number bonds by thinkout

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Passion, curiosity and feedback loops.

A way to enhance learning.

Numbers - understanding them is a requirement to understand so much more of the world. For example understanding mathematics, negotiating your salary or making a cake.

So, could we help children (or actually anyone) understand numbers? And could we do it on devices available to many people, such as iPhones and iPads?

We knew this much:

1: Most children don’t like to sit down and be forced to listen to somebody teaching them.

2: They are curious, though.

3: When passionate about something, there’s no end to their patience.

We created...

Of course, we didn’t do it just by chance. We found Professor Diana Laurillard at University of London.

She researches on how to help children with dyscalculia - or, put with normal words, problems understanding numbers.

Combining pedagogy, neuro science and technology, Professor Diana Laurillard had developed the practice of number bonds to learn children numbers.


The child helps a cute space traveler communicate with other creatures on his voyage through space. To get to the next level, the child has to learn something new about numbers, moving from size and color (concrete) to numbers (abstract).

This is Number Bonds by Thinkout

To the child, it’s about play. To the brain, it’s about learning numbers.

It's made as a game to invoke to the child’s passion, to make them want to return to the learning moment.

1) Using only positive reinforcement creates a feedback loop that celebrates success rather than punish mistakes.

2) Keeping the child interested all the time, by making it difficult enough to be a challenge, but not too difficult to make it.

The advanced adaptive technology in Number Bonds by Thinkout does just that!

This is how we optimize the learning curve:

Find Number Bonds by Thinkout in Appstore or scan the code to go there immediatly.

Ready to help somebody start learning numbers right away?

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