nhs productivity: weathering the storm - siva anandaciva

Post on 24-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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‘Cost improvement programmes – from transactional to transformational’ Cost improvement plans (CIPs) have become a semi-toxic brand in some parts of the NHS, associated with vacancy freezes, staffing reductions, non-recurrent schemes and 5% year on year budget cuts. However, in the face of an unprecedented funding challenge many NHS providers are using CIPs to get leaner not meaner, and to deliver transformational improvements in patient care.



Siva Anandaciva

From transactional to transformational

Cost improvement programmes (CIPs)

Costs of delivering that


income for planned activity

Cost improvement programmes

Cost improvement plans

BAD NEWS• The scale of the challenge is immense

and the impact is significant

GOOD NEWS• Providers are considerably reducing

costs and improving value for money

BAD NEWS• But it won’t be enough to meet the


Unprecedented national efficiency ‘ask’

Contributing to increasing NHS provider deficits

Monitor, TDA, FTN

2012/13 actual 2013/14 plan 2013/14 actual 2014/15 estimate






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“Before I ask my constituents to pay any more money for the NHS, I have to be able to assure them that we

are squeezing every last drop out of what they are currently giving? Can I do that today? The answer is no”

Andy Burnham, 2014

And narrative on productivity unlikely to change

Cost improvement plans

BAD NEWS• The scale of the challenge is immense

and the impact is significant

GOOD NEWS• Providers are considerably reducing

costs and improving value for money

BAD NEWS• But it won’t be enough to meet the


Have taken £billions of cost out

2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13




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Largely through the classic transactional CIPs

Grant Thornton

Following the classic principles

• Board awareness and support

• Capacity and capability to deliver change

• Clinical engagement & leadership

• Frontline engagement

• ….but….say CIP to someone and it can be toxic

Impact of CIPs on

staff morale in last two


Grant Thornton

Cost improvement plans

BAD NEWS• The scale of the challenge is immense

and the impact is significant

GOOD NEWS• Providers are considerably reducing

costs and improving value for money

BAD NEWS• But it won’t be enough to meet the


But CIPs are decelerating

Plans under-delivered• 21% under-delivery in 2012/13• 2013/14 £1.2bn (or 3%) costs

reduced (17% less than plan)• “I have a CIPs plan for 2014/15,

but it is falling apart” (Finance Director)

Workforce• Pay action is 50-60% of total CIPs. • 2013/14 plans for 4% nursing WTE

reduction over next two years• But Francis + Keogh + CQC = £1.2

billion planned investment in staffing & 2013/14 FT workforce WTEs 16,000 higher than plan

Increase in regulatory action

8 FTs had regulatory action applied and none lifted in



“The point here, is when we do all these things – this is pretty well everything we can think of, within reason, that the sector might do – it doesn’t quite close that gap. And we could imagine that that gap might have to be bigger.” HSJ 2013


Little hope that CIPs are enough to close gap

Do things betterLean, procurement,

estates, staff productivity, low-value procedures

Chart from Monitor

Do things differently Centralise services; more urgent

care in community; self-care

Adopt international models

Aravind & Medicall

BAD NEWS• But it won’t be enough to meet the


Cost improvement plans

BAD NEWS• The scale of the challenge is immense

and the impact is significant

GOOD NEWS• Providers are considerably reducing

costs and improving value for money

GOOD NEWS• We might be able to meet a different challenge

We’ve done well, we’ve ticked boxes.

Does it feel like we’ve done well? No, it feels like we’ve salami sliced as much as we can on

the easy things and now we are left


(NHS Finance Director, Kings Fund survey)

We need a paradigm shift

From cost to quality

From in-year to multi-year planning

From cost reduction to revenue growth

From cost reduction to value improvement

From institution to health economies



From cost to quality – UH Birmingham

• Prescribing information communication system (PICS)

• Decision-support IT for prescribing & recording

• Supported by root cause analysis reviews by board and clinical teams – 3 hours x 4 times a month. Most important meeting CEO does

• Reduction in lab tests ordered, late and missed doses. Quality increase & cost reduction.

• £10m and 3 years…

From in-year to multi-year – Northumbria• SLM implemented ‘to understand the

consequence of clinical actions’

• Organise into business practice units (elective, acute medicine, support, paeds). With business unit director 50% clinical, 5% business development and management

• Clinical policy group used as a forum to generate, manage and challenge CIPs.

• Approach is ‘where do we want to be in 5 years time’, not end of March. Build in cap space, but 60-70% of CIPs should be within the 5 year plan.

• Took 12 years

From CIPs to VIPs – Coventry & Warwickshire

• Develop an outcomes measures hierarchy– Health status achieved or

retained (survival, utility)– Process of recovery (time to

recovery of normal activity)– Sustainability of health

(reoccurance of illness)

• Efficiency programmes remain but conversation has changed from – ‘what do we take out and how

do we minimise the damage?’ to – ‘what delivers best value for


From institutions to health economies• Problems to address

– Clinical e.g. only 1/3 of hospitals have consultant ED presence 16hrs/7days

– Financial e.g. £700m provider CIPs a year by 2017/18

• ‘Do nothing’ option does not lead to financially sustainable or clinically optimal. Provider CIPs range from 4% to 8%. Some will be deliverable for institutions, but the health economy still goes bust.

• Provider-led service redesign e.g. have a smaller number of sites providing Specialist Services for the very small number of very sick patients across Greater Manchester.

• Take 30m out by 2018/19 and raise clinical standards.

• Accept there will be winners and losers. Accept the political heat. Aim high and go for transformation together rather than be pushed slowly off the financial cliff one by one.

Final thought

Stephen Dorrell MP Chair, Health Select Committee

The perfect strategy is not going to walk out of Richmond House.

So find a problem and solve it.

And ask for forgiveness not permission.

THANK YOUSivakumar Anandaciva Head of Analysis | Foundation Trust NetworkOne Birdcage Walk | London | SW1H 9JJ

DDI: 020 7304 6819sivakumar.anandaciva@foundationtrustnetwork.org


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