october 17, 1949 - · pdf filewas considering the abolishment of its park board. ......

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Municipal Hall, Cloverdale, B. C. October 17th, 1949.

MINUTES: Moved by Seconded That the

rd The Council met pursuant t o adjoumment. of the members were present.


Councillor Adams by Councillor Bishop minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as read.


DELEGATION s : Mr. L. Jaeck and a delegation representing P roperty owners in the Nl?i Section 18, Tp. 2 - Came before the Council and complained tha t the Greater Vancouver Water Board had par t ia l ly blocked the drainage di tch and cylvert crossing the Scott Road a t the old beaver dame when ins ta l l ing the main along Scott Road.

across Scott Road a t t h i s point was a t least two f e e t too high and tha t the main of the Water Board should be ins ta l led in such a manner that the culvert could be lowered t o provide be t te r drainage.

The delegation was ersured tha t the Council would take the matter up with the Greater Vancouver Water Bomd and a l s o with the Provincial Public Works Department and see what could be done t o remedy conditions existing a t t h i s point.

The delegation drew at tent ion to the f a c t t ha t the culvert


"Parks Board Establishment By-law, 1949, No. 990" was read

Councillor McPherson spoke br ief ly and expressed h i s and reconsidered.

objection t o the formation of a new parks board and expressed the opinion that a committee of the Council together with coxanittees from each area and a Superintend- en& of Parks would obtain much be t te r results and give more e f f i c i en t management.

He pointed out t ha t the l a t e Parks Board had obtained an additional grant of $1,OOO.oO from the Council on condition tha t the sum of 32,000.00 would be obtained from the Dominion Government and stated tha t t h i s had not been received.

pointed out t ha t the ditching work in the Semiahmoo Park should not have been under- taken without proper engineering advice.

Each member of the Council was given an opportunity of ex- pressing h i s views on the matter.

Councillor Stewart s ta ted tha t he was i n favour of giving the proposed Parks Board of f ive members an opportunity of showing what could be done .

Councillor Johnston 'expressed the opinion that the l a t e Chairman of the Parks Board was largely a t fault f o r unsatisfactory conditions.

Councillor Atchison pointed out t ha t the City of Vancouver was considering the abolishment of i t s Park Board.

Councillor Adams expressed h is opinion that a considerable amount of personal bias had entered in to the deliberations of t h e late Parks Board and that the appointment of a Parks Superintendent under the jur isdict ion of the Council would eliminate t h i s in future.

He also c i ted the work done by the l a t e Parks Board and

Councillor Kuhn pointed out t h s t tine electors had the


democratic r igh t t o e lec t t he i r own representatives and tha t t h i s privilege should not be destroyed. opinion of the electors and tha t i n the event of the Board's inabi l i ty t o flurction e f f ic ien t ly the Council could take the necessary action.

Board should be given the opportunity t o demonstrate i t s ab i l i ty .

Ratepayers' Association and Tynehead Community Association opposing the abolit ion of the Parks Board,

H e suggested tha t t h i s matter should be l e f t t o the

Councillor Bishop expressed his opinion tha t a f ive member

The Clerk presented correspondence received from the White Rock

Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Bishop That "Parks B o a r d Establishment By-law, 1949, No. 990" be

f ina l ly adopted, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and sealed with t h e Corporate Seal.

The motion was put and w a s declared defeated, Councillors Johnston, Adams and McPherson recording dissenting votes.

councillor Bishop requested tha t he be recorded as def ini te ly opposed t o the abolit ion of the Board of Park Commissioners and that h i s previous actions i n this connection were taken on the assumption tha t the Council would approve the formation of a f ive member Board.

"Land s Sale By-law, 1949, No. 991" was read and reconsidered. Moved by Councillor Adam Seconded by Councillor Johnston That "Lands Sale By-lhw, 1949, No. 991" be f ina l ly adopted,

signed by the Reeve and Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal. Carried unanimousQ

"Church Lands Tax Exemption By-law, 1949, No. 992" was read and reconsidered.

loved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Atchison That "Church Lands Tax Exemption By-law, 1949, No. 992" be

f ina l ly adopted, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal, Carried

"Victoria Road Easement By-hw, 1949, No, 993" was read and

Moved by Councillor Atchison Seconded by Councillor PcPherson That V i c t o r i a Road Easement By-law, 1949, No. 993" be finalu


adopted, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and sealed with t h e Corporate Seal. Carried

"Townline Road Drainage Easement By-law, 1949, No. 994" was

Moved by Councillor Johnston Seconded by Councillor Stewart That "Townline Road Drainage Easement By-law, 1949, No. 994"

read and reconsidered.

be finally adopted, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal . Carried

"Sunnyside F i re H a l l S i t e Leasing By-law, 1949, No. 995" was read and reconsidered.


Moved by Councillor Atchison Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That "Sunnysi.de Fire Hall S i t e Leasing By-law, 1949, No. 995"

be finally adopted, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and sesled with the Ccrporate Seal.


"Lands Purchase and Dedication By-lew, 1949, No. 996" was

Moved by Councillor Atchison Seconded by Councillor McPherson That "Lands Purchase and Dedication By-law, 1949, No. 996"

introduced and read f o r the first time.

pass i t s f irst reading. Carried

Said By-hw was then reed a second time. Moved by Councillor McPherson Seconded by Councillor Adems That "Lands Purchase and Dedication By-law, 1949, No. 996"

pass i t s second reading. Carried

Said By-law was then read a t h i r d time. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor K u h n That WLands Purchase and Dedication By-law, 1949, No. 996"

be passed subject t o reconsideration. Carried unanimously

"Parks Dedication By-law, 1949, No. 9 9 7 n was introduced

Moved by Councillor Atchison Seconded by Councillor Stewart That "Parks Dedication by-law, 1949, No. 997" pass i t s f irst

and read fo r the f irst time.

reading. Carried

Seid By-law was then read a second time. Moved by Councillor Johnston Seconded by Councillor Bishop That "Parks Dedication By-law, 1949, No. 997" pass i t s

second reading. Carried

Said By-law was then read a t h i r d time. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor HcPhecson That WParks De&%tion By-law, 1949, No. 997" be passed subject

t o reconsideration. Carried unanimously


I A. E. Hodgins - Complaint re bulldozing work on Adam Road


adjacent t o Trans Canada Highway and requesting completion of construction of road.

to. Councillor Atchisoh reported tha t this matter had been attended

W i l l i a m Armstrong - Complaint r e assessment on h i s property - Lot ''An ptn. Lot 5 , blocks 1 & 2, NE2 Section 13, Tp. 1, Map 9408.

Clerk presented the Assessor's report on h i s investigation in to t h i s matter and recommended tha t assessment of improvements be reduced by $525.00 and taxation adjusted accordingly.

Moved by Councillor Adams Seconded by Councillor Bishop That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized t o refund the sum

of $13.12 t o Y r . Amstrong i n adjustment of the overcharge on current taxes on h i s property f o r the current year.


John Rawlinps - Complaint re m a i l boxes on Latimer Road and

Councillor Atchison reported tha t the Engineer and he had in- Tyler Road; a l so complaint r e fence erected by M r . Joyner.

vestigated t h i s complaint and had found tha t the Latimer Road was 27 f e e t wide a t t h i s point and tha t the mail boxes complained of were located a t least 2% f e e t from the edge of the road. Also tha t the fence along Yr. Joyner's property was a considerable distance behind the mail boxes and stated tha t i n h i s opinion no action was necessary i n connection with t h i s complaint.

The Clerk was instructed t o advise Ilr. R a w l i n g s accordingly.

Dedication - Cloverdale Park. Councillor Bishop reported tha t he had discussed t h i s matter

with the president and secretary of the Lower Fraser Vaey Agricultural Associ- ation and had been advised tha t the Association would not object t o the dedication of the lands i n question f o r park purposes.

dedicate Lots 2, 3 and 4 of the NW; Section 8 , Tp. 8, SAVE AND EXCEFT the East 400 f e e t thereof f o r park purposes and the municipally owned l o t s in Block 1 of the NWi Section 8, Tp. 8 SAVE AND EXCEPT Lots 21 and 22 of t h i s subdivision.

The Clerk laas instructed t o prepare the necessary by-law t o

Tom Binnie - Requesting the same consideration as was given t o

It was pointed out t ha t a number of applications received other property owners in connection with construction of sidewalk f a c i l i t i e s .

previously f o r consideration of a similar nature had been refused by the Council and tha t the Council could not consider Mr. Binnie's application favourably without establishing a dangerous precedent.

The Clerk was instructed t o advise Yr. Binnie accordingly.

Secretary, Kinsmen Club, Cloverdale - Enquiring if any action had been taken in connection with dedication of ptn. of Lots 3 and 4, NW$ Section 8, Tp. 8.

Referred t o the Clerk f o r reply.

Arrangements wiWChicago Pump Company - Re ins ta l la t ion of

Clerk was instructed t o take t h i s matter up with the Nunicipal equipment i n White Rock Disposal P lan t .

Engineer and t o advise the Chicago FUnp Company when the services of t h e i r Super- visor would be required.



Election arrangements f o r the forthcoming elections were


Moved by Councillor Atchison Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That Percy Livingstone be appointed Returning Officer in

the election of Reeve, Councillors, School Trustees and Police Commissioner t o be held i n the month of December, 1949 for the term thence ensuing; tha t the nominations therefor be held a t the Municipal Hall, Cloverdale, B. C., $h&t i n case a po l l i s required same be opened a t the following placed and tha t the persons hereinafter mentioned be the Deputy Returning Officers a t the places opposite which t h e i r names a re s e t respectively:

Ward - Grosvenor Road School House - T. E. Lamer White House - 1660 Trans Canada Highway - F. Roycroft Grieve's Store - 1801 Trans Canada Hy. - 1. R. Currie Hjorth Road School - F. S. Walker Port Mann School - Robert Montgomery Tynehead School - Mrs. C. PV. Sowles Hjorth & Coast Meridian Roads - Store Bldg. - Mrs. he r son Anniedale School - Mrs. Minnie Lakiotis Port Kells School - J. G. Lewthwaite

Ward 2: General Montgomery School Salvation Arb H a i l

- Major T. Biggar - Mrs. Ethel Wnite - M. V. Foley

Residence of Mrs. S. Wahlund-257 Scott Roed - Mrs. Charlie Mills

Ward 3: Johnston Road School Newton School Strawberry H i l l School David Brankin School Fleetwood Hall Bose Road School

Ward 4: Municipal Hall

Surrey Centre School Clayton School Hope's Service Station

Ward 5: E a s t Kensgington School Kensington H & l Hall' s Pra i r ie School South Meridian Hall Peace Arch Coffee Shop Sunnyside Hall

Ward 6: Ocean Park Hall Crescent Fire H a l l Elgin School House Colebrook School House Woodward's H i l l School

- Mrs. Edna G i l l i s - Wm, Hall - F. F. Erniewein - Arthur F, Overs - E. F. Demars - E. BO G o o d m

Jcfohn McLeod - Yrs. Jessie Braham - Robert W i l l s - Thos. Armstrong - Yrs. Janet P. Jackson

- Lloyd C. a e r s o n - Irs. R. Kellaway

- George Radford - Y r s . E. M. Crosfield - R.P.Sthniforth

- W e S o H u f f

- W. E. Pinchin - E. Preece - T. E. Small - A. E. Owen - Arthur Delcourt

I !

Ward 7: Canadian Legion H a l l (Pier)

White Rock School House

438 Campbell River Road Coldicutt Villas

- S. Y. Mallinson - Hugh Baker - J. R. Sinclair - Albert E. A l l e n

- M a x Zack - E. E. Woodford

and f i r t h e r t ha t the Returning Officer be paid $25.00 and tha t the Deputy Re- turning Officers be paid $10.00 f o r t h e i r services.



Theodore Schaffer - Offering the sum of $25.00 as purchase

It was decided that the Council would not accept l e s s than the price of Lot l.4, Block 2, Port hlann, Map 2546.

assessed value of $75.00 f o r t h i s property and the Clerk was instructed t o advise M r . Schaffer accordingly.

S. A. Harding - Requesting t i l i ng i n di tch across h i s l o t s - Referred t o Councillor Bishop f o r ettention.

8 t o 16, Block 13, Port M a n n Townsite.

Y r s . A . Manton - Requesting improved road access from her property - Lot 8, Block 3B, Section 27, Block 5N, Range 2W, Map 1726 on Stead Road t o Hjorth Road.

Road and t h a t no action could be taken t o open the section requested this year.

request before next year 's Council early i n the year.

Councillor Stewart s ta ted tha t t h i s l e t t e r referred t o &Alpine

The Clerk was instructed t o advise Srs. &anton t o place her

R. D. G r a n t , Regional Supervisor, Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act - Inquiring if road access t o W. 10 chans. and Lots 7,8,9,10 6t 11 of ptn.

Section 23, Tp. 2, Map 6022, w i l l be provided f o r settlement next Spring. The Engineer was instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost

This matter was referred t o the incoming Council f o r consider-

The Clerk was instructed t o advise Mr. G r a n t Accordingly.

A. J. Jackson - Inquiring i f Lots 26, 27 & 28 of MW$ Section

The Clerk pointed out tha t the property i n question had been

6f construction of t h i s road.


22, Tp. 7, were available f o r purchase or lease.

reserved fo r use as a gravel p i t and was instructed t o advise M r . Jackson accord- ingly -

A. E. Paddle - Requesting ditching of Kensington M u d Bay Road

This work is on the current Board of Works programme and the East of the Pacific Highway.

Clerk was instructed t o advise Nr. Paddle accordingly.

D. G. Stenstrom - Complaint r e miscellaneous rubbish dumped in f ron t of h i s property.

The Engineer was instructed t o attend t o removal of the rubbish

Clerk t o advise Xr . Stenstrom accordingly. complained of.


Moved by seconded That the


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Councillor J o h ston by Councillor McPher s on Council adjourn f o r lunch t o reconvene a t 1:15 p.m.

Carried kvvl

The Council reconvened a t 1:15 porn., as per motion f o r adjournment. present . A l l of the members were

U r . G. Honeyman - Came before the Council and requested per- mission t o erect a garage on the boulevard fronting h i s premises a t 709 Victoria Avenue, White Rock.

t o erect a building on the road allowance. He was advised tha t the Council could not grant him permission


Robert Hughes - Complaint r e blasting on Sunday, October 2nd. Glerk reported tha t t h i s matter had been referred t o the

The l e t t e r was ordered f i led . Chief of Police who hed gone in to the matter with bnr. Hughes.

Jas. A. Smith - Inquiries r e municipal administration i n connection with road maintenance, parks, cemeteries, sanitary f a c i l i t i e s , debris l e f t fromland clearing i n Crescent area.

Referred t o the Clerk fo r reply.

T. E *nstructed t o advise Ur . Wilson tha t while he

a r Wilson - Requesting reply t o h i s l e t t e r of July 27th.

had been given permission t o remove the poles from the road allowance, the council had given no promise t o retain them f o r him.

of the Eoard of Police Gomissioners made i n connection with t h i s complaint. The Clerk was also instructed t o forward a copy of the report

&tphLGr:en - Offering the sum of $80.00 as purchase price of

Referred t o a c o d t t e e consisting of Councillors Johnston, Lots 6 & 7, Block 7, BYzE$Wq Section 8, Tp. 1, Map 2715.

Adams and McPherson f o r investigation and report.

Secretary, White Rock Waterworks Co. Ltd. - Offering the sum of $800.00 as h i s company's contribution towards the ins ta l la t ion of pipe t o take care of the overflow from the i r wells.

Moved by Councillor Adams Seconded by Councillor Johnston That t h i s matter be referred t o the Sewer Committee of the

Council and theEngineer f o r investigation and tha t t h i s committee be empowered t o take whatever action deemed necessary i n t h i s connection.


J. D. Steele - Requesting ins ta l la t ion of a s t r ee t l i g h t on

Clerk t o advise tha t the Council had no knowledge of the Oxenham Street , White Rock.

previous application f o r the ins ta l la t ion of t o suggest t ha t the property owners affected submit a pet i t ion in the usual form

s t r ee t l i g h t on Oxenham St ree t and


requesting the ins ta l la t ion of a s t r e e t l i g h t a t t h i s point.

Secreta- Board of Transport Commissioners, O t t a w a - Requesting t o be advised whether o r not the Corporation i s yet i n a position t o f i l e i t s submission i n connection with an oveEpass a t the-foot of kar t in Street , White Rock.

any fur ther action i n t h i s connection t h i s year. Clerk t o advise tha t the Municipal Council did not contemplate

Councillor McPherson drew attention t o the f a c t t ha t bshington Avenue between "Bn S t r ee t and Maple S t r ee t had been cut off by reason of con- struction of the sewerage project fo r a considerable period of time and that the merchants affected were complaining of l o s t business.

the Council investigate the reasons f o r delaying this work.

f o r investigation.

He indicated tha t progress was much too slow and suggested that

The matter wae referred t o the Reeve and the Sewer Committee

D. McKinnon - Complaints re Beachview Avenue, m i t e b c k . Referred t o Councillor McPherson f o r personal attention. The

Clerk was instructed t o forward a copy of Mr. YcKinnon's l e t t e r t o Councillor McFfi"erson f o r his information.

Br i t i sh Columbia Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists - Request- ing exemption from taxation fo r t h e i r Church s i tuated on Lot 17, Block 4, Section 34, Block 5t-l Range 2W hap 6707.

C. N. Ortner, Peoples' Warden, Holy Trinity Church, White Rock - Requesting exemption from taxation f o r Holy Trini ty Church s i tuated on Lots I & 2, Block 4, NE$ Section 10, Tp. 1, Map 9277.

Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Johnston That the Clerk be i n s t r u c t e d t o prepare the necessary by-law

granting exemption from ordinary municipal taxation on the foregoing properties. Carried

R. R. Fox - Requesting adjustment i n l icense f ee chargelfor

Clerk was instructed t o advise tha t the council could make no nn the amount of l icense fees imposed by "Automatic Vending Machines

operation of music vending machines.

reduction By-law, 194.6, No. 83lN, and tha t no change in the by-law was contemplated a t this date.

Community Planning Association of Canada - Advising tha t the Executive of the B. C. Division of the Community Planning Association of Canada extends en invi ta t ion t o attend a regional conference t o be held Tuesday and Wednesday, November 15th and 16th in the Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B. c.

would attend t h i s Conference and the Clerk was instructed t o advise the Association accordingly .

It was decided that the Reeve and one member of the council

5 Secretary, Newton Community Ratepayers Association - %questing t

t ha t Newton be inchded in l i s t f o r stewardship meetings.

an invi ta t ion t o attend a meeting a t Newton. Clerk t o advise tha t the council would be pleased to receive

Some discussion ensued, regarding the advisabili ty of arrenging


an i t inerary of stewardship meetings throughout the Municipality and it was decided t o leave t h i s matter over pending receipt of invi ta t ions from the various organizations interested.

Elmore Philpott - Requesting permission t o use a sound truck

Surrey Liberal Associa t ion - Requesting permission t o operate

in connection with by-election. Truck t o be used on October 15th and 22nd.

a public address system on the s t r ee t s throughout the Municipality on Wednesday, October 19th.

Morris Rush, L.P.P. candidate - Requesting permission t o operate public address system on the s t r ee t s of the Municipslity on Tuesday, Oct- ober 18th, Friday, October 21st and Saturday, October 22nd.

The Reeve reported tha t Associated Attractions Limited under the auspices of the Surrey Recreation Council had requested permission t o operate a sound truck on the s t r e e t s in Cloverdale and throughout the Municipality on Friday, and Saturday, October U'th and 15th and t ha t he had g r a t e d permission.

Morris J. Stewart, Surrey and White Rock C a m s Jehovah's Witnesses - Requesting permission t o operate a sound truck on the s t r ee t s of the Municipality t o advertisde a lecture being held in Chilliwack on October 30th during the week of October 24th t o 30th.

Moved by Councillor Atchison Seconded by Councillor Bishop That the foregoing requests fo r permission t o operate public

address systems on the s t r e e t s of the Municipality be granted, provided that the equipment i s kept moving and not operated i n a manner l ike ly t o create a public nuisance and fur ther tha t the action of the Reeve i n granting permission t o Associated Attractkohs to operate a public address system on the s t r ee t s of the Municipality on October 14th and 15th be approved.


T. Coyne, Secretary, White Rock Ratepayers' Association - With following resolution:

"That t h i s Association i s opposed t o any change in the method of constituting a Parks Board, and are of the opinion tha t members of the Parks Board should be elected a t the polls as heretofore".

Georpe Urch, Secretary, Tynehead community Association - Advising tha t h i s organization i s def ini te ly against abolishment of the parks Board and expressing the hope tha t the Municipal Council w i l l see f i t t o support the Surrey Parks Board.

The Clerk was instructed t o advise tha t the By-law set t ing up a f ive member Board of Park Commissioners had been defeated on i t s f i n a l con- sideration and tha t s. committee appointed by the Council would be responale f o r future admini~trat ion of municipal parks.

Parks Board and several members expressed divergent viewpoints. h'urther discussion developed regs rding the abolishment of the

L. K. Sully, Secretery, Surrey Town Planning Commission - Advising of recommendations t o the council regerding cement wall foundations on new dewellings i n zoned areas, amendment t o the llSurrey Building By-law and


provision of a 201 land-allowance in new subdivisions i n general commercial d i s t r i c t s .

&f erred t o the Engineer and Building Inspector f o r recommendation . B. C. Aviation Council - Information Circular No. 18. Ordered f i led .

The Reeve drew attention t o a e r i a l photograph maps which had been compiled by the Provincial Government and stated tha t he had been informed tha t the Municipality could obtain copies of this map f o r the actual cost of re- producing the prints.

ascertain the terms on whicfi the Municipality could acquire a photographic map of the Municipality.

The Clerk was instructed t o contact the proper Department and

Assbtant Engineer, Provincial Department of public !forks - Advising tha t the Minister of public Works i s prepared t o recommend t h a t the Scott Road (eastern portion) Reference No. 61A and the Scott Road extension, Reference No. 78A, within the municipal limits of The Corporation of the Di s t r i c t of Surrey be classif ied a s Arterial Highways. acceptable t o the Municipality.

Asking t o be a a s e d i f t h i s proposal i s

Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Johnston That the Provincial Government's proposal t o reclassify portion

of Scott Road within the limits of the Municipality as an a r t e r i a l Highway be approved and the proper o f f i c i a l not i f ied accordingly.

' I Carried

W. R. Neighen, Dis t r ic t m i n e e r , Provincial Department of public - Works - Requesting a.n estimate of the Municipalityts proposed expenditure on classif ied highways fo r the f i s c a l year 1950-51 not l a t e r than October 25th.

current year could not supply estimates of expenditure which an ensuing council would be obligated t o carry out.

Clerk was instructed t o advise tha t the Council elected fo r the

Fraser Valley Builders - Enclosing release which w i l l protect the Corporation from any action which Grant Electr ic might make in connection with work.

Referred t o the Welfare Committee with power t o act.

Canedian Legion, B.E.S .Lo, Cloverdale Branch No. 6 - fiequesting

Ordered f i led . interview with the Municipal Council on Monday, October 17th.

Councillor McPherson reported that the White Rock Branch of the Canadian Legion had requested permission t o h i r e one of the Municipal greders fo r &' few hours t o leve l the grounds around t h e i r new building and had undertaken t o pay the usual charge made for t h i s machine.

Permission was granted.

No. 2261. Deputy Provincial Secretary - Enclosing copy of Order-insouncil

Ordered f i led .

Claims f i l e d i n pursuance of the provisions of By-law No.912 - Frsnlr B. Pearson - 20 Brown Leghorns 2 59-00

6 New Hapshires 9.00 $ 68.00


The report of the Police Constable making the investigation in to the matter was read and the claim was deferred u n t i l the next meeting of the Council pending receipt of a f i n a l report by the Police Department,


The Reeve reported tha t during the meeting held a t Ocean Park recently t o discuss the question of developing a waterworks system f o r t ha t area it had been suggested tha t services of a geologist be retained t o select the best possible s i t e s f o r the development of sources of water supplies.

He suggested tha t the Council give this matter consider- ation with the view of locating possible sources of supplies fo r Qcean Park, Cloverdale and other centres in the MunicipElity.

Moved by Councillor kPherson Seconded by Councillor Johnston That the Reeve's suggestion be referred t o the Waterworks

Committee of the Council with power t o act . Carried

The Clerk was instructed t o contact D r . Victor Dohage, Geologist, Marine Building, Vancouver, and ascertain the terms on which h i s services might be obtained f o r the before-lpentioned purpose,

Ocean Park regarding the Council's action. The Clerk was also instructed t o advise M r . W.A.E. Wall,


contacted r e survey of pt. 16 acres SWi Section 3, Tp. 8, Sketch 105953, who had indicated tha t the cost of this survey would be i n the nkighbourhood of $150.0.

The Clerk reported tha t Ir. Vright, B.C.L.S., had been

1 4 s

The Clerk presented l e t t e r s received from Mr. G. W. Bruce Fraser, Municipal Sol ic i tor , recommending tha t the claim of Mrs. Ruth Sullivan i n the amount of $112.34 i n connection with an accident t o her automobile on Marine Drive during the month of October 1948, be paid and the claim se t t l ed out of Court.

Moved by Councillor McPherson Seconded by Councillor Adms That the claim of Mrs. Ruth Sullivan in the amount of $112.34

be paid as recommended by the Municipal Sol ic i tor . Cerried

The Clerk presented report of the Municipal Sanitary Inspector

Ordered f i l ed . covering h i s ac t iv i t i e s f o r the month of September.

The Clerk drew attention t o the provisions of the "Municipal Elections Actn regarding the appointment of eCourt of Revision of the Voters' L i s t f o r the ensuing year.

Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Adms That Councillors bishop and Atchison be and they a re hereby

appointed t o a c t w i t h the Reeve as a Court of Revision of the Voters' L i s t f o r the ensuing year; said Court of Revision t o be held on Tuesday, the 15 th day of November, 1949, a t 10:30 o'clock a.m. a t the Kunicipal Hall, CloverdEle.



The Clerk reported tha t the Municipal Welfare Officer had

The matter was discussed and it was suggested tha t several of requested purchase of additional chairs f o r use i n h i s Department.

the chairs formerly ins ta l led i n the Council Chambers be repaired and used f o r t h i s purpose .

The Clerk drew at tent ion t o the f a c t t ha t work a t the home f o r the Aged which the Council had authorized some time ago had not ye t been put i n hand and stated tha t the Superintendent was anxious t o have t h i s work completed before winter s e t in.

Referred t o the Reeve t o take up with the Engineer.

Councillor Atchison reported tha t lumber necessary f o r con- struction of 'the garage a t the Home fo r the Aged had been purchased and would be delivered today.

The Clerk presented a proposal received from the Municipal insurance compnay regarding more adequate insurance coverage of members of the various volunteer f i r e brigades which would give the personnel the following coverage:

Principal sum $ 5y00O.W Indemnity 25.00 per week Hospital 5.00 per day Nurse 5.00 per day Surgical 100.00 A. 0. X. 30.00

a t an annual p r d u m of $11.35 per p~cln or if the hospital benefits were dropped i n view of the provisions of the "B. C. Hospital Insurance Actn the annual premium t o be reduced t o $10.00 per man.

Moved by Councillor Adams Seconded by Councillor Bishop That the Clerk be authorized t o renew the insurance policy on

the l i nes suggested by the insurance company and tha t the hospital benefits be discontinued i n view of the provisions of the "B. C. Hospital Insurance Act..


The Clerk presented a request received from the Municipal Engineer f o r permission t o refund $1.10 t o Hr. G. L. Dimond and $1.10 t o Yr . R. E. Iggalden covering an overpayment made in connection with purchase of culvert t i le.

Moved by Councillor LfcPherson Seconded by Councillor Johnston That the Reeve and Treasur be authorized t o make the r ehnds

requested by the W i c i p a l Engineer as l i s t e d EL!&. ?k Carried

The Clerk presented a l e t te r received from the Municipal Collector, M r . A. H. Hill-'Eout, requesting an increase of $20.00 per month i n h i s salary and outlining reasons f o r making t h i s request.

Referred t o the Labour Committee of the council f o r condiider- ation and recommendation.

It was arranged tha t the Labour and Ekpipment Committee and the Sewer Committee would meet i n White Hock on Friday, October 21st a t 2 o'clock porn., a t the off ice of uouncillor McPherson.


COMMITTEE REPORTS : Specie1 - Reeve, Councillors Kuhn and YcPherson and the Engineer.

Guy Graham - Water course. Councillor YcPherson reported t h a t t h i s matter had been

se t t led sa t i s fac tor i ly and tha t Yr. Graham had undertaken t o contribute the sum of jb25O.OO towards the cost of ins ta l l ing t i l e i n t h i s water course and in addition had undertaken t o provide the k i c i p a l i t y with the necessary easement fo r construction of the sewer main through the property; t o convey the Northerly 6 f ee t of Lot "A" t o the Corporation f o r the widening of Victoria Avenue and to do the necessary bulldozing of the property to cover the t i l e when la id .

These arrengements were approved.

Reeve, Councillors Kuhn, Stewart, and Atchison and the Waterworks Superintendent - Cloverdale Water Company - Purchase of assets.

Councillor K u h n reported tha t the Committee had met o f f i c i a l s of the Cloverdale Water Company and had been advised tha t the Corporation could acquire the assets of the Company for the sum of $6,250.00 stock outstclnding and outstanding accounts amounting t o 35,500.00 or the price of $12,500.00 cash which would include approximately $2,000.00 worth of f i t t i n g s which the Company held as stock,

water supplies developed were adequate t o serve t h i s number of services.

that before the Corporation could take over t h i s Company it would be necessary to a6certain i f additional supplies of water could be developed and the report was ordered tabled pending a survey of the s iutat ion by the geologist.

He s ta ted tha t the Company now had 156 connections and tha t

Considerable discussion ensued during which it was decided

Reeve, Councillors Kuhn, HcPherson, Adams and the Engineer - Great Northern Railway - Work on Washington Avenue and rrCn Street; pajment f o r use of right-of-way f o r sewer main; payment fo r flagging protection.

foregoing matters w i t h the so l ic i tor of the Railway Company end t ha t tentat ive arrangements had been made to meet o f f i c i a l s of the company on the ground a t White

The Reeve reported tha t the Committee had discussed the

Rock The Clerk was instructed t o contact the so l i c i to r of the

Railway Company and t o ask him to a r r w e a meeting as soon as possible,

Gouncillor K u h n - Negotiations with Mr. Shepherd r e purchase

Councillor K u h n reported tha t M r . Shepherd had quoted him a

M r . Shepherd came before the Council during the meeting and

Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor YcPherson That the purchase of 5 acres of land fromkr. Ray Shepherd

for the sum of $500.00 be approved and t h s t the Clerk be instructed t o draw the necessary document and by-law authorizing t h i s purchase.

of 5 acres f o r water development.

price of $5OO.OO fo r the 5 acres of land required by the Corporation.

stated thht he was not prepared t o accept less than $500.00 f o r the property.


The Welfare Committee - Request f o r additional worker. h e Reeve reported tha t the Committee had discussed th i s

matter w i t h Mr. Sadler, Regional Supervisor of the Departmnt, and tha t tentative' errangements had been made with the Department t o supply an additional worker on a temporary basis a t the expense of the Departnent.

Councillor Atchison and Equipment Committee - Heating f o r garage. ~

i ~ Some discua&on on t h i s matter developed during which it w a s recommended tha t a Large coal burning stove and several small e l ec t r i c heaters be obtained f o r use i n heating the garage during the ensuing winter.

Moved by Councillor Adams Seconded by Councillor K u h n That t h i s recommendation be referred t o the Purchasing Gommittee

f o r the necessary action. Carried

Parks Committee - Reduction in size of larger parks. Committee reported th&t it could not reconmend action on t h i s

matter a t the present time and the matter was ordered dropped.

Waterworks and U t i l i t i e s Committees - Letter from White Rock

The Clerk presented a l e t t e r received from the President of the Waterworks Co. Ltd.

Rhite Rock Waterworks Company Limited in which the plans of the Company were outlined i n more or l e s s general terms.

Considerable discussion on the contents of this letter ensued during which the l a s t Finar1Ci81 report f i l e d by the Company with the public U t i l i t i e s Commission was produced and discussed.

Moved by Councillor K u h n Seconded by Councillor McPherson That the Clerk be instructed t o contact the Municipal 3ol ic i tor

' ,- k and Inspector of Municipalities with the view of ins t i tu t ing the necessary action .:hereby- the Corporation might assume ownership of the Company.


Councillor Atchison submitted 8n estimate of the cost of in- s ta l l ing modernized l ighting f ix tures in the Assessor's, Engineer's and Inspectors' offices, to ta l l ing #347.26.

This matter was referred t o the incosning Council f o r consideration.

S t a n d i n g Committee Reports:

Finance The Clerk reported tha t the Treasurer had delivered an

additional $35,000.00 of municipal debentures t o lessrs. Lauder, Mercer & Co. Ltd.

Board of Works

"Municipal Hall, Cloverdale, B. C. October Wth, 1949.

Minutes of a meeting of the board of Rorks Committee. with the exception of Councillors Kuhn and McPherson. Reeve Schultz in the Chair.

A l l of the members were present

A general discussion developed regarding the gravelling pro- gramme l a i d down at previous meetings of the committee and Councillor Bishop expressed disappointment a t the progress which had been made on the gravelling of new grades.

t - l O O O :c

=a=: bc

- .**id E I ~ +. m-4 b’lnl

The Reeve drew attention t o an account i n the amount of #lSO.oO submitted by H. Bose & Sons f o r dragline work done on Johnston Road. suggested tha t the work done was of doubtful benefit t o t n e road and tha t the


property owners affected should be asked t o pay the major portion of the costs.

ing $120.00.


Councillor Johnston contended that the work was beneficial t o the Johnston Road and tha t the Corporation should pay f o r two days work, t o t a l l -

The matter was dropped without any decision being made.

The Reeve brought up the matter of the charges made t o the special projects and the Engineer reported tha t he had gone over his accounts and t h a t no charges had been made t o the l a r d accounts in t h i s connection.

penditures made on New lcLellan R o a d a d t o send an account t o the Provincial Government f o r the balance of the expenditure on the account.

The Engineer was instructed t o make a fur ther check on ex-

A general discussion developed regarding the methods followed i n purchasing materials f o r the White Rock Sewerage project and it was pointed out t ha t the Consulting Engineer, M r . Hunter, had ordered the materials required f o r instal la t ion of the equipment in the disposal plant.


The Reeve drew attention t o the f a c t t ha t the Corporation w 8 s required t o provide Holiday pay, Unemployment Insurance, Workmen’s Compensation, Superannuation and other benefits f o r i t s workers and suggested that the practice of charging labour costs t o the various projects on the basis of the actual wage ptiyments, did not show a true picture ef actual costs, snd t ha t t h i s should be el tered .

c is cuss ion followed. Moved by Councillor Atchison Seconded by Councillor Stewart That the committee recommend t o the Council that a charge

of lo$ be added t o all labour costs charged t o the various special projects of the Corporation from January ls t , 1949, t o cover the costs of administration, etc., paid out of the general revenue funds of the Ccrporation.


The adequacy of the rates being charged f o r municipal machinery was the subject of some discussion and it was decided to aefer t h i s matter t o the incoming Council f o r consideration.

The following programme of work was decided upon:-

SHOVELS: No. 1 - Continue with White Rock Sewer project. No. 2 - Carry on with present prograarme - loading trucks, t o be moved

No. 3 - Continue on Waterworks project. No. 4 - Complete YcKinnonSangster ditch.

around as required.

Then to Westminster Road drain- age a t Empire Gardens. Kensington M u d Bay Road East of Pacif ic Highway. Then Engineer was instructed t o contact the property owners

affected by the l a t t e r project and arrsnge fo r the necessery brushing on the d i t ch l i n e if possible.

Then t o Latimer Road project. Then t o

BULLDOZER: Complate work on Waterworks project. Then t o Davis Road a t

Trans Canada Highway Monday morning. Then to White Rock fo r

several days t o complete projects outlined ea r l i e r i n the year. Then t o Kensington Mud Bay Road, East of Pacific Highway, if possible t o use, t o do ditching instead of No. 4 shovel. back t o Waterworks project.

between Pacific Highway and C o a s t Meridian Road was discussed and the Engineer suggested that t h i s project would require the use of one of the shovels. It was suggested tha t weather conditions might hinder t h i s work

a t t h i s l a t e date i n the year.


The question of cutting down the h i l l on the North B l u f f Road

PULVI-MIXER: Carry out work on North B l u f f Road. Then t o Harvie Road.

PATCHING CREPII: Complete Boothroyd Road bridge. as per instructions of the Engineer.

Then repair holes in pavement

GRAVELLING PROGRkMBBE: Gravel new grades as weather permits.

the gravel p i t most convenient t o the job. If weather conditions unfavourable t o gravel established road

grades a s per l i s t t o be supplied t o the Engineer by each member of the Council.

Shovel t o be moved t o

Moved by councillor Bishop Seconded by Councillor McPherson That the meeting do now adjourn.


The meeting adjourned a t 1 l :OO porn."

Moved by Councillor Atchiuon Seconded by Councillor McPherson That the minutes of t h e Board of Works meeting held on the

Uth inst., be approved and recommendations contained therein adopted and that the Corporation assume responsibil i ty f o r payment of the sum of $120.00 of the account rendered by H, Bose and Sons f o r ditching work carried out on Johnston Road.


Purchasingi C d t t e e Councillor Atchison reported tha t a good

grade of culvert t i l e was nqw being produced a t Clearbrook Plant a t Abbotsford and that t h i s material was consiiderably cheaper than tha t supplied by other manufacturers.

H e requestjed permission t o place an order fo r a quantity of t h i s material i n order that the dorporation might be assured adqquate supplies as reGuired .

The Purchqsing Committee was authorized t o place an order fo r an adequate supply of culvert tlile.

Council1or;r Atchison reported tha t it would be possible t o pur- chase an additional. grader at a considerable saving t o the Corporation if purchase was authorized in the near future.

Moved by Councillor Atchison Seconded by Councillor Kuhn


That /This matter be referred t o the Finance and Purchasing

Committees f o r investigation with the view of ascertaining whether o r not purchase of t h i s equipment could be financed t h i s year.


Public U t i l i t i e s Committee: Councillor Stewart reported tha t

a number of enquiries had been received regarding the preparation of roads fo r bus routes i n the event tha t the interurban service of the B, C. Electric Railway i s discontinued.

This matter was discussed without any decision being made,


WEterworks Gommitteer The Clerk Presented a l e t t e r received from YLrs.

H. Webb and others enquiring when water service might be expected on Liverpool Road.

ins ta l la t ion of a 6" main along t h i s road within the next month or so. The Reeve reported t h a t arrangements had been made for t h e

The Clerk was instructed t o advise accordingly,

F i re Committee: Secretary, White Rock Fi re Committee - Enclosing

account approved by h i s Committee of d l e a g e travelled by Chief of the White Rock Fire Department 457 miles Q ,084 per mile - $36.56.

Also requesting the following supplies:

2 double action pump cans for use i n chimney f i r e s 6 hose keys and b e l t s

100 f e e t 1" manila rope Also -

1 corn broom 2-100 watt l i g h t bulbs 1 writing pad and eneelopes 1 f loor mop 1 tin Old Dutch Cleanser 1 gal. crimson red paint 1 q t . turpentine 1-2" brush NO. 40 1-3" n NO, 40 1-3" n

4 t i n s aluminium paint for hydrants 22 pce. 2 x 2 - 6 ft. f o r marking standpipes

Referred t o the Purchasing Committee f o r the necessary attention.

Councillor McPherson reported tha t the newly appointed Bire Chief of White Rock - Sunnyside Area was doing good work and that the new Hall would be ready f o r occupmcy within the next three weeks.

k d l

d Councillor Stewart reported tha t he had interviewed Y r . Cook, Chief of the south Westminster Volunteer Brigade and t ha t the work of this

Brigade had improved immeasurably and he recommended tha t Yr . Cook be granted an increase of $25.OO per month effective a s of October l s t , 1949.

Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Johnston That the remuneration of Yr. Cook, Chief of the South les tmimter

F i re Bruade, be increased t o $!jO.OO per month, effect ive October lst , 1949. Carried

BILLS & PAYROLLS: Moved by &mu5.llor K u h n Seconded by Councillor Stewart That accounts recommended by the

Board of Works Finance Water & Sewer Finance Board of morks Payroll No. 18 White Rock Sewer Payroll No. 18 Wateworks Payroll No. 18 Parks Committee Warrmt No. 18 Welfare - September

$44,940*17 a d Finance Committee amounting t o

$ 99189.03 7,794.27 6,162.02 I, 862 -92 1,782 -71

12,649 39 155 -90

all a s ident i f ied by the signature of the Reeve and Seal of the Corporation be passed f o r payment and tha t cheques be issued for same.


ADJOURNMNT : Moved by Councillor Johnston Seconded by Councillor Atchison Thst the Council adjourn t o meet again on ]Illonday, October 31st,

1949, a t 10 a.m. a t the Municipal H a l l , Cloverdale, B. C. Carried

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