news letter for july

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Our visit to IHOP


To Our Wonderful Friends,

We thank you all for standing with us in a difficult

time. We will be in the states till the end of September to

not only establish a relationship of accountability with a

ministry here, but to register our ministry in the US under

the name Kingdom Expansion Ministries

International. We are thankful for each of you. Knowing

you are with us in spirit and ready to receive us when we

return is a huge comfort.

Paul told the Philippians that he had learned to be

content when he had everything he needed or when he

suffered lack of the basic necessities. He knew that in

either situation God was with him and had given him the

grace to be at peace knowing that God was

enough. Surely the Philippians remembered how God

had shaken their local jail when Paul and Silas

were locked in shackles at midnight years earlier. God

set them free because they sang songs of praise to God,

though they had been beaten and thrown in the prison.

We had expected to enjoy the Finnish summer with you

all. The warm and pleasantly dry air of Finnish summers

is a joy to us after the 14 years of hot humid Florida

summers where day after day walking outside feels like a

sauna. Though it is hot here, God is good. The hottest

days occurred while we were away. We helped our

daughter and her family move from Florida to Missouri;

near Kansas City. They moved there to be a part of

International House of Prayer (IHOP). We spent three

weeks with them, getting them settled. While there we

met several leaders of IHOP and were blessed to sit in on

Healing Room ministry sessions and training sessions.

IHOP partners with ministries in many parts of the

world. We learned that they are partnering with YWAM to

incorporate a 24/7 prayer initiative with YWAM's new

camp north of Oslo, Norway. IHOP's 24/7 prayer has

been used by God in local, national and international are-

nas. They have begun an effective ministry to help

pregnant women choose life instead of abortion by

connecting them with eager adoptive couples. They are

also taking the lead in helping children, teens and adults

escape the human trafficking market. They call these

efforts, works of justice. And they surely are.

God has shown me He wants 24/7 prayer in

Scandinavia and Healing Rooms as well. I

believe we are to partner with these ministries

in Finland, Norway and all of Europe, as He

leads us. God gave my son a dream before we

went to IHOP, in which we were buying an old

hotel somewhere in Scandinavia. When I

walked into IHOP's prayer room and saw the

Healing Rooms along the walls, I remembered

my son's dream. Needless so say I am

excited. They are experiencing incredible

miracles in those healing rooms.

Acts 10:38 “how God anointed Jesus of

Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power,

who went about doing good and healing all

who were oppressed by the devil, for God was

with Him."

Jesus does not cause us to be sick. The devil

does. Jesus delivers us from the devils work

in our lives. That is His will and the proof that

His Kingdom has indeed come.

We are glad to report that in Finland the name

of our ministry has officially been changed to

Kingdom Expansion Ministries. Thank you all

for helping us bring the reality of God's

expanding kingdom to Finland, Norway and all

of Scandinavia. You are all an important part

of what God is doing in our ministry, as well as

the ministries you are a part of in your areas.

Praise God for each of you!

Kevin & Deborah Martin

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