oddnews - #1 - ignition

Post on 07-Jul-2015



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Let us know about smth odd: oddnews@oddstream.org, phone: 0658959260

Editorial team: Ruta Vimba, Tadeja Bucar, Karmen Spiljak, Carola Stahl, Kaj DerksGraphical Design: Agate Lorence, Sandra Wiesthal

You don't think it's possible to see sound? Well, think again. 360º Media lab is an installation combining sound and visual art. It's creator is Tom van Vliet, a curator, specialized in media art and also a founder of the web agency Two Visions. Soon after entering the round space I got caught in the interaction between the sound and moving images. The thin line of their connection gave me a rather particular yet satisfying experience of the space that seemed to be changing with every move I made. Dancing lines, floating stars, distorted roads – different expressions of sound are moving and changing right in front of you. This synthesis was created to seduce the senses and open minds. Ready to be seduced?

ODDSTREAM claims that being in a festival means more than aimlessly swinging to the rhythm of the music with a beer in your hand, and here is your chance to experience the odd by doing: the participation area, built up from blue industrial containers. Do you have something to say? Loesje invites you to join the creative text writing workshops, or express yourself on the 'Freedom of Expression Wall' with paint, markers or glue.

Want to do something useful? Bring your trash to the container Nr.9, where Kulturlabor Trial&Error is powering the engine of creative recycling a.k.a. upcycling. Feeling like a piece of art? Delta.Process are mapping body movements and transforming them into a play between sound and visuals. We guarantee that you won't get bored tomorrow either, or the day after tomorrow – there are ten more containers to explore.

After witnessing the building of the odd festival spirit, it is hard to stay silent concerning all the expectations: today Oddstream celebrates Ascension Day with the Young Gods (CH)! Dutch Facebook users have given their credits to Dearworld (NL), but our Odditor is looking forward to the groovy interplay of DJ and drummer Kelpe (UK) as well as the Lomechanik Collective (UK). Of course, do not forget to put your sunglasses on and get to Lola Kite (NL), wooow!

We all know that Alec Empire (UK) will blast the festival tomorrow. But do you know that tonight the Vasim walls will resonate to the beats of Ceephax (UK) and Richard Divine (UK)? Besides, ODDSTREAM will surprise you with excellent visuals provided by Ka:lu (Inca Network).

Karmen Spi l j ak, Ruta Vimba, Me lek Senturk

Photo: Karim Shalaby

>>Ar ts, music, interact ive media insta l l at ions, young and o l d peop l e... th is fest iva l is a

comp l ete mixture. A different w ay of cu l ture.<< It is Doeko Pinxt, the Oddst ream

director , w ho kind l y ans w ers.


The walls of de Vasim have been built in 1928 and have an amazing story to tell. They can still recall thousands of workers labouring long hours to produce arti!cial silk, back when it was the biggest company in town. And the '70s, when di"erent workers, equally exploited, came day after day to produce carboxymethyl cellulose. “What was that crap anyway?” they ask today, with a bit of nostalgia. For years after that, they got used to seeing the huge 1200m# that keep them apart empty - just empty.

Two years ago, these walls saw the Oddstream crew settling in: people impressed by all the space, and inspired by the industrial atmosphere. More people, more enthusiasm - the “Oddstream” idea growing bigger and bigger. “What the heck is happening?” the walls asked each other.

The walls look outside, the landscape is distressing: the Waal river, industry, chimneys, heavy lorries and longtime fellow walls in the process of being torn down. But inside: a cultured paradise island, that many dedicated people built up for weeks.

“But what about the MTV catchy bands?” one wall wonders. “I was hoping to get some fancy banners from big corporate sponsors...” says another.“Most of the festivals present mainstream culture. Exactly what you see daily on television, or in any city,” Doeko answers. “People that come here for the music will be surprised by the active atmosphere, the artworks, the opportunities to participate. We want to seduce the Mainstream with the Oddstream.” “Oh gosh, now we are shaking...” the walls let go. “Every single brick!” “If you want to have what everyone else has, maybe you should not come,” they hear Doeko shouting by the gate. “If you want to taste something di"erent, to be surprised - then you should come to Oddstream.”

Francisco Pedro

Work and buy until the day you die. Live to the fullest if your credit card supports unlimited opportunities. Consume what is given and refrain from searching for the meaning. Keep your head up high and your mind face down. Behave as you are told: never question and never ever let your imagination get blown. Yes, you - behaving as normally as you are told!

Something missing? This is the ODD in you not allowing the Normal to have its way! It is because you and I know there is no way to hide the ODD behind the crap we are fed every day. Thus we are never satisfied with the easy way - food, sleep and mainSTREAM is not how the ODD get through the day.

So to all you ODD and ODDer people, - 3,2,1, ignition - ODDSTREAM is on the way. From the 2nd to the 5th of June we, the ODDSTREAMists, are gathering in de Vasim, Nijmegen and we are preparing our minds and bodies for a massive ignition. Over 100 musicians and songwriters are ready to rock, drum'n'base, electrocute and acidize us till 5.30 am. Mentally-kick-ass speakers and interac-tive artists will show you what art is all about. Not THAT art. ODDart.

Your favorite paparazzi is providing you with a daily fix of eavesdropping.

Wandering around the old factory my lynx eye caught the vision of a weird lab of carpentry and wicca, containing a

huge wooden penis. I immediately facilitated myself in the perimeter of this cosy environment. "When I'm operating the chainsaw I don't let

people in," said the man inside. I guess that was his way of welcoming me, so I started asking questions, provided there was no chopping tool in sight. His project's

name is Zorbot. Not the penis, the other one. He also recounted his first experience with the festival's theme, Love & Conflict. Meanwhile two dogs were furiously fighting over a

stuffed monkey until they decided to settle it another day.

Street artists of the Post It Up reportedly painted and stenciled with the feeling of almost being at home: there was so much water after the previous rainy days that their concrete wall could as well have been in Venice. I also met Jelger, a young aerial acrobat who was studying the festival program to schedule his training, since his flying trapeze hall is now occupied by the Memefest workshop. Gid, the toilet guy, promised to provide me with the funniest toilet stories, all for a small tip. I'm definitely ready for this year's edition of Oddstream. See you around peepz. Flaminia Klla

Your favorite paparazzi is providing you with a daily fix of eavesdropping.

Wandering around the old factory my lynx eye caught the vision of a weird lab of carpentry and wicca, containing a

huge wooden penis. I immediately facilitated myself in the perimeter of this cosy environment. "When I'm operating the chainsaw I don't let

people in," said the man inside. I guess that was his way of welcoming me, so I started asking questions, provided there was no chopping tool in sight. His project's

name is Zorbot. Not the penis, the other one. He also recounted his first experience with the festival's theme, Love & Conflict. Meanwhile two dogs were furiously fighting over a

stuffed monkey until they decided to settle it another day.

Street artists of the Post It Up reportedly painted and stenciled with the feeling of almost being at home: there was so much water after the previous rainy days that their concrete wall could as well have been in Venice. I also met Jelger, a young aerial acrobat who was studying the festival program to schedule his training, since his flying trapeze hall is now occupied by the Memefest workshop. Gid, the toilet guy, promised to provide me with the funniest toilet stories, all for a small tip. I'm definitely ready for this year's edition of Oddstream. See you around peepz. Flaminia Klla

That is what I am told when I get closer, to see “You're a woman, I'm a machine”, a ceramic, life-sized robot surrounded thus protected by many small - and mostly male - paper companions. “Amazing, how our work is becoming part of the art.” A student's statement summing up the project's aim, while she is folding a small paper robot for the big machine's defense-support. About 1000 students from Nijmegen participated in several work-shops on filming, video-mapping, beat-creating and robot-making, playing with the multimedia art installations exhibited in 'De Vasim', two days before the opening of the Oddstream festival.

“We wanted the pupils to be part of the festival, asked them to contribute a video-clip about Oddstream, which is being shown on the screens in the 'Playground'. And now they are here, interacting by creating the 'army' to protect the robot from women, which it is afraid of.”, states Ton Haex, the coordinator of the project. Meanwhile, there is a “Bristle Bots” race going on. Nice picture, seeing the top of tooth brushes rushing around in a colourful mess on the small table. Even though a great part of the exhibition is building on interaction, “it is even more participative, it is important to make the kids act, to make them discover, to create excitement. They are now part of the festival!”

Nonetheless, I cannot help but wondering: how can there be a female robot in the army? “I think he is in love,” Ton smiles, holding the robot-girl and show-ing her to me, “ love and conflict, the omnipresent topic of our festival.”

Laura Reti

Florijan, volunteer

Photo: Cirila Zorenc

Anyone in #N i jmegen wants to take par t in my 45 min. workshop 'Producing an I nterac t ive

Documentar y '? I ' l l set t ime & place asap. #oddstream

Eat Concrete : Oddstream M ix : http ://soundcloud.com/eatconcrete/pete-

concrete - oddstream-mix

another !ne & hot weekend of bui ld ing and cal ibrat ing the Chroma I nterac t ive insta l lat ion

for Oddstream fest ival ! chroma-interac t ive.com

The totally free mix of art forms is odd and new to us, we don`t have festivals like this in south Italy.

For me there’s nothing odd about it, I would just call it GOODstream Festival

Chekosart, Panik, Frank Lucignolo, Stencil Noir, Bani; street artists

I help building up all kinds of festivals. This here brings together many really odd artists...

Sjaak, roadie

Florijan, volunteer

Our main aim here is to be as different as possible to mainstream festivals and to create really odd stuff that you’ve never seen before.

Michelle, organiser

The organisation is chaos and anarchy. Oddly enough it works out well!

Bart, event technician



2 - 5 june






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If you want to have what everyone else has.............

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