night legacy: chapter 10

Post on 13-Apr-2017



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Welcome back to the Night Legacy! In the last chapter, we lost Jess, which was a sad loss for the

family and for me, Lestat grew into a teenager, and Drusilla went off to college.

In this chapter, we find Celestia reading a letter from her niece, Twilight Sparkle Night.

Dear Aunt Celestia,

Mom said I should write you a letter. She said that she was really close to you and that I should

get to know you.

My name is Twilight Sparkle. I have a twin brother named Shining Armor and a little brother

named Spike. I don’t know why Shining and I have two names and he only has one, but every

time I ask Mom about it, she just grumbles.

I really like to read and learn. I’ve read almost every book in the house and am working on all of

my skills. Someday, I hope to study magic, just like you! Maybe you can teach me?

I really hope I get to come to your house and meet you soon, Aunt Celestia! I’ve met my cousins

at school, so maybe I’ll come home with them sometime. I especially like Marceline. She’s really

funny. I don’t see Lestat anymore. He must have grown up into a teenager.

Hope to see you soon!

Your faithful niece,

Twilight Sparkle

“Now, stand still, dear. The time has come to paint your portrait.”

“I never knew how annoying it was to stand still...”

“Your mom and your aunt both graduated with honors. I probably could have too, but I didn’t

because I wasn’t eligible for heir. It really isn’t fair. Don’t you think so, Lestat?”

“Yeah, whatever, Uncle Orion. I’m trying to play.”


“Your education is important, Lestat! You shouldn’t be slighted just because you’re a boy! It’s


“Woo! High score!”

Well, you tried, Orion.

“It was worth a shot.”

“Author, listen to me play the drums!”

Very good, Tom.

“I live for rock n’ roll!”

Oh, now, Marcy, this has to stop!

“*battle cry*”


Well, at least she’s cute.

And she’s dancing along to her brother and uncle on drums and bass. This family really needs a

guitar. I will have my family band!

Oh. Hi, Sandy. You come home with Max?

“Sandy have friend!”

Okay, I’ve been mean to her. You can talk normally now, Sandy.

“Oh, thank Plumbob!”

“Daddy! You’re home!”

“Aw, Marcy, it’s so good to see you!”

Marcy really is a bit of a daddy’s girl.

“So, how about those trainees today, Max?”

“Oh, yeah, they really needed to be whipped into shape!”

“Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy—”

“What is it, Marcy?”

“I love best, Daddy!”

“Thank you, sweetie.”

Ah! It’s finished!

“Does it not capture her essence, Author?”

Oh, yes! Perfectly!

In fact, I think both of their portraits perfectly represent them! Together, they stand, heir and


But there’s still the elephant in the room.

“Sandy, if you want, I could give you a makeover.”

“Oh, that sounds like fun!”

“Great! Let’s go upstairs!”

“Et viola!”

“Oh, my, it looks fantastic! Thank you, Max!”

“You’re welcome!”

You do look good, Sandy!

“Why, thank you, Author!”

Though, I do wonder why the military lets you and Max have so much hair.





“Hello, other me.”

You made it to the legacy house!

“Yes, it seems Celestia and I are in the same professon.”


“Hello, Lestat.”

“Um, hi...stranger. How do you know my name?”

“I work with your mother.”

“Oh. That makes sense, I guess.”

“Mm. Nice playing.”

“Thanks. I don’t think I like you. You sound too familiar.”

“Imagine that.”

“Ichigo, here! Let me give you a hug!”

“Er, no, that’s okay. I’m fine.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Well, I still think you’re cool!”

“Well, thank you. Thank you very much.”

Wow, other me, you’re a kind of a stick in the mud.”

“I am as you write me.”

Very true!

“So, Max...want to snuggle?”

“I’d love to!”


“Come here, you.”

“Oh, Cel.”

“Ugh, couples.”

Oh, c’mon, you know you think it’s cute.


Ha! Knew it!

“Hey, lady, you want to dance with me?”

“Sure. I’ll dance with you.”

“I like you already!”


“Hm, let’s see what kind of mail we have today.”

“Oh! It looks like Twilight sent me another letter!”

You know, as long as you’re catching up with family, this might be as good time as any to call

and make up with Reg.


Oh, come on! Why not?

“He’s still mad at me. I know he is.”

You won’t know until you try. Just give him a call. He doesn’t even know about Jess yet.

“*sigh* Okay. You’re right.”


“Hello? Regulus? Hi, it’s me, Celestia. I just wanted to call you and say—Hello? Reg? You

there? ... *sigh*”

Well, that didn’t go well...

“I told you.”

Maybe you could try again later.

“No. He doesn’t want to talk to me. There would be no point.”

*sigh* Maybe someday.

Ha! This brings back memories! I hadn’t changed her outfit yet!

“Remember the Bachelor Challenge?”

Yeah. You should have tried harder to win that one.

“Give it a rest, Author. We lost, fair and square.”


“When I saw it, it was this big!”

“Wow, that is big!”

“Oh, good, she moved. I can lay down.”

“You look really good, Ichigo.”

“Oh, wow, Celestia, thank you.”

Um...I think Max and Marcy might secretly be androids. Look at their eyes...



“Tickle attack!”

“Celestia, I’m ticklish!”

“I know!”

Oh, good, they look normal again. Well, Marcy still looks a little creepy...


Stop that!

“I really need to be going. My daughters will start wondering where I’ve been.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. It was so good of you to come home with me!”

“Thank you for inviting me. See you at work!”

“Okay, see you!”

My simself has made connections in the main house. Good. This is good.

Painting something there, Tom?

“Yes. By request.”

Carry on.

Aw, she’s dreaming about Max. These two really are sweet. I’m so glad I married Max in. He’s a


Hey, Max, got a promotion?


One step closer to that lifetime want?


Keep up the good work! But seriously, I don’t know why this picture is here. Oh, well. At least

Max looks good in uniform.

Looks like both Max and Marcy brought home friends today! Hi, Shining Armor!

“Can’t talk right now! Busy! You can’t dodge, Marcy!”

“Can too!”



I have a feeling this is going to go on for a while. Moving on.

“Shining Armor says that Twilight wants to study magic! Can I learn magic too, Daddy? Please,

please, please?”

“Maybe. If you’re really good and your mother says it’s okay.”

“I can be good!”



I’ll believe it when I see it.


Dear Aunt Celestia,

I was reading a book about Physiology today. It was teaching about the best ways to take care of

your body and preserve energy. I tried to talk to Shining about it, but he didn’t find it as

interesting as I did.

It got me thinking. Is there magic that can affect someone’s body or motives? Is it right to use

that kind of magic on someone, whether the effects are good or bad? When I go to college, I

think I’ll write my thesis on the ethics of magic.

What do you think, Aunt Celestia? From what I’ve read, magic can be considered good or evil,

but is there really a difference if magic serves to force a result? Someday, I hope we can talk

about it together.

How are you? Uncle Orion called Mom today about Grandma Jessica. It’s the first time I’ve

ever seen her sad. I was sad too, even though I never met her. From what Mom told us, she was

amazing. I’ll visit soon so I can meet you and Grandma Lila.

Your faithful niece,

Twilight Sparkle

“Twilight seems like such a sweet girl and so insightful for a girl her age! I really would like to

meet her someday.”

Cel, what is that red thought over your head?

“Oh, I hoped you wouldn’t notice...”

You got demoted, didn’t you?

“...Yes. But it wasn’t my fault! I made one bad decision and my boss overreacted!”

I hate chance cards like that.

Well, here’s a nice shot. Maxwell’s work friend playing video games while Lestat, Marceline,

Tom, and random red-headed townie I had Marcy greet watch and cheer him on.

Such camaraderie in the House of Night! The family, not the book series, obviously.

And here’s Celestia, barely paying attention. Whatcha up to, Cel?

“Well, since my current job seems to be going nowhere, I thought I’d try again for my old dream

of going into Journalism.”

And did you find it?

“Actually, yes!”

Hooray! Better late than never!

I think I took this picture for the sole purpose of showing off how beautiful Celestia is.

By the way, Cel, what happened to the flower arranging badge?

“Oh, that. I just kind of forgot about it after Marcy was born.”

Eh, don’t worry about it. So did I.

The next day, Celestia heads off for her new job! It always the crappy car for new employees,

isn’t it?

“Oh, yes, but I don’t mind. It’s nice of them to help me get to work.”

True. Very true.

Looks like Twilight came home with Marceline after school today! Too bad Cel is at work. I

don’t think they got to meet this visit. Such a shame.

And Maxwell’s friend is still playing videogames while Tom and random red-head watch. And

it’s not like this is in the morning, Marcy has gone to school and come home. Man, townies have

great endurance!

Marcy is the kid who always runs to greet her parents when they come home from work. She

must really love her parents.

She could also be trying to butter them up so they ignore whatever trouble she’s caused, but I

choose to believe the former.

“C’mere, squirt!”

“Ah! Lestat, stop!”


“I’ll get you for this!”

“I’d like to see you try!”

Lila hasn’t featured a lot in this chapter so far. What are you doing, Lila?

“Trying to max out my last skill. I max out Body and I have learned every basic skill!”

Ah! Yes, do that! Just don’t get to hot! Sims have been known to die from that.

Calling Reg, maybe?

“No. Romi. I wanted to make sure she’s okay, so I’m inviting her over. I know she was hit hard

by Louis’s disappearance.”

Ah. Well, that’s good too.

“Hello, Celestia. It was very nice of you to call.”

“Not a problem, Romi. You look very nice, much better than last we met.”

“Thank you. I’m feeling a bit better.”

And I hadn’t changed my vampire defaults yet.

“What was that, Author?”


“Lestat is always playing this game. I think he might be obsessed.”

“I can see why. It’s a pretty good racing game. They’ve updated it since I played as a kid.”

But Romi didn’t share in the fun for long.

“Don’t you want to keep playing?”

“Actually, I’m suddenly feeling tired. I don’t mind watching you play, though.”

“Oh. Well, okay, then.”

Hey, Romi.

“Hi, Author.”

You okay?

“Not for awhile. I don’t suppose you’d tell me where my son is?”

Can’t. Sorry.

“Well, to hell with you, then.”

I really am sorry.

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Hi. You’re a vampire, right?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Do vampires need doctors?”


“I was just wondering. Do vampires ever get sick?”

“Not that I know of.”

“So, you don’t need doctors?”

“No. We don’t need doctors.”


“So, could a vampire become a doctor or make their own medicine, if they never get sick?”

“Why do you think of such things?”

“Just curious.”

“Well, I’m sure a vampire could become a doctor and make medicine, whether they ever get sick

or not. All the blood involved in the job is a completely different matter, though.”

“Ohhhhhhh...That’s cool!”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“I’m afraid I have to be heading home.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I wish you could stay around longer.”

“Don’t want to be caught in the sun. Your daughter...Marceline, right?”

“Yes, you remembered!”

“She’s a cool kid. I’m glad I met her. See you ‘round.”

“See you!”

And hey, look! It’s my icon!

That must be fun to do.

“Author, go away.”



“Wait, what?”

Go away, you! You will not have romantic relations with Lestat and then become a mustache-

twirling villain!

“What are you talking about?”


Thankfully, Lestat has no interest in her whatsoever.

Is that a birthday cake I spy?

It must be Marcy’s birthday!

“Time to invite the family,”

*opens mouth*

“I’m not inviting Reg.”

*closes mouth and pouts*

Hey, Orion! Hey, Drusilla!

“Hi, Author.”

“Good to see you, Author.”

Aiyana, don’t think I don’t see you.

“*blows a raspberry*”

Hey, Luna! Where’s Meadow and the kids?

“Not enough room to invite them.”

Aw! This would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce the kids to Cel!

“I know, but you know, rules.”

Bleh, rules.

Time to blow out the candles! Ready, Marcy?

“Ready, Author!”

Everyone starts to gather ‘round!

Luna, are you sure you can see?

“Oh, yeah, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”

Well, okay, then.

“Yay, Marceline!”

“Yay, girl we don’t know!”

This is what happens when random townies attend birthday parties.

Spin around and let’s see what we got!

Also, nice blocking the camera, Orion.

“Marceline, yay!”

At least he’s having fun.

Very cute! But you need a makeover. To the mirror with you!

Hey, where did Dru go? And for that matter, where’s Tom?


Oh, no.



“Apologies, Author. I must follow my electronic heart!”

“Yeah, Author, don’t judge!”


*takes a deep breath*

I can feel a migraine starting...

Back to the birthday girl! She’s gorgeous! I love those clothes on her and she looks great in

Lila’s original hair!

“Thanks, Author!”

Please don’t cause me any headaches.

“No promises!”


“Happy birthday, Marcy! I miss you so much.”

“*muffled* I miss you too, Dru, but I can’t breathe!”

“Oh, sorry!”

“I can’t wait until you come to college with me! It’s going to be great!”

“Oh, totally! It’s gonna be a blast!”

I won’t forget this, Dru.

“What was that, Author? I’m trying to have a conversation here!”

You better be glad you have the eyes.

“Woo! My birthday was awesome!”

I’m glad! It’s always good to have a great party!

“Especially because I’m awesome!”

Yes, you are.

And we’ll end on this shot of Marcy looking gorgeous!

Will Celestia rise to the top of journalism? Will Romi find her son? Will I let Lestat go through

college? Will I kill Tom and Dru? Who will be heir? These questions may or may not be

answered in the next chapter of the Night Legacy!

See you then!

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