northshire 1-11-13

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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Money SavingFood Values



Manchester Lions Help the Interfaith Council


As part of Long Trail School’s Community Classroom series, Sherrie’s Café will be transformed into a Turkish salon at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 16, as LTS English Chair Kim Rizio presents a fascinat-ing slide show about her sum-mer travels to Turkey.

Sponsored by the World Affairs Councils of American and the Turkish Cultural Foundation, Rizio traveled 2,000 miles throughout the country

in a study tour that included lectures on Turkish history, briefings on foreign policy and visits to excavations and schools.

“I am very eager to share my impressions of the Turkish peo-ple with our community,” Rizio commented. “I learned so much on this trip…the tour changed my perception of Turkey.” Her slideshow will include a com-mentary about her travels. The year 2012 was the first year that

Vermont teachers were included in this opportunity.

While listening to the details of Rizio’s trip, guests can sample Turkish desserts and coffee. The event is free and open to the pub-lic, but those who wish can par-take of a Turkish dinner buffet at 5:30 p.m. that Sherrie’s is offering for a fixed price.

For reservations or more information, call Courtney Callo at 802-867-5717 ext. 141 or email

Turkish Salon at Sherrie’s Café


Hunter Park, the home of Riley Rink, recently announced a $500,000 capital campaign to underwrite the construction of three professional-grade athlet-ic fields. The fields will be built on seven acres of land to the northwest of its existing ice facility.

“Our objective is to create a premier venue for athletic tour-naments, with teams competing throughout New England,” according to Bill Hadden, President of the Hunter Park board. “Local tournaments bring in hundreds of partici-pants and spectators from all over the region and these peo-ple in-turn patronize local res-taurants, inns and stores. Athletic tournaments provide a tremendous boost to the local economy.”

The new fields at Hunter Park will be made available to the community’s youth and adult sports organizations, sup-

porting athletes of all ages. “By having the ability to team up with other facilities, like the Manchester Recreational Center, Hunter Park will improve opportunities for local athletes by expanding and ele-vating the range of athletic competition,” said Chris Ams, president of Hunter Park. “And the revenues from the new fields, along with our existing events field, will offset a portion of the operating costs of run-ning Riley Rink.”

Hunter Park has already received several generous dona-tions, including a gift from Derry and Judy Taylor of Dorset. “Judy and I have sup-ported youth athletics all our lives,” said Derry Taylor. “This was a great opportunity for us to continue our support.” Construction of the fields will begin when the campaign goals are met.

Hunter Park Announces $500K Capital Campaign

A reception for a new exhibit “Here & There” featuring the work of Dorset artist Katherine Buchmayr will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 17 at Equinox Village. The evening, which is co-hosted by Equinox Village and the Greater Manchester Arts Council, will feature art, live music, and hors d’oeuvres. It is free and open to the public.

Buchmayr is well-known for her Dorset landscapes, and

enjoys painting both farm ani-mals and pets. She captures the serenity of the Green Mountains in her joyful paintings. Her solo exhibitions include Southern Vermont Arts Center, Dorset Library, and the Stratton Arts Festival, among others.

The exhibit at Equinox Village will remain on display from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through Feb. 18. To attend the Jan. 17 opening, please RSVP to Ashley at 802-362-4061.

Dorset Artist at Equinox Village














The Peru Congregational Church announces that it is the grateful recipient of a 2012 com-munity grant from the Thrifty Attic of Londonderry. The funds will be used to repair the church’s historic steeple.

Church representatives thank the corps of volunteers who donate their time and tal-

ents to make the work of the Thrifty Attic possible. Their mission eases the burden on our budgets and our planet by promoting recycling, reusing, and reducing. The Attic is locat-ed on Route 100 in Londonderry and is open on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

Peru Congregational Church Receives Grant

There's a reason that Sirius/XM Satellite radio plays East Dorset resident Rabbi Bob Alper's comedy bits several times daily, often sandwiched between Bob Newhart and Bill Cosby: Bob's unique back-ground. He's an ordained rabbi who served congregations for 14 years and holds a doctorate from Princeton Theological Seminary, which prepared him well for a 26-year comedy career with unique material, present-ed in a way that's intelligent, sophisticated, and 100 percent clean.

It will be 90 minutes of non-stop laughter at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 20, when Rabbi Bob Alper, “the world's only practicing clergyman doing stand-up comedy…intentional-ly,” heads up Route 7 to do a program at the Rutland Jewish Center at 96 Grove Street that is open to the entire community. (People brand Bob's shows as “Gentile friendly.”)

Just last month, Bob took the

Main Stage at the world-famous Comedy Store in Los Angeles, following earlier appearances at Hollywood's Improv, the Montreal Comedy Festival and Muslimfest 2009 (this is not a joke), as well as on Good Morning America, The Today Show, Showtime, the BBC, and CNN.

Bob began his comedy career in 1986 when he entered the "Jewish Comic of the Year Contest” at the Going Bananas club in Philadelphia. Today, he performs nearly 80 shows a year, frequently in an extraordi-nary pairing with Muslim comedian Azhar Usman.

The author of two books – “Life Doesn't Get Any Better Than This” and “A Rabbi Confesses,” he has also pro-duced two best-selling comedy CDs, and a 102-minute DVD, “What are you…a comedian?”

Tickets for the show are $18 in advance and $22 at the door, including refreshments. For information, call 802-773-3455.

Rabbi/ Comic To Perform at Rutland Jewish Center, Sunday January 20

Abigail Marmer, a freshman from Dorset, and Danielle Marmer, a senior from Dorset, both were named to the Honor Roll at the Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Ct.

Loomis Chaffee is an inter-nationally recognized college

preparatory school for grades 9-12 that fosters critical think-ing and a global perspective in talented students from around the world. The school’s 650 stu-dents represent 31 countries and 30 U.S. states.

Local Students Earn Loomis Chaffee School Honors

The Rupert Kittay Library will offer a needle felting work-shop from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 20.

Local fabric artist Ruth Kinne will demonstrate needle felting techniques and will assist those attending the work-shop in constructing a 3-D owl or rabbit with wool.

A $10 materials fee will be charged. In case of inclement weather, the workshop will be held on Jan. 27. Check the library website, for cancellations.

To pre-register or for more information, call the library at 394-2444.

Needle Felting Workshop

Greater Northshire Access Television (GNAT-TV), the area’s public, education and government access media cen-ter, will hold its annual meeting at the GNAT-TV studio at 6378 Route 7A in Sunderland at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 15.

The meeting is open to the public and will be followed by

light refreshments. GNAT-TV’s mission is to provide and encourage public access to state-of-the-art media technolo-gy, equipment and training, and to provide local information for the regional community. For more information, call 802-362-7070 or email

GNAT-TV Annual Meeting, January 15

Eighth grade students participating in the 2013 Lincoln Essay Competition are reminded that essays and application forms must arrive by mail or be deliv-ered by hand at Hildene on or before President Lincoln’s Birthday, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013 by 4:30 p.m. Emailed submissions and late entries cannot be accepted.

The competition is open to all eighth grade students who live in Vermont and attend public, private or home schools in the state.

All winners will be noti-fied by the end of March. A celebratory luncheon will be hosted by Hildene at the Lincoln family estate on Sunday, May 19, 2013. The first, second and third place winners will read their essays and receive their awards. Winners will be awarded the following priz-es: First Place, $1,000; Second Place, $750; Third Place, $500; and up to ten Honorable Mentions of $200 each.

Lincoln Essay Competition entry packets are still available by down-load at To receive a packet by mail, call Stephanie at 802-367-7960 or email

Hildene Essay Competition

Bennington Area Habitat invites all interested people to join them for their annual Potluck Dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 12 at the Federated Church on Ice Pond Road in East Arlington.

Mingle with Habitat support-ers and workers, sharing good food, great company and con-versation. The Noble Levesque Award honoring a volunteer for distinguished service to Habitat

will be presented. Accomplishments of 2012 will be celebrated, and plans for 2013 will be discussed.

This is a great opportunity to become familiar with the work that Habitat does. Please bring a main or side dish for eight people. Beverages and dessert will be provided. RSVP appreci-ated to Allison at 802-367-1000 or

Habitat Potluck Dinner, January 12

Two local residents have earned honors at Hudson Valley Community College in Troy, NY.

Madelyn Holland of Arlington, a student in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography academic program, was named to the school’s President’s List.

The distinction requires a GPA of 3.5 to 4.0.

Taylor Anderson of Shaftsbury, a student in the Engineering Science program, was named to the college’s Dean’s List for students earning a GPA of 3.0 to 3.5.

Local Students Earn Honors

Award-winning biographer Eve LaPlante will present “Marmee and Louisa: The Untold Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Mother” at 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 11.

Louisa May Alcott was one of the most successful and best-selling authors of her day, earn-ing more than any of her male contemporaries. Her classic “Little Women” has been a

mainstay of American litera-ture for almost 150 years. Biographers have consistently attributed her uncommon suc-cess to her father, Bronson Alcott.

But in this riveting new biog-raphy, LaPlante explodes these myths, drawing from a trove of surprising new documents to show that it was Louisa’s actual “Marmee,” Abigail May Alcott,

who formed the intellectual and emotional center of her world. She pushed Louise to excel at writing and to chase her uncon-ventional dreams in a male-dominated world.

Eve LaPlante is a great-niece and a first cousin of Abigail and Louisa May Alcott. For more information, contact the bookstore at 820-362-2200 or visit

Author Eve LaPlante at Northshire



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MANCHESTER Registrations are being accepted for a new bridge course, “The ABCs of Conventions,” to be led by Elizabeth von Riesenfelder from 2 to 4 p.m. on four Thursdays beginning Jan. 24 at Equinox Village in Manchester Center. Cost: $75. Information/reg-istration: Veronica VanDerMark at 802-768-8525, or

MANCHESTER The Maple Street School in Manchester is accepting registrations for the Fourth Annual Southern Vermont Educators Symposium that will be held at the Maple Street School on Friday, March 15. Cost: $75, including continental breakfast and lunch. Information/registration: Joy Stewart at 802-362-7137, or email

SALEM The Salem Courthouse Community Center will offer the following activities: Free Lego Night for children from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Fridays, Jan. 11, Feb. 8 and March 8; Basic Computer Skills for the Computer Intimidated on Mondays, Jan. 14 through Feb. 2 (no class Jan. 27); Sit, Knit and Crochet for all ages/abilities/begin-ners 10 a.m. to noon Tuesdays Jan. 15 through March 19; Homesteading for Children 10 to 11 a.m. Saturdays, Jan. 19 through March 23; and Zentangle for ages 8 to 99 from 6 to 8 p.m. Mondays, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, and March 18. Information/registration:, or visit the Center.

MANCHESTER Biographer Eva LaPlante will discuss her dual biography, “Marmee and Louisa: The Untold Story,” at 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 11, at the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester. This book is about author Louisa May Alcott and her mother. Information: 802-362-2200, or

SALEM The youth of Salem, sup-ported by the Salem Area Youth Assn. and others, will host “Salem Winterfest: Salem’s Youth Spreading Warmth this Winter” on Saturday, Jan. 12. This event will begin with a pancake/French toast breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Salem United Methodist Church on W. Broadway. Cost: $5 adults; $2 age 10 and younger. And at 10 a.m., participants will go to Salem Art Works at 19 Cary Lane for free ice skating, sledding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing (bring your own equipment; some skates and children’s snowshoes will be available to borrow), music and a bonfire. Donations to benefit the Salem/Shushan Fuel Fund will be welcome. Vendors will sell food and beverages. Information: 854-7674.

ARLINGTON A Texas Hold’em will be held at noon on Saturday, Jan. 12, at American Legion Post 69 in Arlington. Information: 802-375-6157.

EAST ARLINGTON Bennington Area Habitat invites everyone to its annual Potluck Dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 12, at the Federated Church of East Arlington on Ice Pond Road. Bring a main or side dish for eight people (bever-ages and dessert will be provided) and learn about the work Habitat

does. Reservations are requested with Allison at 802-367-1000, or email

ARLINGTON A Seniors Breakfast will be served from 8 to 10 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 13, at American Legion Post 69 in Arlington. Cost: Donation for seniors; $4 non-seniors. Information: 802-375-6157.

SALEM The Job Networking Ministry of the Salem United Methodist Church will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan 14 at the church. Free dinner will be provid-ed, along with information on jobs of every description. Open to the public.

WEST PAWLET Reservations are requested by Tuesday, Jan. 15, for the Haystack Hustler Seniors group lunch at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 22, at the Mettawee Community School on Route 153 in West Pawlet. Cost: $3.50 sug-gested. Reservations: Phyllis at 325-3196. The students will pres-ent a program, there’ll be a 50/50 raffle, and items will be collected for the Pawlet Food Shelf.

ARLINGTON Bingo will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 15, at American Legion Post 69 in Arlington. Doors will open at 6 p.m., food will be available for purchase, and bingo will begin at 7 p.m. Information: 802-375-6157.

DORSET A free Winter Community Supper will be served from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at The Dorset Church, off Route 30 at 143 Church Street. Takeouts will be available and everyone will be welcome. Additional free suppers will be served on Feb. 28 and March 20.

SALEM The Salem Astronomy Club will meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the Historic Salem Courthouse. Information: Courthouse at 854-7053, or email

MANCHESTER An evening of art, live music and hors d’oeuvres will be offered at a reception for an exhibition titled, “Here and There,” by Dorset artist Katherine Buchmayr, at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 17, at Equinox Village, 49 Maple Street in Manchester. Free and open to all. This exhibition will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through Feb. 18. Reception reservations are requested with Ashley at 802-362-4061.

ARLINGTON Steak Night will be held at 6 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 18, at American Legion Post 69 in Arlington. Cost: $12, with proceeds benefiting the Post’s Children and Youth Program. Information: 802-375-6157.

CAMBRIDGE Hubbard Hall Projects will present “The Drawer Boy,” a story about the healing power of art and the true bonds of friendship, at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 18 and 19, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 20. You’ll find this play in the Freight Depot Theater at Hubbard Hall, 25 E. Main Street in Cambridge. Information/tickets: 518-677-2495, or

MANCHESTER A Grand Winter Celebration for grandparents and grandchildren (great grandparents and great grandchildren, too) will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 19, at Equinox Village, 49 Maple Street in Manchester. Featured will be a hot cocoa bar, a snowman craft, games and stories. Free and open to all. Reservations are requested with Ashley at 802-362-4061.

CAMBRIDGE The Cambridge Food Pantry, on the first floor of the handicap-accessible Embury United Methodist Church, 41 E. Main Street in Cambridge, will be open from 10 a.m. to noon each Saturday, and 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays, with few exceptions.

HEBRON A Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 19, at the old West Hebron Firehouse on Route 30 in Hebron. Takeouts will be available. Cost: $8 adults; $5 age 9 and younger. Proceeds will benefit Van Fronhofer, Sr. Tickets are available at Salem Hardware, Fred’s Sub Shop, Salem NAPA, A&J Agway, and from Eva Woodell at 518-791-2390 or 518-854-3726, or from Steven Saunders at 518-321-9430. To donate an item(s) for the auction, email Maura Rapp at

MANCHESTER The Saturday Series will present “I Am Slave” at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 19, at the Riley Center for the Arts at Burr and Burton Academy in Manchester. This high-definition broadcast is inspired by real-life events concerning the “shocking existence of the slave trade in London” and a young woman’s struggles to regain her freedom. Tickets: Information: Burr and Burton at 802-549-8118, or Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning at 802-366-1820.

CAMBRIDGE American Legion Post 634 at 2106 Route 22 in Cambridge will host Monday Bingo at 7 p.m. on Jan. 21. This bingo is held each Monday, with few excep-tions. Information: 518-677-8069.

WEST PAWLET The Haystack Hustler Seniors group will meet for lunch at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 22, at the Mettawee Community School on Route 153 in West Pawlet. Cost: $3.50 suggested. Reservations are requested with Phyllis at 325-3196. The students will present a program, there’ll be a 50/50 raffle, and items will be collected for the Pawlet Food Pantry.

Out & AboutBy Jim Carrigan

FRI 1/11

SAT 1/12

SUN 1/13

MON 1/14

TUE 1/15

WED 1/16

THU 1/17

FRI 1/18

SAT 1/19

MON 1/21

TUE 1/22


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(KPFU�WPFGT�����(2) HUGE BAGS boys clths, sizes 4,5, & 6T. Great cond, all seasons, w/ snowsuits, $45. 802-362-4561

(2) STUDDED SNOW tires, 165X13, $30 OBO. 802-417- 1436 Ken

15 FILM ACTION pack and 8 f i lm Jackie Chan DVD sets, both $15. 518-499- 5059

1979 & 1999 SUSAN B AN- THONY set, uncirculated, $10. 518-681-9033

1999 SILVER AMERICAN EAGLE uncirculated condi- tion 99.93% silver, $50. 518- 681-9033

27” SANYO TV $50 OBO. 518-538-3718

350 KENDALL ADULT XL incontinent briefs, 850 En- trust underpads. New, $50 OBO. 518-692-2725

440 VCR TAPES most ly Disney movies, $99. 518- 642-2391

5 DVDS comedy, horror, dra- ma. Stock up for winter, $10. 518-681-9033

7 NEW AEROPOSTALE tank tops, thin straps, large, built-in-bra. Lace, $40. 518- 812-5471

750LB ENGINE STAND good condition, steel cast- ers, $75. 518-282-9655

AB LOUNGE PLUS good condition, $50. 518-796-7897

AB LOUNGER like new, w/ manual, $35. 518-692-1786

ACER ASPIRE ONE net- book, excellent condition, $99. 802-645-1950

ADIRONDACK PACK BAS- KET 20” high, very good cond, $40. 802-645-9130

AEROCYCLE EXERCISE BIKE very good condition, $50. 518-793-3279

AG R I - FA B b r o a d c a s t spreader, good condition, $25. 518-796-7897

AIR JORDANS BRAND new Men’s size 8.5. Grey, $50 OBO. 518-681-2634

ALUMINUM TOOL BOX for truck, UWS brand, gull style. Fits compact trucks, $75. 518-695-5147

ANTIQUE CHINA CLOCK cream color w/ floral design, gold trim, sessions brand, $45. 518-642-3779

ANTIQUE LAMPS w/ hand-painted glass globes, set of 4 matching, $50. 518-642- 3779

A P A R T M E N T S I Z E FRIDGE 19”w, 34” t, 21”d, $60. 518-368-6128

A U T O B O DY M A G N A STUD s tud gun w/ s l ide hammer, $99. 518-642-3077

BOX OF VINTAGE Polaroid, 8mm cameras, Bell & Howell projector plus misc, $75. 518-632-9150

B OY S C R I B B E D D I N G spor ts and bears theme. Great cond, hardly used, mo- bile incl, $50. 518-812-5471

BRAND NEW SET of 36 mini fluted non-stick steel cake or appetizer pans, $20. 518-499-5059

BRAND NEW BLACK walk- er w/ seat & 2 hand brakes, mint condition, $40. 518-642- 2391

C A RPET TOOLS ROB- ERTS cpt. box w/ kicker, stair tool, toe nailer, etc. $60. 518-742-9460

CELESTRON TELESCOPE 76mm Newtonian 700mm FL. Great condition, $75. 518-632-9150

CHERRY FINISH GLIDER w/ foot stool. Perfect for new mom or grandparents. Great condition, $50. 518-854-7609

CHILDS ROCKER hear t cutout on back. Never used, great for Valentines day, $40. 518-677-3694

CHROME SPEED POURER for your man-cave or bar, $30. 518-692-1786

CLOSET DOORS FOR 4’ opening, 6 panel, hollow pine sliders. Hardware included, $25. 518-695-5147

CLUB CHAIR upholstered w/ wood arms & legs, $25. 518-677-3396

COMMODE HEAVY DUTY 500lbs capacity, never used, $60. 518-205-5025

COMPOUND BOW HARD- CASE camo-colored, holds arrows & bow, $35. 802-325- 2151

COUCH CONVERTIBLE good shape, black, hard fab- ric, $75 firm. 518-796-6863 from 6-9pm.

COYOTE PELT TANNED 44” long, nice wall decora- tion, $50. 802-645-9130

DOG CRATE for medium size dog. Great condition. Folds up flat for easy stor- age, $45. 518-692-8122

EIGHT 12 OZ (12) shot glasses and three corning glass bowls w/ l ids, $25. 518-499-5059

EPSON WORKFORCE 315 INKJET all-in-one printer. Great condition, $40. 518- 499-9058

EVERLAST HEAVY BAG, speed bag and gloves. Exc condition, $75. 518-632-9150

EVERLAST STAND FOR punching bag & speed bag, $75. 518-632-9150

EXERCISE EP560 INVER- SION table. Brand new, $99. 518-695-5228

FIFTH WHEEL PLATE fits 2 5/16” ball. New, $80. 518- 499-9058 Barry.

FISHER PRICE digital cam- era, like new. Pink/ green w/ flowers. Memory stick in- cluded, $25. 518-692-8122

FOLDABLE MUSIC STAND black, never used, stil l in box, $10. 518-692-8122

F O U R W H E E L E R T I R E CHAINS 25”, $50. 518-499-9058 Barry.

GPX DVD PLAYER in good working condition. Includes A/V cords, no remote, $10. 802-265-2206

HIDDEN HITCH FOR 2008- 2012 Jeep Liberty. Class 3 trailer hitch, $75. 518-632- 5289 Hartford, Ray

HONDA 50 SCOOTER carb, work needed, exce l len t shape, $99 OBO. 802-417- 1436 Ken

HP OFFICE JET color fax, copy, scan, pr int , w/ ink works great, $15. 802-645- 1950

H P S C A N J E T 5 4 0 0 C C scanner, great condition, $25. 518-328-6833

KIDS LUCKY BUMS camo tent and 2 chairs. Check pic- ture on Amazon, $75. 518- 695-3959

KOHLER SINK & TOILET rose color, $75. 518-692- 1786

KOOLCRAFT II UNIVER- SAL s t ro l le r. Ho lds any make of infant car seat, $25. 802-671-8037

L A C R O S S H U N T I N G BOOTS rubber btms, lthr tops. Insul for -20 dgres. Wrn 2X, sz 9, $40. 802-645-9130

L A R G E B A G G I R L S clothes, size 8,9& 10. Great condition, $30. 802-362-4561

LIONEL TRAIN “O” gauge operating culvert loader No. 342. From 1950’s, in box, $75. 802-273-3674

LOADER TIRE 17 .5x25 tubeless 50% tread, $99. 802-558-1797

LT 265/75R16 (5) mounted on Ford rims 8 hole, $65. 802-558-1797

MAGNET CONSTRUCTION magnet on wheels, picks up small metal debris, $40. 518- 205-5025

MARSHALL GUITAR AMP 15 watt, 2 channel, $50. 518- 642-3077

MICROWAVE OVEN 600 watt, .6cu ft. Works great, 18wX12hX12”d, $30. 518- 282-9655

NEW COMPLETE BOOK- SET “Left Behind” by T. Lat- taye, $30. 518-793-3279

NEW NOOK SIMPLE touch E-reader in original box, nev- er used, $60. 802-645-1950

OA K D I N I N G TA B L E 2 chairs, 1 leaf, $45. 518-642- 3779

OLD SLED in good condi- tion, $30. 518-686-5986

PAINT STRIPPER Milwau- kee, 2 heat settings, $5. 518- 742-9460

PAIR WALNUT FRAMED pictures “Gary”, “Gretchen”, by J. Ingwersen 24” X 21” large, $40. 518-642-3779

PERFECT-A-LITE 12X30 aquarium, full hood, fits 20- 29 gallon tanks. Good cond, $10. 518-796-7897

PINK BABY SEAT w/ at- tached toys, $20. 518-642- 2391

P L A S T I C V I L L E “ O ” GAUGE train building. From 1960’s, in original box, $5. 802-273-3674

PLAYSTATION 2 GAMES 2 wrestling, 1 ufc, $30. 518- 681-9033

POLARIS SNOWMOBILE PANTS new, men’s large, paid $249 new, sell $75 firm. 802-325-2151

P R E C I S I O N G A R D E N SEEDER excellent shape, $50 OBO. 802-417-1436 Ken

PROM/BRIDESMAID DRESS MoriLee, grape sat- in. Knee-length, med, worn once. $99. 518-692-2725

QUANTZ 1920’S BREW- ERY beer serving tray from Troy, NY, $99. 518-205-5025

QUEEN SIZE ANYWHERE bed w/ pump, $20. 802-537- 3175

RADIATOR AND BUMPER winter front cover for Dura- max diesel, $50. 518-686- 5986

ROWING MACHINE excel- lent condition, $40. 518-793- 3279

R U S T I C S N O W S H O E WALL lamp, handcrafted, very nice wall decoration for den,$ 75. 802-645-9130

SCHWINN 21 SPEED alu- minum frame, front shock hy- brid mtn bike, exc cond. Prof tuned, $99. 518-642-3077

SET OF (6) Hardcover Louis Lamour. Jackets & books in very good condition, $30. 518-499-5059

SKI DOO SNOWMOBILE jacket, used, yellow/black. Made by Choko, VG men’s XL, $75 firm. 802-325-2151

SMALL COMPUTER/TV stands, (2) approx, 24”W, black & wood tone, $15. 518- 677-3396

S N OW T I R E S 4 P 2 7 5 /65R18, 40% left, $70. 518- 683-0990

SNOW TIRES (2) Coopers 205/60R16, 75% left, $80. 518-683-0990

STUDDED SNOW TIRES (4), Federal Himalaya SUV P235/55R18. Priced quick sale, $99. 518-499-0638

TECHNICA TCX SKI boots, size 8.5, $45. 518-692-1786

TRUCK TIRE 825X20, in- cluding tube & flap, $75. 802- 558-1797

TWO ALUMINUM FRAME back packs one good condi- tion, on needs repairs, $30. 518-328-6833

TWO PRIVACY SCREENS great shape, $30. 518-328- 6833

UPHOLSTERED WOODEN ARM chair, arms & legs wood. Upholstered seat & back, $25. 518-677-3396

VACUUM CANISTER good s u c t i o n . S t a r t s w h e n plugged-in, needs on/off switch, $20. 518-796-6863

VACUUM DUST FREE all dirt goes into water. For peo- ple w/ allergies, $99. 518- 642-2391

VACUUM UPRIGHT BAG- LESS Hoover, good shape, $25. 518-796-6863 from 6- 9pm.

VINTAGE 19 ACCORDION plays but needs repair, $80. 518-677-3694

V I N TAG E R AC A R D E - CANTER empty honing, Andy Granatelli, $80. 518- 677-3694

WALKER 500LBS, HEAVY DUTY, $60. 518-205-5025

WASHER FRIGIDAIRE gal- lery and Kenmore dryer, $70. 518-368-6128

WEATHER RADIO Radio Shack, bat ter y back up, NOAA channels. Advisory warnings, $10. 518-742-9460

WINDOW A/C UNIT 8,000 BTU, $20. 518-368-6128

W I R E L E S S W E AT H E R STATION remote sensor, inst. manual. Must sell, sac- rifice, $15. 518-742-9460

WOOD COFFEE TABLE L-48”, W-22”, H 16”, good con- dition, $10. 518-796-7897

WOODEN DESK 35” deep X 48” wide. Knee hole style, no drawers (2), $65. 518-677- 3396

WOODEN SHIP MODEL Ben jamin La tham 33”L , 28”H, 5 1/2”W. Scl 1/4”= 1ft, hull strtd, $75. 518-753-6308

Classified Ad Rates: $13 • 20 Words • 3 Weeks!PRIVATE PARTIES ONLY • ADDITIONAL WORDS 25¢ EACH

Here is the item I want to sell:___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________


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A L T H O U G H M A N - CHESTER NEWSPA- PERS tries earnestly to check all Classified Ad- vertising submitted for le- gitimacy and accuracy, we cannot be responsible for ads that may be mis- leading.

DIVORCE $350* Covers child support, custody, and visitation, property, debts, name change... Only one S i g n a t u r e R e q u i r e d ! *Excludes govt. fees! 1-800- 522-6000 Extn. 800, BAY- LOR & ASSOCIATES

PELVIC/TRANSVAGINAL MESH? Did you undergo transvaginal placement of mesh for pelvic organ pro- lapse or stress urinary in- continence between 2005 and present t ime? If the patch required removal due to complications, you may be entitles to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members 1- 800-535-5727

#TVKENGU�(QT�5CNG355 BOOKS OF FLY FISH- ING & Fly Tying, retail value of over $7,700. Selling for $4,500 firm. Includes 31 free books with purchase. Most books new with some 1st editions. Call 518-642-1336 o r e m a i l

8’ PLOW MINUTE MOUNT 2 w/mounting brackets, iso- lation box, wires and fish stick controller, $1800. 518- 681-2610

ANTIFREEZE/ COOLANT 3 gallons/ $10. Have 12 gal- lons available. 518-753-0056

COAL FOR SALE Anthra- cite. Rice, Pea, Nut, Stove and Smithing. 518-424-5663 or cell 518-642-9819

CROSMAN AIR PISTOL CO2, 6 or 10-shot, 0.177 cal- iber. 357 Style, $20. 518- 753-0056

GARAGE DOOR OPENER Stanley, 1/2HP, steel chain- dr ive, solid-state control, new in box, $50. 518-753- 0056

J AC K S H E AV Y L OA D shor ty 1’6”, 2-3’1”, screw thread. Porches/foundations/ campers/mobile homes, $7 each or 5 for $30. 518-753- 0056

MAGNUM PELLET/CORN stove 1/2 ton pellets and all piping, $1,000 firm. 802-265- 8164

OIL BURNER Beckett, Mod- el AFG, F12 firing head, Pro- tectorelay, new still in box, $75. 518-753-0056

PIPE INSULATION, RIGID FOAM various sizes, $1 - $2.50 per package, 20 pkgs available. 518-753-0056

SNOW BLOWER 5HP, 24”, electric start, complete rehab incl bearings, belts & friction drive. $275. 802-645-9752

S O L I D O A K Q U E E N HEADBOARD Inlaid diago- nal pattern, beautiful, very heavy, large, about 3’ from top of mattress to top, $200/ obo. 802-375-2388

'FWECVKQPAVIATION MAINTENANCE TRAINING Financial Aid if qualified. Job Placement As- sistance. Call National Avia- tion Academy Today! FAA A p p r o v e d . C L A S S E S STARTING SOON! 1-800- 292-3228 or NAA.ed

(TGGFREE GARAGE OVER- HEAD door, 10’w, old, good condition. Greenwich, NY 518-692-2725

)WPU���#OOQVERMONT GUN & KNIFE S H O W J a n . 1 9 - 2 0 S.Bur l ington Holiday Inn 802-875-4540

/KUEGNNCPGQWUATTEND COLLEGE ON- LINE from home. “Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer avail- able. Financial Aid if quali- fied. SCHEV authorized 877- 203-1086

T-SHIRTS Custom Printed. $5.50 heavyweight. “Gildan” Min. order of 36 pcs. HATS - Embroidered $6.00. Free catalog. 1-800-242-2374. Berg Sportswear. 40.


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLARINET/FLUTE/ VIO- LIN/TRUMPET/ Trombone/Amplifier/ Fender Guitar, $69 each. Cello/Upright Bass/ Saxophone/ French Horn/ Drums, $185 ea. Tuba/Bari- tone Horn/Hammond Organ, Others 4 sale. 1-516-377- 7907

9CPVGF�6Q�$W[CASH PAID for locust trees/ wood lo ts for making of fench posts. 518-692-9906

U.S. & FOREIGN COINS & paper money! No amount too small! Call Richard 518-642- 8156 or 518-683-1954

&QIU�%CVU�2GVUCKC MINI-AUSSIE PUP- PIES black-tr i, 1st shots, family raised, wormed, $650. 518-812-7530.

(CTO�#PKOCNU(5) WHITE BABY PIGS 6 weeks old, $65 each. 518- 692-8038.

*QTUGUSADDLE CACTUS BAR- REL RACING half tooled w/ breast collar, rough out fen- ders, aluminum stirrups, 15” seat, $1500 OBO. 518-260- 0692

SADDLE YOUTH ROPING Ropro upfront tooled rough out fenders. 13” seat, Alumi- num crooked stirrups, $1500 OBO. 518-260-0692






DOUBLE WIDE 3 bdrm, 2 ba w/eat in ktchn. Lrg lvng area &lndry room. Front porch &lrg deck on side & back. Detached 1 car gar- age, $45,000. 518-339-1486

SHASTA TRAVEL TRAIL- ER (2) axel, great camp/stor- age, 32X12’ office trailer, $1000 OBO. Whitehall, NY. 802-558-1797.



Take a TourWeds 12:30pm!

Off Bay St, Queensbury!518-832-1701.

G R A N V I L L E V I L L AG E 1bdrm incl heat, hot water, and trash removal, $475/mth plus security. 518-642-2820

GRANVILLE Lg 2 bdrm, W/D, refrigerator, stove, plow- ing & garbage removal, ex- terior decks, $575/mo se- curity & ref. 518-744-9652

GRANVILLE- Mettowee Val- ley Apts - Taking apps 2bdrm $578 rent; utilities average $81. Includes appliances, site laundry, trash removal. No smoking. Pet? Must meet eligibility requirements. For application 518-584-4543. NYS TDD Relay Service 1- 800-421-1220. Handicap Ac- cessible Equal Housing Op- portunity.

POULTNEY VILLAGE Nice 1br in quiet building. $500/ mth includes partial utilities, no smoking. 802-287-9992


3 BDRM, 2 BA on private lot, $850/mo 1st mo, last & security req. 3 Miles West of FH,Vt. Whitehall School Dist. 802-265- 3766 or 518-265-3146.

HEBRON 3bdrm, 1.5 ba, W/D. 2 car garage, $850/mth +util. No pets/smoking, 1st & security. 518-955-5569

HOOSICK FALLS 2bdrm w/nice yard, includes W/D, stove/refrigerator, $600/mth, non-smokers. For appt 518- 686-5547

1HHKEG�5RCEGGRANVILLE office space, shared reception area, heat & utilities included, $500/mo. 518-642-9490


Route 4-AFair Haven, VT802-265-3330


W A R M W E AT H E R I S YEAR ROUND In Aruba. The water is safe, and the dining is fantastic. Walk out to the beach. 3-Bedroom weeks available. Sleeps 8. $ 3 5 0 0 . E m a i l : carolact for more information.











Cambridge Valley Machining, Inc.28 Perry Lane, PO Box 160

Cambridge, New York


OTHER OPEN POSITIONS (e-mail us or see website for details):

CVM is an equal opportunity employer.EEO-D/V/F/M

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, age, genetic

disposition, religion or national origin



Cambridge Valley Machining, Inc. is actively looking for qualified people to join our team. We have the following positions currently open:

PURCHASING AGENT-reference Job1252 when applying

Must be able to perform the following duties: Responsible for the procurement of materials through the development and implementation of procurement plans and the management of supplier relationships. Other areas of responsibility include price negotiation, coordination with production, inventory control, and quality control.

Requirements: Qualified candidates will have experience in an industrial production environment. Highly motivated and able to work in team environment. Must have at least 5 years of experience working in a purchasing department in a manufacturing environment. Lean manufacturing skill sets a plus.














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AIRLINE CAREERS begin here- Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA Ap- proved training. Financial aid if qualified- Housing avail- able. Job placement assis- tance. Call AIM 877-534- 5970

DAIRY FARM HELP need- ed. 518-854-7799

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with Manchester News- papers, reach over 47,000 households per week!

TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR CLEANING must be motivated, meticulous, exp w/ ref, own trans. Drug & Criminal background screen- ing. Call Patty 802-235-1064




Monday-Friday 10AM-8PMSaturday 8AM-6PMSunday 10AM-6PM


#WVQU1999 SATURN SL2 118,000 miles. 5 speed, new break- lines, sunroof, CD player, gd cond. $2,500. 802-671-8037

2000 SAAB 9-3 Convertible, Good cond, new engine, new turbo, new ball joints, $4000. 518-955-8878

2001 BLACK DODGE Da- kota, 100,000 miles, good condition, $3500/obo. 518- 854-3841 or 518-791-8788

2 0 0 1 TOYOTA C A M RY 206,000 miles, runs great, $2300. 802-683-4057

2004 TOYOTA SCION XB 4 door, 110,000 miles, good condition, $7000/obo. 518- 642-3230

2008 AUDI Q4 previous pur- chased maintenance pack- age transferred with car. 43K, still under warranty, ful- ly loaded, sunroof, $16,500/ obo. 802-235-2765

NICE CONDITION! 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Lare- do, A/T, V-6, 120K, Clean! $4900/OBO 518-499-1538

#WVQ�9CPVGFCASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not, Sell your Car or Truck TO- DAY. Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-800-871-0654

$QCVUBOAT MOTOR TRAILER 40HP, runs good, $1200. 802-293-5210

GRUMMAN 15’ split seat, w/ shorelander trailer, 8HP Nis- san, $1800. 802-273-2053

S A I L B OAT 1 9 8 9 M AC - GREGOR 26 sleeps 6, gal- ley head, 6HP outboard. Ex- tra fuel tank, extra sails, trail- er, $2400. 802-265-7960


1981 OLDSMOBILE 98 2 door, 41K miles, many new parts, runs well, $850. 802- 265-3129 after 3pm.

1985 RAM CHARGER 4X4 little surface rust, orig en- gine, brand new tires & rims, Runs great. $5500. 518-747- 4565

1 9 8 8 B U I C K R E AT TA Looks & runs great, new tires, brakes, & tuneup, nev- er run in the winter, asking $2490/obo. 802-273-2647


1985 CLASS A 31’ Conces- sion RV food truck. 75% complete to sell food on the g o . F o r p h o t o s e m a i l bcoutant123@roadrunner.c om, $12,500 OBO. 518-642- 8183

(CTO�'SWKROGPV1948 FORD 8N TRACTOR $1500. 518-677-5292

(QWT�9JGGN�&TKXG1991 JEEP GRANDWAG- G O N E R ( r e s t o r a b l e collectible) last year it was made, $900. 518-854-9228

1993 FORD EXPLORER SPORT 160k, V6, regis- tered. 4 all season ext tires. $700 Firm. 518-547-8350

1998 GMC 1500 ext cab p/u, Alum cap, 135K, $3000. 518- 257-0751

2000 CHEVROLET SILVE- RADO 2500, 8’, ext cab, V8, cruise, 61K, EB, EC, one owner, $8000. 518-677-2467

2000 JEEP WRANGLER 4 cyl standard, 178K, $3500. 518-222-9446.

2000 TOYOTA 4RUNNER limited, immaculate. 71,000 m i , da r k g reen , ask ing $10,500. 518-747-9022

2001 CHEVY TRACKER 4 d r, 5 s p d , 4 c y l , 1 2 7 K , 28MPG, tow alloys, inspect- ed, $2495. 518-686-7076

2001 CHEVY SILVERADO P/U ext cab, 4X4, 5.3 V8, 105k miles, runs exc. $3800. 802-325-2089

2004 DODGE RAM 1500, quad cab, good condition, $4500. 518-854-3530

2008 GMC EXT CAB Crim- son, gorgeous, 56K, tow pkg, excellent condition, one own- er, $21,850. 518-642-9125

/QVQTE[ENGU08 SUZUKI C50 Boulevard, 805cc, 5300 miles, Black/ gray, windshield, saddle bags, very good condition, $4500. Manchester. 802- 366-8188

1990 HD FXRS 1300cc, new tires, $6000. 802-325-3127

2003 MOTOGUZZI CALI- FORNIA EV 1100 with Voy- ager tr ike conversion kit, many extras, $9500/obo. Trades cons. 802-265-3403

2006 HARLEY DAVIDSON Ultra Classic, $12,000. 802- 770-2292


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BRASS • COPPER • ALUMINUM • BATTERIES • STEEL21�6,7(�6&5$3�0(7$/�',60$17/,1*��5(029$/






4GETGCVKQPCNSHORELINE BOAT TRAIL- E R t a n d e m w h l s , h y d brakes, easy loader w/ 4 new tires w/ spare for 21’ boat. $1200. 802-468-5136

TERRY QUANTUM 5TH WHEEL 40’, 4 slide outs, f ireplace, roomy kitchen, king size bed, much more, $38,000. 518-638-6862


2005 KAWASAKI BAYOU Adul t r idden, low mi les, $1500. 518-260-7196

2005 YAMAHA VENTURE snowmobi le , low mi les, 600cc, 2 up. $4500. 802-235- 1068 after 5 pm

2010 FRONTRUNNER 800 S side-by-side U.T.V., w/top, windshield & winch. $7,300. 802-645-1925

CONDOR-250CC 5 speed, yellow. Almost new- Demo. 30 mi les, not a scratch, $1850. 802-438-2910


SNAP ON TOOL BOX ex- cellent condition, stainless steel top, 19 drawers. 43” tall, 29” wide, 30” deep, ask- ing $3500. 802-287-1501


1987 DODGE RAM 1 ton truck, great condition, stan- dard 4spd floor shift, big V8 engine w/63,000 or iginal m i l es . Jus t need room. $5000. OBO 518-638-9000

1990 E350 UHAUL custo- mized box truck. 7.3 diesel auto, new tires and inspec- tion, $2500 802-273-2837

1992 FORD RANGER Me- chanic special , runs, in- spected, roll bar with lights, $2000/obo. 802-235-1391



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