november 11, 2011

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Oyster Bay Guardian November 11, 2011


By David J.

Hundreds of residents and civic leaders rallied on Rob-bins Lane in Syosset on Sun-day, November 6th to protest the construction of a proposed 750,000 square foot high-end mall on the former Cerro Wire property.

The 39-acre site, owned by Taubman Centers, Inc., has been a bone of contention be-tween the community and de-veloper William S. Taubman for over 17 years.

The community is calling for alternative development, but Taubman is adamant about moving ahead with his original plan.

Todd Fabricant, Chairman of the Cerro Wire Coalition, stood on a on fl atbed truck with a megaphone tossing out rally towels and mini balls imprinted with the “No Mall Here” logo.

“I’m one face of 40,000 who signed the petition 17 years ago to prevent this mall from being built here,” he said. “We must continue to send this

message. This turnout was im-portant to tell Bill Taubman: ‘NO MALL HERE!’ We moved here for a better quality of life and we want to keep it that way.”

Venditto joins fi ght

Town of Oyster Bay Super-visor John Venditto jumped up on the truck and was offered the megaphone by Fabricant. “Something has changed over the course of the last 17 years. Our resolve and our commit-

By David J.

The Nassau County Republi-cans were in a celebratory mood on Election Night, Tuesday, No-vember 8th.

County Chairman Joe Mon-dello had a lot to smile about as he held forth at GOP headquarters at Mirelle’s in Westbury.

“The people had confi dence in us and they want us to make the decisions we’ve been making in terms of not raising taxes and put-ting money back in their pockets,” he told a crowd that roared its ap-proval.

Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano took the podium to

By David J.

The expression “third time’s a charm” rang true for the Conn-Chords a cappella singing group.

The Connecticut College wom-en took home the Grand Prize at the 6th annual Collegiate A Cap-pella Challenge, held on Saturday, November 5th at Oyster Bay High School Performing Arts Center, in their third year of participating.

The ConnChords placed third in their fi rst year, second in their second year, so naturally, they were bound for glory in their third year. The group went on stage fi rst and set the bar high.

The competition was a fund-raiser for the Friends of the OBHS Performing Arts Center, a non-profi t organization dedicated to the improvement and mainte-nance of the center.

“This event has become so

popular. We have colleges com-ing from all over,” said Jill Talvé, President of Friends of the OBHS PAC. “The popularity of TV shows like ‘Glee’ and NBC’s ‘Sing Off’ has really made a difference in our turnout.’

Friends of the OBHS PAC has commissioned two pieces espe-cially for the OBHS band by two famous composers. They are also hosting a drama group workshop for 7th & 8th graders. They have funded a variety of items for the theater including cordless micro-phones, lights, reconditioning the theater’s Steinway piano and ren-ovating the lobby.

“Our long term goal is to offer this auditorium as a community theater,” said Talvé, “however that requires some big ticket items like air-conditioning.”

The ConnChords performed Michael Bublé’s “Feeling Good”

Vol. 113 No. 41 November 11, 2011 SINCE 1899 1 DOLLAR

Serving Bayville, the Brookvilles, Centre Island, Cold Spring Harbor, Cove Neck, East Norwich, Lattingtown, Laurel Hollow, Locust Valley, Matinecock, Mill Neck, Muttontown, Oyster Bay, Oyster Bay Cove, Syosset and Woodbury

DeRiggi-Whitton wins! Well, maybe notBy David J.

As the clock struck midnight at Nassau County Republican headquarters on Election Night, GOP Chairman Joe Mondello an-nounced that the race for the Nassau County Legislature’s 18th District seat between Republican Robert Germino, 31, of Glen Cove and Democratic candidate Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, 43, of Glen Cove was still “too close to call.”

Meanwhile at Democratic head-quarters, Chairman Jay Jacobs de-clared DeRiggi-Whitton the win-ner and she dedicated her win to her father, Judge Donald DeRiggi is the former Mayor of Glen Cove, in honor of his 75th birthday.

At the time the boards were showing DeRiggi-Whitton with

2,253 votes over Germino’s 2,010. However, only 47 percent of

the precincts had reported their vote totals. Television stations an-nounced DeRiggi-Whitton as the winner and so did several daily newspapers.

But by 1:30 AM on November 9th the Nassau County Board of Elections’ website reported Ger-mino was up by one vote with 98 percent of precincts reporting. At 2 AM he was up by 37 votes with 100% of precincts reporting.

“I have three words for Mr. Jay Jacobs for prematurely declaring my opponent the winner: ‘Dewey Defeats Truman’,” said Germino in a statement released to the press.

The race will now come down to the 400-500 absentee ballots and the recounting, challenges and court fi ght will begin. Here

comes the 2010 Jack Martins vs. Craig Johnson race all over again.

“That seat has always been a close race,” said Nassau County Legislator Judy Jacobs (D-Wood-bury), who was re-elected with 59% of the vote. “There’s no tell-ing what’s going to happen.”

Some experts are estimating that the decision could take up to two weeks if there’s not a clear winner.

“Although it’s too close to call right now, we are still cautiously optimistic,” stated DeRiggi-Whitton.

While GOP Chairman Joe Mon-dello was hesitant to announce any results because of the tight race, he did show strong support for Germino. “He’s a fantastic young man and we are privileged to have in our party,” he said. “I’m so proud of him.” Delia DeRiggi-Whitton Robert Germino

(Continued on page 5)

(Continued on page 5)

(Continued on page 5)

Teen skateboarder killed in Syosset

According to Nassau County Police Second Squad detectives, a skateboarder was struck and killed by a car on South Oyster Bay Road in Syosset on Sunday, November 6th at 1:05 PM.

Police say a 2002 Chevrolet Im-pala driven by a 32 year-old male was traveling southbound when it hit 15 year-old Oleksandr Saf-ronv of Bethpage. Before hitting the ground, the boy collided with a friend, also 15, who was skate-boarding with him.

According to the police report, both boys had been on right shoul-

der of the roadway, skateboard-ing with traffi c south of Parkfi eld Court.

Safronv suffered a severe head injury and was taken to NorthShore Syosset Hospital where hewas pronounced deceased at 1:35 PM by hospital staff.

The other boy was taken to an area hospital by Nassau County Ambulance for treatment of a frac-tured ankle.

Detectives have reported no ap-parent criminality with the acci-dent. The vehicle was impoundedfor brake and safety inspections.

Photo by David J. Criblez

Hundreds gathered on Robbins Lane protest building a mall on the former Cerro Wire property.

Defi ant neighbors demand builder change mall plan

Photo by David J. Criblez

The ConnChords won the Grand Prize at the 6th annual Collegiate A Cappella Challenge at Oyster Bay High School Performing Arts Center.

Voters affi rm Oyster Bay is GOP territory

If at fi rst you don’t succeed — sing, sing again

Photo by David J. Criblez

Supervisor John Venditto ap-plauds election results.

Photo by Janette Pellegrini Photo by David J. Criblez

By David J.

St. Dominic Schools held its biggest Canivan Gala & Auction in history draw-ing over 600 people at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury on Thursday, November 3rd. The evening honored outing president of the Elementary School Board Anthony J. Nastasi of Muttontown and out-ing president of the High School Board Brian Galli-gan of Oyster Bay Cove. Ad-ditionally, long time parish-ioners Charles & Marianne Walsh of Oyster Bay were given the Immaculate Heart of Mary Spirit Award.

The Gala & Auction took on a different style from previous years starting with a two-hour cocktail mixer featuring silent auction items followed by dessert in the ballroom during the live auction. “This new format allows people to mingle,” said Pastor Fr. Kevin Smith. “We have over 600 people here tonight which is 200 more than we’ve ever had. We owe it to Anthony and Brian who are pillars of the parish. They have both done a great job at the schools as well as the parish.”

Fr. Smith continued,

“Charles & Marianne Walsh have been in the parish for many years. They are dedi-cated to the work the IHM sisters did when they start-ed the schools so it’s great to honor them with the IHM Spirit Award.”


Charles & Marianne Walsh have been parishio-ners at St. Dominic’s for 38 years. The couple has three sons who graduated from St. Dominic’s and currently their three granddaugh-ters attend Oyster Bay High School.

“I’m inspired by seeing the young people who are reinvigorated to get involved with St. Dominic’s again,” said Charles. “The schools are taking on a new focus. The anonymous generous contribution ($10 million) that we received earlier this year will give our students a greater opportunity for advancement. What’s also nice is to see the traditional long-standing parishioners that never left. They are the ones who kept St. Dominic’s going.”

BRIAN GALLIGANFr. Smith praised Galli-

gan for being a big part of

the revival of St. Dominic Schools. “When I met Bri-an Galligan he asked me, ‘What do you need?’ Since that time he hasn’t stop ask-ing what I need. He always said, ‘Whatever we do, we are going to do it together.’ It was the beginning of a great relationship. He is an unbelievable ‘can do’ per-son.”

Galligan and his wife Deborah have three sons Robert (Class of 2011), Gregory (Class of 2014) and Grant (Class of 2016). The family moved to Oyster Bay from the Upper West Side of Manhattan in July 2001.

In accepting his award, Galligan stated, “Deborah and I are so grateful for all the friends we’ve made here at St. Dominic’s. Our

dreams as a family have been exceeded by the warmth and love we felt by being members of this par-ish and school. My advice is...times fl ies so spend your time here. Get involved in the parish and the schools. The alumni advertisement for St. Dominic’s is very true. You can get there from here. Our family is a prod-uct of that statement.”

ANTHONY NASTASITo this today Fr. Smith

is still amazed at Nastasi’s level of dedication to St. Dominic Schools and par-ish. He told the crowd how his enthusiasm was so con-tagious that it inspired him as a pastor.

“Anthony has a smile big-ger than his face, he has a

welcome that embraces ev-erything and an incredible spirit that says we are not going to fail. When I fi rst came here he said to me: ‘We have the greatest parish in the world, the greatest parishioners in the world and the greatest parents in the world. All we have to do is get them back together again. The best part is, I’m going to help you.’ For me, my prayers were answered. My goal was to put that smile on Anthony’s face on everybody else’s face.”

Nastasi and his wife Car-oline have three children Frankie, Gabriela and Vic-toria all who have attended St. Dominic’s Elementary School. He is a graduate of St. Dominic High School Class of 1983. While he is stepping down from the Elementary School Board, Nastasi will serve in a new position as Parish Trustee.

“The dedication of the teachers at St. Dominic is amazing. I can’t thank them enough for what they’ve done for the schools,” said Nastasi. “The faith-based religious teachings stay with you. It teaches you to be a good person because of that St. Dominic’s is second to none.”

Nastasi praised Fr. Smith

for his leadership. “I’vebeen here for 30 years and I’ve seen the transformation from the highs and lows. We were waiting for the right person to bring the parish and schools together. Fr. Smith thank you for being that person.”

All the money raised at the event will be put to-ward the $2.5 million chal-lenge grant for other donors to match dollar-for-dollar which came from the $10million gift the parish re-ceived earlier this year.The remaining $7.5 millionis being used to convertthe former-convent into a state-of-the-art Science & Technology Center, which is scheduled to open in Sep-tember 2012.

“Since we announced that generous gift, people have been coming back and getting on board at all dif-ferent dollar amounts. We fi nd that no matter what their level of ability to give, people want to do what they can,” said Vin Torti, Direc-tor of Development. “As the saying goes, ‘no money, no mission.’ We do everythingwe can to make it viable.”

For more information, call (516) 922-4488, ext.2222 or visit:

By David J.

On the crisp fall morning of Friday, November 4th, Theodore Roosevelt re-enactor Jim Foote of Sea Cliff sat in a rocking chair on the porch of TR’s home at Saga-more Hill National Historic Site in Cove Neck. Foote was in character being interviewed by Susannah Collins from “Inside the NFL.”

The subject was, of course, football and TR’s famous White House meeting on October 9th, 1905 when there was a push to do

away with collegiate football due to a high number of deaths. Roos-evelt had such a passion for the game that he brought ivy-league coaches and athletic directors to-gether to establish new rules to make the game safer.

“The modern game is a direct result from the meeting TR had that day,” said Collins, who was talking to Foote about what TR did back then and how it is still relevant today.

At the historic meeting they changed a lot of rules such as the amount of yards to get a fi rst down

was originally fi ve they changed it to 10. They also implemented the forward pass rule, before it was just a running game. In 1905, there were no touchdowns you could only score by kicking. Theyincreased the amount of referees, decreased the number of men al-lowed in the backfi eld. Addition-ally, they introduced a penaltysystem.

The piece will air on an upcom-ing episode of “Inside the NFL” onShowtime, check your local list-ings for more information.

‘Inside the NFL’ fi lms Foote as TR at Sagamore Hill

Photo by David J. Criblez

Susannah Collins from “Inside the NFL” interviewed Theodore Roos-evelt re-enactor Jim Foote on Friday, November 4th at Sagamore Hill National Historic Site in Cove Neck.

St. Dominic honors Nastasi & Galligan at Gala & Auction

Photos by David J. Criblez

Honoree Anthony Nastasi. Honoree Brian Galligan

Page 2 - OYSTER BAY GUARDIAN - Friday, November 11, 2011




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By David J.

The Oyster Bay Historical Society held its inaugural fundraiser Harvest Moon Celebration on Saturday, November 5th. The evening featured both silent & live auctions as well as raffl es, music, food and more un-der a tent attached to the Angela P. Koenig Center in Oyster Bay.

On display was a new exhibit, “Wearing His-tory: Women the Force Be-hind Fashion,” featuring women’s fashion from the 1890s to the 1930s. “We are showing them to call atten-tion to the need the Histori-cal Society has to do some conservation work on the remaining pieces that we have that are not in good enough condition to show,” said Phil Blocklyn, Execu-tive Director.

Upcoming projects for the Historical Society will include their annual Holi-day Open House on De-cember 10th and their 2012 Membership Drive. Curator Yvonne Cifarelli is currently working on an 80th anniver-sary exhibit for the Incorpo-rate Village of Brookville. The exhibit will come to the Oyster Bay History Society in the spring and will ap-

pear at C.W. Post as well. The next show coming to

the Koenig Center will fea-ture pieces from the Histori-cal Society’s contemporary ceramics and pottery collec-tion, which will open in the early spring.

Less than a year old, the Koenig Center is currently up and operating as it was intended to be. “It’s work-ing out well,” said Blocklyn. “The Earle-Wightman House is now strictly for education and interpretation of Oyster Bay history. At the Koenig Center we can focus on rotat-ing temporary exhibits.”

Society members are re-

acting positively to the new changes. Another new fea-ture will be a members only limited edition newsletter called “Out of the Box,” which will be unveiled early next year focusing on items from the Historical Society’s extensive collection.

Over 80 people attended the Harvest Moon Celebra-tion, which marks the Soci-ety’s fi rst big step into fund-raising events. “We’ve never really done this in a formal way,” said Blocklyn. “We are trying things out as we go along.”

For info., call 922-5032 or visit:

Photo by David J. Criblez

(From left) Event Chair Stefanie Leone, archivist/librar-ian Nicole Menchise, Board Vice President Fran Leone, trustee Darcy Tabako, Creative Director for the School of Domestic Arts Jacque Blocklyn, Board President Frank Leone and Executive Director Phil Blocklyn at the Oyster Bay Historical Society’s Harvest Moon Celebration on Sat-urday, November 5th.

Historical Soc. holds Harvest Moon fundraiser

By David J.

Jones Manor on the Sound celebrated its 175 an-niversary on Thursday, No-vember 3rd with a cocktail party at the facility, located at 59 Bayville Avenue in Bayville. Friends, support-ers and residents gathered to pay tribute to Bayville’s oldest entity.

Jones Manor is a non-profi t and non-denomina-tional residential home op-erated by the Jones Fund, which has been in existence since 1836. Their purpose is to provide “a warm and friendly family environment for adults who are unable to live independently” for 46 residents in a home-like setting.

The establishment was formed when Samuel Jones directed the Townships of North Hempstead and Oys-ter Bay to appoint fi ve trust-ees to oversee the sum of

$30,000 “to remain a per-manent fund, from the in-terest of which support shall be afforded to the poor of said towns.”

For the fi rst 78 years the trustees maintained a residential farm for the homeless in Brookville. In 1914 the facility moved to a new building on 25 acres of property purchased by the fund on West John Street in Hicksville. For many years the property was farmed by the residents to sustain the facility. Condemnation proceedings for roads, etc., and sale for a portion of the property to create income producing investments re-duced the property to 13 acres in the late 1970s.

For a long time, the op-eration was funded by in-vestment of the fund, social security payments from the residents and a supplement provided by the Nassau County Department of So-cial Services (DSS). But in

1974 DSS no longer could provide the funding needed to make up the defi cit be-tween operating costs and income. Instead, the resi-dents received Supplemen-tal Security Incomes (SSI), which initially was well be-low the income, which had been established by Nassau County, leaving the Trustees in a fi nancial crisis.

In 1980, the 65-year-old Hicksville facility, in need of substantial improvements, was closed, the residents placed elsewhere and the property sold. With the proceeds of the sale, which were immediately invest-ed, the trustees were able to purchase the Carriage House, on the grounds of the former Clarkson estate, overlooking the Long Island Sound in Bayville.

“We want to make this place a comfortable home for our residents,” said Roy Smitheimer, Chairman of the Board. “We’ve been re-

investing into the facility, changing out rooms, clean-ing up bathrooms. The residents become a family because this is their home. We provide recreational ac-tivities such as taking them into town to shop. We have volunteers who help out with prayer services and the thrift shop. It’s team work that makes this place hap-pen.”

Executive Director Ann Cardello read aloud a Cita-tion from Town Supervisor John Venditto and a Procla-mation from State Senator Carl Marcellino in honor of the anniversary.

Dr. Peter J. Kurzweil, who has served as the on-call doctor for Jones Manor for over 25 years, toasted the facility. “Jones Manor has survived multiple bank-ruptcies, several period of land destruction and a few moves. It began in 1836 - that’s 60 years after Amer-ica’s birth and 25 years be-

fore the Civil War. That’s what I call a legacy,” said Dr. Kurzweil. “The fi nancial struggle has never ceased – every day Jones Manor has had to pay out twice as much as it has received. Amazingly it not only sur-vives, it offers residency for 46 people, rescue care, short term care and adult day care.”

Bayville Mayor Doug Watson was on hand for the celebration. “This is a greatplace to have in Bayville. Icome here quite often. Thestaff and residents are won-derful. The residents ofBayville are welcome here any time,” said Mayor Wat-son. “There’s a lot of love inthis place. I hope it survives for another 175 years.”

Jones Manor on the Sound celebrates 175 years

Photo by David J. Criblez

(From left) Trustee Daniel McLane, Dr. Peter J. Kurzweil, Chairman of the Board Roy Smitheimer, trustee Antho-ny Ballato, Dr. Lynne Albukerk, Executive Director AnnCardello and trustee Michael J. Scarpa at Jones Manoron the Sound’s 175 anniversary celebration on Thursday, November 3rd.

By David J.

Every two years since 2005 Oyster Bay High School has add-ed a new crop of athletes to its Athletic Hall of Fame. The 4th induction ceremony was held on Saturday, October 29th featur-ing 2011 inductees: Lou Principi (1952), William Nixon (1952), Robert W. Weitzmann, Jr. (1953), Henry R. Curran, (1963), Mi-chael Marmorale (1966), Jack Fabbricante (1971), John Ebbets (1972), Paul Hawxhurst (1981), George Townsend (2000), Felipe Santibanez (2002), Katie Daub (2003), George Gowe (2003), Cindy Daub (2004), Alexandra Aarons (2006), Kristen Serikstad (2006) and Frank Baker (1970-2002).

Members of the Athletic Hall of Fame are nominated by the local community and each application is reviewed by the OBHS Athletic Hall of Fame Committee. “We only

do this every two years because it takes time to do the research on some of the older athletes. Our athletic program goes back to 1885 and the athletic association was started back in 1911,” said El-liot “Butch” Garrison, Committee Chair.

Each applicant must be out of high school for four years or more. The award is based on extraordi-nary high school accomplishments only. Each person gets two chanc-es with their nomination. To get inducted you need a majority of ten votes from the committee.

This year John Ebbets, the cur-rent record holder for the triple jump and 180 low hurdles, deliv-ered the Hall of Fame acceptance speech for the 2011 inductees. “We span a variety of generations. We represent a number of differ-ent sports. Our motivations may have been different, our approach and style may differ – but as we sit here today, one thing is very clear – the results were pretty good,”

he said. “If you could cut us open and extract a reason why each, in our own right, achieved a higher level of success in our respective sports, I suspect that you would not fi nd just one common thread but many. For some it would be

natural talent, but I suspect that for most of us it was one or more of the following: determination, dedication, motivation, skill, bal-ance, fi nesse, stamina, strength, fi tness, speed, endurance, maybe a bit of luck and practice.”

Garrison explained why Ebbets’ records are even more impressive than just the statistics. “When John was jumping, the runways and takeoff boards were so anti-quated,” he said. “Nowadays stu-dents are running off synthetic surfaces. It just shows how much he put into it as an athlete.”

Daub sisters, Katie (Class of 2003) and Cindy (Class of 2004), were inducted for their multiple achievements in softball, volley-ball and basketball. “Their creden-tials are simply incredible,” said Garrison.

Another standout was Henry R. Curran, who is a former record holder for the one-mile (4.37.3) and former record holder for the 2.5-mile. He brought in 24 people

to the ceremony including four quatequafrom California.

Additionally, former teacher, coach and Athletic Director Frank C. Baker got inducted for his ten-ure at OBHS 1970-2002.

Garrison explained how the ceremony means so much to thealumni. “Paul Hawxhurst was in tears,” he said. “It’s very special to many of the older athletes.”

Lou Principi unable to makethe ceremony because he suffers from dementia. His wife said he is currently reliving his teen years and everything in his life today isOyster Bay High School. “The only thing he cherishes and associates with is his high school memora-bilia,” said Garrison. “When wesend him his plaque, I’m sure he’llbe excited.”

The next Athletic Hall of Fame ceremony will be held in Octo-ber of 2013 and Garrison and thecommittee are already working on it. To submit a nomination, call OBHS Athletic Dept. at 624-6557.

OBHS hosts Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Photo by Tom Gould

(From right) Committee Chair Elliot “Butch” Garrison inducts John Ebbets into the Oyster Bay High School Athletic Hall of Fame.

Friday, November 11, 2011 - OYSTER BAY GUARDIAN - Page 3

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On 11/11/11, honor all of our veterans

On Friday, millions of Ameri-cans will honor our veterans for their service in the armed

forces. In a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, a wreath will be laid at the Tomb of the Unknowns, servicemen and women will be in-troduced and lauded, and dignitaries will speak of those who have selfl essly served our country. Similar scenarios will play out across the nation, with towns hosting their own ceremonies. The theme will be veterans’ love of country and their willingness to serve and sacrifi ce for the common good.

In 1919, President Woodrow Wil-son proclaimed Nov. 11 the fi rst com-memoration of Armistice Day, the end of World War I, and in 1938, Armistice Day was declared a legal holiday and renamed Veterans Day. In 1954, the holiday was broadened to honor veter-ans of all wars.

The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, led us into our two latest wars, which have produced a whole new generation of veterans. The 25-year-old returning from his or her second tour of duty in Afghanistan or Iraq may not be as ready to share war stories as are our veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam, but because of the media and the Internet, we can see what’s happening on the front lines in real time. And we watch newscasts of soldiers and Marines coming home, sometimes surprising an unsuspecting wife, husband or child with an early, tearful return.

But what happens after that? What about their jobs, homes and relation-ships? Their children have grown, and their spouses have learned to live without them for long spans of time. And what about those who have no

one to come home to, or have no home at all? And those who need continuing care for their injuries or post-traumat-ic stress disorder?

The Nassau County Veterans Ser-vices Agency estimates that there are more than 186,000 veterans in Nassau and Suffolk counties. With the Depart-ment of Housing and Urban Develop-ment’s change in the defi nition of the homeless — which now includes those who are living with friends or family because they are unable to live alone — there are an estimated 8,000 home-less veterans on Long Island, half of them in Nassau County. Some experts say the numbers may be higher be-cause some vets have yet to apply for government assistance.

Even before it was clinically de-fi ned, post-traumatic stress turned the lives of veterans of every war up-side down. Approximately 7,000 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans have returned to Long Island, and an esti-mated 30 percent of them suffer from PTSD and may require services such as housing and job search assistance. Some face substance abuse problems. And while medical advances on the front lines have reduced the mortal-ity rate from combat injuries from 30 percent in World War II to 10 percent in Iraq and Afghanistan, many more veterans are surviving with traumatic brain injuries.

The New York Veterans Advocacy Group, based in Plainview, helps vet-erans return to their normal lives, with counseling on everything from obtain-ing benefi ts from the U.S. Depart-ment of Veterans Affairs to housing to education to mental health to child support. There are other groups out there as well, prepared to help return-

ing veterans acclimate to civilian life once again. Younger veterans can look to their local organizations for help. The VFWs and American Legions are always happy to assist their younger colleagues.

Every veteran — young or old, hav-ing been on the front lines, worked as a mechanic or served in a desk job — has been part of a greater cause, fi ghting in one way or another for our county. “A veteran,” as one unknown author wrote, “is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to ‘The United States of America,’ for an amount of ‘up to and including my life.’”

Let us honor all of them on Friday — and beyond.



Saturday, November 12th■ The Village of Bayville will hold

its 4th annual Turkey Trot at West Harbor Beach in honor of the late Matthew Fetzer at 9:45 AM. Partici-pants can pre-register or register the day of the race. A Chicken Run for kids will be held at 9 AM. Applica-tions are available online at:

■ Locust Valley-Bayville Soc-cer Club will hold its annual LVBSC Casino Night at St. Gertrude’s Parish Center, located at School Street in Bayville, at 7:30 PM. The evening will consist of food, table games (craps, poker, blackjack, roulette), drinks, music, live auction and raffl e prizes. All proceeds will benefi t the Locust Valley-Bayville Soccer Club.

Tickets are $50 per person. En-trance includes open bar, dinner buf-fet and $20 of playing money.

Sunday, November 13th■ Holiday Boutique to benefi t the

Italian-American Club’s Ladies Auxil-iary with a variety of vendors, raffl es and refreshments at the Italian-American Club on Summit Street in Oyster Bay from Noon to 5 PM. All are welcome.

Wednesday, November 16th■ The Oyster Bay Chamber of

Commerce will hold its “Business

After Hours - General Meeting” from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at Fit Fusion Interac-tive, located at 67 West Main Street in Oyster Bay. Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting at 5:30 PM. RSVP to:

■ Beer & Chocolate Tasting Event to benefi t the Oyster Bay Railroad Museum to be held at The Homestead Restaurant at 7:30 PM. $35/person until November 1st; $40/person thereafter. Make checks pay-able to OB Railroad Museum, P.O. Box 335 Oyster Bay N.Y. 11771. For more information, contact the Oyster Bay Railroad Museum at 558-7036, visit: or write to

Thursday, November 17th■ Grenville Baker Boys & Girls

Club of Locust Valley will hold its Women’s Holiday Wear Clothing Sale from 6-9 PM. Also Nov. 18th from 6-9 PM plus November 19th and 20th from 1-4 PM. For more information, visit: or call (516) 759-5437, ext.11.

To have your event listed:Send calendar items to by the close of business on the Monday before publica-tion. Items are subject to editing for length and style.

Hope of new life to Oyster Bay

To the Editor:How could the Town of

Oyster Bay leadership be so hasty and fl ippant in their desire to have Jerelyn Han-rahan’s interactive public art project “Graduated Pearls” removed from its prominent location in the recently ren-ovated Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park after only several weeks? Why weren’t they as equally proactive in the long overdue comple-tion of the parking lot that remained unfi nished until way after the summer beach season had passed?

After all, doesn’t the leadership that controls this town realize that they should look at this public work as a possible homage to that former Republican First Lady Barbara Bush whose pearl necklace was her signature wardrobe trademark? In this way perhaps politics, as usual, will dictate the future of this Public Works project

more than simple support, recognition and acknowl-edgement of the work by an artist in the emerging cre-ative arts community that is bringing the hope of new life to Oyster Bay.


Thank you for the editorial

To the Editor: I wanted to thank you

for the wonderful editorial you wrote about my dad, the late Johnnie Watson, af-ter his death on October 17, 2011. From the fi rst para-graph I knew you had met or seen my father in action and had a conversation with him at sometime.

He was a big part of my life. As a child I spent a lot of time travelling with my dad and the Male Chorus of Mt. Olive Baptist Church back and forth to his home state of Virginia. There were even churches in and around the Oyster Bay,

Huntington, Glen Cove and other towns who invited the Male Chorus to come and sing. It didn’t matter whether it was a Catholic or Lutheran church. They had heard about the Male Cho-rus and Johnnie Watson.

I had to laugh when you referred to him as a “young James Brown.” My dad was considered among his many nieces and nephews to be the big kid of the family (he was the youngest boy of 13 children). He was al-ways teasing one or most of them. Every year on the last Sunday in August we try to get together for a family reunion. Once we had it in Oyster Bay. Most times it’s in Bethlehem or Philadelphia, PA. Well this particular year (2005) the reunion was in Virginia. Unfortunately, just before August dad had come down with pneumonia. He spent about a week or so in the hospital. When my daughter, Megan asked the doctor if dad could travel to Virginia, his doctor said no. When it spread through the family that Uncle Johnnie

would not be at this fam-ily reunion, some of the nieces and nephews did not want to attend. They said it wasn’t going to be any fun without Uncle Johnnie.

There are so many won-derful memories I have of my dad and I will cherish all of them. Your editorial will be one of those cherished memories. My family and I thank you for such a beauti-fully written editorial and I am happy you had a chance to meet my father.

My daughter, Megan Gardon of Oyster Bay pur-chased as many copies of the Oyster Bay Guardian and distributed them to the family. Thanks again.


About lettersThe Oyster Bay Guardian

welcomes letters to the edi-tor. It is committed to pro-viding an open forum for opinions. You can mail your letter, fax it to 516-922-4227, or send it via e-mail to

Helping veterans in Nassau County

One of the fi rst steps veterans should take is to enroll at the nearest VA Medical Center. Their rights to lifetime care may expire if they do not enroll within two years of their discharge.■ Northport VA Medical Center, 79 Middleville Road, East Northport; (516) 631-261-4400.■ VA Hospital Clinic, Building “Q” on the grounds of Nassau Univer-sity Medical Center, 2201 Hemp-stead Turnpike, East Meadow, NY. (631) 261-4400, ext. 7638■ The New York Veterans Advo-cacy Group,■ The Nassau County Veterans Service Agency, (516) 572-8452. n The G.I. Bill, call (888) 442-4551 or visit

The Inter-Religious & Human Needs Council’s “Community Social Action Committee” (CSAC) will be holding its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive on Monday, November 21st from 9 AM to 6 PM and on Tuesday, November 22nd from 9 AM until Noon at the First Pres-byterian Church, located at 60 East Main Street in Oyster Bay. Carol and Randy Daub, CSAC Coordinators, are requesting donations of non-perish-able foods such as: canned meats, veg-etables, fruits, pasta, sauces, soups, cereals, baking goods, fruits juices, etc. They are also seeking donations of toiletries and fi nancial contribu-tions that would be used to purchase food certifi cates. If you would like to donate a turkey, it must be delivered frozen by Tuesday, November 22nd before Noon.

In 2010, more than 140 families with children and an increased num-ber of local seniors and individuals were so grateful to receive assistance as a result of the community’s gener-osity. Given these very diffi cult eco-nomic times, CSAC is asking you to fi nd it in your heart to continue to support this community-wide effort and send in your donation.

Financial donations can be sent to: 2011 Holiday Sharing Fund, P.O. Box 231, Oyster Bay, NY 11771. For more information, contact Carol or Randy Daub at (516) 922-2054.

CSAC to hold annual Thanksgiving food drive

Page 4 - OYSTER BAY GUARDIAN - Friday, November 11, 2011

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ment to stop this insan-ity has grown stronger with each passing day. Our de-termination is greater today than it was 17 years ago,” stated Venditto.

The Supervisor laughed at the developer’s plea that he wants to help the com-munity. “If you want to help us than listen to us. Don’t ignore us as you have for 17 years. Take this project somewhere else where it might make sense. We don’t need a ten-pound mall on a fi ve pound piece of prop-erty,” said Venditto. “This property is near a school, a park and a residential neighborhood. Stop trying to balance the economic woes of the world on the backs of our quality of life.”

Last month Taubman re-turned to Long Island prom-ising his mall project will enhance the local economy by bringing in tax revenues, creating jobs and increasing business in the area. “We are in throes of a world-wide economic downturn and everybody is hurting admittedly. They want you to believe that somehow all the economic woes of the world are going to be solved by building this mall. You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Venditto. “They are playing on our fears when in fact their sole motive is their own profi t and welfare not yours. If we stand together in our determination to see to it that this does not hap-pen to our community we cannot lose.”

Alternative offered

Seven years ago the Co-alition put together an al-ternate development com-mittee consisting of 14

civic leaders throughout the Town of Oyster Bay. They interviewed eight develop-ers and they came away with a plan for alternate development focusing on smart growth. The commit-tee called for next genera-tion condos, senior housing, a component of retail and possibly a spa/hotel.

“The bottom line is al-ternate development does exist,” said Fabricant. “This turn out needs to remind them that you can’t come to Long Island, throw around your checkbook, tell us you are shovel ready and think you are going to push it down our throats. Not hap-pening Mr. Taubman!”

“Alternate development is the answer. It will bring jobs, add to the economy but it will not leave empty stores in its wake,” said County Legislator Judy Ja-cobs (D-Woodbury). “Prog-ress that leaves destruction in its wake is not progress!”

Taubman strikes back

Just as Fabricant was talking, a U-Haul truck pulled up behind him on the other side of the chained link fence unveiling a giant orange sign on one side of the truck reading: “Future Site of The Mall at Oyster Bay: 3,500 high paying con-struction jobs, 2,000 high paying retail jobs and $50 million in new tax revenue annually for Nassau Coun-ty.”

The crowd booed loudly and chanted “NO MALL HERE! NO MALL HERE!” Pointing to the sign, Fabricant announced to the protesters, “They are arrogant, obnoxious, under-handed and non-commu-nicative. If this fi ght goes

17 more years, I’m here to stay!”

Residents speak out

A man by the name of Stanley, who declined to give his last name, has re-sided in Jericho for 14 years and believes fi rmly that the mall doesn’t belong in Syosset. “This is too small a street with no exits. We have a school on this block and there’s simply no rea-son for this,” he said. “What happens at 3 PM when the kids get out of school? This is an industrial park not a place for a mall.”

Syosset resident Pat Ait-ken feels Taubman has been incredibly unreasonable. “We don’t feel that there is a need for another mall and we are very concerned that if a mall gets built here the businesses won’t be able to stay open and we will be left with an empty deteriorating building,” she said. “Who needs a luxury mall in this

economy? It’s ridiculous. There’s plenty of luxury malls within a 10-minute ride from here. Stores are closing these days. The traf-fi c is already horrendous here now I can’t imagine what it would be like with a major mall here. It makes no sense at all.”

Warren Church, who has lived in Syosset for 33 years, has been working on a com-mittee with Town Council-man Chris Coschignano on improving the Syosset downtown area and feels the mall will drastically im-pact the local merchants. “Mr. Taubman is used to getting what he wants with his big money and big power. He needs to under-stand that there are other people to consider,” he said. “We want next generation housing and senior hous-ing in that location. There’s no property left in Nassau County.”

For more information, visit:

featuring a solo from junior Katie Zink. Other highlights included “Son of a Preacher Man” and “Dog Days are Over” showcasing sopho-more Elaine Frost. Mean-while senior Izzy Brown beautifully crooned “The Blower’s Daughter” solidify-ing their win.

“We all work hard. Any-body who is in the group is typically very committed,” said Brown. “For most of us it’s our favorite thing we do on campus.”

Coming in second place was the Tupelos from Wellesley College featur-ing OBHS alum Marina He-aney (Class of 2011). The group stunned the crowd with their saucy renditions of Amy Winehouse’s “Val-erie” featuring Lizzy Ber-doff, the Beatles’ “Lady Ma-donna” with a solo by Darcy Kupherschmidt and Bob Dylan’s “To Make You Feel My Love” showcasing Grace Roberts.

Other groups that com-peted included The Rusty Pipes from Rensselaer Poly-technic Institute, Treble on Huntington from North-eastern University and last

year’s champs Tizmoret from Queens College. The contest was judged by mu-sic teachers Melissa Kozee, Larry Wurtzel and Gina Oc-chiogrosso.

The show opened witha stellar performance the OBHS Chamber Singers who performed a perfect rendition of Billy Joel’s “And So It Goes” that would have brought a tear to the Piano Man’s eye.

For more information on Friends of the OBHS Per-forming Arts Center, visit:

Voters affi rm Oyster Bay is GOP territorycharge up the audience. “This has been a great Re-publican year. It has validat-ed our message,” he said, “people want lower taxes and less government – that’s what Nassau County GOP stands for!”


Town of Oyster Bay Su-pervisor John Venditto cap-tured his eighth term with a massive 72 percent of the vote (33,003 votes), defeat-ing challenger John Capobi-anco (12,595 votes).

Venditto’s popularity has continued to grow from term to term on both the North and South Shores.

The Supervisor said his formula is no secret. “If you listen to your residents and do what they ask of you — that is the key to success,” he said. “You can’t fi nd a nicer place than the Town of Oyster Bay to live, work and raise a family. People care

about their community and in turn as elected offi cials, we do the right thing by ad-dressing their concerns.”

Venditto is well aware of the economic crisis facing the Town of Oyster Bay. He insists that he and his team are ready to go to work on a solution.

“We will be working hard to keep the ship afl oat fi -nancially speaking. We did it once before and we will do it again,” he said. “When I became the Town Supervi-sor we were in dire fi nancial straits. I surrounded myself with good people and made some tough decisions. We survived and turned a $30 million defi cit into a $20 million surplus. We are go-ing to roll up our sleeves and do it again.”

Venditto’s agenda is to carefully preserve the qual-ity of life in the Town of Oyster Bay. “While I was on the campaign trail, I heard the pain and suffering that this going on fi nancially. But the Town of Oyster Bay plays a small role in that

overall burden. People want this administration to keep the Town of Oyster Bay fi -nancially healthy but they also want us to continue to preserve and protect our quality of life in the Town of Oyster Bay.”

Venditto was elated to have his team re-elected with him.

“This is a team of very intelligent and hard work-ing people. They all meet the one criteria that I look for in elected offi cials and administrative people – that they have the best interests of the Town of Oyster Bay in their heart,” said the Su-pervisor. “We don’t agree on everything but we discuss our differences in a civil manner. Our fi nal ideas are typically a culmination of all our opinions.”


Town Board mem-bers Anthony Macagnone (28,038 votes), Rebecca

Alesia (28,654 votes) and Joe Muscarella (29,768 votes), Town Clerk Steve Labriola (31,063 votes) and Town Receiver of Taxes Jim Stefanich (31,495 votes), were all re-elected.

“The residents are hap-py with the service in our town. We balance our bud-get, keep our services top and meet the needs of our residents,” said Councilman Macagnone. “The key is fol-lowing Venditto’s lead.”

Receiver Stefanich be-lieves their success is a com-bination of hard work and listening to the residents. “We are here to preserve our suburban quality of life and the voters said, ‘yes.’ The numbers confi rm that. They want us to keep doing the job we are doing.”

Councilwoman Alesia feels the residents are happy with more of the same. “They seem to be pleased with im-provements we made to the roadways, the management of our labor force, the parks and the beaches,” she said. “In my next term I want to

continue the working in the hamlet of Oyster Bay and Hicksville with their respec-tive Chambers of Commerce on the development of their downtowns.”

Clerk Labriola attributes the overwhelming number votes to the Supervisor. “We have a great captain on our ship,” he said. “When you talk about navigating in treacherous waters in this economy, John Venditto is the man to lead us. I’m proud to be on his team.”


In Nassau County’s 16th Legislative District long-time incumbent Judy Ja-cobs (D-Woodbury) defeat-ed James Milano (R-Oyster Bay) by garnering 59% of the vote (6,613 votes over Milano’s 4,506).

“I’ve pleased, thankful, moved and honored. I’ve looking forward to serving another two years,” said Ja-cobs. “I like to believe that

the delivery of services that my offi ce is known for is what really makes people vote for me. There’s nothing too small that I don’t follow through on. I may not be able to make deals that will turn the world upside down but I’ll come close. I think that makes a big difference to people.”

Looking forward to her 9th term, Jacobs is calling for the legislature to come together for the common good. “I’m hoping against hope that some sanity starts taking over in restoring some stability in the county,” she said. “I’d like to see priori-ties getting fi rmer in helping people and ensuring their safety. I will do everything I can to provide stability.”

Jacobs is one of the last founding members ofthe legislature that is still in place who voters will crossparty lines for. “I will con-tinue to keep my ear to theground and be where peo-ple need me and offer themthe services they’ve come to expect,” she said. “I know what matters to people.”

(Continued from page 1)

(Continued from page 1)

(Continued from page 1)

Neighbors rally to nix new mall Connecticut group wins OB sing off

Photo by David J. Criblez

Todd Fabricant addresses the crowd on Sunday, Nov. 6th.

Photos by David J. Criblez

Elaine Frost gives it her all.

The Oyster Bay High School Chamber Singers performedBilly Joel’s “And So It Goes.”

Friday, November 11, 2011 - OYSTER BAY GUARDIAN - Page 5

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LEGAL NOTICENotice of Formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC): Name: DYNAMIC REALTY GROUP LLC. Articles of Org filed with the Sctry of State of New York (SSNY) on 4/27/2011. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC c/o Angelo DiMaggio, 17 Chestnut Hill Dr., Oyster Bay, NY 11771. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.#22791E

LEGAL NOTICENotice of Formation of Pro-Reps LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/25/11. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 6 Foxwood Path, Lattingtown, NY 11560. Purpose: Any lawful activity. #22923

LEGAL NOTICEVILLAGE OF MUTTONTOWNZONING BOARDPUBLIC NOTICEA public meeting will be held by and before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorpo-rated Village of Muttontown, Nassau Coun-ty, New York, at the Muttontown Village Hall located at One ‘Raz’ Tafuro Way, in Mutton-town on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.The Board will hear:1. The Appeal of Jaipal & Sangeeta Rana, owners of a parcel designated as Section 15, Block 199, Lot 0002, located at 5 Kathy Drive seeking a variance for an existing building area, proposed building area, side yard setback and building height which vio-lates Chapter 190, Article III of the Village Code.2. The Appeal of Wen Zheng and Jun Jie Huang, owners of a parcel designated as Section 15, Block 048, Lot 0041, located at 461 Eastwoods/Muttontown Road seeking a variance for existing building length and a proposed addition alteration for front yard

setback which violates Chapter 190 of Arti-cle IV and Article III of the Village Code.3. The Appeal of James McGowan, owner of a parcel designated as Section 24, Block F, Lot 0078, located at 6195A Northern Boule-vard seeking approval for seven (7) varianc-es as follows; 1.) An expiring variance for an equisizer as per a prior ZBA Decision Z-462, 2.) Front & Side yard setback variance for a proposed addition to existing dwelling, 3.) Side yard setback variance for a proposed addition to existing dwelling which all vio-late Chapter 190, Articles III & VII of the Vil-lage Code, 4.) Front yard setback variance for a previous addition to dwelling, 5.) Front yard setback variance for a previous addi-tion to an existing barn, 6.) Rear yard set-back variance for a previous construction of a new pool house, 7.) Four (4) previous addi-tions which will no longer qualify for pre-existing non-conformity.The Board will also hear the continuation of:4. The Appeal of Manuel H. & Claire Walker Barron, owners of a parceldesignated as Section 24, Block H, Lots 31&32, located at 927 Ripley Lane, seeking a variance for an addition/alteration of existing dwelling which violatesArticle III for front & side yard setbacks, and a proposed generator which violates Article III for an accessory structure within front yard of property.5. The Appeal of Karen & John Solla, owners of a parcel designated as Section 15, Block A, Lot 2266, located at 75 Willis Lane seek-ing a variance for an existing pool patio which violates Article III for side and rear yard setbacks.Copies of said applications are on file at the office of Village Clerk and may be viewed during the hours of 9:30A.M. to 12:30P.M., Monday through Friday.If any individual requires special assistance to attend, please notify the Village Clerk at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing.Inc. Village of MuttontownOne ‘Raz’ Tafuro WayMuttontown, New York 11791Paul Leventhal,ChairpersonNovember 11, 2011#22961



Falcons advance in playoffs

The Locust Valley High School football team ad-vanced in the fi rst round of the Conference IV playoffs by trouncing the Mineola Mustangs 39-13. The vic-tory means that the Falcons will face East Rockaway in the County semi-fi nals. The Rocks are the only team to defeat LV during the regu-lar season. The game was played at Hofstra University last night, Thursday, No-vember 10th, as The Guard-ian was being printed.

The November 5th eve-ning playoff game against Mineola was played before a standing room only crowd at Centre Island Beach Field in Bayville. The picturesque setting, cheerleaders cheer-ing, the crowd on its feet, looked like a Norman Rock-well painting. For the Mus-tangs the painting would have been more like one coming out of a nightmare as the Falcons played their type of football to perfec-tion.

Head Coach Matt Mc-Farland, in his fi rst season, has learned and improved with each game. Mineola was intent to double team wide receiver Alex Rawa on every play. With two defenders on the outside Locust Valley had a man-up for their inside game. Since Rawa plays defense at the free safety position as well,

Mineola didn’t want to have to pass the football. The Green defense, led by line-backers John Piscitello and Matt Vezza and defensive ends Tom McNamara and Ryan Paniagua, continually put the Mustangs in passing situations.

The Mustangs passed and the fi rst score for LV was a defensive touchdown by “Big Gun” Rawa. He stepped into a deep Mineola pass, intercepted it and sim-ply dashed 50 yards for the touchdown. Bradley Conn added the PAT and the Green were up 7-0. The sec-ond score saw tailback John Keschl motor for 12 yards and the score and securing a 13-0 lead.

Next was perhaps one of the best pass plays of the year for the Green. Oper-ating out of a double wing with Rawa and speedy Chris Appell as halfbacks, quar-terback Joe Jacobi dropped back to pass. Rawa went right and long attracting double coverage. Appell went over the middle and Jacobi hit him on the run and 53 yards later the score was 19-0. Mineola rallied late in the second quarter and hit their outstanding end Niko Pantelidies for a score and the half ended 19-6.

The third quarter was all LV. The Birds began driving down the fi eld after a Mine-ola turnover. Keschl dove in from 4 yards out making it 26-6. Again LV got the ball and running the option to perfection quarterback Ja-

cobi saw an opening, faked the pitch and was off to the races. He went 71 yards for a touchdown. Key blocks that opened up the Mustang defense were made by tight end McNamara and fullback Nick West. The LV Green was now up after the Conn PAT, 32-6. As the fourth quarter ended the Mustangs were trying to pass again picked off and the Falcons drove again. Speedy Callum Ewen fl ew 23 yards for the fi nal tally. Conn kicked the PAT and the score was 39-6. In the fourth quarter LV saw Mineola score a junk touch-down but the end had long been foreseen. The game ended 39-13.

What makes LV such a tough team for opponents is how well rounded they are. Rawa is a great athlete and opponents have to know where he is at all times. He had an interception and tackles everywhere. He only had one pass caught but he attracted double coverage all night and that opened up the offense in other ar-eas. Tom Nastasi also had a reception but again he had an exceptional defensive game as the cornerback. Appell, nursing a sprained ankle still caught a TD pass and LV doesn’t lose a step because Keschl at halfback is so outstanding.

Vezza, the hardest hitting superhuman you ever want to see at linebacker, also has great hands and he too caught a pass. Jacobi the quarterback is smart, with a great arm and can run. McNamara is the best offen-sive or defensive end in the

County. With all these tools LV is a tough team and they are also well coached and disciplined.

Finally special mention must be made to the spe-cial teams. Danny Wright is fearless and he consis-tently makes the tackles on kickoffs. Ewen really has a super hero alter ego. He is the Flash. He seems to ac-tually be able to outrun the football on kicks and as op-ponents catch the ball he hits them. He is a great spe-cial team player as well as a speedy back. Conn, who kicks to the goal line and also makes tackles, is anoth-er athlete on a team that has an abundance of athletes.

LV had three intercep-tions on the day, one each by Keschl, Rawa and Ap-pell. Paniagua had a sack. Jacobi had 81 yards on the ground and threw for an-other 87 yards going 4/7. Ewen had 43 yards in 7 at-tempts. Keschl had 40 yards in 14 attempts and West had 38 yards in 10 attempts. LV offense produced 329 yards of total offense. They had 3 interceptions and a sack. It was truly a total team effort and victory.

The question is...How far LV will go? Who knows? By the time you read this you will already know if this team is headed to the fi nals. No matter how that semi-game goes, this is an outstanding team and cer-tainly capable of becoming County Champs and per-haps Long Island Champs, but let’s hope they got past East Rockaway.


Photo by Phil Bellisari

Falcon John Keschl (#10) motors in for a touchdown during last week’s playoff game against the Mineola Mustangs.

Page 6 - OYSTER BAY GUARDIAN - Friday, November 11, 2011



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ALLSTATE - REIMELS AGENCY71 West Main Street • Oyster Bay • (516) 922-5025



STATE FARM JOHN SPECCE AGENCY70 East Main Street • Oyster Bay • (516) 922-1060

OYSTER BAY INSURANCE27 Pine Hollow Road • Oyster Bay • (516) 922-9131


35 Audrey Avenue • Oyster Bay • (516) 922-6500

Help Wanted

By David J.

On Tuesday, November 8th at the kickoff of their annual Father’s Visiting Day, East Woods School in Oyster Bay Cove unveiled a new painting in the school’s foyer created by artist Wil-liam Jonas of Centre Island. Jonas is the father of two East Woods alums, Diane and Robert Jonas.

The painting is of the en-trance of the school and is fi tted into a half oval alcove above the doorway leading into the school. The painting was made on a quarter inch tempered masonite panel with a bendable molding. “I wanted a symmetrical view so I took some pictures from the parking lot and worked off of them,” said Jonas.

“This painting will be en-joyed for many generations and it is very inspiring,” said Headmaster Nathaniel Peirce. “When the sun is in the right spot it illuminates the whole painting.”

The painting was com-missioned by a group of parents and was part of a re-decorating project that began in the summer. “We were redecorating the front hall and Megan Deroulet of Locust Valley suggested that we add some artwork to the area,” said East Woods par-ent and re-decorating com-

mittee member Maureen Brennan. “Susan Sheeline suggested William Jonas who did a portrait of one of our past headmasters that hangs in the library.”

Former board president, East Woods parent and alum Robin Senior of Laurel Hollow was amazed by the piece. “It looks like it’s al-ways been there,” she said. “The hall needed a focal

point and this works per-fectly.”

Photo by David J. Criblez

Bikers breeze through BayvilleLong Island Harley Owners Group (HOG) held a Halloween Parade through the Incorporated Village of Bayville on Sunday, October 30th. Led by Head Road Cap-tain Jim DeNatale of Bayville, the bikers traveled on Bayville Avenue, escorted by Bayville Fire Company #1, from Centre Island Beach to United Cerebral Palsy where they had lunch and carved pumpkins for the residents. “We were looking for some-thing charitable to do. We wanted to have a Halloween parade and combine it with something charitable,” said DeNatale, who coordinated the event with the Bayville-Centre Island Rotary. (Above, from left) Ginny Stuart of Centereach, Dave “Yellow Dog” Sieglinger of Brookhaven, Jim DeNatale of Bayville, L.I. HOG Director Bob Brinka and Tony “Stich” Camizzi of Smithtown.

East Woods School unveils Jonas painting

Photo by David J. Criblez

(From left) Brian Sweeney - President of the Board of Trustees, East Woods parent and decorating committee member Maureen Brennan, artist William Jonas of Centre Island and Headmaster Nathaniel Peirce underneath Jo-nas’ painting in the front hall at East Woods School on November 8th.

The Victorian Fair at the First Presbyterian Church, located at 60 East Main Street in Oyster Bay, will be held on November 18th, 19th and 20th

For more than forty years the First Presbyterian Church of Oyster Bay has kicked off this festive and joyful season with its an-nual Victorian Fair. The fair is a three-day celebration of fellowship, friendship and community sprinkled with Thanksgiving goodies and unique Christmas gifts. Be-cause of its growing popu-larity, the hours have been extended to include Sunday Nov. 20th from 11:30 AM-2 PM for the gift portion of the fair only.

The fair brings together a selection of holiday gifts, crafts, fashion jewelry and homemade baked goods. This year there will be a greater selection of hand-made chocolates from the one and only Chocolate

Lady of Oyster Bay and a selection of goodies from the Jericho Cider Mill. For all the treasure hunters the one and only Granny’s Attic rummage sale will be bus-tling with affordable fi nds.

The Silent Auction will be full of one-of-a-kind items and opportunities for those searching for some-thing truly special. On Sat-urday a home cooked deli-cious and festive luncheon will be served from noon to 2:30 PM in the Victorian Cafe featuring a Victorian Choclate exhibition special-ly designed by the Choco-late Lady, Lee Perotta.

On Friday evening from 6-8 PM and Saturday from 11 AM - 3 PM, Santa Claus will be on hand for pictures. Santa will also have time to chat with children about their holiday wishes. There will also be a vintage mail-box for those letters that go to the North Pole.

Victorian Fair returns to OB next weekend

Friday, November 11, 2011 - OYSTER BAY GUARDIAN - Page 7



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Comfort meets elegance in this charming Colonial


NEARBY HOMES FOR SALE IN LAUREL HOLLOW99 Cherry Lane$999,0003 bedroo, 3 bath Farm Ranch on 2 acres.Long Island Village Realty Inc 516-921-0220

13 Stillwell Lane$1,075,0005 bedroom, 4.5 bath Post Modern on 2.4 acres.Keller Williams Realty Greater 516-873-7100

1685 Northern Blvd$825,0004 bedroom, 3 bath Antique/Historical on 1.97 acres.Thomas J McCarthy Real Estate 631-765-5815

The serenity of scenic Lau-rel Hollow makes for a relaxing, comfortable life-style in this 3 bedroom, 3

bathroom colonial set on an ex-quisite property with specimen trees.

The property consists of a two building compound with an invit-ing main home plus a separate two car garage with studio/guest quarters.

Step inside to a home fi lled with amenities. The main fl oor features a great room with fi re-place, a living room, dining room, large eat-in-kitchen, laundry room, and powder room.

Upstairs on the second fl oor, you will fi nd the master bedroom with another fi replace and mas-ter bathroom, two bedrooms and another bathroom. The basement provides plenty of storage space.

Outside a brick patio is ideal for entertaining and enjoying the home’s well-maintained tree-fi lled ambiance. With beach and mooring rights, this beautiful home offers much to enjoy. It is conveniently located near the LIRR and major roads.

The home is located in the Oyster Bay-East Norwich School District.

The listing price for this Laurel Hollow gem is $912,000. Taxes are $8,933.88, with village taxes of $683.99.

For more information, contact Barbara Brundige, LBA at Pru-dential Douglas Elliman at (516) 624-9000.

Note: Each week’s featured home is chosen at random from

among properties offered by area realtors. The opinions expressed

are those of the realtor and not The Oyster Bay Guardian news department. For further

information, write to

Page 8 - OYSTER BAY GUARDIAN - Friday, November 11, 2011



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