new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1856-05-28 [p 8]. · .e the dafnerrmtype*. i advertiaeiuentj...

Post on 26-Nov-2018






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lAwsaaaaaaw**n>lBrady's National Gallery, No. tt9 Broad. Tbe proprietor of th. above *»t .I'.iahtnent i« hariceforxb

7^~' ami... A«.hi.T,it «t a redactor, of JO to 4B

.rt «est TV »"¦.¦ . BBeass *»...-. oot itfj M Lti bn I leAsta

Hi t%* H'H.11" aira femetL.-r. I' ... .¦-

SB at aWBlii stint) it. price, whii» [Trferv. t 1 every reaped th.

fclj>«e»ii'T>'' ¦' I hat BavawTBS hart bevor.,« to eaJa-

IreMd. TV perfect lytteu. and . rreng*rr,eat of BaaDV I

««tat ei th* <oug delay* fjaqueatii »sp«r».i*r.e.i b*.attar* ataata*»»ry. Tha AM.aoTvra Room are *tUvn*4

wrtlox? taa turaal aaeai.t of .'air*. By aged l~-rJ« «* bW""*";tbt.a4rvir.Ug* V to* highly .-tim.ted. AmVofype.

capad f>«.m Daeuerreotjf*. a/a r*r.d.re4 «^^"""T IToox* mo**, Trail, la Karaft or CeMfom,, erfa *^ the *tan

aaatyr. .ntlra'.y tmpemou. .a the fiten »' ;<»'.!*"f MW Ifr- P-c.ure a few -oaUt. aiaca ha* ^ th.

lost^.tenshe ; M ne;*t**ry. I t is

SI taie, sad ... POf~X» ««.'->."'.,b' 1* b:h,r

an* ra tie 1'wtesl State., that B. *r.v BBebUd U ***

,M»F.ft»^ai.'^«'«<i P^*" '« ." uweeewery to refer to

ta. wig end ui .Ktarmi t.d t*tc.> wl.c!i ha* attended hi.

aflerta u» t*. Deguerreian Art. H* ha. generally had the fortace

to pretest fir.t to the New V rk aahUl lha fr M f 1 r- >«n and

harne aaMfteaei I, a* at Lt* I la the cate i>f the An.hrutjpe.Thow who wi«h ratliaMs at hie eatahlathaital msv rely upontfae att.i tier ai d hi* Ion? «if*Hence then, with an

a*ai'..< i.a. f arar.ty cf lat.ifaction.


1**a .f.-eebnent .bcrw-i by Root tre In ad»* erf »II compe-tbuoD. top at No. 363 Broadway, ar.d tea u.em. Da<uen»>tjptf co{>o fron, miniature to life i./#.

[Advertieem.Lt. |Rxmsen & s Bargains..From tie

tat. Auction tajet: 7 c***. rieb ( iiali 11>, at yer yard maun

.attar, price*, without fallet paid, 23 rent! per yard.Rxftir.« A Baruaiks .Krom tbe late a«'»n

aalet: .VXi n>eet rich IITM mi k IlllS, (Oigb |'uat*r at 6 peryard.worth 01 1* per yard; decidedly cheaper thai. He Lain...RtM.ta Ii t Batoaivt .Froui the lata Aacuon

aal.«: [MllehSTtLLA BRAWLS, fr'im $3 Wto 110.worthat leaet f8 to «- m, an irninen»« tatrifice on fir* eott.RaMtea & Dikotc't Ukkat Baasau..Frew tbe lare

AaatBBB *al»«: l"intb Itiin.r. RoBr.a, at f7.worth at leaet< 14 20. at * V'-.worth at 1» aat «.H>.RtMtrv 1 DlBOBB'l BaH(.»i\5 Krotn the iule Aoetiun

aale*i ¦*© piere* rich Kot i.a»n Hilk?, at y cen*« p- r yard.agreat bat(aiu at 75eenta per yard.Rtairs *, DlBOtB*! baaaeamant to lurchai.r., from the

late aarUot. taiaa, i. tlty per rent, trauter In all Btylai f BTBleLt bHAWLS, I'Ltin ana SrmpK Sii.k* Bjneue. and .1 n \>i

Bote« rntLLirt nr. Laivcs tad neb Pius ChaLLIEILtniBt' Straw Bobbcti an.i BoxafT TaiMMivr.a, than anyOther bouae in tbm BBtT) Bad fol the tr.itb of tint aawerliontboaaaii'la rcn iMtifj WM have vitited th.« Mtabliahment d ir

ta« Lb. pa*'web. fruin th^ ttock "n TirrntBabcaIAs tra llk»Iy lo rent nuc f"r norae week* Ui eotM.L«tie.' If you wuh U> pnrrnaae Ru n llaeat OoODf at halfthan- «als« »mt 'be liRowvSToar. Stori. »f Itrmrv a lliv-.II, Ni» H i and 206 6'.h ay t ear 1 Ob it,, Unu.ediaUly.

f Adverriaement. JNew BcHOtn. or Mkhu ink and riiAUMAry.Tbk Lait I'NroLOinc or nie Art at HaALtaa

My daily praetire reovrt that i Ceae f'os'si'Mrrioa in aJJIt* >ari*'t aud worat« a* rtadlly a* any otner liiaeaae.Tk*»r»tuT» l u. air« fo treat ail Couauuptitna. bnt particultxWbbc11 wbo hare tried all other pbyainai.a without reliaf.

Mr* M. J Marin, M. I» No. 37 Lafaye'e plate N. Y.,(lirat atreet eaat of Broadway, between 4th and 8th ».«.

Otic boura: Krom to a. m. U> 1 p. ta. eicl-aivnly for Ieadiet;¦Bfl from 2 .<. p. in. for Oentleiueu, W^ineadayi eaceptad.Ail other hour, by appointinenr.

I AiWertiaetntnt. JBear id mind the- important reduction in the

|f*ta of AMRROTvrKs recently ma.1. by Brahv, the only fur.eewfal practitioner of thi. Art in the city. The reduced prit e

I* aat their only advantage, they being superior iu every tetpect.e the DafnerrMtype*.

I Advertiaeiuent JriuvATt; Lk« ti;kks on Piirknoloi.y, by Mr.

PQ HI Mi BVBff Monday Wtdn.adty and Kridny evening.W/fitten drirrlptlon. of chara. ter, at 3"8 Broadway.

'. .. ¦'.!>'« IÜKADM

or im« »eirurrio«,Kortale by M. P. ...

Ne Ihe, P. o. .¦ Ntw Votk.

lArJyertit.nient]Dr. Tobias's Venetian Liniment Dopot is rev

aaeved to No. Ml Con land «t. Tim celebrated article it war-raated to care (tronp. ('onitha, Vomitirif, Mump«, Sore Throat.,Chronic Rbeainatiain, Pain« in the l.iuihf ( belt and BacA.t'ou, Bun.f. Old Soret Ac. Price 2o aiul V> crnu. Sold bv allth. Prngglita-where Jao can l>e 'jtaine 1 Dr. Tobias's IIorsbLibimkit. warranted tuperiur ta any other, or no pay. Iu pintbottlot at M> centa,

I A'Kertlaenieiit. ]dr. Tl'ckf.r ON Till. STOMACH..All who Buf¬

fer from rivaearalA, Ac, ihoold read Or. tVi Ki t'i article, onthe B'ouiach. Dtapep*'*, M..tnaeh t'".,ah«, and Uln'-atlou, lo Til k

Rrai ialiit for May. i rue only 10 rent.. Pii|.|i»h»d by la I r

Mab h a.o , Aator Houae, and add bv all Bookaell«ra Dr.Tvcaaa't raadeuee. No. U Uuiveraity place.

I Adverti«emeiii. |We invite the atO'iition of dealers and others to

our large »to< k of CaAVBDKLIBBt and Oat Inn no «I new,

t'r1|'tal and l^aofiful dasafpe, of OOB OWB MASl'rACTVBB.Mm hi i Baii ry A Co Nu. IM Broadway.

[ Advertiiement.)AatriROTYPES..Take notice that BatAOT sup-

I'liea.hi ar novel pictuie. l i at a reduced ptice, whileth. quality it lupeiior to any other, la the Country,

[AdTertl«emeuL|Fairbanks's St ai.ks of every deserii'tiorj.

Standard W'eifb'. and Mtaaoree.and all kind, of We .-hit gApaeraUi, U i tale St whelenale and retail bypaibbabu a Co., No. Iii) Broadway.

|Advertl*eiiier,t. JDrI'ooisTs..e. w. n. \ 8. can obtain l>i It-

*o'a celebrated CaTakkH Mi ll (at haBBelsesI ,:i New V. rkPaatan taa Phfladalpala efJ. Dvaao, Aibeay, > v.

I Advertiaement. 1|Tlie Catalogue just issued by the Law Behool of

tha Albany UniTaraity thews the large attendance of S «¦ aientSat the term |u«t cioaen. The hoard of sBateiS raaaSiB the aatna:

Caaaaaaller Walwortb, Judtet llr* md IV-kerant An.ce- Dean, l.L d.. Law Proteawra anl irrturi « on RhSIorta aad Oratory by Prof. Aman Mc .'<>>, A. M. The uext tern.

.IwAitou the tint Tneedav in Sert.niN-r.

[ AdvertUement.)Brady has recently executed some large groups

af the military companies hj tbe Amproi vi k, which are ,,n

exhibit., ii at bit Oallery. Thote who are ii.tcre.ted in the Art.i tha Muitia, should pay hit Oall.ty a rtsit

iAdrerliaeiiietil]'ompi.kxion may easily be ac-fjalred by um,c the Bai m m t TnOVSABB FLuwrn. It willlaaxor. Tan, i*. and Kreckie. fu.u. the ekiu, lnaviu« it ofa*oft and na.ate hue. U at a Uiwai. pour ou two ot UiMSStrep*, aud waah the fare night and ruoriuug.

[ AdvertiaatDcoit. IGas FixTi-Rrs at Kkdi t ed Trici s..The

aaVat ni^t« aaataaabs raduca theu steak will uiaks a liberalaeaiactaiB oi, all thtdr tataie« to i.a-m Pi aciiaaaav

ton X, Wartrinn No. S22 Hioadw.j, cor. Mit it.

t Adveititemeait. ]The Portrait Illustrations of Trank Leslie's II-

luttrated Newtpapar are made fiem Brakv * Amiroix pi ».

"Taay hav. attracted Balrarsa] attaatloa to: their ataUty trace of pea.tu n much of Wi n h .. Is the UtStaä prodaction of the AMSsoTvri.

[ Adverti**ni*rjtGas Apparatcs aeti r the Patent or the

UtSVlAllD roaraSLK Oat Cottraxr.-C R. We. I'Worth fcCo., are ix'W tleruig fur tale a mo*: BOBBBaStB, cieap, « 03pi*and eCciet't Ots Mai him, adaptat in all reipecti to waul* ofartvat* twallmgi, public and orivt'c *cii.«>l., SBjanhas, etil-Use*, fact, ne« foi leri«., h «. »a'e. t ,: ice* Ac aa weUaa of tcWLi and village. Dataila will ha furniahed hv applying

the OfAc. of the Company, wbere a Machine can be waa hination. C. R. VVooawoBTB A ft

No. 74 Wa.. it., Hew VdSB.

I Adv.tlaapcuent. JGar! Gas!.Gas Fixtcres of uew and bean-

tffal dertt-t. nm out for the Spru ». Trade.Alto, the cbeapeat and hr«1 PcaraSLr Ot* WoRtt. of a new

aad iaapwvatl rotiitrp.-tio'i. for pn. at. dwetlM t*. mI ruie«, As.For whnipaaie or retail, rail at car great Manufactmu.i I»era t,

fao Brcadway. Ainu.Waiitkic.


BotarRT.. Yeeterdav, about n(a>n. a man enteredthe bcua. of TbaooV i. PouaDauier la Sand street, urar .lay. trtba b**eatrul d.»>r. and BBrrtai 1 a haake*. of n'.var ware, val».datens Tiii'iinuii: rdss in s seefcat and put it oa the tat>.e. She aaw tbs u.aj to out St* tht.»**.. aad raiaiug an alarm, Off.ce: K»Lt, of the Second Dittrtol'.aicr Ji.ur.nei and arrwte,. ad too heavy,tV tlotf dropped it r>t. the aidewalk and it wa* rfcovered. Toesanow waa biousht bef re Juatk. laiith mil LUBlliillltil ticpat tut uuat j. \\ luiaa anarta.

r^R^,ll,D 1JoT--T'ue body Of a Imv iIkui fourt.-entoo,.. aoo*L V." L" "','' 9"* » c**» *BArt, dart v.ta

an Boa», r i 4r"»»»J ou tbe Ixa h at Bav llidtewardtet »L ~.^a«!.*/ Bg"'" "» . - the u.ual

.^.»a- ta«. UmI, wm ;,ut .aei.uied.

XEW-JEnsEY ITEMS.As brtnxaawiaa Caxmnn^^o^, the lf|..June, a '.fnauwd...takeixlaoe m the Catl ..., Ch.rch of ,lobvk;.n ^O'clock, on ÜM oeeanon of the traae'at..«. «.r .V ..


cdflt. Gawttux, Martyr, which ^Z.L^^laetor of the t hnrch by Top.- Ilm. ix. that*etvaaast of the bones oi the Martyr Qaaasaaa, ttxheoafrom the Catacombs of Rotre. the yrv*e outainj^ thelawewgalhtred it t-i titM tl bj| u^itj frtaB| t^j

tablet a*««wji bt juiliKifl »>y u»* Kt Kev-1>r- v*'1"*' Bkho-3ef N.warb, who will irtivl'Kü tbjf. Ott*.*» an »p-

propria!« eeituon.___Ma; r « >f i ¦. " r -Th' F Ai m:V M»-* ... f

Xrji r». w-t read latt !n the Jer»?j Cltf Cotatoon Coor.cil. and ordered printed. After refernt g te the »4-

tu ftget of Jertev City fur comoiercial, manufai¦.urtiig »ml

general beabaeai peapeese, Im Mtyur remark* tint all af lue*«

advantage* tail to meet due appreciation kt the hand*of the city!e,i ..t r». The ri. ommei.d-itiott of the Chief Megrittrate re-

petted!; urged for Kb* devetopn e-.t af th»ta advtnt->«-.».. Al-tl ougl. ctutio- »It received, fail .¦> (til. proper ntfer.ti..-. In fh«

( Camd. He r.r,iet economy ba t'.e ünaneet, and

etprc.alh the ;.re*ervUion of tie credit of the city. The de litaf the city. aai<> from the coat if the Wet. r w .rkt It aboutf/'.rto, ttid ilia debt, although comparatively (awatl,laan¬nually ir.creeeing. In the Conventiou held by aatliorit; «.f thaC< mmon Council, to amend the Charter, pr..greet »u afTcc'e I.b"' the work wu not roinrlete.l in legen for tbe actim of thefit»t» I.egitlattire, ar.d wtt >tr incomplete. The t .eincil iturged to tkiih tbit wort. A general aeaeeaiueni rntp .» reeum-d \,y wficb taxea etii be levied and ai«ea*meuti made ata r> ii edv lor the j el Ii.; eoropleihta about the reeoeaf »n'ern.7l< tgetner t af the Alrr.aHo'iaa Department it wr.l

»I < ten of. and the election of a work b<>ateiri e-.tiiwy-tion lM*a>with>» rei imnenit d. The cante of education baa re< i veil doea'tei tieti Other matter* of iLterett were alto referred to atct-uiderable length

la w ISTELLIg'eXCRBUPER10I COURT.Taut Ti *M-.Mav 27-Before Jieie,


The efl<-e of Fry act. Bennett get* on bat -lowly.and J..dge Oak.ey hat intimated teveral time» that, utile.'«more progr*»t it made. Friday night will ahnt down on I'm eoin-

hatai te.the hat'le ttiil uofinithed. If tbie it ae( tbe waea all]ba-.e been u'terly Wealed, at Iba Term enjt and the Jurle* arediarharied at rt» ItllnlMIMoat of Monday wt» cwn imed In th* extminatr.n of Mti

Maretii k. tailed fy the detente. To-dty bit been mainly or-

aeaiafiwltbreadingderaattiep* tbe** if Trainaad gaMibaftlBB B| ' Tern. Si -.eral other attaci.. « ot the opera were ta th*ttttsd for a few m<nient* each.oie of tbem for a aoiuewhatlot »er tin,e, dor,i r a portion o' which he et.hauged throaitwith i. i lot* examiner, Mr. Jordan, to the »mueeiaient of many«pi etao.ra.

¦U7REME COURT.SrB4*TAt, TitKM-Cittwiirks-MtvB0T1CS.

Jneige f,')«-rk . wül attend Chamtier« every day daringtbi- Baalb of Jaae, from in a. m. until j p. m. The tin' tuwill be- devoted rsxi lutivuly to rr parte oiJert and ¦ itteaa A..conUtled motiobi mutt lie ootici-d fi r 11 o'c.ock a. in., at a

Sfecial Ttrm at ( bain her».CiactTIT. Before JtiJre Davii«

The Juror, »netted on an attachment leaned from tbe Com¬mon l'lea» whote cate- waa reported in Moi.aaj't TRlkiaC,wat to day ditibarred hy Jod|e Ilaviet. on the urouna taat at aruu.mi.Lted jtror he wat pnvileted ttOWt arreat.

l'NJTEl» STATE! DISTEICT COURT.afar ?7.-BeiVreJodye lNbr.a>oi.i..

Tbe Orand Jury came la m laiofand made the ollowinfpreeaatBitntaiRichard Stuart for erdeawr to make a revolt on ho»rd the »hip

Genoa.Kll'ti runriin|h*in and Mary Kelly for patting aeaatarfbH

half eollara.1 bt u.a. Kei i.rr]j end Albeet Iximl.ard for ¦'sajing letter* fron,

tl I New i ft P l| Office, HrBltintll| moi.ey.

BPOtlKLYN CITY t Ol'HT-Mtv IT B*fb*aJeff*CuLiaa.Daeid PtSTOt ai d another a«i. Un.-i la lord and «.. \S II lb.

Tili- t au*!- bariagoecnpied aeveral day-, wa- gieeato the Jury jetterday niornii g. The acMoo Wat Beoagbt tgiinatConn er ai d the othe- defendaut for *>s (rnC .larnigeaalleged n.bave b. ra tuttained in the utiernpt to ra te tbe brigW illitm II. Saffotd, which wat t ink hy the ic« a- the, f> >t ofllnettoi, avei.ue, in Kehruary latt. Too .ludf-e. in hit iht'i-,li.d there w»ie three illma rtited ht the pleading*, v i Thecwnenhip oftbe reetel, it* value, an' whether it wat letallv a

Wreck. The qoeatiorn, therefore, for the Jury to eonaiaerwere, firtt. whether it had been prove I that tbeplaintiff* were »wr er» of the hrig; teeor.d, wie'her defei. 1an'* bad mtaafared Witil it I and ih rd. wlieth-r the t oroaier hvlany authority lor *ucb IntetfeiWaV e. In regud to the 6r»t two

pi ir.t* 11, ere did net »[.|>ear to I« much de übt, a* they ».-;« ml.ttantiallt aitiuitted in tbe delei.daul'a anawtr. In relatiou tuthe tbiid altbo ith it wat. parhant, more a quaatiou of law thanet fact, «tili he thought there were tome point* for tbe conaideratlon ef the Jury. If the ( oronrr ba*atlatutn rigbl to 'axe

pi «*e**ioii|of e wreck he iriutt tulle i' ill virtue of 20 (tatateIai d in order tojudlly hit interference it mutt he a wreck woh¬in the n.eai.ii>g of the ttatute.ard which no one appiareltoclaim. Hlarkttone defined a wreck to l.e wi,..r.-k uro.

tc.wtre c»at on thore, audit wa* for the Jury to da -

whether tli» wat a legal wreck. To have given the Coioner*f Kir ga Cotintv a right to Interfere, tbe wr«-ck iu--have been with'n the |un*aii tiun of hingt Cuut tv, and theywould therefore hate to eonaiiler alao whether il th a wa* a

l»«al wreck, it wat wiihin tint countv. Th* charter of the ei'yof New \ o'k Bated the houndaalet of the Ceuiii> of New- for*at low-water mark on thi» tile, and In PHh Juhutoti there aretaa decleion*. following each other, by tne tl ret ot which thedoik», wharvei and ailificial emhankn ent* were rpntlnatfloriof the low water mark and within the jur « rkoB of tbitc ur tv but in th* tec.i.d. w here t grain-men* ner wat tued formt-atuiing grain on board a ve»tel lying a' m e of the dock* iuBrooklyn win...... iu....a.. r...., tt,e ('utpuratinn of New \ ..itit wa* held that the Ve**fI wat withiu the limit* ol New-York.It wa* for the lury to *\r whethei, when tha Ootxtttal tookpoatf**ioD of t lie veaael.atie wa* atio-.a or t.elow low irate i

mark After ti er had decided thrae point* the q iratiuuwa* the amouut ot damage*, if they, foun.l any due. Hi* HoBOftl.n .nil-mJ tie- ev i.t. i r .. at eotitulerahle taegtli »i..I the .luiyretliea. Atter ta abeeaee of »evr*. boar* tbev retaroed a v»t

11..nit Coioner of BI.WK» and f-Sagan*' II ruth.

( "PUT CAI.KNI'AK-Thi« Par.Si rrmoR Cocbt.Tbiai TlBat..lfoa. 357, Ml,

.'.71 .11 91. t,">7, * jij ,.;<| |',41.tHJ, f.44. **\ 11* t'i..'.'l .1 .'.nt \\s 4AB.4M. it**,rt«,etil.ft'l. w,t\v>,in;, iu*, aw.mi,»1, »|. 100 47'), 70. 71, iW, 30i, M7, W, 4M I, SAO, tUi. 63tl Si.',

rii i iiratCot i t.CtBCI it..No*. SM, 553, 2*.l,6lf,*4-'., M7,114«, MM, 4t'i. .Ixai. 607, 5C6, 409, 410, All, 4U. 413, 44.iVI. 4MI, H I, 4M. W, IfSI, 274.1.Cmtih Staii- l)|SThl( T ('i)t ht..Ni*. .M to 34

ii clutivr. X) to II ineluilve. IB.

nABKIEDiIIALTIN-PIERCE- At Mamaroneck, on Sttnr.ltv, M^y 24,

at the I'artoiutie, hv the Kev. John M. Ward, Thoinat Tlltlptn of l>ublin. te Mary Ann Pu ree of Longford, Irelaud.

HOI OB.Ml IRROW.Al KnowUvii.e, Orleaa* Coaaty,N.1ou Thurtday. May 14 by the Kev. .Mr. Ward. Sherwoodlloutb, eeq.. ol Sa"mt Pnol, Minneaota. to Miae Krai.cet l.,MaaBrej tbe I..:. ii I». Mmruw, e».|., of the former place.

JACOBS.LAWRENCE.t3n Moadajr, May31, to the kte»A. 8. I.eoiiard. Leonard Jacob* tu r.muie, only dautbter ofJohn K. Lawrence of tbi* city.

KETES.FIERCE.Al stirateud.c F..on Tuetdty. Maya,Hei rj hevet et Nawbvry, V't., Prw*i4at.t ol tbe PatauRailloa.i. und Ku.m» Klänce». (U'uhlti of Wilder Pierce "fSttnttead.

UcORABH.SCHOTT.Ii Pkdladtlpkla.oa Pridar, May 23.Mi ItaacO. Mctiit.hef tbefrai of v *>tMian Nwnv A. Bi bet) .!..u.l.-i r ,f \V. Svhutt,e»q.,iil of Phila-*aiaMa

Mf\ l Ail II LKW IS I': T!i-:-'.»v evei ,. May .Why theKev. C. T. Lew.. VVavi e McVeagh ear, te Letty M e.d.f.dtughter of Joteph J. Lewit. etq , both of \\ eituaicater. Ptuu.

t-'i OFll 1 »- QUllfARD.In 'he M. E. Church t: Pert JaSar*(.!., B Tneelei May tO. by the Ktv. Win Wake Be: .

It. Siofi. d ot Loogndge. Couu.. to Mitt Kuiüj T. Uuli.ard ofPott Jetlerton. ^^^^«...^,^,^^1.

DIED.ANDREWS.Ob Tuenday. Miv .'7. of c-ii.»un,ption. Ilvr -

Ai-drewt, ajed II yeart, eldett dtughter of K. W. Aodiewt,rtq.

The trial .It tre invited ta tltend the fanerml on Thurtday, the.tjith in»t at the et Ler lather, No. A Moituii meet,Katt Brooklyn.

BllSTWIt K-I'i Mel kten. Vt. c-.i Pri.Iav, May 2. EtkakW* I\Boa.wick, tos ol ttotoieHeceen Be*t* .«*. ag».i >i year*, ot

ii .flamme: ion ot tke w in.!; peDAVIS.At Bolivar. A.legai y l'e-i: tv N Y ou Thurtday, ata«It Dl r* N. Oln *t*>l, wife of l . .. W. L. Davit, luriuerly ofSieiu eit. wii. Coiumbit County. N. Y

PK At.KKDA.On MoBntay ui*iahi|,MwH, JeeefbAafnaJal.oteiiro, *ou (f JeeOfb aid LaviLde 8. Je A.reda, aged J>»ar* 11 moLtht bad 27 day*.

DOBBS-Oa Monday. May Jfi, Frederick Potbt. formerlyCt.lier of the Bank, in the Hto tear I Lit age.

FR» VMAN-Oa Mondty, May V, Mar t Marachalk. widow ofi'bmrut b let n in lite "4lb year ot ber ata.

CUODKLL-At Tuily, N. Y.. on Thura.Uy. M*» K. Be'*eyOeedtll lu the i*-Vb vetr of her age. She eiu;gTila.l to Tallyatyeen age wltn her former hutbat d. KB Fair a-id tettlad oni - Fltita Alter Lit death abe marred Jeseab Ooode.i.She I a* beea aabloa Ra the iatt !s veara She wa* tbeti.other if p. ch:.I re ii, grandmother to loa. aud great grandmoli.e: to t>4, mi u.. r: i: her lumc. ui lam.'v tt.ll torvivtber.

oil.'pn-Ii Bieokiy* ta Moaeay May Bl Marjflrn*a.>iaat babj »i d tevere .at. ue,: 72 year*,

BEB8ET.Al Rraybaat, Hut aa 8*turd»y. Mat M, o..aHeraty, teilet ol Ue lata Laban Hera»v. m ber fOck year.

HALE.Al Newriurvport. Mean,00 SuDdtv. Mty 24 BenjaminW. Hale. etn.. a*e4 71 yaart.

IDl.FR.At Pb.ladelrbie, on Motday Mty ¦, Jaeoh Id er.

tged yen*.JOaaEtt.Oa, May 26, Henry JjLtt. a' No. 223 S.tibavenue, a.ed leu.:..

The remain* wcie ioieired iu tbe Cemetery of taa Evatfrteoa.RELLT.Al rhfledeifaea, *a S^:*»y May 2.'>. Jamo* KeLy.tgea 72 yeart.

LAID!.AW.Or M, i lay. Mty > Sarai Leffe-t eldert dtnghttr of John LetdkkW.

The relative* and tnenj* of the family are ir vi-ej to tttan.lbar ti aeral ta Wedaeeday, 2vtk .u*t., *t 4 p m.. from No. 124Co.un.bia tlrert. Brooklyn Higbta.

LILLER.On Monday. May Ai. Lltom. your ge*: ton of EieoeaaM Man* LiQofi tied 4 yeart and 2 aimtat.

McCLIRTOCR.Al Wdketbarre. Pe:: ¦ Sat .r.'.ay Mty.4. lebe Met iiatock. tan.. t2eu 72 yeat.

MAi.PR.Ai Pbilad. pbia.on Monday. .May AS.Mre. Catbei.:.»Mtgtr, t.ed To yrtla.

Mil I.ARD- bl Pb.'aJelpk-.a. cn Se'o.-'.ay May M fl 1-». ttad 40 yeare.MOJaTOK.Oa T-jenlty ...g. Mtv R. of coagettioa oftha loxgt, WlUktaB R. Meliea, at*>, aged *i year*

bfOULTON.Al Weal Newtu-e on Tb indty May 22 Mr*.Si at Moul'ou. tgeu 90 year* a id c monVkt.

NtW BY-On Tueadav u r B| M*v 27. Saraji. w.feof iam .ei

New by. ahJ aaaaater ef tht lata J. a. Bailtmy.Iba relative* and fnacda of the family are retrtYtfnüy invi'edto alten* the far ei»J ficm tha Ckur. b of tbe Holy Apoellat,ctr.e.-uf the VMl » e-ue a-d Twenty eighth rtree:, on

Thurtdty BBBI at 2 o'clock p.go.SHAW.At ft...»-.« MouUy.Mty 2e". r.^abet^ >

tied 43 yetttWRIUHT-At St. Btaabaw** Church Kectcrry. x y!tw Mondav. Mag BB, Mr*, la... B Writui. aged 31 yeare.widow ot Um .ate J.mtt B. Wr«h: til tbtetkTJ.

Tba ralativet tiJ I. end* (t Ute tauti'y. a-.d thate . f bar latebu*aaaid are ii vitad t.. iire .u t;.e fatertl a- um ti .

J» kartuit Mrt. it. Oraaaoj. No. ie '.'u.»traiy |.a.», en

Thartuay tie Je.o met i'leMvu in.

.khy?-iH- M'-'t'T May .v ilberl yv^tft*'.*.' «f >»rata:»,., V*,-ant.


Im tiW «11

ifak«) n\

do.*v> mido.bat I -4do.e '«t

Male« at the Aloe It Eaehaaaja....M*T 37.Hr*** .,f4t* »1, I D*L A H id. Ct-iel Ct.. ON

Iait Btiercari S'.iKH.... Mil ^ do.IT,MM to.t-tu t4). 10 do.Illme, Jr .liana State2}..... tu IMHaanaaRN RVr*: *H¦CO Pitt 5» '98. 94 JOTrtirl Afenne RR.TJ

7/'<i N. V. C« R ..,. . i antCBL a R.>ct 1 KR ,.b» 921 ttn V V. On. R. R. -,, if-'J Jot) do.t»l )ii'.'i* dp.iMftHI do.e »IiK '; l en. K R. Bit »3 87 |3«> do.Mm »i*t*M do.aa rj mo do.k3 9ill"0l.!. Free.and BoBdt 100 do

wilhou'piiTllft*.... S7 ]%¦> Mi!, t M.«f PR.«dl.fCB HI. fVdita.wltB.eTV H ?nr> Reedir.t Railroad_It H.i.k of New-York_IM 200 do.*3>>7 do.1 llff «00IC Park Buk.r* 20029 OLio Life ti.d Tibi; Co K l/C-Iff ITaiaiaiaa Tin fit at If | vt> do.b» 9«"tW' do.b.% 14 ttt do.e »9Ji''P*Lo». Ci«l Co.Itt do.ft*)aj7b do.lirfj :oo do. 191

2«o do.tte.ion jv> in.unyl1M do.1«4 BBJ do.blO i! i*' New Wk Cm. hi do. oJf'H'i

la.>44 ü:| VtO««d!*160 do.t» 91 Itai do.tlO 8913M> do.e 91 IKOMkb. On R R. .at »m »s|:« do.uihi|\ v> de..-.altttlVH Biia Rmlroed.bin |1M 4m 9">j n aittt do.¦I do.9*0 do.MO 5«J

1(0do.1.10 5fil at do.hi 10"S1(4) do.I V>, V) do.bli 100,

Itt do.Sol (at HI. Ctu. Railroad. 9hfHt do.aat v.j atOata ft pitta, IN2(4» do.MO r*>; 50 do. MiIffi do.e ¦>> .2f»i do .b«o A4|1(0 do.b:wk 5n hon do.h3f. A4»

IV"do.$fO fM ItM Cleve. A To!. R.1192M> AS '250 do.C 754ICO do.r»:0 V. lo.) do. 7H

l<tdo.bCe.1*, ',.«1 do.*3>i 75Mdo.bli M] Ml do.MO 7".

2(0do.*».'. Mi 100 »tn 7SO*do. t3 V; lOOal. It One. Railroad. Ill

2(0 do.a* SA 20» Cam < oal 21

b) V. In M ch. rto. 1 No. la RR 9A*...5« 1100 do.i90 BJJ.3 '¦; 2i:Pantmt Railroad.

1.10 5fiJ lor.i do.h» l'lj

iccosd loam.K 1(0 Krie R.R. Bor.df, "75 Vi g»< i'ansrna Rü'.road.. \** I*' NictrttoaTran. Co_ lJ 4/0 do.blO looj2(0 do.c 13} I V" do.»i l"Ol210 13} I'O do.trio inu"*0 do.b30 14 100 do. t*H

»aar. I tl Co tu 1« Readii t Railroad..aWMtrw-TataC4ax.ft.ft.attl 200 do.a. JM" Erie 5e<| SCO do.MO ta,

750 > lOOClere. i Tcled> ft R. 75110 do.bCO (tl 500 do.c. 74|1M' do. *V V. .iiflrrr x Pitt. R R... (vl|1(0 M If* 111. Central R. R...b60 100

Tt e-dav, May CT.p. ».

Tlirre wae a niur h ftronpi r feeling ar the BtOfikB<iai'l to day, with a disposition to aft rate for a rise

in tl:<- leadicp faceies. The adviee.a fr.nn Washingtonare looked uptio as leal unl'avoralde, and as indicatingthat, although Mr. Craini ton nlgfal be 'lisinissed, it

would be done in a mr.nn< r to jfire no offense to theHiitisb Govenunent. The Bank statement hvJale., a favorable efT. < t. The a^irregste tram

notions were larger than for many flajl past. Atthe S. <. nd II« ard tl.e market I.«>t ita buoyancy,and prie. ^ f< 1! r.fT \ <i \ per r< nt. Erie 1J ned at M,Headintr, Btji Clereland and Toledo, TiJ; PanamaIi"1:. Are. The improvement i-inee yesterday is in Erie.JPcent.: Beadittf, ] |> rent.; Central, | P cent.:

Mithigan Southern, J t'een:., CWreland and Pitts-bnrgb, i t* cent.; Chicago and Kock Island, 5 t' peat.|Calenn, 1 r ent., A.c. In Panama the traataotiowwere unusually large, some 3,000 shares, the last Mlebeing after the Bi 001 d Board; - .<. aharat at «eller10. Delaware advanctd tapidly to 131. In RlWroavjBonda tha bnaiaeat was moderate and the quotationsfirm. Stute Btoekl are dull but steadily held.The Exchange murket has been moderately active

tor tbai steamer, with a Rood supply of bills. Themark« t rloeen dull at Bj i I] for Sterling, with an oe

raaiaaal sal.- by lending bankers at '.'] V cent.Francs, :<A"i «5.16^.Tha Krtight market il without much change, but

dull. To Liverpool the engagements uu lude .15,000baabtb Grain at 4^'. .'><!. in bulk and -f 1:j. e>«, in¬

cluding a small rune. 1 to fill up at SfrL; 4,two bb!*.Flour, Is. lOpl. a .'s.; '200 tes. Perk, 3s.; and some

Dead Weight, 884, ta.f.*Ua. To London, st000 bhat,I.'omii and Turpetitiiie, supposed at It. 3d« t NC lb.ToAntwirp, Ilt>bajta Cotton, Jc.

lltaarostawsa0/th< BaWTr4«aaeVy was: Paid, I11,-ISf 00) Beaerved. Ilt3.t3.'. y.'..including tlie Moit at PUtatMlpstsa) llalaaoe, . ..«-,...

444 .'.4; Paid for A^-n\ <'lli. e, 0183,309 :.r;, Paid sa

iiihbuiMng Caaaht, ».'..'>,1*7 Tl.Mr. St. ut, l'l. sident ot th. S! at.d Lea'.;.. 1; ink.

has ratetet! apoa bis duti<s of Chaathtvlaia of the

city.We bear of about IrOO.OOo engaged for the ataaatat

tt-rnorrow by Mi--is. Ilelmout, Boblai and Ivk. r-

ffB.TTir haaiarri of the Clearing-House waa ?..'"i,f>94,-

coo.Mi r.< y continues in abundant supply, with a fair ac¬

tivity ;n loais.The btareat due 1st June en the Milwaukee Cry

Lords ifhin d to the Mdwaukee and Watcrfown Kail-

road, will bt paid by Stradian Je Scott, No. N Wil¬liam rtrett.The foreign adviei 1 have bad bii' .' . ujH.n

the market lur HreaiL-tuffs, the market cloning verymuch a* yesterday. Tba tappfj of common brand.* is

g.>od. The rales of the day are about 19,000 bbls.The better grades are firm; State braniLs s,!l at

* -r i ^ t>«. 1-i Bovthera and Canadian brand-areanchanged. lloldi rt of Wheat are firm, which checkstl.e movelll.-nt. A -nie if »,'.'." bll-h'-N I'pper LakeSpring was made at t)l 50; 13.500 bushels ofcommon white Canadian at tl <.')<:,{ «5, and1,900 butd-ele gti«ti to pr.iite at 11 19ft] aj.There is a fair exjiort demand for ( orn, andti e market is 1 cent b»tt. r; sales at M N9J cents.The market for Poik is lower; sales 3,000 bbli. atr - for Mets, 111 7." a i\Z i.<t Prime, lle.fis dull.Cut Meat.- and Hacn are less d:thVu!t. Lard has an

upward tendency, ('off. e is dull and without 1 hange.Bugan are firm but rather qui.-t. MolaK^es > ia |» ..

tcr demand and higher for foreign des. njitions. TheBaltic . advicee have t au»ed a heaviness in the Cot¬ton market; the MeM are about l.voo bales. Mr. K |.ward Hill's Circular gives the experts of Brtadstuffisince 1 et Sept. tu- follows:xxroart or tat*d»Ttrr» to ^tt»r tairan son ittLmn

raor* ibst. 1. ism.BMa BkU Bush. Bnah

tVeaa la aWa T. ss t Met:. Whnt. com'New v if M -,, l-V > m i .4- .-5 JtT, nt-li i'rleaiJ- Mav '.4 IAS*. 5J77» . * I M?'anPbilad.l'a..>l.j 15. laM.10ar22 4 IM ?JG fj> ist vis Slav 19, It*). 141047 l.!00 |4J^7| |||!rtlBastsa... Mt» Il iw. I tit u 8 «7Otbet 1'otu.Msj h. tue- Jl 4M . sa,11} iis.r*,2

Tet»; from Irjr 1. INA...tü.So« j.rit ttuxat jtsi xsuT. at. ' .ameier l, 1155. 1 Jo IM 4 430 Im ^JÄ a's«l »VTo ab taan.ei«r d, 1854.1.721.ic». 40 7U7 ».tV7l| Itunillt.b ttati.ei*r d.isia.i.rBe^i8 ire 3,^ £ SV

to THs tOtTOIIVT.Krotn New York '. May It, lifti:.t flow Bu.!; Waeat B.ah. t ,^x. .

4M.WI i.jft.aso its.712 listiic'From oiber peru 10 .ate.t date*. '

Bbla. PI. »r. Bask W heat. Baak Cort. BaahR»

The I v^ :t Oaran» et fr m ti... pvrt tor itc ;: ,

ot. tk. rid lust ratf'ifled cf W. ¦ -"--if

To LlvsartK,t-14.t2t bala Floar. 115 434 btao. U*v. ,

SaJatas iLdiaaCorn. .* "a«-.

To I. At.ox.s>2t> :bia Pleur.To OLas«ow-l547» bkis. P.eiu, UJM haah. Cozt,To Ba->rot.!0S bbJ. Klour.To Cosa axo a MaaatT.15,116 btaaa. Iuditn Can.To ti'iwo.14 W t-ath. Itdlas Coin.To Htvts.3.515 bait. Flear. 17 las bosh. Wa*,.To AHaTlkDaM.1A.78J beak Rve.To Aarwtsr.-M.9a.boat Rve.To RoTTBBDaM.31.754 buah. Rj», fit tt.a >"k,uTo FitT Ixdiki.e>5£ bbla Floor-To t ai».-40 btals. Floor.Tu BsaXlt.3..5S b*la Float.To Aril, a.J 46Ö bbia r.our.To \ lam ita-.-25 bbia. flour 4 115 bias. '-¦**- -

'. I r

3 tv'ra-

laCVatr-JStahla F1j-.-. :.eMta.h. IndaaCor; 25 bb'aFlour.To Pobto Mia. 15. bb.i (Xra Maa>Tc Havri-Kebhla F'..«:To Abbbxtixi RtrtSLic.l.Ttt bale, Floor.T-'Bsirtfii Ptuvia.-t- .12 *"] bb.t. ¥ ,u v u- .

flour. iJtO kkla Con, Meal. (Ml baak Indian Cora. ,eT. BaiTiae U i»r 1.mi . '. i st..i f -

Me. 41 tota lr.di*n Con.. 52 I bla Rye fatw "**.' c ¦**

i Dtrrca tvstT i.Dita-ssi t>bia naar. 4«o bk^.Mtal 1 bbs kutk. Indian l ern.

°* 1 or~

T .m'm WtfT tvoiat.J3t bbit. r.iar, 55 tA4> r _

BJeal.4t belt. Rve flear.From Cattaaa, 1* hbla Floar, Jso ^vj« c

Me*:, to Saricam. H* bed* Ktoar, ttt Bale. Com HaJ" .

Bntab PT.'»c*f. ».«»7 b-aia. Flour J tBl kBl* Cart Jl'i 1stbuak. Iodi*L CSSBI to Weat Iad*s. at .a flaaifrom Baitiaws.To Pemerer. Mit aUa r^ a*t.

Cora Meal. to Jaaseae*. 1 »4 »B.a Floar. 3W kot. Cor^ MaalI .:' 'or.. 2*4 t . *¦ ' '' « M-, .

. Fi er .¦- kasa Dm Ve* a-¦ ,

FU ur.aC bbl* CSS»Maal, b«a Ud^aatotu. wTrujla.18.^0 bbla. floar. lot bM». Cera Bl.* ;'o La u-aaw« », sb,flaai fM* tmtb. Itrlian Corn; to B.rraada. awI Ul* Fl«» atBate Ceti Xea.. I7n bate. ta|{aaCaCB| IS Newfccndj^I.Stt bblf fl. ar See bbJa Cerr M»tJ

>. in Pt kle.-Hta-Ti teath Aaieeata. J a«t rS* Toe-. toi ... Ait: ...... . ... : . ' >. ri.>tta.,

BniMh Frovir.cM. 379 Bbm\ Flour. 3>U lb A. C.m Meal, 1 »4»bble. Rye Fiour. l.lJOhuab, Icdiaa Cere; to Kelmouth and t

¦ artet. 7 J* butb. ByeFrran ('.t. -To Lrvtrpoel, S,IT9 btuh. Indian Ccrr..From RVtiiiC. d.To Rio Janeiro 1 eil" bb.a Flour: :o Bntith

['-. vr-.ei -II." Hoar.. »Hl^u. tVh-et.Fn n. New Oiic*:.*. To Htwe, "W b^tu. Indian Corn, 7,499

tuib. U brut.

TL.- C.r< ul«r ti M»-«*r«. Mar.e A K.:.z kn tfaiIt.ainersAje:" Our laai klr.f.i war« of tbe Ifcb baetaat b.eta, th'- market

kit evmee.1 a gentral ins frvv«ment, UM fear« of any eeiiuuidiff. '.itj v..::. ( ktrier Lear: , c »ar.;e«.-e¦ :.u:-

. itbataodiri *-b« tirce«: er'.a i. di*tt..»a». of tbe Britain Kmbtrit !< r. which cow leemi to have bean r«»nj»«d upon for mer*aeraontl reaeou. A mar» 1 tncreat* in tbe t'ippir ofB.oDey ttd tbt bearu.'ii in Iht ra-*i f tore.*:, -irbar »ethtvelikewiae created a better feelm*. wmch baa ibawii itaelf la alirelier demand fur ineettmeLt at well u <f del ¦¦* f ».. I e

ri-e especially un tbe latter. I» from t to J per eao'. and themarket, tainted by tbe very far< rab.e week.r exhibit of our

bei kt, and U.e MM mmmnmMpmt iropwan newi received tLJif r«r Bellte, c... .»¦ wir;. eeJ .er» > t3.-xi.eta.

"¦ SraTt Procaa.Firm wi'bout maca actinty. V: g\r.ia at-taaced i. M.wcurl j, Louieiana If. ll jjtjtj Cel.fjrmet't tc.'d at a decline of 1 per fen'.

t ITV avo C0*1*1 I BoM't.The d*man i f. r fure-*- a-counttbewi a trifitf in. leaae. bu* ttu. it ol a mere retell c-utcfcr.''

Meter*. D'foppet A Co. ray:The gerer». fea.-i c .:. « r n,± te-. ,t more ta'.tfa ttort Ti.e

eoaettethte teae ef the latt fiepet*bee ef tbe Ceajatb M laterto the Wttbtriftoc Ooeeramrnt, publiaaed the day foduwiug oar

.<!.. ret et tbe 1 fe-h iset.. baa duae:>d tpprehention " thatt< oie. tad our Stock maltet, favored t-etuet bt a n»r« deciiee'tie in o-onet m.ptrtt. immediataij .n.p»jvjj. Tbe alett.eeit. pr i et bat b* en genera't bit tbe rite it eiptcially marked,a: I Witbotrl evcerti'-rr. r:, ;be Rti.roau Stoctt. tt mty he tee::

ib tar tuh.oinad table of dt. y q-iota lone t'priati aa, r.»««r-'.heien.are luniteo witbin rery modera-e bo itnla The levorv

b.e tenor of the tewi from Livened ito Ute '.4tb mi'.) receivedto-daj bat given m. re decition tc tbe iui; rovemeut already ex-

irtit g." t itv mo Cot . ty Bo\d« bare t.a.mui reeerered

Iketr i rev lout entire laaction. There bar« been t»i»« of SanFrii.riten In at a in.til ar d alto a retail demand torDei ted Henry Couatiei. (li.wa.) and fur tou-t of thaKentucky County Bond* '

The rx-eipte of the Michigan Southern Kond tor

April were ltaM.710, ic«te»d of .¦.>t»0,'>,.), at time since in round number*. Thia ?!,"»' a gainof iSO -'.^a over laet year. The receipt* of the vanou*

r<-«>!- '¦< r A j r.!, r..» far ; :.' -' . .!. a--Ih.V-J.

Btlt irjrre and Okie.*S*i.7ll ?Mr.i'itCierelud and Toledo. 102.810 1J".2J0C .veia: d end ritttburgh. ¥K*4 M.IStChieagc and Reck lilted. i:7.trs 132.MCi vil gton and I.exli gton. 1SJ77 > S"7Erie. Son -«/7 t>!3.«70t.tleeaandCkaiiro. 174.eo» IM.J'OHudo i: River. lt0A'< 1 li.fia)lllmoit Central. 111.444 1* i.1"Indianer-:!* and rircmnati. M,IM »,7*5Mel lean Central. JM.ias J8*.a*2Mich gtn S.ath. and Nor*. Indiana.... **».I72 20* 710bIBwaakee *adMI*r*»ila«l. *!>»* x>.iZ)Mtcon end V etten:. 27,»Ö22D 771Nea-Mba y and Balem. 62 «7 4 HjVfNew-Verb t'e.rral. ffMBlTfljMNew iork tnd Harlem. 77.874 BfJIPenrnjitania Central. iVV*49 ftfjat

Re. : i i.«"2,47i5 4I'\4H0TLe etenmer la day briagl favoralde eomniereial

adtiett». In roniequence of the uni-xpeetedly amallamount of tbi loan a.-ked for by the Chancellor of theExtLequer, X ",000,000, Coneol* had advanced a^x>ut1 ?» cent, closing at I3| ttB3|. Tlie Money marketwai etill aMrtfjeal but enn- wm look for aoon. Tneprivate It !ter^ are written in a ehearfal torn-, and the

Writ/tit actii ipate an early dtcüne in tin- bunk rate ofiuteriet. In An en 'an Sto. ka there ru not mo¬

di ii g, but tin- market wa* rt.-ady, Cotton and Bread¬stuff* were without importaii» change.The Chancellor of Ilia ITlfIVaqaaf in hirt interview

with the l.-adu % [eOtwloi wpHaJtjfa, ^aid:" I think that in order to prevent any anjaaaoVr*

atardiig I «hoiild tM-rhat'-« ti'.! you that the loan whichir nuw propooed £ rokaaratoil bo eorer the whole ofthe wtiinafi d eipeaae of taa year, with the exceptionof Xa\000.000j and that 1 prö|x«e to take power toi-nie, uriiier, ptababr* m the nature of excLeoiierboado, atth the teraatiTi of laaaiaf ezcbeqaer Di<lain eaee the market iboaM ba (aTorabla ta «ueli an

operation. Thin jrj-2,0o00ii0 wil under no ein'utri-

gtaecee, aoeavnUag ta my eaJealatioa, he raqaired mit.'the md of the prt »eut j ear, and perhap* not until thefir>t nturterof n«xty«ar; and it will cover the entireeetimiite of exp« ru-e whi.hi-t now before tbe publicfor the year. It will h. in the datamation of the 11emmi ai to deti-nnine w hat course nliall be purvuedin can* any exc e* of upe ndi'iire «ball be incurnil;but at pretent we have BO reaeou to expect tliattbt re tvili be any BXCeflt,"Mr Cttajnal- In it intended to fuad BBJ Of* thOM

I \i . i|ui-r biile 1..The ChaafrlrTtT of the Exebeqaar.-II ia not my

pri e. tit intention to take any it«Tn* for thai purpoea..The I^-id .Mayor.W ill the Aa^OM,0M be taa tab-

jut of tender; or, if not, what couree will be pursued '

TV TTt aniiH.I" aka v.. I.. .|o,.r _Th.. mnffeewill lie Oealt with in the ueual way. Our pre. .eecour..- wiH Owpead apua the inpaailiTiiie of taa yiirend the produce of the revenue. I Bead loaroely tallyou that, en it ia ihnicnlt to etumite the expenditur.a war. -o it in aleo dtfiieu'' to eitimate the expeaea ¦.(bringing home ttoojie, whieb ie one of tho-ie ttiini;«ahatej are out of the ordinary ooarae. It if, tin-r.-fore, im|ioaeible that the (iov. rntn. nt can kooaw hether or not the whole af the AH.noo.OOO Will lee re

qBtred, nf oonree tke OorenaBeat Brill kataa tha a*>(Unti»« in the manner winch will be nniet conveaient,and in which they will be mott likely to obtain go. ult. rme. Um power* taken in the act Will be ot therj.-iial kind,

Tht Linien BÜpping and Mcrcautdi Uthe areBBBBJ of the IJtb me'. .*)*.-"The Money market h aeiei and tigh'erbv flt* and

ftartn. for anile moi.ey wa.t lent on the Sto.-k F.x-change yeaterday in aooae quarter* tt ." to ti ?> cent, inoth- i place* it woe worth only 4| to 3 t* cent. Out ofdoor* there batane dJacrepaaey abont current ratew,for while certain borjaaa do nothing ander i v oent,oih«-r> ere dtrtTxmnting timt-e ae- a for 5j 9 cent.

M CapitalL-te are preparing for the payaneat of tketltypearl oa their appl.i ati.m for participation In the Dewloan. This neceeeaiily acte on the market,"The gold arrivals in England for the week amount

to At2,t'..",0oo. Since tLe-e arrival* the Ocean Ca»Vrland the Invincible, from Tort l'Lillip, Lad made theirappeanaoa with 70,000 ounces of gold, valued atX 21*0,000.J% T1 mt 1 of the Hth says:"The Etgi-'h fun.'.n oueaed thH morning,

and in lie latter part ot the day experienced en ad-vann three 1 .'ttht Y percent. The lint quota: ...

of I'enrols for money was IBjtaM, a'.d they rangedbetwecB 9tJ and ''J unt.l after the interview be*weentke Chanct llor of the exchequer and the eaattajiatl «Jtho new loan, w hi n they improved to 13 to fornn ney, and v'Ji to y:i^ for the ith of June. After reg¬ular houm, increased buoyancy was manifested, andnumeroii« opt rat ions took peace for June at arj| u> ajj.The cause of the at.lUia' KM Cousiated lu the statementof tbt- Chancellor oftbe Exchequer that no further loanin Consols i* contemplated after the«eut one.and that the utmost l in t of any addition tl re-

quiltmeote ie hkely to be A2,'«10,000, of which, if itihouldbt for, will be raised in Exchequer bonds

r billa aliout the commencement of n.-it y.-ar. Anlmjt&eiLg anticipation of a more aey state of y maiket in eo*BM quence of the arrivals of «pecienow taking place l.kew^e contributed to aappotiptitts, although it is expected that the temporarypressure for the di posit of If f» cent, on all the apph-catkkaa for the new 1. an will be severe."The new loan of A "',000,000 wa* to be taken on

Monday, Ifth Belt., and the first installrr.ent to be paidon the following Ti.ursd.iy.

7'Ae Ii ndun .V'tr« of the Hth say4:" The d> mand form..ney wa« today acttvein nearly

all quaiterr. In the Stea k Exchange the current rateau identical with that caarged by the litnk tot lOBMon (Jovemment Vcojitiee, v./., | f» eent. Cntil th-ti .a-! f the rarplus d»posi'e on tke loan next weekthe rraiket niu-t I..: e\, eptioca!!y distarbed, as tie

ajgiegate of the sub* npione, will doubth-as be far inficeaa of the .-am reqairad t.y Goverumeut.

" At l'aiie to day the i hr. e per Cent. Betrim feBBBdat 75 for money, and 7'.30 for aciytuut. showingm arc y 9.1 y vanation from th»* tnai quota!ion* ofy»ei. :u iv. Hank I Fiar.(.e r!.,ir.-e La-e alvauced to4 V> rttrday wae ubacr\cd as a L- inlay vn theo:.i r. oatineataJ I «k nuxrketa.*'

Slarkr*e..CtRiFr;LLT ExroBTiD forThe TiUBrax.Tectoiv. May 27. .»»..

ASHES.The mtrk-t it tteady bat very quiet, ama.1 aa.ea ofFott a- f* . t I Peerie atCAXDL £--.«.AJaoaaatiae coatiane in fair ruppiT, taJee of.. tag tad a* aha aaaa . at rxaaaaa., Statea Fa.m at tba .attcr tiguiet. Plaii. Sparm teil at 4"cFattauat 50eCOTTON-L': d«r tba Baltic real tbe market baa raled

raiber leave aid aatatl aer a4v.:et have aal yet. bettetet, ttfully felt; ibt taiat are nama-i at 1 Jf*) ualei. tt'i cnuaue mt

tat.e quuttt:. m at former y:IIV IUII CLaltiriCtTfOB.

... naftat Mctüa. N. O.kTtr.

^.;.u1 ,3 iH_lit ill IIIFair.ll) 11) litIS

Mm.: in*.llj IU 10y11MkIu.o.1 Fail. ..lit 111 U| 121

C' kH.K.I., it i'.tady. hat dmi, an auction ta.» of M.Haiu't. t car t -j omprtaai g J.** baft. .* advtrti.e.1 tor Tc iradty.Tha butiiett u ai. etbar ki-idt baa baea trivial Java aad OLI'otni: |u are a aaaai; toptay Iba txact ttoc* of Rio tail even-

'» bagt. the nvet are M Bat" BJ > al iy*llHc, and 100at Hellte.

l Ui/FER.Tce demand it moderat«, but pr.cea are ttaady.»ad .«alet M Sheatb;r:g Copper a: taDBLlW AJID DYEB enatinae dull. W e notice eale* of »)

..nea-i.L triva-,,,ratjioatdo aJ 020. » bagt JaajparV- «- B- . '¦ 400BJ..Oum OiTat2ete,lHt4JOUU«*ao at Bt. A let of Reax4d Burtiat

ffc aad It rim Oatabeee ta formt» cot made pubuc. At,.ut lion tale. «0 cetee Prime llua Arab* 4t s|cI»V£WoOP«_rh« market * qeiet; we uotiee talet of only

Ii tan* Kurt:«- at .!«. raid.FISH .t»rj Cad v* irrwer and doli «Alse 4- fi *2 * 1

M.rktrelere lea» riruj: tales of SO" bblt. St f AT, |? X, f.r vari. 3J Lon.b« r* P.ti.fJ H<ri.|if« «ine.«;r;.vltd ciiri-J A4:tl Iii; Dl l'.e::M4 ared-li tt ."V. and 3>. Vr >.>. Ala ..'. lalRtAshat are held aheis bwyaaV aiaaw,

tie latter %rr «carte for pnrte sjaaAMssSi Layen w raid com-

aejai tt«A4 111 for choice whole boxe* ».sah bfaaft Bf*rite« freclv. of 11.0(3 St Bert« Pineapple* 4: +.U 1*1Mitaxtaa .0. at «II. I>0 »m.h.* Bui«u*» at * t

«»2. :i tee. Matamae Paaphfcai et AA DriedKreitsart¦ataattrea sales"i 20.43» B Appeeat**r.; 1 *. B PIosbsat IsAc uii ito B Cberr e« st iv. Oreea Aapios ara dalLBt 4-.. :.or.. Hi .e»ei B rdeaux Piuse« at Hj /'llf*.KLOIR AST» MF xL.Our market f>r Weetem Caral Plaajl

er»! e>i le4Ti saAret) Mat, batet tha close a turner e». ng

eaat«41 S

prevailed, t netter BBSBBad *,d mgr> tone kt Iba merket.Tte uriTtlt are moderate :o dar, bat tue t ipp!y i« ample. .«pe¬

rle 1t common Biace* The batter /raJee are la fair requeit forihe boii.i and F««ter.i at fall pr en. fbe at et tie

bbla tt sa .¦<.; j * t> in for cetnmoo >o good State; A 5 V<tt> -7 for rctiary to |ood Michigan: ?* i8itfes j:§ for tu-

pertte Ind-ax* ¦ I VpfM 1.4»-. «s S^j t. r es r...a

tc rood t-iper-irie I rbte *S ".<; #7 lit fat rosirrjo-i to fair «Btr*Oho: A7 13) «t S>7 p.'} fur t'a.r to paaa ex'ra Oh .). aad *' Ii»a#l'' fcr St Louis brands. CaaaaJan Flour I« wi'h -it ba¬ll rtaat variation: the i'iptlt 1« fair i'otnnioa brands ara «lowet >*e ; tie »a et are : .'..<) bi 4. * . t


l" «

tad BTtJ9?| f. r extr» brXL.ii. SvU'hem Flour is i»«t tetite,ket m tirmlT beid tie arnaalt are moderate; aaiet of I *» bblaat #6 62f'aT#7 Iff t.rn.iiedto (iVaI itan.U-d bra: dt A.eit:dra. Balttnxee and (leorfetow:: and 9)1 SSaT'ttemV* r a- 1»xrtbratda Rie Flou: ta atead) ¦¦all «'et at *i<!*i'*\("im Veai . m ¦'¦, ft. .e . .1 »¦,.¦ »: *>»:.! i-.ift. f.Jt BVaTfSSIJ tor Braidrwre.-

. >HAIN A itod 1 -i .-.j : : Wheat, at rt'her better pneef; eatieata ra et deaiaude.! h weier, cr.e.k baaineeti tbe

«alet are 3 '0u buth ftir l'rfer Lake Spring tt #150, 4,000b-ah aaawaaa wti** Iii:. ,t tt #1 "o. 500 bj«h molRe iTtaaeetee at S)173; lAJM baah. otnuion White l'anallan tt

Di bOd AI 6S; 9.40t' both tor', to pt'iue White do. at SI »vt

. Kd. Rje ittirm.a: 1 ia ta rWaastj ftiet of e.Oeo buab at

Ai.iCte. ija'a ar» »teaiia, at ,iü 3t«- t r Sta'e, and 34.f3i: forWettern. Corn is'e better aid fa eood demand fur exportat A the Fast; the auppia of Beat i \t »suvi. talet of 32,000 b' '.it.ele fur Mneu; rj2<l«7e. for Soatbern VX'hite; and el W

6. ji. for Souiie n, Yr.'ow \\ bite Beana are «tea.IT, BjtJ ,u t'a;r

re.|Bett ;«a.e« ol f<X. buab. Si *2 iSsJ t>2 3" 1 |> buah.,e«h. Cena-uian P»t» tre :n (air (Jemand. a:-.d er fi-tn aalet of J,**! *«-;fA. Boathem Pia«-* Kted Peat .are, talet 01 340bat« at ». 971 f ke«efl I sax,111I)Et}.Tat , e| re««t.-t. tt..l saallBaes IBM the market it

ataaa at Iba deeHraa Most of the trau««x tiont areofaretaicbartcter, tr .1 tre do! wor'h parf.cular:i't:s w* atilybearofa tale sfa\MV DT) Texts ou remit not male public; arid 2O0Cite I «::|tter lr*yrj it e cttk.ItUPS-There is uottiot new to noti. e in this article retail

sslssealy sn saakbis at < sMs. for cotumo.-. to prime Eaa'emsad Westara the iatfet <;-:a. -y tear,-'.HA\ .Ihe market i« firm the ahippf f i',q .iry n fair; tales

t ft beAse ac TaasJAs, <. tabI.IMK-Afor Saetbia aaJetS at tbe de. line; tales t.>day of

;.'<' bb.i CeiartmtrrtSletdal and 2» bbla of Lmupet#1 1.';. Tb«4e tele« itelude all on the usarktt todty, but Sums!u: tier ini\ all are inucietiitrily especte.L

I.V. AI UK It The receipts and demand are alike moderate,aid srkSS remain steady, Salei of Baaaas Ayret ,l|ht aido.iddie we'., t a: | 1 .11 1 >at .« tteady at Star las, (or lifbtsad m;.:.: .'.aid ilsngater in roujh at 2», if.tlrc.IF AD- The ma-ke; it dail sad heaw a: peerieaa aaotarjons.Mi ILABBI S. Foreitu bat beeu more a«tive and 1* hither.

Sa.reot all bbda, sad at tct Caedsass at 94c, let t' tt He ai d I<o bolt Teiaiou tertnt not traaipired.NAVAL STORES.Bpfcritl Turpentiue 1 quiet and price*ara

laarer 1 Matt of See bbll ar >7. r.'j8c.. u:o«'iy at the latrer. Gradetlteidv. ol I.IM bait at A2 17, i * I tot «TUaxlaatea.Ciau-ou Reim it leaa tctiae; aalei ot 211 bblt. trail iu) at

At t'H. tut IM la. at aieix. Fiue qualitisi of white are iatsKtiite iVstead] .. .. f it bt>i« «aasdass at ri, sa aa,medium toed st A4 It sad bt do. efra At 2A. Saiier q ialiUse ata salHai at a «n.»li»»y at bisher price* Tari«.|i.otbut firmly he.d at Al "7)'i *2

(HI..- .The B*WtM r H*ti. :« more fa\orabIe, but prices hiverrirt bsta strsstsil 1 riaslub I lattsd Is Itaaly bel.l at SJe. Mr.Hor ter ren Srkl 111 Ml SllSalM of tbia day aa followt: That a

taeaAAatabas uu-Trmeut ha« taken place In this tnirle wirhnie« . I |mi tui . idurinf the fortxithr). to strive, at 7Si\.an.lSt tai . here al. ittoat an.l in ..ore u. rirat handa at TtS. to MhS.The article cloae* tirtu at S3c.. nearlt ai. art .at. and m atoie,ben * bel.l by cruther« ind de*era. Tha treat portion of th*

rted srnTsll are alto tu «eeoi d band«; ..<.>. «aliont F.utllihAmerica.-, from atore. told at Soc. Crude Wbals 11 quiet at

7',; 77c >|.erai it u,ore active; talei of I Ol u Bailees SpnnflIt bleiche.1 at Al »«e caih. I.trd it firmly held at sStf90c.,tnd with favorable foreign sdfkCS tbs teudeicy i« upward.Olive at ta steady reeaesti «aie«vt 310 bkt* Quaru at * 1 »>.ai d ICC do. Pinn tt ft 0.

l'B(i\ ISIONS.(Jar Potk market is lower, eipecially Meatand Piime Prime Mess ia iu goo-l demand, and it Sraaei thettlet ire 50 «0 bbii. at * '8 74 tor Men *1<! .'si for Prime Meat,aid *I4 75o *l.v for Ptiass laeladed ¦ the talet are l.ooobbll. Prime Meat at quota:tout. Heel11 without important\t-rtntun and iu fair demand, talet of 2ti0 bbla al A 7 it A 8 forPrin.e. f latS tor Country Mesa; *8 W9$)Utot Rept-kedMtss. Pnme Me«t ¦* aaiet, bat arm al ai'x'AIH M Beef

liin 1 areitiiiin: A .. ? II ton.« »>-»r.-..a,d

wanted tt 9i<i ll'l. Roi>|b Sidei are lower, iale« of Tt hbdi. tt

Ht t uc Mean are lets toutn' sftet; Sales of IChhila. and tct.

it 7|47|c for Sboulderi, and«'«. fjr Html.the etfr»nie

price difficult to obtain. Lard IS better, a..d with light arrivalstbe tendency it ttill upwird the kaaahrä i« mairly tor the hometrade tales tt t>30 bblt. and tea at I' | a ISAi an.l until lets at

l<ie. Butter ia 111 fair demand at \T<i BBS, BJ» (lino tui lo</ 21c.for State Cbteie it In fur requeit at I a 3c. for new, old itt seesHICK hai beea quiet. Prises are ai before. We only utar

of «ale« ol 80 let,, at 3i<r4j<\. aa to quality.SOAP.We lean, tt ales of >« boaei of Cattua tt l"i ,

hew Fait rsls iiiaiaainls fHPTiiSPK I I 1 prkes ire, tor most kiuda, tteady.

Br.lrt ol 1 .(<'n ail ( ataia at 35r.SI I. ARS.ibere ronliuuea a firm market, with a inoderateiT

active inquiry, lie itock, thoutli iarae, BSSB| firmly hell, it

111 hurdentome. Tbs talea are l,'<a hh.l* Cuba Mute.n ado a'

'(a"K. aeas half at 7c. aud luO oiida. I' .1» . .1 . 1. ..

¦.. ¦; treathKI.NH-There i« nott* doli g ,r, BUBSI w" BStAtS SSSSS ef

!,(xu tt Teiaa Deer in pout condition, at bbs t* a id a .111111lot ol Texaet'atfat Ute , «ev. ral hu: .'red Porto Cabello Uoatat 3.V., a« they run, sädBSSW Uaet at * ¦¦ tali. Alu. I mi

(ape de at,dl,2H.'B Mar ii-iiIm on private teroi«.A ft rtiou ot the rtcut ar.r.aia ol Coxae >a Ooat nave been toldtt ~c.Tal. LOW-The marketi..wer, the lupply 11 tmple of City

alei of iS,' 1" IT, Prime at M caah.TEAH.Feuding a lala anuouaced for to-morrow, nothing of

imp. rtanee haa trauapued ; st privat.' ta ei price* ate asaaraUyIU4i* t. r Stadien grade ui tood quality. Bleckt are

duil, tod rfher incline to heavmeaeTOBAl t O.There ii veiy little ii-emltlive luquiry owint to

'be high rales piSTtliuig. sad the demand fai u.a ilartunnti..j fur in in.: ate wauta. ra-et of 75 hhd* Kentueky, Mtyt-

and \ irain,a at 1314a. 1 IB eases Bead l.-.f eand 178 balet Havana, for export ol private lartBSlWHISEY.Tbe market u without important ebanat th.»de-

m»ud fair, talei ot b'S) bblt at tuu .n?. f..r < )h:.> and PrtaontLe intide pike for j.oor bblt. Dtudge n iuwer, Bad q not S4 sat

Tbe Hay .tlsirkel.Therebtt been within a few weekt 1 very da led falling off

.: theprl. eo! lie |g March an Apn. |Bod Timothy llaywit told at Al 371./ Al '*' f wt at a comaxoa every daytree from country wagon* Now the leiue BWAwtf cm bebought tt try time for tl.iud Irequeut.y when there i« 1 Urgelink in, or when appr.tcli. < alaal fi all a SSStlraTyaBBB rt'flerIt i.cut ti get rid ol hit 1< a.i in Lime to go b me. he'jampt at an

efltrot 75 or 871c. a baridred. The ctuie ol rJxbjBTealladaeUaaia piles Is tbe 1 reient Baad teSBaeSl of the growing crop. Wi'h-out ccpioui warm ralnt toon, pasepeet will nut look tofavortb ti.d the price of uld Hay Will advance.

Philadelphia .t1arkeia....Mxr 17.Qt'IB. itxon BaBK contiuuni in too.1 demand, and tctrce ar

1 ottos quiet and ujrhange.L Floub quiet twee the

retell tot the Baltic . BSWI j shlltalllS held at at rj.It xr PLbt'B eoatlBaes dall al a 1 <2. CoaaMBtL stasdyj salescountry bbii ar A2 50, an J ton puuche .ut Beaadea las at AI iW HE4T more active; salei l oin btiib. at A1 4 >u + V. for red.the latter |. r .'hoice. and Al BtbBB)l at for white. Rye in re-

quett at 72374c., the latter arloat. COM contiuoea in requeitwith «alri ..f I2,oro butb. Soutbeni yeliowat 53c. for tonud. OaTi; talei of Southern tt Hi. (laocBsiticont 11,1.r ti ui with good trace Irmand for-'rgar aud Molaataaai full rate* Corrrr. alto firm with moderate talet I'toI II v. inactive ; Meat Pork held at Alii to 4>1J 25, wiUi . ..,

lalat BaCBO and Cot Meata at «trady deuiaud at pretlo'it qu Na¬tion«; in cttti plain tmoked Html, covered, were uld al lie.cith. Rrt r. 1« better and talet from the wuaif were made to¬

day tt ttV-MAje. Whisky teilt tt &c. tot htidt. and 2üc. tufor btlt.

WarUele..../?»7*;r/eif by Telegraph.Nr w, Monday, May 2«. ItM rtTTtB Haiti tr

hxj .. lies i'il'-lc. STLsuia^Extii«k«r..9|. Knot'su ttirftr. Pobk firm.Al May 27..Btai.iv.Sales of 2 01» buih. CaoaJa

Weet 'oarriTe at*:. .-a. Caisd* Eatt uutfol.itai 20.


Beceiple ef Preface.By tht lludtvn Httrr Sttlnmi, ft* lit k««. ttAinq Iftttei I BJ

Afii|,22.1SW.-821 Catue. Zii Calree. 33 bfottoas, 1 Hotte.L2» ve Hoes, \i pkgi. Etgi. 1 bbii. Ale tnd Beer, 18 pkgt.botter. «Odo ( heeee. 225 b nb. Ost«. 250 du. Feed, '

Puteroei, fi bb.e. Hoar IMsiAss Letthtr. U.m,2tal.* Milk, 27tuLi>late, J.C'.ti pkgs. Ptper.

/iv A^ria nirtr hvttt .No tow uu Tue*]jy.*l«'l'« katir-Md- .':. ....* F.our, .s/7 ij. Whisky 712

[Asa. PruV.t.0Li. I.8A5 bagi Wheat. "

Paaaeagrra %rri»..lIn V -' .« Itl i.'eaiwtA'/. 1 ;i.-jr-.m l.tterj-->l.Mr. ar.d Mrt.

Fdward Mayer. J cbüdteu and lervixt Mr. and Mrt. I K.(rtorge t..d ttn. .Mr. and Mi* Samuel VWacott aad tun, Mr.IX . Mr* ( baiies Heath. Mr and Mr* W L. S<jritag Mr. audMia, Fti ij r HiuLcca Mr. and Miaa Pate. Mr* Lee, Mr*Wa 'a. e ] bildiea aad lervaot, Mr* Lawn, 2 chilJren ao 1seiTsti Mrs, Praaya M:ti M .mv. 4P«« Ross. Miai Diwa.o.Mr« Stot e ai d 8 childreu. s K fu Be sac 11 w.Morrn«, Brieth Anr.y. 4leaar« t ha* E. M.jnor Samuel Mr-Lean, C. II Hocmt.T 0. iiowell, W . H. Coin. II A.Oarrett,Ii I e ALge..i. \\ M. W alerbu.-y. Henry L*ab«rcade, H. Far-

uum.jr J W Hailiitn and «00, S. VV. Roop, W. M. Mtyo,j p Sttrwin, w L. Sberp. N. vv. Psaistarsat, A. it, B. ( rowther A tea, J. t. Woodwarl. Henry C. H*Uo-wei. T. b Hti uenon. A .g. He Heüeri, I»ar..e. Ottoi« glieLry atd EagaBO 8« Lid. i W. Packatt. C C Cotsstock,Jamea Edwards, En.U sad Theodore Paaaatar t, Th it. Pyte,W. S W.tuere.J B. BabcocS, A.bert Oardner. J. W. Coco-rar W R. W-beter A. HatTthOfCoa Win. I'etty Lo-i.aOeeta.cer. Ferdinaid Mayer, JuaerA Maina. Joeeph Stem, M. J.F..jton. Fiar.t.1 Edwards. Tf

/a Srtf I^i'k, Jmm Ittr miuU.Mrt. aid Bo"Ah, Dr.I. OcUrbndge, O. S. Ra; km J. Mitchell, P. Barren.

fasrae. J / B awtaa, frgm Kmgtton. Ji..Alfred M)«n,7bona« Polkiocbam. Abm. Wusoa.

It 'itrk 1 l'Titr t'-jovm.fnm jlautzit. Mr. W. A. Wind-:. r: R W uiiams, C Haag T U. Parker, T. Ciuitoc, J. P.

Ibartber. <J Leeag.


Cleareel.Steamihipt.Alia Br Lot*. Liverpool, E. Cucard; (View

ba Ballast Htvtit and New wr.eaij, L.ti-jatou Crochertia ACo.

-L. .Caravan. Sands. Liverpool.Bathe Walatat R.tSrr. Ruas, Rebacb, Cower k Watt,

F k; Eitai.e. Broaru, Mttacom, A* J. A.Machtrlo, Anal. Cheennaa. Port ta Pntce, O. L. A A. Kernt,? Law, McCaitt, SaTsnaab, Fran, Sou k Co , Pen <Br 1DaLieii S'. Jno ce Cuba, Scan.maa b Ttompaoi Star, Cardenas, Matcaif A Daoear; Migueioa. Satery, D«i«u >a

A)iet, Reynolds B Ctnajuaa: Herau Oeort, H*». 1 Ketch A Maiaeke T II. Faun in 1 Bald as. Car Jena«.H D. Broolmto A Co.; Warwick, Hal) H«*aaa. P. M vA'h-r.ovk Pnde v,J lot baa, l'raui, TriattUd, jg^ag«. Del \a*is A

Co Alii and Lixry. 'Haan ) Volteraoe, Rx< Jartiro, StecVaaAR ,t, M. Bjttatchupt, iMech.) Wtifuta. Braille, P.te.hhMew eke.§ff.-Kf.-«. BjaabSfl f trdar.ei, Bfaykew, Tct-el « Cat

Rrrar iBr Yeetaaa. Ui d»o, J. 0 Viuare.'. F idarajHit.-.! CtWtaieii W E'wetl k Cm. i Bece Bld.Ue IVA».du. S W Lew». < v Liverpool. N ««..M-ABfcfTlinliri ,

Schooneri-Woleott. Spol.ett, B «ton. Payerr A Sprane-V wot Ptnnv. NewUrn. R R'oaeotn kBon.Svin lri~TitteL. Moriey. Ba.umore CmnweJ't LeBBt

[' :. t. Pott, re r. lliuib. t'trdi-if Pro..deuce, nie*.

Arrived.1.8 M. kteeroilip Bel'., l omit«., Liverpool M.y U i

P- tc tn4*«. ard r«»»- W E. K. CollIn*. Ei|«r etced it.-tng,weit.r > at J r uth waetber tbroagho.l tb« i««u/>,

.bij i tint >t» " < 1' - v» ' Uriah! (of New-Vi it' f i;i«i t: I Krai k Ferce t' I*. r-i.ia.-uih. M« ), a «fU ige. Ibjptnai t: tide af R Ith L tbt. tew i^aaawjtt If »'aaaa*i eBta Charlotte Hamtoo ant a Itrta oiuiaar afAmerican »h'pe bound m, be'ween tha Ball Bjty mmt PuialLyaet ttTCera, Peraed pi pellet Peiicee, audtr cawrara, Map. it ll JO. loa JO 41, taw a vtrv large k*b»ri.

I S. u-eil tfeaimhlp Flor .'« W^-dho.'I Savannah kcort,n ¦.' ai d pate. I» S. L. Mi'chnl.

[7, S n..j. ttrtu ibip Flit! A.lger, S. 0. Lamar, matter.Chatletton V hourt u, Sp. Herd. Tnealon A Cm, Beudey, t. «S

tttarai til S W by 8b*. auhaaiaJ tigoaje with..eamhip itabl ii Oeoralt, b- und s .; I*1:* p m_ .Harteratim itailat W,exehargadtigwali «nh itetmihip Neehvei«,

I BL| 11 tip. ui e\. t.auge.1 ti. ui widi tfetaii. I I. 'I I ii.l i'apat ot' tk* Delaware, tpuka

. 1 t NortheraClOWl t New lorki Calleo. boand N.Ship 1 n e Star fef Portia. Jl Newcatile Fi< » 44 da mdae

to 11 at J W p M»v-ri I i .un hot. (Bl I Letter SbtelJi IS ,la coal to tl. a F.

w Mai« Pa4aMiara4 " ¦. laataa -*i unjiBark Bowara ( V r.aad) Star wood. Sagaa la t-raufa 17

dt.. f »tr to matterBut N P Talmadtt, Small. Near Oiltint April a*, cattca,

at I' D iaaa a I.tiand.Baik I tmer l'iiroo. Shtw. Matal /at I] J« tutkr. ll In

Howland A AiPtlwall.Br < S-a I.ark. u ( <¦ :rv) Llibon »7 dt., aalt, kr. to (Hoii.l

V ¦tan A Co,: vtttei o. i. a K. J I'ttan Nodal», lat. 24 jr,'Ii n. *ai 2. tookr thin I'.ymon'b, tllai«cw 44 ia for Mobda.

Br:« Sta Foam, |of Baofon Parker. Mala, it* 1 Ir ni uttlI« matter Sil tum!., W BlUaf B M CAcm Hecry, ptckad up aS »i| tit az.d cap pair ted hlaek. had i ot tieau vait loot u taawater.

Bi'i Mtlvarn. (of PbdadelphJa) Januau,, (PortSpain 17da, tuiar to metier.Bi t M S CcL/er.t. .1 iaiaaal Morriacn, l .eofue«oe 11 J» ,

Ittar. 4e to muterBrUt Juliet. <of Baltimore) Lowrev, Rio Jaceiro 17 da eo#aa.

he. to Maitiand. l'brlpie, Co.B- t dai iB' Stauaood. Cape llat'.ia 21 da Idfwood, Ac.

to J. L A l). VVilion.Brit f ait, niaja.laraaaia t aa. iitatrrii tc w. A. r. Par

er. port.Bf« Wave Br ) Sie-he: i. WiLdtor ft S. 12 J*.. pleetar t j

maattr.Sehr. Adra. S. Wieweit, BVunJo-U..aar tireciau, Fteetby, Weit Machiai 10 da., Ii.mtar to »).

Simpaon.¦ear. J. L. Bowman, (af Katte»rtl U'oottat, K tiitor.ila*

29 dt.. rum. 4c. to Sturtea L I o

Bchr. Juila Frai klin, !>rew, A. S. Kud.ltrow. Aden, Wtihingtor, N. C.Sein, tlrtatiiia. Tutilt. Rirhmond.Sehr ti Roe, kiaaaa oj d Baltimore.

I I itaaetl Weei, Norfolk.l' Winiai t, Woeajaaa Virajala.

Sehr 11 Prtt-e, |tevtLI.<n, Baltimore.Sehr. VolkaAj ladeta, lleortetown.s,br J Ii Sem :.e BieedwtAer, VavajMaSehr. A ti. Btnej, Haley, \irtitila.Se hr Abdel Ktdtr, t on eiiut, V iifiaia.Sehr Racer. Jc htu- a, \ rilnia.¦aar. Panama Kllburn Virtmia.

. e, Kewev. \ trail.ia.¦ear, Rei».ca Baeer, Oreea, \ irfiniaProp, Pledinont. Pott Portland, unite, to J RUty.1'ti p Pecatur. Oeer, N( rwieh.Pror Oepeep, Kaaaey, Providence.SAI I.KD.Staauiahip (.'ahawba, for llavai a ant New

Or eai t.

WIND dur'.d« the Jty S. and fteah.

By Telegraph.I HARI.KSTON. May 27-Tha IV B. mall tteani.h o Nath.

vllle arrived here from New-»oik at 11 o'clock on Mouday a jht.

Dieetetere, tire.FkTktCTS from lettert received by tllwcod Walter, pja ,

tmry otthe Board ifUalerwTttertiBOOB, May It.The Pin et, from Staii(hae, with over

'. ba>t ,t ulk, -.allied al about A It" OCO, and a cunndaiekla|aai tilv ol lea. wa. nu dowu in Bat I'aeaael on Smutty Liaht,ai ...t k bj ahont M ttthouit. Etfortt tre tkou'. to ba made 'atry and relie her. Inmrancat to tbe eatant of abo'tt AfO.eeVybate been etfected in l.lovd't and other oKcea in London on tba8. C. Thwini't rarto, :-»t on the Inand of lettaua. Inttruc-tioi i have been teal by teletraph to laurel tbe earto from tbavetael. If necettary an afeut, and iteam and tailing veeteli,will he tent from aVffaill.

I iv > B tOOl May 14..Tbe matter of tha I.try Ring hattermiiied on diarhariing her cat«o at Walerfor l and rtpairinahit ablp, notwitbitan.liijg tha ttfotig remonttiaocat madt bycargo ii teretlt.Mr Hatlev. who wit over to the thi t Racer, (tabare at

A kli w Bant 11 B, to atai ,t in tavlog property,wrltatD t thai the veeeel wet fait tan-'ing; tuet Ler cargo mmt ill un¬der tatlei nit y of her Höret, BB4 e\erithlug pu'abla, hadbeen carried oil hy wreckere, jeipite tbe attempt laebia ta Itvvtt futile, ot the roa.t ciar lamen to nrtvenl inch wholtaalayIander Little ran ba Jeaete i»-a ifie iinp, bit be tk .oahti. B e petatea ol hrr ealio u ight be) racovtredif prompt meat-U'et were taken. A u-eetn t 11 it.lpperi wat called, end an kr-

BBMBl In Leu tBtOrtd wti with ttea/u 4wi art andd.vert, to atloa i' pel tatmivtmt mm attaeeataaareteleaaeaaf I iveu. I' mm waiter bol.N fli.a I ak|«te.t thei. tf«rta... jr. .e taaaeatrei Thaw leii ror tbt wreck tint otondrg.Tr>' I ..ii w J! e km it kj iiaa.

\> .i»k,t., VI ;i, ...k B. , Hltg, Tkorow, .¦(" U-i'.k. 'Me from M.nfe \ i.kto to' I.K ¦.ipöol, thIJea, UnloW.v> ..I. 4e.), whuli put In bait »e.rar.lay ail liar taBBB on t.l*a. beta icultled t J tunk, rtpaln Tlitrlow't rep-Ml 1« ae... wa:

l eft Mtate VVee on tb« Jtifh of lait February. Vb Mty,it f p m whet, tt M nehead, there waa an unuiaal tmall,like that ef tire, ti. m tlie ehip; it I, tba email nereaa-iar.

tbe tt'er ball Ii and lookout k ITItBtltJ of tbe alto lad ti tan ii.. .1 tbe hold, and heconei.t tatiitia.1 thai Uta tmall aruaafri u the gtaet ol the ctriio, reitored the cargo and re cloeeet I'mbt'. Lei. About 4 a. m. of tbe 4th tba atuoke and (Ira bornfrom tba after hatch and into tbe cabin, to much it that It waeWith difficulty the matter taved hia watch chrouou.eter, andlbs mate bia logbook tbay tmuiedia'aly launched their buatt,ci Dildeling it wat a hopeleat caae, tindiug, however that tbalife decreaaed. they touted in their hooti and a night to fu'.out the fire, hut findm* they could m.t, they battened downevery op.mot »hieb admntod tbe air to tbo hold, and kepttbe ihip away for Waterford. Arrival at Palttge akeetlb «. ta.I cottultrd the American Ceatal here, who ordereta turvey. The Surveyor |are tttietl at for the removalof Iba tbip into the barber an.I to be acuttled and luuh, which« at dona fhit evening. Cannot acentric lot tba cargo hjaitril!|."Livebpooi., Mty II Tbe matter of t,n Lucy Ring bat d«-bara Did on di-. harj:: g h>'r|ca;»i. at Wtterfjrd and repairing;bt katp, i.wt» .lii.ian.lm» tbe atrur.g ra'iiouttraacat mada bycatgo inleretta


Ta .TlariMera.FrüWHK't ItLABB Shoil .The Bell Baoy Boat bet bate

reabti td oft the north can part of (hit iLjol. and baa :a 4|ftthon.t trater.Fei.wick't Itland heart W. by 8 iby comptat )Ciettofti-, (wirbUreeter weterj beaaeB. W di

tant balf a mile. A wait courta Iron the Boat crotte. tba northput of tbe ihoal in 4 fatbomi water.

By order of the Lighthoute B <trd.J. S. BIÜDLK. r. gh'Uouei Iwpectcr.

Pbiladel, bit, May X, \MH.

UeThe Alden't Rack Bell Boat wat replaced at her itat oe oele Zld inf..Poit.and, May 24. 18«. -

Letter ir n. the I" ..j-^i fende.. . ta tl.-- teeratart of tbe Treat-ory. witt. copy of -ornm'ir.i. attea fraa < H|>n W. L. Ball, of Pac :nc mail at. to abip Columbia, and extiacte from a letter atCapt. Jami a U alaiB*, Pecillc man it. .m tbif lioldeil Ate rait-live to ficilitiet lor r avigation am.rjed by the .ltrtlopmant of .

depewlte f reddi.h tand iettettf le. < ommtndar Alden,L. 8. N kaebta of the bar at the entrance to Ban fracclaca barbor, taattaan .a. ... ,.u

CotiT Siavi.y Orrict, We.Jneidty, Mty 7, I*».Sit; J have tbe honor to lobjoin herewith a copy oft U<ttr

addreated hv Cart. W L. LU... of tbe Paclfi.; mad itatintbipColumbia, to C. mintnder Ja-nai Alden, 1' ti. N., aamrant la

the Coait Survey, at reiitioii to *« devel iprueut made »y tbe

lwt ntmexl oBtcVl of t depuaita of land prculiar to tea UmOo Ühe lira' tie .noanct tithe harb-.r af Stn Frt«l«cO, andwtoieh wat mJe tbe ieneral tubjeet of my communication u,

0.0 Ueparta.ei l ander data ol (let. », It-"*In a..ureaiw.« < ommander Al.t-n. tap- Hail aaye:

Aft. ' ..i:.|'' ti'tthetorvey of tba enuanca to Ue halb» a/

Pan Franclaco, you were kind enaagh u, allow ma l^ff*^aj J mdnt nut to me tbe chartctertitle aouiidrngt, yoa mmmmr

arteu.'i teifie u.arl) to the fact that aa toon *»Jbejar<aa. I. the lead would bring up gray eand with ted iptet*,

ttat f.. h botuim wit fvunl at no p.ace outilde the b**;. hei. Ibtve ha.ion two occatumt an oyr-t»*» a

ute the ;n«.,m ttion ar.| from jour :hart. ^laOeleberef latt year.cutltig from the ^m'"'"^I ma^e PetBt Arena i*s mdit irom the Heed«i », ana mam

m\Z Use a el. aaaet faj I ran by time, ^J^Vtbtletaaof the wbre t until I etat up with Point Bey... »"fjg?,"fwai altered for'he H-adt1 To St certain of^J'^Z' Jm...ttol .be lead everv6ftrn miri.ot. £,w,g Potel R.y.tllWd *J~<u'J"£\^ru*t».*iJut j. .. J to beea the Bortb ua..k wuLia* i... .urnSTOtcltee Barbar. Btaertaa K \fv,*^^|.Vl*lallv. ti.t w.ter at. r. feeper.ed to -a ,»'b?T'^*^DflaX- Ilead a.D.. d. and it broutht up pear .««..«« "* T^Z tbtwti certain then (itlyb g on your caa-t, tha *t»u-J^o«*ttbax ai.'. od tba tatgaai - t 'he harbor. I kept "

t.attdwegot ebjbWi .i. whan I ba .^d op > n. tv

acd In a.bor 'im- go' trie Itaalai . r-orf,"*TT>fhent/erea.!..'. ? N B . 'tTaWPort Potat, tad the t.r.t lht>|l taw .nrough tbe raaeaiaelong wnatf on North Beach.

On my latt trip from Oregon I n ie Point Rayet «_

night ai d .aw te licht or. Point Bonl iat intarvaJa »**._"_wbaw ataaerea BafatBaaiaba 'iieadt,' tbe fog *t*jJ^fTdecea thai wa could not ate a abip't iti.gtb. I cooUnaeammttil. by it-e icui.d.ngt, we were on tha north bank,' *<f.M^ln.d a kail fatnona, I tben dropped a kadge, and waited!k**S.ight. Al 1 a m. got or der way,tteertng E. 8. f.,«adr^rTin, we .,,,. g,,i - ,h- fatbomi. an. tba lead haiD4 vm\Ztrouiht up ram ntnä, artl» rea* ipar*».' When In BtWa»»*~*otat I rhanied lha courta to F.. by .'C .tnd twn, ay attwrwater. tiit[<.eeii I waa n midcbannel. W hen the Ia% '?J*bwtwertr.- /.> tbt ban: el i A n.'dwey berwtatPont ami North Shore. Had I not beajo guided by waat^T.learned t-. n. j .or c.-art. I abxitid ta I«Jtb inttaocat bavt taw a- laeaer eetatee eatll tne f.< .iftad. i^gTnre* yeaii age I wat >.a tbt harle r Ul daw

MBBJ Ha. ;..e a -in : mi a-..' iKer-iltarntattofaatb-rtawbeen at wel. known tb-u ai uow I toould lB*a BBBBi

mn m by tba load. IU cnart ot tba entraaca of ^»y**BSan Fraleiteo wul be an uiveiuabl* *-ua^*mi tte.mert on tbit coett tatua mot Iit me aur^<¦ giv tteeaa, er 4 tnahltcg them with P-opar c,» /^JJ.tne bubcr teraaetw ta a^rtaa* it tb.y womld be oh.peiwait oatatde BM fa I wra'ter."aj att*Capt. Jamet of the PaeuV Mall r.«npaj.y mmwt-

kVÄÄÄ,«- v^SZou ef ra. a^abf"Tl ScrTtll. bt a? l-aavin, 8ai. French, IH|..he bar onV. ¦. 1 St. >.. i-ame, AiO^K^hlv trttitedto kn. W that tht 'bar' chart, wheapY* \ kaat taft Into tk. «arajfjj5'we.tb.r with <n.:-d. A. the taeridiaft are «

arcerata. nkere can ba no mitUking tbarn, ia mjiroparattanltow to the lead ' ti^kda'^

I woul i reapecttnlly reoaett aoth.if:*y t P»w"'J-^|an tt' iiual rm tor :a« b- elit of Vlflaaw'

v.. .,. .1» ot the L'tlted, St ataa. Vary'_mumm9(Bbjaedl A 57115 "\*ai£2^

Tt« iifcO. J*etr» OiTHair, aiy wl tht l'. '

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