no.56jp.sec.jspl.c.p.jops. dated 18.1.13 for strict

Post on 21-Mar-2021






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StCDl,LlM:l1ingOK'd~r~Jt'.ll.74~.Areg~lfNi.timlg 4~1F\1.a~~ti@IDdID1g@r th~ \V'~Hii~elaEJ!elpUin~De$k h& CPC1~~P

Enclosed please find herewith the Standing Order No.74-A -~lI1il.llllctii.@niltig·of the ~!Y(~;(.@e1':l iHel10Une D@$k iliA CPCR~' issued videNo.56jP.Sec.jSpl.C.P.jOps. dated 18.1.13 for strict compliance.

jt1b/For SPL, cOMi\/nS0ION~R OF POLICE,


!JLl I }J

1. All Special Commissioners of Police including MDjDPHC, Delhi.2. All.Joint Commissioners of Police, Delhi3.·Additional Commissioners of Police, includingP IPTC, Delhi.4. An Deputy Commissioners of Police, District/Units, including FRRO}

Delhi/ New Delhi.5, SO to Commissioner of Police, LAto Cornmisaiorier of Police, Delhi6. ACP/IT Centre with. the direction to upload the SJanding Order in Intra

DPNeL'7. AllA.CsP Sub Division, Delhi including all ACsP in PHQ, Delhi.8. All SHOsjDeJ.hi Police through their respective DCsP with the direction to

place the Standing Order in register No. :3'Pa~t-T of the Police Stations.9. All InspectorsjPHQ, including R.eader to CP, Delhi.lO.LibrarianjPHQ. . ,.,,~

Eli'At---I])\ NL1 rJ~~ 14?\,

The ,National Capital Territory of ;Odhi is one of the 'most, rapidly, growing cities in the world where 'crime iric!udingviblenc~ against_ women andgirts in public spoces.hos emerged as a major. challenge. Whiie Delhi has beena leader in many urbcn'tnnovcnons the problem of 'sCtfety to wcmen.especloty'in tts streets. squares, parks, public fronsport svstemond other' pu!:>lic placesneeds improvement on a regulor basis. ThiStockot s(1fety for women/giris, asperceived by them, significcmtly unoermlnes 1~eir IRight 'to the Citt -; the right tomove around freely: to USE-:), and occess pl,Ibiic ploces ond services; tomokechoices about their ptocss 01 residence, ~vorkor ie\syre;and rnorelmportonnv,to' ma!<~~the best of the opportunities H')~jc(t"/hasto:'6ff~i. More specifically,school and college students cmd women workers. working in the organized aswell as unorganized -sectors need speclol ottentlon, ,V\{omen and gl(l$ sometimesface sexual horossrnent while using publlc '(rqqsport· fdcilines and while woitingfor them at road side's. bus stops, Merro Stations etc. This toct is confirmed by thenumerous cells being recelved by' \Nomen Helpline 'Hurnbers' 1091, 129i,2331700-4,23490 j 30 which orelunctlonol round the dock.. .' . . .

1. The Women Helpline, sholl be functlonol round-the-clock err CenTralPolic(;; Control Room.

2. The cells wm be hcmdled by lody police ottlcers only.

3. Dependino' on the ldci's/cletnlls of 'lh~3. Incident 'vI/hers polleeintervention is requreo. they $hal! (JlH~ct the :PC!~ Yon, inforrn ,thGconcerned Dlstrict Control Room ond the C/\vV Cell -{or, opproprlcteaction. They will also check the octlon token by 'the potlce stotton (InCAthe CAW Cell, and i·ecordthe~(jme. They sholl also provideprelirninarv advice end counsel the colter to 'the best of their qblHty., '

. .. . . .

J}. The telephone nombers ot NGOs deClling .with issues includinfJ !egalosslstcnce ,reloting to women will else be kept fc-:;odily available ot theHelpline and would be provided to the couer. whenever neededend/or osked for.



:.:..'. .." 'i.. -. ".

The record of the informati6nrecelv~dond.octlon taken will be keptin the following format, prefera~ly Inrlectronic tormi. . .' .


SLNo., NClme_QU:"Sml~tt. Name pnd Address of th.eCoroolainQl1i61:2 ". 3: ..~! No. & Namv.Jll:. OQf)rator Dqte & Tjf'1e of R~_c..eiQ~91l

'4 . "5"·'.D.~tgllsof Coml2k!Ll1t, Cailer"s Phon~tNo. Q.P EntOCQfInfprmation

6 7 8 ..Qas~edJo C,l~Y.Y..k!311TIrQ!Lon<Lgg!s,LQU£JL\LQQ Halqt reQort PQ

9 10.N6~~Tim~ f2Q.t~tQL~l!.timlnClrKi.{jf,..gnyl


.~ "

i) Operator shallot.. all times exlrernely polite end give a patienthearing to the coller,

ilj ThG h::-.lpH:")f=)ooerctor should reassure th~yt;c!ler'that help is on lts \NOV.

•••• 'TI 'I"" •• the. . 1.' I' I' • • /'- "! ,,~lh} ;(k~ operoror S(,i]li nor Ii1SiS)' on ne COM'')C'9iSCIO$m~~ms Her loenmy.l)i'"\j(;J:~:; the r;(i'jr;f so GJr8Bs and should ossure the celieI' "H~(Tr 1he{~{'(y~~(,~(::r!'~~(-'~nl":!;:)t i-1!s!t1(~r 1(1,~rlti1'y CH'1C~ conicct ir~1~~:'~~::'-jl(r~~Or,:::i")(!H t:)(:~


Iv) A conflden;'j'JI record wii! be ,t(lointained in the 'form.ot:- Identity.01 thecoller, address, contcctnumoer, if .dlsctosed. infonncrtion' related tor'SlDistL nome of the officer to whom irrfori'Y1o'~jbn\jvas possod on v.rHhdote and time.


p(1ss:ecr-:pn by. telephone to. the.

..,..... '".'f

1. Only Women operators shou be ceploved to hondle calls received atthese l-k~lp~!inenumbers. .. ..•'0,. ".. ';,;:,'.'.'

"~'''':.. ;} ".'::::.:"

2. The operator should be, corefully seJect~'ci'.~h6'::'hClS -.goodcornmunicotlon skillsand hos o good cdrndlc.lndovet;·'ilfridias welt.os .

. . . . . . ..~~.:t,).,,,,o!l~. .

!'he En~Jllsh!onguoge. '.•....,.'.,., 'f"',

.' . ..•.....

.~ .;

. ,"'''J " ~:"'(:,,'': "....:>.~~'~~-."

"., ",

" "'"

3. "" 1 •

The operator shall behave cordially·!while dealing with. the. caller' andshall respond promptly and effecflve)Y. " . . .. .. I . .

. ". I;:

The operator should be famUiar wUr.)~e 18YO\J.~ltopogra"p'hy· of Delhiand NCRaswen as of the jurisdidion~ ol police stations concerned.

" '!. .,The coter shall be given a pCltient"h~ari!1g.·· .

• • • I " •,.. ;



. .The grievance of the coller shall be listen'ad 1.0 ·cqrefully. and noted "down in the words of the caller.

7. If the operator faces Clny dif'Hcuiiy iegOrd!n,9.1.d.nguage or any other.he/she. will Immediately' transf(~r the c;o!!'to~h~senlor officer present onduty at Controt Room (l~thcd time. .

8. If the car or vehicle used in the 'lnc!~ent moves to adloi"ning distrlcts.Hotline. traffic, outo match etc. i11USt- be used-tor prompt response aridestabiishing identify' of the offendingNehicle~ . ..... .. .'

. . .. ~:;i!,"-:'

:9. SHO/f\CP;DCP/Jt: CP (Rango}/Spt,-CP (U!,O)ICP shall belntormed ofthe incident GIld mark the ploce of ii;lcident"on

ofhe GPSoorhqp.


10. It flrEHJiTfl .nos been used, DCP/CrifY1e & Jt: ° cr ICrim~·ishould beinformed of·· the incident through message/voice.. (l\utomaticSMS/TetfCl). ° • ,

11. DCP/Add!. CP/DisH./Jt. CP(Range·)JSpl. CPU10/SpLCP Ops/C.P.Operator shall be inforrned of the incidents. through messoqes/volce(Automorric SMS/T(1tra). " . 0

12. The ccmotete sii'uotion report shall.lOe recorded before closing nleincident/call. " .. :" '. . "

13. If .odoltlonct documentation is needed .then the operator will puthis/her remorks and the call will be escalated to the supervisor on dt)ty~rmo~~rtng. " ..

14. The Operator would close an incident from his/her task list once theentire follow up action has been taken.

.-; - ..

1. As soon, oso 'c'ol! '.5 received on 1'he Helr)~lir.e, tho. operotor sl,)'oll list-ento the co'ler potiently by keeping in mind physical/menTal condition ofthe colter ·and shall toke all possible lntorrnotion about the grievahce0'( tne ccser [i.e. t'/pe of problem/grievance. his/her present locction,type of help/osststonce he/sh(~ required etc.], 'in~iud!ng the d(~toljs' o]the coner (whatever he/she discloses at 'that point of tlme withoutinshrHpg too r()uch on this aspect) 0

Th~~some' sholl b\:~irnrm7diatl91v passed to the local police, nearest peR'.I"l"" .i\\M,'1b'jtn"-"~'~" ere ~F) \Vt::,l,l ~H: t";t"'~t"'i' e.••( .••ncerned ("'I ;+!hor·I~;r.>~/ag(!~'"lc·I:""';v "",.. ~. {/...1" , •.•.r." ••.•• ~ .}lo..s.· ..••• "ll"\.,-.,1 l.':"· If,"""",,, '\.,4•.:/ <tV~$I .L'~ \ ••r ,../ ...J,"~ ii ~ -.v.3 .. il~.;IiJ ....•• "loJ1 ,"'Jt" •.

. .



Ij i\'1""';'1' l"I~I<,;o;:r~'g"ht::\ :V\'f(.)I';~~11·;O"';to rJ!I' concerned .("j h";'::'i' ii"ltd'.:~ i",I.·"··\II.'~ !r\-';:'"-,'" ,J ~.l,.•.~ t ..•.J ••..·.,.~.vj I.'.••· ~•• '..,.H'.;\·,.I-,~.'J'-~,~ l~ .. '\ \"':,",' ..~.."'I~ ~\...;AI .•.•.. H~.J j~V!' •..•., Vlh.)lo.••.·..jj ~ i,..",

CpH{:,t t'linntiOl,lncl H'Io rtl0xjn'JUfn dpl'Gll<:'a\ja;k'lbl~' i(-~nome. oce S,;::.V,,~ ••.•.df ~_ f ,. ~~ f ,. -, :~ _ t -......" .J 10,. .'lI • "'; ••f •. .#~ 1....50 ., .••.•• " .~J""""" ..••",.• -,J

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t.J. The>. r,J(":F,} VC:J\"1 t;LJlrjil ~'j('-'Y;O?O resoono ;rr!'···..',~;~dlCI·~r:;,I,y:,'(." f·.\.'<.··),~/ 1,",\c,t:2\,':ln,'r'. ;'(.;; ~ •.• \ _'I _ ."",\ •. __) f~u •• d. J\:"",·.'s ...•.. -"" ~""" t t ,~ ••...•) ••...,'t... ""'t 1.., I. 'l_~ ...a •..

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. . . .

'[1",,(, otticer i"!"f'Jf"'n l'hp I(V'(I'1 i'~"lir'f'tow !!"I'J,,~.!''1'''''+III;;';('''n~1 ~"j'''''J': ~~.-::,.•CI:(\· Y'<)('''!' h,;>rl,'.J .•• ~ ~"':" .' ••• • oJ •••.••~ ••., ~, •••I'! \.-'." t •.••.. ~ ! .•• j ~ 1.• \ •..•• ~''"'' •• t ;.'-1 ~·<.:>" ••••t"""'S~ .)1 .•..•.: .\"J •.•.-J

entrusted must reach the cornptoinont/coller cd the :3C1rlios-r withoutfoil. Any delov on thH pmt of theofficer to;~..JVhornofhf~: coli· hos beenrTiorkGc! will be viewed serlouslv, ..... ... .,', , .'~...;-",:;

,. , , ..

9.' '~i'k~\')0 liO should reoch -(he coller wii["l c'!it }c';~~,::i:Ei~~ii\h:)dJnf'C~~~~S('i(\l•. ~ ."~ ~ ~ " •..• , •• 'It J' ••• _ •• -, ••••• ". ', t •.•••.• '-, .::.'1" J •••••. :.~., •••••• ,~:., -:-',,)

(::Cjuiprnc;nL KeepIng me mente! end phYSICO! .r:::oncl!iH;)~-i,oUnc;coller 111. . .' .)' . .' .

rl"iir'!'"l. f"lllxjml}'f) (los"lblc del srouhl 1)8 1~)r;;:)';i\r1'~)0ij"'),,;r"l,hdinl'd\{ .. • '... I '.' ••• ,. f , " ••••' v _. J J • • t... J~... . .• '-oC ':;" .•-1 ,I . j ••1: "''J' "'~'•.•.••. •..•,11 I ...

. .-". "

,',.';:J. .'

', -. - =... /;.'

;",~. ".~':'" .: '~\",• ,p 11

10. SHOconcerned shall also reach the spot. at .once and inform DistrictControl Room about the situation (details of the incident): , .'

t 1. An ocflon'token report should be rnennonedln tt)9 Dqi!y Diofy as well, • CIS the r~gister being molntolned tor the Help-line Call Register :with the

Women Help Desk. . .

1. ·Toensure that·all calls are being attended promptly and cali has beentaken to its I~gical conclusion by the operator, as early, as possible.

2. To note.·dow~the shcrtcomlnqs in call hand~ing, if 0r:'y,·and.c;Hred theconcerned operotor for rurther corrective- action with necessaryguidcmce -,He/she will also brlet/de-brlet all operators before stort ofthe duty shift and ·cd the time of closing of the duty shift. .

3. 1To close the Incident in case all the tosks have been properly .~completed:

4.: To check all the closed colls end ensure that proper/ne~dful octionhosbeen token on eccn call.

5.. . .;,'

. ..' .)~.~ .Calls rnust k~~)chosen or rondom and contacted to. collecT feedbackto access tl')e qucility of service otwomen Helpline. For this, callers shallbe contacted thrcugh rnobile/londllne 'telephone or/and any otherovoilabl:e meons.

6.· The lie of· the Centrohzed Helpline Centre, after getting theconfirmation obout reochlnq ot ossistonce to the ccuer Will alsoconfirm the some C1ttlis/tler level.

. ,

7. He/she shall clso confirm that the assistance/police help hasreached/provided to the caller and also note down his/hercomments/response,

8, If the colter is not satisfied, or the failure of reaching assistance to thecaller is noticed by the I/C or the Centralized Helpline Centre, he/sheshou immediately bring the facts into the notice of concerned DCP/ACP & SHO, /\ report about the failure to provide desired assistonceshGIIalso be tumished to the concerned Jt.Cpo on a d(;ihi bosis.



iA doily (1$ weil as fortnightly and rnorlthly report 'tvith regard to the callsrecelved olno ihek disposal inCludlhg the tlrne of r~;achlng the spot

.( ", .'(md .ClcYion hJkf)\1 shol! be subrnltted to the senior olflcers wHhoUf foil,

I. .


2. On nV9 bosls of thE1 complolnts/coas recelved ol the' Helpline,Re!;soret) CelL ·PHG) wil! conduct an an.a!ysls ·on..fortnig~tly basis Gndshore wlth DistrlGtvoiice so 'that preventive steps con be' token.

DCsP Districts/Unit:; sholl monitor O!i tt"1e·· coss fo(word(~d to i'h8T"~';+"I:~11-!'iJi:'\l}concern ed r~ncs cction trl~"(;Y'1'"" .p.rlCi., ~·l·(··~ ,')nil I~J,")·;':01,·1~_~1~I!..t'OOl";,I'S •.• ~~lj '<~'<t.: '4 ~ ~~"",' r.t. ~'-J ~ ., ~ ~ ) -s ":!;.: , •••••• G !1.1 .: l....••••!-" •.••~ 1 .J'J.,~ "", 1 .~'~" ...•.•~ I '\"\0.. _~

~hCIHbe k.ept pendHl(J wli'hout (my cogenl reoson (\(j{j tho-r too oi'lly for.: '. . '.


. ',.,..•


. , -.";"~.". ~.'.

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