
Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Norly Rodríguez Granobles

English IV

Teacher Liliana Saenz

Fundación Tocológica Autónoma del Pacifico

Norway is located in the northernmost part of Europe, its neighboring countries are

Sweden and Finland and is a very mountainous country. It's in the Fennoscandia

peninsula. Norway is a state that is located next to the North Sea and the Atlantic

Ocean, west of Sweden

Other information

Total Area 323,802 sq km

Land 307,442 km ²

Water 16,360 km ²

coastline 25,148 km

Population: 5,033,675


•Official language Norwegian

•Recognised regional languages Northern Sami, Lule

Sami, Kven Southern Sami

•Government Unitary parliamentar y constitutional


•Monarch Harald V

•Prime Minister Erna Solberg

The capital is Oslo.


…….It also has many cities that are important.


-Kristiansand , a town of over

70,000 inhabitants

-Stavanger , a leading

municipality in this country ,

which has the distinction of

being one of the most

populated cities in Norway ,

and with immense opportunities

to practice rural tourism.

-Norway officially Kingdom of Norway is a

sovereign state of northern Europe, whose form of

government is a parliamentary democratic

monarchy. Its territory is divided into 19 provinces or

fylker. Its capital is Oslo.


Norway is essentially a

mountainous country. It has a

series of plateaus with an

altitude between 600 to 900

meters. The origin of the

mountain range is due to the

Caledonian folding. Norway

has three orographic factors

from north to south : the

Finnmark plateau , the Kjolen

mountains and plateaus and

depressions Southwest

Southeast Norway.

Galdhopiggen Mount ( 2469

m ) is the highest mountain in

Norway and Scandinavia


Due to the orographic configuration , the

rivers are short, with a great deal because of

the large icy surfaces of the mountains in

summer they thaw . lakes occupy about 7600

km2 , amounting to approximately 2% of the

total area . In Norway also dominated by

fjords and troughs


Given that a third of Norway lies in glacial areas and

most are more than 300 meters, it is understood that

the Norwegian weather is very cold. But at the same

time, climatologically favored , since in the western

region is influenced by the Gulf Stream and winds

flowing south and southwest to protect the Arctic

Ocean glacial influence and generate an oceanic


Norway was a country of the top vikings . Norway merged with Sweden between

1320 and 1364 and then between 1397 and 1523, was part of the Kalmar Union,

which integrated all the Nordic kingdoms. The political weakness of Norway who

led after the breakup of the Union as the country next destination of Denmark,

which lasted until 1814 In 1814 , an assembly of Norwegian patriots unilaterally

declared the country's independence and drafted its constitution, although he had

to some amendments to join a new personal union with Sweden to continue to

work closely so far.

It is a traditional food in which the main ingredient is fish or meat they can get from

hunting in your area

His best fish: Smoked salmon, whale meat

High Norwegian cuisine is based on game meat such as moose, reindeer and wild birds.

The strawberries, apples and cherries are popular


Norway's national


Smoked Salmon

sausage typical


geitost, which in

Norwegian means' goat

'and' cheese

Maple Grilled


Tart Norwegian success


has a thriving economy. combining free market activity with strong state intervention

leading to its population lives in a large welfare state, with very low levels of

unemployment, inequality and corruption. controls key areas , oil sector is located

endowed with natural resources, petroleum , hydropower , fish , forests and minerals

and is highly dependent on its oil production

•Currency Norwegian krone

Norway in the international context

has traditionally been a world power in oil export, has a Model-based economy and the

welfare suitably diversified in various fields. Therefore, traditional sectors such as

shipbuilding, metallurgy and mining, with more pointers combine fields from the

technological point of view, such as chemistry and computer science. Not surprisingly,

the GDP has grown by over 100% in the last decade. According to the World Bank, is

the second in the world in per capita income-only surpassed by Luxembourg, the

second highest life expectancy for men-only surpassed by Iceland, the second largest

number of practicing physicians per capita-just behind Belgium, and the fourth largest

country in the world with Internet penetration among their populations. The combination

of all macroeconomic indicators and their score on the Human Development Index,

Norway probably make the nation the world with the best social conditions to live


About 77 % of the population

belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran

Church of Norway , although many

are not practicing members . The

State supports the Church and the

king appoints the clergy. However, it

is guaranteed complete religious

freedom and there are Protestant

and Catholic groups representing 4%

of the population..


Due to the low population density ,

narrow and long coastlines , public

transport is less developed than in many

European countries, especially outside

the cities . there are old water transport

traditions , but the Norwegian Ministry of

Transport and Communications has in

recent years helped to rail , road and air

transport through numerous subsidiaries

in order to develop the country's


Traditions in Norway

The Norwegian national day celebrated on May 17 dedicated Norwegian


Many uses Bunad (traditional costumes) and most participate in the Traditional

Constitution Day in Norway

Norway has a tradition of building in wood. The most interesting

buildings are made of wood , reflecting the strong interest that

this material continues to architects and builders .

typical churchNorwegian homes

. The average Norwegian

consumes 160 liters of

coffee per year , or ten

kilos per person. 80% of

the population drinks

coffee .

.The Norwegians are bilingual , not only

speak several of their Norwegian

dialects , but ALL speak almost perfect


Normally usually do not have lights in

the streets someone (police , guard )

usually operate the traffic correctly

The typical souvenir of

Norway are the Trolls .

So !! Norway!!

In the winter

A spring

In summer


City Hall Oslo


Seven Sisters Waterfall

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