oecologia - incl. option to publish open access

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Life Sciences - Ecology | Oecologia - incl. option to publish open access

Editors-in-Chief: C.L. Ballaré; R. Brandl; K.L. Gross; R.K. Monson; J.C. Trexler; H. Ylönen

ISSN: 0029-8549 (print version)

ISSN: 1432-1939 (electronic version)

Journal no. 442


Instructions for Authors


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Instructions for authors

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Author Contributions: JM originally formulated the idea, BLZ developed methodology, PDT

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Oecologia - General and Figure Guidelines

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Detailed instructions for authors are available in two files in the sidebar: Manuscript guidelines

and Artwork instructions. These same two files are also available during on-line submission at

Manuscript Central as “Oecologia instructions for authors: General” and “Oecologia instructions

for authors: Figures”.

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