on cloud 9? security issues surrounding internet storage

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Security remains the number one barrier to the uptake of cloud computing, according to a new poll. - See more at: http://www.storetec.net/news-blog/on-cloud-9-security-issues-surrounding-internet-storage


On cloud 9? Security issues surrounding internet storage


Storetec Services Limited

@StoretecHull www.storetec.net

Security remains the number one barrier to the uptake of cloud computing, according to a new poll.

The survey, which was carried out at the recent AWS re:invent conference found that 60 per cent of attendees at the conference said that security concerns surrounding cloud were the main barrier to its takeup.

However, this was not the only obstacle standing in the way of cloud adoption, with organisational resistance (53 per cent) and performance issues (29 per cent), also being highlighted.

The research also identified concerns over cloud storage. Even after overcoming barrier to cloud adoption, almost half of those surveyed said performance is a critical component of cloud storage. What’s more, 38 per cent of those questioned said they require better performance from their cloud storage than they are currently receiving.

What’s more, over a third of attendees surveyed said their primary providers of on-premises storage – the traditional way to keep data – were not assisting with their adoption of cloud storage.

Benefits of cloud

The benefits of cloud storage were also highlighted in the survey, however, with 60 per cent of those questioned naming cost savings and disaster recovery/business continuity as the main advantages.

Rebecca Thomson, vice president of marketing at Avere Systems, that conducted the survey, commented that there are still people and process challenges that get in the way of cloud adoption. She noted: “legacy storage vendors – with no suitable solutions – have driven fear, uncertainty and doubt in the minds of customers."

The expert added that it is important for cloud firms and their partners to educate end-users in order to banish the myths and fallacies of cloud use, and streamline the transition in order for companies to be able to fully see the capital and operational benefits of this new shift in storage and computing.

Cloud computing to sky-rocket

This point is all the more important given that the popularity of cloud computing is expected to soar over the next three years.

According to figures from 451 Research, during this time the market’s worldwide revenue is set to rise at a compound annual growth rate of 36 per cent during 2016. The global value of cloud computing will rise to around $20 billion (£12.3 billion) during this time.

Yulitza Peraza, co-author of the Cloud as a Service overview report. commented: “Cloud computing is on the upswing and demand for public cloud services remains strong.”

However, she also highlighted security concerns surrounding the technology, as well as issues with workload readiness and internal non-IT related organisational issues.

UK could be left behind

Despite the rocket in cloud computing, data security concerns could mean that the UK is left behind when it comes to cloud adoption.

Almost a quarter of UK business have failed to roll out a cloud computing system within the last two years, according to research from NTT Com Security. This compares to the global average of just 14 per cent of companies that are not using this type of storage.

While 36 per cent of firms have implemented the technology, around 30 per cent said they will never put their major data on such a system. Many UK decision makers have said it is concerns raised around data security that have prevented them from adopting cloud.

Despite these concerns, cloud has still enjoyed more success in other countries, with gains in the UK being followed by a 31 per cent rise in the USA, Canada and Singapore.

EU Cloud computing standards

The European Union may go some way to tackling data issues with cloud computing, as MEPs have called for standards to make it easier to transfer data between cloud providers.

The European Commission’s cloud computing strategy, which is backed by the European Parliament, involves working with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in a bid to work out what standards are now required from cloud computing.

These standards are thought to surround data security, as well as interoperability and data portability.

Storetec News/Blogs “http://www.storetec.net/news-blog/on-cloud-9-security-issues-surrounding-internet-storage

”. On cloud 9? Security issues surrounding internet storage. December 24, 2013. Storetec.

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