one thing that doesn’t changes your metabolic rate is: a.muscle to fat ratio. b.what sex you are....

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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• One thing that doesn’t changes your metabolic rate is:

A.Muscle to fat ratio.B.What sex you are.C.Your skin colour.

Question 1

• One thing that doesn’t changes your metabolic rate is:

A.Muscle to fat ratio.B.What sex you are.C.Your skin colour.

Question 1

• The best way to lose weight is to:

A.Restrict your food intake.B.Exercise a lot.C.Do both the above.

Question 2

• The best way to lose weight is to:

A.Restrict your food intake.B.Exercise a lot.C.Do both the above.

Question 2

• Why do you need cholesterol in your body?

A.To help the blood flow.B.To make cell membranes.C.To lubricate your joints.

Question 3

• Why do you need cholesterol in your body?

A.To help the blood flow.B.To make cell membranes.C.To lubricate your joints.

Question 3

• Which of these would not change your cholesterol level?

A.Exercise B.Reducing amount of fat in


Question 4

• Which of these would not change your cholesterol level?

A.Exercise B.Reducing amount of fat in


Question 4

• Which organ deals with the fat in your diet?


Question 5

• Which organ deals with the fat in your diet?


Question 5

• How did Semmelweiss cut the death rates in his maternity wards?

A.Cleaned wounds with lemon.

B.Made everyone wash hands.

C.Tidied up hospital.

Question 6

• How did Semmelweiss cut the death rates in his maternity wards?

A.Cleaned wounds with lemon.

B.Made everyone wash hands.

C.Tidied up hospital.

Question 6

• Which is not a way that white blood cells fight off disease?

A.Ingesting microbe.B.Producing antibodies.C.Produce scabs.

Question 7

• Which is not a way that white blood cells fight off disease?

A.Ingesting microbe.B.Producing antibodies.C.Produce scabs.

Question 7

• Why don’t medicines like asprin actually cure your illness?

A.Not powerful enough.B.Only treat the symptoms.C.Don’t reach the microbes.

Question 8

• Why don’t medicines like asprin actually cure your illness?

A.Not powerful enough.B.Only treat the symptoms.C.Don’t reach the microbes.

Question 8

• What is the definition of an antibiotic?

A.A drug grown from fungi.B.Against life.C.A drug that kills pathogenic

bacteria in your body.

Question 9

• What is the definition of an antibiotic?

A.A drug grown from fungi.B.Against life.C.A drug that kills pathogenic

bacteria in your body.

Question 9

• How do antibiotics work:

A.They sterilize your blood.B.They damage the cell walls

of the bacteria.C.They surround the bacteria

and ingest them.

Question 10

• How do antibiotics work:

A.They sterilize your blood.B.They damage the cell walls

of the bacteria.C.They surround the bacteria

and ingest them.

Question 10

• Who was the first person to discover Penicillin?

A.Alexander Fleming.B.Joseph Lister.C.Louis Pasteur.

Question 11

• Who was the first person to discover Penicillin?

A.Alexander Fleming.B.Joseph Lister.C.Louis Pasteur.

Question 11

• What is a culture medium?

A.A person who can tell where the bacteria are going to grow.

B.A collection of artworkC.A liquid or gel containing


Question 12

• What is a culture medium?

A.A person who can tell where the bacteria are going to grow.

B.A collection of artworkC.A liquid or gel containing


Question 12

• Why don’t we culture bacteria at 37oC in a school lab?

A.Costs too much.B.Too dangerous as temp of human body.

C.They wouldn’t grow.

Question 13

• Why don’t we culture bacteria at 37oC in a school lab?

A.Costs too much.B.Too dangerous as temp of human body.

C.They wouldn’t grow.

Question 13

• Why is it important not to use antibiotics too regularly?

A.Patients can become ill.B.Cost a lot of money.C.Bacteria can develop resistance.

Question 14

• Why is it important not to use antibiotics too regularly?

A.Patients can become ill.B.Cost a lot of money.C.Bacteria can develop resistance.

Question 14

• Is MRSA a bacteria or a virus?

A.A bacteriaB.A virusC.Neither

Question 15

• Is MRSA a bacteria or a virus?

A.A bacteriaB.A virusC.Neither

Question 15

• What is an antigen?

A.A unique protein on the surface of a cell

B.A chemical produced by a bacteria

C.Medicine developed to treat MRSA

Question 16

• What is an antigen?

A.A unique protein on the surface of a cell

B.A chemical produced by a bacteria

C.Medicine developed to treat MRSA

Question 16

• What is a bundle of neurons called?

A.A nerveB.Spinal cordC.A reflex

Question 17

• What is a bundle of neurons called?

A.A nerveB.Spinal cordC.A reflex

Question 17

• Which is not an effector?

A.A muscleB.A glandC.Your skin

Question 18

• Which is not an effector?

A.A muscleB.A glandC.Your skin

Question 18

• Why is it important that the impulses in a reflex arc don’t go to the brain?

A.Slow the impulses downB.Too far to travelC.Would give you a headache

Question 19

• Why is it important that the impulses in a reflex arc don’t go to the brain?

A.Slow the impulses downB.Too far to travelC.Would give you a headache

Question 19

• Which is the correct order of a reflex arc:

A.Receptor, Sensory neurone, motor neurone, relay neurone, effector

B.Receptor, motor neurone, relay neurone, sensory neurone, effector

C.Receptor, sensory neurone, relay neurone, motor neurone, effector

Question 20

• Which is the correct order of a reflex arc:

A.Receptor, Sensory neurone, motor neurone, relay neurone, effector

B.Receptor, motor neurone, relay neurone, sensory neurone, effector

C.Receptor, sensory neurone, relay neurone, motor neurone, effector

Question 20

• The hormones controlling menstruation are secreted by:

A.The pituitary glandB.The ovaries C.Both of the above

Question 21

• The hormones controlling menstruation are secreted by:

A.The pituitary glandB.The ovaries C.Both of the above

Question 21

• What is the main function of fertility drugs:

A.Soften the membrane around the egg to allow sperm penetration

B.Produce thinner mucus to help sperm to swim

C.Stimulate ovaries to produce ripe eggs

Question 22

• What is the main function of fertility drugs:

A.Soften the membrane around the egg to allow sperm penetration

B.Produce thinner mucus to help sperm to swim

C.Stimulate ovaries to produce ripe eggs

Question 22

• What does the hormone auxin control:

A.PhototropismB.GeotropismC.Both of the above

Question 23

• What does the hormone auxin control:

A.PhototropismB.GeotropismC.Both of the above

Question 23

• Why was thalidomide prescribed to pregnant women?

A.To reduce morning sicknessB.To help with underweight

babiesC.To prevent stretch marks

Question 24

• Why was thalidomide prescribed to pregnant women?

A.To reduce morning sicknessB.To help with underweight

babiesC.To prevent stretch marks

Question 24

• What are statins?

A.Super resistant bacteriaB.Drugs developed to reverse

blindnessC.Drugs that lower the

cholesterol in your blood.

Question 25

• What are statins?

A.Super resistant bacteriaB.Drugs developed to reverse

blindnessC.Drugs that lower the

cholesterol in your blood.

Question 25

• Why do people often need to take more and more of a drug?

A.Need more to get the same effect

B.Drug dealers dilute their drugs

C.Your body builds up resistance

Question 26

• Why do people often need to take more and more of a drug?

A.Need more to get the same effect

B.Drug dealers dilute their drugs

C.Your body builds up resistance

Question 26

• What drug is in a can of coke?

A.CocaineB.CaffeineC. Nicotine

Question 27

• What drug is in a can of coke?

A.CocaineB.CaffeineC. Nicotine

Question 27

• Why do legal drugs cause more problems than illegal ones?

A. They are strongerB. They are more toxicC. Many more people use them

Question 28

• Why do legal drugs cause more problems than illegal ones?

A. They are strongerB. They are more toxicC. Many more people use them

Question 28

• What is meant by a ‘gateway’ drug?

A. A drug that makes it easier to start taking harder drugs

B. A drug that gets you into the cool clubs

C. You can buy it in the supermarket

Question 29

• What is meant by a ‘gateway’ drug?

A. A drug that makes it easier to start taking harder drugs

B. A drug that gets you into the cool clubs

C. You can buy it in the supermarket

Question 29

• Why do archers illegally take Beta-Blockers?

A. Gives them steady handsB. Speeds up their reaction

timeC. Makes them more attractive

Question 30

• Why do archers illegally take Beta-Blockers?

A. Gives them steady handsB. Speeds up their reaction

timeC. Makes them more attractive

Question 30

• What type of athlete would not benefit from anabolic steroids?

A. Weight lifterB. RunnerC. Marksmen

Question 31

• What type of athlete would not benefit from anabolic steroids?

A. Weight lifterB. RunnerC. Marksmen

Question 31

• What is a problem with prolonged anabolic steroid use?

A. Kidney diseaseB. Sexual characteristic

changesC. Insomnia

Question 32

• What is a problem with prolonged anabolic steroid use?

A. Kidney diseaseB. Sexual characteristic

changesC. Insomnia

Question 32

• What is a thermophile?

A. An organism that can survive in high salinity

B. Someone that like to lie out in the sun

C. An organism that can survive in extreme temperatures

Question 33

• What is a thermophile?

A. An organism that can survive in high salinity

B. Someone that like to lie out in the sun

C. An organism that can survive in extreme temperatures

Question 33

• Why are so many arctic animal large?

A. Smaller surface area:volume ratio to reduce heat loss

B. Lots to eat in the arcticC. Animals in arctic don’t move

much so get fat

Question 34

• Why are so many arctic animal large?

A. Smaller surface area:volume ratio to reduce heat loss

B. Lots to eat in the arcticC. Animals in arctic don’t move

much so get fat

Question 34

• How do plants lose water from their leaves?

A. They sweatB. Stoma on underside of

leavesC. Water stored in leaves gets

lost when animals eat them

Question 35

• How do plants lose water from their leaves?

A. They sweatB. Stoma on underside of

leavesC. Water stored in leaves gets

lost when animals eat them

Question 35

• Which of these is not a way that plants spread their seeds?

A. Explosive seed podsB. Burrowing seed podsC. Flying seed pods

Question 36

• Which of these is not a way that plants spread their seeds?

A. Explosive seed podsB. Burrowing seed podsC. Flying seed pods

Question 36

• Which non-living environmental factor affects the distribution of polar bears?

A. PeopleB. Stony groundC. Temperature

Question 37

• Which non-living environmental factor affects the distribution of polar bears?

A. PeopleB. Stony groundC. Temperature

Question 37

• What is the source of all energy in the living things on Earth?

A. AlgaeB. The SunC. Ley lines

Question 38

• What is the source of all energy in the living things on Earth?

A. AlgaeB. The SunC. Ley lines

Question 38

• Factory farming increase energy put into growth because it cuts down energy lost in:

A. MovementB. keeping warmC. Both the above

Question 39

• Factory farming increase energy put into growth because it cuts down energy lost in:

A. MovementB. keeping warmC. Both the above

Question 39

• What three things are needed for decomposers to break down detritus:

A. Water, warmth & carbon dioxide

B. Water, carbon dioxide & sunlight

C. Water, warmth & oxygen

Question 40

• What three things are needed for decomposers to break down detritus:

A. Water, warmth & carbon dioxide

B. Water, carbon dioxide & sunlight

C. Water, warmth & oxygen

Question 40

• In the carbon cycle what is responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the air?

A. HumansB. Cars and lorriesC. Plants

Question 41

• In the carbon cycle what is responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the air?

A. HumansB. Cars and lorriesC. Plants

Question 41

• What is the main reason for the increase in Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

A. DeforestationB. Burning fossil fuelsC. Rising population levels

Question 42

• What is the main reason for the increase in Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

A. DeforestationB. Burning fossil fuelsC. Rising population levels

Question 42

• When making compost why is it important to allow air to get into the heap?

A. The microorganisms responsible for decay need oxygen

B. keeps the heap smelling niceC. Prevents mice making their

home in it

Question 43

• When making compost why is it important to allow air to get into the heap?

A. The microorganisms responsible for decay need oxygen

B. keeps the heap smelling niceC. Prevents mice making their

home in it

Question 43

• Where would you find your genes?

A. In the bottom drawB. In the cytoplasm of every cellC. On the chromosomes inside

the nucleus of every cell

Question 44

• Where would you find your genes?

A. In the bottom drawB. In the cytoplasm of every cellC. On the chromosomes inside

the nucleus of every cell

Question 44

• Why do chromosomes come in pairs?

A. Because they are stickyB. Because they replicateC. Because you inherit one set

from each parent

Question 45

• Why do chromosomes come in pairs?

A. Because they are stickyB. Because they replicateC. Because you inherit one set

from each parent

Question 45

• Why is there no variation in offspring from asexual reproduction?

A. Because there is no mixing of genes

B.Because there is no fertilisation

C.Because they can’t develop

Question 46

• Why is there no variation in offspring from asexual reproduction?

A. Because there is no mixing of genes

B.Because there is no fertilisation

C.Because they can’t develop

Question 46

• What is tissue cloning?

A. Reproduction only using one parent

B.Using a few cells from a desired plant to make a large number of identical cells/plants

C.Taking a small piece of a stem or leaf and growing it on

Question 47

• What is tissue cloning?

A. Reproduction only using one parent

B.Using a few cells from a desired plant to make a large number of identical cells/plants

C.Taking a small piece of a stem or leaf and growing it on

Question 47

• In embryo cloning when do the cells have to be taken?

A. Just before it implants into uterus lining

B. Before the cells become specialised

C. Straight after fertilization

Question 48

• In embryo cloning when do the cells have to be taken?

A. Just before it implants into uterus lining

B. Before the cells become specialised

C. Straight after fertilization

Question 48

• What is the name of the technique that produced Dolly the sheep?

A. Tissue cloningB. Embryo cloningC. Adult cell cloning

Question 49

• What is the name of the technique that produced Dolly the sheep?

A. Tissue cloningB. Embryo cloningC. Adult cell cloning

Question 49

• How is a gene taken out of one organism so it can be put into another?

A. Cut out with enzymes B. The nucleus is removed from a

body cellC. The nucleus is removed from a

fertilized egg

Question 50

• How is a gene taken out of one organism so it can be put into another?

A. Cut out with enzymes B. The nucleus is removed from a

body cellC. The nucleus is removed from a

fertilized egg

Question 50

• Name one application of genetic engineering technology:

A. Producing chickens with extra legs

B. Producing sheep who shear themselves

C. Producing bacteria that can make insulin for diabetics

Question 51

• Name one application of genetic engineering technology:

A. Producing chickens with extra legs

B. Producing sheep who shear themselves

C. Producing bacteria that can make insulin for diabetics

Question 51

• What does the term ‘natural selection’ mean:

A. Only the biggest organisms survive

B. Only the best suited organism survive

C. Only the strongest organisms survive

Question 52

• What does the term ‘natural selection’ mean:

A. Only the biggest organisms survive

B. Only the best suited organism survive

C. Only the strongest organisms survive

Question 52

• What is a mutation:

A. Naturally occuring mistakes made when copying DNA

B. Caused only through radioactive exposure

C. Caused only by exposure to dangerous chemicals

Question 53

• What is a mutation:

A. Naturally occuring mistakes made when copying DNA

B. Caused only through radioactive exposure

C. Caused only by exposure to dangerous chemicals

Question 53

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