cans etc. - emptied end of play

Emergency Exits clear

End of Day

Put towels and any other clothing into washing machine

Turn off lights and heating

Empty rubbish bins

Wash out paint pots and brushes etc.

Wash out my water bottle and lunchbox, remove any leftover fruits

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Visitors Record Regulation 165:

(1) ) An approved provider of a family day care service must take all reasonable steps to

ensure that a record is kept of all visitors to a family day care residence or approved family

day care venue while children are being educated and cared for at the residence or venue as

part of that service.

(2) ) A family day care educator must keep a record of all visitors to a family day care

residence or approved family day care venue while children are being educated and cared

for by the educator at the residence or venue as part of a family day care service.

(3) The record of visitors must include the signature of the visitor and the time ofthe

visitor’s arrival and departure.

Please see the below template to use in hardcopy or electronic format. All visitors must

complete this record. Visitors are any person other than residents of the home or those

authorised to collect children.

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Visitor Record Form

Address of Residence/Venue

Visitor Details Date Name of Visitor Contact Number/Email Address Reason for Visit Time In Time Out Visitor’s Signature

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Emergency Protocol

We all know that it is imperative to have a plan of action to guide us through an emergency should one arise. In real emergencies, we act on instinct and it is always best

to have a written plan to refer to in times that we may not be thinking straight.

Please refer to the emergency protocol below, print it and have it somewhere handy like your emergency bag or with your evacuation plans.

It is of utmost importance that you inform your nominated supervisor of any emergency that has arisen BUT this does not come before the children and your

own safety. You also need a course of action to follow should the nominated supervisor not answer your call and this protocol should help guide you in that instance.

Some emergency situations do not require a call to ‘000’ but they still require notification to your nominated supervisor; examples of these are indicated on the emergency

protocol below.

43 | P a g e

Emergency Protocol

In emergency situations that require police, fire brigade and or ambulance

CALL 000

Use best judgement to keep yourself

and the children safe from harm,

wait for emergency services to

arrive. Contact families if your

situation enables you to safely do so

and remain calm.

Call Nominated Supervisor for your

state (see service details displayed)

when you can safely do so.

If the nominated supervisor does not

answer the phone, leave a voice

message alerting them to the

emergency and send a text where

possible. If your nominated

supervisor hasn’t returned your call

and your situation enables you to,

try contacting someone else listed on

the service contact directory. You

may like to store these numbers in

your phone for easy retrieval.

Your nominated supervisor or the

individual in which you have been

able to contact will support you in the

emergency and give you guidance as

to what to do next. Together, we will

contact families to calmly alert them

to the situation if they have not

already been notified.

In other types of emergencies that do not require a call to 000, Please ensure you contact your nominated supervisor and

follow the above protocol if they do not answer the phone. An emergency in which you may not have had to call 000

may be a child that is taken to hospital by their family after an incident/illness occurred at your service or confirmation

that a child in your care has been diagnosed with a communicable disease.

40 | P a g e

Emergency Evacuation Drills Emergency Evacuation drills need to be rehearsed every three months with the procedure

documented and records kept as evidence. Below, you will find an emergency evacuation

exercise template; this contains all the details needed to fulfil expectations, you can also

find this template on the Inspired EC website.

If you would like to receive quarterly evacuation drill reminders via email, then please let

your mentor know.

Please refer to regulation 168 for additional information.

41 | P a g e

Emergency Evacuation Exercise

Educator: _ Date: Time:

Smoke detector tested: YES, NO

Emergency evacuation floor plan is displayed at all evacuation points YES NO

Child’s full name Emergency Type i.e. (fire, flood, threat or


Evacuation meeting point:

Other people present in the residence

Describe the action taken during the evacuation exercise

Evaluation of Evacuation Exercise

I acknowledge that all children utilizing my FDC service, including my own children, must participate in the quarterly Emergency Evacuation Exercise, as per the Nation Quality Framework requirements.

Educator’s signature:

Remember to inform all families that the children have participated in this exercise. The National Quality Framework – Chapter 4, Part 4.2 Children’s Health & Safety, Division 5 Emergencies and Communication, Section 97 Emergency and evacuation procedures.

The National Quality Standard – 2.3.3 – Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practiced, and implemented.

4 | P a g e

Medical Management Plan Medical Management Plans are written and signed by medical practitioners upon diagnosis

of an ongoing medical condition. Medical management plans clearly outline the procedures

to be followed by educators in the event of an incident relating to the child’s specific health

needs. To further support the child and family in managing any medical conditions, Inspired

Family Day Care advise all educators with children with medical conditions to write a risk

minimisation and communication plan in collaboration with families. Risk minimisation and

communication plans indicate precautionary measures adopted on a routine basis to

prevent the likelihood of the medical condition ‘flaring up’ as well as the responsibility of

each stake holder in the communication aspect of managing the medical condition. You will

find a risk minimisation and communication template below, this may also be completed in

consultation with your mentor. Pictured below are images of an asthma action plan as well

as an action plan for managing anaphylaxis. These plans must be prominently displayed

within your FDC area if your FDC child/ren happen to have one; it is also advisable to have

your own displayed if you too happen to have a medical condition that requires an action


43 | P a g e

Risk Minimisation Strategies


Medical Communication Plan This needs to be completed, considering the stakeholders. Include information on how to raise

awareness of specific health conditions e.g. allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.

Stakeholders What Information needs to be conveyed?

How will this information be distributed?

44 | P a g e

Compliance Reminders First Aid, asthma and anaphylaxis training, child protection training, WWCC/WWVP, public

liability Insurance, emergency evacuation rehearsals, fire equipment safety checks, vehicle

registration, road worthy certificate, car seat safety checks, the list goes on… it can be

difficult to keep on top of all the documentation you are required to provide to your service.

The below document was devised to keep you organised and to ease the pressure on having

to remember when everything is due. We highly recommend completing this document at

the commencement of each year and keeping it somewhere for quick and easy referral.

49 | P a g e

Inspired Family Day Care Compliance & Reminder Dates

Quarterly: Emergency Evacuation procedure (So that every child participates) DAILY: Workplace Health and Safety Check

TERM 1 TERM 3 Every 3 Years 18 months

National Criminal Check: Child Protection Training:

Blue Card:

1st Aid Certificate including Asthma & Anaphylaxis:

Annually (12 months)

TERM 2 TERM 4 Risk Assessments reviewed: (signed by Parent/Guardian)

Residence/Venue Risk Assessment:

Public Liability Insurance: Pool/Spa safety check:

CPR: Vehicle Safety Certificate:

RTA approved car seat & safety belt check:

IFDC Re-Registration:



Cots, Car Seats to comply with Australian Safety Standards Paperwork to be kept as evidence

Date of PDA: Date Completed:

Date of PDA: Date Completed:

Date of PDA: Date Completed:

Date of PDA: Date Completed:

Date of PDA: Date Completed:

Risk Assessments There are five different risk assessment templates for your perusal (all templates are provided below):

1. Transport in own vehicle risk assessment – this is vehicle specific and enables you to consider

and further manage the risks involved with transporting children in your vehicle. You may refer

to this risk assessment within your outings/excursion risk assessments. This would be

completed annually.

2. Regular Outing Benefit Risk Assessment – specifically used for outings that occur on a regular

basis. Regular outings that occur on a daily or weekly basis, such as school drop off and pick up,

assembly attendance, library group etc. These outings do require notification to your mentor

and you can do this by sending an email to ; you do not need to

write a detailed email, simply state your whereabouts and your eta in the subject line.

3. Excursion Benefit Risk Assessment - For those outings that are a unique, once off occurrence.

These outings do require notification to your mentor and you can do this by sending an email to ; you do not need to write a detailed email, simply state your

whereabouts and your eta in the subject line.

4. Activity Benefit Risk Assessment – this is used to identify and manage risks involved with some

activities/experiences. You may include your pets here or experiences such as fire play, tree

climbing or using tools.

5. Hazard Risk Assessment – this enables you to list any hazards that may be unique to your service,

perhaps your pool (if you do not use it with the FDC children, otherwise this would become a

activity benefit risk assessment), you might have a steep driveway, a deciduous tree that makes

the ground slippery when the leaves fall, you might include spiders and other pests as a hazard

or perhaps you live in an area that is prone to blackouts. Use this risk assessment template to

list hazards that relate specifically to your service, your residence venue risk assessment will

assist in identifying some of these.


Please complete your risk assessments with as ample notice to your mentor as possible so that they

can review and approve. If adjustments are needed, this may impinge on your outing or activity if

you have provided to your mentor too close to the proposed date.

Please obtain signed parent permission BEFORE the outing/excursion or activity from all families

and provide to your mentor for record keeping.

A regular outing and excursion risk assessment will need to have an accompanying map indicating

your proposed route.

Risk Assessments need to be reviewed annually and parent signatures obtained uponreview.

Don’t reinvent the wheel, if your fellow educators have a risk assessment akin to what you’re

looking for then upon seeking permission, adapt theirs to suit your requirements.

Please consult your mentor for further guidance on completing risk assessments.

43 | P a g e

44 | P a g e


REGULAR OUTING: A place that the service visits often as part of its educational program & where the circumstances relevant to the risk assessment are the same on each outing EXCURSION: Any other outing not listed on your regular outing form is an excursion and a risk management plan must be completed prior to seeking authorisation. Regulation: 100, 101 and 102, Policy 5.2

Educator Name: Vehicle Make: Vehicle Registration:




First aid kit List and contact details of children attending the excursion other than mobile phone

Appropriate fitting vehicle restraints for each child Mobile phone / other means of communicating with the service & emergency services

Medical information for each child (where applicable) Parental Authorisation for each child to be transported in this vehicle

Drinking water for each child Drivers Licence current and on hand

Vehicle registration current, car seat safety check valid, road worthiness certificate current and documentation provided to IFDC

Implementation Date:

Risk Assessment Review Dates: Every 12 months or if a change to the vehicle

Date Reviewed and signature: Date Reviewed and signature:

Date Reviewed and signature: Date Reviewed and signature:

45 | P a g e


Risk Assessment for Transporting Children in Own Vehicle

Risk Identified Hazard Assessed Risk (use matrix)

Elimination/control measures Adjusted Risk

(use Matrix)

Responsible Person


Getting children to and from the


Use Pram or wrist strap, hold hands, educate

children about the rules, supervise closely

Getting children in and out of the


Get reliable children out first and in last or

pram and baby out first and in last.

Children unaware of rules when

being transported

Educate children about the rules. i.e. Keep seat belts on while vehicle is moving.

Securing children in vehicle

Using Appropriate Restraints for each child.

Car restraints checked annually

Vehicle breakdown

Have vehicle serviced regularly

Vehicle accident

Drive to road rules and road conditions

Distracted by children while driving

Pull over and stop vehicle before attending to


Distracted by phone, radio and

other devices

Turn phone, radio and other devices off while transporting children

46 | P a g e


Plan prepared by: Prepared in consultation with:

Sighted by Inspired FDC office: Staff Signature: Date:

Reminder: Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or significant change occurs.

47 | P a g e

Inspired Family Day Care Service

Regular Outing Benefit Risk Assessment

Educator Name:

Regular Outing Details



Departure & Return time:

Proposed Activities:

Water Hazards? Yes/No

If yes, detail in risk assessment below.

Method of Transport, including proposed route:

Educator to child ratio, including whether this excursion warrants a higher ratio? Please provide details:

Prepared in consultation with (children/families/mentor?):

Venue and safety information reviewed and attached? Yes/No

Sighted by Educator Mentor Name: Date Approved: Mentor Signature:

(The Educator is to notify their mentor each time they leave their property for a regular outing that occurs less frequently than weekly via, please include destination and ETA in subject space)

48| P a g e

Excursion checklist

First aid kit

List of adults participating in the excursion

List of children attending the excursion

Contact information for each adult (forward information to Educator Mentor)

Contact information for each child

Mobile phone / other means of communicating with the service & emergency services

Medical information for each child

Other items, please list

NB: THIS ASSESSMENT MUST BE REVIEWED ON: (12 months from Date Approved Above)

Benefit Risk Assessment

Benefits of Excursion to Children:

Children’s Comments:

49| P a g e

Hazards identified Elimination/control measures

Risk Matrix Rating

(after precautions)

NOTE: Please attach additional page if required

Reminder: Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the benefit risk assessment if an incident or significant change occurs.

50| P a g e

Regular Excursion Benefit/Risk Assessment Acknowledgement

Regular Outing Destination:

I the undersigned, Authorised Parent/Guardian of a child enrolled with ………………………………. hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the Benefit/ Risk

Assessment attached and authorise permission for my child to participate in the regular outing and activities outlined therein.


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /

51 | P a g e

Inspired Family Day Care Service

Excursion Benefit Risk Assessment

Educator Name:

Excursion Details

Date of Excursion:

Excursion Destination:

Time of Departures and Return:

Proposed Activities:

Water Hazards? Yes/No

If yes, detail in risk assessment below.

Method of Transport, including proposed route:

Educator to child ratio, including whether this excursion warrants a higher ratio? Please provide details:

Prepared in consultation with (children/families/mentor?):

Venue and safety information reviewed and attached? Yes/No

Sighted by Educator Mentor Name: Date Approved: Mentor Signature:

Excursion checklist

First aid kit

List of adults participating in the excursion

53 | P a g e

List of children attending the excursion

Contact information for each adult (forward information to Educator Mentor)

Contact information for each child

Mobile phone / other means of communicating with the service & emergency services

Medical information for each child

Other items, please list


Benefit Risk Assessment

Benefits of Excursion to Children:

Children’s Comments:

53 | P a g e

Hazards identified Elimination/control measures

Risk Matrix Rating

(after precautions)

NOTE: Please attach additional page if required

Reminder: Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the benefit risk assessment if an incident or significant change occurs.

54 | P a g e

Excursion Benefit/Risk Assessment Acknowledgement

Excursion Destination:

I the undersigned, Authorised Parent/Guardian of a child enrolled with ………………………………. hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the Benefit/ Risk

Assessment attached and authorise permission for my child to participate in the excursion and activities outlined therein.


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print) Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


55| P a g e

Inspired Family Day Care Service

Activity Benefit Risk Assessment

Name of Educator:

Activity: Location:

Date of Assessment: Date of Revision:

Benefits of the activity:

Children’s comments:

Hazards Identified: Precautions/Control measures: Who/when: Risk matrix after precautions:

56| P a g e

Venue and safety information attached: Yes/No Comments:

Notes: Review assessment 1. Annually, 2. After an incident, 3. After a major change

Monitor effectiveness of control measures and adjust if necessary. Educators/stakeholders sign understanding of assessment

Assessment prepared by: Date prepared: In consultation with: Sighted by Educator Mentor: Date sighted: Communicated to: children, families:

Risk Assessment Acknowledgement

Activity: Location:

I the undersigned, Authorised Parent/Guardian of a child enrolled with of

hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the Risk

Assessment overleaf and am satisfied with the precautions/control measures in place to address the risk.


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


57| P a g e

Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

58| P a g e

Inspired Family Day Care Service

Hazard Risk Assessment

Name of Educator:

Hazard: Location:

Date of Assessment: Date of Revision:

Possible Hazardous Outcomes Identified:

Precautions/Control measures: Who/when: Risk matrix after precautions:

Venue and safety information attached: Yes/No Comments:

59| P a g e

Notes: Review assessment 1. Annually, 2. After an incident, 3. After a major change

Monitor effectiveness of control measures and adjust if necessary. Educators/stakeholders sign understanding

of assessment

Assessment prepared by: Date prepared: In consultation with:

Sighted by Educator Mentor: Date sighted: E.M. Signature:

Communicated to: children, families:

60| P a g e

Risk Assessment Acknowledgement

Hazard: Location:

I the undersigned, Authorised Parent/Guardian of a child enrolled with of

hereby acknowledge that I have read and understandthe Risk

Assessment overleaf and am satisfied with the precautions/control measures in place to address the risk.


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

Child/ren’s name/s:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: / /


Parent/Guardian: Name (Please Print)

61| P a g e








































62 | P a g e

Assistant and Relief Educators There are notable differences between an assistant and a relief educator. First and foremost, both an

assistant and a relief educator are required to provide documentation to Inspired Family Day Care

Service to be able to work alongside or for you; those documentation requirements are listed below.

If you would like to explore your option of having an assistant or relief educator, then please discuss

with your mentor.

Assistant Educators Quick Facts:

They are paid by the educator at an agreed upon rate, they do not need to have formal

qualifications, they CANNOT be left alone with the children except in the case of an emergency and

only for a four-hour period. Written permission from family’s needs to be provided by families

before an assistant is used. An assistant needs to sign the visitors book each day that they are at


An assistant is required to provide IFDC with:

Name, Address, DOB WWCC/WWVP

Qualifications (if any) First Aid, Asthma, Anaphylaxis Training (if any)

Relief Educator Quick Facts:

Relief educators pay $60 to be registered with IFDC, they receive a registration certificate that needs

to be displayed at your service. Relief educators submit attendance sheets in their name and monies

earnt from the submission of these attendance sheets goes into their bank account. As such, relief

educators need to have their own fee schedules (details can mirror yours) and they need to be

signed by each family. Relief educators CAN be left alone with the children. They require formal

qualifications or evidence that indicates they are working towards formal qualifications. Your relief

will need to be listed on your public liability insurance policy for the duration that they are filling in

for you. Relief educators are largely a convenience to your families for any holidays or other time off

you have during your operation. Relief educators give families piece of mind that they won’t be left

without care if you cannot work and it better enables you to align with the ‘perks’ offered by long

day care facilities. Permission from families to have a relief educator work in your absence needs to

be sought.

A relief educator is required to provide IFDC with:

Name, Address, DOB Medical declaration

WWCC/WWVP Signed Fee Schedules

Qualifications National Criminal History Check

First Aid, Asthma, Anaphylaxis Training (if any) Completed Registration Form

Child Protection Training Identification

Safe food handling certificate (if handling food)

*Further documentation if transporting children

63| P a g e

Training Modules IFDC Training modules are a valuable tool, particularly for those with no prior family day care

experience. Your mentor will provide these to you if together, you feel they would be of benefit.

Your mentor will guide you through the completion of each module so that you enter your family

day care venture with confidence and continuedenthusiasm.

There are 7 modules in the package and each address key aspects of operating your service; they

are as follows:

Module 1: Operations and Regulations

This module introduces Inspired Family Day Care, guide to promoting your service, assistance in

developing your service philosophy, guide to developing your service handbook and information

on how to conduct an interview.

Module 2: Budgeting and Operations

This module contains information on budgeting, fee policy and setting a new fee schedule. It

discussed child care benefit, child care rebate and documentation required for this. This module

explores record keeping in addition to challenging behaviours in theworkplace.

Module 3: Workplace Health and Safety

This module provides important information and training on health and safety in a family day care

environment, further information on risk assessment and management as well as useful

information pertaining to the installation of child restraints in vehicles.

Module 4: Programming and Documenting

A self-explained module, here you will find guiding information on programming and documenting

children’s learning.

Module 5: Understanding Children’s Behaviour

A detailed and insightful module addressing child development including social and emotional

development, individual characteristics as well as the role of the environment and a look into

respect and inquiry.

Module 6: Babies and Toddlers

Another self-explained module, providing information regarding the needs of babies and toddlers

and programming tips for this age group.

Module 7: Positive Behaviour Guidance

Discusses child wellbeing, responding to inappropriate behaviours, children’s feelings and

strategies for handling challenging behaviours.

64| P a g e

Professional Development Inspired EC are renowned for their world class professional development. As an educator with

Inspired Family Day Care, you have an exclusive opportunity to access the training on offer. You

will need to register for any compulsory or elective training. There are two registration systems,

one is for training that is only offered to educators and the other is for training that is offered to

the broader community. Training offered to the broader community takes you through payment

options, you are entitled to a 40% discount on this training, so please follow the below instructions

on obtaining this discount:

When registering for an Inspired EC event please make sure you tick the box 'I am an Inspired FDC educator'

By ticking this box, you will receive a 40% discount to International Guest events and free registration to all Inspired EC training events, including Pedagogy in Nature and the Unwrapping conference

When registering please use your registered business name as your organization (not Inspired Family Day Care).

Training that is only offered to Inspired Family Day Care educators will take you to a registration

page that is brief and requires no payment. You MUST register for all training events to be able to

attend. You will be presented with a certificate of attendance for any training that you attend,

please make sure that your email address details are current to ensure you receive these. Training

events and registration links for IFDC educators will be announced on the IFDC educators closed

Facebook group and will also be sent to your email. Some training sessions will be compulsory, for

example child protection training if you are due for renewal. Some training sessions are recorded

and can be viewed later though please be aware that you will not receive a certificate of

attendance for watching recordings. We welcome ideas for training sessions, so if something

interests you, challenges you or you would just like to know more then please let us know.

Attendance to The Annual Unwrapping Conference and Pedagogy in Nature Conference is free for

all IFDC educators. Details regarding these events are advertised on the Inspired EC website and

Facebook page, so please keep a look out, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. Meals for

these events are fully catered for; if you register and do not attend, you will be charged a catering

fee, so please ensure you inform the office if you are unable to be there.

Any queries regarding registration for events and training should be sent to

Or you can phone Keilla is the office on (02) 4947 8112

65| P a g e

Policy Review Policies and procedures are continually evolving; as a member of the IFDC team, you are

responsible for contributing to the review of all policies and procedures. Policies, when due for

review are posted on the IFDC closed Facebook group. You are welcome to offer your input on the

Facebook page, or privately via email.

Any educator not on Facebook will be sent the policy via email.

66| P a g e

Notification of Complaints, Non-Serious Incidents and Additional

Children in an Emergency

The following circumstances are those that need to be reported to the regulatory authority, if you

are aware of any of these circumstances occurring at your service then ensure you advise your

nominated supervisor as soon as possible.

Complaints alleging that the safety, health or wellbeing of a child was or is being


Complaints alleging that the Law has been breached.

Incident that requires/required the Approved Provider to close, or reduce the number of

children attending the service for a period.

A circumstance that poses a risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of a child attending the


The attendance at an approved centre-based education and care service of any additional

child or children being educated and cared for in an emergency (e.g. a child determined to

need protection under a child protection order, the parent of a child needsurgent

health care that prevents them caring for a child, etc.)

66| P a g e

Notification of Serious Incidents

The definition of serious incidents that must be notified to the regulatory authority is:

(a) The death of a child:

(i) while being educated, and cared for by an education and care service or

(ii) following an incident while being educated and cared for by an education and care service.

(b) ) ) Any incident involving serious injury or trauma to, or illness of, a child while being

educated and cared for by an education and care service, which:

(i) a reasonable person would consider required urgent medical attention from aregistered

medical practitioner or

(ii) for which the child attended, or ought reasonably to have attended, ahospital.

e.g. whooping cough, broken limb, anaphylaxis reaction

(c) ) any incident where the attendance of emergency services at the education and care

service premises was sought, or ought reasonably to have beensought

(d) any circumstance where a child being educated and cared for by an education and care service

(i) appears to be missing or cannot be accounted for or

(ii) appears to have been taken or removed from the education and care service premises in a

manner that contravenes these regulations or

(iii) is mistakenly locked in or locked out of the education and care service premises or any partof

the premises.

You must notify your nominated supervisor and the regulatory authority within 24 hours of

becoming aware of a serious incident.

- See more at:

75 | P a g e

Welcome once again to Inspired Family Day Care, we look forward

to sharing in this journey with you

- The Inspired Team

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