news letter , november - jica · news letter , november . 2 november 2017. ... on november 7, the...

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News Letter , November

2 November 2017


The home stay program for four JOCV's of the second batch of 2017, which was held from 30 October to 2 November, 2017 at Chang Nangka under Paro Dzongkhag concluded today and the volunteers will be joining their respective offices and schools. The main purpose for such home stay is to prepare our volunteers to live like locals and give them more insight about cultural norms and local traditions and experience the realities of daily life in bhutan before they are dispatched to their work places. Each and every volunteer get the opportunity to live with a local Bhutanese family and truly be integrated with their local community. We request the host families to treat them like their own family member & not as a guest. The agent who organizes the home stay also took them on tours to

some historical places like the Paro Dzong(Fortress), Musueum, Drugyel Dzong, Dasho Nishoka Chorten, Dasho Nishoka’s museum etc.

3 November 2017


On 3rd November Officials from JICA Partnership Program Division visited the country to monitor the progress of the “JICA Partnership Program for Community-Based Sustainable Tourism Development in Haa and Capacity Building on CBST in Bhutan”. The monitoring mission along with officials from JICA Bhutan and counterpart organizations visited Haa to monitor the activities of the project, and to assess whether the project outputs can be achieved when the project concludes in mid-January 2018. During their visit to Haa, they met with officials from the Dzongkhag, Gewogs and the members of the Community Based Sustainable Tourism to get feedbacks on the project, and also assess the sustainability of the program after the

completion of the project. During their visit, they stayed at home stay to experience the program. The mission found that Haa people have started realizing the advantages of CBST, and their own initiative is getting steam with new ideas popping up, As it is still a big challenge to sustain and expand the achievements of the Project after it completion, serious efforts are being made to form a viable business plan and a functioning management system in the next two months.

Home stay at Paro

JPP monitoring mission in Haa

News Letter , November

3 November 2017

Department of Cottage and Small Industry (DCSI) coordinated a technical training on natural and contemporary dyeing under the JICA-supported D-HOPE (Decentralized Hands-On Program Exhibition) for the program providers in Paro from October 30 to November 3. There were 30 participants and the training was conducted by the instructors assigned from the Agency for Promotion of Indigenous Crafts(APIC).On the last day evening, Chief Representative, Koji Yamada, attended the closing session at the Tsento Gewog Centre, Drugyel, and awarded the completion certificate to

each of the participants. In his remarks,Mr. Yamada emphasized that the training session was not the goal but the beginning of their long journey of trials and errors and he further expressed his hope that they could find the original colors of their own and develop the yarns that attract even the Japanese and other foreign buyers in the future.

3 November 2017

On November 3, Chief Representative, Koji Yamada, visited the Paro College of Education (PCE) and discussed with the faculty members of physical education the in-house seminar “Health and Physical Education in Japan” at PCE. Some of them are the ex-participants who participated in the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Programs on HPE in Japan, and in addition JICA volunteer, Mr. Yasunori Mori, has been assigned to the PCE as HPE instructor now. Based on the concept note that Mr. Yamada himself drafted, they discussed the program and agreed to jointly organize it in March 2018. Now that the Royal Government of Bhutan announced a new

policy that all the primary school teachers should have at least master’s degree, we JICA would like to work more for the enhancement of the pre-service teachers’ training on HPE.

Training on natural and contemporary dying

CR’s visit to Paro college of Education

News Letter , November

4 November 2017

The 2nd ART EXHIBITION of Gyelpozhing Central School was held on 4th Nov, 2017 at the lower campus. The Art Exhibition was organized by JOCV Mr. Sachiya Harada, Art Teacher assigned to the school with the supported from school management, school’s art teachers and other JOCVs Art teachers Ms. Rie Yamamoto from Chundu Armed Forces Public School in Haa, Ms. Eri CHIBA, Zillion Namgyal Primary School in Thimphu, Ms. Ai Ogawana, Shaba Pimary School and Ms. Yuri Yoshizumi, HPE Insrtructor from Phobjikha CS. Artworks belong to student artist from class PP to IV, who take Art as a compulsory

subject. There are also artworks by Art Club members from class V to X students, who do not take art as subject, but as club. Club members attend club on Thursdays and Saturdays. JICA Bhutan office would like to thank the Principal, teachers and students for their support and cooperation.

6 November 2017

Mr. Kazuhiko Yazaki, President and CEO of Felissimo Corporation, Kobe, Japan, has visited the Dasho Nishioka Museum at the Farm Machinery Corporation Ltd in Paro, upon arrival in Bhutan to participate in the 7th International Conference on GNH on 7th -9th November in Thimphu. Mr. Yazaki is going to make a presentation on his company in the Conference

The drawing of the art education

CEO of Felissimo corporation visits Bhutan

News Letter , November

7 November 2017

On November 7, the first day of the International Conference on GNH, Mr. Kazuhiko Yazaki, President and CEO of the Felissimo Corporation, Kobe, Japan, spoke about the profile of his company at the CEO’s session. His session was followed by the one on Concept of GNH of Business, where JICA Chief Representative, Koji Yamada, together with Mr. Tatsuya Kasai of Felissimo, pitched an idea on the establishment of a new stock exchange “The Happiness Exchange” in Bhutan. Their idea is a new stock exchange open to global companies, global asset managers and global investors, where the contribution to happiness of all the stakeholders measured in terms of the GNH Certificate for Business will be a

requirement for listing.

8 November 2017

On 8th November, Mr. Kuenga Chhoegyel, a teacher at Muenselling Institute for the Visually Impaired who has been participating in JICA’s Knowledge Co-Creation Program “Capacity Development of Leaders with Disabilities for UNCRPD Implementation” gave his final presentation at JICA Tokyo International Center. This program aims to transmit knowledge and skills to the implementation of the UNCRPD (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) and improvement of living standards of persons with disabilities in their home countries. In his presentation, he pointed out the challenges of the accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Bhutan especially because of the poor infrastructure,

however, he suggested that the awareness raising for disability and empowerment of PWDs themselves should be more accelerated. We hope he will share what he learned through this training course with others and contribute to the enhancement of the rights of PWDs in Bhutan.

Visually impaired teacher at Tokyo Japan

International Conference on GNH

News Letter , November

8 November 2017


On 8th November, Chief Representative, Mr. Koji Yamada along with officials and experts from JICA Bhutan Office visited FabLab Bhutan to discuss about several potential innovations that could be prototyped by the young Bhutanese fabbers at the lab. They discussed devices including dog repellant, rodent repellant and mobile phone locator to alleviate some of the problems faced here in the city.

9 November 2017

Ms. Jigme Om, Director of Draktsho Vocational Institute for Children with Special Needs welcomed Mr. Kazuhiko Yazaki, President and CEO of Felissimo Corporation, Kobe and Mr. Tatsuya Kasai from Japan accompanied by JICA Bhutan Office Chief Representative Mr. Koji Yamada to visit Draktsho Vocational Institute for Children with Special Needs. One of the JICA SV Ms. Tomoko Sakamaki, working as a Handicrafts Advisor has made immense contribution to Draktsho by designing attractive handicrafts products in the market. Mr. Katsuhiko Yazaki provided several feedbacks and advice to help to make the products more attractive and help to improve the skills of the students at Draktsho. He also provided insights

on the potential of the traditional Bhutanese patterns and how it could be promoted in the Japanese market.

Experts & officials of JICA visits FabLab

Felissimo corporation’s CEO visit Draktsho Vocational Institute

News Letter , November

9 November 2017

On November 9, Mr. Kazuhiko Yazaki and Mr. Tatsuya Kasai of Felissimo Corporation, Kobe, Japan, have visited the Karma Yangchen Textiles in Hejo, Thimphu, and observed Aum Karma’s natural dyed yarns and textile products. Aum Karma is one of the beneficiary entrepreneurs and the program providers who have participated in the JICA-funded D-HOPE (Decentralized Hands-on Programme Exhibition) project with the Department of Cottage and Small Industries. During their visit, they were impressed on the variety of colors that her natural dyeing knowledge

has created. Mr. Yazaki said that if she could make 500 colors of embroidery threads, they could sell even in Japan.

15 November 2017

On November 15, Mr. Yukoh Satake and Ms. Aya Tsujibayashi of Euglena, Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, have visited the JICA Bhutan Office. Euglena has just concluded a contract about the preparatory survey for the establishment of a value chain of quinoa in Bhutan. With their marketing channel inside Japan, they are planning to establish a value chain connecting Bhutanese farmers and intermediaries to the Japanese consumers. Quinoa is a product of South American origin. But the topographic conditions of Bhutan is regarded suitable for quinoa production, and Bhutan is near to the Japanese market. Euglena also aims at cultivating a new market for school feeding in Bhutan with quinoa. During their stay of this round, they are going to discuss more details of the project framework with the key stakeholders in

the agriculture sector in Thimphu, Paro and Haa. Quinoa production in Bhutan

Karma Yangchen textiles produce natural yarns dye and textiles products

News Letter , November

17 November 2017

JOCV Mr. Shin Kozato, HPE Instructor assigned to Gongthung MSS in Trashigang invited Ms.Rie Inoue working as midwife at Trashigang hospital to conduct a joint health education class for the students of classes 3. They talked about “Oral hygiene” to the students and taught them how to take good care of their mouth, teeth and gums. Mr. Shin Kozato expressed his appreciation to the school management and the teachers who attended and helped him although the annual exam was around the corner and also to Ms. Rie Inoue. Mr. Kozato and Ms. Inoue are planning to have similar Health education class next year for rest of the students.

22 November 2017

Ms. Pema Dekar, Dy. Chief Industries Officer of the Department of Cottage and Small Industries, Ministry of Economic Affairs will be leaving for Japan to attend JICA training on “ Branding and Marketing of Products utilizing local resources (A)” at the JICA Chubu center from 22nd November until 16th December 2017. Chief Representative, Mr. Koji Yamada also met with Ms. Pema during her pre departure orientation meeting at JICA Bhutan Office

Oral Health Class in Gongthung Middle Secondary School

Departure orientation meeting at JICA Bhutan office

News Letter , November

22 November 2017

Ms. Nidup, teacher of Wangsel Institute in Paro is currently attending the Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Education System for Children with Disability-Promotion for Inclusive Education System Utilizing the Experiences of Special Needs Education" in Yokohama City, Japan Coordinated by JICA. She shared with us that apart from the class room learning there are lot of things that can be learnt by just observing, for example she says that “the country is so beautiful, clean, safe, time conscious and people are so polite and helpful”. She says that “It is a great honor to get the opportunity to attend this Program along with 16 participants from different countries like Afghanistan, Bhutan, Fiji, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Pakistan, Palau,

Palestine, Sudan, South Africa and Thailand. They were also taken to field visits for “Practical Learning” and learnt the true concept of “Disability and Inclusive Education” and yet to learn more.

22 November 2017

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is one of the key strategies towards disaster preparedness, to ensure that personnel and assets of an organization are protected and is able to provide sustainable services in the event of a disaster. Recognizing the necessity of a BCP for the telecommunication sector, the detailed planning survey team from JICA was in the country from 20-23 nov, 2017 to finalize the contents of Technical Cooperation Project on "Project for Development of Business Continuity Planning for Disaster Control".The minutes of the meeting is expected to be signed on 23 November between Bhutan Telecom Ltd. Gross National Happiness Commission and the team leader of the detailed planning survey team of JICA.

Exploring beyond class room coordinated by JICA in Yokohama city

Business continuity planning

News Letter , November

23 November 2017

Mr. Karma Dupchu, Chief of the Hydrology and Water Resources Services Division of the National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology, who recetnly attended the Global Forum on Science and Technology for Disaster Resilience held from 23-25 Nov, 2017. Mr. Karma also made a presentation where he highlighted the experiences of the past SATREPS and TCP project, which has helped to understand and mitigate GLoF related risks in Bhutan.

26 November 2017

"The driver is safer when the roads are dry; the roads are safer when the driver is dry". On the night of 26 November, one of our office vehicles was hit by a drunk driver when it was parked at Damphu in Tsirang. Thanks to the Royal Bhutan Police, they managed to catch the offender. Even if you are following all the traffic rules and regulations, you could still be a victim of drunk driving. Drinking and driving causes serious consequences!!!!!

Global forum on science & technology for disaster resilience

Don’t drink and drive

News Letter , November

27 November 2017

Skilled mechanics for farm machinery Technical staff in Agriculture Machinery Centre (AMC) and Farm Machinery Corporation (FMCL) are trained by JICA expert for fabricating and maintaining molds, which are the crucial tools for manufacturing farm machineries. They are very enthusiastic to absorb technical teaching from the expert, and have indeed demonstrated quite impressive skills and final products in practical works. Awesome accomplishments!

27 November 2017

Memories of Yesterday by Kuenga Chhoegyel, Muenselling Institute, Khaling, Bhutan Couple of weeks back, I returned from Japan, attending the course on “Capacity Development of Leaders with Disabilities for UNCRPD (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) Implementation” from 28th of September to 8th of November, 2017. We were a group of eight, ranging from different cultures of different countries yet sharing the similar lifestyles of the fact that we are persons with disabilities. “If we are to take the privilege of the technologies for the persons with disabilities, either one must be born from a rich family or must have a strong organization to support us. However, the reality is that most of the persons with disabilities

come from poverty-stricken families,” remarked the participant of Colombia. During our six weeks stay in Japan, we had the opportunity to wide range of exposures and experiences, from the rich lectures of political, historical and cultural changes for the persons with disabilities, to warm hospital management of independent living centres—run by persons with disabilities, accessible transportation experiences, visit to home groups for mentally and intellectually disabilities, schools and other important areas-- that would have never been possible in the developing nations.

Visually impaired teacher of Bhutan shares his stay & experience in Japan

AMC & FMCL trained by JICA’s experts

News Letter , November

27 November 2017

Chief Representative Mr. Koji Yamada along with the Officiating Director of Department of Local Governance met with the ex-participants of Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Young Leaders) for Bhutan/Local Governance who have returned from Japan on 27th Nov 2017. The ex-participants shared their experiences and lesson learnt from Ama Town in Japan and they hope to implement some of the learnings from their experiences in Japan in their work place. The Chief Representative also handed the participants a set of documents, as a reference which could

be helpful while dealing with the communities and urged them to use it whenever possible.

Young Leaders

News Letter , November

News Letter , November

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