north central states regional council of carpenters bylaws

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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    TitlePreambleName and TitleObjectsPowersOfficers of the CouncilNominations and ElectionsDuties of the PresidentDuties of the Vice PresidentDuties of the Executive Secretary-TreasurerDuties of the Warden and ConductorExecutive CommitteeTrustees (Auditing and Financial)Working Dues (Dues Check-Off)Monthly DuesCouncil RepresentationDelinquent Local UnionsDelegate CredentialsDelegates Attending MeetingsCollective BargainingTrust FundsMeeting NightsOfficers' BondSpecial DispensationCharges and TrialsInitiation FeesWorking CardsRepresentatives and CrganizersFurther ObjectivesLawsuits Against the CouncilAmendmentsSeverabilityMiscelianeousHiring Hail or |ob Referral SystemO ffi cers, Representatives, Organizers, C ommitteeMernbers, Deiegates CompensationHeadquartersAlternate DelegatesD elegatesi Membership Committees



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    PREAMBTEOur aim will be to promote and protect the interest of ourmembership, to elevate the moral, intellectual and social con-

    ditions of all working men and women, to assist each other insickness and distress.To encourage apprenticeship and a higher standard of skill,to cultivate a feeling of friendship, and to assist each other to

    secure employment.To aid and assist all org antzattons to uphold the dignity oflabor and resist oppression by honorable means.To hold it as a sacred principle, that union members, aboveall others, should set a good example as good and faithful work-ers, performing their duties to their employer with honor to

    themselves and to their organrzation.We resent the principle of open shop association, and con-tinually strive for the enactment of legislation which u'ill enable

    us to achieve our objectives.Realizing that a blow at one organLzation is a blow to all,therefore, it shall be our duty as union members to purchaseunion-made goods and patronize union shops and business es-tablishments whenever possible to do so.

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    So with these aims and principles in mind, the Local Unionsin the vicinity of Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, andSouth Dakota affiliate ourselves into an org antzatton that shallbe known as the North Central States Regional Council of Car-penters in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution ofthe United Brotherhood.BYLAWSSection 1. NAME AND TITLE

    This body is chartered and known as the North CentralStates Regional Council of Carpenters, United Brotherhood ofCarpenters and |oiners of America. This Council is organrzedin conformity with the Constitution of the United Brotherhoodand shall exercise the powers and privileges of a Council underthe Constitution and Laws of the United Brotherhood.Section 2. OBIECTS

    The objects of this Council shall be to promote and protectthe interest of our membership, to encourage the apprenticeshipsystem and higher standard of skill, to reduce the hours of labor,to secure adequate pay for our work, to elevate the standard ofour craft, to cultivate a feeling of friendship among the mem-bers of this Brotherhood, to assist our members in procuringemployment and to protect our members by legal and propermeans against any injustice that may be done to them, improvethe moral, social and intellectual conditions of our membersand all working people.

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    Section 3. POWERSThis Council shall be the central governing body over andshall have legislative and executive powers on all matters relat-ing to the general interest and welfare of affiliated Local Unionsand their members. The Council shall establish working dues ormonthly dues (that are sufficient to operate the Council) pay-

    able to the Council, and initiation fees. It shall have the power tocollect and retain all fines levied by the Council for violation ofthe laws, trade, and other rules of the Council. The Council shallhave the power to issue the quarterly work card. It shall havethe power to make agreements with kindred bodies or centralorganizations and send Delegates to same whenever deemednetessary, The Council shall have the power to hire, discipline,promote, and fire all employees of the Council, including Or-ganlzers and Representatives. Except for clerical employees ofLocal Unions, all persons employed on matters within the juris-diction of the Council, including Business Representatives andOrgani zets, shall be employees of the Council. No person shallbe an employee of an affiliated Local Union except for personsemployed in clerical positions. Upon approval of these Bylaws,all local Union employment positions, except for clerical posi-tions, shall cease to exist. Furthermore, the Council shall haveall powers provided for in the Bylaws.Section 4. OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIT

    The officers of this Council shall consist of President, VicePresident, Executive Secretary-Treasurer' twenty-six (26) Ex-ecutive Committee Members [one ( 1) elected Delegate fromeach affiliated Local Union], Warden, Conductor, and three (3)Trustees. The term of these offices shall be four (4) years.Page 4

    Section 5. NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONSThe nomination, election, and installation of officers of threCouncil shall be governed by the Constitution and Larvs of theUnited Brotherhood in accordance with the follor,r'ing prori-

    sions.A. Officers of this Council shall be nominated and elect-ed by the delegate body of the Council, and must be rvorki*gwithin the bargaining unit represented by their Local Union. or

    employed full time within the framework of the United Broih-erhood of Carpenters to be eligible.B. Council Delegates shall be elected in accordance rrithrthe Constitution of the United Brotherhood. Council Delegatesshall be elected for a term of not more than three (3) years.C. The Local Union shall notify the Executive Secretarr--Treasurer, by certified mail, of the names of the elected Dele-

    gates before Iuly 1 of each yeaL It is compulsory that the Erecu-tive Secretary-Treasurer of the Council notify these Deiegatesby mail that nominations and elections of the Councii olficerswill be held at the regular Council meeting in September.Section 6. DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT

    It shall be the duty of the President to preside at a1l meetinqsof the Council, enforce a due observance of the Constitutionand Laws of the United Brotherhood, conduct the same accorC-ing to parliamentary rules, and perform such other duties asdesignated by the body.




    The Vice President shall assist the President in the perfor-mance of his or her duties and conduct meetings in his or herabsence. The same rules are to govern as are applied to the Presi-dent.Section 8. DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY-TREASURER

    The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a correct re-cord of each meeting, keep all documents and correspondence,issue all calls for a special meeting, keep a record of all charges,trials and fines, take charge of the seal of the Council and af-fix same to all official documents, sign all legal orders, keep acorrect account between the Council and the Local Unions, re-ceive all monies paid to the Council, and shall hold in his or herpossession a sum of money not to exceed $500 for contingentexpenses. He or she shall issue quarterly work cards to the affili-ated Local Unions.

    The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall take charge of all theballots cast in any election of the Council and shall preserve saidballots and other records relating to the election for a period ofone ( 1) year after the election date.

    A. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall be the ChiefExecutive Officer of the Council. The Executive Secretary-Trea-surer shall be responsible for the management and supervisionof the field activities, business office(s), and for conducting thedaily business of the Council. The Executive Secretary-Treasur-er shall assume all of the duties of the Recording Sec retary andTreasurer. All monies paid into the Council shall be depositedPage 6

    by the Executive Secretary-Treasurer in the name of the Councilin such bank or banks as properly designated by the ExecutiveCommittee.The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall furnish each LocalUnion with a copy of the quarterly financial report of the Coun-cil certified by the proper auditing committee" This report shall

    be signed by the trustees of the Council. He or she shall performsuch other duties from time to time as the Executive Committeeor the Council rnay direct.

    The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall furnish to each Lo-cal Union a correct record of each meeting of the Council. Allcollected claims shall pass through the hands of the ExecutiveSecretary-Treasurer and he shall keep a record of same.The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall refer all bills to the

    Trustees for investigation, after which they shall be presented tothe Council for approval.The Executive Secretary-Treasurer is specifically authortzedto expend, in accordance with the procedures of these Bylaws,funds for any or all of the purposes and objects of the Council.The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall have the authorityto hire, suspend, promote or terrninate all clerical or custodialemployees and" shall determine their duties, assignments, com-pensation, hours of employrnent, and conditions.The Executive Secrctary-Treasurer shall have the authorityto appoint, hire, suspend, promote or terminate Council Repre-sentatives and Organizers, subject to the approval of the Execu-tive Committee of the Council.

    Page 7



    The Executive Sec retary-Treasurer shall have the power andauthority to appoint and remove Representatives for and onbehalf of its Local Unions to act as Trustees for all negotiatedEmployer/Union Trust Funds, including, but not lirnited to, an-nuity, health and welfare, pension, apprenticeship, labor-man-agement cooperation committee, vacation savings, and holidayplans. In addition, the Executive Secretary-Treasurer has thepower and authority to appoint and remove Representatives on|ATCs sponsored by Local Unions. Accordingly, all trust agree-ments andior plan documents shall be amended by the autho-nzed Representatives of the Local Unions to reflect the forego-ing appointment and removal process.

    B. The Executive Sec rctary-Treasurer, by virtue of electionto his or her office, shall automatically be deemed as an electedDelegate from the Council to the Conventions or meetings of theUnited Brotherhood, State Building and Construction TradesCouncils, Labor Federations, and any other organuzations, con-ferences or meetings with which the Council may participate orbecome affiliated with.

    The Executive Secretary-Treasurer or his or her designeeshall be chairperson of all negotiating committees and shall ap-point such committees.The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as a Trustee onany and all trust funds including, but not limited to, health andwelfare, pension, labor-management and joint apprenticeshipand training funds. The Executive Sec retary-Treasurer shall re-view with the Executive Committee of the Council all minutesof any trust fund meetings with a copy of same to remain at theoffice of the Council.

    Page 8

    The Executive Secretary-Treasurer may delegate any of his orher authority to a representative of this Council when he or shedeems it necessary.Section 9. DUTIES OF THE WARDEN AND CONDUCTOR

    The Warden shall take charge of the door at all meetings ofthe Council and allow no one to enter except those who areentitled to do so. The Conductor takes up the password at allmeetings.Section 10. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE .o p ' \,*C>&Egr{_,{

    The Executive Committee shall consist of one ( 1) elected lydelegate member from each affiliated Local Union and the VPresident, Vice President, and Executive Secretary-Treasurer. r41'Between meetings, the Executive Committee shall have supervi- &sion of such Council business as has not otherwise been granted (to officers of the Council. All changes or proposed changes in ISthe Bylaws or Trade Rules of this Council or any of the Local #l'Unions affiliated therewith shall be first referred to the Execu- ftive Committee for consideration and recommendation pend- ,.1ing approval by the Council. Furthermore, in accordance with o3_Section 118 of the Constitution and Laws of the LJnited Broth- trNerhood, same must be submitted to the General Vice Presidentfor approval. The Executive Committee shall submit a report toeach meeting of the Council.Section 11. TRUSTEES (AUDITING AND FINANCIAL)

    The Trustees shall have supervision of all funds and proper-ties of the Council subject to such instructions from the Execu-tive Committee as they may receive from time to time. The titlePage 9



    -to all property of the Council shall be held in the name of theTrustees of the Council and/or their successors in office. TheTrustees shall audit all books and accounts of the Executive Sec-retary-Treasurer at least monthly and report their findings tothe Council and perform such other duties as the Council mayrequire. The Trustees shall audit all receipts and accounts of anyother person authortzed to collect funds.

    The Council shall engage a certified or registered public ac-countant for periodic audits, but not less than once e year, andsuch audits shall be examined by the Trustees for comparisonwith the Trustees' audit who shall report their conclusions inwriting to the Council.Section 12. WORKING DUES (DUES CHECK-OFF):SPECIAT ASSESSMENTS AND PER CAPITA TAX

    A. The Council shall receive working dues in the amountof three perce nt (3a/o) of gross wages. The working dues to thisCouncil shall be due on the lst day of the month and must bepaid to the Council not later than the 15th day of the followingmonth.B. In case of a deficit in the funds of the Council, the Coun-cil may 1.,.y a special assessment on each Local Union based onthe number of members in the Local. The Council must givethirty (30) days written notice to the Delegates and the principaloffice of each Local Union prior to such special assessment andshall require apajqritlr vote bv sec{et ballot of the Delegates tothe Council u his speciafassess-ment which must be approved by the General Vice President.The Executive Sec retary-Treasurer shall notify all Local Unionsthat said assessment must be paid within thirty (30) days from

    Page 10

    the time of final approval.C. The Council may establish monthly dues or increaseworking dues payable to the Council by u majority vote of theDelegates voting at a Special Convention of the Council heldupon lot legs t&ur thify (1Q) duyr'witter_pal office of_:gghlggd q"lo".D. If a member who owes working dues fails to pay them asprovided by these Bylaws, such working dues shall be charged tothe member by notice in writing that same must be paid withinthirty (30) days to entitle the member to any privilegs, rightsor donations. If the member does not make payment of arrearswithin the time prescribed, the member shall not be in goodstanding and he or she shall be notified in writing that unlessthe amount owing is paid within thirty (30) days thereafter, hisor her name shall be stricken from membership. Notices shall

    be sent to the last known address of the member reported by themember to the Local Union.E. For any quarter in which less than ninety percent (9Ao/o)of a Local Union's membership have not signed authorrzatroncards providing that working dues will be paid to the Coun-

    cil, a per capita tax in the amount of seventy-five dollars ($75)per month shall be payable by such Local Union to the Councilbased on the number of non-participating members.

    F. The Council may impose a per capita tax on each Localin the amount of $0.00. The Council may increase the amount ofper capita tax by majority vote of the Delegates voting at a Spe-cial Convention held by the Council upon not less than thirty(30) days' written notice to the principal office of each Local.Page i1



    Section 13. MONTHTY DUESThe monthly dues payable to the Local Unions in this Coun-cil shall be established by the tr ocal Unions and must be ad-equate to enable the Local Unions to operate in an efficient,pioper, and solvent manner in the service and best interests ofits membership.Monthly dues payable by the members to the Local Unionsshall not be increased except upon the approval by majorityvote by secret ballot of the members in good standing voting ata general or special membership meetin g after reasonable no-tice or by majority vote of the members in good standing 1n amembership referendum conducted by secret ballot. In addi-tion, monthly dues payable to Local Unions must be approvedby the Council.Each Local Union shall furnish the Council with a correctmonthly report of all members as indicated by the Internationalper capita sheet.

    Section 14. COUNCIL REPRESENTATIONEach Local Union shall elect a Delegate or Delegates to theCouncil in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of theUnited Brotherhood governing nominations and elections insubordinate bodies. The ratio of representation from each Lo-

    cal Union to the Council shall be determined by the Council. Amember of a Local Union who meets the qualifications of Sec-tion 31D of the Constitution and Laws of the United Brother-hood shall not be ineligible to be a Delegate because he or she isa Business Representative of the Council, nor shall an otherwisequalified Delegate to the Council be ineligible for appointmentPage 12

    as a Business Representative because he or she is a Delegate.Each Local Union shall submit the correct number of memberson their rolls from month to month on and after the first meet-ing each month.The ratio of representation from each Local Union to theCouncil shall be as follows: The Council shall consist of a basicrepresentation from each affiliated Local Union of:. One (1) Delegate for the first 100 members;. Two (2) Delegates for 101 through 200 members;. Three (3) Delegates for 201 through 300 members;. Four (a) Delegates for 301 through a00 members;. Five (5) Delegates for 401 through 500 members;. Six (6) Delegates for 501 through 600 members;. Seven (7) Delegates for 601 through 700 members;. Eight (8) Delegates for 7Al through 800 members;. Nine (9) Delegates for 801 through 900 members;. Ten (10) Delegates for 901 through 1,000 members;. Eleven (11) Delegates for 1,001 through 1,100 members;. Twelve (12) Delegates for 1,101 through 1,200 members;. Thirteen (13) Delegates for 1,201 members or more.No Local Union affiliated with the Council shall be entitledto more than thirteen (13) Delegates. The basis for determina-tion of the number of Delegates to this Council shall be themonth prior to nomination, being determined by the per capitatax report to the International Union of the members in the af-filiated Local Unions.The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall notify each LocalUnion by mail, no later than April 15 of the year of each generalelection of Local Union Delegates to this Council, of the cor-

    Page 13



    rect number of Delegates each Local Union is entitled to haveelected.Section 15. DELINQUENT LOCAL IJNIONS

    A Local Union owing per capita tax for two (2) months andthe same not being paid by the end of the third month, such Lo-cal Union Delegates shall not have a vote or voice in the Coun-cil. When a Local Union owes a sum equal to three (3) months'per capita tax to the Council, its Delegates will not be entitledto a seat in that body nor shall the members of the delinquentLocal Union be entitled to the work card of the Council.Section 16. DETEGATE CREDENTIALS

    Recording Secretaries of Local Unions must forward cre-dentials of Delegate or Delegates from their Local Union to theCouncil properly signed by the President and Recording Sec-retary with the seal of the Local Union affixed. Th.y shall bereferred to the Executive Committee who shall investigate thesame and report their findings to the Council with recommen-dation thereof.Section 17 . DELEGATES ATTENDING MEETINGS

    Ary Delegate to this Council failing to attend its meetingsshall upon the 3rd offense, provided they are successive and noreasonable excuse is presented and accepted by a majority voteof the Council, stand suspended and his or her Local Unionshall be so notified.

    Section 18. COLTECTIVE BARGAININGThe Council shall have the exclusive power and authority tonegotiate, ratify, and execute Collective Bargaining Agreementsfoi and on behalf of its affiliated Local Unions, except to theextent the International Union exercises its jurisdiction or au-thority.

    Section 19. TRUST FUNDSA11 allocations from negotiated total wage amounts to annu-ity, health and welfare, pension, funds sponsored by the Interna-tional, apprenticeship, labor-management cooperation commit-

    tees, vacation savings, and holiday plans, shall be determined bythe Council.Section 20. MEETING NIGHTS

    The meetings of this Council shall be held on dates deter-mined by the Executive Committee for the months of February,Muy,August, and November, and no business shall be transactedafter I 1:00 p.m., unless by u majority vote of the Delegates pres-ent immediately after the reading of the Minutes. Special meet-ings may be called by the President and Executive Secretary-Treasurer upon written request of eight (8) Local Unions andthe nature of the business shall be stated and no other businessshall be transacted except that for which the meeting is called.The Executive Sec retary-Treasurer shall notify each Delegate ofthe Council in advance to attend the meeting.A. The Council must provide certain reports to the Del-

    egates at every regular meeting:

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    1. Organizing Report: The Director of Organizung for theCouncil shall report to the Delegates on organrzing activitieswithin the Council including, but not limiting his report to,industry targets, developments in ongoing programs, obstaclesfaced, and the involvement of volunteer org anrzing committeeswith organizers in jobsite actions and house calling.The report shall include specific targets, the specific num-ber of jobsite actions, and the specific number of house callsmade to non-union carpenters since the last report, the names

    of any contractors signed, and the number of members broughtin with that contractor.2. Membership Retention Report: The senior businessagent, or a service representative appointed by the ExecutiveSecretary-Treasurer, shall report to the Delegates on member-ship retention effiorts. The report, based on the ULTRA Growthand Retention Report, will include, but is not limited to, the cur-rent number of members, the number of members initiated, onwithdrawal, or transferred since the last report, and specificallythe number of members brought in through organiztng activi-ties. For members leaving the Brotherhood, the report shouldinclude an overview of the reasons as well as all efforts at mem-

    bership contact, including contacts to encourage membershipparticipation, and contact to members in arrears or on with-drawal to encourage their continued membership.3. Political and Legislative Report: The Council PoliticalDirector shall report to the Delegates on political organiztngand legislative activities within the Council including, but notlimiting his report to, political organi zlng activities, current leg-islation on the Federal, State, and Local levels, and the involve-ment of volunteer organiztng cornmittees in the overall Coun-

    Page 16

    cil political program. When appropriate, the presentation willinclude political campaign activities, membership voter regis-tration, membership voter education programs, and reports ofcontacts with government officials.Section 21.

    A11 meetings of this Council shall be of executive session.The Fiscal Year for this Council shall be |uly 1 to |une 30. Allaccounts shall be audited and a complete financial report for thefiscal \rear be brought forth by the Auditing Committee no laterthan ninety (90) days following the close of the fiscal Yeaf .

    Section 22. OFFICERS' BOI*{DEvery officer, agent, or employee of the Council who handlesfunds and property thereof shall be bonded through the Gen-eral Office for the faithful discharge of their duties.

    Section 23. SPECIAT DISPENSATIOI'{Ary member incapacitated by old age or accident desiring

    speciai dispensation may make application for same throughthe Executive Committee of the Council.Section 24. CHARGES AND TRIATS

    The charges and trial procedures shall be as set forth in theConstitution of the United Brotherhood.

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    Section 25. INITIATION FEESThe initiation fee(s) in this Council shall be $300. Arrange-ments may be made for the payment of initiation fees by install-ments. The Initiation Fee for apprentices shall be in accordancewith the Constitution and Laws of the United Brotherhood.Where an ex-member has violated any of the Rules and Lawsof this Council and has been tried and found guilty of same andwhere a fine has been imposed, such fine must be paid beforeinitiation.

    Section 26. WORKII{G CARDSThe Council shall have the power to issue quarterly work-ing cards to the Local Unions for each member of the UnitedBrotherhood on the Local Unions' books. No member shall beentitled to receive a working card from a Local Union unless all

    affearages for dues, fines, and assessments are paid in full.Section 27 . REPRESENTATIVES AND ORGANIZERS

    All Representatives and Organi zers working in the jurisdic-tion of the Council shall be employed by and placed under thesupervision and direction of the Executive Secretary-Treasurerof the Council. No Representative, Organrzer or Special Rep-resentative shall have authority to act as such until he or shereceives the proper credentials from the Council.

    The Local Unions shall not be allowed to employ anyoneother than clerical employees.Ary member who represents himself or herself as a Rep-resentative or any member acting as such and not having re-

    Page 18

    ceived credentials from the Council, or a Business Representa-tive whose credentials have been cancelled and who representshimself or herself as a Representative of this Council or any Lo-cal Union, shall for the 1st offense, after having been tried andfound guilty, be fined a sum of fifty dollars ($S01, and for theZnd offense, if found guilty, shall be expelled from the UnitedBrotherhood.Section 28. FURTHER OBJECTIVES

    The Council shall have the authority to organrze and operatea special Political Education Committee for the purpose of po-litical objectives including, but not limited to, public relations,political activities and contributions, and furtherance of legisla-tion.Section 29.LAWSUITS AGAINST THE COUNCIT

    No member fined, suspended, or expelled by action of theCouncil shall file any lawsuit against the Council, its Officersor Representatives, or its affiliated Local Unions without firstexhausting all appeal remedies provided for in these Bylaws andConstitution of the United Brotherhood.Section 30. AMENDMENTS

    A. Any amendments and changes to these Bylaws may beput into effect by the action of the Delegates at a Special Con-vention of the Council.B. A proposed change must be submitted in writing bythree (3) Local Unions n'ith the seal affftxed provided that theResolutions Committee consisting of three (3) or more mem-

    Page 19



    bers has reviewed and approved the resolution as to its legal-ity in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the UnitedBrotherhood and the applicable Collective Bargaining Agree-ment, and State and Federal laws.C. A11 changes or proposed changes to the Bylaws or TradeRules of this Council or any of the Local Unions shall be firstreferred to the Executive Committee for consideration and rec-ommendation, and then referred to a Bylaws Committee, pend-ing approval by the Council and in accordance with Section 118of the Constitution and Laws of the United Brotherhood, theproposed changes must be submitted to the General Vice Presi-dent for approval.

    Section 31. SEVERABILITYIf any Section or part of these Bylaws shall be held invalid byoperation of law or by any tribunal or competent jurisdiction,the remaining Sections of these Bylaws shall not be afrectedthereby and shall remain in full force and effect.

    Section 32. MISCETTANEOUSA. The Council, by majority vote of the Delegates present,either in regular or special session, shall have the authority toadopt Operating Procedures to govern the Council and all Lo-cal Unions, and to enact all measures, resolutions, trade rules,instruction to the members and Local Unions, and all other ac-tions that may be necessary to further the objectives and pur-

    poses of the Council.B. These Bylaws, Trade Rules and any other rules, resolu-tions and directives adopted by the Council shall govern and be

    Page 20

    binding on each Local Union.C. Ary subject not covered by these Bylaws and Trade Rulesshall be governed by the Constitution of the United Brother-hood and nothing in these Bylaws shall in any way be construedto conflict with the Constitution of the United Brotherhood.D. The Executive Committee of the Council shall have theauthority to call a Special Convention. Written notice of a Spe-cial Convention must be given to all Delegates and the principal

    office of each Local Union at least thirty (30) days prior to suchSpecial Convention. The Delegates of any Special Conventionof this Council shall consist exclusively of the Delegates to thisCouncil.E. A11 current Bylaws of Locals Unions must be submittedto the Council for approval. All Bylaws of Local Unions that areinconsistent with these Bylaws are superseded.

    Section 33. HIRING HAIL OR IOB REFERRAT SYSTEMThe Executive Committee of the Council shall adopt, andail workers shall be governed by, uniform rules and/or pro-cedures for the registration and/or referral to employment of

    unemployed workers. Workers shall have employment mobilitythroughout the territorial jurisdiction of the Council"Section 34. OFFICERS, REPRESEI\TTATIVES,ORGAhTIZERS, COMMITTEE MEMBERS, ANDDETEGATES COMPENSATION

    . President: Three (3) hours per month based on $1.50 overthe highest negotiated Foreman rate.

    Page 21



    . Vice President: Two (2) hours per month based on $1.50over the highest negotiated Foreman rate.. Executive Secretary-Treasurer: The annual salary is equalto the District Vice President's annual salary. Fringe benefitsshall be computed on sixty (60) hours per week.. Warden: One (1) hour per month based on $1.50 over thehighest negotiated Foreman rate.. Conductor: One (1) hour per month based on $1.50 overthe highest negotiated Foreman rate.. Trustees: Three (3) hours per month based on $ 1.50 overthe highest negotiated Foreman rate.. Executive Director: A weekly salary based on $1.50 overthe highest negotiated General Foreman rate at fifty-five (55)hours per week.. Representatives and Organi zers: A weekly salary based on$1.50 over the highest negotiated Foreman rate at forty-five (45)hours per week.. Director of Organrzlng: A weekly salary based on $1.50over the highest negotiated General Foreman rate at fifty-five(55) hours p*t week.

    A. In addition to the weekly salary provided, the ExecutiveSecretary-Treasurer, the Executive Director, Representatives,and Organi z,ers will be entitled to all fringe benefits provided bythe Collective Bargaining Agreement.

    B. The salary wage rq\e base for the Executive Sec rctaryTreasurer, Representativfls, and Organi zers shall be adjusted|une 1 of each year. If economic contract negotiations are notfinahzed by ]une 1, then the readjustment will be based uponwhat is in existen ce at that time, and further readjustrnent(s)will be made as other economic negotiations are settled.Page 22

    C. A^y loss of wages and/or expenses incurred by Officers,F.epresentatives, Organizers, Committee Members, or Delegates.,,^,-Frile on official Regional Council business shall be paid as au-thorized by the Executive Committee and approved by the Del-egates of the Regional Council.

    D. The Executive Committee and Delegates may decide toqive additional benefits by majority vote of the Delegates.Section 35.

    A. The Executive Sec retary-Treasurer or his designee, shallhrar.e the authority to establish pickets. Every Member workingat, or depending on, the Trade for livelihood shall walk picketrn his/her locality when called upon to do so. He/she shall ei-ther picket personally or secure a replacement. Picketers shallbe selected from the Out-of-Work reference list in a fatr andnon - discriminatory manner.

    B. No affiliated Local Union may hire or retain any em-piovee or professional advisor without the prior approval of theCouncil. All Representatives and Organizers shall be under thesupervision and direction of the Executive Secretary-Treasurer,and they shall accept their instruction accordingly. All Repre-sentatives and Organi zers shall make such written reports as theExecutive Secretary-Treasurer may require. All Representativesand Organi zers shall be full-time employees of this RegionalCouncil. At the Executive Secretary-Treasurer's discreti.on, heor she may designate the Executive Director, Director of Or-ganizing having additional supervisory responsibilities whomshall also answer to the Executive Secrctary-Treasurer. OrganLz'ers shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them bythe Executive Secretary-Treasurer or his designee, including but

    Page 23



    not limited to, the organizatton of those persons who performwork falling within the trade jurisdiction of the United Broth-erhood of Carpenters and |oiners of America. All grievancesthat may arise concerning the duties of all Representatives andOrgani zers and all questions or disputes regarding contractualobligations, dispatching procedures in a Local Union area> andother questions, must be referred to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Regional Council for final settlement.C. All dues collected by the Local Union shall be forwardedto the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Regional Council,which shall pay all expenses for the operation of each LocalUnion, except for miscellaneous items which shall be paid out ofthe Local Union's budget, as established by the Executive Com-mittee annually. Working dues that are payable by members tothe Council shall be as established by the Regional Council.Currently, working dues are established by the applicable Col-lective Bargaining Agreement dues check-off language underwhich each member works. Upon the expiration of each saidagreement, the following language shall be negotiated for inser-tion therein: "The working dues and assessments required of

    each employee shall be established annually by the North Cen-tral States Regional Council in accordance with its Bylaws. No-tice of any change in same shall be submitted to the Employer inwriting and shall be effective thirty (30) days thereafterl' If DuesBooks are issued, they will be countersigned by the Presidentand Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Regional Council.

    D. Effective |anuary 1, 1,999, and each succeeding con-tracted year thereafter, working dues shall be a percentage es-tablished by the Executive Secretary-Treasurer and the Execu-tive Committee approved by the majority vote of the RegionalCouncil Delegates of each member's gross taxable earnings.Page 24

    E. The Audit Committee [Executive Secretary-Tfeasurer,Bookkeeper, and three (3) Trustees] shall meet prior to thequarterly Regional Council Delegate meetings of February,I{ay, August, and November at a time established by the Ex-ecutive Secretary-Treasurer at the Council office. The ExecutiveCommittee shall meet prior to the quarterly Regional Councilmeetings of Februaryr, May, August, and November at a timeestablished by the Executive Secretary-Treasurer, with no busi-ness to transpire after 6:00 p.m.Section 36. HEADQUARTERS

    The Regional Council shall maintain a headquarters withinits geographic jurisdiction. When open, normal operating hoursrvili be 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All members visiting the head-quarters must conform to the rules of its government. Violationof rules shall be punishable in accordance with the Bylaws ofthe Regional Council. The headquarters shall include an officerrith necessary furniture and items for the proper transactionof business.Section 37. AIIERNATE DETEGATES

    Alternate Regional Council Delegates from a Local Unionare recogn tzed by this Regional Council and must be electedin uccordance with the Constitution and Laws of the UnitedBrotherhood governing nominations and elections in subordi-nate bodies. The number of alternate delegates cannot exceedone ( 1) for Local Unions under 500 members and two (2) alter-nate delegates for Local Unions over 501 members. An Alter-nate Delegate can only vote when he/she is replacing an eYcusedregular Delegate. An Alternate Delegate cannot hold office, benominated for office, or nominate for office.

    Page 25



    Section 38. DELEGATES / MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEESThe Executive Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Directoror their designee of the North Central States Regional Councilshall appoint the following five (5) Committees:

    strategy shall be to transform the Full Service Regional Councilmto an organization that reflects the entire jurisdictional area itrepresents and allows non-union workers to become members.C. New Member Education Committee: This Committeeshall assist the Apprenticeship Committees and Coordinators tobecome active participants in COMET, OSHA, Steward Train-irg, Carpentry What We Are, and other New Membership Edu-cation programs and will be responsible for the developmentand scheduling of such programs. The Director of Education

    shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee. Apprentice-ship training will be reshaped to develop a curriculum that isneeded for the Regional Council market. The Committee shalldevelop "specialty training programs" specifically for areas be-ing targeted by the Organi zlngCommittee. If needed, this Com-mittee shall be responsible for having all training and organrz-ing materials translated into languages currently not available tonon-English speaking members or applicants.D. Political Action Committee: This Committee shalltormulate a plan that will ensure membership participation inthe political process. The Committee shall develop relation-ships with our political allies that allow more latitude in thecampaigns. The Committee shall also develop "get out the vote

    drives" for the members of the Regional Council. The Commit-tee shall create a program to assist members in registering tovote.

    E. Newsletter/Membership Retention/Community In-volvement Committee: This Committee shall develop a news-letter available for the purpose of keeping the Regional Councilmembership apprised of all pertinent information. The Commit-tee shall endeavor to involve the membership in the newsletter.


    Financial Oversight CommitteeOrganiztng CommitteeNew Member/Education CommitteePolitical CommitteeNewsletter/Memb ership Retention/ CommunityInvolvement Committee

    Committee Goals and Responsibilities:A. Financial Oversight Committee: This Committee shalldevelop the Full-Service Regional Council's budgets in orderto ensure long-term solvency. The Committee shall formulatea budget that will allow a commitment of fifty percent (50%) ormore of the Regional Council revenue to be used for organtzing.The Committee shall also assist the Executive Secretary-Trea-surer in explaining the budget to the delegates and the member-ship. Members of this Committee will be comprised from eachof the Local Unions in the Regional Council, which will assureaccountability and fairness to all Local Unions.

    B. Organizing Committee: This Committee shall be re-sponsible for assisting the development of an organuzing strat-egy aimed at retaining and recapturing all segments of the UBCindustry. The Committee shall formalrze and coordinate a stra-tegic plan with the Director of Organrzrng and the ExecutiveSecretary-Treasurer prioritrzing organizing objectives of theLocal Unions in the Full-Service Regional Council's economicand geographic construction market. The overall CommitteePage 26 Page 27



    All other Committees shall share information with the News-letter Committee for dissemination to the mernbership. TheCommittee will implement Local Union and Regional Councilcommunity involvement projects or programs. The Committeewill also implement the Regional Council Membership Reten-tion Program in all Local Unions of the Regional Council.

    Committee Makeup:1. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Direc-tor or their designees of the Regional Council shall instruct eachof the five (5) Committees to share information with each otherin order to promote a cohesive unit free from restrictive bar-riers that limit our success. Each of the Committees will seekrank-and-file participation striving to organize new membersand signatory contractors.

    2. Each Committee shall be comprised of members fromeach of the Local Unions in the Regional Council. Each LocalUnion Delegate from their Local Union shall have the responsi-bility of serving on at least one ( 1) of the Committees. Any Del-egate refusing to serve on his or her assigned Committee shallbe removed as a Delegate to the Regional Council and a replace-ment shall be appointed by the Executive Secretary-Treasurerand the Executive Director of the Regional Council until such.time as an election can be held.

    3. Each Committee Chairperson shall be a full-time Rep-resentative and the remainder of the Committee shall be themembership. All other full-time Representatives shall be al-lowed a voice but not a vote on any Committee they are notappointed to serve on. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shallbe a member of each of the Cornmittees by virtue of his or heroffice.Page 28

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