‘obsession’ – web series script

Post on 11-May-2015






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‘Obsession’ – Web Series Script

Opening scene:

Establishing shot of the killer staring at a wall of images pinned on a board – silhouette – back facing the camera – he’s in the dark – only source of light coming from board full of he’s victims and the source of his obsession – some crossed out in red and some not – images created using green screen. – picks up a photo which is not crossed out and touches the girls face creepily. (all from his P.O.V.) – as the episode progresses and she rejects him, his gestures become more and more angry.

His P.O.V. is in black and white except everything he is obsessed with. E.g. the roses that he buys her are red. However to everyone else they are dead and decrepit. However when we changed perspectives it is all in colour and the roses are now dead and wilted – everything in the killer’s world is in black and white except the images of the girls and the things that he sees beauty in.

Scene 1:The girl is walking home and we use a long shot to show that he is merely watching her as she walks and laughs with her friends – location one (the trek)

Scene 2 Girl splits up with friends, she continues on walking – she begins to get nervous as if someone’s watching her – she hears a branch snap, she jumps and her movements become more erratic – she quickens her pace home.

Scene 3: Later on in the evening she is on her computer with her back and the screen is facing the French door windows – she catches the killers reflection in the computer screen and freezes – she slowly turns round only to see nothing through the window – at the same time the door bell goes and the girl jumps and screams – she shakes her head out of it and mumbles about being silly and tired.

Scene 4:She moves to answer the door, slowly edging the door open – (focus in on the sounds of her breathing slowly reaching a high peak).

Scene 4: Cut to the killers prov of him standing directly underneath a street lamp staring and hunch slightly watching her bend down and pick up the box.

Scene 5: Cut to the girls prov – she bends down to pick up the red box, slowing coming back up she opens lid and looks bewildered and slightly freaked out. – (3rd person prov) she walks back in and shuts the door, walks into the kitchen and puts them in the bin – he is standing outside the back door watching her. His expression becomes aggravated - (as he slowly become more angry from the rejection).

Scene 6: Flashback effect of his previous girlfriend rejecting him when he was alive – after that he opens his eyes and he is back at his lair, angrily he rips up the images of his ex and then catches a glimpse of the image of his new victim he is stalking at the current time he repeats the opening scene where he caress the image of the girl, his body and posture seeming to relax again as a creepy calmness comes across him and then flashes back to her house.

Scene 7: He arrives back at the house to find her and her boyfriend sitting on the sofa with her straddling him, with her hands around his neck laughing with each other. (This is the stressor.) Killer is standing outside the French windows again, breathing heavily onto the windows. The scene angers him and causes a light bulb to explode. The girl screams while the guy shields her from the glass. But the boyfriend begins to laugh after shrugging it off.

Scene 8: She walks him to the front door and they lean in to kiss. She stumbles back as if she had been pushed and the door slams. She panics and tries to open the door. She’s screaming to her boyfriend while he tries to calm her down and open the door from the other side. She tells him to go round to the back. He jumps the front gate and goes to the French doors. She runs towards the French doors trying to unlock them but fumbles out of fear. He is also trying to open them from the other side. He then pales and looks straight behind her to where the killer is standing she freaks out and slowly turns to look behind her.

Scene 9: She slowly turns to find no one there, the lights go out, abruptly she turns to face the doors and her boyfriend however the lights come back on and the killer is now right in front of her (low angle shot to show his dominance and her fear)

Scene goes to black

End of episode

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