nlp practitioner certification training · nlp practitioner certification training 30 day...

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NLP Practitioner

Certification Training

30 Day Step-By-Step Action Plan

75-6099 Kuakini Highway, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 800.800.MIND

This plan is based on some very powerful principles:

• The power of daily action – a small effort every day – builds strong habits.

• The Japanese principle of Kaizen – daily and continuous quality improvement.

• Improving your Individual Capacity by investing 1- 2 - 3 hours a day on yourself, 5 days a week.

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First of all, congratulate yourself

For completing this powerful NLP Certification Training.

Life will not be the same again.

Commit right now to follow this simple yet life changing 30-day action plan.

How will you make it happen?

1. Revisit your NLP Practitioner manual.

2. Get to know all your material.

3. Follow the 30-day Action Plan.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice.

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Daily Practice Schedule

Remember, in order to accelerate your Mastery, you need to practice (perfect practice makes perfect):

• Practice your pillars of NLP

• Practice your sensory acuity skills

• Practice your predicates skills

• Practice your rapport skills

• Practice your perceptual positions skills

• Practice your language patterns skills

• Practice your metaphor skills

• Practice your SMDs skills

• Practice your state elicitation skills

• Practice your anchoring skills

• Practice your reframing skills

• Practice your eye accessing cues skills

• Practice your strategy skills

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30 Day Step-By-Step Action Plan

“Whatever you think you are, you are more than that”

Matthew B. James, MA, PhD.

Remember to get rid of darkness,

You introduce light. No point in wasting time and effort

in/and/on the darkness.

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Declaration and Commitment to study

I _____________________, make a commitment to complete all exercises specified in my 30 day action plan, to review all the material provided to me during the training, and to complete my NLP Certification test all within that same 30 day period. I agree that by the time I complete my 30 day action plan, answer all the questions to the test, an amount well and truly over the 120/130 hours standard recommended by NLP Boards for Practitioner Level Certification would have been invested by me in studying for my NLP Practitioner Certification training. Signed in (City) _____________on ___ / ___ / 2011

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Week 1

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On a score from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you have rated the following areas of your life prior to your NLP Practitioner course?

1) Family 2) Relationships/Social 3) Spiritual 4) Career/Business 5) Health/Fitness 6) Personal Development

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Summarize your goals / tasks / outcomes you wish to achieve this week.

If you do anything at all in relation to any of these tasks during the course of a day, then simply tick the appropriate boxes as you go along.

Aim for at least 5 ticks a week per goal.

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What one thing can I do today to make me the best NLP Practitioner I can be??

Successful people do the things that failures don’t like to do.

Specific, Simple

Measurable, Meaningful to you As if now, Achievable, All areas of your life Realistic, Responsible/Ecological Timed, Toward what you want

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In The Morning

Review your day

Is what’s in your diary today getting you closer to your ultimate outcome?

If yes… Great If not… Review it and change it.

Remember Go to Work to make it work for you!

At Night

A) What have you used today from your NLP Practitioner repertoire:

Sensory Acuity Pattern Interrupts Rapport Skills Language Patterns Anchoring Milton Model Reframing Meta Model Letting go of Negativity Metaphors Going Forward/Planning Backwards Strategies

B) Plan the next day

What will you do tomorrow for one of your 6 Major Areas of Life?

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What have you learned from the

NLP Communication Model and the NLP Five Principles for Success? What will you change as a result of your new learning? What challenges are coming up for you? List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Write one of your outcomes here: Make sure it follows the Smart formula: What are your special and specific reasons, which get you excited when you think of your outcome? Break the outcome (now well formed and well defined) into smaller individual steps or tasks. To facilitate you doing this, here are two different methods you may wish to implement:

1) Visualize your outcome having been reached at the precise moment you have planned, be in that moment. Now look back towards now and visualize each and every step or task you had to reach in order to get there.

Another method might be…

2) Visualize your outcome and ask yourself what’s the last step (the last thing) that needs to happen in order for you to get it, then ask again, now what’s the last step before that etc… all the way back to now.

That way you will get to focus today on the first task necessary for you to obtain your goal. Utilize any one of the above methods to brainstorm your outcome now.

This will help get you in the habit of doing first things FIRST.

And do one thing now, regardless of how small, right now, toward reaching your goal.

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What have you learned from the

Well Formed Conditions and the Keys to Achievable Outcomes?

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Review Your Goals

Are they Holistic, do they encompass all areas of life individually?

Remember this is NLP, integral, all encompassing, everything integrates, everything counts, everything matters.

Let me explain.

Take health and fitness, you might have a goal to

lose weight.

You’ve expressed it following the SMART formula, maybe…

It’s the _____of 2012, I weigh ____ pounds and I’m fit &healthy with abundant energy. You’ve broken it down to daily tasks and you tick them off most of the time, HOWEVER

You go to your social area of life and you find that your habits are such that you reward yourself every week by going out Friday and Saturday nights and consume 4 or 5 drinks per night, not excessive you say, perhaps not, BUT that habit alone counteracts your hours spent on the treadmill attempting to lose weight, then you wonder why it’s not happening. Those dozen drinks a week, add between 2000 to 2500 calories to your weekly intake add a doughnut or two, (again not excessive, you say) and you’re up to 3500 calories per week. That’s more than you would burn doing an hour a day on the treadmill and sweating your heart out and all to no avail. If you are serious about achieving your goals make sure you are congruent in all areas of life.

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What have you learned from the

[Listen to MP3] Week 1-1 Presupposition Presuppositions of NLP, describe some of your favorites:

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Learning State

How do you best learn? Begin to utilize your peripheral vision for learning new material. Remember learning is state dependant - play with that today, learn something new in the morning.

Go about your normal day and in the evening review what you learned by recalling your learning state. Then take the time to describe your experience.

Next time you find yourself in the presence of someone feeling confused:

1) Go through these simple steps: Establish rapport Ask them to recall a time when they had clarity and knew how to proceed Anchor that feeling Return to the situation at hand Fire the anchor.

2) Remember a time when you learned easily and effortlessly, a time when you were a virtual learning machine - Elicit the strategy:

A. How do you know it’s time to learn something new?

B. What’s the 1st thing you do, what’s the 2nd thing you do, what’s the next thing you do etc…

C. How do you know you’ve learned what you wanted to learn?

Apply the strategy

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Assume the worst and expect the best Matthew James

Think of a situation that did not work for you even though you may have had a positive intention, however because of the inherent negative presupposition in your language and therefore your attitude, you were not as well prepared as you could have been.

Describe how the situation could have been different.

Think of a situation in your life where by the very nature of the Presupposition you adopted, you automatically, easily & effortlessly obtained your outcome in that situation.

Describe it.

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 1-2 Sensory Acuity Sensory Acuity?

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Sensory Acuity

Exercise 1

From time to time feel the coins in your pocket - without looking at them guess their individual value.

Exercise 2

Walk down your street as if for the first time and pay particular attention to the character of the right hand side as opposed to the appearance and character of the left hand side of the street. Exercise 3

Note how all the different people walk, some at a leisurely pace others at a brisk pace. Notice how they interact. Describe what you are noticing in V. A. K. O. G. terms.

Exercise 4

Once a day make it a habit of closely examining one person whether a colleague at work or someone you have been introduced to in a social environment or just a complete stranger sitting in a Bus or a Train or just walking on a footpath.

Take a real good look at them for a brief moment and close your eyes and make an internal visual picture of the same person. Notice how close you can get to the ‘real’ thing. Notice the features -hair-eyes-ear-nose-chin mouth-complexion- observe how he/she tilts the head, notice - clothes-hands- shoes- notice accessories such as rings - watch- jewelry- briefcase-handbags etc…if they’re walking -how do they walk. If they’ve spoken, how do they speak-tone-volume-timbre-note any accents you may detect. Beware mind reads can be misleading. Use your sensory acuity to observe and by practicing this exercise on a daily basis you will exponentially increase your powers of observation, which as an added bonus will automatically improve your Natural Memory.

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Remember to ask the question:

What one thing could you do which you absolutely know will have a significant positive impact on your business, or working life?

He who has made a beginning, Has the deed half done.

Zen Masters

What one thing could I do, which I am not doing now, that is bound to make a tremendous difference in my Business life?

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How is your life changing? Make a list.

What’s working well for you?

What would you like to improve on?

At Night

Review your 1st week as an NLP Practitioner Have you worked on your outcomes? Make a decision now to change something as of tomorrow and go ahead and plan tomorrow. Up-date your to-do list now!

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On a score from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rate the following areas of your life this week?

1) Family 2) Relationships/Social 3) Spiritual 4) Career/Business 5) Health/Fitness 6) Personal Development

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Week 2

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Summarize your goals / tasks / outcomes you wish to achieve this week.

If you do anything at all in relation to any of these tasks during the course of a day, then simply tick the appropriate boxes as you go along.

Aim for at least 5 ticks a week per goal.

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What one thing can I do today to make me the best NLP Practitioner I can be??

Successful people do the things that failures don’t like to do.

Specific, Simple

Measurable, Meaningful to you As if now, Achievable, All areas of your life Realistic, Responsible/Ecological Timed, Toward what you want

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 2-1 Rapport Rapport?

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Pacing & Leading

What’s your natural tendency? Is it to pace for a while, or attempt to lead straight away? Take the time to examine real life situations- ones that produced your desired outcomes and others where you could have done slightly better. Think back to what worked and remember did you first pace? What about situations that did not work – did you try to lead too soon? Notice situations in your life where pacing might be difficult –remember: Cross over mirroring; see if you could apply the cross over technique to pace long enough to lead successfully. Describe what you did.

During your next meaningful phone conversation, notice the speed of the conversation, notice the predicates used, notice the tone, the pitch, the volume. Deliberately match, and notice what happens. What can you do today and for the rest of the week to improve your rapport skills?

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NLP is a Science and an Art

You learned Rapport Skills

How are you utilizing these powerful skills in your daily life?

Are you over zealous with RAPPORT?

Remember anything in EXCESS looses of its value

Remember NLP is Outcome based A Good Question to ask yourself is “what’s my outcome out of this situation”

Remember the adage “Truth is stranger than fiction” and the other “Truth hurts” So if you’ll ever be asked for an opinion, and if your opinion will not be positive or contribute in any positive way, make sure to double check your outcome. One of the best plans might be not to comment. As a rule of thumb, unless you have something nice to say, and if your outcome is neutral, you’re better off not saying anything at all.

Even if you don’t like an item of clothing that you’ve just been asked to comment on, maybe you can find something positive to say about:

Does it suit? Maybe it suits well The Quality? Maybe the quality is good The Color? Maybe it’s a suitable color.

Practice Your Smile Practice Your Hand Shake Practice Being particular about Your Appearance

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Today re-visit your NLP 5 Principles for Success and look at: Principle No.1- Know your Outcome.

Now if you’ve already written down a Major definite purpose, then take a few minutes now to read it and visualize it in every detail. If on the other hand you have not as yet written in detail (following the SMART formula) a long-term outcome for yourself, NOW is the time to do so. Remember the more clearly defined a goal is the easier it will be to reach it.

So write it now: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Great, now take a few minutes to visualize it as clearly as possible in your minds eye.

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 2-2 Representational System & Predicators Representational Systems and Predicates?

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Preferred Rep System – Write a short description of the house you live in. Notice which Rep system you tend to favor. Re-write the description, this time using different predicates from all representational systems.

Take the time to notice the type of predicates other people use in communicating with you, and match them. Notice what effect this might have on you. Does it feel natural to you? Is it making a difference to the responses you are getting? For the sake of flexibility, what can you do today to improve the overall usage of all rep systems in your communication?

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Logical Levels

Take a problem you might have, work out where you might be experiencing it at the moment:

I can’t do that here now

Time? If not now, then when?

Environment? If not here, then where?

Behavior? If not that, then what?

Capability? If not how, then skills?

Beliefs and Values? If it’s not important to you?

Identity? If not you, then who else?

Integral-Spirituality? Most powerful higher purpose.

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 2-3 Eye Patterns Eye Patterns

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Eye Accessing Exercise: Notice people’s eye accessing cues and identify their lead representational system. Ask people questions that will necessitate them accessing information, and watch their eye movement.

Remember a time you walked down your favorite beach. How good did that feel?

Most people find it easier to hold the feeling looking down to their right. Stretch yourself by noticing the series of eye movements that might occur. Next time you’re in a queue, take the time to notice people’s eye movements. What might you be able to guess about these people? Now to talk to yourself, run through some of your rules. Most people find it easier to access AD looking down and to the left. Are your rules hindering you or helping you?

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Remember to ask the question:

What one thing could you do which you absolutely know will have a significant positive impact on your family?

This above all, to thy own self be true.


What one thing could I do, which I am not doing now, that is bound to make a tremendous difference in my

family life?

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Identify 3 important relationships. They could be family, social, or they could be business related:

Work out 3 things that might improve these relationships

Work out 3 things that might take away from these relationships

Work out what might be the one thing that you can do right now to get you closer to your goal of improving these relationships?

Remember this is NLP. You have to think in an integral, integrated and holistic way. How’s one area of life impacting the others?

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1) Have you written down your outcomes? Do they follow the SMART formula?

2) Have you looked back towards now and organized the intermediate steps necessary for its attainment?

3) What physical action are you taking on a daily basis to attain its fulfillment?

4) What changes have you experienced since the start of the training?

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Review Your Goals

Are they Holistic, do they encompass all areas of life individually?

S M All areas of your life R T S

Remember this is NLP, integral, all encompassing, everything integrates, everything counts, and everything matters.

Another example might be

Saving for a deposit for some real estate.

You write it congruently, you are aware of the power of the ‘J’ Curve and the power of saving 10% of everything that comes through your fingers. No sooner you begin on your plan that you see this ‘Have to Have’ pair of shoes. Now unless that pair of shoes was part of your written plan, then it doesn’t have to be a ‘have to have’. If a spiritual trip to the Ancient Land of the Pharaohs is on the list, so be it. If a pair of shoes is on the list, so be it. If it’s not on the list…let it go…

Practice aligning your imagination and your vision for your future with your will power and your conscience, and watch how powerful you will become.

YOUR WORD will become Law in the Universe!

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How is your life changing? Make a list.

What’s working well for you?

What would you like to improve on?

At Night

Review your week as an NLP Practitioner Have you worked on your outcomes? Make a decision now to change something as of tomorrow and go ahead and plan tomorrow. Up-date your to-do list now!

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On a score from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rate the following areas of your life this week?

1) Family 2) Relationships/Social 3) Spiritual 4) Career/Business 5) Health/Fitness 6) Personal Development

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Week 3

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Summarize your goals / tasks / outcomes you wish to achieve this week.

If you do anything at all in relation to any of these tasks during the course of a day, then simply tick the appropriate boxes as you go along.

Aim for at least 5 ticks a week per goal.

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What one thing can I do today to make me the best NLP Practitioner I can be??

Successful people do the things that failures don’t like to do.

Specific, Simple

Measurable, Meaningful to you As if now, Achievable, All areas of your life Realistic, Responsible/Ecological Timed, Toward what you want

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What’s your aim in life?

What’s your mission, your Goal?

1. What do you like best in the world?

2. Is it SMART?

3. Don’t be discouraged if it appears to be ‘temporarily’ above your comprehension. Your sincerity and your work will deliver the goods.

a. Remember the ‘J’ Curve – the miracle of the Universe wanting to provide.

b. Take your first aim and break it down into successive steps from the long term to the short term

c. Each and every day think of your steps and take one appropriate step toward its attainment. Do you need more resources? Do you need additional skills?


Success is Success-ive (One step at a time)

A little each day is a good recipe

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 3-1 SMDs SMDs

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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The Zoomer - Associate/Dissociate

Play with that - behind a door - looking through a peep hole

- inside a glass barrier

- build a wall around you

- Astronaut - look at the experience as a movie, what can you learn from it?

- You are Steven Spielberg…now what would you do with the


A feeling is like a marker to review the experience and gain completion. SMDs

Pick an event, and ask yourself:

Would you like to enhance the experience? Play with your SMDs

Or would you like to minimize its affect on you? Play with your SMDs

First, Notice how many SMDs you can detect, Notice size/colour/distance/tonality Notice the differences.

Then, change them.

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Make a list of people you used to avoid or be intimidated by. Seek them out one by one and be at ease in their company by practicing the following:

Breathing exercise.

Write a SMART goal, and affirm it twice a day.

Assume an air of confidence, by paying attention to your appearance. Fire your resource anchor. Watch the movie of your meeting complete nicely in advance. Rehearse the successful completion of your meeting in advance.

From the night before plan the next day Break down each step into allotted time zones.

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 3-2 Swish Patterns Swish Patterns

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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What have you learned from the

[Listen to MP3] Week 3-3 Hierarchy of ideas Hierarchy of Ideas

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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In The Morning

In how many different ways will you put your anchoring techniques to good use today?

At Night

Think back on today, and notice how many times you might have been subjected to an anchor today without you being totally aware of it. Review your automatic response to those situations.

A) If they were pleasant… Great… Rejoice in them now a little more

B) If they did not serve you well… Fine… Review them now, and commit to act differently next time, remember you could collapse them now, and – remember rehearsing will strengthen your new strategies.

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Remember to ask the question:

What one thing could you do which you absolutely know will have a significant positive impact on your spiritual life?

There are always flowers for those who want to see them.


What one thing could I do, which I am not doing now, that is bound to make a tremendous difference in my spiritual life?

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How is your life changing? Make a list.

What’s working well for you?

What would you like to improve on?

At Night

Review your week as an NLP Practitioner Have you worked on your outcomes? Make a decision now to change something as of tomorrow and go ahead and plan tomorrow. Up-date your to-do list now!

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What’s your story?

Remember “this is your life” … describe your story.

How is it now? How would you like it to be? Take the time to re-write it.

If you were to summarize your biography now, how would it best be described? A comedy, a tragedy, a melodrama, a real drama, a mystery, an epic adventure.

Take a moment to describe how you’d want it to be summarized & remembered…

Are you living out of your beaten up old car in need of a wash and a tune up, or are you already living out of your Rolls Royce?

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On a score from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rate the following areas of your life this week?

1) Family 2) Relationships/Social 3) Spiritual 4) Career/Business 5) Health/Fitness 6) Personal Development

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Week 4

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Summarize your goals / tasks / outcomes you wish to achieve this week.

If you do anything at all in relation to any of these tasks during the course of a day, then simply tick the appropriate boxes as you go along.

Aim for at least 5 ticks a week per goal.

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What one thing can I do today to make me the best NLP Practitioner I can be??

Successful people do the things that failures don’t like to do.

Specific, Simple

Measurable, Meaningful to you As if now, Achievable, All areas of your life Realistic, Responsible/Ecological Timed, Toward what you want

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What have you learned from

Language Patterns

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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What have you learned from the

[Listen to MP3] Week 4-1 Meta Model

Meta Model

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Complete the sentence:

I must… I have to…. I need to… I should…

What would happen if you didn’t? Some of these may be your limiting belief, or maybe not –

Put yourself at “Cause”, check you’re away from motivations, and re-write the sentences from a more neutral point of view.

Complete the sentence:

I can’t… There’s no way…

What’s preventing you? Check your Model of the World

Put yourself at cause, pick up some resources, check your away from motivations, and re-write the sentences from a more neutral point of view.

Notice the degree of clarity of your conversation with others. Notice: Generalizations, Distortions and Deletions. Notice what changes you can make to increase the clarity/specificity of your interaction.

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What have you learned from the

[Listen to MP3] Week 4-2 Milton Model Milton Model

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 4-3 Metaphor


What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges…

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Life is like … because… Do at least 5 and notice what effect and how each different Metaphor works for you in your life. Being with is like because Being with (this other person) is like because Being an NLP Practitioner is like because Do at least 5 on you being an excellent NLP Practitioner and notice what effect and how each different Metaphor works for you in your life. My work reminds me of because… My finances are like because … My relationship is like because… My spiritual life is like because… My friendships are like because… My family is like because… My personal growth & development is like because… How do these Metaphors work for you? Could you change them and notice the improvements. Remember C/E

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Metaphors What is your Metaphor for your health & fitness? My health is because… My degree of fitness is like because… Catch yourself saying things like … I get “Massive” headaches… What would happen if instead you started saying I used to get annoying little headaches. Catch yourself saying things like … Every time… I catch … What about other ‘body parts’ language such as You’re such a pain in the neck. He’s a pain the backside. I’ll turn gray before my time. Catch yourself saying these things and change your Metaphors Remember your UCM takes everything personally. Describe how you caught yourself saying something and note your new response and rehearse it.

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Remember to ask the question:

What one thing could you do which you absolutely know will have a significant positive impact on your health & fitness?

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a Miracle,

and the other is as though everything is a Miracle.

Albert Einstein

What one thing could I do, which I am not doing now, that is bound to make a tremendous difference in my health & fitness?

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Pick one of your outcomes. If a house is what you want – take the time now to write down in a journal all the details of the house include the floor plan-the color scheme-outside and inside – materials used- decorations etc involve all the senses write the description utilizing all Representational systems, include: Visual, Auditory Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Olfactory, as well as your internal dialogue plus any other dialogue with any other person, in your representation.

Practice visualizing all the details and hold this sensory rich representation in your mind for as long as you can up to five minutes (no more than 5 min) Do this everyday for at least 7 days… Starting today.

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How is your life changing? Make a list.

What’s working well for you?

What would you like to improve on?

At Night

Review your week as an NLP Practitioner Have you worked on your outcomes? Make a decision now to change something as of tomorrow and go ahead and plan tomorrow. Up-date your to-do list now!

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On a score from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rate the following areas of your life this week?

1) Family 2) Relationships/Social 3) Spiritual 4) Career/Business 5) Health/Fitness 6) Personal Development

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Week 5

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Summarize your goals / tasks / outcomes you wish to achieve this week.

If you do anything at all in relation to any of these tasks during the course of a day, then simply tick the appropriate boxes as you go along.

Aim for at least 5 ticks a week per goal.

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What one thing can I do today to make me the best NLP Practitioner I can be??

Successful people do the things that failures don’t like to do.

Specific, Simple

Measurable, Meaningful to you As if now, Achievable, All areas of your life Realistic, Responsible/Ecological Timed, Toward what you want

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NLP adds magic to your toolbox

One of the qualities that distinguish a craftsman or a professional is the fact that they know which tool to use for a specific job.

-Golfer knows which clubs to use -Carpenter knows which nail to use -Mechanic knows which wrench to use -NLP Practitioners ought to know which questions to ask and more importantly who specifically to ask and how to ask

So as an example

Lets just say you wanted a loan, you wouldn’t necessarily ask your barber (unless he was very well connected and bankers were part of his network ) You would ask a banker OK – so far so good. Then the question is, how would you ask? You wouldn’t whinge and whine and be negative, NO you would ask intelligently, put your thoughts in writing in your journal – write the proposal as if you’re writing to a friend who will be willing to help, that way you will be well prepared for your meeting So if on the phone, Remember your rapport skills, use appropriate predicates and voice intonation

If face to face, Remember to match and mirror physiology as well as all your rapport skills and strategies.

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Back Track / Review

At the end of the day, Write 6 things that went well for you today

Add to your list of “these are a few of my favorite things”

Take the time to review your day again and build in your resource anchor by firing it, and associating into any one of these new experiences. Remember Success is Success-ive

Before going to bed

Think of your goals

Think of The person you’ll become as a result of reaching your goals. Review what you’ve done in relation to your goals. Plan what you’ll do tomorrow in relation to your goals. Decide which qualities you think you may be lacking Use anchoring techniques


Be particular about your appearance

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 5-1 Anchoring Anchoring

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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What have you learned from the

[Listen to MP3] Week 5-2 T.O.T.E. Model T.O.T.E. Model

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 5-3 Reframing Reframing

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Remember to ask the question:

What one thing could you do which you absolutely know will have a significant positive impact on your personal development?

Your choices, and not chance, will determine your ultimate destiny.

Zen Masters

What one thing could I do, which I am not doing now, that is bound to make a tremendous difference in my personal development?

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Take Action

1) From time to time consider what would you do if money was no object. Then sit down and write a plan of action as detailed as possible to get you there. It might be a new profession; it might be a new business situation. Write a plan of action in all of its details. Pretend you’ll be showing this plan of action to a banker willing to fund your project as long as he/she can clearly see each step necessary for the attainment of your project.

2) Assume you’ve won a great deal of money and that you are now building your dream home. Another assumption is that you are the architect. So go ahead and sketch out the house sketch out the different rooms, the gardens, and the pool the BBQ. What else would you include and where would you have the library. How would you position the furniture?

3) It’s now the year 2027, and someone is handing you a book. The title of the book is “This is your life” it’s a magical book which you can read and watch as a DVD with surround sound all at the same time. What would the book say…. Write in bullet points what the book is saying- who are in the book, what are they saying-what places have you visited. What about your projects, what about family/ friends, acquaintances, work, partners, ventures etc…

4) As a stretch elicit your motivation strategy for either going to work or for learning. Next elicit your motivation strategy for either attending or watching your favorite sport. What do you notice?

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Like to Dislike - SMD Shifts

You know you should eat simple, wholesome foods, and no more than necessary. The secret to weight loss is simple: ZIP IT, ZIP IT…GOOD. Weight loss is a mathematical formula. What goes into the system must be LESS than what goes out of the system (energy expanded) for the weight to go down. Less of the wrong calories means the weight will go down More movement means the weight will go down Is there any one food you might want to decide to eliminate from your diet? Go ahead and do a SMD Shift (Like to Dislike) What about EXERCISE Do some Breathing Exercises Do some Sit-Ups Do some Push-Ups Go for a walk, enjoy…. Operate from a physiology of excellence Assume an air of confidence at all times Remember the Circle of Power.

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NLP is a Science, and it’s also an Art

You’ve learnt to ‘Collapse Anchors’ how have you been using this most powerful technique for human growth and development on a daily basis.

Make a list of all the little things that nag you and take up your energy on a daily basis. These daily annoyances that rob you of your time and of your energy, and take your focus away from your goals, then collapse them. Look also for physical anchors at home or at work i.e. pictures, knickknacks, your chair, make sure your physical anchors are as pleasant as you would like them to be … and…

Then watch your energy levels rise.

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How is your life changing? Make a list

What’s working well for you?

What would you like to improve on?

At Night

Review your week as an NLP Practitioner Have you worked on your outcomes? Make a decision now to change something as of tomorrow and go ahead and plan tomorrow. Up-date your to-do list now!

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On a score from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rate the following areas of your life this week?

1) Family 2) Relationships/Social 3) Spiritual 4) Career/Business 5) Health/Fitness 6) Personal Development

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Week 6

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Summarize your goals / tasks / outcomes you wish to achieve this week.

If you do anything at all in relation to any of these tasks during the course of a day, then simply tick the appropriate boxes as you go along.

Aim for at least 5 ticks a week per goal.

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What one thing can I do today to make me the best NLP Practitioner I can be??

Successful people do the things that failures don’t like to do.

Specific, Simple

Measurable, Meaningful to you As if now, Achievable, All areas of your life Realistic, Responsible/Ecological Timed, Toward what you want

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What have you learned from the

Circle of Power

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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1) Access a state of excellence in yourself.

Make sure it’s nice and strong.

Fire it off at least three times during the day and notice what happens.

2) Covertly use your Circle of Power during the week, perhaps before an important meeting, or at any other time you might deem appropriate.

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 6-1 Collapse Anchors Collapse Anchors

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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What have you learned from

[Listen to MP3] Week 6-2 Chaining Anchors Chaining Anchors

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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What have you learned from having

[Listen to MP3] Week 6-3 Parts Integration

Parts Integration

What will you change as a result of your new learning?

What challenges are coming up for you?

List the steps necessary to overcome those challenges.

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Remember to ask the question:

What one thing could you do which you absolutely know will have a significant positive impact on your relationships?

Remember, it’s only with the heart

that one can see rightly the essential is invisible to the eyes.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

What one thing could I do, which I am not doing now, that is bound to make a tremendous difference in my relationships?

Watch strangers interacting – Can you tell who might be in 1st

position (self), who is in 2nd

(other) and who is in 3rd

(observer)? How can you tell?

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Next time you’re confronted with a problem.

Remember never to decide anything worthwhile if you’re not in a good stable emotional place. For a solution consider this

Are your ideas clear? Is your focus scattered, or is it like a laser beam.

Remember the more specifically and clearly stated a goal is, then the easier it is to manifest. The same applies to problems. The clearer and more specifically they are defined the quicker and easier will a solution pop up. Reason from the known to the unknown. Solid foundations are necessary for a solid conclusion. Sleep on it and ask your Unconscious Mind to come up with a solution. Trusting that it will.

Express your conclusion succinctly, clearly and precisely.

Go through this method as well as applying

1) The 5 Principles of Success to your problem solving arsenal and watch your powers of intuition develop simultaneously and miraculously.

2) Apply Perceptual Positions to different situations and watch how different perspectives will offer different solutions to any issues at hand.

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Remember: Not my way or the highway, but a higher way.

Remember: Only grade yourself against your potential. This is where meaningful competition comes from.

Pick a situation that may be troubling you and take it through the NLP, Five Principles for Success first, then work out how many more ways you now know of overcoming it. Now step into ‘other’ – What can you learn from this position What about ‘observer’ – What else are you picking up now, which might make all the difference.

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How is your life changing? Make a list

What’s working well for you?

What would you like to improve on?

At Night

Review your week as an NLP Practitioner Have you worked on your outcomes? Make a decision now to change something as of tomorrow and go ahead and plan tomorrow. Up-date your to-do list now!

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Commit to Constant Improvement

Power Formula Number 1 - The 1/10 formula. Save 10% of everything that

comes through your hands. Power Formula Number 2

- The 10/20 formula. Read 30 minutes a day, 10minutes aloud, and 20 minutes to yourself.

Power Formula Number 3 - The 7/20 formula. Find 20 minutes once a week to

brainstorm and record all tasks you want to accomplish during the coming week to get you closer to your goals.

Power Formula Number 4 - The Energy Levels formula. -Be sure to get some

exercise, fresh air, water -Be sure to attend to all incomplete tasks in your life, to help plug all your energy leaks.

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On a score from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rate the following areas of your life this week?

1) Family 2) Relationships/Social 3) Spiritual 4) Career/Business 5) Health/Fitness 6) Personal Development

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Week 6 - Day 30

❑ Send us a magnificent testimonial, letting everyone know how happy you are now that you have mastered the NLP Practitioner Material.

❑ Start working on a long-term plan for your Master Practitioner Certification, and your Trainers Training Certification.

❑ Send in your completed test, your signed declaration, and your testimonial.

❑ Schedule your next holiday (maybe Kailua-Kona in March).

Have fun! Celebrate!

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Testimonial Form

I am so glad I completed the NLP Practitioner Certification training because:



I agree that The Empowerment Partnership can use this testimonial in their advertising and marketing.

Signature_______________________ Date ____________________

Photo goes here

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