ninth day session of pyidaungsu hluttaw continues · ninth day session of pyidaungsu hluttaw...

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Volume XIX, Number 296 4th Waning of Tabodwe 1373 ME Saturday, 11 February, 2012

Established 1914

Ninth day session of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw continues

NAY PYI TAW, 11 Feb—U Thein Sein,President of the Republic of the Union ofMyanmar, has sent a message of felicitations toHis Excellency Mr Mahmoud Ahmadenejad,President of the Islamic Republic of Iran on theoccasion of the National Day of the IslamicRepublic of Iran, which falls on 11 February2012.—MNA

President of the Republic ofthe Union of MyanmarU Thein Sein felicitates

Iranian counterpart

NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb — The ninth day session of thePyidaungsu Hluttaw continued at the Pyidaungsu HluttawHall of Hluttaw Building here today, attended by PyidaungsuHluttaw Speaker U Khin Aung Myint, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker

True patriotism * It is very important for every one of the

nation regardless of the place he lives tohave strong Union Spirit.

* Only Union Spirit is the truepatriotism all the nationalities will haveto safeguard.

Lip services and talks are not enough to achieve national unity. So, it isrequired to build roads, railroads and bridges to overcome the natural barriersbetween regions of national races; and to improve the education and healthstandards; to lay economic foundations to improve the socio-economic status ofnational races. We have to improve the living conditions for national brethren,using the roads, bridges, educational institutions, hospitals and health centres.

President U Thein Sein(Excerpt from the speech delivered at the regular session of the first

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 30-3-2011)

Improve socio-economic life of national races

Representatives on arrival at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.—MNA

Thura U Shwe Mann and 546 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw repre-sentatives.

During the meeting, one new proposal was submitted,and discussion of bills continued.

U Thurein Zaw of Kawkareik Constituency submitted theproposal urging the Union Government, in the interests of thepeople, to take action on suggestions of the Pyithu HluttawPublic Accounts Committee on the findings of the UnionAuditor-General over the river water pumping stations,reservoirs, dams and diversion weirs built by the Ministryof Agriculture and Irrigation as the suggestions are crucialissues for the people and urged Pyidaungsu Hluttaw toapprove it.

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw invited those representatives whowant to discuss the proposal to enlist after the meeting.

During the session to discuss bills, Daw Tin Nwe Oo ofDagon Myothit (North) constituency, Dr Tin Shwe of YangonRegion constituency No 6, U Myint Tun of Bago Regionconstituency No 10, Daw Khin Than Myint of Ngaputawconstituency, U Sein Myint of Botahtaung constituency, UAung Sein of Manaung constituency, U Bo Ni of Yamethinconstituency, U Aung Hsan of Pabedan constituency, U SawTun Mya Aung of Kayin State constituency No 5, U KhinMaung Latt of Rakhine State constituency No 6, U TinMaung Oo of Shwepyitha constituency, U Shwe Maung ofButhidaung constituency, U Kyi Myint of Lathaconstituency, U Zaw Myint Pe of Mandalay Region con-stituency No 5, U Zone Hle Htan of Chin State constituencyNo 2 and U Nyi Nyi Myint of Ottwin constituency discussedthe education sector, economic sector, construction sector,social sector and management sector including in theNational Planning Bills of the State.

The meeting ended at 4 pm and the tenth day sessionwill resume at 10 am on 13 February.—MNA

Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) bringsAyeyawady Region up to development


China, India promisecloser relations


Atlanta anti-obesity ads‘risk child stigma’



evolved tokeep bitingflies at bay


New Zealand study aims to findlink between clouds, sea creatures


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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012

PERSPECTIVESSaturday, 11 February, 2012

Hundred fruits, Single stalkOur land is rich in natural resources, blessed

with temperate climate and fertile soil. Theland is emerald green covered by forests andfarms with constant flow of rivers and creeksin all seasons. It enjoys food sufficiency thanksto bumper harvest of rice and crops. It is theland of justice, liberty, equality and Lawkapala-Taya.

National races have been living in mixedcommunities on this land since time immemorial.It is accepted that Myanmar dates back tosome 40 million years according to thearchaeological evidences. Since theestablishment of city states, Myanmar has stoodtall throughout Bagan, Pinya, Sagaing, Inwa,Toungoo, Nyaungyan and Konboung periods.

In the course of history, the nation was tornapart in times of disunity and stood powerful intimes of unity between monarchs and the people.National people have experience in repellingand overcoming every difficulty, hardship andobstacle of different eras and different politicalsystems with power of unwavering spirit andUnion spirit.

Though fallen under colonial yoke, allMyanmar national races fought back theimperialists with whatever weapon they couldget no matter where they were in. Nationalraces such as Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin,Mon, Bamar, Rakhine, and Shan repulsed theinvaders with great valour out of Union Spiritand could claim back the independence andsovereignty, restoring the life of independentnation.

For the present time, we still need to workhard to keep abreast of global countries. Wehave to build a new democratic nation with thestrength of the entire national people, openinga new chapter. The government has put socio-economic improvement of national people highon its agenda building clean government andexercising good governance while fulfillingrequirements in economy, education and healthsectors of the nation.

The government is focusing on equitabledevelopment of all the regions in the Unionregardless of size and distance, and the resultwas smooth transportation and swift commodityflow. National brethren spread over highlandand mainland but in reality, they are like fruitsof a single stalk.

National races have lived on this land sinceyore in harmony and amity. In the future, allneed to attach great importance to perpetuityof the Union. It is high time to strive for eternalpeace across the Union and modernization ofthe nation with single-mindedness.

FM receives head of EA, SEA, PacificInternational Committee of Red Cross

NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb—Head of Operations for EastAsia, South-East Asia andthe Pacific of the

Public notice for remonstration1. Mro National Party, headquartered at No.245, New

Ward No.4, Buthidaung Township, Rakhine State,applied for registration as a political party on 10-2-2012 in accord with Political Party Registration LawSection 4. In applying for its registration, the partyhas submitted its name, flag and logo to be used asmentioned under.

2. It is hereby announced in accord with Political PartiesRegistration Rule 14 (d) that those who wish toremonstrate with the Union Election Commissionabout the party name, flag and logo may do so withfirm evidence within seven days from the date of thisannouncement.

Flag of Mro NationalParty

Seal of Mro NationalParty

Union Election Commission

Foreign AffairsDeputy Minister Dr

Myo Myint beingwelcomed by

Ambassador of theRussian Federation

Dr Mikhail MMgeladze at the

reception to markDiplomatic Service

Day at RussianEmbassy in Yangon

on 10 Feb, 2012.MNA

International Committee ofthe Red Cross Mr AlianAeschlimann paid acourtesy call to U Wunna

Maung Lwin, UnionMinister for Foreign Affairsat the Ministry of ForeignAffairs at 8.30 am today.

At the meeting, they hada cordial discussions onmatters relating tocooperation betweenMyanmar and theInternational Committee ofthe Red Cross.


NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb—Union Minister for Immigrationand Population U Khin Yi received Director Mr WernerHaug of New York-based UNFPA, Director Mr Pauk Cheungof UN Statistics Division (UNSD) and ResidentRepresentative Mr Mohamed Abdel Ahad and party ofUNFPA of Yangon at the ministry, here, at 9.30 am yesterday.

At the call, the Union Minister explained future plansfor collecting the domestic transfer census 2012 and thenational census 2014, conducting the training courses,formation of the Central Census Commission and theCentral Census Committee, constitutions of national censuscommittees at different levels, ways and laws for collecting

UNFPA officials call on Union I&P Ministerthe census.

The Union Minister replied to queries on work plansof the census by responsible persons of the UNFPA.

Next, members of the UNFPA delegation shared theirexperiences at international level on possible difficultiesin collecting the national census, assistance for trainingand technology.

The members of the UNFPA delegation met the workgroups led by the director-general of the PopulationDepartment at the meeting hall of the ministry at 10.30 amand focused on tasks of national census.


YANGON, 10 Feb—Hailing the 65th AnniversaryUnion Day competitions onmodes of national races dresswere held at HlaingmingalarHall in Hlaing Township on4 February.

One of the members ofYangon Region Committeefor Organizing theCompetitions presented aflower basket to the femalecompetitors who presentedtheir national race dresses.

The competitions covera variety of dresses ofnational races from 13township in Yangon WestDistrict.


Competitions on modes of national races dress held

NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb—Central Committee for Preventionagainst Trafficking in Person has launched its website— recently. Thewebsite contains strides of the Myanmar for anti-humantrafficking, MoU on anti-human trafficking, existing lawson prevention against human trafficking, Myanmar’s five-year anti-human trafficking plan, actions against humantrafficking, news and articles on human trafficking, seminarsand meeting records.—MNA

Anti-human traffickingwebsite set up

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012 3

BEIJING, 10 Feb— China and India, who fought a war in1962 over unresolved border issues, pledged to improveties, Chinese media said on the visit of India’s foreignminister.

In a lengthy report on the trip of Indian External AffairsMinister SM Krishna, Xinhua News Agency quoted analystsas saying the minister’s visit involved more than inauguratinghis country’s new embassy in Beijing.

The two South Asian nuclear giants, whose relationshave not always been cordial, have lately sought to bringabout an improvement even as India remains concernedabout China’s military growth, its close ties with traditionalrival Pakistan and its growing influence in the Indian Ocean.

China too is concerned as India strengthens its militaryto meet any threat and looks on with suspicion at NewDelhi’s closer ties with the United States.

Krishna said “a modern and expansive chancery

(Embassy) clearly reflects our expectations of ties withChina,” Xinhua said. The visitor Wednesday met withChinese leaders including Communist Party Polit Bureaumember Zhou Yongkang and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.

Xinhua quoted Ma Jiali, an India expert at the Centre forStrategic Studies of the China Reform Forum, as saying themeetings showed both China and India “attach greatimportance to and have great enthusiasm for” thedevelopment of the bilateral ties. Zhou said China and India,as the world’s largest developing economies, have multipleopportunities for bilateral cooperation, and that the two candeepen political trust and properly handle questions leftover by history such as border issues to safeguard peace inborder areas.

Last month, China and India signed an agreement inNew Delhi to set up a working mechanism relating to theirborder affairs.—Internet

China, India promise closer relations

Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) meets with CanadianPrime Minister Stephen Harper in Beijing, capital of

China, on 9 Feb, 2012. —XINHUA

Obama praises Italian PM’s economic effortsWASHINGTON, 10 Feb—

US President Barack Obamaon Thursday praised visitingItalian Prime Minister MarioMonti for his efforts to fightthe debt crisis and boostmarket confidence. Obamasaid he appreciated Monti’s“strong start” as Italy’s newly-named prime minister and the“very effective measures” hewas promoting in his country.

With stewardship,experience and his knowledgeof economics, Monti hasboosted confidence withinItaly for a reform agenda, andhas also generated confidenceacross Europe and the worldmarkets, Obama said.

Obama assured Monti,who assumed his post lastNovember to address Italy’sdebt crisis and restore fiscal

US President Barack Obama(R) and Italian PrimeMinister Mario Monti shake hands during meetings inthe Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC,

on 9 February , 2012.—INTERNET

stability, that the United Stateswould do whatever it could tohelp stabilize the situation inthe eurozone. “It has not beena crisis of the euro,” Monti

said in a speech at theWashington-based PetersonInstitute for InternationalEconomics before his meetingwith Obama, adding that the

euro has shown remarkablestability and solidity. Montisaid Italy doesn’t needfinancial support at present.“But it needs bettergovernance and wants tocontribute to bettergovernance,” the primeminister said.

Monti said budgetaryconsolidation, labor reform,liberalization and competitionare the three pillars foreconomic growth in Italy. “Ifmarkets see the improvementsin the policy outlook for Italyand sustainability of thebudget, they will deliver abenefit to Italy in the form oflower interest rates,” Montisaid. He said he was confidentEuropean integration will bestrengthened through thecrisis.—Xinhua

Nine PKK memberskilled in eastern Turkey

ANKARA, 10 Feb— Ninemembers of the bannedKurdish Workers’ Party(PKK) were killed and threeothers captured in anoperation in Turkey’s easternprovince of Bingol onThursday, an officialstatement said.

Acting on a tip-off, theTurkish security forcesstaged an operation against ahouse in Ilicalar neigh-bourhood in Bingol Provinceon Thursday, said a statementissued by Bingol governor’soffice.

“In the operation, nineterrorists were killed and threeothers were captured alive,”

Blasts hitnorthernLebanese

cityBEIRUT, 10 Feb—

Two bombs explodedThursday night inLebanon’s northern cityof Tripoli, where protestsin solitary with Syriananti-government pro-testers have been heldfor days, local TVreported.


the statement said, addingthat the security forces alsoseized nine AK-47(kalashnikov) rifles, five handgrenades, one rocketlauncher, two M-16 rifles,some C-4 explosives, tworadios and organizationaldocuments in the house.

Listed as a terrorist groupby Turkey, the United Statesand the European Union, thePKK took up arms in 1984 in abid to create an ethnichomeland in southeasternTurkey. More than 40,000people have been killed inconflicts involving the PKKduring the past over twodecades.—Xinhua

Eight militants killed in E Afghanistan operationsKABUL, 10 Feb— Eight militants have

been killed in joint Afghan forces and NATO-led Coalition troops operations in easternAfghan Region, NATO-led forces said onFriday. “Afghan and Coalition forces killedeight militants and detained two suspectedindividuals in eastern Afghanistan duringoperations throughout the past 24 hours, 9Feb,” the NATO-led International SecurityAssistance Force (ISAF) forces said in aPress release.

“A Coalition Force air strike killed sixmilitants in response to rocket propelledgrenade and small arms fire in Nijrab District,(eastern) Kapisa Province,” it said, adding“The joint forces also killed two insurgentsafter receiving mortar fire in Khost District,Khost Province,”

The Afghan National Police arrested two

individuals who matched biometric data duringroutine clearance in Khost District of easternKhost Province. The detainees weretransported to a nearby base for questioning,it added. “Operations in RC-East (RegionalCommand-East) are still ongoing,” it said.

Afghan officials often use the word“militants” referring to the Taleban. However,the militants group, who launched in May 2011a rebel offensive against Afghan and NATOforces, has yet to make comments.

Afghan forces and NATO-led coalitiontroops have intensified cleanup operationsthroughout the post-Taleban countryrecently. Over 110 militants have been killedand more than 430 others detained across thecountry since the beginning of this year,according to figures released by the AfghanInterior Ministry.—Xinhua

Two soldiers wounded inambush in N Philippine

MANILA, 10 Feb— Two government security personnel werewounded in an ambush staged by suspected leftist rebels in thenorthern Philippine Province of Camarines Norte on Thursday, amilitary official said.

Major Angelo Guzman, spokesman of the 9th Infantry Division,said Private First Class Alexander Saragosa and Private Arnel Sebuawere injured after elements of New Peoples Army guerrillas ambushedthem at around 1:15 am, local time in the village of Daguit in Labo town.The rebels fled after sensing a military reinforcement were heading tothe area.

The NPA, armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines,has been waging a guerrilla campaign in the countryside for more thanfour decades. The Philippine military estimates over 4,000 NPAguerrilla fighters are scattered in more than 60 provinces throughoutthe country.—Xinhua

A bloodstain at the scene of a bomb blast, as an Afghanpolice officer inspects the scene in Lashkar Gah,

Helmand province south of Kabul, Afghanistan, on 9Feb, 2012. Two Afghan policemen were killed and one

more was wounded by a bomb blast in Lashkar Gah,police officials said.—INTERNET

Thai security personnel inspect the siteof bomb explosion in Pattani provincein southern Thailand on 9 February,

2012. A retired teacher was killed and13 villagers wounded when a truck

bomb exploded on Thursday inThailand’s restive Muslim south, thelatest in a wave of separatist violence

in the region bordering Malaysia.Police blamed ethnic Malay rebels forthe bombing in front of a public health

office in Pattani, one of threeprovinces gripped by eight years of

separatist unrest. The bomb washidden inside a pickup truck anddamaged 10 other vehicles, police

said. Of the 13 wounded, three were incritical condition.—INTERNET

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012

Gene therapy‘gave me sight back’

LONDON, 10 Feb —Three US citizens who losttheir sight in childhood havereported a dramaticimprovement in vision afterhaving gene therapy in botheyes. There was someimprovement after thegenetic fault in one eye wascorrected four years ago.Now, one woman hasdescribed her joy at seeingher children’s faces, afterher second eye was treated.The research increaseshopes that gene therapy canbe used in a range of eyeconditions, said a UKexpert.

The three haveLeber’s Congenital Am-aurosis (LCA), a rareinherited disease caused bydefects in a gene encodinga protein needed for vision.It appears at birth or in thefirst months of life, leadingto severely impaired vision,involuntary eye move-ments and poor nightvision. The disorder, whichcan be caused by ‘mistakes’in more than 10 different

genes, prevents normalfunction of the retina; the light-sensitive layer of cells at theback of the eye.

Several teams around theworld are carrying out earlytrials of gene therapy inblindness, including expertsat the Philadelphia Children’sHospital and the University ofPhiladelphia, US. Only ahandful of patients worldwidehave received the treatment toboost a faulty gene underlyingan inherited form of blindness.The US researchers revealedin 2008 that 12 people withLCA had recovered somevision after being injected inone eye with an engineeredvirus carrying the gene RPE65.In a follow-up study theytreated the other eye of threeof them, and found it improvedtheir sight even more. Thesubjects could see better indim light and two were able tofind their way aroundobstacles. The results wererevealed in the latest edition ofthe journal Science Tran-slational Medicine.



‘It’s justincredible

to see’. INTERNET

Atlanta anti-obesity ads ‘risk child stigma’WASHINGTON , 10 Feb —

A leading US health officialhas warned that a campaignstarted by a children’shospital to fight childhoodobesity poses health risks.Alan Guttmacher, a childhealth expert at the National

Institutes of Health, saysAtlanta-based Strong4Life“carries a great risk ofincreasing stigma”. Thecampaign has been criticisedfor using stark images ofoverweight children to warnof obesity risks.

The hospital behind thecampaign said it raisedawareness of obesitydangers. The US state ofGeorgia has the nation’ssecond highest childhoodobesity rate. Dr Guttmacher’sresponse comes after onlineactivists mounted a month-long counter-campaign.In aletter to fat activist ShannonRussell, Dr Guttmacher,director of the EuniceKennedy Shriver NationalInstitute of Child Health and

Human Development, saidchildhood stigma “canreinforce unhealthy be-haviours”.Stigma also“poses risks to thepsychological health” ofobese adolescents, DrGuttmacher wrote.

The Strong4Life cam-paign, run by Children’sHealthcare of Atlanta, hasposted billboards in theAtlanta area since Augustfeaturing unflattering blackand white photos ofunhappy fat children. Theposters are accompanied bya warning banner andmessages such as: “Chubbyisn’t cute if it leads to typetwo diabetes”; and “Beingfat takes the fun out of beinga kid”.—Internet

Children’s Healthcare launched the campaignaround Atlanta in August.— INTERNET

French weight loss drug ‘killed at least 1,300’PARIS, 10 Feb — Mediator,

a drug licensed for use bydiabetics that became widelyprescribed in France as aslimming aid, “probably”caused at least 1,300 deathsbefore it was withdrawn, a studypublished on Thursday said.Mahmoud Zureik of theNational Institute of Health andMedical Research (Inserm),who co-led the probe, told AFPthat around 3,100 people hadrequired hospitalisation duringthe 33 years during which thedrug was sold. However, thesefigures could well be an “under-estimate,” he said. The study,

appearing in the specializedjournal Pharmacoepide-miology & Drug Safety,finetunes an estimate byZureik in 2010 that the deathtoll from the scandal wasbetween 1,000 and 2,000.Mediator, known by its labname as benfluorex, wasinitially licensed to reducelevels of fatty proteins calledlipids, with the claim that ithelped diabetics control theirlevel of blood sugar. But italso suppressed appetite,which meant it gained asecondary official use to helpobese diabetics lose weight.

In fact, it was widely sold onprescription for nondiabeticswanting to slim. In 2009,Mediator was pulled from theEuropean market amidevidence that it damagedheart valves and causedpulmonary hypertension.

Its French manufacturer,Servier, is being probed onsuspicion of dishonestpractices and deception. Thenew study is an extrapolationbased on figures for deathsfrom faulty heart valves,although not fromhypertension, among majorusers of the drug.—Internet

Mediator, a drug licensedfor use by diabetics that

became widely prescribedin France as a slimming

aid, “probably” caused atleast 1,300 deaths before

it was withdrawn,according

to a study in thePharmacoepidemiology &

Drug Safety journal.INTERNET

China’s exports and imports dip raisinggrowth concerns

BEIJING, 10 Feb —China’s exports fell inJanuary, the first decline inmore than two years, raisingfresh concerns about theimpact of a global slow-down on its economy.Exports fell 0.5% from a yearearlier amid sluggish globaldemand. Shipments werealso hurt as factories wereshut during the Lunar NewYear. Meanwhile, importsdipped 15.3% raising fearsabout slowing domesticdemand.China has beentrying to boost domesticconsumption in a bid tooffset slowing exports andrebalance its economy.

Analysts said whilethe closure of estab-lishments during theChinese New Year affectedthe numbers, the declinecould not be attributed tothe festival alone. They saidthat the bigger-than-expected drop, especiallyin imports, was worrying asit gave an indication ofslowing growth. “Thecollapse of imports begsparticular attention,” said

The manufacturing and export sectors are key drivers ofgrowth in China.— INTERNET

Ren Xianfeng of IHS Global inBeijing. “A fall of over 15% inJanuary cannot be entirelyexplained by the lunarcalendar, and adds weight tothe view that economicoutput is slower than headlineindicators might suggest.”Earlier this month, the ChinaFederation of Logistics andPurchasing reported that theimport index for January fellto 46.9 from 49.3 in the previousmonth, showing slowingdemand at home. Despitethese numbers, analysts said

the dip was likely to be short-lived and imports may start torise in the coming months.

The export sector has beenkey to China’s economicgrowth in the past few years asglobal firms have turned toBeijing to take advantage of itslow-cost manufacturing.However, a slowdown in theUS and the eurozone, whichare two of the biggest marketsfor Chinese goods, has seenthe pace of growth ofshipments slow in recentmonths. —Internet

Kodak exits digitalcamera market

Kodak struggled to compete withincreasingly sophisticated cameras on

mobile phones.— INTERNET

NEW YORK , 10 Feb — Eastman Kodak,whose name became synonymous withphotography, is to stop making digitalcameras. The 133-year-old company said itwould also end production of video camerasand digital picture frames. Kodak said itwould concentrate on more profitabledivisions such as photo printing anddesktop inkjet printers. The company, whichentered bankruptcy protection from itscreditors last month, said that the changesshould save about $100m (£63m) a year.

Kodak said in a statement that it hadbeen cutting its exposure to loss-makingoperations for some time. “Today’sannouncement is the logical extension ofthat process, given our analysis of theindustry trends,” said Pradeep Jotwani,president and chief marketing officer atKodak. The company will continue tohonour product warranties and providetechnical support for the discontinuedproducts.—Internet

Unexpected loss forIndia’s Tata Steel

MUMBAI, 10 Feb — Tata Steel, the largestproducer in India, unexpectedly reported aloss for the last three months of 2011, hit byweak demand. The company saw a net lossof 6.03bn rupees ($122m; £77m) in the thirdquarter, Tata Steel said in a statement. Thatcompares with a net profit of 10bn rupees ayear earlier. Higher prices for raw materialsas well as falling demand and prices in Europecontributed to the decline, Tata said.

Tata Steel is the world’s tenth largeststeelmaker and the biggest in India.


Analysts were expecting a 3.4bn rupeenet profit, according to Reuters news agency.The company operates two thirds of itscapacity in Europe, where the debt crisis ishitting demand. The head of Tata’s Europeanoperations said he did not expect demand topick up this year. “We are accelerating cashconservation in expectation of muted butstable demand in our core markets in 2012,”he said in a statement.

Analysts said Tata Steel was beingsqueezed from both sides. — Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012 5

Zebra stripes evolved to keep biting flies at bayLONDON , 10 Feb — Why

zebras evolved theircharacteristic black-and-white stripes has been thesubject of decades of debateamong scientists. Nowresearchers from Hungaryand Sweden claim to havesolved the mystery. Thestripes, they say, came aboutto keep away blood-suckingflies. They report in theJournal of ExperimentalBiology that this pattern ofnarrow stripes makes zebras“unattractive” to the flies.They key to this effect is inhow the striped patternsreflect light.

“We started offstudying horses with black,brown or white coats,”explained Susanne Akessonfrom Lund University, amember of the internationalresearch team that carried outthe study. “We found that inthe black and brown horses,we get horizontally polarizedlight.” This effect made thedark-coloured horses veryattractive to flies. It meansthat the light that bouncesoff the horse’s dark coat —and travels in waves to theeyes of a hungry fly—movesalong a horizontal plane, likea snake slithering along with

The team placed the sticky model horses in a fly-infestedfield .— INTERNET

Whales ‘stressed by ocean noise’BOSTON, 10 Feb — Noise

from ships stresses whalesnearby, researchers haveshown. Ships’ propellers emitsound in the same frequencyrange that some whales usefor communicating, andprevious studies have shownthe whales change theircalling patterns in noisyplaces. Now, researchers havemeasured stress hormones inwhale faeces, and found theyrose with the density ofshipping.

The species studied inthe Bay of Fundy in Canada,

Right whales come to theBay of Fundy late each

summer to feed.INTERNET

the North Atlantic rightwhale, is listed asendangered. It had beenthought that hunting by theBasque people a fewhundred years ago broughta robust population downto barely sustainable levels.

But recent researchsuggests the big populationdecline happened muchearlier, for reasons that areunclear. Dr RosalindRolland of the New EnglandAquarium in Boston, US,who led the new study, saidthe population was now upto an estimated 490individuals from about 350a decade ago.

North Atlantic rightwhales (Eubalaena gla-cialis) roam up and downthe east coast of NorthAmerica, coming to the Bayof Fundy typically in latesummer to feed. Aquariumscientists have beenstudying them in the baysince 1980. But the newstudy, reported in the RoyalSociety journal Pro-ceedings B, came aboutthrough chance.— Internet

its body flat to the floor.Dr Akesson and her

colleagues found thathorseflies, or tabanids, werevery attracted by these “flat”waves of light. “From a whitecoat, you get unpolarised light[reflected],” she explained.Unpolarized light waves travelalong any and every plane,and are much less attractive toflies.—Internet

New Zealand study aims to find link betweenclouds, sea creatures

WELLINGTON, 10 Feb — The creation of clouds might begin with microscopic organizmsliving in the oceans. That’s the theory an international team of atmospheric and marinescientists hopes to test off the east coast of New Zealand. The 23 scientists from New Zealand,Australia, Finland, the United States, Canada and Ireland will leave New Zealand next weekaboard a research vessel operated by New Zealand’s National Institute of Water andAtmospheric Research (NIWA). The vessel will set sail for the Chatham Rise, an underwaterplatform that runs for more than 100 km, next week. “We need to understand what role oceanprocesses play in cloud and climate,” voyage leader and NIWA principal scientist Dr CliffLaw said in a statement. The three-week study, called SOAP (Surface Ocean AerosolProcesses), would examine how some phytoplankton, the microscopic plant cells that livein the sunlit surface waters, released sulfur compounds that could escape to the atmosphere.

Once in the atmosphere, the compounds formed aerosol particles, on which water startedto condense, stimulating the production of clouds. Some microorganizms concentrated at thesea surface produced organic compounds, which, it had been suggested, produced tinyaerosol particles when associated with bubble bursting in breaking waves. The scientists aimto measure the composition of surface waters, the overlying air and the exchange or “flux”between the two. Law said they hoped to see variation and trends in properties as they movedacross blooms of different phytoplankton along the Chatham Rise. “The SOAP voyage willbe quite a challenge. In addition to finding plankton blooms we need calm conditions forsome measurements and strong winds for others,” said Law. The work is funded by NewZealand’s Ministry of Science and Innovation.— Xinhua

Regional cybercrime hubslaunched across England

LONDON , 10 Feb —Three police cybercrimeteams have been launchedas part of a £6m regionaleffort to combat growingthreats. Yorkshire and theHumber, the Northwest andEast Midlands will each getits own dedicated unit.They will work alongsidethe Metropolitan PoliceCentre e-crime Unit whichdeals with national onlinesecurity.The funding is partof £30m targeted atbolstering e-crime pre-vention nationally over thenext four years. The newcentres will consist of threemembers of staff—adetective sergeant and twodetective constables.

The initiative wasannounced at the Associa-tion of Chief Police Officers(ACPO) e-crime conferencein Sheffield on Wednesday.

A training period is

The government hopes the hubs will bolster thenational effort to fight e-crime.— INTERNET

required before the hubs willbe fully operational, DeputyAssistant CommissionerJanet Williams, who headsACPO’s e-crime efforts, said.“These three additionalpolicing units are going toplay a critical role in ourability to combat the threat,”she added.”It is anticipatedthe hubs will make asignificant contribution tothe ‘national harm reduction’target of £504m.” Harmreduction is calculated usinga “harm matrix” — a systemwhich factors in costs such ashow much the criminal stoodto gain, how much moneywas invested in the crime,and the potential cost to thevictim. “In the first six monthsof the new funding periodalone we have already beenable to show a reduction of£140m with our existingcapability,” Ms Williamssaid. —Internet

Ofcom targets phone andbroadband switching ‘slammers’

LONDON , 10 Feb — Landline phone and Internet providerswhich switch customers to their service without their consent—a process known as “slamming”—are being targeted byOfcom. The telecoms regulator says that an estimated 520,000UK households were “slammed” last year. It argues that allswitches should be verified by a third party to prevent abuses.

The telecoms industry has expressed concern that thiscould add to costs.

Other suggestions put forward by the regulator include:* Making the new provider responsible for the switching

process* Simplifying the process to make sure that consumers

are not confused and do not have to contact differentproviders

* Addressing technical problems which can cause thewrong lines to be switched

* Tackling loss of service caused by a change ofprovider; Ofcom says one in five consumers lose theirbroadband connection for about a week when theyswitch

“Many people think that the current systems are toodifficult and unreliable which is why we have made it one ofour priorities to tackle this problem,” said Ofcom’s chiefexecutive Ed Richards. “Today’s proposals are designed tomake the process easier and safe from slamming.”— Internet

Ofcom says many consumers lose their broadbandconnection for a week when they switch provider.— INTERNET

AA to launch sat-nav techtracked insurance policy

The black box device is fitted to the policy holder’scar.— INTERNET

LONDON , 10 Feb — The AA is set to launch a newinsurance policy which uses sat-nav technology to trackdriver performance. The firm said the system would allowits better drivers to receive cheaper premiums. It followssimilar efforts by smaller insurers. Larger rival Direct Linehas told the BBC it is also piloting its own “black box”scheme. Critics of the technology said that data should notbe used as a reliable measure of a driver’s ability. Thesystem involves the installation of a small black box intothe driver’s car which records how they drive.

The measures include monitoring speed, brakingseverity, cornering and the types of roads used duringcertain times of day. This information is transmittedremotely to the insurers, and can also be accessed by usersvia a website which gives information on overallperformance, warning them if they are likely to be movedto a higher premium. “The reports are pretty detailed,” AAspokesman Ian Crowder told the BBC ahead of Wednesday’sformal announcement. “The point is that these sorts ofdevices firmly put in the hands of the driver a responsibilityfor driving safely. It makes you think.”The informationcould be used to prove who was at fault in accidents, MrCrowder added, but such detailed information would onlybe disclosed with a court order.

He added that the system could also detect suddenhard braking so assistance could be sent. Extreme speedswould be greeted with “a stern email” to the driver.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012

US House Speaker John Boehner hosts a newsconference on issues including the payroll tax break

extension and the Stock Act at the Capitol Hill inWashington on 9 Feb, 2012.—XINHUA

Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia tostrengthen Asia-Pacific presence

BOGOTA, 10 Feb—Colombia, Chile, Mexico andPeru on Thursday announceda joint project to boost theirpresence in internationalmarkets with a specific eye tothe Asia-Pacific Region, theMexican trade promotionagency ProMexico said.

Carlos Guzman, directorof ProMexico, said the fourLatin American countries hadagreed to start building joint

strategies such as carrying outmarketing surveys, attendingtrade fairs and opening jointpromotion offices in the maincities of Asia-Pacific.

Guzman, who wasspeaking at the end of theMeeting of AgenciesPromoting the PacificAlliance held in theColombian Capital, said hewas optimistic about the jointwork agreement as it

represented an importantopportunity for both the LatinAmerican countries and theirAsian counterparts.

“Due to the worldfinancial crisis, the globaleconomy is being recon-figured and operations areincreasingly transferredtoward emerging econo-mies,” he said, adding mostof the world’s futureeconomic growth is expected

to be from the Latin Americanand Asian regions.

Maria Claudia Lacou-ture, president of Colombia’sProexport agency, also saidthe alliance was instrumentalfor the four countries’investment and exportopportunities in Asia-Pacific.

“The results of themeeting are very positive. Wehave come to a work plan thatwe from now on will developin order to, as a group, takeadvantage of more businessopportunities,” Lacouturesaid.—Xinhua

Cuba, Paraguay vow to propelL American integration

HAVANA, 10 Feb—Cubaand Paraguay agreedThursday on the need toeliminate any obstacletoward further regionalintegration, which they saidis the hallmark of the currentLatin America. ForeignMinister Bruno Rodriguezand visiting Paraguayancounterpart Jorge Lara Castromade the remarks during theirtalks, which also focus onbilateral cooperation.

Castro recalled thehistorical ties between

Havana and Asuncion, andhe thanked Cuba forsupporting his country onmany international issues.

A joint declarationissued after the meeting saidthe two sides would increasecooperation in healthcare,education and other areas.

Castro arrived hereWednesday for a three-daytrip. He will visit the ResearchCentre on the WorldEconomy in Havana, beforeattending the InternationalBook Fair that officially

opens on Thursday.Cuba and Paraguay have

had close ties in educationand healthcare as Cuba havetrained 908 Paraguayanstudents in its medicalschools since 1999 and 499Paraguayans are currentlystudying at Cuban uni-versities.

The Caribbean islandalso sent a team of doctors toParaguay to provide ophthal-mologic services to low-income patients.


People visit the third artwork exhibition of

college students at ChinaAcademy of Art in

Hangzhou, capital of eastChina’s Zhejiang

Province,on 8 Feb, 2012.The six-day exhibitionopened on Wednesday,

displaying more than 200works.—XINHUA

Xia Wenqiong (R), who was just rescued fromabduction in Sudan, hugs her relatives Branch 5

of Sinohydro Bureau 7 Co, Ltd in PengshanCounty, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, on9 Feb, 2012. A total of 47 Chinese were caught inthe attack, which occurred in a southern Sudanese

state 13 days ago. Twenty-nine of them wereabducted by the assailants while the other 18

managed to flee. One of the latter went missingand has been confirmed dead. Among them, 24

Sichuan workers have all come back to PengshanCounty safe and sound.


Sarkozy says to keep Fessenheim nuclearplant running

PARIS, 10 Feb—FrenchPresident Nicolas Sarkozy onThursday vowed to keepFessenheim nuclear plantrunning, local media reported.

“We will not close thisstation, it’s out of thequestion,” the president saidduring his visit to thecountry’s oldest nuclearpower plant in Alsace innortheastern France.

“I will never accept the

Bolivia accuses US ofspying on Latin America

LA PAZ, 10 Feb—Bolivian President Evo Moraleson Thursday accused the United States of spying onhis and other Latin American countries.

The Bolivian president said the spying is doneunder the cover of the US Agency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID) and other non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs).

“I am convinced that some NGOs, especiallythose funded by the USAID, are the fifth column ofespionage in Bolivia, not only in Bolivia, but also inall of Latin America,” Morales said during a Pressconference in Oruro, a southwestern Bolivian City.

Morales said the United States, through the coverof development aid operations of those organizations,knows “all the details of the activities of the socialsectors and union leaders” in those Latin Americancountries.

The president regretted that some union leaderswere allegedly used by these NGOs to stir disputessuch as the one over a highway project in an indigenousterritory in his country.

Morales has ordered to temporarily suspend theconstruction of the new highway amid strong publiccriticism for police crackdown on indigenous protestersin September last year.

Also at the Press conference, the Bolivianpresident pledged to resolve the indigenous conflictthrough broad consultations based on internationalrules established by the International LabourOrganization (ILO) and the Bolivian Constitution.


closing of the Fessenheimstation for political reasons,”he said.

Sarkozy’s remarks cameahead of a two-roundpresidential electionscheduled in April and May.Socialist frontrunner FrancoisHollande had promised toreduce France’s reliance onnuclear energy from 75percent to 50 percent byshutting down 24 reactors by2025.

“Wanting to closeFessenheim is a scandal,because it would mean

sacrificing your jobs forbackward political thinking,”Sarkozy added.

The closure of the plantwould come “at the cost ofjobs in the nuclear industry,the cost of our industrialcompetitiveness and the costof our energy independence,”he was quoted by local mediaRFI as saying.

As the world’s mostnuclear-dependent country,France owns 58 reactors andhas been a leadinginternational proponent ofatomic energy.—Xinhua

Israeli technology minimizesbird hits in flight

TEL AVIV, 10 Feb—Bird hits can be particularly nasty for anairplane, forcing it to land or send it crashing to the ground, oftenwith devastating consequences.

Now, fresh research has developed a digitized system with theability to track migrating birds in real-time, minimizing the possibilityof such collisions. Bird hits have claimed more than 200 livesworldwide since 1988, according to Bird Strike Committee US. TheUS Air Force also reported more than 5,000 bird strikes in 2007alone.

Researcher Yossi Leshem, zoologist at the Tel Aviv University,has developed a system to track migrating birds and minimize thepossibility of collisions. Since the beginning of Leshem’s programme,there has been a 76 percent drop in collisions - saving USD 800 millionand countless lives since 1984, according to a Tel Aviv statement.

Adapted from weather radar technology, Leshem’s system hasbeen implemented throughout Israel. It tracks birds’ movements,then reports details of their coming and going, including the heightat which they are flying, and which route they are taking.

Based on this information, the Israel Air Force (IAF), whichfunds the research along with Israel’s Ministry of Defence, can alterflight plans accordingly.

With the third and final radar installed in the north of Israel twoyears ago, a flock can be followed 40 miles into Lebanon, Syria, orJordan, and the IAF gives a two-hour advanced warning of the arrivalof a flock. Israel, on a flight path between Europe and Africa, is asuperhighway of bird migration. Approximately 500 million birds flythrough the country’s airspace twice a year.

Before Leshem’s project began, the Israeli Air Force lost 10aircrafts after bird hits, and experienced about 75 collisions costingapproximately USD 1 million in damages each, which also resultedin the deaths of three pilots.—Internet

Activiststake part

in aprotestagainst

bullfightingon 9

February,2012, atBolivar

Square inBogota.INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012 7

Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) brings Ayeyawady Region up to development* Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) spanning the

Ayeyawady River was built to link KungyangonTownship in Yangon Region and DedayeTownship in Ayeyawady Region.

* Work on construction of the Dedeye Bridge acrossthe Toe River started on 10, June, 2000, by thePublic Works.

* Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) was inaugurated on23 March, 2003, as a gesture of honouring the 58th

Anniversary Armed Forces Day.* Ayeyawady Bridge is over 4000 ft long and it

becomes a part of Yangon-Kungyangon-Dedaye-Pyapon-Kyaiklat-Maubin-Yangon Road.

* Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) helps access to thePyapon-Kyonkadon-Seikmar-Ahmar road section,the Pyapon-Bogale road section, Maubin-Nyaungdon-Pathein road section, Nyaungdon-Hinthada road section and Nyaungdon-Thandweroad section.

* New bridges and roads including the DedayeBridge, benefit towns in Ayeyawady Region intransportation and shorten the travel time to otherstates and regions.

* It took two years and nine months to complete thebridge which is one of the projected bridges of theState.

1.The bridge is 4088.3 ft long and 28 ft wide.2.The motor road of the bridge is flanked by six-foot-in-width pedestrian lanes.3.Reinforced Concrete pillars and RCD bored piles are used to construct the bridge.4.Steel truss bridge can withstand 60 tons of loads.5. Its water clearance is 36 ft high and 350 ft wide.

Translation: AMS

Facts about Ayeyawady River-crossing Bridge (Dedaye)

NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb—Tatmadawmen grabbedhold of four privates without arms, who fled fromKIA Battalion No. 10, near Wahshapar Village,Ingyanyan Township, Myitkyina District ofKachin State at about 11 am on 5 February.

The four deserters who were working atfarming in Naungpon Village, Nankwe Village-tract, Myitkyina were seized while going toChaungzon by KIA Battalion No. 10 in October,

Four sufferers from KIA Battalion No. 10seized without arms

YANGON, 10 Feb—The StateReserve Rice Supervisory Committeeheld its meeting at the hall of MyanmarRice Industry Association of UMFCCIOffice Tower in Lanmadaw Townshipon 4 February.

The chairman, the vice-chairmanand members discussed supervisionfor direct purchase of paddy from

Paddy directly purchased fromfarmers for reserve rice

2011. They had to take KIA course. About twomonths after the course, they ran away to enterlegal fold when asked to send small arms andammunitions to KIA No. 10 Regiment HeadQuarters in Hmyawpa Village.

KIA recruited them by force. They fled due tono desire to get involved in KIA, desire for peacefullivelihood with family, and deprived conditionwith no enough healthcare.—MNA

farmers for keeping reserve rice of theState, transport, storage, quality,weighing and financial management.

The State, the CentralCooperative Union and Myanmar RiceIndustry Association jointly carry outpurchase of paddy for the State fromthe farmers at 46 pounds of rice perK 330,000.—MNA

Archive: Maung Nyein Aye

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012

With Union SpiritWith Union SpiritWith Union SpiritWith Union Spirit Hailing the 65th Anniversary Union Day


Article:Kyaw Myo Naung

Hailing the 65th Anniversary Union Day

Union where all forces join* No one can ever divide us

Always we are united

* No one can ever destroy usAlways we are marching forward

* No one can ever frighten usAlways we are building new nation

* Our internal strengthLies withinWith unity and amityTowards the same goalNo one can ever stop us

* History countable by years in thousandKinfolk of single motherlandAs a solidified strengthThrough thick or thinAll striving in harmonyIn our territorial land, water, airspaceFor the good of golden landUnifying all internal forcesEver standing as the UnionWould we not be the onesUnable to maintain our status

* Never will we tolerate any intrusionNever will we tolerate attempts todisgrace nationNever will we become culprits in historyShowing world our pride and courageNational fervor remains ever highAnd also powerful foreverOur efforts worthy of noteNational goal not farAnd on the correct path we areForward march to democracyUnity is the obligation

Zaw Min Min Oo (Trs)

It was over sixty years ago Myanmar gainedindependence from British colonialists. To be exact,this year is 64 years anniversary Independence Day.Union Day, Panglong Agreement, Aung San-AtleeAgreement have always come into our mindswhenever we think of the word “Independence”.

Since Myanmar had fallen under BritishColonial rule, our forefathers had been strugglingfor Independence by scarifying lives. They had hadto face so many hardships then. Many of Myanmarheroes had to scarifice their lives. All national races,namely Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon,Rakhine and Shan joined hands in fighting againstthe colonialists with the sense of nationalistic fervour.

Our forefathers fought against those enemiesin variety of ways throughout the history. In doingso, they used guns and swords. It also includedfighting, demonstrations and use of people strengthby setting up BIA, BDA and PDF, spurringnationalistic fervours for independent by formingWunthanu Organization. All national races joined inindependence struggle because of nationalisticfervour and union spirit.

A union country is defined as a country wheremore than one national race live together. Myanmaris home to over 100 national races. They have longbeen living together throughout the history. So, itwas named Union of Myanmar. Our country haspeople of different languages, but a bit same tradition,custom, religions.

All national races have fought against foreigncountries that invaded one national race or a region.It would be more meaningful if people live inunison.

It was 30 March, 2011 that Myanmar haschanged its name from Union of Myanmar into theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar. An elected-government has emerged in accord with newconstitution. Myanmar has taken a concrete steptowards democracy system. Since taking office, thenew government has been doing remarkable actsone after another. In its efforts for country progress,

the government always thinks of development inall aspects.

Its strides for the country’s developmentinclude continued implementation of basicinfrastructures carried out by the-then governmentand extensions.

Basic infrastructures cover construction ofroads and bridges, upgrading of industries,construction of dams for agriculture, povertyalleviation measures and making peace withnational races armed groups.

On 4 February this year, Ayeyawady River-crossing Bridge (Sinkham) was put into service inBhamo Township of Kachin State. It is one of thebasic infrastructures much-needed for the country’sdevelopment. Thanks to the bridge, it enablessmooth flow of commodity as well as spurringeconomic development of that region and thewhole country. People can easily get to four cornersof the country. It would ensure friendship amongnational races and national unity. It is 11th over-180-ft facility in the time of the new government.Ayeaywady River (Nyaungdon) was opened on27-11-2011, Ayeyawady River (Pakokku) on 31-12-2011 and Yenwechaung Bridge on 28-1-2012respectively. Thanks to those bridges, people cancommunicate easily through railroad and motorroad networks.

Sound basic infrastructures are of utmostimportance nation-building undertakings. So, thegovernment gives first priority to the basicinfrastructures. In doing so, what is the mostimportant thing we must take into consideration ispeace. The successive governments have beenstruggling for ensuring peace in different ways anddid not achieve success as much as they wanted.Due to the conflicts among the national brethren,basic infrastructures did not come to materialize.At the same time, the country’s economy wasstagnant. It is the evil legacy of the Britishcolonialism.

(See page 9)

It can be said that our country that lagged far behind indevelopment till over 60 years after gaining independence seesa dawn light of development thanks to the goodwill ofdemocratic government. Peace is essential to be on the righttrack to the development. Ensuring peace is for all our nationalraces. Our Union is to be built for perpetual existence with thestrength of national unity. Recently, a series of state/Unionlevel peace talks with national races armed groups were held.Till 7-2-2012, there were 42 peace talks. In this regard, fivegroups have signed agreements at union level and other four,at state level. Two groups are still holding discussions. But, allthese groups have agreed not to secede from the Union. It isevident that Union spirit is still in the hearts of all our nationalraces even though discussions are going on.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012 9

Objectives of the 65th AnniversaryUnion Day

* To build the Union for its perpetual existence throughthe strength of national unity

* All the national people to uphold Our Three MainNational Causes forever

* To endow the national people with Union Spirit* To strive for ensuring eternal peace for all the national

races* To build a modern and developed Union by practising

discipline-flourishing democracy in accord with theconstitution

(from page 8)It can be said that our country that lagged far

behind in development till over 60 years aftergaining Independence sees a dawn light ofdevelopment thanks to the goodwill of democraticgovernment. Peace is essential to be on the righttrack to the development. Ensuring peace is for allour national races. Our Union is to be built forperpetual existence with the strength of nationalunity. Recently, a series of state/Union level peacetalks with national races armed groups were held.Till 7-2-2012, there were 42 peace talks. In thisregard, five groups have signed agreements at

union level and other four, at state level. Twogroups are still holding discussions. But, all thesegroups have agreed not to secede from the Union.It is evident that Union spirit is still in the hearts ofall our national races even though discussions aregoing on. In such short period of time, to reachthese stages is due to the government’s genuinegoodwill.

Here, I would like cite a General Aung San’sword that he spoke at a time when he was inLondon for Independence. He said, “Our plainregion could make coordination with national racesif there is no foreign interference.” Needless to say,there were a lot of British’s invasions in the casesof delay of Aung San-Atlee Agreement and

sification of better relationships with the world’scountries. Foreign investments are flowing intothe country. Due to the country’s peace, therewould be development and more amiablefriendships among national races.

Today, Myanmar is marching towards adeveloped, flourishing, democratic country andon the right track. Peace is a main ingredient toensure development. Only when the country haspeace, would there be smooth transportation.

As a result, we could build sound basicinfrastructures that ensure economic relations andproduction.

The government’s peace talks with nationalraces armed groups become more and moresuccessful step by step, thereby leading to thecountry’s eternal peace. All these groups havepromised not to break from the Union at theUnion/state level peace talks. Only then we canachieve Union spirit that prevailed at a time whenMyanmar started falling under the colonial rule. Itwas Union Day Panglong Agreement was signedon 12 February, 1947 that could support to bringIndependence. It is important for us all to havemore unity among our national races whereverUnion Day falls.

Nowadays, the country sees sign of peace.It is time we should not fight each other. Myanmaris a resource-rich country but is lagging behind indevelopment because we had long fought forover 60 years. We can not get richness withoutpeace. Ensuring eternal peace is within our reaches.We all must neglect evil things. Let’s marchtowards our goal, a democratic country togetherwith Union spirit.

*****Translation: MT

With Union…

Hailing the 65th Anniversary Union DayPanglong Agreementfacing difficulties. Wemust take lessons fromthese conditions.Holding face-to-facediscussion is the bestanswer. The already-achieved results comefrom direct discussions.

What is the most-wanted one by all ournational races is peace.Our country’s progressesare warmly welcomed byneighbouring countries,ASEAN countries as wellas Asian countries andthe world countries. Theworld countries haverecognized the newgovernment’s politicalreforms and inten-

NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb—The UnionElection Commission (UEC) isscrutinizing and granting the applications

Application for registration of politicalparties scrutinized, granted

for registration of political parties. MroNational Party applied for registration as apolitical party to the UEC today.—MNA

YANGON, 11 Feb—On the occasion ofthe National Day of the Islamic Republicof Iran, which falls on 11 February 2012,U Wunna Maung Lwin, Union Ministerfor Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the

Union FM sends message offelicitations to Iranian FM

Union of Myanmar, has sent a meesage offelicitations to H.E Mr Ali Akbar Salehi,Minister of Foreign Affairs of the IslamicRepublic of Iran.


NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb—Chairman of the Sports,Culture and Public RelationsDevelopment CommitteeThura U Aye Myint receiveda delegation led byChairperson MrsRachadapom Kaewsanit ofPolitics, Information andPublic Relations Committeeof the House ofRepresentatives of Thailandat the Hluttaw Committee

Sports, Culture and Public Relations DevelopmentCommittee Chairman receives Chairperson of

Politics, Information and Public RelationsCommittee of House of Representatives of Thailand

Hall No. 1 of HluttawBuilding, here, at 9 am today.

Also present at the callwere the secretary of theSports, Culture and PublicRelations DevelopmentCommittee, members andofficials of the HluttawOffice.

At the call, ChairmanThura U Aye Myint explaineddemocratization process inMyanmar and progress of

reforms. They cordiallydiscussed cooperationbetween committees of thetwo countries forundertakings of Hluttawaffairs.

After the call, the Thaidelegation visited theHluttaw buildings andconvening the PyidaungsuHluttaw. Officials conductedthem round the Hluttawbuildings.—MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012

Workers iron the bed sheets for the bunks on trains at thewashing workshop in Zhengzhou, capital of central China’s

Henan Province, on 8 Feb, 2012. Before and after theseven-day Spring Festival holidays from 23 Jan when

millions of Chinese travel back to and from home, railwaysface the busiest transportation period of the year, with many

people working responsibly on their posts. —XINHUA

Firemen fight a fire atthe French architect Le

Corbusier’s CiteRadieuse (The Radiant

City) on 9 February,2012 in Marseille,

southern France. Thisbuilding, built in 1952,

is classified as historicalbuilding (part of French


321 regencies, cities in Indonesia heavilyprone to natural disasters

JAKARTA, 10 Feb—Asmany as 321 regencies andcities in Indonesia or 65percent of total arecategorized as strongly proneto natural disasters.

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho,head of Centre of DataInformation and PublicRelation at the NationalAgency for DisasterManagement ( BNPB), saidin a statement Thursday thathis office had completed amap of national risk.

The map is based on 13types of disaster.

“The disaster risk mapcontains danger, vulnera-bility and capacity maps.Based on that, there are 321regencies/cities with high riskagainst disaster or 65 percent.Meanwhile, 173 regencies andcities have moderate risks (35percent) and there is no areawith low risk of disasters,” hesaid.

The 13 disaster types inIndonesia are earthquake,tsunami, volcano eruption,tornado, drought, flood, landslide, tidal wave, land andforest fire, epidemic and

plague, technology failure,building fire and socialconflict. “Therefore, localgovernments need toprioritize developmentagainst disasters,” Nugrohosaid.

However, he added 138regencies and cities still haveno local agencies for disastermanagement.—Xinhua

Airbus: Air traffic in Spain to nearlydouble by 2030

BLAGNAC, (France) 10Feb—A new forecast releasedon Wednesday by Europeanaircraft manufacturer Airbussuggests air traffic in Spainwill almost double by 2030,requiring Spanish airlines tobuy as many as 400 newpassenger planes over thenext 20 years.

For Spanish airlines,Airbus estimates thenumber of passenger planeswith more than 100 seatswill increase from 244aircraft in 2010 to a total of441 aircraft in 2030. Of thecurrent fleet, 203 aircraft areexpected to be replacedwith more eco-efficient

types and 197 aircraft are tobe bought for growth to,from and within the Spanishmarket.

“Having a strong andvibrant aviation sector willmake a real contribution tothe short, medium and longterm health of the Spanisheconomy, providing a realcontribution to GDP, jobs andattractiveness for investmentthrough internationalconnectivity,” said RafaelAlonso, Executive VicePresident of Customer Affairsat Airbus.

The vast majority of the400 new aircraft,approximately 317 of them,

are expected to be narrow-body aircraft which seat up to250 passengers. About 58others are expected to bewide-body aircraft, seatingbetween 250 and 400passengers, while theremaining 25 aircraft areexpected to be jumbo jets.

“Spain is a preferreddestination for manyinternational air travellers andas well one of the main hubsthat connect Europe withLatin America,” Alonso said,adding that low cost carrierswill also play an importantrole in increasing passengertraffic in Spain.


File photo taken on 10 Nov, 2011 shows LaoyemiaoWind Power Plant in Duchang County, east China’s

Jiangxi Province. China installed 18 gigawatts of windpower turbines in 2011, capturing about 40 percent ofthe global total and pushing up China’s total installed

wind power capacity to 62.7 gigawatts, the Global WindEnergy Council (GWEC) said in a report on 7 Feb,


Smoke rises from a building as fire broke out acommercial plaza in eastern Pakistan’s Lahore on 9 Feb,

2012. At least 6 people were hurt and some 30 shopswere burnt as a commercial market caught fire in Lahore

on Thursday. Chief Fire Officer told the media thatthirteen water tankers took part in the fire extinguishingoperation, whereas 30 shops turned to ashes by the time

when the fire came under control.—XINHUA

China to buildits first

archaeologicalmuseum in

Xi’anXI’AN, 10 Feb—China’s

first archaeological museumwill be built in Xi’an, capitalof the northwestern ShaanxiProvince this year, localauthorities has said.

The museum will aim topopularize knowledge ofarchaeology among commonpeople and diversify China’smuseum types, said ZhaoRong, director of theprovincial cultural relicsbureau, at a provincialmeeting attended by culturalrelics officials.

The museum is alsolikely to exhibit the processof archaeological excava-tion, archaeology technolo-gy, as well as ideas aboutarchaeology, according toWang Weilin, director of theShaanxi Provincial Instituteof Archaeology. The museumwill consist of four majorsections including aspecimen exhibition area,archaeological materialsshowroom, public partici-pation area, and cultureindustry area, Wang said.

The museum is designedto cover 10 hectares inQujiang, a southeasterndistrict of Xi’an.—Xinhua

US allows women to serve closer to battlefield

Cuba opens international bookfair, hopes for Castro showHAVANA, 10 Feb—Cuban

cultural authorities onThursday opened the 21stInternational Book Fair,which organizers said will beattended by over 200 culturaland literature figures fromover 40 countries.

A total of 130 exhibitors,including 66 from othercountries will participate inthe book fair, at which overfour million books will beput up for sale. Among theforeign guests is ArgentineanPeace Nobel laureate AdolfoEsquivel.

Many are speculatingwhether Cuba’s former leaderFidel Castro might repeat lastyear’s surprise visit to the

WASHINGTON, 10 Feb—US Defence Department onThursday announced it willopen up over 14,000positions to women,including those in directground combat units,allowing women to servecloser to the battlefield.

In a notification toCongress, the Pentagon saidit intends to change a 1994rule that prohibits womenfrom direct ground combatpositions. The Pentagon saidbecause the modern-daybattlefield is “non-linear andfluid, with no clearly definedfront line or safer rear area,combat support operationsare dispersed throughout thebattlespace,” it is opening upover 13,000 Army positions

previously closed to women,such as tank mechanic andfield artillery radar operator.

Additionally, the 1994policy prohibited womenfrom being assigned belowbrigade level to units whoseprincipal mission was toengage in combat.

The Army, Marines andNavy have been grantedexceptions to the policy toallow select positions at thebattalion level in specialtiesalready open to women,opening 1, 186 additionalpositions, the departmentannounced.

“Women are contribut-ing in unprecedented waysto the military’s mission.Through their courage,sacrifice, patriotism and great

skill, women have proven theirability to serve in anexpanding number of roleson and off the battlefield,”Secretary of Defence LeonPanetta said. “We willcontinue to open as manypositions as possible towomen so that anyonequalified to serve can havethe opportunity to do so.”

Despite the change, thePentagon still prohibitswomen from serving in about238,000 military positions,almost all of them in the Armyand Marine Corps.


World’s biggest offshorewindfarm opens in BritainLONDON, 10 Feb—The world’s largest offshore windfarm

opened off the coast of Cumbria, Britain on Thursday,according to British authorities. Britain’s Department ofEnergy and Climate Change said in a statement that EdwardDavey, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change,opened the offshore windfarm near Walney in Cumbria.

With 102 turbines and a total capacity of 367.2 MW, thewindfarm could provide enough power for 320,000households. “Britain has a lot to be proud of in our growingoffshore wind sector. Our island’s tremendous naturalresource, our research base and a proud history of engineeringmake this the number one destination for investment inoffshore wind,” said Davey.

“And Walney is the newest, biggest and fastest-builtjewel in that crown, providing clean power for hundreds ofthousands of households,” he said.

Statistics show that Britain has more than 1.5gigawatts(GW) of installed offshore wind power, and isplanning to raise its capacity to 18 GW by 2020. As many as70,000 people could be employed in the British offshorewind industry by the start of the next decade.—Xinhua

book fair. Last year, the 85-year-old leader showed upand met with Cuban andforeign participants.

“He has not denied thepossibility of coming to themeeting, but he has notconfirmed it yet,” ZuleicaRomay, president of theCuban Book Institute, saidof Castro’s possible visit.

The former Cubanleader has recently unveiledtwo volumes of hisautobiography entitled“Guerrilla man of time.”

The book fair wasofficially inauguratedThursday evening in thefortress of San Pedro de LaCabana.—Xinhua

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012 11

Leopard drags away and eats14-year-old girl

KATHMANDU, 10 Feb—A leopard dragged away anddevoured a 14-year-old girl in western Nepal in what isthought to be the fifth deadly attack by the same animal injust two months, police said on Thursday.

The youngster was cutting grass in the forest near herhome in Baitadi District, on the border with India, when shewas attacked by the animal, said Bishnu Bahadur Karki, alocal deputy superintendent of police.

“The locals found the body torn into pieces and eatenbelow the neck at the forest area yesterday,” he told AFP.

Karki said three young girls and a 35-year-old pregnantwoman had been killed in the weeks leading up toWednesday’s attack and police believed the same animalwas responsible for all the deaths.

“The leopard has continuously been victimising andterrorising the people of Pancheshwor village. We requestedthe district forest office to allow us to kill it but they refused,saying that the law does not provide such permission,”Karki told AFP.—Internet

Photo illustration of a South Asian leopard.—INTERNET

Driver whisks six students off NC bus beforeit bursts into flames

NORTH CAROLINA , 10Feb— After noticing smokeseeping inside, a NorthCarolina bus driver rushed sixelementary school children offher vehicle moments before itburst into flames.

The incident occurredWednesday afternoon asLindora Richardson wasdriving the children home fromChantilly MontessoriElementary School, a publicschool in Charlotte, schooldistrict spokeswoman TahiraStalberte said.

“We are very proud ofher and for her following

Driver saves kids fromburning bus.


proper procedures,” saidStalberte, speaking on behalfof Charlotte-MecklenburgSchools, on Thursday. “Itcould have taken a verydifferent turn had she not doneher job correctly.”

Richardson told VinniePolitan of HLN, CNN’s sisternetwork, that she was drivingon her route through aCharlotte neighbourhoodwhen she detected a “burningsmell” and pulled over toinvestigate. “As that wasgoing on, smoke started tocome from under the dash ofthe bus,” she recalled. At that

point, Richardson guided theyoung students on board tothe back of the bus.

Describing the childrenas “calm,” she said that theyexited “one-by-one” throughthe rear emergency exit. The

bus driver said she and thestudents, ages 5 to 10, then“walked so far up the street”where they witnessed thesmoke and flames engulf thevehicle.


36 cracks found in an aircraft’s wingsLONDON, 9 Feb—An Airbus has been hit by a second

wing scare after 36 hairline cracks were found in a singleA380 superjumbo. The discovery came to light duringdetailed inspections following a flight hit by a turbulence,prompting the European Aviation Safety Authority (EASA)to order inspections on some other A380s, the Sun reported.

The cracks were no more than two centimetres in length.The world’s largest passenger airliner — Airbus A380

— is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine jet airlinermanufactured by the European corporation Airbus.

According to Qantas, the flag carrier of Australia, whichhas 12 A380s, the cracks posed no safety threat and differedfrom those found by manufacturer Airbus in the wings of

Dog kills woman who saveschildren from attack

LONDON, 10 Feb —A middle-aged woman in Britain waskilled before her five children while trying to prevent thefamily dog from attacking them.

Petite Cassandra Smith, 49, of Warwickshire leapt in tofight off the frenzied Alsatian when it went for daughtersCharlotte, 28, and Annette, 26. But the dog flew at her andsank its jaws into her face and throat, the Sun reported onThursday. Her five terrified children — including Shelley, 25,Kayleigh, 21, and Jayson, 30 — helplessly looked onscreaming in horror. As their mom lay in a pool of blood inthe living room of their flat, the children somehow managedto escape and knock on a neighbour’s door for help.

A neighbour later found the three-year-old dog who thelady had bought only six months ago “chewing her face”.


two other A380s last month.The wings of Airbus planes are made in Britain.According to Qantas, this cracking was not related to

the turbulence, or specific to Qantas, but was traced back toa manufacturing issue.

“This type of cracking is different from the ‘type two’cracking found on certain A380s in the global fleet, which isnow the subject of a European airworthiness directive,” saidan official statement by Qantas.

The future airline customers include British Airways(BA) and Virgin Atlantic. While the BA is to take delivery ofthe first of 12 A380s in 2013, the first of Virgin’s eightsuperjumbos will arrive in 2015.—Internet

Over 500 elephants killed inDR Congo’s Virunga national

park since 2010KINSHASA, 10 Feb— Over 500

elephants have been massacredsince 2010 by poachers at theVirunga national park in the eastof the Democratic Republic ofCongo (DR Congo), revealed GuyMbuyama, technical director ofthe Congolese Institute forConservation of Nature (ICCN),on Wednesday.

He was speaking in Kinshasaduring a forum organized todiscuss about the problem ofpoaching.

“Since 2010, over 500elephants have been massacredby poachers.

The threat is real and if we donot take necessary measures,then elephants may disappearfrom Virunga national park,”Mbuyama warned.

He said that besides the

US Navyplane parts

fall onJapan

TOKYO, 10 Feb—The USNavy was investigating onThursday how severalchunks of one of its aircraft —including one around 2.2metres (seven feet) by onemetre — fell off as it flew backto its base in Japan.

Six pieces from an EA-6BProwler, including a part ofthe engine cover, plunged toearth as the plane flew overYamato, near Tokyo, causing“minor damage to a privately-owned vehicle”, the US Navysaid.

The aircraft, from the USNavy’s Yokosuka base inKanagawa prefecture, “wasreturning from a routinetraining flight when the parts...fell off and the plane landedsafely.”

An official from Yamatocity said aircraft regularlydropped debris, adding that ahouse was damaged in 2010by a piece of falling metal.

The US has around50,000 troops stationed inJapan at bases all over thecountry and tensions withhost communities are notuncommon. “The Navydeeply regrets anyinconvenience this event mayhave caused its neighbours,”said a statement from the USforces.—Internet

Workers lay awater

pipeline inShuangbai


Province, on8 Feb, 2012.

A 33-kilometre

waterpipeline wasbeing laidfrom the

BaizhushanReservoir tothe countyseat to ease


shortagecaused by the

drought ofthree


elephants, the poachers were alsokilling chimpanzees, gorillas,rhinos, hippopotamus and Okapis.

The ICCN official said he wassurprised to find a lot of bush meaton the markets in South Kivu andNorth Kivu Pprovinces and yetthe authorities were not raisingany concerns.

Mbuyama decried theupsurge of poaching incidents atthe Virunga national park which isconsidered as a World Heritagesite by UNESCO.

“Currently, ICCN has astrategy to protect thebiodiversity and other animalspecies in Virunga national park.However, the implementation ofthis strategy should be supportedby the government,” heconcluded.


A man withchild walk

past asnow-

covered carin central

Tbilisi, on 9February,2012. The

tem-peratures in


capitaldroppedtoday to


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012


Consignees of cargo carried on MV JURONGVOY NO (5) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 12.2.2012 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of S.P.W-5 where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV PULAU CEBU VOY NO (44)Consignees of cargo carried on MV PULAU CEBU

VOY NO (44) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 11.2.2012 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of S.P.W-5 where it will lie at the consign-ee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws andconditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914


Consignees of cargo carried on MV SN QUEENVOY NO ( ) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 10.2.2012 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256916/256919/256921

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV KOTA RATU VOY NO (477)Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA RATU

VOY NO (477) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 11.2.2012 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Reincarnation - Life’sGift of Grace

Gem: P.O.Box 564397006 wurzburg

14 dead,thousandsaffected in

Peru delugeLIMA, 10 Feb— At least

14 people were killed while 29others were injured and some44,000 more were affected inPeru during past two days byheavy rains and ensuingflooding and landslides,authorities said on Thursday.

Nonstop downpours arepounding 80 percent of thecountry and at least 4,861people have been lefthomeless, according to astatement issued by theNational Civil DefenceInstitute, or Indeci.

The San Martin Province,located in a central part of thePeruvian Amazon, has beenhit hardest by the rains with18,030 people affected and 202left homeless.

The territorial rains havecaused numerous rivers tooverflow as at least 669 homes,schools, medical centers weredestroyed and croplands ofthousands of small farmerswere damaged.

Almost 19 kilometres ofhighways were severelydamaged while another 783kilometers suffered lesserdamage. Four bridgescollapsed and another 13 wereleft in bad shape.—Xinhua

Thousands displaced as flashfloods hit S Philippines

COTABATO CITY,10 Feb— Thousands of people havebeen displaced as flash floods triggered by heavy downpourhit southern Philippines, a local official said on Friday.

Apple Agolong, a councilor in the city of Dapitan, saidat least 12 low-lying villages in the City were flooded, forcingmore than 4,000 people to evacuate and move to state-runschools and churches.

She said floodwaters, about 3-metre deep, reached theroofs of houses but there were no reported casualties.

“The ongoing rain since Wednesday flooded our villages.There was no typhoon. The local government is now assistingthose affected by the floods,” said Agolong.

Weather forecasters on Friday warned residents of thesouthern region of Mindanao of heavy rains brought aboutby an approaching low pressure area.


Toxic bootleg brew kills22 people in India

BHUBANESWAR, 10 Feb— Officials say at least 22 peoplehave died and more are sick after drinking toxic bootleg liquormade from cough medicine in eastern India.

A hospital administrator in Orissa state said the farmlaborers fell ill in the past two days after drinking the brew.Bhubananda Maharana also said Wednesday that another 31workers were being treated for symptoms of liquor poisoning.

India’s poor often buy cheap bootleg liquor made ofsyrups and medicines that are spiked with methyl alcohol andother industrial spirits to give it a kick.

Orissa’s top elected official has ordered an inquiry.Government spokesman SK Panda also said two

pharmaceutical companies that produced the cough medicinehave been sealed.—Internet

Civilian volunteers carry relief goods as they cross adamaged road destroyed at the height of the powerful

earthquake in Guihulngan Town, Negros Oriental Province,central Philippines on 9 February, 2012.—INTERNET People skate

on the frozencanal in


Netherlands,on 8 Feb,2012. The

cold snap inEurope has

frozen most ofthe canals inAmsterdam.Amsterdam

has more than100 canalsand 1,000bridges,

making “acity of


6.3-magnitudequake hits


55 rescued from snow-hit Tibethighway

LHASA, 10 Feb— A total of 55 people whohave been stranded on west China’s Xinjiang-Tibet Highway since Tuesday due to heavysnowfall have been rescued, a local rescueteam said Thursday.

Traffic on the highway, which links theTibet and Xinjiang Uyghur autonomousregions, resumed on Thursday following arescue operation conducted by armed police,

BEIJING, 10 Feb — Anearthquake measuring 6.3 onthe Richter scale jolted theregion of Fiji islands at 9:47am Friday (Beijing Time),according to the ChinaEarthquake Networks Centre.

The epicentre, with adepth of 560 km, wasmonitored at about 17.9degrees south latitude and178.5 degrees westlongitude, the center said ina statement.


5.3-magnitude quake hits XinjiangBEIJING, 10 Feb— An earthquake

measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale joltedKazak Autonomous County of Barkol, HamiPrefecture, in northwest China’s XinjiangUygur Autonomous Region, at 2:57 am FridayBeijing Time, according to the China

according to Zheng Jinshui, a police officer incharge of the rescue.

Continuous snowfall and temperaturesas low as negative 30 degrees Celsius didn’tstop the rescuers, who have cleared snowfrom a total 95 km of highway in Ngari prefecture,according to Zheng. The Xinjiang-TibetHighway is a major transport route linkingTibet to other parts of the country.—Xinhua

Earthquake Networks Centre.The epicentre, with a depth of 7 km, was

monitored at 44.9 degrees north latitude and93.1 degrees east longitude, the centre said ina statement.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012 13

Giant whale shark washes up in Pakistanthe Karachi Fish Harbour Authority for an undisclosedamount that was said to be less than the $18,700 offeredby a bidder at the local fisheries auction hall.

Hina Baig, a biologist with the National Institute ofOceanography, said the animal must have become lostand ended up trapped in the shallow waters.

“Whales use [echo-sounds] to find their way inwater and if a large ship comes in the way, they getdisoriented,” Baig said.

Icelander filmsalleged legendary

creatureAn Icelandic man said he has captured

video of a creature he believes is the legendaryLagarfljots Worm.

Hjortur Kjerulf said he shot the videolast weekend on the river Jokulsa i Fljotsdal,which runs into Lagarfljot lake, and it appearsto depict a giant snake-like creature swimmingupstream, iceNews reported on Wednesday.

However, some critics have said thevideo could be depicting some old nettingthat became frozen in the river, making itappear to be a swimming snake.

The legend behind the LagarfljotsWorm, which was first sighted in 1345, claimsit began as a regular worm thrown into thelake by a woman who was angry when itfailed to make her gold ring grow. The ring,which the legend says the woman also threwinto the river, is said to have made the wormgrow to a gigantic size.

Rats assault Israeli army baseThe mostly female

garrison at an Israeli armybase says it is holding out asbest it can against a legion ofinfiltrating rats. The womenof the military’s Home Frontcommand at Beersheba they havebeen overrun by rampagingrodents for more than fivemonths and are near thebreaking point.

“It’s terrible,” onesoldier admitted. “Theyswarm the offices, thebedrooms, the dinning halland the sewage system.”

Another trooper saidextermination efforts haven’tworked and everyone at

Beersheba is on high alert.“The rats roam freely aroundus,” she said. “We’re so scaredthat we can’t sleep at night.”

Ynetnews said the militaryis refusing to surrender in thecampaign, but the issue hasmade it to the floor of theKnesset where Home FrontMinister Matan Vilnaireminded lawmakers that ratscan be a persistent foe thatisn’t easily defeated.

Experts said the carcass of a giant whale shark thatwashed ashore at Pakistan’s Karachi Harbour likelygot lost and became trapped in the shallow waters.

The cause of the animal’s death was unknownTuesday, but Muhammad Yousuf, owner of the boatthat discovered the carcass, said it was dead when hiscrew found it on Tuesday, News Pakistan reported onon Wednesday.

Yousuf said the whale shark carcass was sold toNews Album

Jolie to be a presenter at the OscarsActressAngelina

Jolie arrivesat the 18th

annualScreen ActorsGuild Awards

in LosAngeles on

29 Jan, 2012.INTERNET

BEVERLY HILLS, 10 Feb— Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie is to bea presenter at the 84th Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles, telecastproducers said on Wednesday.

Jolie won her Oscar in 2000 for Best Supporting Actress for her performancein “Girl, Interrupted.” She also received a nomination in 2008 for her leadperformance in “Changeling.” Her other film credits include “Kung Fu Panda2,” “The Tourist,” “Salt,” “Wanted,” “A Mighty Heart,” “Mr and Mrs Smith,”“Taking Lives” and “The Bone Collector.” Academy Awards for outstandingfilm achievements of 2011 are to be presented on 26 February at the KodakTheatre at Hollywood & Highland Centre.—Internet

Perry and Brand reachdivorce settlementLOS ANGELES, 10 Feb—Pop star Katy

Perry and comedian Russell Brand informedLos Angeles Superior Court they havereached a settlement in their divorce,documents show.

Perry and Brand married in October 2010and filed for divorce in December 2011. said the couple filed thepaperwork on Tuesday, stating they havereached a settlement regarding the distributionof their property.

Perry also requested to legally restoreher maiden name to Katheryn ElizabethHudson, said.—Internet

Singer KatyPerry and



arrive atthe MTV


Awards inLos

Angeles on28 Aug,

2011 in LosAngeles.INTERNET

Naomi Watts to play Princess DianaLOS ANGELES, 10 Feb— British actress Naomi Watts is to play Diana,

Princess of Wales, in a film about the last two years of her life, the movie’sproducers said.

Director Oliver Hirschbiegel is scheduled to start shooting “Caught inFlight” in England this year, The Hollywood Reporter said.

The entertainment industry trade newspaper quoted Watts as saying itis “an honour to be able to play this iconic role — Princess Diana was loved


Watts is toplay Diana,Princess ofWales, in afilm aboutthe last twoyears of her

life, themovie’s



across the world, and I lookforward to rising to thechallenge of playing her onscreen.”

Hirschbiegel said he isconfident Watts will be ableto capture “the warmth,humanity and empathy ofsuch a global icon as PrincessDiana.”

Watts’ film creditsinclude “21 Grams,” “I HeartHuckabees,” “King Kong”and “J Edgar.”—Internet

Nagra andStenson

divorcingLOS ANGELES, 10 Feb—

British actress ParminderNagra has filed for divorcefrom photographer JamesStenson, court documentsshow. TMZ said Nagra cited“irreconcilable differences”as the reason for the split.

The couple dated forseven years before marryingin 2009. They are the parentsof a 2-year-old son.

Nagra is best known forher work on TV’s “ER” and“Alcatraz,” as well as themovie “Bend It LikeBeckham.”—Internet

Actress Parminder Nagrahas filed for divorce from

photographer JamesStenson, court documents


Billy Connolly joins ‘Hobbit’ castLOS ANGELES, 10 Feb—

Scottish actor Billy Connollyhas signed on to play dwarfwarrior Dain Ironfoot in PeterJackson’s two-part “TheHobbit” project, the directorsaid on Wednesday.

“We could not think of amore fitting actor to play DainIronfoot, the staunchest andtoughest of Dwarves, thanBilly Connolly, the Big Yinhimself,” Jackson said in astatement issued to TheHollywood Reporter.

“With Billy stepping intothis role, the cast of ‘TheHobbit’ is now complete. Wecan’t wait to see him on thebattlefield!”

“The Hobbit: AnUnexpected Journey” is setfor release on 14 December,while “The Hobbit: There andBack Again” will open intheaters on 13 Dec, 2013.

The movies are prequelsto “The Lord of the Rings”trilogy, which also weredirected by Jackson and werebased on fantasy novels byJRR Tolkien.

The ensemble of “TheHobbit” movies includes IanMcKellen, Martin Freeman,Cate Blanchett, Ian Holm,Christopher Lee, HugoWeaving, Elijah Wood,Orlando Bloom and AndySerkis.—Internet

Rep: Macaulay Culkin is in good healthNEW YORK, 10 Feb—

Macaulay Culkin is in“perfectly good health,” hispublicist said after the formerchild star was photographedlooking gaunt and disheveledin New York.

The unflattering photo ofthe 32-year-old “Home Alone”and “Uncle Buck” actorsparked fans’ concern when itwas posted Thursday on theWeb site of “EntertainmentTonight.”

But Culkin’s publicisttold there isno cause for alarm.

“Macaulay Culkin is inperfectly good health. For‘Entertainment Tonight’ orany other media to speculate

Actor Macaulay Culkin and actress Mila Kunis attendMichael Jackson’s burial service held at Glendale ForestLawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California on 3 Sept,


otherwise is thoughtless,irresponsible and destructive,”the representative said.

“He is thin, so when he

loses one pound it just lookslike more,” an unnamed sourceclose to the actor—Internet

Pakistanifishermen use

cranes to pull thecarcass of a whale

shark from thewaters at a fish

harbour in Karachion 7 Feb, 2012.

The 40-feet whale,weighing about 6-7

tons, was founddead in Arabian

Sea in the port cityof Karachi.

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012

Djokovic unveils wax figure ofhimself in Serbia

BELGRADE, 10 Feb —An estimated 6,000 adoringfans braved frigid tem-peratures on Thursday toget a glimpse of the world’stop seeded tennis playerNovak Djokovic in thecentral Serbian town of

Novak Djokovic

Jagodina, reported theSerbian news agencyTanjug.

Djokovic arrived inJagodina to reveal his life-like statue at the waxmuseum in the town. Theevent was attended by thetown’s mayor, DraganMarkovic-Palma, and theSerbian Deputy PrimeMinister and Minister ofInterior Ivica Dacic.According to Markovic-

Palma, the timing of theunveiling of Djokovic’s waxfigure was fortuitous, giventhe fact that Djokovic hadreceived the award as topsportsman for 2011 at theLaureus Sports Award inLondon only days earlier.

“We believe that Noleis the most successfulSerbian athlete and that hisfigure should be in amuseum,” said Markovic-Palma, adding that otherSerbian athletes would notbe ignored in the future,naming basketball playersVlade Divac and SashaDjordjevic as possibleentries. The wax figure wasmade by Belgrade sculptorSvetomir Radovic afterreviewing extensive videorecordings and photographsof Djokovic in action. Thelife-size figure is dressed inattire worn by Djokovic andholds a racket used by him inan actual tennis match.


Out-of-sorts Bartoli reachesParis quarter-finals

PARIS, 10 Feb — Homefavourite Marion Bartolishook off some first-setrustiness to defeat CroatianPetra Martic 7-5, 6-1 here onThursday and take her placein the WTA Paris Openquarter-finals. After breaksof serve were exchangedthree times in the first eightgames, Bartoli broke for a 6-5 lead when Martic put aforehand long and took thefirst set when the stretchingCroatian could only find thenet with a forehand. Bartolihad served erratically in thefirst set, committing sixdouble-faults, but Martic’schallenge wilted in thesecond set and the 27-year-old second seed was able toclose out a routine victory.

France’s Marion Bartoli hits a return to Croatia’sPetra Martic during their tennis match at the Paris’WTA tournament at Pierre de Coubertin stadium in


“It was my first match sincethe Australian Open, whereI really hadn’t played wellagainst Zheng Jie in the thirdround,” said Bartoli. “I’d leftoff on a bad match, so itwasn’t easy to get back onthe horse. But once I’d wonthe first set, I started to hitthe ball a lot better, whichenabled me to raise my game.

“It’s essentially aquestion of confidence, butit’s never straightforward tocome back after two weekswithout playing.” Bartoli willnow face Italy’s RobertaVinci after the seventh seedovercame a second-setslump to beat Americanqualifier Bethanie Mattek-Sands 6-3, 1-6, 6-3.


Alan Shearer says Harry Redknapp is the rightman for England


becomes thenext


to AlanShearer.INTERNET

LONDON , 10 Feb — TheFootball Association should“move heaven and earth” toensure Harry Redknappbecomes the next Englandmanager, according to AlanShearer. “I think he is madefor it,” the former Englandcaptain — who scored 30goals and won 63 capsbetween 1992 and 2000 —told BBC Sport’s FootballFocus. “He understandsplayers and playersunderstand him. That is aperfect mix. I’d move heavenand earth to get him.” FabioCapello resigned from his job

Van Persie first to reach 20 goalsArsenal striker set to finish season as Barclays Premier

League top scorerLONDON, 10 Feb — Arsenal striker

Robin van Persie has become the firstBarclays Premier League player to reach 20goals for this season. The prolificDutchman, who leads the League’s scoringcharts, reached the milestone during theGunners’ 7-1 thrashing of BlackburnRovers at the Emirates Stadium onSaturday.Van Persie went on to score twicemore, meaning the 28-year-old has nowscored 22 goals in only 24 Barclays PremierLeague fixtures this campaign.

The Arsenal striker was also the firstman to reach 10 goals and he did that whilescoring a hat-trick too, in the 5-3 win overChelsea at Stamford Bridge in October.Van Persie’s 22 goals put him six ahead ofNewcastle United’s Demba Ba (16), andseven away from Manchester City’s SergioAguero and Manchester United’s WayneRooney (both 15). None of those four haveever won the Barclays Golden Boot award

Arsenal striker Robin van Persie hasenjoyed a remarkably prolific 2011-12

season.— INTERNET

for the top scorer in a season, with ManUtd’s Dimitar Berbatov winning it with 20last term and Man City’s Carlos Tevez with20 the year before. The last man to score 30goals in a Barclays Premier League seasonwas former Man Utd forward CristianoRonaldo, who struck 31 in only 34 matchesin the 2007-08 campaign.— Internet

as England manager onWednesday.

The Italian decided toquit after publicly disagreeingwith the FA’s decision tostrip John Terry of theEngland captaincy while theChelsea defender awaits trialin July, accused of raciallyabusing QPR defenderAnton Ferdinand .

Terry has alwaysstrenuously denied theaccusation, and has vowedto clear his name. Shearersays he understandsCapello’s frustrations at thesituation, but he also believes

the FA’s decision wascorrect.

“Having been Englandcaptain, particularly leadingup to the tournament, youare asked to do all sorts withthe media,” he said. “It wouldhave been hard for JohnTerry to do that withoutpeople asking millions ofquestions.” With fourmonths to go before Euro2012, Shearer believes thenext England manager shouldshare the same nationality ashis players for both practicaland idealistic reasons.


Lazio hit backto resurrecttitle hopesROME , 10 Feb — Ten-

man Lazio thrust themselvesback into title contention witha stunning come-from-behind3-2 victory over Cesena atthe Stadio Olimpico here onThursday. The bianco-celeste turned around at thebreak 2-0 down and with anumerical disadvantage buta remar-kable 10-minuteperiod just after the restartflipped their fortunes around.

Lazio forward MiroslavKlose controls the ball

during their Serie Afootball match against

Cesena in Rome’s OlympicStadium. — INTERNET

Woods opens PGA Tour season with 68 atPebble Beach

Charlie Wi of South Koreareacts to a missed putt for

birdie on the 12th holeduring the AaT&T PebbleBeach National Pro-Amthe Monterey Peninsula

Country Club (ShoreCourse), on 9 Feb, in

Pebble Beach,California.INTERNET

PEBBLE BEACH, 10 Feb —Tiger Woods got his 2012PGA Tour season off to asolid start, firing a four-under68 at the Pebble BeachNational Pro-Am to sit fivestrokes back of a trio ofleaders.

Woods took advantageof some perfect weather inThursday’s first round at theSpyglass Hill golf course —considered the tougher of thethree courses the field willtackle this week. “I drilled itgreat today,” Woods said. “Ifeel much more confident withmy game.”

Woods, who is nowranked 18th in the world, madethe turn at two-under on abright sunny day on theMonterey Peninsula.

The ideal conditions sawa bevy of low scores.

Wi flirted with a 59 formuch of the day on Montereywhile two-time winnerJohnson got off to a six-understart through six holes.

“Any time you areshooting nine-under you aremaking putts,” Wi said. “Itwas really nice to see the ballgo in today.”


Strike pairing AdrtianMutu and Vincenzo Iaquinta,from the spot, had givenCesena a seemingly unassai-lable half-time lead,particularly given AbdoulayKonko had been sent-off forthe hosts. But goals fromHernanes, Senad Lulic andLibor Kozak turned the matchon its head and moved Lazioup to third, temporarily at least.

“It’s a great win for us,it’s always very hard to be 2-0 down and playing with 10men,” said match-winnerKozak, who was making hiscomeback after injury.

“I’m happy to be back inand to have scored animportant goal, my first in theleague.” Lazio now trailleaders Juventus by just threepoints, although they haveplayed more games then alltheir immediate rivals.


The 14-time major winnerwas five strokes back of athreesome at the top of theleaderboard, New Zealand’sDanny Lee, Charlie Wi ofSouth Korea and AmericanDustin Johnson who allreached nine-under.

Wi posted a course-record 61 on the par-70Monterey Peninsula CountryClub course while Johnsonand Lee carded 63s on thepar-72 Pebble Beach GolfLinks. Ken Duke and BrianHarman were tied for fourthjust one stroke back of theleaders.


International Sports

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 11 February, 2012 15

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

Weather forecast for11th February, 2012Oversea Transmission

* News* A New Nation With New

Strength (PrograssiveImages) (States) (Part - I)

* News* A New Nation With New

Strength (PrograssiveImages) (States) (Part - II)

* News* The 4th Yangon Photo

Festival* News* Musci Gallery* Rice Bowl of Northern

Shan State* News* Yoetayoke-Kyawktaw

Railroad Section* News* AIM Bazaar 2012* News* Easily Cooked & Tasty

Dishes "Royal Quick-friedFish"

* News* Myanmar Donation

Ceremony and Well-donesounds from Rural Area

* Myanmar Movies‘‘Beyond Love’’

(11-2-12 09:30 am ~12-2-12 09:30 am) MST



(11-2-2012) (Saturday)

Focus Myanmar TV Programme

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

7:00 am 1. Paritta by Venerable

Mingun Sayadaw- Uppatathandi Paritta

8:00 am 2. Health programme8:10 am 3. Poem Garden8:30 am 4. 65th Anniversary

Union Day Programme8:40 am 5. International News11:25 am 6. Game For Children2:15 pm 7. Dance Of National Races2:20 am 8. 65th Anniversary Union

Day Programme4:30 pm 9. 2012 University

Entrance Examination(Mathematics)

5:00 pm10. Songs For Upholding

National Spirit5:05 pm11. Beautiful “ASEAN”8:00 pm12. News13. Union Day Programme14. Cartoon Series15. TV Drama Series16. Gitadagale Phwintbaohn



Specialists,physicians give

health careDANUBYU, 10 Feb—Under the leadership

of Ayeyawady Region Health Department, acombined team of Women’s Chapter ofMyanmar Medical Association (Yangon),Danubyu Karuna Association and TownshipHealth Department gave health care servicesto the local people at Danubyu People’sHospital on 5 February.

Physicians and specialists providedsurgical operation and medical check-up toover 1200 people.

Myanma Alin

Traffic rules booth openedLOIKAW, 10 Feb—Directorate of Road Administration of Kayah State

and Myanmar Police Force jointly opened the booth on traffic rules atthe Kayah State festival in Loikaw from 10 to 18 January.

The Kayah State Chief Minister, the Speaker of State Hluttaw, stateministers and departmental officials visited the booth.

Myanma Alin

Temperature (°C/°F) For Tomorrow Sr.

No. Regions/States Maximu


Minimum Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 30/86 13/55 Likelihood of isolated rain or

thundershowers (60%)

2 Kayah 32/90 10/50 Partly Cloudy

3 Kayin 37/99 15/59 Partly Cloudy

4 Chin 22/72 06/43 Partly Cloudy

5 Upper Sagaing 30/86 15/59 Likelihood of isolated rain or

thundershowers (60%)

6 Lower Sagaing 33/91 17/63 Partly Cloudy

7 Taninthayi 35/95 22/72 Likelihood of isolated rain or

thundershowers (60%)

8 Bago 34/93 18/64 Partly Cloudy

9 Magway 35/95 15/59 Partly Cloudy

10 Mandalay 35/95 18/64 Partly Cloudy

11 Mon 36/97 18/64 Partly Cloudy

12 Yangon 35/95 18/64 Partly Cloudy

13 Rakhine 31/88 17/63 Partly Cloudy

14 Southern Shan 28/82 13/55 Partly Cloudy

15 Northern Shan 28/82 06/43 Partly Cloudy

16 Eastern Shan 31/88 09/48 Partly Cloudy

17 Ayeyawady 33/91 17/63 Partly Cloudy

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi

Taw 35/95 15/59

Partly Cloudy

19 Neighbouring Yangon 35/95 18/64 Partly Cloudy

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 35/95 18/64 Partly Cloudy

Summary of

observations at

09:30 hr MST on


During the past (24) hours, rain or thundershowers have been isolated in Upper Sagaing and Taninthayi Regions, Kachin State and weather has been partly cloudy in the remaining Regions and States. Night temperatures were (3°C) below February average temperatures in Kayin State, (3°C) to (4°C) above February average temperatures in Upper Sagaing and Mandalay Regions, Kachin, Shan and Mon States and about February average temperatures in the remaining Regions and States. The significant night temperatures were Namhsan (2°C), Heho (5°C), Lashio and Haka(6°C) each. The noteworthy amount of rainfall recorded was Myeik (1.10) inches.


Inference Weather is partly cloudy in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Seas will be slight to moderate in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for sub- Continuation of likelihood of isolated rain or thundershowers in the Northern Myanmar areas.


Across1. Hastily made devices

(2 wds)8. Low relief enamel on

ceramic15. Smallest of the Great

Lakes16. Gives personal

assurances17. Small movable scale

that slides along amain scale

18. Father’s sisters,informally

19. “Iliad” warrior20. Whooping birds22. “Wheel of Fortune”

buy (2 wds)23. Software program that

performs time-consuming tasks

24. Lentil, e.g.25. Auditory26. Drunk (2 wds)28. Drink from a dish30. Black European

thrush31. Like some

mushrooms33. Water diffused as

vapour35. Artist’s media (2 wds)37. Break, in a way (3

wds)40. Constrain (2 wds)44. About to explode45. “Harper Valley ___”

(acronym)47. Agreeing (with)48. Anchovy containers49. Break51. ___ Victor (acronym)52. “Go on ...”53. Ancient Egyptian

documents56. Sean Connery, for one57. Harmful59. Erstwhile (2 wds)61. Islands of the central

and S Pacific62. What a tailor does to

an old coat’s insides63. Those who group

similar things64. Chair part

Down1. Deserving affection2. Not using liquid3. Concluding musical

passages played at afaster speed

4. ___ Christian Andersen5. Altdorf is its capital6. Allotment7. Reddish brown8. “Terrible” czar9. Grimace10. Humorous play on

words (pl.)11. Appear12. Therapeutic massage13. Even smaller14. Small bone, esp. in

middle ear21. Unshakably24. Unite25. Beginning27. Depth charge targets

(2 wds)29. Hawaiian dish30. Bony32. Large North American

deer34. Publicity, slangily36. Appear, with “up”37. Spanish male gypsies38. River to the Atlantic

through Venezuelaand Columbia

39. More pronouncedbowed legs

41. Relating to pigs42. Revenues43. Most orderly46. Dawn goddess50. Lid or lip application53. Johnnycake54. Gulf V.I.P.55. Two ___ in a pod56. Ado58. College entrance

exam (acronym)60. “A Nightmare on ___


Vania King reachesquarterfinals at Pattaya Open

PATTAYA, (Thailand) 10 Feb—Eighth-seeded VaniaKing advanced to the quarterfinals of the Pattaya Open bybeating Alla Kudryavtseva of Russia 6-1, 6-3 Thursday.The American played well from the baseline to beat herfriend and reach the quarterfinals for the first time since lastSeptember in Seoul.

King will next play defending champion DanielaHantuchova of Slovakia, who beat Urszula Radwanska ofPoland 6-3, 6-2 in a match that was briefly suspended bylight rain before the end of the first set.

Sania Mirza also advanced to the quarterfinals bybeating Anne Keothavong of Britain 6-4, 7-5. Mirza, wholost the 2009 final to Vera Zvonareva, will play Taiwanesequalifier Hsieh Su-wei, who defeated Japanese veteranKimiko Date-Krumm 7-5, 6-0.


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Saturday, 11 February, 20124th Waning of Tabodwe 1373 ME

YANGON, 10 Feb—Chairman of theUnion Election Commission U Tin Aye metresponsible persons of the Yangon RegionElection Subcommission, District and

UEC Chairman meets YangonUEC Chairman meets YangonRegion Subcommission, District andRegion Subcommission, District and

Township SubcommissionsTownship Subcommissionstasks for Region, District and Township Sub-Commissions.

Chairman of the Yangon RegionElection Subcommission U Ko Ko reportedon preparations of Yangon Region to holdthe by-election in the region.

Chairmen of subcommissions from fourdistricts and six townships submitted reportson preparations for holding the by-electionsin respective districts and townships.

Member of the Union ElectionCommission in-charge of Yangon Region DrDaw Myint Kyi gave a supplementary reporton matters related to the by-election.

Later, the meeting ended with aconcluding remark by the CommissionChairman.

The meeting was also attended bychairmen, secretaries and members ofsubcommissions from four districts andDagon Myothit (Seikkan), MingalaTaungnyunt, Mayangon, Kawhmu,Thongwa and Hlegu townships.


NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb—Some local people fromvillages in Mansi Township of Kachin State and KutkaiTownship of Shan State (North) fled to the urban areasin Mansi and Kutkai Townships because of the lack ofpeace, stability and security. Local authoritiesconcerned, officials and wellwishers are providing thosewith necessary assistance.

Thanks to the government’s peace-makingprocesses, the border areas restore stability, peace andsecurity. Now, the conditions in Mansi and Kutkaitownships have returned to normal. So, those local aremoving back to their respective villages with the helpof local authorities.—MNA

Victims from Mansi andKutkai townships go home

NAY PYI TAW, 10 Feb—MRTV, Nay Pyi TawMyanma Radio and MRTV-4 will broadcast the Stateflag hoisting ceremony to mark 65th Anniversary UnionDay live starting from 6.45 am which will be held at 7 amon 12 February here.—MNA

65th Anniversary UnionDay going out live

Chairman of Union Election Commission U Tin Aye meets Yangon Region Election Subcommission, Districtand Township Subcommissions.—MNA

Township Subcommissions at the office ofYangon Region Government, here, at 1 pmtoday.

Chairman of the Commission U Tin Aye

explained arrangements of the UnionElection Commission to hold the free andfair by-election on 1 April in vacantconstituencies at respective Hluttaws and



Hailing the 65th

Anniversary Union DayWith UnionWith UnionSpiritSpirit

Union where all forces join

* No one can ever divide usAlways we are united

* No one can ever destroy usAlways we are marching forward

* No one can ever frighten usAlways we are buildingnew nation

* Our internal strengthLies withinWith unity and amityTowards the same goalNo one can ever stop us

* History countable by yearsin thousandKinfolk of single motherlandAs a solidified strengthThrough thick or thinAll striving in harmonyIn our territorial land, water,airspace


Giggs signs new dealWelshman to keep playing until

summer of 2013

Ryan Giggs: Awarded a new deal byManchester United to continue his Old Trafford


LONDON, 10 Feb—Manchester United midfielderRyan Giggs has put pen to paper on a new one-yearcontract to extend his remarkable career at Old Trafford.

The Welshman’s deal had been set to expire in thesummer but he indicated recently that he had no intentionof hanging up his boots.

United have now confirmed that he has agreedfresh terms to keep him at the club until June 2013.

Giggs turns 39 in November and the contractextension means he will now still be playing just a fewmonths before his 40th birthday.

After progressing through the youth ranks withthe Red Devils, Giggs made his debut in 1991 and hasscored in every season of the Premier League since itsinception.

United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has paid tribute toGiggs’ longevity as a player and for being a role model forhis fellow professionals.

He said: “Ryan is a marvellous player. In manyways, he epitomises all my teams here at United; he hasconstantly reinvented himself, adapted to the changingnature of the game and retained that desire and hunger forsuccess.

“In every training session and match, he is theexample for others to follow.

“The young players in the dressing room have agreat chance to learn from a player who will continue tobreak records that anyone in the game will find hard tobeat.”

Giggs has also expressed his delight at the deal andis looking forward to playing a key role over the next 18months.

“When I signed my first contract, I never thoughtI’d be able to play at United for 22 years but I feel goodand I know I can still contribute to keeping the teampushing for honours,” Giggs said.

“Winning the club’s 19th title was a great feelingbut this club is all about what we do next and I’m reallypleased I can be part of that.”




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