official genki apps new! genki conjugation...

Post on 20-Aug-2020






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GENKI Conjugation CardsExercise for Japanese Verb/Adjective Counjugations

Master basic verb/adjective conjugations through 957 digital cards!

The third in a series of official iPhone apps for the popular

Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese

invaluable learning tool for beginners to master conjugation of Japanese verbs

and adjectives.

This app allows students to efficiently study

including the various masu-forms (affirmative

the passive, causative, and causative passive, as well as the

You can flip through cards in

displayed, and then confirm the answers through pronunciations by native speakers or written

answers. The Check function tests your mastery by having you type in the conjugations

cards answered incorrectly remain in MyDeck. By repeating the MyDeck and Check processe

you can reduce the deck to only the most difficult problems. Once all the cards have been removed

from MyDeck, you will have mastered beginning

GENKI Vocab CardsJapanese Words Essential for

Master 1,200 words of GENKI

illustrations and example sentences. GENKI Kanji CardsLearning Basic Kanji through Vocabulary

Master the shapes and readings of the

from GENKI with 1,100 kanji vocabulary.

Vendor: The Japan Times, Ltd. Category: Education Required OS: iOS 7.0 or later Developed by the GENKI App Team, Guild Inc.

Official Official Official Official GENKI AppsGENKI AppsGENKI AppsGENKI Apps

GENKI Conjugation CardsExercise for Japanese Verb/Adjective Counjugations

Master basic verb/adjective conjugations through 957 digital cards!

The third in a series of official iPhone apps for the popular

Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, GENKI Conjugation Cards

invaluable learning tool for beginners to master conjugation of Japanese verbs


his app allows students to efficiently study 18 verb conjugation types

forms (affirmative/negative/past/past negative), the challenging

the passive, causative, and causative passive, as well as the 10 adjective conjugation types

in MyDeck at your own pace to practice conjugating the words

confirm the answers through pronunciations by native speakers or written

function tests your mastery by having you type in the conjugations

cards answered incorrectly remain in MyDeck. By repeating the MyDeck and Check processe

you can reduce the deck to only the most difficult problems. Once all the cards have been removed

from MyDeck, you will have mastered beginning-level conjugations!

GENKI Vocab Cards Japanese Words Essential for Beginners

Master 1,200 words of GENKI with their sounds,

illustrations and example sentences.

GENKI Kanji Cards Learning Basic Kanji through Vocabulary

the shapes and readings of the 317 kanji

from GENKI with 1,100 kanji vocabulary.


Developed by the GENKI App Team, Guild Inc.

GENKI Conjugation Cards Exercise for Japanese Verb/Adjective Counjugations

Master basic verb/adjective conjugations

The third in a series of official iPhone apps for the popular GENKI: An

Conjugation Cards is an

invaluable learning tool for beginners to master conjugation of Japanese verbs

18 verb conjugation types,

past negative), the challenging te-form,

10 adjective conjugation types.

at your own pace to practice conjugating the words

confirm the answers through pronunciations by native speakers or written

function tests your mastery by having you type in the conjugations, and only

cards answered incorrectly remain in MyDeck. By repeating the MyDeck and Check processes,

you can reduce the deck to only the most difficult problems. Once all the cards have been removed


GENKI Conjugation CardsExercise for Japanese Verb/Adjective Counjugations




「MyDeck」では、カードセットをを習得。「Check」では、出題のだけが MyDeck のカードセットに訓訓訓訓できます。カードが全部なくなれば ■■■■好評発売中好評発売中好評発売中好評発売中

GENKI Vocab CardsJapanese Words Essential for Beginners『げんき』会話音声・イラスト・ GENKI Kanji CardsLearning Basic Kanji through Vocabulary約1,100の漢字語『げんき』の漢字

開発:(有)ギルド(GENKI App Team) 発売元:(株)ジャパンタイムズ カテゴリ:教育 対応 OS:iOS Ver7.0 以降

Official Official Official Official GENKI AppsGENKI AppsGENKI AppsGENKI Apps

GENKI Conjugation CardsExercise for Japanese Verb/Adjective Counjugations

『『『『初級日本語初級日本語初級日本語初級日本語 げんきげんきげんきげんき』』』』のののの公式公式公式公式 iPhone

・・・・形容詞形容詞形容詞形容詞のののの活用活用活用活用をををを約約約約 950枚枚枚枚のカードでのカードでのカードでのカードで

初級日本語 げんき』の iPhone アプリ第3弾は、がマスターできる初級レベルの必携アプリ。 形容詞の活用は、初級レベルの必須項目。このアプリをマス形の活用(肯定・否定・過去・過去否定)使役形・使役受身形の活用など 18のののの動詞動詞動詞動詞のののの活用形活用形活用形活用形活用形活用形活用形活用形を効率よく学習できます。

カードセットを自分のペースでめくって音声や文字で確認出題される単語の活用を入力して定着を確認。正解のカードセットに残るので、練習を繰り返すほど苦手苦手苦手苦手なななななくなれば、初級の活用はオールクリアです!GENKI Vocab Cards Japanese Words Essential for Beginners 会話・文法編の単語・約1200語を、 ・イラスト・例文を使って徹底暗記。 GENKI Kanji Cards Learning Basic Kanji through Vocabulary 漢字語と字形イラストで 漢字317字の読みと形をカンタン学習。


GENKI Conjugation Cards Exercise for Japanese Verb/Adjective Counjugations



、動詞・形容詞の活用このアプリを使えば )や難関の「て形」、活用形活用形活用形活用形と、形容詞形容詞形容詞形容詞のののの



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