nosodes unique therapy for chronic infections by gabrielle ......gabrielle traub (hom), chc...

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Unique therapy for

chronic infections

By Gabrielle Traub

Gabrielle Traub M.Tech (Hom), CHCBoard certified classical homeopath

San Diego Homeopathy, San Diego, USA

I have no financial relationships with commercial interests to disclose

My presentation does not include discussion of off-label or investigational use.

The Joint American Homeopathic Conference

Challenges with chronic infections

Declining patient compliance


Drug resistance

Treatment cost

Need for



➢Many patients today are looking for natural

therapies that can improve treatment outcome.

➢Nosodes may be a low-risk adjunctive therapy.

➢Nosodes can be used in conjunction with

conventional and naturopathic treatments.

Mika Aoki Glass Sculptures Inspired by Microscopic Life

What are nosodes?

Homeopathic remedies prepared from:

✓ Infected tissues

✓ Infected secretions

✓ Pathogens (bacteria, virus, mycoplasma)

Examples of nosodes

• Psorinum (Scabies)

• Medorrhinum (Gonorrhea)

• Tuberculinum bovinum

• Tuberculinum aviare

• Bacillinum burnett

• Carcinosinum

• DPT (vaccine)

• Influenzinum

• Pertussinum

• Borrelia burgdorferi

• Candida albicans

• Bartonella henselae

• Mycoplasma pneumonia

• Herpes simplex type I

• Herpes simplex type II

• Herpes zoster

• Yersinia entercolitica

• Yersinia pseudotuberulosis

• Streptococcinum

• Staphyloccinum

• Chlamydia trachomatis

• HHV-4 (Epstein Barr)

• HHV-6

Autogenous nosodes

Prepared from the patient’s own secretions::

• saliva

• urine

• blood

• or other discharges


• While Nosodes are made from DISEASED products,

• Sarcodes are made from HEALTHY animal or human products


• Ambra grisea

• Bowel Nosodes

• Cholesterin

• Folliculinum

• Organotherapy, e.g. thyroidinum, cor (heart), lung

Isopathy vs Homeopathy

❖Homeopathy: Law of Similars.

“Like cures like”

❖ Isopathy: we give exactly the

same as what they already have.

Homeopathy Isopathy

Influenza Gelsemium, Aconite,

Eupatorium perfoliatum


Malaria China, Nux vom, Nat muriaticum Malaria nosode

Lyme dx Arsenicum album, Mercurius,

Sepia, Tellerium

Borrelia nosode

“A morbific poison will cure the disease which

produces it, if given in a high potency.”


Organon Footnote 59 to §156

(p. 194, 5th. ed.,

Wesselhoeft trans.)

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann



Temporary relief of symptoms. Relapses common

Removal of some symptoms replaced with others

No long term improvement in overall health


Taint or a stigma left behind from

certain infectious diseases.

• Beneath seemingly unrelated acute illnesses lies a miasm

• Miasms are caused by specific microbes

• Even after the disease is “treated”, the patient continues to weaken

• Passed down from generation to generation

• Removal of the visible disease does not eliminate it.

• Ways to identify the chronic miasm

• Specific anti-miasmatic remedies

Dr. Hahnemann’s work

These infectious diseases affect the primordial cell which create changes in the genetic structure of all developing cells.

Unresolved infections

and chronic diseaseResearchers have found a correlation between

neglected or improperly treated chronic infections

and other chronic diseases, including some

cancers. For example:

• Epstein-Barr Virus and certain lymphomas

• HSV-1 and Alzheimer’s disease

• Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer

• Helicobacter pylori and stomach ulcers, gastritis

and gastric cancer

• Chlamydia trachomatis and pelvic inflammatory

disease and infertility

Dr. Luc MontagnierFrench virologist

• Nobel Prize for discovery of HIV.

• Honored worldwide with many awards:Including the Rosen (1971), Gallien (1985), Korber (1986), and

Jeantet (1986) Prizes, the Lasker Prize in Medicine (1986), the

Gairdner Prize (1987), Sante Prize (1987), Japan Prize (1988),

King Faisal Prize (1993), Amsterdam Foundation Prize (1994),

Warren Alpert Prize (1998), Prince of Asturias Award (2000),

the induction to the National Inventor Hall of Fame (2004).

Montagnier is Commandeur de l’Ordre National du Merite

(1986) and Grand Officier of the Legion of Honour (2009).

• Author or co-author of 350 scientific

publications and of more than 750 patents.

“Electromagnetic signals are produced by

aqueous nanostructures derived from

bacterial DNA sequences.”

Montagnier L, Aissa J, Ferris S, Montagnier J-L, Lavallee C. Electromagnetic signals are

produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences. Interdisciplinary

Sci Comput Life Sci 2009, 1:81–90.

Most pathogenic bacterial and viral DNA in

homeopathic dilutions generate measurable

electromagnetic waves.

Montagnier L, Aissa J, Ferris S, Montagnier J-L, Lavallee C. Electromagnetic signals are

produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences.

Interdisciplinary Sci Comput Life Sci 2009, 1:81–90.

Amedeo Avogadro(1776-1856)



dilutions greater

than 12c/24x are




Dr. Montagnier hypothesized that he could

detect electromagnetic waves even after the

HIV patient has been treated with antiretroviral

drugs and there are no traceable amounts of

HIV in their blood.

2012 Joint Annual

Homeopathic Conference

Transduction of DNA sequences from pathogenic microorganisms through high dilutions of water.

By Dr. Montagnier

Montagnier’s hypotheses:

1. Technology to measure high dilutions

2. Unmeasurable virus/bacterial DNA problematic

3. Work with nosodes

Dr. Edwards Jenner

• 1796: Small pox vaccine

• Organon: Aphorism 46 Hahnemann commends

Jenner on smallpox vaccine

• Cowpox (most homeopathic), now Vaccinia used

Nosodes predecessors to vaccines

Nosode Vaccine

1823: Lux developed isopathy 1885: First vaccine (Rabies)

1833: Hering potentized the saliva of a rabid dog for rabies

1885: Pasteur developed the

rabies vaccine with the saliva

of a rabid dog

1860: Swan uses nosode,

Tuberculinum to treat


1885: Burnett uses nosode,

Bacillinum to treat tuberculosis

1882: Koch identifies M.

tuberculosis as causing TB

1890: Koch introduced

Tuberculin as a “cure” for


1921: BCG vaccine first used

Clinical studies using Nosodes

Homeopathic research and nosodes• Bastide, M., Daurat, V., Doucet-Jeboeuf, M., Pelegrin, A., & Dorfman, P. (1987).

Immunomodulator activity of very low doses of thymulin in mice. International Journal of

Immunotherapy, 3, 191–200.

• Bastide, M., Doucet-Jaboeuf, M., & Daurat, V. (1985). Activity and chronopharmacology of

very low doses of physiological immune inducers. Immunology Today, 6, 234–235.

• Boenninghausen, C. (1887). Prophylaxis. Homoeopathic Physician, 7, 63–64.

• Boxenbaum, H., Neafsey, P. J., & Fournier, D. J. (1988). Hormesis, Gompertz functions, and

risk assessment. Drug Metabolism Reviews, 19, 195–229.

• Bagai U, Walter NS (2014) Antiplasmodial potential of homeopathic drugs Chelidonium and

nosode against Plasmodium berghei infection. J Complement Integr Med. 2014

Sep;11(3):195-201. PMID: 25046315

• Bagai U, Rajan A, Kaur S (2012); Antimalarial potential of Nosode 30 and 200 against

Plasmodium berghei infection in BALB/c mice. J Vector Borne Dis. 2012 Jun;49(2):72-7. 30c

more protective than 200c. PMID: 22898477

• Berchieri A Jr1, Turco WC, Paiva JB, Oliveira GH, Sterzo EV. (2006)

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• Campbell, N. (1909). Reasons for having faith in the nosodes. Medical Advances, 47L, 633–


• Carriere, V., Dorfman, P., & Bastide, M. (1988). Evaluation of various factors influencing the

action of mouse a,ß interferon on the chemiluminescence of mouse peritoneal macrophages.

Annual Review of Chronopharmacology, 5, 9–12.

• Castro, D., & Nogueira, G. (1975). Use of the nosode meningococcinum as a

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• Chavanon, P. (1932). La diphterie. Niort, France: Imprimerrie St.-Denis.

• Danninger T, Gallenberger K, Kraeling J. Immunologic changes in healthy probands

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pilot study. Brit hom J 2000; 89: 106-115. Peer reviewed: Yes PMID: 10939765

• Danninger T, Gallenberger K, Kraeling J. Considerations relating to the epidemiology

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• Daurat, V., Dorfman, P., & Bastide, M. (1988). Immunomodulatory activity of low

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• Davenas, E., Beauvais, J., Oberbaum, M., Robinzon, B., Miadonna, A., Tedeschi, A.,

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(1988). Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE.

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• Davis, J. J. (1904). Some experience in the prophylaxis of variola. Medical Advances,

42, 225–227.

• Day, C. E. I. (1987). Isopathic prevention of kennel cough. Internation- al Journal of

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• English, J. M. (1987). Pertussin 30—Preventive for whooping cough? British Homoeopathic

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• Ferley, J. P. D., Zmirou, D., D’Adhemar, D., & Balducci, F. (1989). A controlled evaluation

of a homeoeopathic preparation in influenza-like syndromes. British Journal of Clinical

Pharmacology, 27, 329–335.

• Fox, A. D. (1987, April). Whooping cough prophylaxis with pertussin 30. British

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• Furst, A. (1987). Hormetic Effects in pharmacology: Pharmacological inversions as

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• Gibson, D. M. (1958). Nosodes and prophylaxis. Homoeopathy, 8, 111–124.

• Hadji, L., Arnoux, B., & Benveniste, J. (1991). Effect of dilute histamine on coromary flow of

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• Hirst, S. J., Hayes, N. A., Burridge, J., Pearce, F. L., & Foreman, J. C. (1993). Human

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• Krishnamurty, P. S. (1970). Report on the use of influenzinum during the outbreak of

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• Linn, A. M. (1904). Variolinum, a prophylaxis against smallpox. Medical Advances, 42, 431–


• Morgan, W. L. (1899). Epidemics, endemics, and contagions. Homoeopathic Physician, 19,

479–488. Neafsey, P. J. (1990). Longevity hormesis. A review. Mechanisms of Ageing and

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• Oberbaum, M., Weismann, Z., & Bentwich, Z. (1989). Treatment of experimentally-

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• Ovelgonne,J. H., Bol, A., Hop, W., & van Wijk, R. (1992). Mechanical agitation of very

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• Papp, R., Schuback, G., Beck, E., Burkard, G., Bengel, J., Lehrl, S., & Belon, P. (1998).

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blind evaluation. British Homoeopathic Journal, 87, 69–76.

• Paterson, J., & Boyd, W. E. (1941). Potency action. A preliminary study of the alteration

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• Poitevin, B., Davenas, E., & Benveniste, J. (1988). In vitro immunological degranulation

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• Rastogi, D., & Sharma, V. (1992). Study of homoeopathic drugs in encephalitis epidemic

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and images (pp. 179–190). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Tularemia nosode produces titers and immunity in mice

• Nosode decreased mortality by 22%

• Delayed death by 5 days

• Tripled the number of organisms required to kill

50% of the animals.

Jonas, W. (2000) Protection of Mice from Tularemia

Infection with Ultra-Low, Serial Agitated Dilutions

Prepared from Francisella tularensis-Infected Tissue,

Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 35–52

Potencies used

• 30c and 200c stimulated specific anti-tularensis

antibodies after 4 weeks

• No protein detected in nosode preparations, but

could be distinguished from control solutions

with 1H NMR-spectroscopy.

• All potencies provided protection except for 1M

Potency D3 D7 D14 30c 200c 1M

Dilution 10−3 10−7 10−14 10−60 10−400 10−2000

Leptospirosis nosode during epidemic

The Cuban government conducted a research

study on 2.3 million people to assess whether the

nosode made from Leptospirosis could be effective

in disease prevention during an epidemic.

Homeopathy. 2010



application of highly-

diluted bacteria for


epidemic control.

Bracho G, et al.

PMID: 20674839

Posology used in Leptospirosis study

One dose of 200c potency and another dose 7-9 days later

The following year: One dose of 10M and another dose 7-9 days later.

Purpose of today’s presentation

1)To consider nosodes as a cost-effective

adjunctive therapy for treatment of chronic


2)Guidelines for usage and posology.

3)How to administer nosodes safely and


Indications for Nosodes

1. Symptom picture matches that of the remedy (Homeopathy)

2. Miasm is clear, but remedies fail to act

3. Miasm is clear, but remedy is unclear

4. Remove miasmatic taint/block

5. Family history

6. Antidoting complications or sequelae of infections.

7. Never well since an infection

8. Convalescence is slow, patient relapses, or vitality is poor after an infection.

A case using Epstein Barr Virus nosode

Remedy Dosages used Methodology

Phosphorous 1M, 2M, LM3 Dry dose,

LM potency

EBV nosode 200c, 1M Dry dose intermittently.


Used isopathically, nosodes more effective

during chronic or sequelae stages.

Safety of homeopathic medicines• Kirby BJ (2002). Safety of homeopathic products. Journal of the Royal Society of

Medicine, 95:221– 222

• Posadzki P, Alotaibi A, Ernst E. Adverse effects of homeopathy: a systematic review of

published case reports and case series. Int J Clin Pract 2012; 66: 1178–88.

• Stub T, Kristoffersen AE, Alræk T, Musial F, Steinsbekk A. (2015) Risk in homeopathy:

Classification of adverse events and homeopathic aggravations--A cross sectional study among

Norwegian homeopath patients; Complement Ther Med;23(4):535-43. doi:

10.1016/j.ctim.2015.06.004. PMID: 26275646

• Stub T, Alraek T, Salamonsen A. (2012) Risk assessment among medical homeopaths in

Norway: a qualitative study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 11;12:150. doi: 10.1186/1472-

6882-12-150. PMID: 22967054

• Stub T, Salamonsen A, Kristoffersen A, Musial F (2015) How to handle worsening of

condition during treatment - risk assessment in homeopathic practice; Forsch Komplementmed.

22(1):30-5. doi: 10.1159/000377644. PMID: 25824402.

• Tournier A, Roberts ER, Viksveen P. Adverse effects of homeopathy: a systematic review

of published case reports and case series - comment by Tournier et al. Int J Clin Pract 2013;

67: 388–9.

Safety of nosodes

While most OTC homeopathic remedies are

relatively safe,

Nosodes can produce an immune response

resulting in unwanted side effects.

A case of Bartonella

Remedy Reaction Dosages used Methodology



Significant improvement in head

injury symptoms. No other change

200c Dry dose, bid



Possible etiology of HPV vaccine:

No change

30c Dry dose,





Significantly helped alopecia, tic,

skin eruption, nystagmus, fatigue,

anxiety, fears and suicidal

disposition. Did not help vision.

Ascending serial


15X 20X 30X 60X

90X 120X 150X

200X 500X


Then descending.

Diluted in




Helps headaches and mood 30c, 200c Dry dose prn


Methods to minimize

side effects (aggravations)

Choosing the optimal posology

Dosage availability

Mycoplasma pneumonia nosode

• D: 9, 10, 12, 15, 30

• C: 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 30, 200,

• M: 1MK, 10MK

Sensitivity of patient

• Previous reactions: medications, supplements,

herbs, homeopathic remedies

• Reactions to environment: food, chemicals, stress

• Nature of pathology: e.g. skin conditions, allergies

Other medications

Method of administration

• Dry dose

• Liquid dose

• Diluted in water

• 5 cup method(Dr. Farokh Master)

Frequency of repetition

• Single dose

• Biweekly

• Weekly

• Bimonthly

• Monthly

• Biannually

• Annually

• Minimum dose

Adjusting the potency

Ascending dose

Descending dose

Protocol e.g. once a week for 4 doses

Dosing to tolerance

Minimum dose

Not limited to infections

A case of Dysmenorrhea using Carcinosum

Remedy Helped patient with Dosages



Carcinosin • Dysmenorrhea

• Growth & development

• Mood

• Confidence

• Headaches







Dry dose.

One dose 5

days before


A case of eczema

Remedy Reaction Dosages



Nat mur Past: Life changing. Helped emotional

state significantly. For years didn’t need

another remedy.

Current reaction: Aggravated eczema &

emotional state



30c, 200c,

1M, 26M,

10M, 30M,

38M, 50M

Dry dose, liquid

dose, 5 cup


Sulphur Palliation 30c, 1M 5 cup method

*Psorinum Cleared up eczema, helped emotionally

and overall

30c, 1M,

CM, 6c. Still

takes 12c


5 cup method


A case of tics, OCD and ADHD

Remedy Reaction Dosages



Lueticum Some improvement but not


30c, 200c,

1M, 10M

Dry dose,

Diluted in water

Lachesis Significant improvement 30c, 1M,

2M, 3M

Diluted in water

Medorrhinum Significant improvement 1M Diluted in water



Significant improvement 1M, 10M,

CM, 30c,

200c, LM3

Diluted in water

Case of endometriosis

Remedy Helped patient with Dosages Methodology

Ignatia • Grief

• Heartbreak

• Mittelschmerz

50M, CM Diluted in water

Lycopodium • Confidence

• Digestive complaints

• Anticipatory anxiety

• Social anxiety


LM1, 1M,


Diluted in water

*Carcinosin • Endometriosis

• Mittelschmerz

• Dysmenorrhea

• Dyspareunia

• Confidence

• Anticipatory anxiety

• Social anxiety

1M, 10M Diluted in water


References• Avilés-Jiménez, Guitron, Segura-López, Méndez-Tenorio, Iwai, Hernández-Guerrero, Torres (2015) Microbiota studies in the

bile duct strongly suggest a role for H. pylori in extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Clin Microbiol Infect. pii: S1198-743X(15)00907-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2015.10.008. PMID: 26493848

• Bornhöft G, Wolf U, Ammon K, et al. (2006) Effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of homeopathy in general practice –summarized health technology assessment. Forsch Komplementärmed; 13 Suppl 2: 19–29.

• Christie EA, Ward AT (1996) Report on NHS practice-based homoeopathy project. Analysis of effectiveness and cost of homoeopathic treatment within ad GP practice at St. Margaret’s Surgery, Bradford on Avon, Wilts. The Society of Homeopaths. ISBH 1 901262 006.

• Gru AA, Haverkos BH, Freud AG, Hastings J, Nowacki NB, Barrionuevo C, Vigil CE, Rochford R, Natkunam Y, BaiocchiRA, Porcu P (2015); The Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) in T Cell and NK Cell Lymphomas. Current hematologic malignancy reports; PMID: 26449716

• Harris SA, Harris EA. (2015) Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and Other Pathogens are Key Causative Factors in Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 Sep 9;48(2):319-53. doi: 10.3233/JAD-142853. PMID: 26401998

• Kirby BJ (2002). Safety of homeopathic products. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 95:221– 222

• Stub T, Alraek T, Salamonsen A. (2012) The Red flag! risk assessment among medical homeopaths in Norway: a qualitative study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 11;12:150. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-12-150. PMID: 22967054

• Stub T, Kristoffersen AE, Alræk T, Musial F, Steinsbekk A. (2015) Risk in homeopathy: Classification of adverse events and homeopathic aggravations--A cross sectional study among Norwegian homeopath patients; Complement Ther Med;23(4):535-43. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2015.06.004. PMID: 26275646

• Stub T, Salamonsen A, Kristoffersen A, Musial F (2015) How to handle worsening of condition during treatment - risk assessment in homeopathic practice; Forsch Komplementmed. 22(1):30-5. doi: 10.1159/000377644. PMID: 25824402.

• Witt C, Keil T, Selim D, et al. (2005) Outcome and costs of homeopathic and conventional treatment strategies: a comparative cohort study in patients with chronic disorders. Complement Ther Med; 13: 79–86.

Gabrielle Traub(858) 531-5279

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