news from 3.pdf · 2010. 6. 13. · 1 studying the ... universal dharma door...

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1 竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音 第 三 期第 三 期第 三 期第 三 期 22 22 00 00 00 00 44 44 年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版

Studying the principles of the Dharma helps us to gradually come to the realization

that if we nourish only our physical being, we are fattening up only one aspect of our

lives, while the other aspect—the mind—remains malnourished. The end result is that

the body is the picture of health, while the mind is foggy, melancholic, and thin.

In summary, the study of the principles of the Dharma helps us to know that we

should practice the Dharma for the good of our Dharma-body, otherwise one-half of

our being will be dead. Once we know these principles well enough, we nourish the

mind with knowledge, and this becomes a foundation for spiritual practice; these

principles constitute proper views, the light of the dawn in the initial stage of our prac-


法 語 篇A Section on Dharma Talk 研 究 教 法 使 我 們 逐 漸 了 解 到 , 如 果 只 有 滋 養 肉 身 , 不 過 是 填 飽 生 命 的 一 半 , 而 另 一 半 的 心 靈 仍 是 營 養 不 良 。這 樣 的 結 果 造 成 虛 有 其 表 的 健 康 , 而 心 靈 仍 是 困 惑 , 憂 慮 且 貧 乏 的 。總 而 言 之 , 研 究 教 法 使 我 們 明 白 , 為 了 利 益 法 身 , 我 們 應 該 實 踐 教 法 , 否 則 我 們 另 一 半 的 生 命 就 會 死 去 。一 旦 我 們 熟 知 這 些 教 理 , 便 能 應 用 這 些 正 見 來 滋 養 心 靈 , 而 這 便 成 了 我 們 修 行 的 基 礎 , 這 些 教 法 構 成 了 正 知見 , 也 是 我 們 修 道 初 期 的 曙 光 。

20 Avenida Dr., Berkeley, CA 94708-2123 Tel/Fax: (510) 883 1081

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News from Zhulin Spring Issue, 2004 Volume III

智慧小雨 An Aphorism

on Wisdom

2 BGVI News Spring Issue, 2004 Volume III

2 0 0 3 年 每 週 一 次 的 基 本 佛 學 課 程 後 , 個人 對 於 佛 法 修 行 上 , 要 生 生 世 世 不 斷 的下 功 夫 , 必 會 在 人 間 成 佛 , 確 然 相 信 是 可 能 的 ,並 且 是 每 一 個 人 都 能 夠 辦 到 的 。 重 要 的 資 糧 是信 、 解 並 行 , 更 要 落 實 於 「 法 」 體 驗 和 實 踐 。若 對 佛 法 有 信 心 , 不 盲 目 相 信 , 而 能 經 過 深 切思 惟 , 達 到 真 正 了 解 , 然 後 逐 一 實 踐 於 生 活 上 ,那 麼 成 佛 是 必 然 可 以 完 成 的 人 生 目 標 。佛 門 廣 大 無 邊 , 是 否 要 理 解 所 有 佛 法 , 才 付 諸行 動 呢 ? 我 想 這 並 不 一 定 , 因 為 佛 法 的 要 旨 離不 開 「 緣 起 」 與 「 無 我 」 的 正 見 。 佛 陀 以 各 種方 法 把 他 所 證 悟 的 真 理 教 導 弟 子 , 有 說 地 獄 之苦 , 有 說 天 堂 之 樂 , 有 說 人 間 的 苦 , 也 有 說 人間 的 樂 。 六 道 輪 迴 無 非 是 「 無 明 」 、 「 自 我 愛 」或 「 我 執 」 而 造 成 的 。於 人 間 成 佛 後 , 為 什 麼 要 留 於 娑 婆 世 界 呢 ?另 外 淨 土 法 門 倡 導 , 臨 命 終 時 仗 著 平 日 修 行或 最 後 一 念 往 生 時 , 亦 是 於 淨 土 繼 續 修 行 ,直 至 成 佛 , 然 後 再 回 娑 婆 世 界 , 救 度 眾 生 。因 為 成 佛 之 後 , 好 比 一 位 已 訓 練 有 成 的 醫生 , 他 有 很 好 的 救 人 技 巧 , 但 如 果 他 不 去 行醫 救 人 , 那 他 就 不 配 稱 為 醫 生 了 。 所 以 佛 陀雖 然 入 滅 , 不 再 住 世 了 , 但 如 果 我 們 能 成 就佛 所 教 導 的 , 見 諸 相 非 相 時 , 如 來 就 在 我 們身 邊 。

此 外 , 為 度 化 眾 生 , 佛 菩 薩 必定 是 奔 走 於 六 道 。 他 們 雖 不 離六 道 , 但 能 自 主 , 不 像 執 迷 的眾 生 於 輪 迴 六 道 , 未 知 了 期 。聖 者 的 縱 橫 六 道 , 原 因 何在 ? 地 藏 菩 薩 發 宏 願— 『 地 獄不 空 , 誓 不 成 佛 』 , 普 門 品 中觀 音 菩 薩 能 以 各 種 身 相 , 度 化 有 緣 眾 生 。 在 六道 縱 橫 不 是 很 苦 嗎 ? 其 實 佛 陀 在 人 間 成 佛 ,他 所 示 現 的 一 切 , 與 普 通 人 並 沒 兩 樣 , 他 亦面 對 一 般 人 所 面 對 的 生 、 老 、 病 、 死 , 家 族 滅亡 , 遭 人 誹 謗 、 暗 算 之 苦 。 身 體 之 苦 必 是 有的 , 但 心 卻 不 苦 , 因 他 徹 悟 「 緣 起 」 、 「 無 我 」的 道 理 。 諸 佛 菩 薩 亦 如 是 。個 人 對 佛 法 的 認 識 很 膚 淺 , 但 信 心 是 堅 定 的 ,因 為 從 有 限 的 思 惟 與 理 解 中 , 明 白 這 是 千 真萬 確 的 真 理 。 要 實 踐 佛 法 當 然 不 是 容 易 的 ,但 佛 法 可 貴 的 地 方 是 它 不 離 開 生 活 , 因 此 分分 秒 秒 都 可 以 實 踐 佛 法 , 不 須 等 週 末 、 假 日 ,才 可 以 學 習 或 實 踐 , 若 能 時 刻 回 頭 檢 討 自 己所 言 、 所 行 及 所 思 , 總 有 一 天 會 成 佛 的 。 縱然 這 是 夢 話 , 於 醒 時 說 出 , 並 在 生 活 上 努 力實 踐 佛 法 , 夢 便 不 再 是 夢 了 。 如 果 大 家 認 同這 個 想 法 , 這 便 是 我 們 的 共 同 理 想 了 。 願 大 家一 齊 努 力 !


居 士 專 欄接引有緣

王 親 芳

緣 起 性 空

3 竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音 第 三 期第 三 期第 三 期第 三 期 22 22 00 00 00 00 44 44 年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版

AAAA fter attending the Sunday Buddhist Class on Basic

Buddhism held in 2003, I am convinced that it is possi-

ble to attain Buddhahood through ceaseless cultivation

in accordance with the Buddhadharma, and this is what

everybody can accomplish. The most important provi-

sion is faith and understanding, as well as putting the

Buddhadharma into practice in our daily lives. If we

have faith in the Buddhadharma, not a blind belief, but a

belief based on serious investigation and true under-

standing, and then practicing it in our daily lives. Hence

Buddhahood is an attainable goal for all.

Buddhist Dharma doors are boundless, do we have to

understand them all before we put them into practice? I

think probably not because all Buddhadharma’s core

teaching does not depart from the principles of

“Dependent Origination” and “Selflessness”. The Bud-

dha used different means to teach his disciples the truth

that he had attained: at times he spoke about the suffer-

ing of beings in the hell, or happiness of beings in the

heaven, or suffering of beings in the world, or happiness

of beings in the world. His teaching reveals that the

continuous rebirths of all beings in the six paths is the

result of “ignorance”, “self-love” or “self-attachment”.

After attaining Buddhahood, why should the Buddha

stay in the world? Also under the Pure Land Dharma

door’s teaching, when a person is reborn in the Western

Pure Land as a result of his regular cultivation or his last

moment of mindfulness of the Amitabha Buddha, the

person still has to continue with his cultivation until he

attains Buddhahood there, and then he will return to the

Saha World. The purpose of staying or returning to the

Saha World is to save other living beings. Because after

attaining Buddhahood, one can be considered as being

equivalent to a trained doctor who has excellent skills in

saving people’s lives; however if he does not want to

save others, then he can no longer be considered a doc-

tor. Even though after the Buddha entered nirvana, and

left the world, if we can accomplish what the Buddha

has taught, and we are able to see all things with a mind

of equality, then the Tathagata is around us.

In order to save all living beings, all Buddhas and Bo-

dhisattvas must continue to go between the six paths.

Even though they don't leave the six paths, they have

self-control over their destinies. In contrast, all ordinary

beings ceaselessly continue to be reborn in the six paths

without knowing when it will end. Why do the sages

continue to go between the six paths? The Earthstore

Bodhisattva had made the great vow that if the hell was

not empty, he would not attain Buddhahood. In the

Universal Dharma Door Chapter we know that Guan

Yin Bodhisattva would transform into different forms of

beings to save all kinds of beings with Buddhist affinity.

Would it not be great suffering to the Buddhas and Bo-

dhisattvas to move around the six paths? Actually when

the Buddha attained Buddhahood in the world, he lived

his life in such a way that was no different from ordi-

nary beings’; he also faced with sufferings from birth,

old age, sickness, death, cleansing of his clan, slander

and plots of attack. Even though the Buddha had to face

with physical sufferings, he did not endure suffering in

his mind because he completely realized the principles

of "Dependent Origination" and "Selflessness". So do

other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Personally I have a shallow understanding of the

Buddhadharma, but my belief is strong because based

on my limited level of investigation and understanding,

I reckon that the Buddhadharma is the ultimate truth.

Certainly it is not easy to practice the Buddhadharma,

but the good part of it is that it does not depart from our

daily life, so we can practice the Buddhadharma in

every moment and do not need to wait till the weekends

to learn and practice it. If we can always reflect on our

speech, conduct and thought, we may ultimately attain

Buddhahood provided we keep on with our cultivation.

Even though the foregoing sounds like a dream, how-

ever speaking about it while I am awake, and if I can

keep on practicing the Buddhadharma in my life, then

such a dream is no longer a dream. If you too agree to

this, then it becomes our common goal, and I wish that

we will all work hard on it!

Not Deserting Living Beings &

Crossing Over Those with Buddhist Affinity

Laity Column Anne Wang

4 BGVI News Spring Issue, 2004 Volume III






有: 「 見 其 生 不 忍 見 其 死 , 聞 其 聲 不 忍 食 其肉 」,是從惻隱心中流出。大乘法制斷肉食,徹






信 ─ ─ ─ 莊 嚴 淨 土 ;智 ─ ─ ─ 清 靜 身 心 ;悲 ─ ─ ─ 成 熟 有 情 ;











Buddhism advocates the Four Immeasurable Minds – lov-

ing kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanim-ity. One should try to extend these minds to immeasurable and boundless sentient beings. Those who have just aroused the Bodhi mind may begin to practice with a smaller and more immediate scope. One should always remember the sufferings of sentient beings in order to

stimulate one’s compassion. As Confucius says:“When we

see something alive, we would not want to see it being killed, and if we hear the cries of an animal, we would not

want to eat its meat.”This is the natural sympathy that most

people have. The teachings of the Mahayana ask us to refrain from eating meat with the aim of cultivating the mind of loving kindness and compassion among all sentient beings. In this way, practitioners cultivate their sense of sympathy for all sentient beings and extend this feeling to a wider scope, and so, participate in more activities that help to bring benefit to others. In Short, if one places emphasis on arousing one’s faith, developing the right wisdom, and cultivating one’s loving kindness and compassion, then one would gradually equip oneself with the conditions to practice the Mahayana path. One would eventually be able to transform oneself from an ordinary person to a noble one. Faith – to cherish the Pure Lands Wisdom – to purify the mind and body Compassion – to help and guide sentient beings in the learning of the Dharma. The above Three Themes – Faith, wisdom and compassion, if practiced well, are the essence of Bodhisattva calling.

a. Faith – To cherish the Pure Lands Faith (and determination) allows one to cherish the Pure Lands. This may be understood as being reborn in a Pure Land, in another world or as cherishing or creat-ing a Pure Land. For example, the Bhikshu Fa Zang sin-cerely believed in the virtues of the Buddha’s body and the Buddha Land, he vowed to accumulate his merito-rious virtues and to create a Pure Land.

b. Wisdom – To purify the mind and body Wisdom helps to purify one’s body and mind. When one realizes the Truth, one ends all defilements. When great wisdom is attained, one will naturally be pure in one’s bodily actions, speech and mind. All actions and thoughts will be in accordance with the teachings of the Buddha. c. Compassion – To help and guide sentient beings in

the learning of the Dharma.

With compassion, one will try to help other sentient beings

to be successful in practicing the Buddhist path. One will

devote oneself to benevolent activities. The Bodhisattvas

offer their help and guidance skillfully. They may provide

material assistance such as giving the necessities to those

in need, or to maintaining good government and regula-

tions so that everyone is able to live in abundance and

lead a free and happy life.

Four Immeasurable Minds

5 竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音 第 三 期第 三 期第 三 期第 三 期 22 22 00 00 00 00 44 44 年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版










地面的部份就是輪子, 這圓形的車輪子在地














是愈慢的。乃至最中間的中心點, 它是不動





















續 下 期

常 睿 法 師 講 解 2 月 2 3 日 2 0 0 4 年

人佛餓 鬼 畜生天

地 獄轉 法 輪

6 BGVI News Spring Issue, 2004 Volume III

In Buddhism, we generally speak of the

six paths of the cycle of rebirth; how-

ever, there are only five of them in this diagram. In the

center is the realm of the humans. On the left (east)

and on the right (west) are the realms of the hungry

ghosts and animals respectively. Above (north) is

heaven and below (south) is hell. The path of Asuras

has not been displayed in this picture specifically, be-

cause it exists in all the paths. Therefore, there are five

paths or five destinies in all. This is an illustration of a

nonstop cycle of birth and death. It resembles a wheel.

Let us talk about this wheel now. Most of us came here

today by driving a car. The part of a car that is the

closest to the ground is the wheel. The rolling and

turning of the round wheel continuously on the ground

is just like us rolling and turning in the five destinies or

the six paths, unable to get out.

We often feel muddle-headed swinging around

in our ordinary daily life, such as going to school and

off from school, going to work and off from work. We

have to do what is required. We turn around and

around following the need of food, clothing, shelter

and transportation day after day and year after year,

without stopping. We are not just moving around dur-

ing this lifetime. Actually this cycle happened long

time ago. We were moving around like this from

countless kalpas. We are constantly confused, not

knowing what is birth or what is death. We have no

control of it. That is like this wheel.

Now let us observe this diagram. Take a look

at the outer circle of the wheel. The outer it is, the

faster it turns. The closer it is to the center, the slower

it is in the speed of rotation. Thus, at the central spot,

there is no movement at all. Who is located in the

central spot? The path of humans is located in the

center and the Buddha, who is exactly at the central

point of the human path, will not be affected and con-

fused by the turning wheel of rebirth. He understands

the reality of all phenomena in the worlds. He has no

doubts, no afflictions and is not moved by external

The The The The BasicBasicBasicBasicssss of of of of BuddhismBuddhismBuddhismBuddhism states. It does not mean that the Buddha who is not

moving just sits there without doing anything. As a

matter of fact, he has been doing more after he attained

enlightenment; because he does not want to see living

beings suffer.

If the Buddha is busier since he became a

Buddha, what has he done then? He has been helping

living beings. What methods did the Buddha use to

rescue living beings? The Buddhas save living beings

by lecturing Dharma. Living beings turn with the

wheel while the Buddha acts without turning. He

moves around for the sake of saving us, not for the

reason of losing direction. Buddhas adapt to the dif-

ferent backgrounds and foundations of living beings

and to various cause and effect. He has been turning

the wheel of Dharma in lieu of following the turn of

the wheel of birth and death. This is called turning the

Dharma wheel. Turning the Dharma wheel is not

merely a Buddha’s duty; it is a task that every Bud-

dhist should learn. If one really wants to end this wheel

of birth and death, one then must learn to turn the

Dharma wheel. The word ‘wheel’ fulfills two defini-

tions, or two functions.

Reverend Chang Ray

To be continuedTo be continuedTo be continuedTo be continued....

On February 23, 2004

Human Animal Ghost



人 畜 鬼

7 竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音竹 林 法 音 第 三 期第 三 期第 三 期第 三 期 22 22 00 00 00 00 44 44 年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版年 、 春 季 版

潛 修 期 間 , 對 外 開 放 限 於 每 月 兩 次 :第 二 星 期 禪 修 班 ; 第 四 星 期 學 佛 班 。~ 逢 佛 菩 薩 聖 誕 有 特 別 慶 祝 ~On latent period, confine to twice a month open to public :

2nd Sunday—Chan Meditation Class;

4th Sunday—Buddhist Study Class.

~ There will be a Special Celebration, during the

Buddha’s, Bodhisattva’s Birthday ~

Schedule of Activities

將於5月22日2004年( 星 期 六 ) 慶 祝 釋 迦 牟 尼 佛 誕


電話 Tel# (510) 883-1801


敬 邀 您 到 我 們 的 網 站 瀏 覽 , 內 容 含 括 中 、 英 文 :★ 經 論 選 介★ 法 義 探 討★ 學 佛 問 答★ 尚 有 部 份 正 在 建 構 中歡 迎 您 的 指 導 與 聯 繫

8 BGVI News Spring Issue, 2004 Volume III

每 星 期 日 下 午 阿 含 經 研 究 課潛 修 期 間 , 對 外 開 放 之 法 會如 上 表 所 示 - -Sutra discussion class on weekends (Agama Sutra)

On latent period, please refer to above schedule for

Ceremonies which open to public.

Schedule of Activities


Bamboo Grove Vihara — 2004 Calendar of Buddhist Events

Date 日 期 Lunar Date 農 曆 Buddhist Events 法 會 活 動

3/09/2004 2 月 19 日 觀 音 菩 薩 聖 誕 (actual day)

Guan Yin Boddhisattva’s Birthday

5/26/2004 4 月 08 日 釋 迦 牟 尼 佛 聖 誕 (actual day)

Shakyamuni Buddha’s Birthday

8/04/2004 6 月 19 日 觀 音 菩 薩 成 道 日 (actual day)

Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day

8/30/2004 7 月 15 日 盂 蘭 盆 節 (actual day)


11/01/2004 9 月 19 日 觀 音 菩 薩 出 家 日 (actual day)

Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Leaving Home Day

11/20 ~ 11/27/2004 感 恩 節 梁 皇 寶 懺 法 會

Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony

1/17/2005 12 月 08 日 釋 迦 牟 尼 佛 成 道 日 (actual day)

Shakyamuni Buddha’s Enlightenment Day

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