newcomer’s orientation webinar - · workout clothes ! be prepared for air conditioned...

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Newcomer’s Orientation Webinar October 18, 2013

Deb Wells Sharon Livingston, PhD CEO President Wells Health Group The Livingston Group for Emotional Marketing


Welcome! Webinar Agenda •  What to do in advance •  What to do when you arrive •  Frequently asked questions •  How to contact us

What to do in Advance

•  Confirm hotel and ground transportation •  Visit the microsite and newcomer page


§ §  What to pack

§  Comfortable shoes §  Business attire §  Workout clothes §  Be prepared for air conditioned rooms §  Business cards


Theme: the Art & Science of Leadership

We can’t wait to welcome you to Boston for the 2013 HBA Leadership Conference with the conference theme of: The Art & Science of Leadership. We hope that our theme comes to life for you from the Art & Science photo contest and our receptions to the content of our plenary sessions and workshops. We’ve enhanced the conference in 2013 with a poster session, Executive Women’s Forum and a fourth workshop session.


Conference overview

•  Our conference has sold out •  We’re expecting over 950 women, half are newcomers;

that is, have never been to this conference •  If this is your first conference, please know you are not

alone, and we’re thrilled to welcome you •  If you have attended before, please know that each

conference has its own personality •  Plenary sessions, workshops and posters designed to

•  Guide your career objectives •  Heighten your leadership skills •  Provide insights into a dynamic industry


Build your network

•  Smile and be authentic •  Approach groups of 3 or more •  Prepare your introduction in advance

•  What’s your six? •  Use the conference app to share info or exchange business cards •  Jot notes on back of business cards or use the app

•  How and where you met •  Personal and/or business reminder

•  Invite others to link to you on LinkedIn


What to do in advance: Visit the Conference website Download the app

§  Go to the app page on our LC microsite –

§  Attend the “appinar”– a webinar for getting the most out of the app on November 5, 6pm ET

Find your registration confirmation email and customize the app with your workshop schedule

§  Need another copy of your confirmation email? Just ask Paulina DiPrimo -

What’s your six? §  Six word stories: a unique exercise to examine your

leadership experience §  Visit the page on the website §  Think about it!

Art & Science Photo Contest §  Closes October 21 §  Visit the page on the website


What to do when you arrive

•  Radical hospitality begins! •  Sign up for Yoga and Power Walk at

registration •  Pick up your program journal and learn

more about the conference offerings •  Use the app to find the locations for all

conference events


Wednesday, November 13 Highlights

Check in and unpack 5:15 - 6:00 PM Newcomer Reception

§  Salon H-K §  Experience our radical hospitality. Our conference volunteers

and HBA leaders and staff are eager to meet you. 6:00 -7:00 PM Chapter Receptions

•  Build your network by meeting HBA chapter leaders and learning about HBA programs in your area.

7:00 - 10:00 PM Gallery Reception and Exhibits


Thursday, November 14 Highlights Please be prompt for sessions. We are sold out so please fill all seats. Thursday morning

§  Join us for a power walk or yoga §  Enjoy a hot breakfast and meet other attendees. §  Visit our exhibits. §  Plenary with Liz Wiseman– doors open at 7:45 §  Visit our poster session—new this year! §  Move to your first workshop

Thursday afternoon •  Plenary luncheon: What’s your six? Stories to share •  Second workshop session •  Meet poster authors, and speed networking

Thursday evening •  Fire & Ice Reception


Friday, November 15 Highlights

Please be prompt for sessions. We are sold out so please fill all seats. Friday morning

§  Join us for a power walk or yoga §  Enjoy a hot breakfast and meet other attendees. §  Visit our exhibits. §  Workshop sessions 3 and 4

Friday noon •  Plenary luncheon with Amy Cuddy. Doors open at 12:15

PM 11

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  Where are the Thursday evening, 6:00 PM Chapter Receptions? A.  Locations are posted in the app, the printed program journal and on

the HBA website. Q. The chapter receptions are from 6-7. Is there another event after that? A.  Yes, the Gallery Reception follows the chapter receptions. Join us for

food and drinks while you relax, have fun and build your network. Vote on the art contest and visit the exhibits during this sophisticated opening reception.

Q.  What if I signed up for a workshop and I want to change? A. Due to the full capacity, all of the workshop spaces are taken.


Frequently Asked Questions Q. I hear there is a workshop track for executive women and I would like to attend. How to I sign up? A.  This pilot program has also sold out. Q. When do doors open for Plenary Sessions? A.  Doors open 15 minutes before the session. Please

don’t leave any empty seats. There’s an overflow room if you think you may need to leave early where you can participate without disrupting.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will I get confirmation of my workshops? A. Attendees get 2 confirmations upon registration: 1 confirming payment and the second confirming registration for the conference, including the workshop selections. Your workshop selections will also be printed on the back of your name badge. Q. Where can I get a list of the workshops I signed up for if I can’t find my confirmation? A. Email Paulina DiPrimo at and she will send a duplicate copy



•  This presentation will be viewable •  Any updates of information will also be posted





For additional information or questions:

Contact Deb Wells, CEO Wells Health Group

–, or –  text 210.367.9481

•  Sharon Livingston, PhD – –  text 603.505.5000


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