noel, cole - iowa · 6rxufh...

Post on 31-May-2020






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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Standard Form For Members of the Le91s l a ture

Name of Representative ~ ~ /J _, ~ \ /. I

H.t.u ,t.,.t-.•,. /, I b";;(YA:" .. ~· ...

Senator ___ _

I 1 . Birthday and place J.f ·aJ 1~1.¥'

2 . Harria9e (s) date place


6 B. Civic responsibilities_~~~~U4-~_v,,~· &;~~,=~~~~- ~~-~~t~~--------------

C. Profesaion~~~A~; ~/~~~;J~jf~-------------------------~ (/.

6. Public Offices

C. National ________________________________ __ __

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

l O. Ed ucation ____________________________________________________ _

11. Degrees _____________________________________________________ __

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Sources r.ov for Lev J.slal lo n E11Ltie s

1\ppll cn ld lll.)'

fJ o u r c e II o 11 1\ p p l.l c a IJ 1 e 1\ p p 1 J. c a l> !1::1 l11 f o r uw Lj o 1 1 o IJ l. " i 1 1 e d

_ _ ~- - ~:::;_=-- -=--=o~;~-~~j=fL=-:/..::· ~a~it;.~'/,~-t~.:=_ =~='!'=":~~· .~--"' ... , ,(.~~~-~·( t(_ , [I - J/ - ) ' r::;;fe. I __________________ - -------------~, cr-1+-~ Et16 ~ s; c-!: . . ?:. _____________ _

~-L: .. '::/__r~'>M. " t __ A!fu~-~~=d~_l_~tJ_J.~_:.3c_!_:)_j_~-- - --· ····-··-·-·

- _ti_f'!LLJ1f1-~~!'!:2- M./v4-~--l~_l/' /l:~t-_JJ -------·-----------

__ ?.!1S~:.~-- -~2~~~~~~C~ ~! ~~ ~,£.•/ ~fia-d1.-!..:~ __ _d;.:.~~ t .. ~~) .. _ ~~~!: .. ;r( ~ -;;r. .lr:: __ _____ :__ ··--· --- ... .... : -·---··---·-·-···---

_. tJI . .-1: . ' 1- -. . d4 -~~: .:~ . )t_t).~-~~_A"!:_ ___ y~~i~7~J~:~ .. . ... ....... ----f I !:. ,--./

·--- --- ----- --- .:h~-~----z+~~~ ... .f.--~~- < --- ____________ ,. ____ ---- -- -- --. ·--- ·· ------ - ----------

·--- --··-- -- --- -·-- ···· -·· -----------------.. -·--·------------------·--·-- --. ---- ___ ... _ --- ···- -·-· ............... ..... ··-------- ---------!------ ---·----- ----·-----· -·--·--··-- - ·-·---

... . -· . .. . -- .. -· ·- -- ... ·-·- ·--------------·---- --- .... - . . .. -· ----- . ·- -·- -·

I i


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

• • ••• -· J _. ... ..... . ..... • •.H H I :'t '"'' .... "' . . ........ fV(UI"t uy .::JH•;nn ,\lllliiO ':, 11H~~:·· t\;: t :t ~ p ·,Mr.,r of tlu: church. Hcv. Hobert

11 kitln;•y ;~nil blatl ~kr di•.c•as.·fo . Forr.,stcr :\ l:~ rl ~tu!l i ll! l , tllr .. ,, hy l 11:1 ·'• G:.:··•11 1!• ·, I \lu ;~c. ;1~ i· tc·d by 1\n ·. A. E. Slothowl! r ll ru~ . ono by Wm. l<ud ro w :tnd h i' \',"ah<!r 1 of , ;1.., ~.1. g church. 'rlHJ interment was

y -------1 !'ol vwl Wr:IJ:JI of Waukco had bus iness in Van Fos~en. I rn;~•h: :u O:tl(dat.: C':mc:r:ry under tho nus·

1 tow n last 1'hursthy nnd thnutthl hiH \\'MITIW·- Centlcman 'Jf 1.1<1y IVJtlt r:r.o'l' l• i c~:t o! th? ;\la~'> n ~. let! !Jy Thos, Jloyt, Criontls were a lillie bit incliuo<l to ruu It rcfcrcncr. 10 travel by r .t il ur with ; 1 rir., o £ Linr:11n. ;\l r . )l ,>c·l was a. charter into him nf tHr three or fou r of them nskcd lor 11 fi rm o ! ~~59,ooo.o<1 c:~piwl. Sulnry m•:mur.~ o( L'Jl11;Cl i'o ~o o! lli iH place. him I( he wn~ hero ntlcnt!!:1~ tho lJcmo· s r,o7z.oo por year ~utl cxiH:n5c~: snla ry S::\!!1 iJ n t:dd hi . :-:ry o~ one wbo !:as Ct:~lic convention. pnicl wccltl)' nnd l'XP~nccs :\tl\'nnccd. Ad· t:on ;.~ !rem ur. ~fl c r n !c or, here

----- dress, whh stamp, Jo~ A. J\ L:!:: . ::n::n I :1:1'.1 ::11 :!10 cn:l o ! a life m~:t!U ~i r>g more I :s~n hac.ln fire l:tst \Veclncsdn)', the • Il

A'~C1 1 Y.v:\. yc.;. ~ 't t h:\:1 l..t1! t o !::3!J j" r:l ! tl. •! Clt:'l'.!

elevator owned by R. S. Witter l>eins; - - --·- - 10 A.!c: 1\ltr•n tl:i-; cocMy wn-: little cl~" burned. The fire started from some Sor::o P.-rry l:t,! irs lnv11 cr; th ;n n "i:cl•! r r.c! s ned Ji•·cd !o s~c it be· troubl!l with a glSOii:1o e:1giuf'. Th., lu;5 ll'hl t Is CJilod. " Tht i-•J ; ~~ vr l!.u c \ C;! '::.:.:nc OllC 0~ th·: r.l1~t p~o,pzro:J~ C?:Jntie: was nbout S4,, one hal( o( which 11:1, Army of th-l -Rrp11blic ." Th·J N:;ilc· i•l th'! ~I nto. • J\~ n d :iz-:! n o{ A tid he !::d co•·cr~d hy insura.n;:(', izHioo is n new on~ :md :ttly wo:n 1n h ;l\·· p~ .>il :~'.Jiy Jil'eo h~re lo:t:;er tlnn a ny c..!be~

,\ .\\ ;otery So:v~J in& a Ulooc! roJ:tt:on :1~ :1 I)J •.' :ll'>c r C f tJ:c p~::;:>:l . :> J r. >l;~: J Wl~ fJ~ m1:1;1 )"CJ. r l "How to keep e li periodic alt ~cl•s o ( G. A. . !~ .. is c:i;: 1i.>!i! to :.1 !::1'w::.h: ;J. 'fl: •: ac'[\',! in p•>l idcal rr.)t:~ r·, :.::1 an!-::1t Rc·

hiliousneso; aod h1bitual cons tipat ion \\':lS P :::ry or!::t~. iZltio:t ~l:trl; < u: w:th .:l m ••::- pul>:ic;to :~r.d a lcld : r o [ t!nl p :rly, i:t t!1e :\mystery lha~. Ur .. i(io~:'s !-lew Life P ill3 u~ rship ( ( lwcol~ ·:i\·.: c:. li~: \ c:.·s (ll i!S J::~:ory h;H·in" m ICh so!l'~d fo r me, w:ales j ohn N . I' j ------ · " of :ltagnola. l ou. The O:>ly rills tha t arc Comr.lcncic;: :O. l3 j" xr:t!: ~r.t1 t: ~til S• r I to d'l ·.·. idl ~!vpi:J;; i t · r l!i:y. l!c I\" a~ :l r.l n guaranteed to gi\"<l p~dect satis faction to l teml>cr 3o:h. H)06, tou list 1 ict.c 1~ :~ : r:t:c d I oE : : rc :::; ch~r~c:er ::m:l :.J.,•ays a m~:J of evcr:ybody or monev refuoc.led. O:lly ::5C I oce a nd o:Jc·third fare for tl:c r-:u ·•d tri:>. iDn leoc.•, L-o : h iu polilic1 1 nod bmio~ss at I·orrest o::r Dro~. dru~ store , · 1 ,.. . •1 • 1 d · · 1 h

- - - · -- m~y be :;ol·J to Okob,j i L ' ln•, / .rco!::·5 1 a" •a r s ' · w:>p s0~1:t n:1 )'"lVId , 3


\Vith thc; dc;licic !plto.Jid !ruil r. bc~t Ice Crc~ p. ove moro att;; lb:~o ever. rJ ~cn·ed you' ,J ) We iovi:c you 1

:!Dd t~1J U~ j •Jil Y..:ur 1':1..-ori:o ----· .

I Edison I Phonographs


The impo~t atioo of diamonds into the P.uli a ::<l Spitit Lo.J;,•, l " · Tic',~t:; lit::i:cd I made :1r.d hci~l a hr,:_~ cir:!c oUri~nds :101l _,.,.~·-~--L:.....,_..,. ·,:-·"='"':.\:.:.==~e.:. ...... = • couolry is snid to be greater this ye:~r ·for r2t~~u to thirty <1:1 1 ~ (rn;n :l:t:c t:~ !alr. lllCG fro;n ::~l! ~rc t.:> :;s o[ th~ cou01:y i.J

than ever. \Vc arc making so much moe· 3o t( F. ,\ . Z\liLl.t!:t, G . P. A. I "l·.v •ys m:~d .: i: n p;i~ll.) ,-:sit him. w~.:n ;_,! ~ Q T ey we have to find a way to spend it • ,~, town. l!c ::~:w Jlo:J . )vho A. h.Jss ... n, -~, ..L \.,

:.I:s. J :--;, I ! JOc::, her d :~ u;;htc r. M:~ry , I • C f ~ 1 · 0· som~bow. \Ve do not want the word ... . · . , . I for:r.cnj' a m~·.rc~sm~o r .m t us IS·

a r.d :\!rs, \ VJI!onso:: left lrt 1 !:u ~ ~·"')' foa 1 . , . , . !:1 "we" used above to be constru~d as re· 1 t11ct nr d :.1:-o our Ma;1stcr to aust:1~ , ,!1 ! , • tho b.kes fJr :\:1 a:,; c t:c•: o( i\ W'!CI< or t ii'CI, • ( · . 1 :


1 lattnr; to the edllo r but to th e country a t . .. . I J::,·c l>~cn ::l mc~t hfc Jon;; nenus and !.1 large. I I o th~ m~~: tu:t~. ~.>c :~::d D:>. Wa.:"u·~o "l I :•.Ir. Ka~::on has for years made it a point ~I ========~===-===:::. == I h:wc subs atiiZ .~d 11:1~ p~pcr 10 ·~j· n'ltl•:n:; i( a l Des i\!oincs lo come up and s pe:Jc! a: m

, ""'"" 1a!lout t!lerr. :el ~~~s th:t. ~ W.j".lld tent! :-, ln: r·l1~? :t !cw hours wi~h · !\! ro ~oc t. As one i~ T H A ~ i ry their wivcr, h_.::n~ ._ - · I"{ ! h ,. pio:~r;cr ~(!l!ic rs o£ this county the I~

! In :;~H o~! :r.s~. I ~lcc-.::t~cd hnd ~" CXl<lUSil"2 kr.owlcd(;C c{ I fJ GLASSES SATISFY.

I i\b j 1r ll3m m, ecl ilcr and ~t .tn~.c.:e•· of pior: ~.::r d:l)"s, ,.-.:h thei r ~lr nt;glcs a:~d pri· 1 !1)

t!lc ~ons!i:uti")n.,Hs:, Eminent•! . K y. • ,·;~tions, :~ uti cou!t! give most cntcrtaiaint:: lfil. when he w:ts fit:•c~ly att:H:l:•!d, fot:r )'l'::trs . . • [:!l ~J.:n. by Pi ic~, !Jou~ht 3 l.>t.x eo{ Ht::::<!t>t>s :!_ccon:-~ :s of tnc cxp(!l"l(!r.ccs o( those car 1y ~~

I Arnica S•i-.·r., o[ which h•J s:~y~ ; " lt l t ::~t es. I kj cured rr.c! iu t e ;-~ d ·~ ~ :> nd uo • r? n 1 ·l·~ T!tc "-ritP.r-c.! this sketch, the editor o ( I P, ~incc." Quick~~ ~. h<-:.,:c r <> [ 13uro;. ::,,,~~:: , this ·•aner. formed Mr. No~::rs acquaint· t.J ClllS :trHl \Vou :J <.:;o ~.j': :o..t Jo ,:~rr· :~ t i ):: 1 0 t.

1 • • • :.,I

13 1 1 , :.'lcl' ~ad .ncnv>ll!p to 1SG< and h:~s cc- . ros. < cc(; '' r;r::_____ iOl";ccl t!J:. loenctits of it fro~1 that lime un· J:i . ' . • ·.u \Vc m<.:l :'\t. ll •!.t! ~· . 01..: :~~ : m: ~•:.;IIJC:I til no w. ~- period of more tha:J forty yca: r . L·

Democrats of G:.1at 1 ?·\·o~·:,;•, ~ ~~~. ,._ .-,;:~ "i\1 th:.t !r icnr.l:<ia ip to a l:~rr.c •Jcr;rec w<t LJ whi le h un: allt:a•.J : n~~ : I! :. 1) 'Ill l : ~,lt_'l! 1.1>n · 11,., • .., ior tho~e !rdiucoccs tb~: ~ (J \'c ot:ono C";:-;1ot t 1!.'o1.:o: .p h "; qu J~'.; :1r. ! ~ r: :·1hlcd u!; to b(.!cnr:1c one of his suc- l f~ I :•11 pooulll: ·1 ~~ ,l 'f· l 1 ••!v '·cl•>"' •. , '1 · · k { 1 · 't .'.11 : r ... . o\J . ·- ·1

• .,o. -. ~ . . o ~l·~··or~ \:l tr.C ofi:c~ o( C:cr. 0 \ liS COU!'I· o~

Ito th~t oati·~n::tli:r. :! ·.·. ::; :"!. p!::ar,.tnt :p:•_n I:;-. w;;ich w•: l::1vc a lways r.oo$itl erc:l n I J:i to me~t :tad ~~,,c :tH ~t ht ; C"Jtt "• l fj' H1~ 1' 0 ;·~ har:llt't' !X~int i:l o ttto o·.·:~' ::fe. For all the t)

I rc:tdy for a fri'!ndly c:::tt wi th :l ~yon<: ,,.!!<;>I,. ,.;,;·~ · ~:'u<'~ :he r, we ha•·c r~ce i,·ed o:hc:>r t.J wants to : ai!> . ---·-· ·- ltti•:rdly l;~•·cr,; t h3l !c;~vc 11~ fe<!lins th:~l ~~

<Jl: •" CIT\' !tl iS I~G!' S COI,t.::n !, , 10 !\l r . )lo•l mor.: than 10 aimost an) i!J


wb!?n r

\rc carry c\·crytl baxc to do is to ~ wo \<-ill soon cc rn on ey on enry \rc ta l~c your p1

HUBB .... c\. ~ IT.~ WliEYE 2 ·

. OUI'\C\", 11. 1.1;-;c:<;;. . 'c\!t·~ r :ll:tn \\·: a:·c deeply indebted, and ~J The largest, n~oo.l succ::fsflll DnsiiiC~s I I\ !aile: ''~' ti·:l' we remember tl:ow IE~i:;;!~~~~~~~~~

1 College in A:nc!rtr.a. :!O t ~:t.tla r<. ' ·10" , , . • . . . . l students and Stoo.o~w) Cot!t,.:~..! B~u ;r:i :i;,! . I :td~ ot Lnncn~ss w1th rt f~claUf\ c!. sanceru

I Bool:kcep!n::. Shonharid ;wd Type- r.r<~:itcde.

wri:intr. l'e:~rnnn~hip, l.hnki:l;:. !·: .c . I ll' :~:: his cle:tlior,-. ;\lr. XoP.I was a mJn

G~~du :Hc5 1r•)a•ii}! ';r:':~ur~~ •:lll11,'!~~.m."~.:; of ho!!or and honesty. a friend whose I ,..,,.,,,.t,,..t • ..t.,~t..,..t ... ~~t!l"•! \\'ntc to t.t:}' '""r ., .• 'P••:oc ... h •• ra. .. cv . 0 • • o .t . ..f •• ,. ~i-- .,. ~ ~f.:"-=~ • ..,

C~talo"r. FH !:!.E, ~hCIIdt:r·,.-how :n '. :n alify frtc·ll. cl:l)\lj) _wn" wortn h_:wmg, _In _Ius -••. 'l.'o t.c ... , bJn. tc> ' '(Jl't·cct, cn.·orl' " " ~ V ' " '' " - ·~ for;~ ~:o~cl shu~tinu as 5: o:;'lo~rapn<r or L:m•!y rclahon~ he was land nod aflcchoo· t . of rc(ra.<~tion for your pa.tron~ bookkccp•: r, ntlcl rc~~ :~:.:: . :11:<! tho:<c of his f:~mily who arc left ':i:l' 11

· · f · tl D [ \ l c~,_ .. , \ I " " l'rc;•· ... t... ill a S;lt ts

1·. n:ctO I'j'J' llt1(\.11,lj1 j01' 18

1 •

110 · ~· · ... (\11 ,';~~. l!lit;~ls. !·~hind hil~ 1•. il! :"!.h~<!)'S cherish his '-'

one cont tbon t 13. \\' 1 es ,:t )· --:3 __ ..:: • • me:nor)·· "'' \',"~~ ;t 1\1.1 1': or rcm:ukable ':t' ... LUMBER an I ish you ~0 l;ltorough 1 y i 11 1· he S01:1..: wo.:r:!<~ a~:o "'1. o !h r _w;\~ _m:t•lc_ to 1 vk,.r :o:-nl :~c;iv it~·· both rnent:~1 ;~nd physi· ':~:! mind!4 o( the peopl e. of. t.he I II IiS ll"l••:r [ru;u .::;rl'l lll ;mr\1·;~ tu~t tn .-y lt;;tl, _ror 011~ of Ills :: (•ar~. nnr.l finally went •• , =========== (!() tnllliiTiity in wJiich y 0 11 jjve woulcl furn i•,h 111 ~rc• ·. ol co~l:\:':\lk~.t~cl \(>l:lqc~tan:cacv ;~ndhon~r, and t hose ~;:. 11m!; (1, p t s nrpri ~C \Vi 11 t:o mic co•:er ~r .'1

1 wc: wo:.ttd u;.c .:.' " h-1 t:to t.t' l1. :·•''k ~ c:~:~rturc "1· 111 1n~s~ a!"'~>,·~ .,t... \\'.: hnve in pile 400•

I c 'n store for yo u at all ti me~. th~y to ha•·c lh'! fl~ t: , ... OO::Cllf-)' ~t:c:: ~ ~··:~:·:.':O :.:cr Ill~ "1:\t: l)' fC):an •. !"_:n lcgr~ )' .!.' , )' I· ~ r 1.1 . . t ·t. . r I •'Il l p:ul of lhc spacn o f two p ~::~s for ~(11'\!f· I r, l c. hn~:tctc r antl lll" t:nSII'Cr\'1111; !ro\!I!Cishq>. •.l:! {or :~np. is dry. re:.tly I, tmOnl .t \\1 . . 1 ~tn·t11c: r l 1 ,. , . c '"r~om:to"'}· c:n• •~ totuefollow_'ingite • . 1 . • I • I . ·]· tiS tnt: pur:1osc~ :1.• : ":y ~:tw I • • • • • 1 , :~ c.~mm:1:1C 1:1r, >rr:-:. . . • . . . ..~7 ~!. . I\ I lOW ln,\i Op , LC:l. \\ 0 1 ~ ccmpcn~~.tion. Tlll! \\· ·~:-1;; :-n l' uhl: r.IIC'r I r.~111ilin r to a:J , 1·:ill no mo:·:: be ~ceo:: or. $:' 1 S he I 11 g :tCCC ptcd bY IllY C llS· w:~rnr.d conn try •:r]itor» ;> ~:\im;t t :tc· ~ •. !t..:mc 1 cnr n :cNs a:: d we I: now !hnt t.:: ,· ~-::~ ~ 'lf ': ·

l.omcrs. ~:tyiog that the ach·nrti ~i•li'· ol•t:r which •hn b ni!J .-rs d n st.1t ·; !Jl~ r~•, -:n i ~to the •.11 -------· .. ------- they have no con:rol, woa:ltl p ro•·•: of :t r; bt'yo:::l. 't.t:'

I Atlel, low:~, l ve ry untl c~ irablc: n ature [or (:Onntry pn b· ·----- . ':f~

Ocl. ::n, 191>5· li~hcrr. 10 circul:ttc, n:t•.\ w.: ·l·:.:!it".l th•·1 p, I· r ;\tor:t :~ n{ Gr:t:tl townslup wns ,.,. A. F. T hompson, off(!r, W n not=co t lt:\t a 1011• p:tpcn: hnv•: J h-::rc Ti·w::d:w :1s :1 tlc k~:a tc lo the Dr.m~-~ ~'•

Opticinn. =nnn. ,·,,,. lltn tll·nl :lo•l thl' f~r:l i"ll-' l'l cr;~tic.::.~\1:\ 1 1• C" ·n. 11·· '"''1" ,, .. . .. . . Dt~All S111:-1 dc~irc .to thank yon :: " - • r ,.... '1..... .. .. .. ~ .. , ... . ...





Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

t· .... fashioned Paint g~-1 pnint which

o . Jl a. ge~erntion 1re ago, was simply hite lead and jmrtl lil. ·Paint made of •o ingredients alpnc s good to-day as it .. •nly point· is to buy

·which you can

outherri' White Lead y the Old Dutch l'r~m)

eed perfectly pure.

DEAUTY. S~NT F''REE . Why . b c,-un­elghtly with Plmpl41tS, BhiokhoAdl and Motlt GlotohoQ.' when.._ All r-neo e lcnllshos

·C::~ n a., ....._ .P£i!Mt.liEIITiV IJURED With .

CRtlW~~ ~RA:B ~@i7r@l}l n~mO\'C' Fronl:lru, 'l'~. Bnn nnr.~ nn4

'WrlnJ;Ic•JionodsUuHho(;llool:o, DovoiOI!CO lin~~ nod ' •t!lllll~ ltOltOro~ l bo fll:ln to s:o }IAtur~l nuu y, flhoulrt llo O:'!. ~v~·v lo.Jy•n totlot tnh!A, 'J'o l t L' O\' O tt wo \'11\ l nonll JIIU.lU1 u numcl~ct nmonnt to try, wltb trontl~n on "llow tn llo JJcaut~:ul," cnt ou~ lltul mull t11le ell. AO•Ircso

rll\!IO!!:P.AijO~E f4Eii10A1. 00., D~ l'liOIH~S:'"" !i!0~111Ad ~* • GOLD A!IO DY tN COZAD ·& FRf!EMAN

P erry pcop:o cxpe·ct lo hwn l.hei~ scwc r wo:k ct1mplc:tcd thln ·wtck.

Orton Oron. circu< i ~ advcrli3•:d lu :~p· p!:tr be~~ on S:~tur<l.1y.

I[ M. u~lc d Linn lOWJ:<1 oip .\\'~~II bu~in~ss vidtor :.t thi ·t plr.c: l :~~ t Frit!n>'·

One huodrcd ;wd thil ty ronml llis 1 iclcctn were sold h< rc the <!:~y o! Rins· liog's circus.

CoJI" :\od dit!rl n t 1:-.iil ho me in. Adel oo tbu;~day, ju!y :zCi, 19'16, a ltern ccmpar.1· ti\' oly ~hc1 i illoe~~. flthocsh ·· ' his do.:cline [1:1cl bccu m-Hi<~cl for s~vcrat wcck~. Ho: ·,v;~s n:;e<l St > c:~n 9 months and ::: 1- d ays. S. J. HAR~IS &! C

Remember U,s f First , .

h ~ t' ,. T ho Achl l own~h:p Su::day ~chcol con- "'"1 t.Ml. '\"'l ' i"•.• .. ·. ~\ tn. ' l "~ !:ere f : or.1 that e !·~~~!::~ .!'.:m o,. - - · -• ... vc Ill I on will r.J cet hcr'l next Sund:ty aflcr· limo until hi, d•Jath. ln rSs6 be wa~

i\!r. Noel w~~ u'rn in Monrco couoly, tudi.1n~. O : t. 4, 1818. When six years )!d ho move<l wirh h is parents ! :> R ock· viii<', Ind., where he lived u ntil May t Ss:z, when ho came to Des Moines, and from thnrc he camo to Adcl in D~ccmber t 853,

ind it. r.oo:1 and cv~llifl(t. 'llccto:<l Cl•1rk o[ ~ho Cvurt;; o[ lhis county,

,L I.EAD COMPANY nc.l • '\rc~r. St. Loult., ~to:


For •... .: by


AHrr.d Mcndunh:. ll , who in pl:tyina bnl! with llop!<i:Js Urc.:;. 1-:: m, wa:t hllii ' 'J the loltlc ~ p3rt c[ li\,t wccl! .

i\I rs A. E . Uca:l o £ Cl:nton cam·~ here Inn Friday, c~l!c<l here IJy th~ sickness o( her mot her, Mr~ . \\'ors'ur.

Cllr. grersma n Connor d Dcni~oo will tclly Yond; liS un n r<l•:r for 11ddrcss thu old sott ler,' me~t i nt; al Pop­se nt to h i•J olln , J, T.

of Boone township, one td crs of the Nr::ws, visited day while in town.

>rd ream harue~3, bra•s 1 new, nt :t special h :u-

D. A. Dl:lochard.

be sc :~rcc and ha:d !o fiutl, m:~d 11 to se 11, -enuty is comhi:led. r Mountr~in 'l'c:l. Coz:td

Ho me Compnoion hns .;l ~rnsadc :t;(:lin~t cbih.l "'po~urcs mny rc~ult in

per G ro•;e n'.!a r P~r~y 0:1 Au,;. :!3<1.

Since tho d•!:l lb of M t' . l':llcl, J. H. \'nn Meter, o! Van Meter, is tho ottly ~l•rviv· iog ch:~rtcr. mcm!Jcr o£ the .Ma:;onic or· g~nization of this pla:c.

Orioo L~xativc Fruit Syn:;> i~ ~o!t.l un­der a p011i live ,::u:~rnote·~ t'l c>Jr•: ccns tipa­tion, 3ick ltcad~chc, ~•om~ch tronbln or :trly fo rm o( in lfi.11,ection. If it hils the•Jrers rclum yo11r money. \Vha l nw:c c:an anyone do. Forn.:~rcr Hro~.

The Perry A~h·ertist.: r s~y·• that cont:.ty l~ccordcr J. W. Grimr:s i!l lil(<l r i:u; {or the purcha~l! nf the Mci'l>cnon ah~trac! bool:s. Mr. G::mc!,' work a~ rP.corJo:;· h~ ·; Citll:d him for a I!OOd 1\m!er~t,udinJ: ol :1hr,trae t

IVurnlnJr , worl<. ----.... -ncy nn1! bl:tddor t rouble An unu~nally l:trl'e :,hipmcot o[ stock >Icy'!< 1\idney Curr. YllU wa~ modo from here Suod:!y, conqistin!~ r-! >vu:{ ~~~ b~~~~~~~~/~r eight c;~r loads by Sherm Mullin~. t t;rcc by :Jer .. ,;c:~ses. Forreste r Mar l Mullin;, three by Hill & Garcnllc, ---- one by Wm. Hud row and one by Walter W:~ukcu h:td business io Van Fos~en .

dny a nd thour,h t his WAsni>-Gentlcmnn o r lady wi:h 1~ood lo bi t incliocd lo rub it refe rence, to t ravel by rnil or with ,'\ ris.:, ec or four of them nskcd lor a lirm o[ ~lS!), QVO.tlO capil:tl. Sal~~ry re :t l!~ndi:1 :: th'! Demo· s r ,o; ·~ .(JO r~r yc:l r :111\l Cl<(ICII~c-. slllllry

, ... :,1 . ..... .. 1.1

which posi tion h!l held [or over te o years. In tS(jj ho wn~ a ppointed as9cssor o f in­t•!rnal revenue by l'rcsident Liocolu, sorv­iol( unti l r!169. lle was eiP.ctcd a member of thc Thirteenth G!'"er:~.J A~sembly,

which bo•11 m:tcle the :p~>ropri:J.t i on for huilding the prcsoot capitol built.l iog. Uuclcr tho administration o£ P resicleot f-Iarrir.on ha w:~~ st:tto statistician. H e w<J s clc:ctcd Justice of th~ Pc:tcc in 187: :1.ntl h~ld th:ll oiTtcc almost cootiouous!y [rom th:~t time un til his dc:tth. H e uni ted with the Bo.p~ist church in r$44, and after thz <lir.banclmeol o£ the society · a t this place lJc bcc:~mc n memb~r o[ the Chris· tian church, !Jcin;; idcn tilied wi th that bodv until the time of his death.

Mr. );ocl leaves sun·iviog bim :t wife ~.orl fou r claugbt~rs, Mrs. J. C.

1Smart ,

!\:r$. Lucy Dack, Mrs.' C . F, McCoy, of

o..........,...,.....,...,.AA.. • A .A.A.•.J.

~ Go to the bead of Lake Superi<

~ y,,, ~.~n.~ !~. ,~~~~-~~, ~ some of the fioest, e:asily cleared land f, :Jot from $5 to Sr4 per acre, in close pr.

wl:c~e :11! pro:!ucl:s b: i:::; f:.::ey price:: ;: be much more rapid than it was io you

high iu a £ew ye:au. It will cost l ·.ou n •

Correspoodeocc a p!c:~o! ure. Cocne dirE Titles per!eet. '

L. A.' Larsen, this pl:tcc, nud :'.Irs. w. T. Duel< of ~ew Providence Bid§. r~ockford, .:-:. D. , and two son:;, Mat Noi!l I who lives In Colorado, b ut who has becu o~..-.....-y ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ eV here [or several months. and \V111tcr Noel, =================== or l3zatrio:, ~cb., all or whom were at his bedside when be die-.1. Tbe fuoer:ll ~cn·iccs wcr:1 h~ lu nt tho Christian church Fritl;:~y nlt~rnoon and wt: r~ attended IJy a l:.r;;c r.onconrt-1! nl nP-i~;hbors a nd friends. Tl•e businc•::; hous·~l' and public office:~

wcm clo~cd during the fune ral services llllt o ; r c~p:c t fll r the deceased. The ~'!:\•ices at :he charch were cond ucted by tho p JSLor o[ the church, Rev. R obert :-.t o:~ rc, as · i~ted by Rev. A. E. Slothower o f thtl r.r. E church. The in terment was m:J.:lo: ::It Oal<cl:tlt: cemetery u nde r the aus· pic~s of th~ :'\!a$on~. leu by Thos, Hoyt,

' [O~r Matchless !Soda Water I With the delfcious a ddition ol 1

rplenllid fruit na,•or aod the 1'j best leo ·Cream, is sure to ,, p ;o\'e m ore attractive to you

o£ Lin,ico. 1\1 r . ~.>tl was :t charter II m•:mb.:: o r Lcc!~;u i\o S~ of this pl:tcc.

S::t:~l i J :1 b~ic! hi·.t~ r y o~ onn whn """

than over. 1f )OU see it

1 scn ·ed you'• l want tema. \\'o lnvi:c you to coma ,,, ...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

,.., naoy . n~gers .to such· an extent that 1

~ amputation 'vas necessar!. ·. : . . ~ :j Cole Noel, a pioneer resident of Adel ;

~ and weu· ·known throughout Iowa. by 1 reason ot the many omces be bas heldl' ~

1 is d.eaa. In 1863 )lr. Noel ·was a.p- 1 t pointed assessor of internal reven.u~ 'Qy i ~ Abraham Lincoln for the seventh con... l · gress~onal district, tlien composed o! j J

Polk and 28 • other counties of Iowa. 1 and held that office until 1869. In early poHtlcs ho was a, whig, and later

· helped orga..D.ize ~he republican paity, 1

and bas ·been an 8.ctl,·e worker ever J since. 1



The Wines ol the ··· · · Mornine F~ more fatdnatin2" than the

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.










ILLUSTRATED ·:~ .. . ~



Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


county aod settled upon a quarter section of land in Colfax township, of which not an acre had beeu placed under the plow. There were many trials and hardships to be borne in devel· oping the farm and Mr. Dawson says, " there were many blue days," but he persevered, al­t.hough in the early years he would gladly ha\'e sold out and returned to lllinois if he <:ould have found a purchaser. By hnrd work, hon­esty and good busine.:;s ability, he has trans­formed that wild land into a beaut.iful Iowa farm and as his financial re~ource5 h;\\'e in­creased, he has added to the property until he now owns two hundt·ed and forty acre:; 011

which he lives and three hundred and twenty acres in Oklahoma. He certainly deserves much credit for his success as he started out in life empty-handed. Earnest toil h ru; been his lot but this has been guided by ~ouncl busineSd judgment and supplemented by keen sagacity until he is now numbered among the substan­tial agriculturists of the community, <llld his life record proYes what may be accompli;:herl when one has the will to do and dare.

~!r. Dawson has served as a school d irector for a number of years and the cause of educa­tion finds in him a warm fri end. In politics he is a republican and although he has never sought nor desired office he has always been true and loyal in mat.ters of citizenship. Of genial man­ner and social disposition, it is a pleu.sure to meet and know him, and his life record shoulu sen ·e as a source of encouragement and inspira­tion to others for it proves that SU<'<'ess is t1m­bition 's answer.


Ron. Cole Noel was for many ~·ears one of the most prominent and v~lued residents of Dallas county. He lived within her borders for more than a half century and his life record reflected honor and credit upon those who hon­ored him. He passed away at the Yery vPner­able age of eighty-seven years, nine month ~ and

twenty-two days, leaving behind an untar­nished name. H is life was as the day, with ita morning of hope and promise, its noontide of activity, its. evening of successful and completed effort ending in the grateful rest and quiet of the night. No history of the county would be c:.omplete without his record, so closely wa.<~ he asso<'iated with its business interests and its political annals.

Mr. ~oel was a native of Indiana, born in Monroe county on the 4th of October, 1818. llis parents were Louis and Salli e (McCam­mon) ~oel , the former a native of Virginia tmd the lat.ter of ~orth Carolina. Mrs. Noel's fttth cr served under General · Francis Marion in the ReYolutionary war. The marriage of Loui:. ~oel and Sa llie McCammon was celebrat­rtl in :\Ionroe county, Indiuna, where they lived iu p io nct•r titlll'~, niding in the work of early rle\·clopment and improvement there. Mr. Xoel d1~Yoted his life to general agricultural pursuits and pttssed away in 1851 in the faith of the Bnp t i;;t dlUr<-h, of which he was a devoted tnem ber. His political allegiance was given to the democrac~·. In the family were eleven thildren but all have now departed this life.

\\'hen a. yout h of six years Cole Noel accom­panied hi:- parents on their removal to Rock­\·illl'. I ndiana, where he lived until ~lay, 1852, wheu he wen t to Des Moines, Iowa, and in De­cember, 1853, he located in Adel, where he re­,.:ided for more than a half century. The county was th en largely no unbroken wilderness, but he li\·ed to wi tnc~" it5 wonderful development and improvement and took an active part' in bring­ing about the transformation that has· m~de it nn<> of the leading and prosperous counties of' thi3 great commonwealth . He bore all the hard­:-;hip..;;, privations and trials of pioneer life and in his later years related man y interesting in­<'identl' of the early days.

Mr. Noel had been a resident of the county for less than three years when, in 1856, he was elected clerk of the courts, acting in that capac­ity for more than ten years. In 1863 he wa.s np~inted assessor of internal revenue by Presi­dent Lincoln, serving until1869. H e was elect-

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


ed a member of the thirt~enth general assembly, which body made the appropriation for build­ing the present state capitol. While in the house he gave careful consideration to each question which came up for settlement and was connected with considerable constructive legis­lation. Under the administration of President Harrison he · was state statistician and at all times his patriotism and his fidelity to the gen­eral good were manifested. He was elected jus­tice of the peace in 1872 and held that posi,t.ion almost continuously from that time until his death, his decisions being strictly fair and im­partial, based upon the law and equity in the case. For many years he was very active and prominent in political circles, becoming an ardent republican upon the organization of the party and recognized in this section of Iowa as one of its leaders. In fact he did much toward shaping its policy in the earlier years of ·its history and he npmbered among his warm­est friends many of the distinguished states­men and political leaders of Iowa. He was a warm personal friend of Hon. John A. Kasson, formerly a congressman of this district and also minister to Austria, and Mr. Kasson always made it a point on visiting Des Moines to come to Adel and spend a few hours with Mr. ~oel.

On the 30th of May, 1858, in Adel, was cele­brated the marriage of Cole Noel and Miss Elizabeth Cole, who was born in Decatur, Illi­nois, August 14, 1829, her parents being John and Susan (Duke) Cole. Her father was born in N-orth Carolina, August 1, 1796, and died July 26, 1831. . His wife was born April 12, 1799, in South Carolina, and died in Des Moines, December 30, 1866. They were mar­ried in Green county, Kentucky, August 1, 1816. Mr. Cole engaged in the manufacture ·of pewterware and was also a minister of the Baptist church while living in Kentucky. He remained a resident of that state until 1824, when he removed to Indiana and later he t.Qok up his abode in Illinois, where he died. He served as a drummer boy in the war of 1812 and he gave his political alle­giance to the democracy. Unto him and his

wife were born six children but Mrs. Noel is the only one now living. Four daugh­ters also survive the death of Mr. Noel: Mrs. J . C. Smart; Mrs. Lucy Dack; Mrs. C. F. Mc­Coy, of Adel ; and Mrs. W. T. Buck, of New Rockford, North Dakota. There are also two sons: Mat Noel, who lives in Colorado; and Walter, of Beatrice, Nebraska.

Mr. Noel was made a Mason in Rockville, Indiana in 1850, and in 1852 joined Pioneer lodge, No. 8, A. F. & A. M., at Des Moines, Iowa. He was a charter member and the first secretary of Adel lodge, No. 80, and afterward served as its worthy master. He received the chapter degrees in Des Moines in 1858 and be­came a chart~r member of Tyrian chapt-er, No. 37, R. A. M., at Adel, serving as the chief of­ficer of the organization for eight years. He was also for one year grand scribe of the grand chapter of Iowa. He was made a Sir Knight in Des Moines in 1865 and he became a charter member of Lady Washington chapter, No. 57, 0. E. S., of Adel, in which he served for three years as worthy patron.

Mr. Noel united with the Bapt-ist church in 1844 arid after the disbandment of the society at this place he became a member of the Christian church,. with which he was identified until his deSJth. He_passed away July 26, 1906, at the venerable age of eighty-seven years, nine months and twenty-two days. The funeral services were held at the Christian church and were attended by a large concou~ of neigh­bors and friends, while the business houses and public offices of this city were closed out of respect for the deceased, who perhaps was the oldest· resident of Adel. His mind bore the im­press of the early historic annals of the county and was a connecting link between the prim­itive past and the progressive present. He stood for all that was honorable in citizenship, in business and in private life. He possessed the genial nature and kindly spirit which has the faculty not only of winning but of retaining friends. He was a man of deep sincerity, finn in support of his convictions, was genial, com­panionable and entertaining. In all hit! deal-

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

' 'f


ings Mr. Noel was a man of honor and hone3ty, a friend whose friendship was worth having. In hls family relations he was kind and affec­tionate, and those of his family who are left behind him will always cherish hls memory. He was a man of remarkable vigor and activity; both mental and physical, for one of his years, and finally went to his rest in peace and honor, ·and those who mourn his departure will al'>o always remember his kindly regard, his integ­rity of character and his unswerving friend­ship.


William F. Davenport has a beautiful and attractive home standing in the midst of a fine farm on section 23, 'Va.lnut township. The propert-y is valuable and productive and com­prises two hundred acres. The dwelling is snp­plied with all city conveniences, including hot and cold water and furnace heat. It is light-ed by acetylene gas and ·is tasteful in its furnish­ings. In the rear stand good barns and out­buildings for ·the shelter of grain and stock, and these in turn are surrounded by well tilled fields, the green of early spring promi~ing

golden harvests for the autumn. l\lr. Davenport is a native of Pro,·idence,

Rhode Island, born on the 8th of March, 1860. He was brought to Dallas county when a lad of t.en years by his parents, Mr. and !\Irs. John DaYenporf.. The father was also a native of ProYidence, where he was reared, and after at­tain·ing his majority he there wedded Sarah Douglass, who was also born in that city. By ·trade h e was a carpenter and was identi­fied with building interests in Providence . until 1865, when he brought his fam­ily westward to Chicago. There he was connected with building operations for five years, on the expiration of which period he came to Dallas county, Iowa. Here he bought one hundred and twenty acres of land '"here his son now resides and on whieh he made his

home, giving his time and energies to the fur­ther development and improve~·nent of the property, which he brought under a high state of cultivation. In the family were two sons, William and Frank.

·William Davenport was reared under the pa­rental roof and has never left the old home­stead since the family came to Dallas county in 1870. He was at that time a lad of ten years and he was trained to the work of the farm, which has been under his immediate eare si nce 1890. The father spent his last years here and died in 1902, at the age of sixty­live years, while the mother passed awa.y in 1890, at the age of fifty-three years.

William Davenport had been married on tha 5th of .July, 1888, to :\!iss :\laud Coons, a na­ti,·e of ~\.del and a daughter of Kane Coons.

·Following his marriage )lr. Davenport pur­rhasecl his brother's interest in the old home­stead ;md has since added eighty acres to the original tra.ct, so that he now has an excellent f'arm of t"·o hundred acres. The ent.ire place is "·ell fenced and drained. He has laid over eighteen hundred rods of tile and has brought the farm. under the highest state of cultivation, so that the fields, now rich and arable, annually bring fotih large erops. He has remodeled the hou::e until he has a most comfortable and plea.~ant home and everything about the farm !5 indicath·e of the spirit of the progressive O \\'ll (· r. H e raises and feeds cattle and hog,, ~hipping ~eYcral carloads earh year. In all of his business affairs he is alert and· enterprising, meeting with the measure of success which al­ways re,Yards earnest, persist-ent and well direct­ed labor.

Mr. and ~Irs. Davenport had one child whom they lost in infancy. They are members of the Christian- church of Grimes and are greatly esteemed by a large circle of warm friends. I n polities Mr. Davenport is a republican and is ;,erving as township trustee, and is also a mem her of the school board, of which he is. now serving as treasurer. Educational and moral, as well as material interests, receive his en­do~ement and 'co-operation, and his labors in

bel in! wh he uni WhJ


Ir grap raph rank fcssi< most of th ty in .Matil a farJ in f.h


. impro, fully i when J

ducts a field, t Gutbri.

Utal" e· ' ' lildivid1

In 0 ried to lrearne' Green ~

' '

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1860 United States Federal Census-

ancestry You searched for Cole Noel i.n Iowa.

Na me: Cole Noel

Age in 1860: 41

Birth Year: abt1819

l3i•1hplace: Indiana

Home in 1860 : Adel, Dallas, Iowa

Gender: Male

Post Office: Adel

Value of real View in1agg


Household Na m<' Age

Members: Cole Noel 41

Elizabeth .J Noel 30

Mathew B Noel 21

SamiJ Noel 19

Man· A Noel 17

l.un E Noel 13

GenS Noel 6

Walter A Noel 4

l·:mma B Noel

Source CitAtion: \e~r: 18bo; Ctnsus Place: Ad•l. Dallas. Iowa: Roll: \/653_317; Page: 1>51: Image: 139: Famil} HiSIOI) Libra') ritm: 80331-

\nCt"l>tf).oom. 18b0 L'nited Statts Fedrral ('rnsus Ldnta~"l~e on·linrj. Pn'l\0, UT. l!SA: .\n<."'tstry.rom Oprrmions. Inc .. 2009. lm<t?.t"S r<'productri b~ f'amilyScarch.

Original data: 1860 U.S. ~n.sus. population ~chC!'dule. ~,\\(r\ microtilm puhlic:adon ;\·I6J3 1.438 rolls. Washington, O.C~: Nntioflal Archi\l"S and Rtrord:; .-\dmini.stration. n.c1,

Descriptio n: This dnt"basr is an index to individual$ t"numernted ;n the t86o United Statf'S Ftdentl Censu). tht Eighth Census of theo Unit~rl St:itts. Censu<- take~ rtcordtd man~ ddails including, each pe-rson·~ name. ~ge- a.s of the censt1s day. $e)l.~ l'Otor: bi11hplac-e. oC'Cupa.tion or male~ o\·er agE' fift~en. and mor('. No relationships W(·r~ shown bctwrcn member$ nr ;l hOU!ithold .. \dditionally. th(' n3m4.'S or tho-:t" liStf'tl on tlw pr,JJulalifm Gchedulc are linkt"d lo ar•u1nl imageS> o( th~· 1860 f('(frrnJ Crnsw ... l,:a_fll..!!lQtt..

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1900 United States Federal Census-

ancestry You searched for Cole Noel in Iowa

:\a me: Cole Noel

Home in 1900: Adel, Dallas, Iowa

[Adel, Dallas, Iowa]

Age: 81

Birth Date: Oct 1818

Birthplace: Indiana

Race: White

Gender: Male

Rela tionship to Head

head -of-house:

Father's Virginia


Mother's South Carolina Birthplace:

Spouse's Name: Elizabeth J Noel

Marriage Year: t8s8

~larital Status: Married

Years ~tarried : 42

Occupation: Vic" on Image

Z'eighbors: \'i~" !ll h!:Ci QO llill:l:

Household !'<a me Members: Cgle :-loel

Elizabdh J l\ocl

Source Citation: ' ear: ~t;oo: Cem.u& ljl<lC'i.': ·\drt, UaltCJS /ou.'<l: Roll 'fftJ,1 .~-. P,tgt'' :l.-\: enumr-ration Distric:t: 3·




Anccstl)·.com. 1900 L'nitcd Srati!~ Fl'tlc,.ol C'..rtlilh {d.n.~h.l~t on-hnr J Pro\n, l.71'. US.~: Anct"stry.rom Opt•mliOil!O lnr :zoo.,

OriginaJ data: United Start~ of .-\me ric.,. Bnrrau of tht Ctn us.. ll.J.;tVth C~n~tS fJ/ tht t "nfh-d States, J90(). Washington. D.C.· ' arlonnl Vt'hht'~Ancl RN·ort1i \ thninl)trAtron.tqQO T6Z'J,I8$1 ra~t s

Oe~cription: nus cf.tubliq. i~ an inde' to indi\idua .. f'OIIITW'rlltfd m thr 19()(J l nit<rl St.u~ ffd\'ral Cc-ruus, tht "'< ftn ONus ofth(' L nittd Stat('S.. Cc.•n)lt;) tAkers rf«lrdf'd man~ dttails includ•n& tt'<:h fK'N\ln'$

nom•. addr~-.. ,.131101l>h•p to th< h .. d o( hou!Ohold. t'Oior or I'll<• ... ,. month and ,car or birth. ag.rat laHbirthda:-.m-'rital n.1tt1>. n tm~ror,nn mamt'd.thl-total numbf'ro(t·hUck\·n born of th< mo<h.r,tll<' numb<r oi tho,. ch td,.n It• '"~ bn1hpli1<1'. blrthpl• .. of l•th•r ond m<>th<r. ftll<' mdi .. mua "'11~ fDff'ign bom. thf' )of'arofimmagrat•on and tht n 1mbc.trof \flU'$ m tht lifl ttd ~tatr.s thfo ('ltiunship status offorrip.n-bom indh tdtmls mn &g\ h•,.~nt\•Ont.oca vat ion. i\nd morr. \ldltionllll).tll<'noo~oitho..~lts"'donlll<' llO!lllot•ontclw-dldt ~,.1 nl..t to~<~u•llmag<lof thf 1900 Ffd.-n~l C('ftUI~. l..tAm...Jnlttt

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Cole Noel (1818 - 1906) - Find A Grave Photos


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