oak park festival-henry v

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Directed by Stanton Davis June 9 – July 9, 2011 Austin Gardens, Oak Park, IL PRESENTS 1OakParkFestival


1Oak Park Festival



Adapted from William Shakespeare’s Henry IV Parts 1 and 2

by Stanton Davis

Directed byStanton Davis

June 9 – July 9, 2011Austin Gardens, Oak Park, IL

2 Oak Park Festival


Welcome to Oak Park Festival Theatre’s 37th Season of Classic plays in Austin Gardens.

The opening of our summer shows here in beautiful Austin Gardens, is my favorite time of year. The set is up, the lights are all hung, and all the artists associated with our company are poised to present to you the product of all our hard work. We are so glad you are here, whether this is your first visit or your 37th.

This has been our most ambitious season ever! For the first time ever we have produced a 4 play season. Our two indoor plays at the Madison Street Theater—Harold Pinter’s Betrayal in the Fall of 2010 and Faith Healer by Brian Friel in the spring of 2011—opened to critical acclaim. And now we complete our season with our traditional outdoor offerings, The History of King Henry the Fourth and Henry V. With the support of our community and your patronage we continue to grow and prosper.

It is my decided pleasure to tell you that next year we are going to continue to be a year-round presence in the community. For our 2011-2012 season we will again produce two indoor shows in the studio space at Madison Street Theater: Tennessee Williams’ masterpiece, The Glass Menagerie in the fall, and Marie Jones’ Olivier award-winning Irish comedy Stones In His Pockets in the spring of 2012. I am happy to announce that the latter will feature my very good friend, Alan Ruck, who many of you may know as Cameron from the film Ferris Beuler’s Day Off and Stuart Bondek in the hit TV comedy “Spin City.” I will have the great joy of joining him in this hilarious two-hander.

Then again outdoors, in the summer of 2012 we are proud to present to you Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee’s immortal drama, Inherit The Wind, with its still timely debate between creationism and evolution, truth vs. political ambition. We pair this battle with one of Shakespeare’s most challenging plays featuring his most ambitious and ruthless leader. Our Richard lll, will star our own Kevin Theis.

I hope you will plan to join us again next season for what continues to be an exciting time of growth and cooperation with the Oak Park Community and the theatre community in Chicago. Please consider becoming a subcriber to insure you will not miss a minute of our red hot 38th season!


King Henry IV was not the best claimant to Richard’s throne, but he collected a debt that could only be repaid with a King’s ransom. When Henry returned from exile, Richard found himself facing a better politician who had many of the most powerful men in the realm at his back. Richard had illegally used Henry’s seized lands to fund his wars, and he had no way to repay the debt other than abdicating the throne. Shortly thereafter, Richard was murdered by some of Henry’s support-ers. Our show opens with King Henry reliving the murder.

Many of Henry’s former allies are having buyer’s remorse and have decided to test the king. They want to put him in his place, or even to back the young man Richard named as heir: Edmond Mortimer.

Rebellion is brewing on the edges of Henry’s realm. In the north, the Percy fam-ily have joined with the Scottish border raider, Archibald, Earl of Douglass. The Archbishop of York also joins this faction. To the west in the rebellious Princedom of Wales, Edmond Mortimer has married the daughter of the infamous warrior, brigand and magician, Owen Glendower. In the south, Hastings is in revolt, and

3Oak Park Festival

DIRECTOR ’S NOTES (c o n t.)

in London the king has had to remove his embarrassing son, Prince Hal, from the Privy Council. Hal (later Henry V) has some learning to do, some wild oats yet to sow, and some moral quandaries to resolve about his family’s complicity in the murder of the mild mannered King Richard.

Hal spends his days in the slums of Eastcheap at the Boar’s Head Tavern. His surrogate father is an aging knight who has fallen on bad times, Sir John Falstaff. Falstaff is the head of an ineffectual group of alcoholic outlaws who spend more time drinking in the bawdy houses than in the pursuit of cash.

As we begin this adventure even Henry’s body is in revolt against him. His health is failing and his family and friends are worried. His enemies smell weakness. His only hope is in God’s forgiveness. It was prophesied he would die in Jerusalem. He assumes that his destiny is to gain spiritual and political salvation by going on a crusade to Palestine. But his own health and the malice of his former supporters have other ideas about where he should breathe his last.

I hope you enjoy The History of King Henry the Fourth. This was the play that got me hooked on Shakespeare as a kid. It made me laugh and cry. I was on the edge of my seat. I fell in love with the epicurean rogues at Eastcheap, the righteously in-dignant yet lovable rebels in Wales, and the dignified nobility of the king’s court at Westminster. History class was never like this! These are history plays, yes. But they are also deeply personal family stories filled with the very things that make us all feel human. Raise a glass of sack to feeling human joy, pain, and redemption!

Stanton Davis

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CAST ( i n o r d e r o f a p p e a r a n c e)

King Richard II ..............................................................................................................Logan BlackKing Henry IV ..................................................................................................... Michael SherwinHarcourt ..........................................................................................................Caitlin CavannaughWarwick .........................................................................................................................Ariel BegleyEarl of Westmoreland ............................................................................................Patrick DoolinSir Walter Blunt ............................................................................................Philip ZimmermannSir John Falstaff ..........................................................................................................Jack Hickey*Henry Prince of Wales, son to the King, afterwards King Henry V ....... Dennis GrimesPoins ................................................................................................................................Logan BlackThomas Percy, Earl of Worcester ..........................................................................Edwin UngerHenry Percy, Earl of Northumberland ......................................................Mackenzie ParkerHenry Percy, surnamed Hotspur, his son .................................................... Adam MeredithRichard Scroop, Archbishop of York ......................................................................Jake DewarPistol .................................................................................................................Aaron Christensen*Doll Tearsheet .......................................................................................................Charlie CascinoBardolph ........................................................................................................................Wm. BullionPeto .................................................................................................................................. Kate BoothLady Northumberland ............................................................................................... Kate BoothLady Percy, wife to Hotspur and sister to Mortimer ............................Maggie KetteringMistress Quickly, hostess of a tavern in Eastcheap ...................................Sara M. NicholsLord Chief Justice ........................................................................................................Jake DewarEdmund Mortimer, Earl of March ................................................................Samuel HubbardOwen Glendower .......................................................................................Philip ZimmermannLady Mortimer, daughter of Glendower and wife to Mortimer .................Ariel BegleyArchibald, Earl of Douglas ............................................................................Mackenzie ParkerSir Michael, a friend to the Archbishop ............................................................... Bill GordonSir Richard Vernon ............................................................................................... Mitchell MartinJohn of Lancaster, son to the King..................................................................Michael MoranLord Hastings ...............................................................................................................Ariel BegleyMowbray ..............................................................................................................Samuel HubbardPilgrims ...........................................................................................Bill Gordon, Mitchell MartinEnsemble .............................................................................................................. Christopher Ballou

Understudies never substitute for listed performers unless a specific announcement is made at the time of the performance.

*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers


Director & Adapter .................................................................................................Stanton DavisAssistant Director ......................................................................................... Christopher BallouSet Designer ...................................................................................................Aimee HanyzewskiLighting Designer....................................................................................................... Sara GorskyCostume Designer ....................................................................................... Lindsay SchmelingProps Designer ....................................................................................................Andrew HildnerSound Designer .......................................................................................................Joseph FoscoFight Choreographer ..............................................................................................Geoff CoatesAssistant Fight Choreographer ......................................................................Charlie CascinoMusic Director ..............................................................................................Caitlin CavannaughMaster Carpenter ..................................................................................................Michael O’NeillStage Manager .................................................................................................... Robert W. Behr*Assistant Stage Managers .......................................................Becca Chimis, Allison Queen

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Directed byKEVIN THEIS

July 14 – August 20, 2011Austin Gardens, Oak Park, IL

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CAST ( i n o r d e r o f a p p e a r a n c e)

Chorus .....................................................................................................................Belinda Bremner*Archbishop of Canterbury........................................................................................ Kevin O’BrienBishop of Ely ........................................................................................................................Matt EngleKing Henry the Fifth ................................................................................................. Dennis GrimesDuke of Exeter, Uncle to the King .............................................................................. Jude RocheEarl of Westmoreland ................................................................................................ Patrick DoolinFrench Ambassador ..........................................................................................................Joe BiancoLieutenant Bardolph ......................................................................................................Wm. BullionCorporal Nym .........................................................................................................Jonathan NicholsPistol ..................................................................................................................... Aaron Christensen*Mistress Quickly ........................................................................................................ Sara M. NicholsBoy ................................................................................................................................Miranda F. TheisDuke of Bedford, brother to the King ....................................................................Damien CrimLord Henry Scroop of Masham ....................................................................... Mackenzie ParkerRichard, Earl of Cambridge .................................................................................... Michael MoranSir Thomas Grey ................................................................................................. Christopher BallouCharles the Sixth, King of France............................................................................ Kevin O’BrienLewis, the Dauphin............................................................................................................Matt EngleThe Constable of France .................................................................................................Joe BiancoFluellen, officer in King Henry’s army ..................................................................... Jack Hickey*Gower, officer in King Henry’s army ...........................................................................Bill GordonJamy, officer in King Henry’s army ............................................................... Christopher BallouMacMorris, officer in King Henry’s army ........................................................... Michael MoranGovernor of Harfleur .......................................................................................................Dan WilsonKatharine, daughter to King Charles....................................................................Melissa NedellAlice, a lady attending on her .............................................................................. Sara M. NicholsDuke of Orleans ................................................................................................................Dan WilsonMontjoy, a French herald ...................................................................................Jonathan NicholsHumphrey, Duke of Gloucester, brother to the King ............................... Samuel HubbardSir Thomas Erpingham, officer in King Henry’s army .............................. Mackenzie ParkerJohn Bates, soldier in King Henry’s army................................................... Christopher BallouAlexander Court, soldier in King Henry’s army ..........................................Jonathan NicholsMichael Williams, soldier in King Henry’s army .............................................. Michael MoranGrandpre, a French lord ................................................................................................Wm. BullionDuke of Burgundy ...........................................................................................................Wm. BullionLords, Ladies, Officers, Messengers, Citizens, Attendants, Soldiers .............The Company

Understudies never substitute for listed performers unless a specific announcement is made at the time of the performance.

*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers

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8 Oak Park Festival


England has a brand new king: the formerly prodigal, but now redeemed King Henry V. Early in his reign, Henry’s mettle is tested by a dispute concerning the French lands over which England claims sovereignty. The King consults with his learned advisor, the Archbishop of Canterbury, for resolution. The Archbishop, much in debt and thus in thrall to the throne, has reason aplenty to support this war which will divert the King’s attention from the church’s financial and legal woes. He and the other prelates find arcane legal justification for this war with France and strike a bargain pledging their financial backing and influence in the French campaign, in exchange for exemption from their burdensome taxes. Convinced now of the legitimacy of war and insulted by the French ambassadors, Henry declares war and readies his army Back in Henry’s former haunt of Eastcheap, Falstaff lies dying as three of his cronies prepare to go to war. Pistol, now married to Mistress Quickly, along with Bardolph, Nym, and their “page,” stand vigil by his bedside. When Falstaff expires on the eve of their departure, they embark with heavy hearts, assuaged by the hopes of financial gain through the spoils of war. As the King prepares to cross the Channel at Southampton he discovers a nest of highborn traitors. Before disclosing that he knows of their treachery, Henry offers them the opportunity to show mercy on a criminal. When they decline to offer even a modicum of mercy, the three plotters seal their own doom. The King confronts them and sentences them to death. The French King and his son, the Dauphin, await the English. Convinced of their martial and moral supremacy, they are spoiling for war. They mock the English king for his debauched youth, never imagining this wastrel could pose any threat to France. But, just in case Henry is victorious, the French Princess Katharine enjoys an English lesson from her serving lady. The English advance across France. Henry triumphs at Harfleur, but exhausts his army, leaving them precariously outnumbered and ill-supplied to face the French hosts at Agincourt. On the eve of battle, the King, disguised, tours his camp. Some of his soldiers—such as the brave Welshman Fluellen—are confident of victory and eager for the morning’s battle. But the King encounters others who question his motives for war and lay all blame for slaughter and sorrow on his uneasy head. Conflicted, but confident that all is in God’s hands, Henry greets the dawn with hope. The battle is joined. The woefully outnumbered English miraculously vanquish the overwhelming French ranks. Over ten thousand French are slain while England suffers only minor casualties. The astonished and grateful King credits the victory to God alone and meets with the French king to negotiate the surrender.

As an article of peace, Princess Katharine, is to wed the victor Henry. Henry requests a private audience with Katharine, wherein they discover an affinity for each other that, they hope, will unite their kingdoms, and the two mighty kingdoms are—for the moment—brought together as one. Sadly, it is not to last.

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Director ......................................................................................................................... Kevin Theis*Assistant Director ............................................................................................... Adam MeredithSet Designer ...................................................................................................Aimee HanyzewskiLighting Designer....................................................................................................... Sara GorskyCostume Designer ....................................................................................... Lindsay SchmelingProps Designer ....................................................................................................Andrew HildnerSound Designer .......................................................................................................Joseph FoscoFight Choreographer ..............................................................................................Geoff CoatesAssistant Fight Choreographer ......................................................................Charlie CascinoMaster Carpenter ..................................................................................................Michael O’NeillStage Manager .................................................................................................... Robert W. Behr*Assistant Stage Managers .......................................................Becca Chimis, Allison Queen


Christopher Ballou (Assistant Director, Henry the Fourth; Grey/Jamy/Bates, Henry V) Making his Oak Park debut in the Henry cycle, Chris was recently seen in

Romeo and Juliet (Romeo), King Lear (Edmund), and Les Miserables (Marius). Candidate for a BFA at Roosevelt University, Chris wants to thank OPFT for this amazing opportunity, Bob Simpson, and everyone who supports him.

Ariel Begley (Lady Mortimer/Warwick/Hastings, Henry the Fourth) is a recent graduate of the BFA Acting program at NIU, where she had the opportunity to

study abroad at the Moscow Art Theatre. She has been performing professionally since she was two with Discovery Mime Theatre, and she’s very excited for her Chicago debut at Oak Park Festival Theatre.

Joe Bianco (Ambassador/Constable, Henry V) debuts with Oak Park Festival Theatre. After graduating from Millikin University with a BFA in Acting, Joe

was quick to start work in the real world. He appeared in the first Chicago Fringe

Festival and recently served as understudy to half the cast for Funk It Up About Nothin’ at Chicago Shakespeare Theater.

Logan Black (Poins/Richard II, Henry the Fourth) is excited to be in his first production with OPFT. Some Chicago credits include The Last Daughter of

Oedipus (Pelops), Babes With Blades and Master works: The Museum of Bad Art (Taylor) with Commedia Beaure-gard. Logan will start his MFA training at the University of Missouri Kansas City this fall.

Kate Booth (Peto/Lady Northumber-land, Henry the Fourth) hails from Waukesha, WI. She has completed three years in her pursuit of a Bachelor of Fine

Arts degree in Acting, which included spending a semester at the Moscow Art Theatre, in Russia. She dedicates her work this summer to those who have deepened her passion for Shakespeare.

Belinda Bremner* (Chorus, Henry V) For Festival Theatre: Director–Dancing at Lughnasa, Of Mice and Men, Faith Healer, Mrs. Coney. Acting

10 Oak Park Festival

credits: Joseph Jefferson winner, ShawChicago (founder), Body Politic (Ensemble), Goodman, Court, North-light, St. Nicholas, Briar Street, Stories on Stage. Faculty Roosevelt University/CCPA for over twenty years. Proud member AEA, SAG, AFTRA.

Wm. Bullion (Bardolph, Henry the Fourth; Bardolph/Grandpre/Duke of Burgundy, Henry V) was most recently seen in two Factory Theater opuses,

Jenny & Jenni and League of Awesome. Previously: Building Stage’s Ring Cycle, City Lit’s The Thin Man and Prop Thtr’s smash-hit Hizzoner: Daley the First. Prior: Hamlet (Building Stage), The (W)Hole Thing (Stage Left), Romeo and Juliet (OPFT). Sweetness.

Charlie Cascino (Doll Tearsheet, Henry the Fourth, Assistant Fight Choreogra-pher) is thrilled to return to OPFT. She performed in Love’s Labors Lost (Jacquen-

etta) and Robin Hood (Maude). A graduate of Columbia College, she has worked as an actor and fight director in Chicago for 10 years. Her work has been seen at Writers’ Theatre, Lifeline, A Red Orchid, and AstonRep. She thanks her family and friends for their understand-ing, love, and support.

Caitlin Cavannaugh (Harcourt, Music Director, Henry the Fourth) is from Willow Springs. She is studying acting at Northern Illinois University and is

excited to be interning at Oak Park Festival Theatre. Favorite previous roles include Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker, Mother in Ragtime and Sara in LOL (cry quietly).

Aaron Christensen (Pistol) happily returns to Festival Theatre’s fold, having last appeared in Twelfth Night. In addition to Chicago stage credits with Remy Bumppo,

First Folio, Steppenwolf, Next, Goodman, Chicago Shakespeare, Bailiwick and Timeline, Aaron (aka “Dr AC”) is the editor of the Rondo-nominated creature feature guidebook, HORROR 101. Love to Shel.

Damien Crim (Bedford, Henry V) is thrilled to be making his debut with Oak Park Festival Theatre. He would like to say thanks and congrat-ulations to the cast

and crew for their tremendous work on this production and, as always, much love to his friends and family for all of their support.

Jake Dewar (Archbishop Scroop/Chief Justice, Henry the Fourth) is a recent graduate of North Central College in Naper-ville. Recent credits

include Death of a Salesman (Biff ) at the Bowen Park Theatre, 1776 (Jeffer-son) with American Eagle Productions, and Much Ado About Nothing (Ensem-ble) with First Folio Theatre. Jake has also recorded seven original sketch/musical comedy albums. Stalk him at JakeDewarComedy.com!

Patrick Doolin (Westmoreland) is thrilled to play Westmoreland in both Henry the Fourth and Henry V, as well as work with Oak Park Festival

Theatre for the first time. He’ll next play Cassius in Caesura: A Butchery, an adaptation of Julius Caesar at New Rock Theater. Proud graduate of LAMDA.


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12 Oak Park Festival

Matt Engle (Ely/Dauphin, Henry V) was recently seen at Lifeline Theatre in Watership Down (Capt. Holly). Around Chicago he has worked with Steep

Theatre, Strawdog Theatre and Theatre Wit. Mostly, Matt can be seen over at Factory Theater, where he is a proud company member. Some of his recent Factory shows include Ren Faire! A Fistful of Ducats (Hero) and Dirty Diamonds (Vic).

Bill Gordon (Pilgrim/Sir Michael, Henry the Fourth; Gower, Henry V) is currently an MFA Acting student at Northern Illinois University. He attended The

Ohio State Universty to receive his BA in Theatre. This is his Chicago debut, which he could not be more excited about. Previous roles include Old Pro/Peleg in Moby Dick Re‑hearsed, Herb in Godspell, and Barnaby Tucker in Hello Dolly.

Dennis Grimes (Hal/Henry V) is thrilled to join OPFT for Henry the Fourth and Henry V. He was seen as Gerry Evans in Dancing at Lughnasa. Chicago credits include

Goodman, Northlight, Next, TimeLine, Strawdog, Provision, and regionally for the Illinois Shakespeare Festival. Television credits include guest starring role Tommy Devlin on ABC’s Detroit 187.

Jack Hickey* (Falstaff, Henry the Fourth; Fluellen, Henry V) is Artistic Director of OPFT and has been with the company for nine seasons. For Festival Theatre he

has directed Much Ado About Nothing,

The Comedy of Errors, As You Like It, and Love’s Labour’s Lost. Roles with Festival Theatre include Teddy in Faith Healer, the title role in Cyrano de Bergerac, Charles Condomine in Blithe Spirit, Howard Bevins in Picnic, Touchstone in As You Like It, John Douglas in Murder by the Book, Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet, and Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Jack has worked with many other theatres including ShawChi-cago, The Goodman, Drury Lane Oak Brook, Remy Bumppo, and Chicago Dramatists. Favorite roles include that of Buckminster Fuller in the one man show R. Buckminster Fuller: The History and Mystery of the Universe at the Mercury Theatre, and Ko-Ko in The Mikado with Light Opera Works.

Samuel Hubbard (Mowbray/Mortimer, Henry the Fourth; Humphrey, Henry V) is an actor at Columbia College Chicago. Previous credits include Love’s

Labour’s Lost (University of Michigan), The Merry Wives of Windsor (Royal Shakespeare Company), Proof (Dramat-ic Tension Project) and Lie of the Mind (Pioneer Theatre Guild). Sam is an Advanced Actor Combatant with the Society of American Fight Directors.

Maggie Kettering (Lady Percy, Henry the Fourth) is thrilled to join OPFT this season. She was a founding member and artistic associate of Mythmakers

Theatre Company, where she appeared in Tartuffe, Medea, and The House of Atreus, among others. She holds an MFA from the University of Delaware’s Professional Theatre Training Program.


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14 Oak Park Festival


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Mitchell Martin (Vernon/Pilgrim, Henry the Fourth) is an intern from Louisville, KY. He is currently enrolled at Northern Illinois University as a

candidate for a BFA in acting.

Adam Meredith (Hotspur, Henry the Fourth; Assistant Director, Henry V) returns to OPFT after last summer’s Of Mice and Men. Other credits include: The

Government Inspector and A Christmas Carol (Milwaukee Rep), King Lear (Chicago Shakespeare), As You Like It (Colorado Shakespeare Festival) and title roles in Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet for Woodward Shakespeare Festival–where he also played a Witch. He is a BFA graduate of CCPA and has an MFA from Ohio University.

Michael Moran (John of Lancaster, Henry the Fourth; Cambridge/MacMorris/Williams, Henry V) Michael Moran’s professional credits in Boston

included the Huntington Theatre Company and Shakespeare Now. Since moving to Chicago in Septem-ber he has worked with LiveWire, Red Tape, Interrobang, Buzz 22 and Victory Gardens. He has a BFA from Boston University and is excited to be working with OPFT.

Melissa Nedell (Katharine, Henry V) can be seen as Juliet in Shattered Globe Theatre’s traveling production of Romeo & Juliet. Chicago credits: As You Like It

(Chicago Shakespeare), The Picture of Dorian Gray (Lifeline Theatre), and work


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with Steppenwolf, Chicago Dramatists, Theatre Wit, Raven, Collaboraction, Stage Left and Factory theatre companies. Regional credits: Montana Shakespeare in the Parks, Brown County Playhouse, and Connecticut Repertory Theatre.

Jonathan Nichols (Nym/Montjoy/Court, Henry V) performed in Macbeth and Julius Caesar with OPFT and is happy to be back. Recently he was in ShawChi-

cago’s Arms and the Man. Chicago credits include: Ideal Husband and Hay Fever at Circle, City Lit’s Pigs Have Wings, The Tempest with Shakespeare on the Green, Rising Moon Theatre’s The Lion in Winter and several productions with Eclipse and Raven.

Sara M. Nichols (Mistress Quickly, Henry the Fourth; Mistress Quickly/Alice, Henry V) returns to Oak Park Festival Theatre having previously appeared

in Mrs. Coney. Other Chicago theatre credits include Steppenwolf Theatre, Lookingglass, European Rep, Bailiwick, Irish Repertory, Barto Productions, and CT20 Ensemble, where she was a founding ensemble member.

Kevin O’Brien (Canterbury/King of France, Henry V) coaches acting and public speaking for the OPRF High School Speech Team and is the proud

father of two sons: Evan, a 2011 Penn State graduate, and Colin, an OPRFHS Dean’s List senior and 2011 varsity


16 Oak Park Festival

baseball relief pitcher. Kevin appeared as Coach Mertz in Oak Park indepen-dent film maker Mike Cramer’s award-winning Dear Mr. Fidrych.

Mackenzie Parker (Douglas/North-umberland, Henry the Fourth; Scroop/Erpingham, Henry V) This is Mackenzie’s first production at Oak Park Festival Theatre. He has just completed his second year at NIU as a BFA acting major. Previous productions include Moby Dick Rehearsed and Twelfth Night.

Jude Roche (Exeter, Henry V) made his debut as an ensem-ble intern at Chicago Shakespeare Theatre in their production of Romeo & Juliet. He was recently

Ratslayer in Strawdog Theatre’s Jeff nominated production of The Master and Margarita. This is his third profes-sional show.

Michael Sherwin (King Henry IV) is thrilled to make his OPFT debut. A Glenview native, he’s a former company member of Southwest Shakespeare and

Shakespeare Sedona. In Chicago, he’s played Hamlet (New World Rep); Ghost of Hamlet’s Father (Polarity); MacDuff (City Lit), and was last seen as Rev. Todd in Redtwist’s The Man from Nebraska.

Miranda F. Theis (Boy, Henry V) returns to OPFT, having recently appeared as Jamie in Mrs. Coney. She recently graduated from Irving Elementary

(soon to join Julian Middle School) where she played the Jester in James Thurber’s Many Moons, a pirate in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance and was a member of their chorus. She enjoys playing softball and the guitar.

Edwin Unger (Worcester, Henry the Fourth) is ecstatic to be performing with OPFT for the first time. Originally from Florida, Edwin received a BFA in

Performance and a Dance Minor from UF. Recent Chicago credits include Para‑dise Lost at ShawChicago and Hamlet with DreamLogic, for which he also designed violence. Love you, Steph.

Dan Wilson (Governor/Orleans, Henry V) is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Theatre program. Recent stage credits include: Romeo & Juliet

(Shattered Globe Theatre); Kid‑Simple: A Radio Play in the Flesh (Oakton Commu-nity College); The Madness of Edgar Allan Poe and Twelfth Night (First Folio Theatre).

Philip Zimmermann (Blunt/Glendower, Henry the Fourth) has recently been seen in A Klingon Christmas Carol and The Museum of Bad Arts Plays with Commedia

Beauregard. He has also worked with Great River Shakespeare Festival (Julius Caesar) and as an acting intern with The Milwaukee Repertory Theater.

Stanton Davis (Adapter and Director, Henry the Fourth) was Slim in OPFT’s Of Mice and Men and Don Pedro in Much Ado About Nothing. He was dialect/vocal coach for Dancing at Lughnasa. Davis is head of the BFA acting program and head of voice and speech at NIU. MFA (Acting): University of Delaware. BFA: University of Utah. Professional work: actor (stage, film and commer-cials), fight choreographer, stagehand, director, voice-over, stunts, voice coach, dialect coach, and education director throughout the country. A member of the Independent Fight Director’s Guild,


17Oak Park Festival


he is a certified Associate Teacher of Fitzmaurice Voice Work. He has directed all over the country (Baltimore, Phila-delphia, Arizona and Utah).

Kevin Theis (Director, Henry V) Kevin has directed four previous productions for Festival Theatre–Picnic, Robin Hood, Cyrano de Bergerac, and the touring company’s production of Shake‑speare: Scenes, Sonnets and Songs. As a performer, he has appeared in a number of OPFT shows, most recently as Benedick in Much Ado, George in Of Mice and Men, and Frank Hardy in this season’s Faith Healer. Other directing credits include last summer’s Michigan Shakespeare Festival’s production of Comedy of Errors as well as produc-tions at Lifeline Theatre, City Lit, Buf-falo Theatre Ensemble, CT20 Ensemble, and Seanachai Theatre, where he is an ensemble member. Kevin has been nominated for three Joseph Jefferson awards for his directing work.

Aimee Hanyzewski (Set Design) is pleased to be working for the second summer in a row with Oak Park Festi-val Theatre. Last summer, she designed the sets for Love’s Labour’s Lost and Of Mice and Men, which was nominated for a Joseph Jefferson award. Aimee is the Resident Lighting Designer and Assistant Production Manager for Roosevelt University in Chicago, and freelances working for local compa-nies such as Next Act and Milwaukee Repertory Theater.

Sara Gorsky (Lighting Design) is thrilled to work at OPFT again where she designed last fall’s Betrayal. Her design work has been seen all around Chicago including Backstage Theatre Company, WNEP Theater, DCA Store-front Theater, Chicago Dramatists and NIU. In addition you can see her onstage this summer with Lakeside Shakespeare Theatre in MacBeth and Midsummer Night’s Dream. She is also a proud company member of Promethe-an Theatre Ensemble.

Lindsay Schmeling (Costume Design) Originally from South Carolina, Lindsay designed in Maryland and Kentucky before finally moving to Chicago. Her designs were last seen in Corpo Dance Company’s production of Coppelius and various productions at NIU where she recently earned her MFA. Lindsay is thrilled to be joining OPFT and, as always, thanks her family for supporting her artistic lifestyle.

Andrew Hildner (Props Design) is currently a theatre designer in the Chicagoland area. He has a B.A. from Carthage College and an MFA from Northern Illinois University and has studied design at the Moscow Art The-atre. His most recent productions in-clude scenery for Moby Dick Rehearsed and Twelfth Night on the O’Connell stage in DeKalb, IL, and Voyager dance for the Leopold group.

Joseph Fosco (Sound Design) is a composer/sound designer. He was nominated for a NY Drama Desk Award, seven Jeff Awards, receiving three; received two After Dark Awards and an Orgie Theatre Award. He designed at Goodman, Steppenwolf, Victory Gardens, Northlight, Fox Valley Rep., A Red Orchid and others. Regionally: Barrow Street, 29th Street Rep. (NY), Seattle, Madi-son, Milwaukee, London, Edinburgh, Brighton, and Manchester. Visit www.josephfosco.com for more information.

Geoff Coates (Fight Choregrapher) is thrilled to return to Oak Park, having choreographed the fights for Robin Hood in 2007, and Cyrano De Bergerac in 2009. As a freelance Fight Director with over 40 productions and 20 years of ex-perience designing violence for Chicago theaters, he is honored to be the recipi-ent of four Joseph Jefferson Awards and two After Dark awards for Outstanding Achievement in Fight Choreography. Geoff strives to explore the causality of conflict, and express it through dynamic and realistic physical action, cunning and inventive spectacle, and a desire to entertain and educate.

18 Oak Park Festival


The Saints, for ushering; David Wooley; Kyle Irwin; David Skvarla; Lila M. Stromer Photography (www.LilaStromerPhotos.com).

A very special thank you to the leadership and staff of the Vist Oak Park.


Festival Theatre summer performances are located in beautiful Austin Gardens. Originally owned by the Austin Family, Austin Gardens was willed to the Park District of Oak Park in 1944 along with an irrevocable trust fund for extraordinary maintenance and improvements. This fund is managed locally in hopes it will continue to grow and support the work of the Park District and, more specifically, Festival Theatre. If you are interested in donating to the Austin Trust, please con-tact Diane Stanke at the Park District of Oak Park at (708) 725-2022.

Leave No TracePlease be a good steward of Austin Gardens and leave no trace of your visit by taking all trash and recyclables with you when the performance ends.


Find us on Facebook!Search for Oak Park Festival Theatre and Like us on Facebook to find out about breaking news, sneak previews, and special deals. We Like our Facebook friends!

Oak Park Festival Theatre is always on the lookout for dedicated volunteers. Do you want to support the arts? All it takes is a few hours a month. We will tailor tasks to your interests and skills. Call 708-445-4440 and leave a message for Managing Director, Lisa Gordon, or e-mail Info@OakParkFestival.com. More information is available at OakParkFestival.com


Robert W. Behr (Stage Manager) is pleased to be returning for his eighth season at Oak Park Festival Theatre. A proud Actors’ Equity member since 1980, he has performed and stage man-aged for many Chicago area theatres as well as in Toledo, Ohio; Muskegon and Saugatuck, Michigan; and the opera company of the Eastman School of Mu-sic. He was last seen here as Sir Richard de la Lee in Robyn Hood. He’s also a free-lance director and OPFT’s treasurer.

Becca Chimis (Assistant Stage Manager) is thrilled to return for her fourth summer at OPFT. She was a pro-duction assistant for Much Ado About

Nothing (2008), Cyrano de Bergerac (2009), and Love’s Labour’s Lost (2010), and was assistant to the director for Of Mice and Men (2010). Becca is also in the Master of Public Health program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Allison Queen (Assistant Stage Manager) is a native Texan who gradu-ated from The University of Oklahoma in 2008 with a BFA in stage manage-ment. Since moving to Chicago she has worked at dozens of theaters including Theatre Wit and Raven Theatre. She wants to thank her parents for all of their amazing support.

20 Oak Park Festival


Kate Booth ......................................................................................Northern Illinois UniversityCaitlin Cavannaugh .....................................................................Northern Illinois UniversityBill Gordon ......................................................................................Northern Illinois UniversityGrace Heatherington-Tilka..........................................................................Indiana UniversitySamuel Hubbard ............................................................................Columbia College ChicagoMaggie Karlin ..................................................................................................OPRF HS GraduateMitchell Martin ..............................................................................Northern Illinois UniversityMackenzie Parker .........................................................................Northern Illinois UniversityJordan Weed ..................................................................................................Occidental CollegeVictoria Whooper ................................................................................... Dominican University


Co-President ................................................................................................................ Kevin Theis*Co-President ..................................................................................................... Belinda Bremner*Treasurer ................................................................................................................ Robert W. Behr*Asst. Treasurer ................................................................................................................... Bill RakesSecretary ..................................................................................................................Molly SurowitzMembers.................. Leslie D’Agostino, Paul Engelhardt, Len Grossman, Jeff Madden, Dan Marco,Clifford T. Osborn, Joyce Porter, Michael Rothman, Edwin Wald

Oak Park Festival Theatre is a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association, the League of Chicago Theatres, Oak Park River Forest Chamber of Commerce, and

Oak Park Area Arts Council.

Oak Park Festival Theatre is supported in part by the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

Oak Park Festival Theatre is partially funded by the Oak Park Area Arts Council, in partnership with the Villages of Oak Park, Forest Park and River Forest, and the

Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

Oak Park Festival Theatre’s summer sound system is supported in part by The Saints, an organization of volunteers for the performing arts.



Artistic Director ..........................................................................................................Jack Hickey*Managing Director ...................................................................................................Lisa Gordon*Marketing Manager .............................................................................................Alexis JaworskiOutreach Coordinator...................................................................................... Katherine BanksEducation Director .......................................................................................................David ZizicGrant Writer ................................................................................................................. Erica BittnerBox Office Manager ..................................................................................................Mary LimingPhotographer ..............................................................................................................Lila StromerLegal Advisor.......................................................................................................Pamela MyersonAdministrative Volunteer .....................................................................................Marilyn Nolan

22 Oak Park Festival

2010 -2011 DONORS

Over $1,000Belinda Bremner & Jake

Dickens In loving memory of

James Robert Bremner, Jr.Jack Hickey

$251 - $1,000Richard & Patricia AkinCynthia Barnard & Len

GrossmanDale CalandraElizabeth Howland &

Dennis ZavacKrystyna D. KielMary Michell in memory

of Margery MichellGeorga K. and Allen

ParchemJoyce PorterChatka RuggieroKevin TheisEdwin WaldC. Michael & Madeleine M.


Up to $250Mrs. John H. AndersenCarole AstonMargaret Bailey & Thomas

BarwinLydia BergerJerry BloomH. J. and S. Cartland BodeBen Bogner

Frederick J. BolandDennis & Linda J. BonnerRachael BottorffF. David & Philomena

BoulangerBrooke BremnerTimothy & Elizabeth

BrowneMargaret CallaghanMarie C. CastanedaElinor ChapmanSylvia & Lawrence

ChristmasNancy & Peter ClarkJoseph CoganCarol J. ConboyAdrianne CuryRobin DamskyDarren M. DematoffMary Beth DermodyJames DickertDr. & Mrs. Peter W. DietzDiana R. DrouillardOliver D’SilvaLois E. EbingerPaul EnglehardtJoan EspanaStuart A. Feldman & Arielle

R. AugustynDan and Beverly FeldtRobert FischerDaniel O. FisherCheryl L. FlinnDonald G. GancerJoan M. Giardina

Deborah J. GillespieGalen GockelEdmund & Paula GoedertKenneth GreenElinor Hamer-CraneThomas J. HaneyJames HaptonstahlAngelo HareasCristy HarrisJohn & Elizabeth HickeyJerry HillsJudith M. HoppeElaine HoytRaymond A. JohnsonMarian & Stan KaderbekCarolyn A. KalinaMarion and Alexander

KarczmarGary KellerRobert L. & Ellen B. KircherEvelyn KruegerDaniel S. Lamorte

in loving memory of Yolanda LaMorte

Arlene LencioniFranette LiebowAmy LittleColette M. LueckTom LynchJeffrey P. MaddenDan MarcoPatricia & Frederick MartinCynthia MaziarkaRoselen MurphyMarilyn Nolan


Over $5,000Austin TrustGaylord and Dorothy

Donnelley FoundationRichard H. Driehaus

FoundationIllinois Arts Council, a state


$1,001 - $5,00019th Century ClubOak Park Area Arts CouncilResurrection Health CareChicago Saints

$501 - $1,000Thomas G. Brown Family

Charitable Foundation

$251 - $500Book TableEZMail ServicesOaklake Park AssociatesOak Park ApartmentsSear’s PharmacyVivid SeatsWinberie’s Restaurant

$101 - $250Chicago BancorpForest Park National Bank

& TrustGoodsearchDr. Michael RothmanSusan M. SchererScoville Square Assoc.Strand & BrowneMolly Surowitz, Baird &


Up to $100Andy the Good

HandymanJerry BloomFashions AnewFly BirdForest PrintingFrame Warehouse

EvanstonIgive.comLynch Dental Center

PartnershipMcCollum RealtyMichael Fitzsimmons

Decorative ArtsMinuteman PressMurder Mystery PlayersPoor Phil’sYour Home Inspector

23Oak Park Festival

Oak Park Festival Theatre is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit arts organization. All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. OPFT gratefully accepts donations of all sizes and kinds. If your employer has a matching gift program, please send the necessary paperwork with your gift. Donations may be sent to P.O. Box 4114, Oak Park, IL 60303 or may be made online at OakParkFestival.com.


The Book TableBosco ProductionsBrambleBelinda BremnerBrooke BremnerChicago BearsChicago CubsChicago White SoxComedy SportzCompetitive FootCourt TheatreStanton DavisTony DobrowolskiRobert Fischer D.C.,L.Ac.First FolioMarge and Galen GockelGold Hat PinLeonard Grossman

Kill Shakespeare Entertainment

knot just knitsLeague of Chicago

TheatresLifeline TheatreLight Opera WorksLMNOP Children’s

ClothingMarion Street Cheese

MarketMolly Malone’s Irish PubOak Park Area Convention

and Visitor’s BureauOak Park and River Forest

SymphonyRickshaw RickMichael Rothman

Eric SchaeferSeanachai Theatre

CompanyShawChicagoStrawdog Theatre

CompanyMila TellezTimeline Theatre

CompanyEdwin WaldUnity Temple Restoration

FoundationVerismo Opera ClubVictory GardensWinberie’s Restaurant

and BarWonder Works, a children’s


2010 -2011 DONORS (c o n t.)

Kevin K. O’BrienClifford OsbornLauren PaulsonH. Nadine PetersenMaryellen PonsfordTeresa PowellDeborah PreiserHoward RaikChristopher RebstockSusan M. RobertsMichael RothmanMaryanne RusinakF.J. SchaalSusan M. Scherer

Stephen J. SchmidtPeggy Tuck SinkoJoseph T. SmithJoan C. SpataforaSteven K. SpencerDonna J. StephensKen StockConstance StraitLeslie StruthersMolly SurowitzMila TellezMargaret & Russell


Nancy & Richard WaichlerEdwin WaldSharon Watts & Arthur M.

SpoonerTracey WikKate Wulle-DuganMartha A. YountGale S. Zemel & David

MausnerDavid ZizicMichele M. Zurakowski &

John B. Flanigan

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