old ways are no longer working

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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Old Ways are No Longer Working: How to Transform the Way You See

the World

By Theresa Bullard P.h.D.

We have been trained, conditioned and lead into a certain way of believing, perceiving and thinking

in our world.

Yet that old paradigm, which dates back to several hundred years ago, that we have built so much of our lives and society upon is simply no

longer working.

Check out Part 1 of our 4 Part Video Blog Series on How to Quantum Leap Your Thinking

The evidence we have that it is not working, is that so many aspects

of our “business as usual world” are crumbling. !

Things have been going through a rapid, chaotic dissolution or

dissolving of old structures, and new ways are coming in and

transforming life as we knew it.  

As this is happening people are wondering what is going on and how to best deal with the


We see the old ways no longer work as effectively, but what is going to work? !

What new strategies do we implement? !How do we shift?

If we go back in history we can see dominant theories or philosophies that were really

ingrained into the culture of that time.   As those dominant philosophies shifted, then a whole

restructuring would coincide.!

The innovations, new technologies, and insights that would come through were

funneled around whatever the dominant philosophy was at the time.

What outdated theories are still in place today?

The Industrial Age:

The Industrial Age was an era that involved a very mechanical way of thinking.

The mindset was centered on making things practical, mechanical, calculated and


We came to believe that we could engineer things and all systems should work like clockwork.

So the Industrial Age set up a pattern of being materialistic and mechanically oriented.

The Space Age: 

Next we moved forward to the Space Age where we began to move beyond the

limitations of being earth-bound and we could begin to explore the outer reaches of space,

both technologically and within our imagination.

Thus the Space Age launched us into a new mindset where we could get beyond the

limitations of space (though not time), whereas in the Industrial Age we were very limited in both

space and time.

In the Space Age, technologies began to become more automated. It was no longer sweat equity and hard work by manual labor.

One of the greatest shifts the Space Age helped us to make was to literally see that we are one

planet. We transitioned from seeing a land lock view of our immediate environment to seeing the

whole earth.

This in and of itself was a huge quantum leap in our consciousness.  From it, we began to

think more globally.

Digital Age: 

Moving forward into the late 20th century and to today, with the Digital Age, just about everything

has become automated and quick. 

The value system is less about a mechanical skill base and more about an information and technology skill base.

In the Digital Age, not only are we no longer limited by space, we are now no longer as limited by time.

We now have instant access to information, communication,

commerce and with the emergence of the “internet of things”, so much

of our lives are becoming automated.!

The greatest shift of the Digital Age, came with the introduction of virtual

connections and social networks. We are now more aware than ever of how

interconnected our world is. We truly are living in a global network, and we are

realizing how we are not only one planet, we are one people, a collective.

So what has come of all of this?

The internet is now an integral part of education, of work, and of our lives. 

As a result of being more connected, yet still having a mindset influenced by the old Industrial Age’s emphasis on linear process and limitations

in space-time, we are feeling stretched.

Stress is rising, as many feel as though they are barely keeping up with all of the information being received and all that competes for our attention.

It has become this race against the clock.  We feel compressed in time, as though there is not

enough time in the day to get through all the things that are constantly coming at us. 

The younger generations who grew up with this are having an easier time because their minds

are working in a very different way. For the older generations, they are having to adjust, adapt

and stretch. 

One must now be connected or else the world will pass you by very quickly. 

What are the results of time speeding up?

More than ever, people suffer from anxiety, stress, feelings of being overwhelmed, uncertainty, fear,

depression, reactivity, and struggle.

To cope, there are more people in modern society who are turning to various

substances, especially pharmaceutical psycho-active prescriptions that numb the emotions and

mental activity. 

All of this leads to dropping balls and living an ineffective life. Such a life is one that might “survive”

and “get by”, but it is hardly a life that thrives.

So how do we handle fast paced life?

In order to handle this fast paced life, it comes down to one thing, we need a fundamental shift in the way we are interacting, perceiving and dealing with all the information and the world. 

So that is going to require that we let our brains out of the box, take a quantum leap and go through a

paradigm shift.

The good news is, that it is already happening, and there is a formula and pathway you can follow to more proactively make the shift and

take charge in your life again.

Learn more about this paradigm shift that is already underway and what

you can do to take the quantum leap. !!

Visit our blog at http://quantumleapalchemy.com/blog/

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