no173 newslettr daily e-14_7_2013

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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  • 1. The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )173( 2013/7/14 Syrian Arab Republic Ministry of Information The Directorate of Electronic Information Page NO.1 Army continues their operations Unites of Syrian Arab Army dom- inated on many buildings near to the educational satellite TV chan- nel headquarter in Barzeh,, hav- ing eliminated the terrorists inside them. Sayyah al-Habboul was identified among the dead terror- ists. The engineering units neutral- ized4explosivedevicesinthearea ranging in weight between 15-25 kg rigged for remote detonation, as several terrorists were killed and wounded in al-Qaboun neigh- borhood, among them the terrorist Ali al-Sayyed. The source added that clashes erupted to the east of the sports hall in Jobar, resulting in the deaths of several terrorists, among them Ammar Jomaa and Mohammad al-Kaswani. Army units also continued mopping-up operations in the buildings along Damascus-Homs road to the east of al-Eiman Mosque and the wa- ter establishment in Harasta. A terrorists concentration was also destroyed in Alia farms in Douma area, killing and injuring several terrorists, among them Yehia Zai- toun and Khaled Halawa, as other Tunnels in Al- Qaboun and Harasta.. killing of terrorists in the countryside of Damascus terrorists were killed in al-Rihan and Erbin towns. In Deir Salman town and the surrounding area in eastern Ghouta, clashes continue between army units and terror- ists. Several terrorists were killed, among them Iyad Shahin and Mo- hammad Hneidi. In Damascus southern countryside, the source said that a mortar shell and heavy machinegun were destroyed in a string of special operations in Hi- jjera town, killing a number of ter- rorists, among them Samer al-Na- jem and Iyad Turkmani. Another unit killed a number of terrorists after destroying their vehicles in al-Alali area in Darayya city.Ater- rorist nicknamed Abu Amin was identified among the dead. Army units also targeted terrorists gath- erings in Khan El-Sheih and its farms and Beit Jinn in Damascus southwestern countryside. A unit of the armed forces ambushed an armed terrorist group south of al- Dmair city in Damascus Country- side infiltrated from the Jordanian border. A military source said that the army killed 3 terrorists and seized the terrorists weap- ons and tools. The source added that the weapons seized included B10 mortar, RPG launchers, 10 automatic rifles, a sniper rifle and big amounts of various ammu- nition, masks and sophisticated telecommunication devices, in ad- dition to seizing their car. Armed forces units clashed with a terror- ist group which had been com- mitting robberies near Parliament roundabout in Jobar area, elimi- nating the groups leader Omar Yousef Makki along with several group members including Ammar Ahmad Jumaa, Mohammad Ali Salah, Muwaffaq Rateb al-Dimas, Mohammad Abdelwahab Omaira, and Khaled Mohammad Asali.

2. Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )173( 2013/7/14 Mortar Shells and Special operations in Homs and its countryside Killing of terrorists.. Smashing of their weapons Two Mortar Shells in Al- Sulaymaniyah Killing of terrorists in Deir Ezzor In Aleppo, four citizens were injured because of falling two mortar shells on Al-Sulay- maniyah district and caused material damage in the place. Units of the army eliminated The terrorists fired mortar shells on one of petrol tank in the station that is in the west of Alzarah town in the country- side of Talakalah and caused a fire. The tank contains 688 m3 of diesel .In Homs and its In Lattakia, unites of army killed terrorists of Jabhat Al Nusra and smashed their weapons. members of terrorist groups in the surroundings farms in Kahan Al-Assal and elimi- nated gangs that are affiliated to Jabhit Al-Nusra in Salah Al-Deen. countryside, units of the army did many special operations and it targeted the gatherings of terrorists in Al-Kalidiah. While anorther unit faced terrorists attacked the military check points in the southern A unit of Syrian Arab Army killed terrorists of Jabhat Al Nusra in Kba Jib town in Deir Ezzor and smashed their weapons. area in Tadmour. The armed forces seized a factory for making explosive bombs.In Idleb, armed forces targeted a terrorist gathering near the industrial area in the north of Benish. 3. Page NO.3 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )173( 2013/7/14 Dozens of democrat, repub- lican and liberal Americans in Oklahoma City in United States protested to refuse the military intervention of America in Syria. The Russian ministry spokes- man Alexandar Lokashevitch accused the United States of presenting inaccurate expla- nations about the universal Protests in America against military inter- vention in Syria Russia the American explanations are not accurate investigation about usingv the chemical weapons in Syr- ia and he called for reviewing the reliable information and documents. Government re-structures subsidization food items Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halqi on Saturday affirmed that the government is committed to improve the economic conditions of citizens and providing their needs by expanding sub- sidization of goods and materials and provid- ing food baskets. Chairing a meeting of the committee for restructuring government-pro- vided subsidization, Premier al-Halqi said this meeting aims at establishing new economic mechanisms to help citizens bear the burdens caused by the current crisis. He said that the government is working hard to overcome chal- lenges despite the economic sanctions and the economic and media warfare waged on Syria, with these challenges including some mer- chants running a monopoly on certain good and USD exchange rate speculation. Al-Halqi stressed the need for the Internal Trade and Consumer Protection Ministry to monitor prices in markets and hold those who manipu- late prices accountable, in addition to provid- ing various goods in retail outlets. He also un- derlined the need to find suitable mechanisms to ensure that support reach those who need it. Discussions during the meeting tackled means for improving citizens living condi- tions in light of the rising prices and the pos- sibility of expanding subsidization to cover petroleum products and basic food materials. For his part, Governor of the Central Bank of Syria (CBS) Adib Mayyaleh pointed out that the CBS is supporting both government and private sector imports, with the highest USD exchange rate for state imports reaching SYP 130. Mayyaleh said that considering the USD exchange rate, the fluctuating market prices are unjustified, and that the real cause of them is monopolies, speculation and exploitation by some merchants who must be held ac- countable. The committee decided to tasked the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Af- fairs to coordinate with governors to set retail outlets for subsidized goods, instructing min- istries to open similar outlets in their estab- lishments. 4. Page NO.4 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )173( 2013/7/14 The Directorate of Culture in Sweida yester- day launched the cultural project passion Passion... a cultural project to discover innovation to encourage the interactive exchange of culture and to discover the creative energies. Patriarch John X Yazigi of Antioch and all the East for Greek Orthodox Church stressed that the Syrian people are committed to the territo- rial unit of Syria, adding that efforts should be exerted for Syria to restore peace, security and stability. During a visit to Lattakia prov- ince, Patriarch Yazigi added that Syria is an example for national unity, expressing hope that the crisis would be resolved. He called on the neighboring countries to exert efforts for peaceful political solution to the crisis in Syria which was and will remain the homeland for dialogue, fraternity, amity and peace. A dentist, inventor, Pharmacist, researcher and professor at University Dr. Rashad Murad, under the guidance of President Bashar al-Assad earned a medal of honour of first class for his invention. The Patriarch YazigiDevotion the political solution in Syria Amedal of honor.. for the creative of developed technology of dental bridges

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