office etiquette telephoning

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Telephone Etiquettes


Sarwan Singh

Corporate Training │ Personality Development │ Mentoring │ Hand Holding

Telephone Etiquette

The telephone is the most important tool used in our business activities.

It is our link to the outside world. That is why it is critical for us to understand why professionalism matters the most on the phone.

Poor Telephone Behavior

Not returning calls,

Eating while on the phone,

Slamming the phone down,

Long hold times,

Telephone Etiquette

Poor Telephone Behavior

Loud talking,

Discourteous tone,

Leaving the cell phone on,

Telephone Etiquette

Don't make personal phone calls in the office environment.

Make your personal calls outside the office during breaks.

Telephone Etiquette

Speak directly into the mouthpiece. If this is a problem use a headset,

Do not eat while talking on the telephone

If someone walks into your office while you’re on the telephone, ask the caller if you may put him/her on hold briefly.

Telephone Etiquette

Don’t lay the receiver on the desk, without placing the caller on hold,

(the caller will hear everything being discussed in your office)

Return to caller and complete the call as soon as possible.

Telephone Etiquette


Identify yourself and your organization:“ Excellent Telecommunications, Rita Shah,” OR “Mahesh Prakash, may I help you?”

Answer your own telephone within 2-3 rings.

Use a greeting that gives the caller the impression that you are professional and pleasant.

Placing Callers On Hold

Remember to ask your caller “Do you mind holding?” or “May I put you on hold?” before doing so.

If you ask your caller to hold, be sure to listen to the response.

After placing your caller on hold, check back periodically (between 30-45 seconds).

Give them the option to continue to hold if it takeslonger to find information OR offer to call them back.

Placing Callers On Hold

When returning to your caller, remember to thank them for waiting.

If your caller cannot hold, offer to take a message; transfer to another party; or arrange for them to return the call at a specific time.

Taking Phone Messages

If possible, use telephone message form to record accurate and complete information. A good phone message includes:» Caller’s name (get the correct spelling),

company or dept. and number» Date and time» Message

Action to be taken (i.e., “Please Call,” “Will call back,” or “URGENT”)

Deliver the message as soon as possible

Maintain confidentiality with all messages.

Returning Phone Calls

When calling someone, establish specific call- back times. Ask, “When is the best time for me to call again?” or “When is the best time for them to call me back?”

When taking calls for another individual, schedule return calls during specific blocks of time (i.e., “I expect him to return by 2:00 p.m. You can reach him between 2 and 5”).

Whenever you make a telephone call for yourself be sure you have the right number before calling.

Keep a “frequently called numbers” list within your reach

Get ready. Visualize your caller as friendly, positive person

Plan what you want to achieve by jotting them down.

Write the information you need to obtain during the call.

Anticipate questions or objections you may encounter to avoid making additional calls. Take notes during the call

Spell out any follow-up action to the caller (such as when you plan to get back to him)

Placing Outbound Calls

Many times people find it difficult to end a telephone conversation.

There are some specific things that you can say to close you conversation professionally:

Talk in the past tense and use “closing” phrases (i.e., “I’m really glad you called” or “I’m glad we resolved this concern”).

State the action you will take. Spell out follow-up action, including time frames/deadlines.

Thank them for calling and say “Good-bye” not “bye-bye,” “Alright,” or any other slang phrase

Closing The Conversation

Sorry. I didn’t hear what you said.

I am on my mobile & the line is not very good.

Could you repeat the price, please.

It’s very bad line. Can I call you back .

I can hardly hear you. Can you speak up please?

Sorry. I am not able to understand you. Can you call me on……………

I cannot understand you. Can you speak more slowly please.

I think the signal is going down. I’ll call you back.

Telephoning SkillsAvoiding Misunderstanding

Proper Telephone Language

Don’t Say Say

You have to… Will you please?

You need to… Would you please?

Why didn’t you?Would you please?

Your problem or Your complaint

Your question, Your concern, or this situation.

I can’t do that/ It’s not my job.

Tell the caller what you can do

Proper Telephone Language

Don’t Say Say

Hang on… May I put you on hold?

Hold on… May I put you on hold?

Who is calling?May I say who is calling?

I can’t hear youCan you please speak up? I am

having difficulty to listen to you.

I can’t help you.I need to transfer your call to

.. so that they can answer your question. May I do so?

Telephone etiquette can

be given in just one word:


Unfortunately, courtesy is not something people use routinely in the business world.

If the caller is a potential customer and you are courteous to him, you will gain a new customer.

If he is an existing customer, you’ll keep him for life!

Proper Telephone Etiquette

Telephone Etiquettes


Sarwan Singh(The English Academy)


(91)88666 80407, (91)97279 19756

305-Helix ComplexNr. Hotel Kansar, Sayajigunj, Vadodara-390 005, Gujarat (India)

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