newsletter 04-09-2014

Post on 19-Jul-2016






Click to see full reader


The words of this iconic

song resound all around

the school this week as

we head into the final

week of preparation for

the school production of

‘A Royal Spectacle’. All

classes are now putting

the finishing touches to

their dance and song

on the scenery, backdrops

and props. Frankie’s

creative talents are

appreciated by all.

A ‘Production News 2’

note was sent home this

week explaining the

details for Thursday and

Friday of Production


On with the Show

Thursday Thoughts

L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l

Issue 29

Newsletter Date 4th September 2014

Important Dates:



Dad’s & Mate’s


11th & 12th

A Royal Spectacle

School Production

15th - 19th

Camp for selected

Grade 4 & 5 Students


End of Term 3

2.30pm finish



Start of Term 4

9.00am Start

Student Absent

Hot Line Number

5964 7783

performances, the main

cast are consolidating

their lines, and our

costumes are all

organised. Miss Nyman

and Mrs Kemp are doing

a great job coordinating

rehearsals, ably assisted

by our dedicated staff. As

you can imagine the

atmosphere at the school

is buzzing with

excitement and we are all

looking forward to seeing

our students perform. A

special thank you this

week to Frankie Harkness

for her outstanding work

Please remember that if you are coming up to

the school, outside normal pick up and drop

off times, you must report to the office.

Reminder from the Office

We are beginning to plan

for 2015, looking at

budgets, staffing etc. If

your child/ren will not be

at Launching Place PS in

2015 can you please send

written notification to the

office as soon as possible,

preferably by the end of

next week. If you know of

someone moving into the

area or yet to enrol for

Prep next year, please

Planning for 2015

encourage them to contact

the office at their earliest


Report to the Office

during school times!!!

Parents can be amazing learners,


Are you interested in furthering your

education? Would you like to learn

something close to home that fits in

with your family commitments?

If so, then you will join 110,000

other Victorians every year who are

taking a course at one of 300 Learn

Local organisations right across the


There are courses and programs that

can help you change careers, gain a

qualification, improve your IT,

maths and literacy skills or just learn

something fun and new.

A mum-of-three from Kaniva in the

Wimmera recently won $5000 as

Page 2 Thursday Thoughts

Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email

ABN 96 199 518 803

It’s Adult Learners Week Outstanding Learner of the Year at

the Victorian Learn Local Awards.

Lisa Stimson attends LINK

Neighbourhood House in Kaniva

and takes a Women in Ag course to

help run her family farm.

To find a Learn Local near our

school see:

Please be aware of

the school’s position

in relation to

children bringing

valuable items to

school. We ask that

children do not bring

items of great value

to school to avoid

the distress and disappointment

experienced if these items become

lost or broken. We do understand

that more and more children have

access to mobile phones to assist

them in contacting family members

before and after school, however

please note that all mobile phones

should be handed in to the teacher or

Valuables and Mobile Phones

office before school and collected

after school. We thank you for your

support and understanding on this


A reminder that tomorrow is our

annual Dad’s/ Mate’s Breakfast.

We look forward to seeing dads,

grandfathers, uncles or another

significant person in your child’s

life to have a delicious breakfast.

Dad’s/Mate’s Breakfast

In answering a question we received;

yes of course if dad can’t make it,

mum can come instead!

Breakfast is served from 7.30am

onwards. Hope to see you there.


Narelle Messerle

Page 3

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early

Childhood Development endorsement.

Canteen Slushies are NOT available this term. I apologise as they are on the current menu.

If you send your child/ren’s lunch order on an envelope, please include 10¢ in the order for the cost of a

paper bag.


September 11th No Canteen due to production

18th Janine K , Jodie D, Bianca D

Have you seen the gorgeous tree

paintings created by the grade 1/2

children in the corridor? I was so

impressed with the painting talent

these young children displayed so

early in their school lives. I loved

watching the enjoyment on faces as

children created their own colours

and shades to use in their


The children were challenged with a

few objectives in creating their

paintings. Firstly, rather than just

painting a tree trunk with leaves on

top, they were challenged to paint

more detailed branches in the shape

of letter Y’s.

Secondly, the children were only

given the Primary colours – red,

yellow and blue to work with. They

quickly learned how to use the

colour wheel to work out which

colours to mix together to create

green and orange for their tree

foliage. Not only could these clever

young students mix their own

colours, but they learned how to

create lighter and darker shades of

the one colour, by adding more or

less of each Primary colour. If you

Artists of the Month look closely at the two paintings

I’ve chosen for Artist of the Month,

you will see that each tree has two

shades of green or orange which the

children have mixed themselves.

Congratulations to Riley W 1/2S

and Emily B 1/2N for your

outstanding paintings in which you

achieved all the objectives

beautifully. Well done.

Heather Taylor

Visual Art Teacher.

By Riley W By Emily B

Aussie of the Month

for August

Lia McK (Junior) Shannon P

Aussie of the Month is a citizenship award where children are nominated and

voted for by the staff. It is designed to recognize students who consistently

display a positive attitude to their work and who relate to staff, fellow students

and the wider community in a respectful, caring and co-operative way.

Student Awards

Grade Prep F/A Isabelle C

Cooper M - M

Grade 1/2 B Bailey G

Grade 1/2 K Jack F

Reuben H

Cooper O

Grade 1/2 N Emily B

Mitchell S

Aaron C

Grade 1/2 S Ryan P

Jada B

Grade 3/4 F Ethan D

Jessica J

Grade 3/4 M Madison A

Jack C

Lachlan P

Grade 3/4 N Lachlan T

Grade 5/6 G Hayley P

Jazmine B

Grade 5/6 R Darcy C

Hunter G

Page 4 Thursday Thoughts

newspaper articles. In Maths we

created our surveys to then create a

graph of choice. We also looked at

finding all the possibilities when

problem solving. We are getting

excited for production next week.

Grade 5/6: We had lots of fun

participating in the wheel-a-thon on

Friday and enjoyed our last

interschool sports game against

Healesville. This week we will be

looking at finding the mean, median,

mode and range of data sets. We are

continuing to work hard in CAFÉ

and will be looking at creative

writing tasks.

Principal: It was an extremely busy

week. Friday was a hive of activity

with the wheel-a-thon as well as

Year 5/6 Interschool sport.

Remember to use our strategies to

make the school a safe and orderly

place to be. If that doesn’t work seek

an adult for help.

School Captain’s Report Prep: In Prep this week we worked

very hard on learning how to

meditate. We had a big week

learning all our dances for the

production, we are almost ready. In

Maths we have been doing

subtraction sums and reading the

whole sum. To finish the week we

did our wheel-a-thon. Thanks Mr D

for organising such a great day.

Grade 1/2: Our Maths groups on

reading time have been running

really well with kids learning heaps.

We have begun looking at symmetry

by making symmetrical pictures on

Tux Paint on the computers. We’ve

continued looking at how to flip

sounds in words to read them more

accurately and have been looking at

types of food.

Grade 3/4: In CAFÉ reading we

looked at making mental images and

asking questions as we read. We are

still writing and publishing our

Page 5

Dad’s and Mate’s Breakfast

Date: Friday 5th September

Time: 7:30am onwards

Where: GP Room

(Please note that this is not a free dress day)

social activities and this was no

exception. A special thanks must be

given to the parents and grandparent

that helped out with the barbeque,

we couldn’t have done it without


Obviously it was a major fundraiser

for our school and for Cancer

Research but to see the whole school

get together and rally for a great

cause was inspirational and very

much appreciated. I have been in

contact with Kieren and told him

about our day and as much as being

extremely grateful it has also

inspired him to keep turning those

bike pedals.

We would like to have all donations

in to the school by Friday 12th

September so that we can finalise all

details related to the fundraiser.

Tour De Launching Place

Wheel-a-thon Cycle for Cancer

Friday 29th August

Thankyou to everyone for

participating in another great event

for our school. It was terrific to see

every child participating in our

Wheel a thon with the support of so

many of our community who came

along to watch. I know we can

always count on our school

community to get behind our school

Page 6 Thursday Thoughts

Ticketing Update

All ticket orders received for A

Royal Spectacle have now been


Both evening shows have been

sold out. There will be no

second allocations for these


However second allocations for

the Friday 4pm show have been

processed and payment can

now be made for these extra

tickets. There are still seats

available for this show and if

you would like to change

second allocations from

evenings to this show, please

contact the school.

All tickets will be available

for collections from the Office

after 12pm on Friday 5th


Please note: Tickets will not be

sent home with children

without written authority from


Production Update


Before both evening production

sessions. Refreshments will be

on sale at $2.00 per cup, Tea,

Coffee, and Milo. Water and

Cordial will also be available.

Production Raffle

Enter for your chance to win

the following prizes

1st Mini i-pad

2nd Load of Wood

3rd Portable DVD Player

Tickets will be $2.00 each and

available before each

production session.

The raffle will be drawn at

school assembly on Monday

15th September.

Sweden, Norway, Denmark,

Finland, Japan and USA will live as

a local, attend a local secondary

school, arrive with their own

spending money, and

comprehensive insurance cover, all

arranged by Southern Cross Cultural

Exchange. You choose the

nationality, the gender, the duration

and the interests of the student that

you feel is the best match for your

family. Visit us at, email or call us toll

free on 1800 500 501, request our

international student profiles, and

capture the spirit of family and


TAKE HOME A BIG BROTHER OR BIG SISTER Give your children the wonderful

opportunity to have an international

big brother or big sister by

volunteering to host one of our

exceptional international students

arriving in Australia in February

2015 for their 3,5, or 10 month

programs. Our international students

from France, Germany, Italy,

Public Notices

Page 7

Page 8 Thursday Thoughts

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