old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 23/mt. morris... · shadow should be lighter than the...

Post on 09-Oct-2020






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f W W O N A I NOTES and activities of


Mr. and Mrs. Donald Donovan, Sand Hill Road, kft Friday for Sarasota, Fla., where they will visit Mr. Donovan's par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan, who are vacationing at their winter there.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Croston and daughter, Carol of this village and Mrs. Robert R. Croston of Leicester spent last weekend with Pvt. Robert R. Croston in Reading, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Mann, South Main Street, have returned home from Houston, Texas, after spending seven weeks with their daughters, Mrs. Robert Campbell and Mrs. Lawrence Clarke.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sawyer, Eagle Street, left last Wednesday for Fort Myers, Florida, where Mr. Sawyer will start spring training with the Pittsburgh Pirates, the baft team he will pitch for this coming season.

Mrs. Michael Andolina. Stanley Street, is spending this week in New York City where she is attending a gift show at the Hotel New Yorker.

Mr. and Mrs. Russet Bolt and daugh­ter Donna, and Miss Linda Winters spent Washington's birthday and the weekend at the home of Mrs. Bolt's sis­ter, Miss Elizabeth Winters, in Wash­ington, D. C.

Mrs. William Pfeifer of Utka, presi­dent of King's Daughters Home Board at Dansville spent Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Arthur R. Haryvey, State Street.

Mrs. Jack Cicero, Genesee Street, has returned home from Dansville Memorial Hospital, where she underwent a major operation.

Miss Belle Bevier of North Tonawanda spent the weekend at the home of Miss Helen C. McKay, Erie Street.

MINCEY—COTTON E In a simple wedding ceremony at the

Church of the Assumption on Saturday, Feb. 23rd at 10 a.m., Miss Marion Marie Cottone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam­uel Cot tone. State Street, became the bride of Ronald Mincey, son of Mrs. Mary Mincey of Ocala, Fla. The Rev. Dominic Grasso performed the cere­mony.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a pure silk shantung princess style gown, fashioned with a Sabrina neckline, full skirt and court train, trimmed with Chantilly lave and sequins. A crown of sequins held her finger-tip veil of French illusion in place. She carried a prayer book adorned with a white orchid and steph-anotis.

Mrs. William Andaloro of Caledonia, sister of the bride, was matron of hon­or, and Miss Rita Zingaro of Mt. Mor-was maid of honor. They were dressed alike in gowns of yellow silk organza. They carried colonial bouquets of yel­low roses and white carnations. Miss Joephine DiPasquale, niece of the bride, was junior bridesmaid and wore a blue and white organza gown and carried blue and white sweetheart mums.

Joseph Hutchko was best man. The ushers were Michael B. Andolina, nep­hew of the bride and Thomas Cottone, brother of the bride. Thomas Cottone, Jr., nephew of the bride, was ring bear­er, i

The bride's mother chose a French blue lace gown with matching accessor­ies and a corsage of gardenias. The bridegroom's mother wore a black and white gown with matching accessories, and a corsage of gardenias.

Mrs. Mincey is a graduate of Mt. Morris Central School and has been associated with her brother in the Ben Franklin Store. Mr. Mincey is employ­ed by the government as a food tester.

Following a wedding trip they will make their home in Florida.

Immediately following the ceremony a wedding breakfast, followed by a re­ception, was held at the LaDelfa Hotel.

Miss Betsy Harvey of Homer spent the weekend at the home of her moth­er, Mrs. Arthur R. Harvey. State Street.

William W. Morrow of Marshfield, Mass. spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Edith Morrow and sis­ter. Miss Ruth E. Morrow, Eagle Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul White recently returned from a vacation in Florida.

Dominic Minervino has returned from Florida where he spent two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brade, Murray Street, recently spent two weeks in Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. John Molhock of Ro­chester were guests at the home of Wil­liam Feiock, Sunday.





1 In observance of their 15th wedding

anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. George V. Scura, Main Street, recently entertained members of their bridal party at dinner at the Sheraton Hotel in Rochester.

Mrs. Carlton Dunn and Mrs. Ada McNair will entertain members of the Past Noble Grands Club of Starlight Rebekah Lodge at the Odd Fellows Hall, Chapel Street, on* Wednesday, March 6, at 8 p.m. ,

Mrs. George A. Brycc, Stanley Street, will entertain ladies of a Thimble Club at luncheon in her home on Thursday afternoon of this week.

Mrs. Harold Avery, State Street, will entertain members of the Willing Work­ers Circle of the King's Daughters in her home on Wednesday, March 6, com­mencing at 2 p.m.

Mrs. Arthur R. Harvey, State Street, entertained a few friends at dessert and Canasta in her home last Friday evening.

Mrs. Raymond C. Briggs, Chapel Street, will entertain ladies of a club at dessert and bridge in her home on Fri­day evening of this week.

Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chiara of Gen-

eseo announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie Teresa, to Frank Leon­ardo, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leonardo, North Main Street.


John C. Vaccaro, representative of Ac Social Security Administration ptstrict Office in Rochester wlft fee at the Coun­cil Room, Village * f * * « J * ! f * * " * on March 1. », 15, 22 and 29 at 10 aan to 12:30 to confer with residents of the area as to Federal Old-Age and Sur­vivors Insurance matters.


According to Mi* Ja*»l B r o w"l chairman, the World bay of J * * " * » the women of Mt. Morns, will be held a t the Methodist Church on M a y . March 8, starting at 4 pjn. All lames oTlhe village are I * * * * *£*"! in this annual event, which is held the first Friday of J*-*0*-

The FnApmian Chwch Rev. Merle 8» A m U

Church School at *«* J-"-Worship Service at 10*5 " ; m Westminster Fellowship at 6:30 p.m.

..Subscribe to the ENTERPKK&E!

Senior Qass Will Present Comedy On Friday, March 15

A three-act comedy, "Once Upon A Midnight" will be presented by the Sen­ior Class of Mt. Morris Central School in the school auditorium on Friday, March 15, commencing at 8:15 p.m., ac­cording to Miss Mary McCarthy, class adviser.

In the hilarious comedy under the di­rection of Mrs. Emogene Page, English instructor, James Ferrigno and Emerson Learn have been selected to play the roles'of a TV comedian and writer and are forced to spend the night in a de­serted Inn where strange noises are heard and many mysterious events occur. Betty Patanella takes the role of the faithful and sympathetic caretaker who gives them shelter for the night.

—The Rochester Better Business Bur­eau warns merchants to beware of mis­leading advertising offers being made in the area.

—Lester M. Russell is able to be about again following a recent opera­tion at Strong Memorial Hospital, Ro­chester, on his anke.

• • ^ • ^ ^ • ^ ^ • *

Beauty Hints »y

The shade of face powder is an im­portant item in our dairy make up. The shade selected should blend with the underlying skin tone. Never use a face powder darker than the foundation cream.

For a fair complexion use a powder with a peachy tone, for a skin which is neither light nor dark and seldom has a pink cast use a rachel with a rosy tint, for a dark or olive complexion use a creamy shade having the faintest tinge of pink.

The color of rouge is also very im­portant. Light blondes should use a light cheek rouge, medium or dark blondes a medium shade and brunettes a dark cheek rouge.

Lipstick should be the same shade as cheekrouge.

For the eye makeup the color of eye shadow should be lighter than the color of the eyes.

Blue, green or gray eyes, use blue-gray eye shadow. Brown and black eyes, brown eye shadow; light blondes, titians and brunettes, use brown mas­cara and eyebrow pencil. Other blondes and brunettes may use black mascara and eyebrow pencil.

Redheads are the only cases in which the color of the hair must be considered when selecting makeup. The red head­ed person usually has a very thin skin which causes the purple or pink tones to predominate. A creamy or peach tone powder is usually best. The shade of rouge and lipstick must be selected very carefully, so that the color of the lipstick and rouge will not clash with the hair. This is the only color hair which in any way controls the shade selected for rouge and lipstick. Select a brilliant lipstick or one with a slight­ly orange cast.

High quality cosmetics should be skillfully applied to produce an optical illusion of ovalness and beauty.

Apply darker colors and heavier ap­plications for evening make-up. Remem­ber to pat face powder on (do not rub) remove excess with a soft make-up brush.

Lip rouge or lipstick besides enhanc­ing beauty, protects the lips and helps to prevent chapping.

Cheek rouge when properly applied gives your skin a tinge of youth and a healthy outlook and bloom.

For additional advise or suggestions call or see your beautician today and you'll be happier and more beautiful tomorrow. j

Charter Is Granted Mt Morris-Sonyea Junior Rifle Club

The National Rifle Association has granted a charter to the newly formed Junior Rifle Club of Mt. Morris and Sonyea with the names of 26 boys and girls listed as charter members. The total membership of the club is 32.

New officers of the club consist of Gilbert Link, president; Richard Steeves, vice-president; Bernard Davis, executive officer; Donald Taber, secretary and John Ellis, Jr., treasurer. The parent advisory committee includes Howard Patton, Scott D. Allen, Sr„ John Ellis, Sr., Arthur Staley and Anthony LaBar-bera.

The range instructors, members of a Senior Rifle Club and the Allegany Rifle League, are Francis Terry, Charles Moore, Dennis Moore, Charles Clayton and Verne Carney.

The boys and girls will be assigned to teams upon the completion of proper instructions and practice and will com­pete in shoulder to shoulder matches with teams from other towns in the community.

Ammunition has been contributed for the local club by Russell Hardware Company, Mt. Morris Plumbing & Hard­ware Store and Noah's Ark Store.

MT. MORRIS ENTERPRISE Wecneeaay, JstLi. 1957 Page Seven

HENRY MC CAULEY Groveland—Henry McCauley, 80,

life-long resident and farmer of Grove-land died Monday, Feb. 25, 1957.

He is survived by two sons, Ward and Kenneth of Groveland; one daughter, Mrs. Mary VanStone of Albion; a bro­ther, Alexander of Groveland; two nep­hews, Harold and Glenn McCauley of Groveland, and eight grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at his home on Groveland Hill Road, Grove­land, Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. Joseph Sunter will officiate. Burial will be in Sparta Cemetery, Sparta.

Livingston Granges Planning Series Of Neighbor" Programs

Livingston County Granges are plan­ning a series of special programs in ob­serving Neighbors flight throughout the county according to Glen Hughes of Dansville, Pomona Grange Master.

The first program will be held on Thursday, March 7 at Keshequa Grange, Tuscarora, with members of Hunt and West Sparta Granges as guests. On Friday, March 8, Ossian and Scottsburg Granges will be piests of Dansville Grange. Caledonia and Geneseo Granges will visit Linwood Grange on May 3 and Hemlock Grange will be host to Avon and Groveland Granges on May 7. A county-wide meeting will be held on May 11 in the Groveland Town Hall.

Officers of Pomona Grange will as­sume the duties of the Lima Grange officers at a regular meeting on March 21 at 7 p.m. and conduct a meeting in Lima Grange Hall. A picnic supper will be enjoyed prior to the meeting.



UP TO $500 Our Liberal Credit Policy Makes It Easy For You To Got

*Choose Your Own Loon and Repayment Plan. Phono First and make al l arrangements in ad­vance. Your money wil l be wait ing when you come in.


Open Fridays To 8 P.M.


—Florida weather prevails in Mt. Morris. Monday's temperature reading at 1 p.m. was 78 degrees. The date was Monday, Feb. 26, 1957.

—Shop Mt. Morris stores first! —The ENTERPRISE features the

latest in bowling results weekly. —The Lenten Season starts next Wed­

nesday. —Clearance Sale at the Firestone store

is in full swing. —Parking meters at Caledonia col­

lect an average of $79 per week. —Mrs. Vincenza Trescott has been

confined to her home because of illness. —Mrs. Joseph Guarino has accepted

a position with the nursing staff at Son-yea.

—Addison Mastin, Genesee Street, has been confined to his home due to illness.

—Nicholas Ringelberg. 78, well known Dalton resident, died Friday, Feb. 22nd.

—Dollar Day safes at Gerace's Red & White store last week were very suc­cessful and credit for advertising again goes to the ENTERPRISE according to Frank and Casper Qerace, owners. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


- • • • -Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Feb. 28, March 1, 2


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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