newsletter volume 56 issue 1

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First newsletter of 2013






In this Issue: - President’s Report - Graduating President’s Closing Remarks - VP of Member Education’s Report - DU Photos Through the Year - Introducing the Spring 2013 Pledge Class - Chapter GPA on the Rise!

President’s Report My name is Sean Chait, and I am the current president of the Georgia Tech Chapter of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity. Since pledging in the fall of 2010, I have had the honor of serving the fraternity in the roles of Assistant House and House Manager. This past fall the brotherhood decided to bestow upon me the privilege and the honor of serving as Chapter President, allowing me a chance to give back to the brotherhood I love so much.

I begin my presidency at a very exciting time in our chapter. We have continued to strive in the area of academics with the chapter increasing its GPA to 3.17 this past fall and all of our graduating seniors securing excellent jobs. Our latest fall pledge class is highly motivated both within the chapter and on campus, with many of them joining competitive organizations throughout the Tech community. Also, I would like to congratulate two of our brothers, Joey Weaver and Tanveer Chandok, for becoming executive members of the Interfraternity Council, greatly increasing our presence on campus and giving our chapter a large say in the governance of the Greek community.

  This year, our executive committee will be pushing heavily for the chapter to continue this trend of campus involvement hoping to enrich each of our brother's personal experiences and growth during their time here at Tech as well as increase our campus presence.

This will be a two-fold approach, for as we push for campus involvement I am also advocating for greater involvement within the chapter making the possibilities of what we can do nearly limitless. Finally the chapter will be continuing its push to keep you all involved in our functions and put on a even bigger and better homecoming than last year! I am very excited for this upcoming year as the chapter continues moving forward, making more and more strides every day. If I, or the chapter, can ever do anything for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

Fraternally,   Sean Chait Chapter President

DU Alumni- WE NEED YOUR HELP! As we continue to grow and strengthen our chapter as whole, we know what an integral role our alumni play in continuing the traditions of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity. If you are friends with or know of DU Alumni who have lost contact with the chapter, please reach out to them and provide us with their contact information so they can reconnect with the brotherhood and rebuild their involvement to join in achieving a better Delta Upsilon. Dikaia

Volume 56 | Issue 1 | 02/04/2013



Fall 2012 Graduates

Ethan Lai: Currently working in the Atlanta area with SunTrust Bank.  

Robert Grant: Currently working in the Atlanta are with Gypsum Corporation, and will be beginning a new job with IBM this summer.

Nick Horne: Currently working in the Atlanta area with Mazliah Analytics.

Paul File: Currently working in Baton Rouge, LA for ExxonMobil.

Graduating President’s Closing Remarks

Dear Alumni,

It's been an amazing Fall 2012 semester and an overall great year for Delta Upsilon. As chapter president for the past year, I feel truly honored to not only have led this chapter to where it is today, but to know that it will only grow further in the coming year. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight a few things from the past year. We raised over $10,000 for St. Baldrick's in the Spring semester, making it two years in a row where we raised over $10,000. It is my hope that this continues and that next Spring is just as successful. We had a total of 15 new brothers initiated into the fraternity over the course of both semesters. This semester, we completely revamped the internal finances of the brotherhood, and were able to buy new washers and dryers, and a new ice machine for the house. In addition to all of this, we had two brothers elected into the IFC Executive Board this semester, making it the first time we have ever had 2 DU's on the Executive Board, and the only chapter to have two of its members on the board. I'm extremely proud of the things the brotherhood has accomplished this year. I hope you as alumni have enjoyed reading the newsletters that we started last Spring. It has been a big initiative that I have been pushing, and I fully expect the next set of officers to make Alumni Relations even better. I would also like to introduce the next President of the Georgia Tech Chapter of Delta Upsilon Fraternity: Sean Chait. He is in his third year, studying Aerospace Engineering, and pursuing the 5-year MS/BS program.

Report Continued on Page 6

VP of Member Education’s Report Hey everyone! My name is Sohan Chatterjee and I am the current VP of Member Education at DU. This semester has already started off really strong and I'm excited to share with ya'll what we have in store. Internally we've been busy reorganizing our leadership roles. Recent changes include a few new positions: Associate Member Educator, Historian and Marketing Chair.

Originally, VP of Member Education was responsible for our potential members internally it made sense to split up the responsibilities of education our new members and chapter logistics as a whole. With this new split, my position from here on out will manage all the day to day events of the fraternity: Social, Loss Prevention, Athletic, Alumni Relations, Philanthropy, Campus Relations and Scholarship and the Pledge Educator will manage the pledges.

My committee has a lot planned this semester with the central focus of going back to our roots and building brotherhood. While I could write pages about our plans, I'll let each individual officer dive into more detail about their positions.

Sohan Chatterjee

VP Member Education

Treasurer’s Report I am a second year Chemical Engineering major here at Georgia Tech. As treasurer, I plan to wisely allocate fraternity funds to ensure our chapter is financially sound. I look forward to the opportunity to better our chapter for the next year.

Jason Zichettella Treasurer

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DU Through The Year

Descriptions: DU Mountain Weekend (Top), Pledge Pinning Charge(Middle Left), DU Halloween Party, Fall Football, ACC Championship Game, Homecoming Parade(Center Right), Mini 500


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Campus Relations Chair My name is Matthew Naugle and I am currently the Campus Relations Chair. I am a first year civil engineer and apart from DU I am involved in Engineers without Borders and I am on exec for a new organization that a brother and I helped to establish called The Village. I am from San Diego and actually went to the rival high school of current 3rd year brother, Ross. The first date night that I have planned is to go to Skyzone, which is a giant place with a bunch of trampolines, and we are having a registered party afterwards. We are also inviting the sisterhood of AOE over for a fancy dinner at the house later in February and we have a registered party after that as well. There is also another date night planned for March. One of our goals this semester as a fraternity is to get to know more people and have more people know us in a positive light and these events should help accomplish this.

Mathew Naugle Campus Relations

Philanthropy Chair

Hello, my name is Brian Swanson and I am a first year MSE major from Jacksonville, FL. As the new Philanthropy chair, I have several goals for my position this semester, namely sponsoring a large brotherhood service event and being the fraternity to donate the most money to the St. Baldricks philanthropy this year. I'm looking forward to the good we can do as a brotherhood.

Brian Swanson Philanthropy Chair

Associate Member Educator

Hello! My name is Matt Josey. I'm a second year International Affairs and Modern Languages (Spanish) major from Dacula, Georgia. I am currently the chapter's Associate Member Educator. This year, I'm planning to work in close conjunction with our Member Educator to create a facilitative environment as our Associate Members progress toward Initiation. This semester, I specifically plan to: implement a new point system to determine order of initiation that best and most accurately reflects pledge initiative throughout the semester. I'm also teaming up with Sohan, the Vice President of Member Education, to promote brotherhood tradition with Associate Members throughout their pledgeship.

Matt Josey Associate Member Educator

Risk Management Chair

I am a first year Mechanical engineering major from Lebanon Township, New Jersey. After initiating in the Fall semester, I decided that I wanted to increase my involvement in the Fraternity by becoming an officer. Risk management may not always be the most fun position; however, keeping the fraternity safe is rewarding work. Through member education, focused especially on our associate members, I am planning on another great and safe semester.

Jon Cordova Risk Management Chair

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House Manager

My name is Hayden Riddiford, and I’m our new house manager for the next two semesters! Work day this semester was very successful, the biggest improvement we made was a new outdoor speaker system for listening to music at the fire pit. We also made a variety of aesthetic improvements to the house, including replacing damaged tiling in the upstairs hallway, and doing a deep cleaning of the mechanical and electrical closet. I’m looking forward to my term as house manager, and am already thinking of a variety of exciting projects to pursue during work week before next Fall. Some improvements I’ve been considering are redoing the eaves on the porch, redoing the floors in the upstairs hallways and chapter room/common areas possibly with hardwood, re-felting the pool table, and possibly building a smoker. I look forward to meeting you guys and feel free to let me know if there are any projects you would love to see happen in the next few semesters!

House Manager Hayden Ridiford

Member at Large’s Report My name is Nick Fletcher and I will be overseeing J-Board this year. Following my experience with the pledges as Member Education Chair, I have the skills to dish out discipline on J-Board and keep our chaptering operating in a fair and orderly manner.

Nick Fletcher Member at Large

Spring 2013 Pledge Class

This Spring we have brought two new associate members to the Delta Upsilon Fraternity:

Mathew Aschcraft

• From: Alpharetta, GA • Year: First • Major: Electrical Engineering • Played rugby in high school and currently for Tech.

Played football for Milton High School as an offensive guard. Involved in philanthropy clubs in high school such as Beta, NHS(national honors society), and NSHS(national science honors society)

• Looking forward to brotherhood, networking, and philanthropy

Josh Preissle

• From: Ann Arbor, Michigan • Year: First • Major: Mechanical Engineering • Enjoys football, basketball, hockey, gold, and music • Likes movies, taking long walks on the beach, and all

the finer things in life • Looking forward to making life long friends and a

fantastic college experience through involvement with the chapter



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Hello alumni, my name is Matt Golino and I have recently been elected to the position of secretary within our chapter of DU. I am a second year computer engineering student and my goals for my position include but are not limited to: overhauling our mail organization system, making minutes more enjoyable and informative, helping MEC remain organized through advanced calendar management techniques, and running the ledger for MEC purchases and receipts to increase financial transparency and responsibility in the brotherhood.

Matt Golino Secretary

Cultural Development Chair

Hey there everyone, I’m Taylor Willoughby and a second year Biology major at Georgia Tech. You may have seen me in previous newsletters as philanthropy chair, and I’m definitely enjoying being able to hold the position of cultural development chair for these next two semesters.

My goals for this year are to expand this position into promoting outside brotherhood involvement. Currently we are polling brothers to find outside involvement and pairing them up with brothers of similar interests. This will promote expansion of friend groups as well as overall networking. I’m looking forward to an exciting two semesters with lots of room for growth in this position.

Taylor Willoughby Cultural Development Chair

VP Member Recruitment’s Report

My name is Zach Slaney. I am from Tyrone, Georgia and am a third year majoring in Business Administration and Psychology. It is a very exciting year for recruitment! We recently concluded our Spring Rush efforts, which yielded two awesome associate members I am confident will make great additions to our brotherhood.

Our communications chair, Will Tucker, and myself, began brainstorming new ideas to enhance our website to appeal to incoming freshmen who may do research prior to stepping on Georgia Tech campus. The planning for summer recruitment is already under way, as we prepare to target incoming freshmen. My plan for this summer is to allocate $1,000 of my current rush budget to create a scholarship for incoming freshmen. We will interview these candidates and incorporate our Four Founding Principles into the application process to assure the scholarship is awarded to the man who best represents our fraternity.

I challenge our alumni to match my scholarship amount. We could create a great opportunity to attract attention from exceptional freshmen to make sure they find their greatest fit, Delta Upsilon.

Zach Slaney VP Member Recruitment

Report Continued

He most recently served as a member of my EC as House Manager. Please reach out to him and congratulate him. I have full faith that he will push this chapter to new heights. Again, it has been an absolutely pleasure serving as President for the past year and being able to connect with you Alumni, and I look forward to joining the ranks of Delta Upsilon Alumni shortly.

Ethan Lai Chapter President 2012

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Alumni & Parent Relations Chair

Hello DU Alumni, my name is Michael Schmit and I look forward to being the undergraduate representative connecting DU’s past and present. I am originally from Orange County, CA, and my family returned to Huntington Beach, CA this past summer after living in Atlanta for 8 years, where I graduated from Johns Creek High School. I am a first year Industrial Engineering major, focusing in economics and finance. As Alumni Chair I hope to strengthen our connection with past DU’s, and continue to include all alumni in our various undergraduate brotherhood events. Beyond working with our Alumni to build resources for events and activities on campus, one of my primary goals is to further our alumni in networking and assisting the brotherhood in career opportunities. In conjunction with our Scholarship Chair, we have already held a successful resume workshop with two successful Georgia Tech DU graduates. As we continue through the year, look for more information on upcoming Alumni events from our website or in the newsletter, or contact me with questions or suggestions at

Michael Schmit Alumni & Parent Relations Chair


Scholarship Chair- Chapter GPA Rising

My name is Christian Jreige, I am a second year BME from Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela and my main goal as Scholarship chair is to increase the overall fraternity GPA to a 3.25. This goal is already in progress as the fraternity GPA increased to a 3.17 in the fall semester and this gained us the rank of 7th among fraternities at Tech. I also will be working towards increasing the number of brothers that have job experience by holding resume workshops and encouraging brothers to attend career fairs. Some improvements that I am currently working on is improving Word by scanning paper documents and uploading files that will help brothers have additional options to study for tests. Also a new event, which I want to become a GTDU tradition, is a resume workshop led by alumni before every career fair. We held our first successful workshop with alumni Ethan Lai and Joe Miller on January 27th, and hope to continue growing this event for our next career fair.

Christian Jreige Scholarship Chair

Athletic Chair

I am Martin Zavala a third year nuclear engineering and the new athletic chair of Delta Upsilon. My main goal for this year is to win Greek Week! I am presenting on all the events and trying to practice all of them at least once before the actual events. Tug has already started to practice. Other goals involve a greater participation in intramurals and increased attendance at our football games.

Martin Zavala Athletic Chair

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