october 2020 vol. 88, no 10 · october 2020 vol. 88, no 10 7811 rockwood lane austin, texas 78757...

Post on 11-Oct-2020






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October 2020 VOL. 88, NO 10

7811 Rockwood Lane

Austin, Texas 78757 512-480-0812

www.benhurshrine.org Articles due NLT 15th of the month

Oct 2020 2



7811 Rockwood Lane

Austin, Texas 78757

Phone 512-480-0812

Fax 512-479-4060





Mon - Fri 9:30am to 2:30pm

Closed on Major Holidays


2020 POTENTATE rdenghel@gmail.com 512-554-6356

PAUL PENNINGTON…….……...CHIEF RABBAN plpennington@gmail.com 512– 567-6920

DENNIS MOTLEY…..…....ASSISTANT RABBAN dennismotley65@gmail.com 512-844-8374

CHUCK JONES…...….HIGH PRIEST & PROPHET fatboyfab1955@gmail.com 512-797-0718

JAMES A HEINEMAN….…..ORIENTAL GUIDE heinemanja@yahoo.com 281-923-5890

BILLY J JAMES………………………..TREASURER billjjames1@gmail.com 512-925-6676

SAM STIMSON, PhD…………………..RECORDER sstimson70@gmail.com 512-796-4179


Entertainment Chair

Jim & Debbie Kinley

Entertainment Committee

Dorothy Cook, Kyle Cook, Mac & Laura Cutler,

Russell Jones, Marco & Belinda Pizana, Craig &

Shelby Reiswig, Ted & Charla Robertson, Gene &

Karen Sanders, Mike & Michelle Sanders, Brenda

Scholin, Lana Stone, Jesus & Sonia Trevino, John


Insurance Chairman

Gerald “Jerry” Carruth

Insurance Committee

Ill Sir Romeo Denghel, Potentate, Chief Rabban

Paul Pennington, David Caylor,

Recorder, Sam Stimson, PhD

Legal Counsel

Gerald C. “Jerry” Carruth

Masonic Relations

Buddy Funderburgh

$100 Million Dollar Club

John Blair

Parade Marshal

James Heineman


Gerald C. “Jerry” Carruth


Ramon Reyes

Public Relations

Buddy Funderburgh

Sickness & Distress


Transportation Chairman

Ron Dewees


Brett M. Chandler-Finch APPOINTED STAFF

Administrative Assistant for Office

Laura Holst

Building & Grounds Manager

Stanley Anderson


Rev Don Long

Colonel of Units

Earl Robertson, PP

Donor Relations

Chuck “Fester” Jones, High Priest & Prophet


Temple Director - Chris Garner

Captain of the Guard - Ferril “F.C.” Smith, MD

Outer Guard - Robin Shannon

1st Ceremonial Master—Gene Sanders, PP

2nd Ceremonial Master - Mike Sanders

Ceremonial Asst. Rabban—Russell Jones

Marshal - Silas Powell, PP


Ben Hur Shrine meets on the 3rd Thursday of the

month. The next stated meeting will be Oct 15,


Oct 2020 3

POTENTATE’s MEssAGE - rdenghel@gmail.com

Ladies and Nobles,

With the Shrine resuming unit and club meetings, it is very nice to

once again see some of the familiar faces I missed all these months

spent at home. The stated meetings will continue online for the

foreseeable future, but it is very nice to resume in person Shrine

activities with limited numbers. Please continue to stay safe and

follow all the recommended health and safety guidelines. I look

forward to the day when we can all meet in person again, and resume fun and


Thank you for all the kind words regarding my articles! I received a lot of compliments

from many Nobles and ladies, and even from non-Shriners. Brother Treasurer Dud

Morris of Post Oak Island Lodge Number 181 in beautiful Downtown Beaukiss, where I

am honored to serve as Worshipful Master this Masonic year, told me at our last stated

meeting that he liked my articles and that I was a pretty good writer. Almost as good

as him, he added.

With cooler weather upon us, I thought I would share this month a winter story from my

grandparents’ village. I have not personally witnessed the events in this story, but I

was assured multiple times that they are real and happened exactly as described.

First, a little background. I spent most of my summers working with my grandparents

on their farm, learning the importance of hard work and perseverance. The farm was

the home of most farm animals that can tolerate four seasons. The weather is similar

to northern Montana weather.

Most farms in the village had the usual animals, such as chickens, sheep, pigs, cows,

horses, cats and dogs. Some of the families have unusual breeds of cows, sheep,

chickens and pigs, and they always get funny and incredulous looks from the rest of the

villagers. “Why would you waste your feed on such a strange looking farm animal? Are

they useful in any way?” As usual, the nail that stuck out got hammered. This applied

to almost everyone except the lucky few who were seen as civic leaders in the village.

These civic leaders were the mayor, the police chief, the doctor, the teacher and the

priest. They were treated similarly to the treatment that Divan members receive at the


There are many religious traditions in the village and most of them involve showing up

at church with a fresh chicken and some vegetables. Does your foot hurt and you’d like

the priest to say a prayer for your health? It’ll cost you one chicken and about ten

pounds of potatoes. Are you having a particularly long string of bad luck and you’d like

the priest to say a prayer for you? It’ll cost you a chicken and a few pounds of corn

meal. Throw in some apples or other fruits if your problem is particularly bad.

As such, the priest had his regular supply of chicken, but I suppose he wanted some

more variety in his choice of meat. His answer to this particular problem was to raise

Oct 2020 4

geese. Nobody else in the village dared to raise geese because they did not want to be

seen as challenging the priest and therefore incur some divine punishment. Everyone

in the village knew about the priest and his strange birds, yet nobody dared to say an-

ything. I compared the treatment of the civic leaders to the treatment the Divan re-

ceives as Ben Hur Shrine. Well, the way the villagers treated the priest and his geese

is very similar to the treatment my bad jokes receive. People tolerate them in relative

silence. There’s the isolated comment here and there, but that’s about it.

None of the religious traditions involved alcohol. Most families made their own moon-

shine, and some were better than others. Moonshine was the only alcohol available in

the village, except for the “fancy” alcohol that was collecting dust on the shelves at the

store because nobody wanted to try it. Every once in a while, someone would make a

beer run, but that took most of the day because it involved a horse and carriage run of

about forty miles. First, twenty miles downhill to the beer factory with an empty car-

riage. That was the easy part. The return trip took a lot longer. People have been

known to drink an entire case of beer during the return trip, justifying it as “lightening

the load” for the horses that now had less beer to haul uphill to the village.

Aside from his affinity for strange and unusual meats, the priest also had a desire for

more refined alcohol. Since moonshine was the only available alcohol that could be

easily made, and the priest and his family could not be seen purchasing alcohol or hav-

ing a share in a beer run, the only reasonable choice was flavored moonshine. The

choices were limited too by the availability of flavors. The priest evaluated his options

and decided to settle on sour cherries. So, one particular year, he decided to try his

hand at making a batch of sour cherry flavored moonshine.

Please don’t try any of this at home, and let the professionals handle the production of

alcohol. I’m not suggesting in any way that you should engage in the production of al-

cohol or do anything else that may be illegal.

Now that I got that out of the way, on to the good part of the story.

Quality moonshine takes some time to make, much like everything else of quality. The

priest followed his usual process that was a tried and true recipe that most of the vil-

lage was following. It’s very simple, really. Take some fruit, let the sugar in it ferment

into alcohol, boil the fruit mixture and cool the vapors to get the alcohol. Now that you

know how it’s done, DON’T DO IT!

Cooling the vapors usually involved snow, which was readily available in the village

starting in early November. With a fresh batch of moonshine on hand, the priest then

decided to thaw the frozen sour cherries he has saved and mix the two. After a few

weeks, the flavor of the cherries permeates through the moonshine and the remaining

cherries settle on the bottom, with significantly less flavor but a very high alcohol con-



Oct 2020 5


The priest was very happy with the results of his experiment. It was mid-December

and he had a new drink for the holiday season! He had kept is secret from everyone

else outside his family. After all, he got a pass with raising geese, and he didn’t want

to push his luck. Now seems like a good time for one of my traditional bad puns. Here

goes! This priest had done some good work with the spirits. Get it? Moonshine…

Spirits… One more? I think I’d better stop before a bolt of lightning takes me out and I

don’t get to finish the story.

With the moonshine safely separated from the sour cherries, the priest had a fresh

issue on his hands. What could he do with the left-over sour cherries? He decided that

he would just throw them on the compost pile behind the barn, since that was out of

the view of prying eyes. He was probably chuckling to himself thinking that he has

gotten away with it. Alas, such was not the case. Read on!

A couple of days passed and one afternoon the priest’s wife (Christian Orthodox priests

in Romania are required to be married before being assigned to a parish) came to talk

to her husband. She was very upset and didn’t know what to do, because a great

tragedy had fallen on their family. You see, all their geese were dead! They thought

some envious and narrow-minded villager had poisoned them since the geese were so

unusual for that village. If you think this is an over-reaction, I should probably mention

the family who decided to completely demolish their barn because one year a lost stork

flew through the village and landed on their barn to rest. This was such an unusual

event that the family decided it was a bad omen, so they demolished the barn, asked

the priest to sanctify the ground underneath and rebuilt the barn at another location.

So, poisoning some geese was not really outside the realm of possibilities.

Determined to get at least some use out of the geese, the priest decided to pluck the

geese and use the feathers for pillows. Eating the meat was out of the question since

the cause of death was unknown. At least the family would have some soft pillows,

since goose feathers were considered much better than the usual chicken feathers the

rest of the village was using.

So, the priest and his wife set to work. They plucked all the feathers from the geese and discarded the geese on the same compost pile where the sour cherries were previously discarded. It takes a while to pluck a dozen or so geese, but they made quick work of it and soon they were done. But now they needed to sort through the feathers and separate the soft feathers from the rest of the feathers. They did that too, and ended up with enough feathers for a few pillows. The wife set to work on making the pillows while the priest decided to have a shot of moonshine and contemplate the day’s events.

Suddenly, a great noise outside grabbed their attention. About a dozen or so very unusual creatures were running around the yard, making a terrible racket. It took the priest and his wife a while to realize that the dead geese had come back to life and were now running around the yard trying to keep their featherless bodies from being too cold.

Oct 2020 6


The geese were quickly herded into the barn, because it was the only place where they

could be kept warm until their feathers grew back. An investigation of the compost pile

made it clear what had happened. The geese found the discarded sour cherries and ate

them. They got drunk, passed out, and were presumed dead. The geese somehow

managed to sleep through being plucked. Once the alcohol wore off, the geese woke

up and started to make a racket.

As you may imagine, this whole adventure was now impossible to be kept secret from

the rest of the village. Everyone had heard the geese running around the yard, and a

few villagers noticed that they were completely featherless. A couple of more daring

villagers entered the yard and offered to help the priest herd the geese into the barn.

While doing so, they noticed the geese droppings had an unusually high content of

cherry pits. And why did the geese smell like moonshine?

They may have been villagers, but they weren’t stupid. It didn’t take long to put

together the sequence of events. Most villagers thought the entire story was uniquely

funny. The priest thought that the punishment he received for trying to hide his work

with the spirits (ha!) from the rest of the world was just. I had the fortune of meeting

the priest towards the end of his tenure and on our way home from church that

Sunday, my grandmother delighted me with this story.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Fraternally, Romeo Denghel

Ben Hur Noble Jim Hollis received his 50 year Masonic award at Buda 800 Masonic Lodge. Brother Jim has been a pillar of the lodge for many years and also a Golden Trowel recipient. Brother Jim has dedicated himself to our fraternity and community. (Photo) Brother Jim along with his wife Barbara, WM Ricky Hays and our DDGM Steve Cook. Both are also Ben Hur Nobles. Thanks Brother Jim. Chuck "Fester" Jones

Oct 2020 7

Nobles, Ladies, and Friends,

What a wild year it's been! I hope everyone is healthy and doing

whatever brings you joy. I can't help but feel disheartened for our

Potentate, Imperial Potentate, and Grand Master for having to deal

with all that has been thrown at them in 2020 impacting the years

they worked so hard to plan. I know it has almost completely de-

railed my fundraising as Chief Rabban. The one thing all of these

great men have in common is a strong drive and devotion to their beliefs. This has

been a huge lesson for me. Over the past few months I have had a lot of time to re-

flect on this and the past few years in general. When I began this Divan journey I had

been a Shriner for less than two years. Romeo and I already had a connection from

Post Oak Island Lodge where I am the Junior Past Master and he is the sitting Worship-

ful Master. To say we have worked extremely closely from the beginning would be an

understatement. That doesn't mean we have always agreed, but we have always been

able to have productive conversations and learn from each other.

In September we had one of these conversations that was not easy. In looking at my

work situation and some professional opportunities that I have been presented with,

the time I will have available over the next two years is going to be extremely limited.

After much thought and discussion with my wife, I have decided I will not be availa-

ble to serve as Potentate next year. I will be available to help from time to time but I

am not able to devote the time I have in the past and rather than "phone it in" I will

be nominating another Noble to serve as the Potentate in 2021. I believe we are on a

strong course and I will do what I am able to help continue that path. I want to thank

everyone who has supported me on this journey.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Paul Pennington

Chief rabban - plpennington@gmail.com

Howdy Nobles and Ladies,

Pam and I are doing well and I hope you guys are the same. I am doing well after my shoulder surgery and was able to lose the sling. I started physical therapy and am doing well. No pain, no gain. Can’t wait to take my Harley out again.

We visited the Ben Hur Travel Club at their campout in Cald-well. Good food, fellowship and card games as always. The Ben Hur Travel Club also donated 250 dollars to Lady Alice’s Rising Star program for our hospitals. Thanks guys. Continued next page.

High Priest & Prophet - fatboyfab1955@gmail.com

Oct 2020 8

From the Oriental Guide— heinemanja@yahoo.com Howdy All,

Janet and I were finally able to get out and be with fellow Shriners.

Last month we were able to go to the Board of Directors meeting

while the Ladies went out to dinner. We also drove to Caldwell for a

meeting and fun afternoon of socializing with the Travel Club.

This month we went to the Highland Lake Shrine Club stated

Meeting. It was great to see everyone again. We then went to San

Antonio to Alzafar Shrine and picked up a pork butt dinner we had

ordered from the Hot Sands BBQ Unit. They did a great job with the pork and sides,

and the Ladies were working hard selling pies and items for Lady Alice’s Project. We got

to socialize with many Nobles and their Ladies. We were unexpectedly treated to a nice

lunch followed by a parade in the parking lot.

Janet and I are heading to Boerne on Sept. 18th for a weekend with most of our Texas

Counterparts. Cannot wait to get to know each other better and having fun. We will

report on all the shenanigans in next month’s Chariot.

I am still working on getting a cornhole tournament going. I hope to come up with

something in the not too distant future. We need to get ready to have a team together

to enter the competition in Houston at the Imperial session in July 2021. Right now, I

am thinking about a Fun Group get-together and run a cornhole tournament in the

hopes of seeing who might be good candidates for the 2021 challenge which Imperial

Sir Jim Smith has issued to every Temple. There would be an entry fee of $10 or $20

per person and the winner will get fifty percent of the intake and fifty percent will go to

Lady Alice’s Project. If you are interested, please let me know so I can get an idea of

how to move forward with this. James Heineman

Alzafar sold pork butt and the fixings and on September 12th we drove down to their Temple to pick it up along with the Heinemans. The Alzafar Hot Sands BBQ Unit cooked 55 pork butts all prepaid. We all thought it was just a drive by and pick up. It turned into a pretty good time. There were a bunch of Nobles and Ladies there and we had lunch with everyone. Their brew club “The Brews Brothers” even had some samples for everyone. They even had a mini parade around the parking lot. It was good seeing everyone and networking ideas. Maybe a Ben Hur Shrine BBQ team in the future?

We visited the Hill Country Shrine Club meeting in Marble Falls along with the Heinemans and our Illustrious Potentate Romeo and Lady Holly. We had a good visit and enjoyed the hospitality. Those folks always make us feel right at home. They are planning to shake the bucket soon so stay tuned.

It’s off to another month and by the time you read this I will be another year older. These are strange times and we have many limitations on how we can get together. We are trying to still stand proud during these times. We have to make do with what we can do and enjoy our time together when it happens. Call each other and check on you brothers. I had several brothers and ladies call me after my surgery. It was good to know folks care about you. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Remember to stay Ben Hur Proud.

Chuck “Fester” Jones

Oct 2020 9

The Ben Hur Trailblazers are honored to have their very own Noble Mike Sanders

installed 1st Vice President of the Texas State Motor Patrol Association. Noble Sanders

personally presents Trailblazer Raffle winner Mellisa W with her prize. (He also sold the

winning ticket to her) Congratulations.


Oct 2020 10




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Oct 2020 12

The 2021 international convention of Shriners will convene in Houston, Texas from Sunday, July 4, 2021 through Thursday, July 8, 2021. This will be a gathering of Shriners from all Shrine Temples situated around the globe to conduct business, hold competitions and enjoy fraternal brotherhood. The business of Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for Children will be conducted in tiled and untiled sessions throughout the week. Friendly competition will be held amongst members of International Associations such as Clowns, Motorized Units, Provost Guard, Horse Patrols, and Musical Units. Throughout the week there will be opportunities to interact with Shriners who will have descended upon Houston from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama and other international locations. Although the motorized competition will commence on Saturday, July 3, 2021 the convention will start on Sunday, July 4th with the Public Opening and a block party. As the week progresses there are various activities being planned such as a Cornhole tournament, parade, and an evening of entertainment. There will be a marketplace of vendors selling Shrine and Masonic items and other merchandise such as clothes and jewelry. We would love to have Ben Hur Nobles and Ladies join Imperial Potentate, Jim Smith and Lady Alice and the conference planning committee for a fun filled week in Houston. Please let Chief Rabban Paul Pennington or I know if you would like to join us. You can email me at directorgeneral21@imperialsession.com <mailto:directorgeneral21@imperialsession.com> . Additional information, including a tentative schedule, can be found on the Imperial Session web site www.imperialsession.com <http://www.imperialsession.com> .

Charlie Farnham

Imperial session 2021

Oct 2020 13

San Francisco here we come!!!

The Imperial Shrine Session will take place in San Francisco California July 26-28, 1932.

Ben Hur nobles are packed and ready to go on a special train traveling four cars. Their

famed chariot is on board along with all the uniforms and instruments. Potentate E.C.

Munro has been contacted by the Potentate of Ballut Abyad Temple in Albuquerque NM

requesting that the train make a stop in Gallup for a parade and entertainment that

evening before continuing to San Francisco. They advise that Gallup is in the middle of

Indian country and their Indian Aide will see that there are plenty braves to meet the

train. Ben Hur nobles were asked to be in full uniform upon their arrival for a parade

through the business district. The Recorder stated that they can make lots of

“whoopee” over there. There were no reports of the events of the evening but you can

be sure they were well treated.

The overall expenses for thirty two nobles including round trip train, meals, hotel and

per diem came to one hundred and ten dollars per person. This was during the depres-

sion and apparently Ben Hur paid for the trip.

There were a total of four parades.There was a parade to end all parades. Ben Hur’s

chariot was such a hit that it made

front page in the San Francisco and

Houston papers. Too many events took

place to list: however, some of those

more spectactular events were military

band concerts, boxing tournaments,

yacht regatta, Chinatown Fete, Army

and Navy Air Forces maneuvers, and

many more. The floats listed in the

program was impressive. Many industrial floats, floats from the movie industry, civic

groups and more.

Festive balls, banquets and presentations took place each day in addition to golf tourna-

ments, automobile tours of the city and baseball games.

Ben Hur nobles departed San Francisco on July 28th at 6:00PM and arrived in Austin on

July 30th at 8:00PM.


Gene Freudenberg PP/Historian

Oct 2020 14

Like everyone, I pray for a return to normalcy and for an end to this Covid-19

pandemic. At the present time, the banquet and dining room at Berry Creek

Country Club is closed for our Club's dinner meetings, and Berry Creek has no

plans to reopen the banquet room before January 2021. Jim Crawford and I are

pursuing other options. So far, we have not been very successful, but please

stay tuned.

I hope everyone in Sun City had the opportunity to read the recent and

excellent Sun Rays article about Noble Al Blaschke's celebratory parachute

jump at age 103.

There will not be the usual Club elections in October, for the 2021 Officers,

President, VP, Treasurer and Secretary. However, we will at an appropriate and

safe time, conduct the election. Please note that Noble and Vice-President David

Lynn, will not be available for election to president.

Time seems to fly. So, it won't be long before WILCO Shrine Club decorates the

entrances and bridges of Sun City, with Holiday and Christmas Lights. Noble

Jack Neal, our longtime chairman of this colossal undertaking plans to

step down after the 2020 Holidays and Yule-tide season. Noble Gary Kramer will

become chairman for 2021. Gary, we really appreciate you assuming the

leadership role. Jack, there are no words to describe how much we ALL

appreciate your dedication and leadership.

My best wishes to each of you. All Y'all Stay Safe and Well.




Oct 2020 15


First new Shrine Association in the last 50 years. Member temples include: Abou Saad

(Panama), Al Rai’e Saleh (Puerto Rico), Amal (Brazil), Anezeh (Mexico), Bolivia ( Bolivia)

and Hikmat (Brazil). Noble Ricky Arrocha or Abou Saad Shriners was elected first

president of LASA. Congratulations.










Oct 2020 16



Enclosed please find my check in the amount of $_______

[ ] ONE LINE (single name) - $25 per year

[ ] ONE LINE (Mr. & Mrs. or two names) - $25 per year

[ ] TWO LINES (Yours and your Lady’s name on 2 lines - $45 per year

NAME(S): _____________________________________________________


Mail to the Temple Secretary.

NOTICE: Did YOUR name get dropped this edition? Remember to check the date following your

name. Next edition will drop all dates to 10/20 ! Send in the form below TODAY with your $25 to

become/remain a loyal booster club member.

Greg & Ann Murrow 04/35 Brian & Carol Vance 12/25 Aggie & George Auer, PP 08/24 Jerry & Bea Hohman 07/24 Romeo ‘The Count’ and Holly 07/24 Chuck “Fester” & Pam Jones 06/24 Ralph & Vera Reasor 01/24 Prairie Lea Lodge #114 11/23 Ron & Debbie Speaks 11/23 Andrea & Brad Cole, PP 10/23 Margaret & Bob Kelly, PP 10/23 Imp. Sir Jim & Lady Alice Smith 07/23 Dottie Hughes & Alan Mulder 07/23 Kathy & Randy Wimbish 02/23 Heather & Rob Kelly, Jr 02/23 Louise J Hein 02/23 Dale & Barbara Dugger 09/22 Duke & Tracey Dugger 09/22 Ron & Jami Dewees 07/22 Alfred & Ellie Blaschke 03/22 Byron & Linda Betncourt 03/22 Hubert & Dorothy Cook 02/22 Bobby G Harden 01/22 Highland Lakes Shrine Club 01/22 David & Juanell Yeager 11/21 David & Samon Isbell 10/21 Vernon & Leona Milton 09/21 In Memory of Gail Carruth 09/21

Gerald "Jerry" Carruth 09/21 Bill Manning 08/21 Jim & Donna King 08/21 Herb & Shirley Canada 08/21 Count & Mrs. Denghel 08/21 Charles & Emily Maddox 07/21 James & Janet Heineman 07/21 In Memory of Don Lee 07/21 WILCO Shrine Club 07/21 Henry & Vicki Shoenfelt 07/21 Charles Casey 05/21 In Memory of Judy Casey 05/21 Colorado Commandery #4 KT 05/21 Austin Council #2 RSM 05/21 Lonestar Chapter #6 RAM 05/21 Bill Manning 05/21 In Memory of Betty Anderson 04/21 Stan Anderson 04/21 Alice & Billy Edmondson 03/21 Charles Campbell 03/21 In Memory of Gus Carlson 02/21 Tom Arbuckle 02/21 Doris Grabo 12/20 Tom & Judy Schneider 12/20 Leonard & Lidia Bronik 10/20 Jack Neal 10/20 Forest & Doris Cruse 10/20

Oct 2020 17


Robert G. Markham 8/10/2019 Malcom D Ferguson 5/26/2020

James J. Clark 7/8/2020



Laura’s Smiles Quilts

Crafted by Laura Holst

Specializing in T-Shirt & Memory Quilts

LauraSmiles.com | 512-736-4392

Oct 2020 18

Oct 2020 19


Do you have a business or know of a business that would like to reach

over 700 views? We would love additional business sponsorships for

our Chariot. For additional information contact Ben Hur Shrine at

secretary@benhurshrine.org or 512-480-0812

Items have already sold by being posted here. Got something to sell?

Let us know and we will post it here...

Beer lovers / collectors—I have a case of Rattle Snake

12 oz bottles—4 six packs in the original cardboard

case. All 24 of the bottles are clean and in very good

condition, ready to add your own elixir or display in a

collection. Rattle Snake Beer was bottled by Spoetzl

Brewery, Shiner, TX in the early 80’s. See the picture.

Asking $50 for the entire case of 24 bottles, 4

cardboard 6 pack carriers and cardboard outer case. A

bargain compared to those sold on e-bay. Contact

Steve Koehn at 512-217-6843 or koehntx@gmail.com

"FREE to good home: Potentate Year at Ben Hur Shrine. In like-new condition, has

been used for just a handful of events. Please contact Illustrious Sir Romeo Denghel at

rdenghel@gmail.com or 512-554-6356. Serious inquiries only! Will consider trades."

Ben Hur Shriners

7811 Rockwood Lane

Austin, TX 78757

(512) 480-0812


PAID Permit 1120 Austin, Texas





Ed Whitmore, Sr. PP

Albert J Stowell

Stanford C Todd 10/2

Henry E Shoenfelt II

Robin B Shannon 10/3

Melvin W Bilich

William E Knox

Michael E Dosier

Gerald A Beathard Jr

Daniel Vessels 10/4

Forest M Cruse Sr

William E Davenport II 10/5

Danny K Bell 10/6

Gail F Duncan

Marcus J Flake


Bobby J Tiner

John J Schlueter II


Robert C Livengood Sr

Charles W Pickering


Adam M Cooper 10/11

Don R Long 10/12

Greg L Roland

Robert M Mallett

Marvin G Gammage

Blare D Hobbert


Ronnie H Lee, PP

Robert G Carroll


William L Brown

Zackery A Tedder

Kain T Dodd


Russel E Hain

Howard C Anderson

Maxie E Brune Jr

Christopher D Garner


Conrad J Levenduski


Richard F Smith

Marcus G Garcia

Jason M Castlebury

Clint P Chapman 10/20

Glen E Peters

Jeffrey W Moss

Boyce J Freitag 10/22

Elvin J Pederson 10/24

James W French PE

Ronald L Agnew 10/25

Aubry L Wallace Jr. 10/26

Samuel E Stimson PhD

Billy E Henline II


Michael A Von Ohlen


Candido M Berrios

Fred E Funderburgh

Fermin Ortiz


J.R. Ferreri

James M Worley

Shawn E Moore


Richard D Carpenter

Joe E Smith

Oliver S Kitzman, Jr


Albert A Taub

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