nutritarian diet review: health goldmine or scam?

Post on 11-May-2015



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Nutritarian Diet Review: The New Health

Goldmine?By Amber Keinath RN, MSN, CHC

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As many of you are probably already aware of, I love everything having to do with nutrition. I love

researching it and finding the healthiest alternatives possible to live a life that is free from disease.

I have not always been a healthy eater. I grew up eating the Standard American

Diet (SAD) of lots of meat, chicken, potatoes, white bread, desserts, ice

cream, milk, etc. However, I did grow up in California so there was always fresh fruit around. I was never really into fast

food so I always considered my diet healthy.

Over the years, I have learned more and more strategies and health tips that I have slowly

adopted for a healthier life. It was during nursing school that I finally

took on the mission to live the healthiest life possible by eating

more nutritious food.

For a while now, I have been going through different ways of eating, trying to figure out what healthy food works best for my

body. This has basically led me to feel like I am not doing something

right since I cannot relate to vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists,

etc. I felt I was in left field all alone.

I desperately wanted a way of eating that was

healthy and easy to follow or felt I would

just resort back to the Standard American Diet I grew up with.

That is when I came across the nutritarian diet and

everything just seemed to click! I have finally found

something that matches all the nutritional research out there and is actually doable

in real life!

We can’t think of this diet as a “diet” such as in weight loss, but we need to start thinking of this as a way to

live a healthy life.

It is not something that we do for a few months to lose weight or regain

our health; it is something that we do for life so we can function better and

improve our overall quality of life.

What is a Nutritarian Diet?

A nutritarian diet is where you eat more food that is high in nutrients

and less food that is lower in nutrients. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, after many years of research, coined the term “nutritarian” when he

came up with the equation H=N/C, or health equals nutrients

divided by calories in food.

Healthier food options are high in nutrients and low in calories so you get a bigger nutritional punch with every calorie you put into your body. It makes the most out of every calorie

you eat.

This diet is more about a complete lifestyle change to eat more

nutritious overall. It focuses on eating more vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and beans. When you focus

on more nutrient rich foods you decrease the amount of processed and packaged foods, sweets, white

flour, fast foods, and animal products.

This diet does not say you must give up these foods, just that you eat more of the nutrient rich foods

that allow your body to thrive!

There are so many benefits to the nutritarian diet it is hard to know

where to start. When your body gets the nutrients it needs to thrive, you will sleep better, have more energy, lose weight, and you will feel better


By getting these nutrient dense foods, you may also be able to

prevent disease and even reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes,

obesity, and heart disease. Also with this diet, you may notice an overall anti-aging effect and your

skin complexion improve.

The research has shown that cultures where there is a focus on

nutrient rich foods from plant based sources have much lower

incidences of chronic disease.

A diet high in fat, sodium, sugar, and processed foods such as the

Standard American Diet, has shown to exacerbate these chronic


Numerous research studies have shown how people from other

cultures that focus on plant based diets start eating the standard

American diet, they start developing the chronic diseases

just like Americans.

However, when they move back to their plant based diets, their diseases improve or resolve


What could possibly point more directly to nutrition as being a

contributing factor to the development of chronic diseases?

I like to think of it like a light switch. We may

have it in our genes to be more prone to a certain

disease, but it is up to our eating habits and overall lifestyle habits to either turn that disease on or


Furthermore, this diet will give you all the nutrients you need

for overall health. With so many different phytochemicals and antioxidants that we know

about, there are many more that scientists have yet to find.

This means you can’t get these nutrients in the pill. There are too many to include or know how they work perfectly together as they do

in nature. Health comes from a diet rich in plant based foods that

are high in nutrients.

Basically with this diet, the focus is on eating more

vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, beans and less processed

foods and animal products.

So, to adopt a healthy diet, you will want to

increase these foods in your diet as you

decrease food such as fish, eggs, non-fat dairy,

meat, white bread, sweets, and processed


This does not mean you have to give these other foods up entirely, it just means they are lower

on the nutrient scale so you should eat fewer of


This diet is all about choosing healthier foods that are high in nutrients over food that is just

high in calories with little nutrients to show for it.

First of all, I want to play tennis when I am 80. You may think I am crazy, but it is very possible when you follow the

right lifestyle habits.

There are many older adults who are still very active because they ate a

highly nutritious diet and kept active.

Our bodies have a natural desire to keep us healthy and to repair itself. It does not want to get old or have to be stuck in a bed the rest of its

days. In order to allow our bodies to keep us agile well into our 80s is to start treating it right. This begins

with diet.

This is why I am so impressed with the nutritarian diet. It focuses on

delivering to us the highest nutrient content available so our bodies can function the way they were designed


This diet is just makes sense: eat what is more nutritious and cut back on what is not as nutritious. It is backed by thousands of research studies and tens of thousands of research scientists who illustrate that plant

based diets are the healthiest diets available.

Now, this diet may seem extreme to some people. Even in the

medical community, they may look at me like I am crazy. In their

view, it is too radical for the average person to follow which is why they come up with their food

guides that are not teaching people how to be healthy.

If they did work, don’t you think the overweight percentage and disease percentage of our population would

be decreasing, not increasing?

And don’t you think that if people were told the total truth about what

nutrition can do for their bodies, they would work towards doing

what is healthiest?

I would like to believe that everyone wants to be healthy. I have yet to meet anyone who desires to be sick. This is why I think we should be educating the general public on the way

to eat healthy.

It is time we show the general public what all the nutritional research

points to as the healthiest diet and not just what we think they want to


No matter what, any diet that recommends consuming more whole

foods and less processed foods is helping people move in the right


After the many thousands of hours of nutritional study I have

completed, this diet just makes sense. I kept trying to relate to

vegetarians, vegans, or even raw foodists because they focused on

more plant-based diets. However, I could never quite grasp their way of


Vegetarians are not necessarily healthier for eating no animal meat.

For the most part they are still consuming the processed food the rest of the American population is.

Being vegetarian does not make you healthy.

Vegan is a step further away from animal products than

vegetarians because it removes all meat, dairy, eggs, etc. from the diet. Vegans can

have the same issues that vegetarians have with eating too many processed foods

and not enough whole foods.

The raw food diet can be healthy when you get enough variety of the foods. It at least focuses on fresh, whole plant-based foods. However, they

have some foods in there that were so foreign to me that I had no clue where to start!

The biggest issue with the raw food diet is that a lot of the vitamins are more

available for your body to absorb when cooked.

For example, the lycopene in tomatoes is more available when cooked as it is in

sauces. So, I never felt compelled to take food to this extreme.

I still want some of my comfort foods every now and then.

This is what brings me back to the nutritarian diet which focuses on the

healthier foods in both raw and cooked forms and still allows you to have those

foods you are used to.

It is all about eating more of the healthy foods and less of the unhealthy foods.

What diet gets easier than that?

I feel this is one of the healthiest diets out there and one that I can

actually adhere to.

I am ready to be considered a nutritarian; are you?

The only negatives I can find in this diet is that for some already thin people, there may be too

much bulk and not enough calories.

For thin people or those who are very active, the only change that is necessary is to

increase the amount of nuts and seeds a little in your diet to meet caloric intakes.

One more negative I can think of is that of vitamin B12. This

is the only vitamin that vegetarians, vegans, raw

foodist, and now nutritarians find challenging to get. This is a vitamin that is made from


It used to be found in plant sources but now with farmers making their fields void of these bacteria, they are not found in

plant sources.

This bacterium is still found with meat, so meat eaters get enough vitamin B12. There is simply a supplement you can

take to meet these needs.

Overall, I believe this to be one of the healthiest diets out there that you can

start working towards and not to mention one of the easiest to transition into.

This is much better than the tons of fake food most of us are eating and making our bodies exist on. Go with high nutrient food

and let your body thrive!

How do you start a Nutritarian Diet?


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