nightly business report - wednesday may 1 2013

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  • 7/30/2019 Nightly Business Report - Wednesday May 1 2013


    ANNOUNCER: This is NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT with Tyler Mathisen and

    Susie Gharib, brought to you by --



    how investors kicked off the month, erasing about half of April`s gains.

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    The Fed sticks with its easy money policy and calls out Congress for

    weakening the economy. We`ll talk with former Federal Reserve Governor

    Randy Kroszner.

    GHARIB: Testing, testing. With just five months to go, will the

    state`s new health exchanges be up and running in time for open enrollment?

    We have all that and more tonight on NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT for this

    Wednesday, May 1st.

    Good evening, everyone.

    So, Tyler, the calendar changed and so did investor sentiment.

    MATHISEN: In a big way, wiping out almost all of those April gains.

    The old saying, "Sell in May, and go away" did ring true on Wall Street

    today. Stocks fell sharply on more evidence of a slowdown in economic


    The Dow tumbled to 138 points, the NASDAQ fell 29, and S&P was 500

    down 14. Big driver for today`s sell-off: disappointing data on jobs,

    specifically the payroll firm ADP reported that 119,000 private sector jobs

    were added to the economy in April. And that was far fewer than the

    160,000 or sot that economists had expected.

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    And March`s numbers were revised downward as well. And that is

    causing some concern about Friday`s big government report on payrolls and


    The Institute for Supply Management`s read on U.S. manufacturing in

    April showed some modest growth, but it dropped to the slowest rate of

    growth so far this year. And construction spending during March fell

    nearly 2 percent, largely because of a pullback in government spending on

    new projects.

    GHARIB: Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve knows that the U.S. economy

    still needs help. And so, policymakers announced today they are leaving

    interest rates unchanged near zero percent. Wrapping up a two-day meeting,

    the Fed also said it will continue its massive bond buying program to

    encourage more lending and spending. The Central Bank also said it s ready

    to, quote, "increase or reduce" the pace of those purchases.

    Hampton Pearson has more.



    At the Federal Reserve, monetary policymakers wrapped up a two-day meeting,

    renewing their pledge to keep interest rates at record lows and buying

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    billions in treasuries to encourage borrowing and investment. The Fed even

    opened the door to increase bond purchases if the economy does not improve.

    DAVID KELLY, JPMORGAN FUNDS: I think, right now, they are over easy.

    I would like to see a little bit of sunny side up here.

    PEARSON: The statement from Chairman Ben Bernanke and his fellow

    monetary policy makers sees an economy expanding at a slow pace, with an

    unemployment rate that remains elevated and the Fed says fiscal policy is

    restraining growth. Leading economists say the Fed benchmark of 6.5

    percent unemployment rate for raising interest rates is becoming more

    elusive because of government austerity.

    DIANE SWONK, MESIROW FINANCIAL: It`s weak and it`s weak because of

    the sequester. We`re now starting to see fiscal drag from both taxes and

    the sequester intermingle. And that`s one of the reasons why you see the

    Feds still out there.

    PEARSON (on camera): Today`s disappointing data on private sector

    jobs and a possible manufacturing slowdown, adding to concerns ahead of

    Friday`s government employment report that April could see a second

    straight month with a significant slowdown in job growth.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Hampton Pearson, in Washington.

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    MATHISEN: And joining us now, Randy Kroszner, former Fed governor and

    now professor the economics at the University of Chicago`s Booth School of


    Professor, welcome. Good to have you with us.

    I guess everybody is saying that the key sentence in the Fed statement

    today is where they say they could increase or decrease the pace and size

    of their asset purchases.

    Do you see it that way? And what does that very careful language

    suggest to you?

    RANDY KROSZNER, FORMER FED GOVERNOR: Well, it is really the only

    change in statement, or, well, it s also a change about fiscal policy. But

    in terms of monetary policy, that was the key change.

    There have been a lot of this discussion of maybe tapering off some of

    those purchases. That discussion I think is now gone. The last -- two of

    the last three years, we`ve had these sort of spring swoons or spring

    slumps just when the Fed started to talk about exit strategy, taking about

    taking away the punch bowl, we`re not going to hear that anymore.

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    I think the Fed has decided it`s going to try to use an open mouth

    operation, trying to change people`s expectations to try to boost the

    economy a little bit, even before making any further purchases.

    GHARIB: Randy, as a former Fed governor, you sat in all of these

    meetings. You know what the conversation is like.

    So, what Wall Street wants to know, what investors want to know is how

    much longer this bond-buying program is going to go on? So, what are you

    saying? How long is this going to go on?

    KROSZNER: Well, the Fed changes communications strategy to get away

    from having a particular date like 2015 to saying until the unemployment

    rate goes down to 6.5 percent for moving interest rates. For the bond

    purchases, I think it`s likely that it`s going to go on for a while. By

    changing the language, they made it very clear that the balanced view that

    they could either increase or decrease, depending on how the economy is


    And I think, unfortunately, the economy remains in a sort of sideways

    slide, not really getting the traction that we need, and so I`d say it`s at

    least as likely, if not more likely they`re going to increase rather than

    decrease their purchases over the next year.

    MATHISEN: You wrote not long ago that these asset purchases have

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    helped forestall deflation, which is really why, I suppose, the Fed has

    embarked on this course. Is Q.E., the bond and other asset purchases, is

    it still helping? And do we risk not necessarily kindling inflation at the

    consumer level, but an asset inflation that some people say could end


    KROSZNER: Sure. So, you`ve got the challenge of the regular price

    inflation or deflation, and we`re starting to see some of the numbers go

    down lower and lower. Inflation, by one of the Fed`s favorite measures

    that just came out, is probably around 1 percent. That`s half of the goal

    of around 2 percent.

    Now, there are some potential concerns that by keeping interest rates

    so low for so long and making such promises, that you could get some more

    risk-taking occurring in different parts of the market.

    I don`t think there is strong evidence of any dislocations, but we

    have to be really careful to monitor for that.

    GHARIB: All right. Everybody is waiting for this important jobs

    report that`s coming out on Friday, and I know you watch it very carefully

    as well. The consensus estimate is that the unemployment rate will stay

    around 7.6 percent and there`d be something like 153,000 jobs created, if

    it actually works out that way.

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    I mean, how would you describe the job market these days in view of

    what you said, the sideways slide in the economy?

    KROSZNER: Unfortunately, I think that continues to be where we are.

    It doesn`t mean that we`re going to have a double dip. It doesn`t mean

    we`re going to stop job growth. But having job growth and sort of 100,000,

    150,000 area is not going to make a big dent in unemployment rate. That

    unemployment rate has really been stubbornly high and we just kind of

    continue to slide along with growth around 2 percent, generating 100,000,

    150,000 jobs per month, gradually bringing that unemployment down.

    The Fed is frustrated. It wants more to happen. It`s trying -- it

    believes it`s trying its best and now, of course, is pointing some fingers

    at the fiscal authorities.

    MATHISEN: Very quickly and finally, Professor, would you like to see

    Chairman Bernanke re-nominated? Would you like to see him take another

    term? And do you think he would if it was offered?

    KROSZNER: I have enormous respect for the chairman. I think, much

    like Paul Volcker, who is revered today, but when he was finishing up his

    eight years as chairman, there are a lot of questions about whether he did

    the right things or not. I think, over time, people are going to realize

    that Chairman Bernanke really slayed the dragon of deflation and was very

    important in providing the basic support for us going forward.

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    So, I would certainly be delighted to see him there for much longer.

    MATHISEN: Very glad to have you with us tonight. Randy Kroszner,

    former Fed governor and professor of economics at the University of

    Chicago`s Booth School of Business.

    GHARIB: And more on the economy today, more evidence of a turn around

    in housing. Mortgage applications rose 2 percent last week, following

    another slight dip in interest rates, 3/4 of the applications were current

    homeowners refinancing their loans at a lower rate.

    MATHISEN: April was another blowout month for auto sales, especially

    for Detroit`s Big Three. Sales at Ford surged 18 percent, while Chrysler

    and General Motors (NYSE:GM) both saw sales rise 11 percent last month.

    Smaller, more fuel efficient cars like the Ford Fusion were in high

    demand. But so were pickup trucks like the Dodge Ram. Some economists see

    that as a by-product of the recovery in housing with big demand from

    contractors and construction crews to replace aging vehicles they`ve held

    on to since the Great Recession.

    GHARIB: Turning now to our "Market Focus".

    Merck (NYSE:MRK) dragged down the Dow today, reporting lower profits

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    on reduced drug sales. Merck (NYSE:MRK) also revised its outlook lower for

    the rest of the year. Merck (NYSE:MRK) shares lost more than 2 1/2

    percent, closing at $45.69.

    MATHISEN: Well, today, Susie, one company`s pain was another firm`s

    gain. Despite beating on earnings, Allergan (NYSE:AGN) shares were hit

    hard today after the company said it will delay final tests for its drug to

    treat macular degeneration. As a result, shares of Regeneron led the

    NASDAQ. Its investors and analysts viewed that news as a positive for

    Regeneron Eylea drug.

    Shares of Allergan (NYSE:AGN) off 13 percent to $98.67 while Regeneron

    gained 10 percent to finish at $237.29.

    GHARIB: CVS (NYSE:CVS) Caremark touching a new all-time high, thanks

    to solid profits up 23 percent in the quarter. Higher demand for generic

    drugs, the flu season and increasing prescription volume drove profits and

    Wall Street now expects current quarter profits will be higher than earlier


    Year-to-date, CVS (NYSE:CVS) is up 21 1/2 percent, closing at $58.75.

    MATHISEN: Visa (NYSE:V) reported higher profits in Wall Street had

    expected and increased net operating revenues as well. The company also

    confirmed its full year outlook for low double digit revenue growth.

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    Shares of Visa (NYSE:V), though, sold off by more than 2.5 percent before

    the close, but they jumped in after-hours trading.

    GHARIB: And Humana (NYSE:HUM) doubled its first quarter profit and

    raised its outlook for the full year but expressed uncertainty about 2014.

    About 2/3 of the Humana`s revenue comes from Medicare Advantage. This is a

    private Medicare plan. Rates are set by the government, and Humana

    (NYSE:HUM) said that`s making 2014 earnings growth uncertain.

    Still, shares gained more than 4 1/2 percent on the earnings

    performance, and are up 13 percent so far this year.

    MATHISEN: And sticking with health care, the Affordable Care Act was

    signed into law more than three years ago. Now, dozens of states are

    gearing up to implement their own health care exchanges by October when

    Americans can shop for their own state-run plans.

    Bertha Coombs shows us the challenges one state is having in setting

    up its own exchange.


    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sort by the premium cost, by the deductible.


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    Washington state has been test-driving its health benefits exchange since

    late March.

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s other things in here.

    COOMBS: The testing is still in the early stages. Washington is one

    of 16 states and the District of Columbia that are building their own

    insurance exchanges, the health care portals consumers will use to buy

    insurance and find out if they are eligible for subsidies.

    Most states seem to be on target says Kaiser Family Foundation`s

    Jennifer Tolbert. But it`s less clear how things going with federal



    We know

    a little bit less about how progress is proceeding at the federal level,

    but we are hearing that progress is being made.

    COOMBS: The federal government is building exchanges for 33 states

    whose governors opted against a build out. Critics worry Health and Human

    Services won`t get systems up in time for the October 1st start of open


    But President Obama downplayed those concerns.

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    implementing something big, there`s going to be people who are nervous and

    anxious about, is it going to get done?

    COOMBS: The Deloitte Team (NASDAQ:TISI) helping to build Washington s

    system says the biggest challenge is bringing the existing Medicaid and

    other federal reporting systems up to speed, so they don`t trip up the new


    BENUSH VENUGOPAL, DELOITTE: Legacy systems, it takes a little while

    longer to do that. And these changes are essentially to support the

    additional data capture that we needed to do, to support the Affordable

    Care Act.

    COOMBS (on camera): For the federal exchanges resolving conflicts

    with 33 different state systems will be a big, complicated piece of

    business in President Obama`s words. HHS has already said it`s going to

    have to delay some small business options until 2015 because it can`t get

    them up and running in time for October 1st.

    (voice-over): In Washington, they feel like they are right on

    schedule to get both individual and small business plans online and ready

    on time.


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    GHARIB: Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) losing more face with investors today

    after the market closed. The social networking site reported earnings that

    came in below analyst estimates and then the stock bounced up and down in


    Seema Mody is at the NASDAQ with all the details of Facebook`s latest


    Over to you, Seema.


    first quarter came in at $1.46 billion, which is slightly higher than the

    street estimate, but as you point out, earnings didn`t meet -- earnings did

    miss street expectations, excuse me, by a penny. Now, mobile was the key

    buzzword on analyst`s minds. Mobile ad revenue now makes up 30 percent of

    Facebook`s total ad revenue, compared to the 23 percent it reported last


    And Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) also reported a jump in mobile monthly active

    users. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, "We have seen strong growth and

    engagement across our community and launched several exciting products.

    Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) in general has been taking more steps to make its

    social networking site more mobile-friendly. It recently made updates to

    its timeline, as well as other features. It also unveiled its Facebook

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    (NASDAQ:FB) Home software for Android users, all in all in an effort to

    lure in the mobile user.

    Back over to you.

    MATHISEN: All right. Seema, thank you very much.

    Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) may represent the new media, but some of the old

    media companies also reported their earnings today. And the results were

    pretty good.

    After the bell, we heard from CBS (NYSE:CBS), remember that company?

    They got "60 Minutes" and other shows. It saw profits rise 22 percent last

    quarter on higher ad rates for the Super Bowl and a jump in revenue from

    cable carrier fees.

    Comcast (NASDAQ:CMCSA) (NYSE:CCS), the owner of NBC Universal

    (NYSE:UVV), which is the parent of CNBC, which produces this broadcast,

    made more than expected, with growth in its theme parks and cable news

    units, even though it lost more cable TV subscribers.

    And Time Warner (NYSE:TWX) made more than forecast last quarter on the

    strength of CNN, HBO and other cable networks it owns, despite weakness in

    its movie studio and, notably, its publishing business.

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    And if that wasn`t enough, to show that some of the old guard is doing

    pretty well -- shares of too more media giants, Disney (NYSE:DIS) and

    Viacom (NYSE:VIA), each touched all-time highs today on a down day in the


    GHARIB: Joining to us talk about the investing opportunities in all

    kinds of media companies, Larry Haverty. He`s portfolio manager at

    Gabelli Funds.

    Larry, let`s begin with Facebook (NASDAQ:FB). I know you have been

    recommending it. And now that you`ve seen the numbers, do you still feel

    that way after seeing those earnings?


    statistics are not the earnings -- the revenues in the engagement. And the

    ad revenues grew 43 percent.

    Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) in the next five years

    are going to capture all of the incremental growth in global advertising

    dollars. And you can see Google`s revenues, you can see it in Facebook`s.

    Now the question is, how fast is Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) going to convert

    this revenue to operating cash flow? They didn`t get a particularly good

    grade in this quarter. They only converted around 25 percent, which is

    pretty low since you have a company that doesn`t really sell anything, it

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    So, they are spending a lot of money in initiatives. It`s kind of

    like Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN). I think the market is going to give Mark a hall

    pass when showing enmity (ph) for a while and we`ve seen act one of the

    movie, which is collecting the dollars. Act two is converting them to a

    profit and we`ll just have to see.

    I think the stock is fairly priced here if it does down, it becomes

    more attractive, and we`ll just have to wait. It`s not a definitive

    proposition. I think the market figured that out after hours.

    MATHISEN: You know, Larry, we`ve used the construct of new media

    versus old media. And, obviously, new media companies and old media cross

    pollinate, and they connect in various ways.

    Let me cut to the chase here. If you had $10,000 to invest over the

    next five years, how would you apportion it between or among new media

    companies as we traditionally think of them and old media companies, and

    which specific names would get the most of the money?

    HAVERTY: I`d go at least 50 percent in new media, and I think the

    biggest position would be Google (NASDAQ:GOOG). Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) is

    very reasonably priced. They win in search. They win in video. And

    heaven only knows, Tyler, what`s going to happen with Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

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    Glass. Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) Glass could be really enormous, and it`s a

    free call.

    I`d maybe put 10 percent in Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) and I`d put 15

    percent in Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO)! largely because I think the proposition

    with Alibaba in China is going to be a spectacular success. And we`ll have

    to see when Alibaba goes public, which I think will happen at the end of

    the year.

    The rest of it, old media not so bad. The collection of ad dollars

    problematic, but what they`ve done is they figured out a way using

    technology to get their content viewed on more platforms. And CBS

    (NYSE:CBS) has done this with its cable network. Time Warner (NYSE:TWX)

    has done it with HBO Go and TV everywhere.

    And you are getting new streams of people paying for content like

    Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX), and Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and TV stations are

    collecting re-transmission consent.

    And the beauty of this, Tyler, is it`s about 90 percent incremental

    profit because they`re not really spending a whole lot more money to

    produce the content.

    So, the incremental margins are terrific. The companies are

    generating in the neighborhood of 8 percent to 10 percent cash flow growth

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    and management has all gotten religion how to distribute that cash flow

    growth to the shareholders, I think Time Warner (NYSE:TWX) has gotten the

    most religion. They now are pretty distributing 100 percent. But CBS

    (NYSE:CBS) is right up there with them.

    GHARIB: We have --


    HAVERTY: Great story.

    GHARIB: We`re going to leave it there.

    Any disclosures to make? Do you own any of the stocks you just talked


    HAVERTY: We own them all.

    GHARIB: You own them all. OK, fair enough.

    Thanks so much. Larry Haverty, portfolio manager at Gabelli

    Multimedia Trust.

    MATHISEN: What you call a blanket disclosure there, right?

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    All right. JCPenney is sorry, posting a public apology on YouTube and

    Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) pages, admitting it made mistakes, saying that it

    listened to unhappy customers and wants those shoppers to come back.


    AD NARRATOR: It`s no secret. Recently, JC Penney changed --


    MATHISEN: Penney knows it messed up by ending sales days and

    eliminating coupons, which resulted in the loss of a quarter of its core

    customers over just the past year alone.

    Wall Street wasn`t particularly impressed it would seem by the mea

    culpa. Shares of Penney`s today closed down more than 1 percent again on a

    down day for stocks.

    Coming up, what one cola giant is doing back-to-win back consumers who

    have sworn off soda?

    First, though, here is how commodities, treasuries and currencies

    fared today.


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    MATHISEN: Finally, tonight, with U.S. sales on the decline for eight

    years straight, things have been pretty tough for soda makers who are

    working harder than ever to sell those drinks. It`s especially tough for

    the number three soda maker, Dr. Pepper Snapple. You know their brand,

    7UP, A&W, Sunkist, Canada Dry and, of course, Dr. Pepper.

    And Jane Wells shows us what that company is doing to get more

    Americans to come back to buying the bubbly sweet stuff.


    DAVID THOMAS: How about Sunkist? You like orange?


    Inside a labyrinth of laboratories on the ground floor of an office

    building in Plano, Texas --

    THOMAS: Here`s another version of Zevia.

    WELLS: -- David Thomas, a PhD in food and flavor, is leading a team

    trying to break through the clutter on the soda shelf and lure Americans

    back to drinking cola.

    THOMAS: We`re all about flavor.

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    WELLS: This is the headquarters for Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, the

    perennial number three to Coke and Pepsi, trying to thrive in a country

    where people have been switching from sodas to energy drinks or water.


    like the Super Bowl.

    WELLS: CEO Larry Young has been in this business over 40 years.

    YOUNG: There is a lot of cola fatigue out there. Flavors are

    continuing to grow. We play in the flavors. That`s what we do.

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Manliest low calorie soda in the history of


    WELLS: Young says the company is starting to win back people who have

    sworn off cola with a new 10-calorie product line which he says has the

    same mouth feel as full calorie cola, the new line is helping Dr. Pepper

    gain market share.

    But Young doesn`t buy the argument that sodas are the cause of


    YOUNG: Everybody is trying to say that, you know, obesity is being

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    caused by soft drinks. How can soft drinks be declining and obesity

    climbing? I mean, it`s just exact opposite.

    WELLS: As sales volume thread water, the company is doubling on

    marketing, like a new initiative adding videos to the famous Snapple facts

    called Snapple "Reinfactments".


    think differently, as kind of that Trojan horse in the beverage industry.

    We really have to be creative in how we approach things and take a little

    bit more risks.

    WELLS: The company is proud to show off all the risks it`s taking --

    well, almost all.

    (on camera): But they won`t let us go everywhere. Behind this door

    is the vault, which contains the secret recipe for Dr. Pepper, all 23

    ingredients. They won`t let us see the vault. They do let us see the


    (voice-over): Will the innovations pay off? The CEO says it will be

    a long, tough fight.

    YOUNG: I like to tell everybody that talks about us being small

    compared to Coke and Pepsi, as a farm boy (ph), I`ve seen a lot of fleas

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    make a bulldog bite his butt.

    WELLS (on camera): Are any bulldogs biting their butts yet?

    YOUNG: Well, we`re still gaining share.

    WELLS (voice-over): For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Jane Wells, Plano,



    MATHISEN: One of those things, a little can become big. You drink a

    Coke, or a sugar drink a day, it adds up to a lot of calories. That`s why

    I sort of replace them with --

    GHARIB: The diet.

    MATHISEN: -- with waters. I do like the diet, though. I do like

    diet Dr. Pepper. It`s actually my favorite among them.

    All right. A programming note for you: tomorrow, I`ll be hosting

    NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT from the Investment Company Institute`s annual

    meeting down in Washington, talking to some of the biggest names in the

    mutual fund business.

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    GHARIB: And on Friday, I`ll be in Omaha, covering the Berkshire

    Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.A) annual meeting, the big event of the year for value

    investors. And I`ll also interview Warren Buffett and I`ll have a complete

    wrap up on Monday.

    MATHISEN: Fantastic.

    And that will do it for tonight`s edition of NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT.

    I`m Tyler Mathisen, thanks for watching.

    GHARIB: And I m Susie Gharib. Have a great evening, everyone. And

    we`ll see you tomorrow.


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