officers of the institution johnson, ph.d.,...

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l July 1949 (ReVised ~5 august 19i,9 )


Carl Eck~rt, Ph.D., Professor of Geophysics end acting Director of the Scri~~s Institution of Oce~nography

Denis L. Fox, Ph.D., Professor of l.fu.rine Biochemistry

CarlL. Hubbs, Ph.D., Professor of Biology

l"iartin 'W. Johnson, Ph.D., Professor of l'i.c.rine Biology

George F. McEwen, Ph.D., Professor of Physic['l Ocecnogra._;hy end Curator of Physical Oce~ography

Norris W. Rakestraw, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry

Roger Revelle, Ph.D., Professor of Oceclnogra~hy Lnd Associute Director of the Scrip'"JS Institution of Ocec.nogr .. phy

Francis P. SheparO., Ph.D., Professor of SubmE~ine Geology

Haruld U. Sverdrup, Ph.D., Professor of Ocer~ography ~nd Director, Emeritus

T. \iayland Vc..ugha.n, Ph.D., Professor of Oceanot?,rc...~.;hy and Director, Emeritus

Claude E. ZoBell, Ph.D., · Professor of l'f..;.rine Microbiology

Leonard N. Liebermann, Ph.D., Associc..te Professor in the Marine Physical Laboratory

llalter H. Hunk, Ph.D., Associ~te Professor of Geophysics

Russell l/. Raitt, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the fil~,rine Physical Le.boratory

~rston C. Sargent, Ph.D., ~ssistant Professor of Oce&nography

Theodore J. Wc.lker, .t>h.D., Instructor in Ocecnogr .. phy

Fred B. Phleger, Ph.D., Visiting Assoch.te .?rofessor af Hc.rlne Geology

R. Dana Russell, Ph.D., Lecturer in Submarine Geology

Robert S. Dietz, Ph.D., Lecturer in Subm.e..rine Geology

Officers of the Institution -2-)

John D. Isaacs, B.S., associate Oceanogr~pher

1 July 1949 (Revised 25 August 1949)

Je.mes M. Snodgrass, A.B., hssocic;.te Mc:.rine Biologist

Robert S. Arthur, M.A., Assistant Oceanogrc..pher

Edward. D. Goldberg, Ph.D., assis~t Marine Chffinist

John L. i'icHugh, M.A., Assistant .1e.rine Biologist

Robert 0. Reid, M.S., Assistant Oceanographer

Phili~ Rudnick, Ph.D., assistant Physicist

Frederick D. Sisler, H.a., Research J~ssocic.;.te

Wesley R. Coe, Ph.D., Sc.D., Visiting Resec.rch .ti.Bsoch·.te

Victor C. hnderson, B.S., Research .n.ssocie:.te in the Hurine Physice..l Lc:.bor~...tory

Daniel E. Andre,·rs, B.S., Research associc:.te in the Hz:.r·inG PhysicrJ. Laboratory

Beatrice M. Sweeney, l'h.D., Hesearch J,.ssocia.te

Stc.nley U. Chrunbers, ~i.B., Research Associc:,te in Ocennogrcl.Jhy

John D. Cochrane, M.S., Associute in OceP.nogr~phy

Jeffery D. Frautschy, B.S., Associt..te in 1-ierine Geology

PaulL. Horrer, B.S., Associate in Ocecnogr~phy

Douglas L. Inman, M.S., .tiSSociate in Murine Geology

Palmer Osborn, i-.t.s ., .ii.ssociu.te in Oceenogr.'l_t>hy

James Rusk, A.B., .:-..ssoch.te in Oceanogrr..phy

Henry M. Gto~~el, B.s., nSSOCiate in OceLnogra?hy

We::.rren S. llooster, M.S., .c-_esocit.te in o,ceanogrc.phy

l:illiam G. Vun Dorn, B.S., Associate in Ocec:.nography

Louis \ j . Kidd, B.S., .assistunt in Oceanogr;;.l.)hy

Thomc..s E. Bowman, 11. S. , J.ssist<mt in M~:..rine Biology

Gifford Ewing, M.s., Associate in Oceanography

Officers of the Institution - 3 - l J~ 1949

Jemes L. Faughn, B.S., Marine Sfperintendlmt, Engineering

Dorothea Fox, A.B., Aetinc Librarian

Scm D. Hinton, A.B., Senior Museum Zoologist

John C. Kirby, Senior Administro.ti ve Assistnnt

Herbert J. Mann, A.B., MnriJ\e Technico.l SUperintendent

Finn . W. Outler, Mc.rihe 'Technice.l Superintendent in the Mcrine Physic£'.1 Lo.boro.tory

Frances E. Sparks. Secretar,y

Clemens w. Stose, Mnrine Superintendent, Hull

Don D. 'W1lkerson, Grounds Olld Buildings, Su~rintendent

Melvin 'Wo.ttenberg, A.B., Aotountant


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