oberman & ramachandran, 2008

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Deficits in Multisensory Integration -- 1


Preliminary evidence for deficits in multisensory integration in autism spectrum

disorders: The mirror neuron hypothesis

Lindsay M. Oberman1,2

& Vilayanur S. Ramachandran1,2,3

1 Center for Brain and Cognition, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0109

2 Department of Psychology, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0109

3 Department of Neurosciences, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0662

3900 Words

Correspondence should be sent to: Lindsay M. Oberman, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla,

CA 92093-0109; (858) 534-7907; fax: (858) 534-7190, loberman@ucsd.edu.

Key Words: Bouba-Kiki, Sound-Form Symbolism, Mirror Neuron System, Autism

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Autism is a complex disorder, characterized by social, cognitive, communicative,

and motor symptoms. One suggestion, proposed in the current study, to explain the

spectrum of symptoms is an underlying impairment in multisensory integration (MSI)

systems such as a mirror neuron-like system. The mirror neuron system, thought to play

a critical role in skills such as imitation, empathy, and language can be thought of as a

multisensory system, converting sensory stimuli into motor representations. Consistent

with this, we report preliminary evidence for deficits in a task thought to tap into MSI –

“the bouba-kiki task” in children with ASD. The bouba-kiki effect is produced when

subjects are asked to pair nonsense shapes with nonsense “words”. We find that

neurotypical children chose the nonsense “word” whose phonemic structure corresponds

with the visual shape of the stimuli 88% of the time. This is presumably because of

mirror neuron-like multisensory systems that integrate the visual shape with the

corresponding motor gestures used to pronounce the nonsense word. Surprisingly,

individuals with ASD only chose the corresponding name 56% of the time. The poor

performance by the ASD group on this task suggests a deficit in MSI, perhaps related to

impaired MSI brain systems. Though this is a behavioral study, it provides a testable

hypothesis for the communication impairments in children with ASD that implicates a

specific neural system and fits well with the current findings suggesting an impairment in

the mirror systems in individuals with ASD.

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Individuals with autism spectrum disorders often show both sensorimotor

impairments (repetitive, stereotyped behaviors) and cognitive-social impairments (e.g.

impairments in pragmatic language, imitation, and empathy) (DSM-IV-TR). Though

many theories exist, which attempt to explain one or more of these impairments, the most

parsimonious theories are those that are able to link neuroanatomical impairments and

functional mechanisms to the multiple behavioral impairments that are unique in ASD.

One recent theory, which does exactly this, suggests that a dysfunction in a specific

functional system, the mirror neuron system underlies the behavioral impairments in

ASD (Altschuler et al., 2000; Oberman et al., 2005a; Williams et al., 2001).

The mirror neuron system, originally discovered in area F5 of the macaque

premotor cortex, (Di Pellegrino et al., 1992) is characterized by its response to both

observed and performed actions. Though the original studies were performed in the

macaque, there is now strong evidence suggesting that a comparable system exists in the

homologous region (Broca’s Area) of the human premotor cortex (Fadiga et al., 1995).

Mirror neurons are primarily thought to be involved in perception and comprehension of

motor actions, but recent studies suggest that they may also play a critical role in higher

order cognitive processes such as imitation (Ramachandran, 2000; Rizzolatti et al., 2001),

language (Ramachandran, 2000; Rizzolatti and Arbib, 1998), and empathy (Carr et al.,

2003), all of which are characteristically impaired in individuals with autism spectrum

disorders (Bacon et al., 1998; Baron-Cohen, 2001; Frith, 1989; Kjelgaard and Tager-

Flusburg, 2000; Rogers et al., 2003). The hypothesis that the mirror neuron system is

involved in both sensory motor integration as well as cognitive and social skills makes it

an ideal candidate mechanism to investigate in autism.

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There is now a large amount of evidence for the theory linking a dysfunction in

the mirror neuron system to the behavioral deficits in autism in the domains of imitation

(Altschuler et al., 2000; Nishitani et al., 2004; Oberman et al., 2005a; Theoret et al.,

2005) and empathy (Dapretto et al., 2005). However, it is still a fairly young debate and

arguments against these findings have been published as well (Hamilton et al., in press).

Though the link between autism and mirror neurons has been supported through research

in multiple laboratories and the link between the mirror neuron system and specific

aspects of language that are characteristically impaired in autism, namely metaphor

comprehension has also been investigated (Oberman et al., 2005b) a thorough review of

the literature failed to produce a single experimental study linking a dysfunction in the

mirror neuron system with impairments in language processing in autism. There is,

however, evidence for the role of Broca’s Area, thought to be the human homologue to

area F5 in monkeys, in the perception of language in typically developing individuals.

The first suggestion that a mirror-like system was involved in language

processing came from a theory presented in 1985 (prior to the discovery of the mirror

neuron system) called the ‘motor theory of speech perception’ (Liberman and Mattingly,

1985). Liberman and Mattingly propose that the objects of speech perception are the

“phonetic gestures” that are represented in the brain of the observer as motor commands

that signal movements of the mouth, lips, and tongue. Thus, as an observer processes

spoken language, regions such as Broca’s area (which later would be identified as one of

the regions thought to contain mirror neurons) that are critical to speech production will


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Evidence for the involvement of the motor system in speech perception comes

from electroencephalography (EEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies. In a series of EEG and fMRI studies,

Hauk and colleagues find evidence that reading sentences that related to hand, leg, and

head actions activated somatotopically distinct regions of sensorimotor cortex based on

the effector that would be used to perform the action (Hauk et al., 2004; Hauk and

Pulvermuller, 2004). Another study by Wilson and colleagues show speech production

areas respond during the listening of speech sounds (Wilson et al., 2004). Additionally,

fMRI evidence supports activation of superior temporal sulcus as well as the inferior

frontal gyrus (core regions of the mirror neuron system) in response to both the sight and

sound of human speech (Calvert et al., 2001). Finally, TMS studies find increased MEP

in the lips and tongue while subjects listened to or visually observed speech as compared

to non-speech sounds or movements during stimulation of the left motor cortex (Fadiga et

al., 2002; Watkins et al., 2003). Given these findings, researchers are beginning to draw

connections from the action-related mirror neuron system to the utilization of this system

for communication (for a review see Arbib, 2005).

Arbib (2005) outlines a theory describing how the MNS evolved from a manual

action recognition system in the primate to being involved in verbal language in the

human. Though Arbib’s theory proposes that proto-language evolved from proto-sign (a

primitive gestural language system), it does not explain how specific sounds are mapped

onto objects. We suggest that just as the MNS contains neurons with shared observation

and execution representations, that similarly there may be systems with shared

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representations of mouth and larynx movements and visual and auditory sensory

perceptions that explains the nonarbitrary associations between objects and their names.

Though the neural structures involved in this proposed system are currently

unknown specific multisensory regions of cortex including Broca’s area and Superior

Temporal Sulcus are likely involved. The aforementioned studies provide evidence for

the activation of Broca’s area and Superior Temporal Sulcus during the perception of

human speech. These regions may mediate the shared representation between the

auditory perception of the sound and the motor representation of the mouth and larynx

movement required to make the sound.

One task which highlights the involvement of sensorimotor processes in language

and may support the role of mirror neuron-like processes is the “Bouba-Kiki task”. This

task, originally described by German-American psychologist Wolfgang Köhler (Köhler,

1929; 1947) requires participants to name nonsense shapes. When this task is performed

on neurotypical adults, results suggest that an overwhelming majority of participants

match the sound of the name with the visual form of the nonsense shape. For example, if

they are shown the top row of shapes in Figure 1 and asked to identify which of the

shapes is “bouba” and which is “kiki”, 95% of people will pick the jagged shape as kiki

and the rounded amoeboid shape as bouba (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001). Though

typical individuals show this match between the nonsense shape and nonsense name,

patients with lesions to the Angular Gyrus, a region of the Inferior Parietal Lobule

located in the Temporal-Parietal-Occipital junction, do not make these associations

(Ramachandran et al., 2005). Given this finding, the Angular Gyrus may also be

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involved in multisensory integration of visual/auditory perception and language/motor


As the regions of the cortex hypothesized to be involved in the Bouba-Kiki task

(Broca’s area, Superior Temporal Gyrus and Angular Gyrus) overlap with those of the

MNS and there is much evidence for an impairment in the MNS in individuals with ASD,

the current study seeks investigate whether high functioning children with autism show a

difference in performance on this task as compared to neurotypical control participants.



Our sample consisted of 30 children (age M=9.7, SD=1.3 for both groups): 20

neurotypical children and 10 high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorder.

All participants were male and native English speakers with normal or corrected to

normal vision and no history of hearing impairments. All of the children with ASD were

independently diagnosed by a clinician as well as characterized at the time of testing

using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Revised (ADOS-R) (Lord et al.,

1999) to confirm current symptomatology. They were considered high functioning,

defined as having age appropriate receptive language skills as well as an IQ above 80

(within two standard deviations of the population mean) on the Weschler Abbreviated

Scale of Intelligence (WASI) (ASD M=106.8, SD=15.5, Control M=107.1, SD 9.8).

Children with ASD with comorbidity with other disorders (including ADD and Specific

Language Impairment), an IQ lower than 80, or below age appropriate receptive language

skills were excluded from the study. All children were recruited from the community.

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Control participants were age and gender matched to the ASD group. The project

protocol was reviewed and approved by the UCSD Human Research Protections Program

and all subjects gave written consent.


Participants were presented with five pairs of nonsense shapes (figure 1) and five

pairs of nonsense “words” created by the research team. Pairs of shapes were designed to

have corresponding nonsense words based on similarities between the auditory and visual

forms. The experimenter then asked the participant, “In Martian language one of these

shapes is a [corresponding or noncorresponding word] while the other is a [corresponding

or noncorresponding word], which one is which?” The participant responded by

indicating their choice on a response sheet. The order of corresponding and

noncorresponding words was counterbalanced. The study was conducted individually

with the experimenter sitting across the table from the participant to ensure that the

individual understood the instructions and remained on task.

Data Analysis

In order to understand the difference in performance on this task, five two-way

chi square analyses were conducted on the number of participants in each group who

paired the nonsense shape with the predetermined corresponding name and responses

where the nonsense shape was paired with the predetermined noncorresponding name for

each pair of stimuli. The five resulting chi square values (with one degree of freedom)

were then added together to form a chi square with five degrees of freedom. This

analysis was then followed up with two sets of five one-way chi square analyses to

investigate whether each group’s proportion of corresponding and noncorresponding

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responses were significantly different from chance. Again, the five chi square values

from each of these sets of analyses were combined to form one chi square value with five

degrees of freedom.


The two-way chi square revealed a significant difference between the number of

participants in the control group who gave corresponding responses and

noncorresponding responses as compared to the ASD group (χ2 (5) = 21.56, p<0.001).

(Table 1). Follow-up analyses revealed that while the number of neurotypical individuals

giving corresponding and noncorresponding responses is significantly different than

chance (50%) (χ2 (5) = 36.18, p<0.001), the ASD group’s pattern was not different than

chance (χ2 (5) = 0.606, p>0.98) (Figure 2, Figure 3).

Additional analyses revealed that proportion of corresponding responses did not

significantly correlate with full-scale IQ (r=0.24, p>0.20), Matrices subtest of the WASI

(r=0.23, p>0.20), Verbal IQ subscale of the WASI (r=0.18, p>0.30) or Age (r=0.33,

p>0.07) of participants. Additionally, there was not a significant difference in

performance between the ASD and control group on the Matrices subtest (t(28) = -.739,

p> 0.4) or verbal IQ subscale (t(28) = -0.058, p>0.95) of the WASI. In fact, the ASD

group performed slightly better than the control participants on both the Matrices subtest

(ASD M=55.2, SD=7.1; Control M=52.9, SD=8.7) and the Verbal IQ subscale (ASD M=

107.1, SD=16.3; Control M=106.2, SD=11.9).

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This is the first study to directly investigate the role of multisensory integration

skills in the language deficits of ASD. The results support the hypothesis that

multisensory integrative brain systems including a mirror-like system in Broca’s area,

Angular Gyrus or Superior Temporal Sulcus may play a role in the language deficits seen

in children with ASD. Not only were children with ASD less likely to choose the name

that corresponded with the nonsense shape compared to neurotypical children, but their

responses were not significantly above chance. This later finding indicates that unlike

neurotypical children (and adults) there is no evidence that the children with ASD use

any type of multisensory integrative process to determine names for nonsense shapes, but

rather their responses appeared to be random.

The additional finding that there was no significant difference in performance

between the two groups on the Matrices subtest or the Verbal IQ subscale of the WASI

suggests that the poor performance on the Bouba-Kiki task is not likely to be a result of

impaired attention, impaired perception of patterns and shapes, or impaired verbal ability.

The Matrices subtest of the WASI requires that the individual provide a missing piece to

a pattern composed of shapes. Given that the ASD group performed well on this task,

that only requires a single modality, provides further evidence that the dysfunction is in

cross-modal processing.

We have previously suggested that the reason why neurotypical individuals pick

the jagged shape as kiki and the rounded amoeboid shape as bouba is that the sharp

changes in visual direction of the lines in the jagged figure mimics the sharp phonemic

inflections of the sound kiki, as well as the sharp inflection of the tongue on the palate

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while the rounded shape of the amoeboid figure mimics the more smooth phonemic

inflections of the sound bouba and the motor movements of the lips. This type of

multisensory integration may be based on cross-activation between auditory sensory

representations and motor representations in Broca’s area creating a natural bias toward

mapping certain sound contours onto certain vocalizations.

Cross-cultural studies reveal that this is not simply an effect of the shape of the

letters in the nonsense name (e.g. Bouba is round because of the round form of the B and

Kiki is not spiky because of the shape of the K) as the same effect is seen in languages

with different alphabets (Davis, 1961).

Anecdotal examples of this natural tendency can be observed in the motor

gestures performed when referring to something small or large. Speaking the words such

as “little”, “petite”, or “teeny” results in an unconscious narrowing of the vocal tracts and

lips while the words “large” or “enormous” results in the opposite effect. Also, when

referring to ‘you’ speakers produce a partial outward pout with my lips (as in English

‘you’, French ‘tu’ or ‘vous’ and Tamil ‘thoo’), whereas when referring to ‘me’, my lips

and tongue move inwards (as in English ‘me’, French ‘moi’ and Tamil ‘naan’).

If it is assumed that this task requires joint activation of auditory representations

and motor representations, several neural impairments could be leading to the deficit in

this task. An impairment in auditory processing, an impairment in functional

connectivity, as well as an impairment in MSI regions including Broca’s area or Angular

Gyrus or a combination of all three could lead to the deficits observed in this study.

There is evidence supporting impairments in these three functional mechanisms in

individuals with ASD. Recent studies have found abnormalities in auditory processing in

Deficits in Multisensory Integration -- 12

individuals with ASD (Collet et al., 1993;Gomot et al., 2001; Khalfa et al., 2001; Plaisted

et al., 2003). Additionally, there appears to be hypoperfusion of the temporal cortex

including associative auditory and multimodal regions (Zilbovicious et al., 2000),

abnormally low levels of functional connectivity (Just et al., 2004; Villalobos et al.,

2005) as well as hypoplasia and delayed maturation of frontal regions including inferior

frontal gyrus regions (Abell et al., 1999; Hadjikhani et al., 2006; Just et al., 2004;

Zilbovicious et al., 1995).

Though previous studies have suggested that multisensory integrative processes

are typically used in language processing, the current study suggests that multisensory

integration is critical for normal development of language, as children with ASD show a

lack of multisensory integration as evidenced by their performance on this task. Though

the participants in this study scored in the normal range on measures of verbal IQ, their

paradoxically high score is likely a result of compensatory systems as qualitative

impairments in language development is a core feature of ASD. Further, it is likely that

multisensory processes are involved in the more complex pragmatic aspects of language

such as prosody, metaphor, and the use of language for social interaction (not measured

with standardized verbal IQ tests), the exact aspects of language processing that are

impaired in verbal children with ASD. Finally, it is possible that the participants with

ASD categorized these nonsense shapes based on different criteria than the control

participants leading to different associations with the words. Results from this study

cannot speak to this possibility.

As this study was strictly behavioral, the neural system underlying the observed

behavioral deficits can only be speculated. However, the MNS does provide a good

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candidate to investigate given its location in Broca’s area, the presence of multisensory

neurons which integrate auditory and visual sensory information with motor

representation, and the previous evidence for its involvement in language perception.

Additionally, given that this was the first study to investigate the hypothesis that

multisensory integrative processes may play a role in the language impairments seen in

individuals with ASD, further studies including more stimuli, a larger sample, and

neuroimaging will be necessary to corroborate this finding. Based on the deficits we

have seen in the Bouba-kiki task in ASD, we suggest that such stimuli could be

introduced as a valuable experimental probe for exploring inter-sensory abstraction in a

variety of other neurological and psychological syndromes.

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Table & Figure Captions

Table 1 – Number of participants in each group who gave corresponding

responses for each pair of stimuli.

Figure 1 – An example of the stimuli used in the experiment. The corresponding

names for the figures are (left/right, top to bottom) “Bouba”/“Kiki”, “Mmmm”/“Shhh”,

“Ohmmm”/“Mmmao”, “Rrrr”/“Eeesh”, “Wow”/“Bloop” for the left and right figures


Figure 2 – Proportion of participants in each group who chose the corresponding

name for each pair of stimuli. The solid gray bars represent the proportion of

neurotypical participants while the striped bars represent the proportion of ASD

participants. The black line indicates the proportion of participants expected to give the

corresponding response assuming no relationship between name and shape (simply by

chance) (0.5).

Figure 3 – Proportion of corresponding responses given by each participant.

Solid squares represent neurotypical participants while open circles represent participants

with ASD. The black line indicates the proportion of corresponding responses that would

be expected if the child randomly assigned the name to the shape (0.5).

Deficits in Multisensory Integration--15

Table 1

Bouba/Kiki Shhh/Mmmm Ohmmm/Mmmao Eeesh/Rrrr Wow/Bloop

ASD (n=10) 6 6 5 6 5



19 18 17 19 15

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Figure 1

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Figure 2












1 2 3 4 5



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Figure 3













0 5 10 15 20 25 30



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