obsessive actions and religious practices

Post on 10-Jun-2015






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Obsessive Obsessive Actions and Actions and

Religious Religious Practices(1959)Practices(1959)

Sigmund FreudSigmund Freud

Freud (1856-1939)Freud (1856-1939)

•無神論的猶太人• a method of healing/therapy; theory

of personality or mind; theory of culture (of morality, group life, society, history, art and religion)

• as the architects of the modern world (with Marx, Nietzsche, Weber, Durkheim)

•由神經症 (neurosis)治療場域所產生的知識•研究傳統心理學所忽視之病態行為,人格失常等問題。透過反常心理的理解去揭示正常人心理活動的過程。



意識結構意識結構•意識 (conscious)•前意識 (preconscious)•無意識 (unconscious) ,又稱潛意識

人格結構:本我人格結構:本我 (id)(id) 、自我、自我 (ego)(ego)與超我與超我 (superego)(superego)

• 本我 (id)• 意識底下、黑暗而不可捉摸的部分• 渾沌,洶湧沸騰• 由 dream analysis,神經症的研究得知• 於某處與肉體歷程發生接觸,取得本能需求,尋得心理表達,但它沒有組織,也無統一的意志,僅依循快樂原則尋求需求獲得滿足。不相互抵銷或消弱,只能憑藉在強制的壓制下齊聚起來,以妥協的方式發洩精力

• 沒有時間感,不隨時間而變。只有藉著分析的治療,使其成為意識的對象,才喪失其齊聚的力量。

• 沒有價值判斷,不知善惡,沒有道德• 原始,非理性,只是聚積以尋求發洩

超我超我 (Superego)(Superego)• 與性驅力相反,是後天形成的• 良心的起源,體現為道德的要求• 表現為一種外力,即父母的權威• 罪惡感:自我與超我衝突的表現• 外在限制的內在化。其轉變基礎為認同 (identification),自我對另一自我的同化,模仿

• 與伊底帕斯情結的關係: overcome the oedipal complex in order to develop the superego

• 理想自我的代表,父母早期理想形象的代表• 自我監視,良心,與自我理想三種功能• 道德體制的展現,自我理想的化身

自我自我 (Ego)(Ego)•外在覺知的媒介。不僅接受外在刺激,也接受產生於心靈內在的興奮

•由病人的阻抗得知•接受刺激,也作為防護的盔甲以抵禦刺激• 承擔了向 id表述外在世界的任務,因而挽救了它。現實原則。



• a masked id, a transformed id•由於與外在接觸,面臨威脅的權宜改造,從本我借能量。

• 騎士(自我)與馬(本我的力量)的比喻。馬提供運動的能量,騎士則提供目標,引導馬力以達到目的地。二者的協調。

• 面臨三股力量:外在,超我,本我•由脅迫產生的焦慮:現實焦慮,道德焦慮,神經質症的焦慮


• 「哪裡有本我,哪裡便會有自我」

•所有的文化現象中, Freud對宗教最感興趣

• Totem and Taboo (1913) 57ys• The Future of an Illusion (1927) 71ys• Civilization and Its Discontent (1930)

74ys • Moses and Monotheism (1939) 83ys

• Homans: skeptical attitude toward religion

• Freud’s scientific ideas also servers as a moral purposes.

• 他認為人類最深刻的潛意識願望稱之為自戀,或是自愛 (self-love),也就是希望自己成為最獨特的。宗教助長了這種傾向,以及幻想,以為藉著與一為全能上帝的關係可以使自己成為最特別、最獨特的那一個。(神聖劇碼的中心)。每個科學的發現都挑戰人的這種自尊自大。宗教阻斷人發現世界新知的途徑。

• 延續十九世紀對於宗教的批判,認為宗教是人心的產物 (human production)。

• 宗教的歷史就是心理的歷史,因為宗教理論基本上就是心理狀態對於外在世界的投射。心理分析對於宗教的研究將可以倒轉這個投射的歷程,為扭曲的投射解碼,讓人認識到超自然界的力量與存在只是心理的產物。當人不再對自然投射,人心也可以獲得自由,得以用科學的眼光來了解世界。

• Key word: Renunciation is both the foundation of culture, religion and ethics, and the occasion of each individual male's entry into culture. An act of renunciation is synonymous with Freud's notion of a "cultural achievement."


•強迫性精神官能症 (obsessional neurosis)

• 焦慮 (anxiety)

強迫行為與儀式的類似之處強迫行為與儀式的類似之處• the qualms of conscience brought on

by their neglect• complete isolation from all other

actions (show in the prohibition against interruption)

• the conscientiousness with which they are carried out in every detail

強迫行為與儀式的相異之處強迫行為與儀式的相異之處• the greater individual variability of

neurotic ceremonial actions vs. the stereotyped character of rituals

• private nature vs. public and communal character

• foolish and senseless vs. full of significance and have a symbolic meaning

psycho-analytic technique psycho-analytic technique of investigationof investigation

• It is precisely this sharpest difference between neurotic and religious ceremonial which disappears when, with the help of the psycho-analytic technique of investigation, one penetrates to the true meaning of obsessive actions.

Symbolic representationSymbolic representation• Foolish and senseless→perfectly

significant in every detail.• They serve important interests of the

personality and that they give expression to experiences that are still operative and to thoughts that are cathected with affect.

A few examplesA few examples

• 洗浴缸的女人•只吃烤肉外皮的女人•只坐同一張椅子的女人

凡事都有意義,皆可被分析凡事都有意義,皆可被分析• In obsessive actions everything has

its meaning and can be interpreted.

• 當事人無法全部查覺的意義、以及強迫行為的動機,可透過精神分析的技巧得知。

The obsessive action serves to express The obsessive action serves to express unconscious motives and ideasunconscious motives and ideas

• 儀式的執行者未必理解儀式的意義• an unconscious sense of guilt• a lurking sense of expectant anxiety,

an expectation of misfortune through the idea of punishment, with the internal perception of the temptation.

Thus a ceremonial starts as an action for Thus a ceremonial starts as an action for

defense or insurance, a protective measuredefense or insurance, a protective measure

• 防衛、保障、保護的策略• 儀式執行者「罪人」的自我意識

強迫行為的機制強迫行為的機制 (mechanism)(mechanism):對於本能衝動的:對於本能衝動的壓抑壓抑 (the repression of an instinctual (the repression of an instinctual


• 在壓抑的過程中,個體會以特別謹慎的方式防止本能衝動的實現,但這種反向作用 (reaction-formation) 【將不能接受的想法或衝動,以相反的行為表現出來。例如口是心非、憎恨與溺愛。】仍時時感受到來自潛意識衝動的威脅。

• 被壓抑的本能衝動被理解為一種試探或誘惑。在壓抑的過程不斷產生焦慮,以期待性焦慮(expectant anxiety)的方式控制未來。

• Thus the ceremonial and obsessive actions arise partly as a defense against the temptation and partly as a protection against the ill which is expected.

compromisecompromise• its manifestation (its symptoms,

including the obsessive actions) fulfill the condition of being a compromise between the warring forces of the mind

宗教與強迫行為的類似之處宗教與強迫行為的類似之處• 宗教的形成也建立在對於本能衝動的壓制與捨棄之上。但被壓抑的衝動並不像強迫症一樣全然屬於性驅力的性質,被捨棄的包括 self-seeking, socially harmful instincts (雖然他們並非全然沒有性驅力的成分在其中)

• 在宗教中我們也常看見 a sense of guilt, continual temptation, an expectant anxiety in the form of fear of divine punishment

置換置換 (displacement)(displacement)• 在強迫症儀式行為中所觀察到的對於日場瑣事無意義而近乎愚蠢的關注可以由心理能量之置換(displacement) 這個機制得到理解,此機制是Freud透過對於夢的分析得知。

• 置換:將實際上重要的對象以一個瑣細不重要的對象置換。

• 以前述例子來說,丈夫被椅子所置換。• 在宗教場域中,也有類似的置換發生。 (Totem

and Taboo 圖騰與禁忌 )

總結總結• In view of these similarities and

analogies one might venture to regard obsessional neurosis as a pathological counterpart of the formation of a religion, and to describe that neurosis as an individual religiosity and religion as a universal obsessional neurosis.

• 最大相似之處: underlying renunciation of the activation of instincts that are constitutionally present

• 最大不同:捨棄之本能的性質( sexual vs. egoistic )


小組討論小組討論• 請比較 Freud 與 Durkheim 對儀式分析之觀點的異同。

成績評量方式成績評量方式• 出席: 10%• 小組討論: 20%• 儀式觀察作業: 30%•期末考: 40%

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