o pis dokumentov in moŽnosti za njihov priklic na svetovnem spletu

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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O PIS DOKUMENTOV IN MOŽNOSTI ZA NJIHOV PRIKLIC NA SVETOVNEM SPLETU. dr. Alenka Šauperl, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



dr. Alenka Šauperl, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

dr. Jerry D. Saye, Šola za informacijsko znanost in bibliotekarstvo, Univerza Severne Karoline v Chapel Hillu

Potreba po bolje organiziranem spletu

Na kratko, svetovni splet ni digitalna knjižnica. Če pa naj bi še naprej rastel in se razvijal kot nov način komuniciranja, bo za organizacijo, dostop in ohranjanje informacij v omrežju potrebno nekaj zelo podobnega tradicionalnim knjižničnim storitvam... Lynch (1997)

Značilnosti poizvedovanja na spletu

• Seje so relativno kratke.• Uporabniki vpišejo kratke iskalne

izraze.• Boolovi operatorji so redko

uporabljeni.• Najpogosteje uporabniki pogledajo le

prvo stran zadetkov.


• Uporabniki niso posebno prizadevni:• Približno 1/2 vseh iskanj vsebuje 1

poizvedbo.• Približno 1/5 ljudi poskusi še drugič.• Le 1/3 jih poskusi trikrat in več.


• Poizvedba povprečno vsebuje 3 izraze.

• Okrog 9% vseh izrazov, uporabljenih v poizvedbah, je edinstvenih.

• Okrog 20% ljudi uporabi Boolove operatorje.


• Ljudje pregledajo le majhen del seznama zadetkov:• Okrog 78% ljudi pregleda samo prvo

stran.• Okrog 13% jih pogleda tudi na drugo

stran.• Še okrog 14% jih pogleda tretjo stran

in naprej.


• Ker ne pregledajo več strani zadetkov, so uporabniki popolnoma odvisni od razvrščanja (rangiranja), ki ga opravijo spletni iskalniki.• Vendar velika večina uporabnikov

sploh ne pozna kriterijev za rangiranje.• Avtorji spletnih strani in njihova

podjetja to spretno izkoriščajo!

Mednarodni spletni iskalnik

• Google• PageRank algoritem za razvrščanje

(rangiranje)• Backlinks

• Stran je rangirana višje, če ima več drugih strani hiperpovezave z njo.

• Da bi bili vidni, moramo prepričati avtorje mnogih spletnih strani, da vključijo hiperpovezave na našo stran. (Zloraba?)

Domači iskalnik• Najdi.si• Trident Precision Rank

• Popularnost, besede v naslovih in vključitev spletne strani v veliko indeksov in direktorijev

• Stran je višje rangirana, če • več uporabnikov klikne na njeno hiperpovezavo v seznamu

priklicanih strani,• vsebuje značilne besede v naslovu in• je v indeksih drugih iskalnikov in direktorijev, npr. Google, Yahoo,

Matkurja, itd.

• Da bi bili vidni, moramo: • prepričati veliko uporabnikov, da kliknejo hiperpovezavo

na našo stran, ko se ta pojavi na seznamu zadetkov in• Se potruditi in vpisati svojo spletno stran v veliko

iskalnikov in direktorijev.

So what does all this mean?

• Bates reviewed the literature on user information searching behavior.

• She found that human information seeking behavior has 3 basic characteristics:

So what does all this mean?

Bates 1. People operate under the principle of least effort.

So what does all this mean?

Bates 2. People are not aware of their own information-seeking process.

So what does all this mean?

Bates 3. People are strongly influenced by power figures in their lives.

So what does all this mean?

• The 3 “Principles of Bates”, unfortunately, do not offer any immediate solutions to the organization of efficient Web portals or the organization of digital collections.

So what does all this mean?

• Instead they identify problems that are there attributable to human nature.

So what does all this mean?

• Our recognition of them gives us an opportunity to design information systems that respond to those known problems.

So what does all this mean?

• Or we can ignore the opportunity and just let the problems continue to influence just about everything we and others do in the digital world of information-seeking.

So what does all this mean?

• More than 10% of queries contain names.

• A good authority file should recognize names and immediately query the searcher as to whether the name they are searching for are for works about that name or for works associated with the name.

So what does all this mean?

• These authority files would also help by identifying mis-spellings, variant forms of a name and use of that name by more than one entity.

So what does all this mean?

• Our systems also need to report to users when there are several screens of results.

• But we should not overwhelm them with the full results immediately.

So what does all this mean?

• Consequently our systems need to report results in clusters based on document characteristics.

So what does all this mean?

• Let’s think about “Laško”.

So what does all this mean?

• On 17 julij that term retrieved 61.062 hits on najdi.si

So what does all this mean?

• Review of the first 5 screens revealed that the 50 hits on these screens could be reduced to 31 simply by reducing duplicate hits.

• Similarly, if synonyms and closely-closely related terms are accounted for the results are reduced to 27 hits.

So what does all this mean?A clustering of the 27 hits might look like this: • turizem: agencija za razvoj turizma 2, grad, hotel, penzion,

planinstvo, prireditev 3, prireditveni center 2, turistični informacijski center 2, turistično društvo/združenje, mladinski center

• slike kraja: Burgerjeve slike 2• e-vsebine: forum, iskalnik• podjetja in trgovine: kmetijska zadruga, obrtna zbornica,

pivovarna 3, tovarna 3, podjetje, trgovina 3• kultura in izobraževanje: knjižnica, izobraževalni center, šola• šport: košarkarska liga, košarkarski klub 2, nogometni klub 2,

rokometni klub 2 • občinska uprava: občina 2, upravna enota, komunala 2• zdravje: zdravilišče 2• transport: železnica

So what does all this mean?

This leads us to say.

So much work!

So little time!

So what does all this mean?

Let’s get started!

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