oasis presents

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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OASIS presents. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




  • Hello and welcome to the Oasis Diwali celebrations. In this slide show we attempt to bring to you a flavour of Diwali as it is celebrated in India and to convey to you the joy this festival brings to Indians. Diwali, the festival of Lights, is India's biggest and arguably its most popular festival. It symbolises the victory of knowledge over ignorance and of light over darkness.

    According to Hindu mythology, this is the day on which Ram, the king of Ayodhya returned from his 14-year exile with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman after slaying Ravan, a demon king. The people of Ayodhya illuminated the kingdom with oil lamps and fireworks to celebrate of the return of their king. In most parts of India, Diwali lasts for five days and each day has a story associated with it. The first is called Dhanteras. On this day, Lord Dhanwantari is supposed to have emerged from the ocean with Ayurvedic medicine, which would ensure healthy life for all of mankind. The second day of Diwali is called narakchaturdashi. This is supposed to be the day on which Lord Krishna destroyed the demon Narakasur and made the world free from fear. Masks and large statues of Narakasur are set on fire and destroyed on this day. The third day of Diwali is considered to be the most important. Laksmi, the goddess of wealth is worshipped on this day. She ensures prosperity and symbolises the triumph of good over evil.The fourth day is the day of govardhan pooja. According to legend, the people of Gokul had incurred the wrath of Lord Indra who, in his fury sent a deluge to submerge the village. The boy krishna is said to have lifted the mountain govardhana with simply his little finger to shelter the villagers and keep them safe and dry. The fifth and final day of Diwali is called Bhai Dooj. This is a day on which the bonds between a brother and a sister are recognised and celebrated. This brings an end to the five day celebration of the festival of Diwali.

    However, it is not merely the stories that make Diwali the festival it is. The excitement of Diwali can be felt in houses and on the streets. Businesses light up to welcome the goddess of wealth and a stroll around the city becomes a visual feast. Businesses light up to welcome the goddess of wealthDarkness is abolishedAnd a stroll around the city becomes a visual extravaganza.Heaps of marigold suddenly appear on the streets and disappear as quickly as households decorate themselves with flowers and lights.Shopping for the new business year starts with vigourAnd buying colourful lights and streamers to decorate houses is in full swingBuying little earthen lamps to light up houses is a favourite activityAnd there is a buzz around the marketplace that represents the very spirit of Diwali and prosperityEasily, shopping for Diwali is one of the favourite activities for most Indians.The feeling of prosperity and goodwill is further enhanced by the warm exchange of gifts and cards among friends and familyResidential areas look pretty with their lights And beautiful patterns decorate the courtyards of every house Lanterns are found outside all housesAnd little oil lamps glow in the evenings, banishing darknessRangolis are colourful patterns made using a type of rice powderOr using flowers and petals.Making these is a routine activity around the time of diwaliFinally we come to fireworks and crackers the most fun part of Diwali, especially for kids.All sorts of little crackers and fireworks burst outside houses through the evening, lighting up the sky as well as the streetsFor a lot of people, this is what Diwali is all about, five days of light and fun, of shopping and eating and of being excited and happy. I hope we have managed to bring to you some of the atmosphere of Diwali through this presentation

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