new_experiance resume format.docx

Post on 25-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Sr. Linux Systems Administrator, Ohio State University

    Dec 2008 Current

    Act as liaison with vendors on computer hardware, software, !S

    systems and specialist application issues" aintain contacts with other educational institutes on application

    technolo#y practices and initiatives of common interest"

    onitor systems for performance to a#reed $usiness e%pectations or


    onitor and report on system and data$ase $ac&ups to ensure they

    appropriately confi#ured, implemented and verified to ena$le recovery from


    Underta&e appropriate updates and testin# on system infrastructure

    ensurin# continues pea& performance

    !dentify and assist in trou$leshootin# system errors and faults

    offerin# via$le solutions to fi% them"

    Assist with implementation of system patches and updates mana#in#

    up#rades effectively and to user re'uirements"

    onitor and maintain appropriate security environments and policies

    on (indows and )inu% servers"

    Administer (indows and )inu% systems with appropriate scriptin#

    and coordinate related administrative tas&s" aintain esta$lished testin# and development environments"

    *rovide support for server side applications e"#" +inance, -!S,

    (e$sphere and Oracle application server $ased applications, we$ server

    $ased applications etc"

    .nsure that support is focused on the server side of multi/tier

    applications with close liaison with appropriate des&top specialists for client

    side issues"

    Coordinate efficient escalation of issues with internal development

    staff or vendors ensurin# that issues are only escalated after thorou#h

    dia#nosis of the pro$lems and that they are clearly documented prior to


    Contri$ute to the development and implementation of technolo#y


  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    *rovide input to system and data$ase performance and


    *articipate in proect development as re'uired providin# proect

    plans, documentation and trainin# material as necessary"

    !nventory University, .n#ineerin# and *roduction !* names andaddress spaces

    *articipate in the $uild of a 1ind D3S server infrastructure with

    functional and or#ani4ational su$/domains

    5enerate named 4one files from inventoried internal !* name 6

    address space

    Confi#ure 1C 1lade )o#ic to implement U3!7 hosts in production


    .%ecuted 1C 1lade )o#ic architecture to allow puppet li&e

    confi#uration from te%t files

    Contri$ute to team activities and complete assi#ned tas&s within

    prescri$ed deadlines

    eep a$reast of !9 industry trends and developments $y updatin#

    !ndustry 'ualifications and readin# appropriate literature"

    Underta&e appropriate !9 technical research and investi#ation as



    Ohio State University, 200: 1Sc Computer 9echnolo#y 5*A ;"0@:8

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx



    i#hly 'ualified )inu% System Administrator currently loo&in# for positions that

    that incorporate my s&ills in systems security, system administration and



    Linux Systems Administrator0 Starte)h0 #hite '1ains0

    N2 January 3445 6 )urrent

    Desi#n, implement and maintain -AD!US ?OSC -adiator in a

    production environment providin# authentication for over > million dialup

    users in South America"

    Administer >00K -edhat )inu%, A!7, Solarisand +ree1SD servers"

    onitor !ntrusion Detection systems with automated patch updates to

    all serversandtools li&e Snort6AC!D"

    *erform vulnera$ility assessment of $usiness systems routinely and

    provide incident reports 6 handlin# as well as respond to attac&s on the


    *ro#ram tools in *.-) and C for use in system administration,security purposes and automation

    Administer firewalls usin# ipta$les6ipchains ?)inu%and!*+ilter


    !mplement automated installations usin#ic&start and Iumpstart"

    (rite policies and procedures a$out the secure deployment

    ofSolaris, )inu%and A!7 in insecure and non/firewalled environments"

    *rovide administrationof ySG) and Oracle data$ase for core

    services includin# -AD!US authentication and (((

    +acilitate product development and administration of dedicated )inu%

    servers, $usiness mana#ed services, and we$hostin# platforms

    +acilitate mi#ration procedures and methods from outsourced mail

    hostin# providers"

    Create and setup su$systemsfor hi#h volume out#oin# mail usin#

    *ostfi%, an open source mail system"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Setup, operate and maintain company/wide services such as mail

    ?U(/!A*D, sendmail, 'popper, D3S ?1!3D v8, ((( Apache 6 SS),

    DC* ?!SC, and Sam$a"

    Administer 3etwor& Appliance +8=0 L +:@0 clustered 3ASes, .C

    Symmetri%, and other stora#e su$systems" Setup 2=M: 3OC monitorin# and trou$le tic&et systems usin# open

    source tools such as 1i# $rother, 3etsaint, -e'uest 9rac&er, as well as

    commercial tools such as +ootprints and 3etcool

    Develop internal monitorin# systems which are deployed throu#hout

    South America

    aintain open source pac&a#es that have $een developed in house,

    respondin# to user su##estions, and inte#rate improvements in the

    software"TECHNICAL S%ILLS

    -ed at )inu%

    A!7 ="; and 0";

    (indows 7*62000639

    C ?especially U3!7 system pro#rammin#

    *ython *.-)

    Shell ?1ash


    Solaris 2"%


    SU3H *urchase University, *urchase, 3H

    1achelor of Science in Computer .n#ineerin# ?5*A ;"6="0

    5raduation dateJ ay, 200:


    -ed at )inu% Certified .n#ineer -C. NJ :80:;0

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx



    Swapnil Pachkawade

    Linux Administrator

    3a#pur, aharashtra

    avin# around 2 years of e%perience in System Administrator in hetero#eneous environment!nstallation and Confi#uration of -ed hat Servers < to Iuly 20>" *rovide )>6)2 support on *roduction environment"2" 1uild new servers and provided proper hardenin# as per security policiesset $y compliance team";" +ile System ana#ementJ ana#in# partition, a&in#, ountin# L

    Un/mountin# the file system"=" Cron Io$s $ac&up scheduled"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    >2" Create, modify and delete users, #roups, and policy">;" Assi#nin# !* to servers L confi#ure 3etwor& 1ondin# on multiple .thernet

    System Administrator

    JIBJI enterprises private limited/

    3a#pur, aharashtraarch 20>= to Septem$er 20>=

    >" -esponsi$ility for complete system administration"2" e%perience with ftp server, confi#ure dhcp L static ip as well as s'uid pro%y server in red hat )inu%@;" !nstalled operatin# systems li&e win %p, win: server 2008 L -ed at )inu%

    As well as application software"=" *rovided technical support to customer for their system throu#h 9eam EiewerL -emote des&top Assistance"2 to +e$ruary 20>=

    >" !nstalled software L access customers system via 9eam Eiewer L supported des&top issues such as!nstall, repair and conduct preventive maintenance of personal computer $y providin# technical support"

    2" ardware Support, -emote Des&top etc";" !nstalled, dia#nosed, repaired, maintained, and up#raded all hardware and other e'uipments?includin# personal computers, terminals, printers and scanners, etc"=" Software6hardware6networ& trou$leshootin#">

    Master o# Business Administration in I%

    &% B%A% 'a"pur $niversity/

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    3a#pur, aharashtraApril 2008

    Additional In#ormation

    Summary of technical s&ills

    (or&in# in a live environment of data center on production setup of =00K )!3U7 L >

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Linux SystemAdministrator Resume


    Linux SystemAdministrator

    Primary Skills

    SSH, FTP,SAMBA and APACHE web server,Send mail, Postfix and MS Ex!an"e #$$%, Lotus&






    +B B+ECT'-E" ex/osure as Linux and 0indows Platform Funtional Consultant in an or"ani1ation for itssuess 2 !avin" # years ex/eriene&


    'T6S 'nfrastruture Mana"ement&

    ' !ave # years ex/eriene in 4emote Su//ort En"ineer&

    Possess exellent inter/ersonal, ommuniation and or"ani1ational s.ills wit! /roven abilities in

    trainin", develo/ment, ustomer relations!i/ mana"ement and /lannin"&


    /eratin" Systems9 Linux :r!el; 2 r!el?@#$$$@7T, P@-'STA@)

    SSH, FTP,SAMBA and APACHE webserver

    S', TCP@'P, .nowled"e in Swit!es and 4outers&

    Mail Server9 Send mail, Postfix and MS Ex!an"e #$$%&

    Mail A//liations9 Evolution, utloo., Lotus&

    CE4T'F'CAT'7 A7 T4A'7'7$&rkw=Linux+System&$&rkw=Linux+System&$&rkw=Linux+System&$&rkw=Linux+System&
  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Com/leted Com/uter Hardware trainin" from S5STECH in Tri!y&

    MCSE trainin" from S5STECH in Tri!y&

    Com/leted 4HCE Certifiation from A-A7AE P4 in C!ennai

    4HCE Certifiation 7o9 ?$;$**%$

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    7eurons Software Consultants Pvt Ltd&,

    4oles and 4es/onsibilities9

    4es/onsible for Server and system administration and su//ort to t!e networ.&

    'nstallin" software, /at!in", u/"radin" and maintenane of o/eratin" system&

    Solvin" issues t!rou"! remote, Symante PCAnyw!ere, -7C -iewer and 7et meetin"Servies&

    Troubles!ootin" and Confi"uration of Ex!an"e mail server via utloo.&

    'nstallin" software and u/"rades to ensure wor. is /erformed as /er t!e om/any /oliy&

    Maintainin" -irus free 7etwor. usin" MAfee, Avast and 7orton Antivirus&

    Havin" "ood ex/eriene in S installation and troubles!ootin"

    Settin" u/ SAMBA 2 7FS servers, to enable 0indows 2 37' lients to ommuniate wit!

    Linux wit!out t!e need of additional software on t!e 0indows side, su! as 7FS lients

    Creatin" file systems, Partition and mana"in" dis. Guotas,System Ba.u/@4estore bot! in L'73 and 0indows Platforms

    'nstallin", Troubles!ootin" E4P A//liations li.e Tally, P!arma Protool, and Payroll&

    Aademi Credentials

    B&E:ECE= Pavent!ar B!arat!idasan olle"e of En""&, 2 Te!&, ( Tri!y,

    Anna 3niversity (C!ennai )% #$*$

    HSC Sa.t!i Mtr& Hr& Se& S!ool, Tamilnadu State Board ?

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    hussain mohmed

    ydera$ad, Andhra *radesh

    Work Experience

    Linux System Administrator

    Accomplishments3o wor& e%perience

    S&ills UsedP !nstallation of -.)6CentOS

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Avinash +a*mane

    Lookin" #or in Linux System Administration/Support

    *une, aharashtra

    See&in# a career in )inu% administration in which where ! can contri$ute $est of my professional a$ilities

    in terms of technical and analytical s&ills and helps me in enhancin# my current s&ills and &nowled#e"Work Experience

    Linux System Administrator

    *une, aharashtra


    -C.J -ed at Certified .n#ineerJ -ed at .nterprise )inu% @, ay/20>;"-CSAJ -ed at Certified System AdministratorJ -ed at .nterprise )inu% @, ay/20>;Certificate 3um$erJ >;0/0:=/2;"P Completed -ed at .nterprise )inu% < trainin# at 9""!"."9, olhapur Ian 20>0"P Completed Course of Core Iava and Adv" Iava at S..D !nfo9ech, *une 3ov 20>>"

    9echnical S&ill SetsJ

    -ed at .nterprise )inu% System Administration s&illsStora#e ana#ementJ Create -esi4e and Delete *artitions in )inu%, Usin# )E mana#in# stora#e deviceinto )o#ical volumes" !n )E dis& ana#ement .%tend, -educe si4e of )o#ical volumes" Create filesystem format to partition to device"/!nstallation and Confi#uration -ed at .nterprise )inu% with ic&start"/ernel ana#ementJ &ernel !nstallation and Up#rade"/User AdministrationJ Create, Delete and mana#e User accounts and #roups" Addin# user to #roups,

    )oc&in#, unloc&in# Users, Guota mana#ement to limit User account"/onitorin# system resources" ana#in# *rocess to maintain *erformance of system"/+ile *ermissions and file ownership mana#ement/ana#in# security usin# S.)inu%"/*ac&a#e ana#ement with -* and HU" !nstallation of pac&a#es creatin# repo"/+irewall Confi#uration usin# !*ta$les tool"/Automation of 9as&s usin# cronta$"/Creatin# Eirtual achines usin# E, Eware"!nstallation and Confi#urations of ServersJ / +9*, (e$ server ?99*, 3+S"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    / 3etwor& servicesJ SS, E3C Server, D3S Server/Sam$a for Sharin# +ile6+older and !SCS! for sharin# $loc& device/)DA* for user authentication"


    Bachelor0s o# En"ineerin" in (omputer Science and En"ineerin"

    %1%I%E%%2 Warnana"ar2 Shiva*i $niversity2 1olhapur%/olhapur, aharashtra2008 to 20>>

    Bachelor0s o# En"ineerin" in (omputer Science and En"ineerin"

    %1%I%E%%2 Warnana"ar2 Shiva*i $niversity2 1olhapur%/olhapur, aharashtra2008 to 20>>


    )inu% System Administration, -C. 2 ?)ess than > year


    +,(E -

    arch 20>; to ay 20>;

    -ed/at .nterprise )inu% @CertificationJ>" -CSAJ -ed/at Certified System Administrator2" -C. J -ed/at Certified .n#ineer

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    +a*esh 'andanwar

    System Administrator 3Linux4

    Iaipur, -aasthan

    P A Certified System Administrator, with reco#ni4ed stren#th in implementin# and supportin# advancedenterprise server

    solutions with the a$ility to trou$leshoot and optimi4e le#acy and new servers"

    P (or&ed in !9, !nte#ration and GA departments in various corporate or#ani4ations for computer hardwarerepair ACs"

    5ained e%perience in trou$leshootin# and developed communication s&ills"

    Work Experience

    System Administrator 3Linux4

    !ata In#osys Ltd%/Iaipur, -aasthan

    Septem$er 20>< to *resent

    !nstallation, Confi#uration and Administration and -emote onitorin# of Solutions around -ed at6CentOS )inu% Servers accordin# to re'uirements of hardware vendors"

    Dis& ana#ement, +ile System ana#ement, Services Administration, Dis& multipathin#, 3etwor&in#"

    Administration of )inu% Cluster Servers"

    *erformin# tas&s $y identifyin#, proposin#, implementin# and streamlinin# activities to reshapetechnolo#y and processes"

    *erformance tunin#, hardware up#rades, and resource optimi4ation as re'uired"

    i#ration of -ed at )inu% Server environments from older to newer #eneration $ased systems"

    Disaster recovery plannin#"

    .scalation of pro$lems in a timely manner as per the defined escalation matri%"

    )E, *6Dell ardware, )inu% *atchin#, 6( and Console trou$leshootin#"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Stora#e analysis, capacity plannin#, performance plannin#, and $ud#et plannin# for all $ac&up softwareand hardware"

    echnical Support Executive

    (y5uture 3India4 Pvt% Ltd/

    Iaipur, -aasthanIuly 20>= to April 20>= to Iuly 20>=

    *erform daily system monitorin#, verifyin# the inte#rity and availa$ility of all hardware, server resources,systems and &ey processes, reviewin# system and application lo#s, and verifyin# completion ofscheduled o$s such as $ac&ups"

    *erform re#ular security monitorin# to identify any possi$le intrusions"

    *erform daily $ac&up operations, ensurin# all re'uired file systems and system data are successfully$ac&ed up to the appropriate media, recovery tapes or dis&s are created, and media is recycled and sentoff site as necessary"

    *erform re#ular file archival and pur#e as necessary"

    Create, chan#e, and delete user accounts per re'uest"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    -epair and recover from hardware or software failures" Coordinate and communicate with impactedconstituencies"

    Support internal -LD team in evaluatin# and testin# new technolo#ies

    Apply OS patches and up#rades on a re#ular $asis, and up#rade administrative tools and utilities"Confi#ure6add new services as necessary"


    Bachelor o# echnolo"y

    +a*asthan echnical $niversity20>;

    !iploma in En"ineerin"

    6% ,% +aisoni Polytechnic20>0


    Apache, D3S, 3+S, S1, S9*, SS, 39*, 5luster+S, icrosoft AD, 9C*6!*, -.E, -., Switchin#,

    -outin#, !* Addressin#, Su$nettin#,Eirt/ana#er, oEirt, Emware, Oracle E Eirtual1o%, Shell, 9)


    +ed ,at7 (erti#ied System Administrator in +ed ,at )penStack7

    Ianuary 20>= to *resent

    An !9 professional who has earned the -ed atQ Certified System Administrator in -ed at OpenStac&Qhas demonstrated the s&ills, &nowled#e, and a$ilities needed to create, confi#ure, and mana#e privateclouds usin# -ed at .nterprise )inu%Q OpenStac& *latform"

    An !9 professional who has earned the -ed at Certified System Administrator in -ed at OpenStac& isa$le toJ

    R !nstall and confi#ure -ed at .nterprise )inu% OpenStac& *latformR ana#e users, proects, flavors, and rulesR Confi#ure and mana#e ima#esR Add compute nodesR ana#e stora#e usin# Swift and Cinder

    9he -ed atQ Certified System Administrator ?-CSA in -ed at OpenStac&Q e%am ?.72>0 testscandidates s&ills, &nowled#e and a$ilities needed to create, confi#ure, and mana#e private clouds usin#the -ed at .nterprise )inu%Q OpenStac& *latform"

    +ed ,at7 (erti#icate o# Expertise in ,y8rid (loud Stora"e

    Ianuary 20>= to *resent

    An !9 professional who has earned the -ed atQ Certificate of .%pertise in y$rid Cloud Stora#e has

    demonstrated the s&ills, &nowled#e, and a$ilities needed to implement fle%i$le stora#e solutions for on/premise and hy$rid clouds usin# -ed at 5luster Stora#e"

    9he performance/$ased -ed atQ Certificate of .%pertise in y$rid Cloud Stora#e e%am ?.72;@ testsyour a$ility to confi#ure -ed at 5luster Stora#e and clients"

    A -ed at Certificate o f .%pertise in y$rid Cloud Stora#e is earned when an !9 professionaldemonstrates the a$ility to implement stora#e solutions usin# -ed at 5luster Stora#e and to confi#ureclients to use this stora#e" 9o earn this certificate, you must pass the -ed at Certificate of .%pertise in

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    System Administration ?->2= or ->;2 to *resent

    9his certification re'uires product &nowled#e and e%perience with !1 -ational (e$ Developer for(e$Sphere Software E@"0 or !1 -ational Application Developer for (e$Sphere Software E@"0"9his certification involves a stand/alone entry level test and is not a prere'uisite for other !1certifications" !t is intended for new adopters of !1 -ational (e$ Developer or !1 -ational ApplicationDeveloper for (e$Sphere Software E@"0, specifically professionals and students enterin# into (e$development usin# !1 products" Areas not covered as part of this certification $ecause they arespecifically addressed $y other !1 certification offerin#s include *ortal development, (e$ Services, .I1development, and 7) tools" Additionally, .nterprise 5eneration )an#ua#e ?.5) is not covered

    (am8rid"e (erti#ied Linux Pro#essional

    Decem$er 20>2 to *resent

    +ree Career 5lo$al Online Certification $y 9echnolo#y !ncu$ation Center C!U is committed to promotin#technolo#y and hi#her education to every individual under the sun $y its uni'ue initiative of +ree Online

    Certification in association with 9he !nstitute of Chartered 9elecom *rofessionals of !ndia" 9his initiative isin support of U3.SCOs initiative .ducation for All $y 20>= to *resent

    -esponsi$ilitiessupport for us clientandlin# ;000 uni% and linu% server in remote locationsuse linu% and uni%ware

    System En"ineer

    Si#y echnolo"ies Limited/Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    +e$ruary 20>> to Octo$er 20>=-esponsi$ilitiesail server administrator'mail postfi% and dns serverapache and tomcat and we$servers

    5MS en""

    ,(L In#osystems Limited/

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    Au#ust 200: to +e$ruary 20>>

    -esponsi$ilities+iled maintenance servicesandlin# windows serverrouters allmaor proect done with 1S)andlin# all type of server

    !esktop support en""

    winway system ltd/adurai, 9amil 3aduSeptem$er 200; to Iuly 200:

    -esponsi$ilitiesDes&top support

    printer support)aptop serviceswindows and )inu% servers


    !iploma in Electronic and communication En"ineerin"

    Annamalai $niversity

    Additional In#ormation

    9echnical S&illsJ

    !nstallation L Confi#uration -ed at, CentOS, +edora Operatin# system"!mplementin# and ana#in# DI1 D3S server L Cache servers across #eo#raphical locations

    !nstallin#, Confi#urin#, ana#in# ail L -elay Servers usin# Sifymail, *ostfi% LGA!)"!mplementation L aintenance of )ES )oad 1alancers alon# with !pta$les"ana#in# file systems for critical applications usin# -A!D, )E L )inu% clusterin#!nstallation, Confi#uration, administerin#, replicatin# HSG) data$ase servers"Operatin# System performance monitorin# L fine tunin#!nstallation, confi#uration and administration of 3+S and +9* servers1asic Shell scriptin# for server administerin# L o$ automation!mplementin# !pta$les as firewall for Security L 3A9ana#in# L administerin# .C Clariion Stora#e ?A7>

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    : + (handra reddy

    System admin in +edhat linux with . years o# experience in (S company%

    1an#alore, arnata&a

    )oo&in# for challen#in# and endurin# o$ in a professional association where mys&ills and a$ilities could $e capa$ly utili4ed to achieve lo#istic #oals and wants to $e part of#rowth of company"

    Work Experience

    Linux System Administrator


    /1an#alore, arnata&a3ovem$er 20>2 to *resent

    S&ills Used-ed at .nterprise )inu%,inatallation, Administration, lvm, Hum, -*, 3+S Server, Sam$a Server,

    Apache Server, User Administration, services, +ile System, emory ana#ement,


    B% tech in civil en"ineerin"

    (haitanya 8harathi institute o# technolo"y/*roddatur, Andhra *radesh

    2008 to 20>2Skills

    -ed at .nterprise )inu%,inatallation, Administration, lvm, Hum, -*, 3+S Server, Sam$a Server,Apache Server, User Administration, services, +ile System, emory ana#ement, ?; years

    Additional In#ormation

    ! completed my #raduation in chaitanya $harathi institute of technolo#y under I39U ananthapuruniversity" ! passed in first class with distinction"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Sindhuri P

    Linux Administrator in (6I 9 (P$ $tili;ation and disk space utili;ation2 $ser; to *resent

    -oles and -esponsi$ilitiesJ(or&in# on !ncident L Chan#e ana#ement issues in )inu% ?Severity >, 2, ;Administration and confi#uration of 3+S, Sam$a servers"!nstallation and up #radation of OS &ernel and additional pac&a#es usin# -*, HU"9rou$le shootin# and Confi#uration of ardware, C*U Utili4ation and dis& space utili4ation, UserL5roup administration"

    Confi#urin# )E on )inu% system"Confi#uration of -A!D 0, >,

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    ana#in# L -esolvin# dis& space issues usin# )o#ical Eolume mana#ement"*rovide technical leadership for on/#oin# issues as an S. to various Steady state teams"*rovide process oriented #uidance to the Steady state teams"ave the servers Audit ready all the time and -espond to Audit re'uest"aintenance and mana#e of all the )inu% Servers"(or& with product Eendors to o$tain solution for on#oin# critical issues"

    Create 9echnical documentation and tech shares within ultiple 9eams"5ive 9rainin# to new oiners and to the team"ana#in# Eware infrastructure environment with .S7 servers, virtual achine"Analy4in# the .s% lo#s for .S7 servers and Eirtual Center lo#s to Dia#nose the root cause for thepro$lem"(or& in coordination with the ardware and Stora#e team to dia#nose the cause and assist inresolvin# the issue"E servers $uild L re$uild ?Deployin# the 3ew E from the template and clonin# an .%istin# E asper the client re'uest throu#h Chan#e mana#ement process!nstallin# and confi#urin# .S7 L .S7i servers"Creatin# and mana#in# resource pools and addin# the vms into resourcepools"Creatin# and mana#in# virtual machine and installin# E tools into Es"ana#e Es usin# Eware virtual center"

    Security hardenin# and onitorin# of Es, .S7 L .S7i servers ?C*U emory, Dis&, 3etwor&utili4ation for security Compliance*2E L E2E conversation $y usin# Eware converter"*erformin# Snapshots Clonin#, cold mi#ration and hot mi#ration"Creatin# templates for Es and deploy Es for template and allocate resource"Creatin# duplicate Es usin# clonin# technolo#y"ovin# Es from one )U3 to another )U3 usin# stora#e Emotion"ovin# physical machine to Eirtual machine usin# p2v converter"

    Linux System Administrator

    WIP+)/1an#alore, arnata&a3ovem$er 20>> to Octo$er 20>;

    -oles and -esponsi$ilitiesJ!nstallation and administration of -.) ="%6

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    BSc in (omputers

    S : $niversity20>0

    Additional In#ormation

    9.C3!CA) S!))SJ

    Operatin# SystemJ )inu% ?-.) ;"0, ="0,

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    ! am hi#hly motivated )inu% *rofessional with >K years of e%perience in )inu% administration, A Stron#performance $acround in wide variety of professional system support and solution/$ased !9 servicesfor )inu% Systems ?or administrations includin#, monitorin#, confi#uration, trou$leshootin# andmaintenance of operatin# system")inu% Server ?-ed at .nterprise )inu% 0R Confi#urin# Apache (e$ Server L )DA* Confi#uration"

    R Confi#urin# send mail *ostfi% and confi#urin# .mail client, confi#urin# DC* and +9* Server"R Confi#urin# 3+S share mountin# 3+S share client side and 3+S Server"R Confi#urin# Secure Apache (e$ Server"R Confi#urin# HU -epository Server and Sam$a ServerR Confi#urin# AC) Creatin# User Account and 5roup Account and 5roup Administration L 39* *rotocol"R andlin# Spar&, D3S server"R Creatin# )E *artitionsR Creatin# *artition and formattin# file system and permanent and temporary ountin#"R !nstallin# -ed at .nterprise )inu% < L @ ?5raphical mode, 9e%t mode, ic& start ethodR !nstallin# *ac&a#es Usin# HU and -*"R 9rou$leshootin# 1ootin# *ro$lems and 3etwor& Confi#uration"

    Work Experience

    Linux AdminIBM I'!IA P: L!/Chennai, 9amil 3adu20>< to *resent

    ey -esponsi$iltiesJR Server i#ration"R .%perience in pac&a#e mana#ement via -*, Hum and 9ar$all"R ands on .%perience with User and 5roup Administration"R (or&in# on load $alancer with apache L apache tomcat"R andle $ac&up and restoration mana#ement usin# rsync"

    System AdministratorSantriya echnolo"ies/Chennai, 9amil 3adu+e$ruary 20>= to April 20>2

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx



    at :ellayan (hettiar ,i"her Secondary School/Chennai, 9amil 3adu2008


    at :ellayan (hettiar ,i"her Secondary School/Chennai, 9amil 3adu200@


    linu%,apache,apache tomcat,mys'l,en&ins,svn,nfs,ftp,sam$a etc

    Additional In#ormation

    9echnical S&ill SetR Operatin# SystemJ CentOS, U$untu"R (e$ ServerJ ApacheR Application ServerJ Apache 9omcatR Apache odulesJ odFIR Data$ase ServerJ HSG), Apache Cassandra"

    R 1ac&up 9oolJ -snapshot, -sync, SC*"R onitorin# 9oolJ a$$i%"R +irewall 9oolsJ (atch5uard, !*9a$les"R Developer 9oolJ CSE3, 5!9, Ien&ins,R !nstallation *ac&a#eJ HU, -* and Source !nstallations"

    A% Bhaskar

    Linux system administrator 9 ,aritha echnolo"ies

    P avin# more than 2"2 years of e%perience as a )inu% administrator"P (or&in# for )> and )2 support activities"P 9rou$le shootin# server $ased pro$lems with root cause analysis"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    P !nstallation and confi#uration of )inu%"P Creatin#, administratin# and mana#ement users and #roups"P andlin# performance issues $y usin# various tools"P !mplementin# security issues $y usin# AC) and SUDO"P .%perience in resolvin# the issues on )o#ical Eolume ana#er"P .%cellent communication, Or#ani4ational and analytical s&ills"

    P (or&in# on hardware issues $y supportin# for various vendors"P (or&in# &nowled#e on shell scriptin#"P *roficient in confi#urin# +9*, 3+S and SA1A"P nowled#e on confi#urin# DC*, Apache and D3S"P nowled#e on different software raid levels -A!D0, -A!D>, -A!D< and -A!D>0"P *erformance monitorin# / iostat, vmstat L netstat"P !mplementin# and trou$leshootin# SS &ey $ased password less authentication"

    Work Experience

    Linux system administrator

    ,aritha echnolo"ies/

    ydera$ad, Andhra *radesh3ovem$er 20>; to *resent

    -oles and responsi$ilities

    P (or&in# as a System administration, maintenance and monitorin# various day/to/day operations"P onitorin# system performance of virtual memory, ana#in# swap space, utili4ation and C*Uutili4ation"P Scheduled various re#ular and periodic tas&s $y usin# cronta$"P !nstallin# and up #radation of *ac&a#es and patches accordin# to the re'uirement"P Confi#uration and trou$leshootin# SS and providin# user level and system level trustin#"P andlin# user account mana#ement $y creatin#, deletin#, mana#in# user accounts and passwords"P Chan#in# file permissions as per the client re'uest"

    P andlin# hardware related issues li&e fault detection and dis& replacement"P 1ac&up mana#ement usin# tar, 4ip and #4ip"P *ac&a#e mana#ement usin# yum and rpm"P +ile system mana#in# and trou$le shootin#"P onitorin# and analy4in# usin# lo# files"P Security implementation throu#h AC) and SUDO"P Security implementations as setuid, set#id, stic&y $it"P -esolvin# $ootin# pro$lems"P Chec&in# the data consistency of file system usin# fsc&"P !nstallin# and trou$le shootin# of SG) for )inu%"P 9a&en and maintained the SG) D1 $ac&up and restoration"



    B%I%E% colle"e a##iliated/a&inada, Andhra *radesh


    de"ree colle"e

    Additional In#ormation

    9echnical S&ills

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    P Operatin# SystemJ )inu% ?centos, windowsP Data$aseJ ys'lP onitorin# 9oolsJ 3a#ios

    Shanmu"asundaram S

    Linux System Administrator with & years experience

    Eirudhuna#ar, 9A!)3ADU, !3

    O$tain a )inu% administrative position where ! can ma%imi4e my technical e%perience in installation,confi#uration and maintenance of )inu% server $ased system and networ& applications"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Work Experience

    Linux System Administrator

    So#t=Solutions>$ Pvt Ltd/

    Chennai, 9amil 3aduDecem$er 20>; to *resent

    -esponsi$ilitiesJ!nstallation and confi#uration of centos, u$untu L windows 8"User and 5roup ana#ement"ySG) Server !nstallation and administration"nowled#e of version control softwares 5!9 and SE3"!nstallation and confi#uration of file sharin# servers li&e 3+S, SA1A and +9*"Confi#urin# and aintainin# servers such as S'uid *ro%y, 99*"ana#in# Software installations usin# HU, -*, A*9/5.9 installation"!nstallation of Apache we$ server and Confi#uration of Eirtual host"!mplementin# Sam$a Server !nteractions with (indows and )inu%"aintainin# postfi% mail server"Dis& space mana#ement usin# )E"Schedulin# Automatic Io$s throu#h cronta$"Confi#urin# L ana#in# *rinters"!nstallation and confi#uration of )A* S.-E.- in u$untu systems"Data$ase mana#ement throu#h **HAD!3"nowled#e to install Iava ID and Developer !D."9o install SE3 client tools in linu% machines"nowled#e to install E3C Eiewer and server in )inu% machines"andlin# upload and download process throu#h +9*"*rovidin# support to the employees $oth software and hardware wise"


    Laserwords Pvt Ltd

    /Chennai, 9amil 3aduIanuary 20>> to Au#ust 20>2


    (e type sets the o$ective type 'uestion as per client specification" 9he entire typesettin# circledepends on the data supplied $y the customer i"e" the data will $e "doc6"rtf6"pdf or in any format"


    Bachelor o# Science in (omputer Science

    +a*apalayam +a*us (olle"e/

    -aapalaiyam, 9amil 3adu200: to 20>0



    arch 20>2 to *resent


    arch 20>2 to *resent

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Additional In#ormation

    9echnical S&illsJ

    )inu%JP !nstallation of operatin# systems li&e -.), Centos and U$untu"P Confi#urin# networ& installation throu#h ic&start"

    P nowled#e of D3S, DC*, SA1A, 3+S, +9* and A!) Servers"P !nstallin# and maintainin# the softwares usin# HU server"P ySG) Server set/up and #eneral administration"P Used )E for dynamically e%tendin# and reducin# partition si4es as when the need arise"P !nstallation and Confi#uration of 99* and SGU!D Servers"P ana#in# User Accounts"P Assi#nin# permission usin# AC)"P Setup 5ru$ password protection"P Confi#urin# !*9A1).S and 9C* (-A**.-S"P Confi#urin# the crono$ schedule"P ountin# and unmountin# fie systems"P nowled#e of SS and 9.)3.9"P Confi#uration of SUDO users"

    (indowsJP !nstallation of Operatin# systems li&e (indows :, 8 L 8">P Antivirus installation and maintenanceP nowled#e of Softwares !nstallation"P Confi#uration of icrosoft Outloo&"P nowled#e of (amp server installation and teamviewer"

    +a*esh waran

    Linux /Windows System Administrator

    9iruppur, 9amil 3adu

    P .%perience in -edat, Open suse and U$undu )inu% Administration"P .%perience to ana#in# )inu% $o% in Eware wor&station and oracle virtual $o%"P .%perience to Complete *atchin# on -edat )inu%"P .%perience to (or&in# and ana#in# -.) :"P .%perience in ana#in# and 9rou$leshootin# )inu% Stora#es li&e )E"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    P .%perience in ana#e different type of services"P .%perience in onitorin# and trou$leshootin# alerts usin# 3a#ios onitorin# 9ools"P .%perience to Creatin# and Up#radin# Servers in Eware (or&station"P aintance of Stora#e ServerP aintance of 1ac& Up Server ?Eeritas, SymantecP aintance of Anti Eirus ?9rend, cafee, as$erey

    P aintance of ?-+ (ireless Connectivithy !ncludin# Swithes, -outers etc""P aintance of Data1ase Server ?S'l ServerP aintance of *unchin# System all .mployees throu#h the systemwise in data$ase"P aintance of CC9E CA.-A throu#h the networ&P aintence of +orti#ate +irewall ?+5/200DP !nstallin# L Confi#urin# Eoice 1O7 9hrou#h 3etwor&

    Work Experience

    Linux System Administrator

    s9p9apparels ltd/9iruppur, 9amil 3adu

    April 20>2 to Decem$er 20>2 to 20>=


    at 1S6 (olle"e o# Arts < Science

    Decem$er 200,%S%(

    'an*appa SchoolSeptem$er 2008


    St% Joseph ,i"her Secondary SchoolIuly 200@

    Save +esume

    5orward +esume

    @Email +a*esh waran

    :eri#y your phone num8erto contact -aesh waran

    !ownload +esume

    UpdatedJ 8 Decem$er 20> L

    Desi#nationJ )inu% AdministratorDurationJ 3ovem$er 20>2 to 9ill Date

    -oles and -esponsi$ilitiesJ

    P )inu% Administration and Support in a 2=7: .nvironmentP -esponse to incident tic&ets and resolves them with S)A"P !nstallin# and confi#urin# )inu% server

    P .%posure &nowled#e on mana#in# the User and 5roup Administration of creatin#, modifyin# anddeletin# users and #roupsP *erformance onitorin# throu#h commands, scripts and trou$leshootin# the serversP Confi#ure HU server on server side and client side to install, update, and erase rpm pac&a#es"P Io$ Schedulin# and Automatin# process usin# cronP Confi#urin# and performin# $ac&upL -estoration usin# ?rsync etc"P Confi#ure Sam$a server to share the data to windows clientsP onitor the )inu% servers and run scripts re#ularly for cpu utili4ation, memory utili4ation, dis& utili4ation,networ& traffic and hardware failures"P Guota, AC), +ile sharin# ?+9*, 3+S ana#ement

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    P Analy4in# )inu% Server alerts and 9rou$leshootin# its issuesP aintainin# re#ular $ac&/up application and system lo#sP aintainin# L 9rou$leshootin# Apache ServerP Confi#urin# +ile sharin# server for 3+S, SA1A and +9* ServersP 9a&in# responsi$ilities user issues via SSP 9rou$leshoot user remote lo#in pro$lems"

    P ana#in# the D3S ServerP Created and modified swap space for serversP ana#in# partitions with )E and -A!D levels ?-A!D0, -A!D>, and -A!D2 to 3ovem$er/ 20>;

    Desi#nationJ )inu% Support .n#ineer

    -oles and -esponsi$ilitiesJ

    P )inu% OS !nstallationP User L 5roup CreationP *erformance onitorin#P Software !nstallation L update usin# -*sP 1ac&up usin# $ac&up utilities li&e rsync, restore etc"P 9a&in# responsi$ilities user issues via SSP 3+S Confi#urationP 9rou$leshootin# ardware pro$lems in des&topP *rovided on call support L resolved the issues L closed the 9ic&ets $ased on the S)A"

    M% Arunprasad

    Linux Administrator with .% years experience

    Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    Operatin# Systems J -edat .nterprise )inu% @, Cent OS and (indows pac&a#e-D1S J ys'l ?SG), *)6SG)ar&up and scriptin# J 1ash scriptin#

    Applications J Apache tomcat, sphin%, redis, on#o

    Work Experience

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Linux Administator

    ECuiniti India P: L!/Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    -esponsi$ilities)inu% -.) servers monitorin#, 9rou$leshootin# the minor and maor issues in linu% servers, 3etwor&trou$leshootin#, Domains controller monitorin# li&e dcdia# and replication chec&s, )o# report and Scriptcompletion report #eneration, 1ash scriptin#, (indows patchin#, (indows Active directory mana#ement,

    Audit responsi$ility for the overall domains in the concern"

    Accomplishments9rou$leshootin# the networ& issue when the AC address of a server #one to dynamic instead of staticand the servers #one un/reacha$le and i found the issue and #one throu#h the hyper/v and fi%ed theissue $y chan#in# the settin#s of the server"

    S&ills UsedApache we$server, Apache/9omcat, Su$version/SE3, -S?9ic&etin# tool, C/Chan#e

    mana#ement?9ic&etin# tool, on#o D1, Sphin% -edis, ySG), (indows Active directory, 3a#ios, onit,SCO?onitorin# tool, SCS?9ic&etin# tool, SCC?*atchin#"

    Junior Linux administrator

    Matrimony%com private limited/Chennai, 9amil 3aduIune 20>2 to Ianuary 20>2


    Bishop ,e8er ,i"her Secondary School2008


    Apache we$server, Apache/9omcat, Su$version/SE3, -S?9ic&etin# tool, C/Chan#emana#ement?9ic&etin# tool, on#o D1, Sphin% -edis, ySG), (indows Active directory, 3a#ios, onit,SCO?onitorin# tool, SCS?9ic&etin# tool, SCC?*atchin# ?; years


  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx





    Au#ust 20>; to Au#ust 20>@

    -ed hat Certified .n#ineer Certification was provided, to improve my career s&ill on the linu% platform"

    Additional In#ormation

    9.C3!CA) S!))SJ

    P Operatin# SystemsJ -edat .nterprise )inu% @, Cent OS and (indows pac&a#eP -D1SJ ys'l ?SG), *)6SG)P ar&up and scriptin#J 1ash scriptin#P ApplicationsJ Apache/tomcat, sphin%, redis, on#o D1

    -.DA9 )!3U7 C.-9!+!CA9!O3J

    -edhat Certified .n#ineer / -C. ? -CSA and -C.

    -.DA9 .39.-*-!S. AD!3!S9-A9!O3 S!))SJ

    P !nstall and Confi#ure -edhat @"0"P User and #roup creation and deletion"P +ile permission and set file AC)"P !nstall and Confi#ure SS, E3C Server and Client"P Confi#ure )E, e%tend and reduce Eolumes"P !nstall and confi#ure +9* and sharin# files"P Confi#ure )DA* client L 3!S server and client"P !nstall and confi#ure 3etwor& +ile Sharin# 3+S"P Confi#urin# networ& installation throu#h ic&start and Confi#urin# Hum Server repository"P Selinu% and S9* postfi% mail install and confi#ure"P Apache (e$ server !nstall, (e$ hostin# and Eirtual host confi#ure, onitorin# networ&

    mapper ?nmapP Sam$a server confi#ure and sharin# for (indows environment"P !nstall and confi#ure D3S Server"P Confi#urin# !*9A1).S and 9C* (-A**.-S"P Confi#urin# the crono$ schedulin#"P Data $ac&up and recovery"

    O9.- S!))SJ

    P 5ood team player, +ast )earner and a ard (or&er"P Or#ani4ed, resourceful and well structured at wor&"P Self confident, relia$le to any situation in the place of wor&"
  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    +% Issac

    Linux Admin 9 IBM I'!IA P: L!

    Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    ! am hi#hly motivated )inu% *rofessional with >K years of e%perience in )inu% administration, A Stron#performance $acround in wide variety of professional system support and solution/$ased !9 servicesfor )inu% Systems ?or administrations includin#, monitorin#, confi#uration, trou$leshootin# andmaintenance of operatin# system")inu% Server ?-ed at .nterprise )inu% 0 R Confi#urin# Apache (e$ Server L )DA* Confi#urationR Confi#urin# send mail *ostfi% and confi#urin# .mail client, confi#urin# DC* and +9* Server"R Confi#urin# 3+S share mountin# 3+S share client side and 3+S Server"R Confi#urin# Secure Apache (e$ Server"

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    R Confi#urin# HU -epository Server and Sam$a ServerR Confi#urin# AC) Creatin# User Account and 5roup Account and 5roup Administration L 39* *rotocol"R andlin# Spar&, Secure SS Server"R Creatin# )E *artitions L D3S ServerR Creatin# *artition and formattin# file system and permanent and temporary ountin#"R !nstallin# -ed at .nterprise )inu% < L @ ?5raphical mode, 9e%t mode, ic& start ethod"

    R !nstallin# *ac&a#es Usin# HU and -*"R 9rou$leshootin# 1ootin# *ro$lems and 3etwor& Confi#uration"

    Work Experience

    Linux Admin

    IBM I'!IA P: L!/1an#alore, arnata&aay 20>< to *resent

    ey -esponsi$iltiesJR Server i#ration"

    R .%perience in pac&a#e mana#ement via -*, Hum and 9ar$all"R ands on .%perience with User and 5roup Administration"R (or&in# on load $alancer with apache L apache tomcat"R andle $ac&up and restoration mana#ement usin# rsync"

    System Administrator

    Santriya echnolo"ies/Chennai, 9amil 3adu+e$ruary 20>= to April 20>2


    at :ellayan (hettiar ,i"her Secondary School/Chennai, 9amil 3adu2008


    at :ellayan (hettiar ,i"her Secondary School/Chennai, 9amil 3adu200@

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    Additional In#ormation

    9echnical S&ill SetR Operatin# SystemJ CentOS, U$untu"R (e$ ServerJ ApacheR Application ServerJ Apache 9omcatR Apache odulesJ odFI

    R Data$ase ServerJ HSG), Apache Cassandra"R 1ac&up 9oolJ -snapshot, -sync, SC*"R onitorin# 9oolJ a$$i%"R +irewall 9oolsJ (atch5uard, !*9a$les"R Developer 9oolJ CSE3, 5!9, Ien&ins, -edine"R !nstallation *ac&a#eJ HU, -* and Source !nstallations"

    Bharath 1

    $'I?/Linux Administrator 9 In#osys Limited Ban"alore

    Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    P Around < years of e%perience as U3!7 Administrator in SU3/SO)A-!S ?>0, , 8, -edat )!3U7,Eware, (indowsP Stron# e%perience in System Administration, !nstallation, Up#radin#, *atches, i#ration, Confi#uration,9rou$leshootin#, Security, 1ac&up, Disaster -ecovery, *erformance onitorin# and +ine/tunin# on U3!7?SU3 Solaris, -ed at )inu% SystemsP .%perience in one Creation on Solaris >0" Confi#ured and !nstalled Solaris 4ones ?containers usin#utilities onecf#, oneadm etc and also wor&ed on the creatin# $randed 4ones ?creatin# solaris 86 on asolaris >0 serverP !nvolved in complete Administration tas&s on U3!7 ?SU3 Solaris, -ed at )inu% and documentation forthe proects e%ecutedP .%perienced in Eolume mana#ement, Dis& ana#ement usin# )E, *erformance monitorin# and

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    capacity plannin#, 1ac&up usin# Symantec 3et1ac&upP (or&ed on #roup6user administration, startup and shutdown scripts, cronta$s, file system maintenanceand $ac&up scriptin# and automationP .%perience in *erformance monitorin#, usa#e and load of the system, chan#in# &ernel parameters for$etter performance, creatin# new Slices with format and creatin# hu#e Slices with Daisy ChainsP A$ility to communicate effectively with all levels of mana#ement, and the client community

    P *rovided production support in an on/call rotation in a 2=%: environmentWork Experience

    $'I?/Linux Administrator

    In#osys Limited Ban"alore/1an#alore, arnata&aIanuary 20>> to *resent

    -esponsi$ilitiesJP Deployment and maintenance of )inu% system ri#ht from the scratchP User administration in )!3U7, */U7 and Solaris

    P onitorin# and tunin# of servers to ma&e sure of the optimum level of the performanceP Io$ schedulin# $y usin# Cron L at commandP Confi#urin# 3+S, +9*, Send mail ?Client, 39*, D3S and DC*P Dis& ana#ement in )!3U7P !nstallation and Confi#uration of )inu% throu#h .S7 Eware levelP !nstallation of )inu% systems usin# 3+S and &ic&start methodsP nowled#e of Epar, */service 5uard and */EP -esolvin# performance issues on serversP *erformin# software up#rade, patchin#, patch fi% in )inu% ?-* usin# -edhat satellite serverP 5ood &nowled#e of )EP ana#in# +ile System, Swap SpaceP +ile system mana#ement in )inu%P *erformance monitorin# of Servers $y usin# different commands

    P 1ac&up and restoration usin# tar, dump, restore, 3et$ac&upP Security ardenin# of serversP Usin# Symantec 3et$ac&up tool for servers $ac&upP Addition, deletion of new clientP !nstallation of net$ac&up client on */U7 and )inu% serverP Creation of new policyP 9rou$leshootin# of $ac&up failure issueP !nstallation of O( client on */U7 and )inu% serversP Confi#uration of O( on */U7 and )inu% serversP Deployment of new policyP Scriptin# &nowled#e on ShellP *rocess ana#ementP (or&ed on S9A-9 tic&etin# system


    B%E in E%(%E

    Anna $niversity/Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    amil 'adu State Board


    )racle Solaris D

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    20>; to *resent

    IIL :. 5oundation

    20>; to *resent

    Additional In#ormation

    9.C3!CA) S!))S

    P Operatin# SystemJ )!3U7, Solaris L $asics of * U7P 3etwor& and securityJ 3+S, +9*, sendmail, 39*"P 3et$ac&up administration, *olicy creation and mana#ement, Client mana#ement, -estoration andup#radation"P 3etapp +iler ana#ement ?3AS, A##re#ate, Eolume, Gtree creations, 'uota creations, C!+S sharin#,3+S Sharin# and user administration"P nowled#e of !9!) process"P -edhat Satellite Server administration and maintenanceP avin# $asic &nowled#e of SA3 +undamentals"P Eware

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    /Chennai, 9amil 3aduay 20>= to Ianuary 20>= to Ian 20>< onths

    eam Leader 9 echnicalSatvat In#osol Pvt Ltd/Chennai, 9amil 3aduDecem$er 20>0 to ay 20>=

    System Administrator

    (oalesce technolo"ies 3P4 L!/Chennai, 9amil 3aduIune 20>0 to Decem$er 20>0

    Linux /AWS Server Administrator

    (oalesce echnolo"ies Private Limited/Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    Au#ust 2000 to Iune 20>0

    9a#ore .n#ineerin# Colle#e, Chennai System Administrator Au# 2000 to Iun 20>0 >0 Hears

    Or#ani4ation 5uru info Solutions *rivate )imited, Chennai"-ole )inu% 6A(S Server Administrator*roect (e$ Application

    9echnolo#ies-ed hat .nterprise )inu% @ %8@F@= Server,CentOS @"< %8@F@= Server

    Ama4onJ .C2, S;, -DS, !A, S3S, E*C!9 !nfrastructure 9oolJ Chef/server, nife(e$ ServerJ Apache 2"2"05, S'l Server 2000# .nterprise Server installation L confi#uration in -ed hat

    ="0= %8=F@= Server

    *rivate Cloud SystemJ OpenStac&

    Data$aseJ ySG)

    +ile Sharin#J 3+S

    essa#eGJ -a$$it G

    -ole *roect associateAimJ 9o !mplement a .nterprise level *rivate cloud usin# OpenStac&, with multiple compute nodes and toperform )ive i#ration of Es $etween compute nodes"

    A *rivate Cloud is not to e%pose to the world a cloud interface to sell capacity over the !nternet, $ut toprovide local users with a fle%i$le and a#ile private infrastructure to run virtuali4ed service wor&loadswithin the administrative domain"

    OpenStac& is an open/source cloud computin# software platform" Users primarily deploy it as aninfrastructure as a service ?!aaS solution" 9he technolo#y consists of a series of interrelated proects thatcontrol pools of processin#, stora#e, and networ&in# resources throu#hout a data center / which usersmana#e throu#h a we$/$ased dash$oard, command/line tools, or a -estful A*!"

    OpenStac& has a modular architecture with various code names for its components"

    P OpenStac& Compute ?3ova is a cloud computin# fa$ric controller

    P OpenStac& O$ect Stora#e ?Swift is a scala$le redundant stora#e system

    P OpenStac& 1loc& Stora#e ?Cinder provides persistent $loc&/level stora#e devices for use withOpenStac& compute instances

    P OpenStac& 3etwor&in# ?3eutron, formerly GuantumV2W is a system for mana#in# networ&s and !*addresses

    P OpenStac& Dash$oard ?ori4on provides administrators and users a #raphical interface to access,provision, and automate cloud/$ased resources

    P OpenStac& !dentity ?eystone provides a central directory of users mapped to the OpenStac& servicesthey can access

    P OpenStac& !ma#e Service ?5lance provides discovery, re#istration, and delivery services for dis& andserver ima#es

    +ollowin# main tas&s were involved and completed successfully"

    P !mplemented an Openstac& Cloud controller 3ode with all shared services and mandatory services li&eori4on, 5lance, 3ova and Cinder"

    P Confi#ured the Controller 3ode to perform !nfrastructure as a Service

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    P !mplemented an Openstac& Compute 3ode with Cinder"

    P Confi#ured the compute 3ode to Communicate with Controller 3ode for shared services and 5lance

    P Confi#ured $oth Controller 3ode and Compute 3ode to perform )ive i#ration of Es

    +a*a 1

    9iruchchirappalli, 9amil 3adu

    P ave effectively handled numerous proects on 3etwor&in# and System administration"P ana#ement in (indows .nvironment and )inu%"P icrosoft .%chan#e server 200; !nstallin#, Confi#urin#, ana#in# and trou$le/shootin#"

    Active Directory Confi#uration and Administration"P .%cellent interpersonal s&ills, a$ility to wor& well with others"

    *-OE!S!O3A) *-OI.C9

    -+!D 1AS.D 9O)) 1OO9 CO)).C9!O3

    1rief OverviewJ

    -+!D ta# fi%ed in the vehicle, rfid reader fi%ed in the toll $ooth #ate section, the vehicle enter the #ate

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    section, after rfid reader collect the vehicle information are user name, pay amount, date, time, identifynew or old vehicle from rfid ta#, transmitter and receiver $y usin# rf modem

    9.C3!CA) *-.E!.(

    Or#ani4ation -ole *eriod

    (!*-O !3+O9.C, C.33A! )inu% Admin April 20>> to Oct 20>=

    SUA-H O+ H .7*.-!.3C.

    Or#ani4ationJ (!*-O !3+O9.C *E9 )9D*roectJ COO3 A**)!CA9!O3 SO+9(A-. +O- 1A3SClientJ -e#istrar of Co/Op Societies, Chennai"*eriodJ April 20>> to Oct 20>=Operatin# systemJ -edhat )inu% .)/0 L >>

    Work Experience

    LI'$? A!MI'

    WIP+) I'5)E(, P: L!

    /Chennai, 9amil 3adu

    April 20>> to Octo$er 20>=

    ;"@ years9eam stren#thJ > em$ers-oleJ )inu% Admin-oles And -esponsi$ilities!nstall and confi#ure -.) and SUS. operatin# system!nstallation of )inu% operatin# system usin# &ic& start!nstallation of software, up#radin# and maintenance of )inu% Operatin# systemAdministerin# L Confi#urin# Apache, D3S, 3+S, +9* and SA1A

    )E administration that include Addin# L removin# ?*Es to or from ?E5s and mirrorin# of E5s"User and 5roup administrationConfi#urin# (e$ Sever and 3is serverana#in# file systems ?Creatin# file systems, e%tendin# file systems3+S Administration, e%portin# file systems, mountin# e%ported fileY systems, wor&in# 3+S daemonsand fi%in# any mountin# issues"!nstallation and confi#uration of S'uid, *ro%y and Sam$a server"9rou$leshootin# the -e#ular ardware and 3etwor& *ro$lems"1ootin# systems into different run levels for trou$leshootin# and system maintenance"ana#in# +ile Systems li&e creatin# a partition mountin# and +ile system chec&, repair a file systemConfi#urin# pop; and sendmailSettin# up 9cp wrappers and ipta$les!nstallin# pac&a#es throu#h -edat pac&a#e mana#er

    -.DA9 .39.-*-!S. )!3U7 V-C.W

    )inu% essentials 1asic commandsServer installationVcdrom, hard dis&, nfs ima#e, ftp, httpW, &ic&start installationSystem initiali4ation, pac&a#e mana#ement, &ernel services, system services, cups, cronta$User administration, sudo, suid, s#id, stic&y $it, selinu%+ile system mana#ement, advanced file system mana#ement, V-aid 0, -aid >, -aid

  • 7/25/2019 new_experiance resume format.docx


    A!) serverVsendmail, pop;, certification, aliasW+9* server, SA1A server, 3!S server(.1 server, E!-9UA) (.1 server, (.1 pro%y


    B%E in Electronics and (omm

    Anna $niversity/9iruchchirappalli, 9amil 3adu

    April 200


    6overnment Boys ,er%Sec%Schoolarch 200

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