(notebooks: vocabulary section). goal you will learn the meaning of these new words: substantial...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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  • (Notebooks: Vocabulary Section)
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  • Goal You will learn the meaning of these new words: substantial implement ecstatic
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  • 1. substantial (adjective) Substantial means large in amount, size, or number. Examples: A substantial number of CMS students ride the bus to school. It costs a substantial amount of money to go to college. Professional athletes spend a substantial amount of time practicing their skills.
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  • 1. substantial (adjective) Practice: Is your allowance substantial? Do you spend a substantial amount of time on the internet? Name something you want that costs a substantial amount of money. Related Words: substance substantially
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  • 1. substantial (adjective) Substantial means large in amount, size, or number.
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  • 2. implement (verb) If you begin to do or use something, such as a plan, you implement it. Examples: The teachers decided to implement a new responsibility ticket policy at CMS. President Obama plans to implement a new national health care policy. Many schools are implementing programs to improve student nutrition.
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  • 2. implement (verb) Brainstorm: If you were in charge, what policy would you implement to improve our school? Related Words: implements implementing implemented implementation
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  • 2. implement (verb) If you begin to do or use something, such as a plan, you implement it.
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  • 3. ecstatic (adjective) If someone is very happy or excited, he/she is ecstatic. Ms. Walters was ecstatic to learn she was voted Teacher of the Year. The eighth graders were all ecstatic about the Michigan Adventure trip. I would be ecstatic if I won the lottery!
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  • 3. ecstatic (adjective) Practice: Would you be ecstatic if Mr. Nellis announced there would be no math tests this year? Your locker jammed? You hear on the radio that Corunna has a snow day? Mrs. Robertson announced pop quiz? Related Words: ecstatically ecstasy
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  • 3. ecstatic (adjective) If someone is very happy or excited, he/she is ecstatic.
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  • Review 1. substantial 2. implement 3. ecstatic
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  • (Notebooks: Vocabulary Section)
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  • Review 1. substantial (adjective) Professional athletes spend a substantial amount of time practicing. large in size or amount 2. implement (verb) CMS teachers decided to implement a new responsibility ticket policy. to begin to do or use something 3. ecstatic (adjective) I would be ecstatic if I won the lottery. very happy or excited
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  • New this week: You will learn the meaning of these new words: ingenious charitable cognizant
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  • 4. ingenious (adjective) Ingenious means very smart or clever. Examples: This book has an ingenious plot. The restaurant Panera Bread came up with an ingenious way to help people in need. Sherlock Holmes was an ingenious detective.
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  • 4. ingenious (adjective) Practice: There have been many ingenious inventions in technology. With your partner, brainstorm as many as you can think of that you use in your life. Related Words: ingenuity ingeniously genius
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  • 4. ingenious (adjective) Ingenious means very smart or clever.
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  • 5. charitable (adjective) Charitable means done or designed to help people in need. Examples: The C5 Club is a charitable organization. The owner of Panera Bread says he has always been a charitable person. Every year CMS makes a charitable donation to the Red Cross through our canned food drive.
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  • 5. charitable (adjective) Practice: Are the following actions charitable? volunteering at a soup kitchen? studying for your science test? shoveling snow for a neighbor? cheering on your team at a football game? Related Words: charity charitably uncharitable uncharitably
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  • 5. charitable (adjective) Charitable means done or designed to help people in need.
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  • 6. cognizant (adjective) Cognizant means aware of something. Examples: Teenagers should be cognizant of the dangers of energy drinks. She was cognizant of the challenges of taking an AP course. It is important to be cognizant of the needs of those around you.
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  • 6. cognizant (adjective) Practice: What should a new sixth grader at CMS be cognizant of? Brainstorm with your partner. Related Words: cognizance incognizant cognition recognition cognitive
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  • 6. cognizant (adjective) Cognizant means aware of something.
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  • Review 1. substantial 2. implement 3. ecstatic 4. ingenious 5. charitable 6. cognizant
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  • (Notebooks: Vocabulary Section)
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  • Review 1. substantial 2. implement 3. ecstatic 4. ingenious 5. charitable 6. cognizant
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  • 7. incentive (noun) An incentive is something that encourages a person to do something. Examples: For many people, the chance of getting a raise is a powerful incentive. CR3 celebrations are an incentive for CMS students to save their responsibility tickets. The business offered a buy one get one free as an incentive for new customers.
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  • 7. incentive (noun) Practice: As a student, what are some incentives for you to get good grades? Brainstorm with your partner. Related Words: incentives disincentive
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  • 7. incentive (noun) An incentive is something that encourages a person to do something.
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  • 8. penchant (noun) A penchant is a strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way. Examples: Mrs. Rawlins has a penchant for caramel lattes. The Detroit Lions used to have a penchant for losing. Her penchant for mathematics helped her become an engineer.
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  • 8. penchant (noun) Practice: Complete the sentence with something you really like or tend to do: I have a penchant for ______________. Related Words: penchants
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  • 8. penchant (noun) A penchant is a strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way.
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  • 9. exacerbate (verb) If you exacerbate a bad situation or problem, you make it worse. Examples: When the student was in trouble, he exacerbated the situation by lying to Mr. Moeller. More people buying cars only exacerbates our air pollution. Eating a bean burrito will likely exacerbate your flatulence.
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  • 9. exacerbate (verb) Practice: Would spreading rumors about your ex-best friend exacerbate the problem? Does facebook (or video games) exacerbate your procrastination? Will studying harder exacerbate your bad grades? Related Words: exacerbates exacerbating exacerbation
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  • 9. exacerbate (verb) If you exacerbate a bad situation or problem, you make it worse.
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  • (Notebooks: Vocabulary Section)
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  • Review 1. substantial 2. implement 3. ecstatic 4. ingenious 5. charitable 6. cognizant 7. incentive 8. penchant 9. exacerbate
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  • New this week: You will learn the meaning of these new words: citation seize wary
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  • 10. citation (noun) A citation is 1. an official order to appear in court, -OR- 2. the quoting of a book or author Examples: My dad received a citation for speeding. The hunter was issued a citation for hunting after hours. Alexis included citations in her history report.
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  • Practice: Have any of your friends or family received citations for driving? Ex: My __________ received a citation for _________. Related Words: cite cited citations citatory 10. citation (noun)
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  • A citation is 1. an official order to appear in court, -OR- 2. the quoting of a book or author
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  • 11. seize (action verb) To seize something means to take it in a forceful or eager way. Examples: Authorities seized the poachers weapons. The army seized control of the city. Seizing the opportunity, she introduced herself to the famous film director. Seize the day! (Do things today instead of waiting for later)
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  • Practice: Yes or no? Would you be seizing something if You grabbed your friends agenda without asking? You suddenly took the lead in the last lap of the race? You asked Mrs. Rawlins if you could please have a Tootsie Roll? You snatched the Tootsie Roll jar and ran out of the classroom? Your sister asked you to pass the salt and you said no? She took it when you werent looking? Related Words: seizing seizes seized seizure 11. seize (action verb)
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  • To seize something means to take it in a forceful or eager way.
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  • 12. wary (adjective) To be wary means to not have complete trust in someone or something. Examples: You should be wary of any offer that promises you something for free. The store owner kept a wary eye on the man in the trench coat. At first, the students were wary of the new teacher.
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  • Partner Practice: Using the word wary, come up with a caption for this picture: Related Words: warily wariness 12. wary (adjective)
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  • To be wary means to not have complete trust in someone or something.
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  • Review citation seize wary
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  • (Notebooks: Vocabulary Section)
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  • Review 1. substantial 2. implement 3. ecstatic 4. ingenious 5. charitable 6. cognizant 7. incentive 8. penchant 9. exacerbate 10. citation 11. seize 12. wary
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  • New this week: You will learn the meaning of these new words: menacing intricate secluded
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  • 13. menacing (adjective) Menacing means threatening or dangerous. Examples: Although spiders may look menacing, most of them are harmless. The child was scared of the menacing Halloween mask. The city at night was dark and menacing, and Ellie got goose bumps as she hurried home.
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  • Practice: Are the following images menacing? 13. menacing (adjective)
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  • Related Words: menace menaces menacingly 13. menacing (adjective)
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  • Menacing means threatening or dangerous.
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  • 14. intricate (adjective) If something is intricate, it has many parts. Examples: The science fiction movie Inception has an intricate plot. The pretty quilt had an intricate design. It took Nick an hour to find his way through the intricate corn maze. Garden spiders are known for the intricate webs they weave.
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  • 14. intricate (adjective) Partner Practice: Brainstorm Many machines are intricate. Name as many as you can think of. Example: ______________ are intricate. Related Words: intricately intricateness intricacy
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  • 14. intricate (adjective) If something is intricate, it has many parts.
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  • 15. secluded (adjective) Secluded means not used or seen by many people. Examples: Justin looked for a secluded spot to bury his treasure. Laura led a secluded life on the family farm. House spiders prefer garages, sheds, and other secluded areas. The expensive hotel was located on a secluded beach.
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  • Practice: Think of something private or important to you, such as your diary, money, or a special object. Do you keep this item in a secluded spot? Related Words: seclude seclusion secluding 15. secluded (adjective)
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  • Review: menacing intricate secluded
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  • (Notebooks: Vocabulary Section)
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  • Review 1. substantial 2. implement 3. ecstatic 4. ingenious 5. charitable 6. cognizant 7. incentive 8. penchant 9. exacerbate 10. citation 11. seize 12. wary 13. menacing 14. intricate 15. secluded
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  • New this week: You will learn the meaning of these new words: inception advocate facilitation
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  • 16. inception (noun) inception means the beginning or start of something Examples: We have used the CR3 since its inception, nearly four years ago. Cars have been a great machine in society since their inception in 1769. Student led conferences have seen great success since their inception at a high school in Southern California in 2007.
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  • Practice: With a partner, discuss the following question How has the Responsibility Ticket system affected your choices since its inception this school year? 16. inception (noun)
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  • Related Words (SYNONYMS): origin creation 16. inception (noun)
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  • Inception means the beginning or start of something.
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  • 17. advocate (verb) Advocate means to stand up for something or someone Examples: There are many teachers and parents who advocate for Student-led Conferences. If you disagree with your Nouns and Verbs test grade, you may advocate for yourself to re-take the test. A lawyer who specializes in protecting animals is an advocate for animal rights.
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  • 17. advocate (verb) Partner Practice: Brainstorm what things are you an advocate for? Name as many as you can think of. Related Words: advocator non-advocate
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  • 17. advocate (verb) Advocate means to stand up for something or someone
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  • 18. facilitate (verb) Facilitate means to make something easier by assisting Examples: When young children have a Student-led conference, the teacher facilitates the conversation. Coach Fattal facilitated the basketball teams meeting to make sure everyones opinions were heard. Mrs. Dunn facilitates groups of friends meetings each week to minimize drama.
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  • Practice: Think of a reason that you would need someone to facilitate something you do Related Words: facilitation facilitator 18. facilitate (verb)
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  • Facilitate means to make something easier by assisting
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  • Review: inception advocate facilitate
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  • (Notebooks: Vocabulary Section)
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  • Review 1. substantial 2. implement 3. ecstatic 4. ingenious 5. charitable 6. cognizant 7. incentive 8. penchant 9. exacerbate 10. citation 11. seize 12. wary 13. menacing 14. intricate 15. secluded 16. inception 17. advocate 18. facilitate
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  • New this week: You will learn the meaning of these new words: rally complement exhibit
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  • 19. rally (verb) To rally means to come together for a common action or effort Examples: The quarterback rallied his team to help him win the Super Bowl. In order to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness, we had to rally our students in October. Several companies are rallying together to increase technology awareness in teens.
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  • Practice: With a partner, discuss the following question Name something you would have to rally for during the school year Related Words rallied rallying rallier 19. rally (verb)
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  • To rally means to come together for a common action or effort 19. rally (verb)
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  • 20. complement (verb) Something that completes another thing is a complement Examples: French fries are the perfect complement to a hamburger. Her silver belt complemented her black dress. Using technology outside of school complements the education you receive inside of school.
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  • 20. complement (verb) Partner Practice: Brainstorm are the following good complements for each other hamburgers and fries? pickles and peanut butter? studying for a test and video games? Related Words: complementer
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  • 20. complement (verb) Something that completes another thing is a complement
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  • 21. exhibit (verb) Exhibit means to display or show Examples: Teens who participate in after-school technology programs exhibit a positive outlook on their future. As an 8 th grade student, you must exhibit a positive attitude because you are the leaders of the school. Sometimes teens exhibit different personalities, depending on who they are hanging out with.
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  • Practice: Think of a reason that you would exhibit a positive attitude a negative attitude Related Words: exhibitable pre-exhibit 21. exhibit (verb)
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  • Exhibit means to display or show
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  • Review: rally complement exhibit

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