nlp for robotics

Post on 06-Dec-2014






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  • 1. Processing Natural Language in Robotics Applications
    01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001 00100000
    Alan Shen

2. Related work
Wubble Voice Command Demo (Gazebo Simulation)
Arizona Robotics Research Group - University of Arizona
3. Related work
Humanoid robot speech recognition and object tracking
4. Goals
Implement sentence recognition in text form (console/gui)
Provided some basis for speech processing
Pick up the blue cup
Pick up the blue cup
5. Existing tools
Possible python library implementation
Open Rave
Text Processing
Speech Processing
Robot Action
Prairie Dog Libraries
Python Tagging Libraries
(eg: NLTK)
6. Parsing orders
Ambiguous interpretations (robot command sentences may suffer less from this)
Robot, make her duck
Get the elevator
Mapping verbs to targets:Follow that personGet in the elevatorPick up that object
7. Parts of speech tagging
Given a word, what is its part of speech?

8. Parts of speech tagging
Given a known corpus, maybe its easier to predict a word given a tag:
Bayes: =()()

9. Parts of speech tagging
Bayes: =()()
Dont need to normalize

10. Parts of speech tagging
Bayes: =()()

11. Calculating ArgMax and likely tags
Speech and Language Processing - Jurafsky and Martin
12. Further work
Once actions and their targets are mapped, generate actions
Directly executing OpenRave commands in sequence?
Commands ignored if OpenRave is busy
Determine method of controllingPrairieDog movement
Need to ensure that text command interfaceis compatible with both arm and wheel controls
Populate objects in robots word dictionary
Eg: block, door, elevator, person
13. Questions?
Thank you!

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