online and offline software overview, status and plans status and integration to star : trigger daq...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Online and offline software overview, status and plans

Status and Integration to STAR :Trigger


Slow ControlsOnline Databases

Online/Offline/MC software


TriggerFMS (and FPD and FPDSMD) are all connected to QT boards and

DSM Tree• Full FMS/FPD trigger algorism document is available– High Tower Trigger– Cluster Sum Trigger– Multi Cluster Trigger– Module Sum Trigger (FPD)– LED trigger

• Test bed for new QT system (now used for other detectors)• Full bit-wise check of DSM Tree (now covers all DSM tree)

Plan : Already fully integratedImprovements (Jet Trigger with FHC)



• All QT and DSM Tree are read by L2• FMS (and FPD/FPD-SMD) data are part of trigger data bank DAQ file Trigger Data file (with pre/post data)• Trigger Data file analysis tool (trg2ntp) maintained by FMS group

is essential and used by many subsystems

Plan: Already fully integrated


Monitoring StatusFew plots in Pplot as of run9

Because it samples only tiny fraction of data, it was almost useless

Experts running monitoring/reconstruction codes on trigger data file ~min after run is taken

• Les’s online pi0 reconstrucitons (off TrgSscratch)

• Chris’s bitwise check (off L2)• Hank’s monitor (off TrgSscratch) • Len monitor (off HPSS)

• Steve’s analysis (off HPSS)


Monitoring Plan• Improved Pplot to monitor LED signal

Ensured bandwidth of LED trigger into EVPool (Jeff said its easy)This monitors everything : HV, gains, LED, Trigger and DAQ

• Unified and systematic/automated reconstruction codes runningBottleneck is getting data to RCAS disks(Trigger Data file -> L2- -> TrgScratch -> Online farm & HPSS) HPSS -> “ntuple”s on RCAS

Bottleneck will be HPSS->RCAS disk speed, and diskspaceMinimal CPU ~1min / 10k event file * ~50files / run * 50 run / day = 250 CPU min /


gzipped ntuples ~400 G byte from run9 User monitor codes (Like Len’s) Reconstruction iterations (Like Les’s and Steve’s)

• Real-time fast stream MuDst with StTriggerData(raw trigger data) production??? (only if Jerome can be convinced after all those years) 5

Slow Control & Online DB Status• Console/command-line based system (No connection to STAR SC)

Large cells: Shell scripts to communicate with LeCroy 1440a small cells: PSU software to communicate with PSU HV motherboard

• Only expert(s) to turn on/off HV or change HV We do not turn on/off for beam dump/refill

No HV trips to resetZener Diode Issue

• HV Alarm = Les Bland (No alarm to STAR alarm handler)• HV setting file on local disk• QT-LUT-Gain file on trigger local disk • HV log files on local disk every ~min = ~10 G bytes for run9 (no connection to Online



Current FMS HV system (terminal server)





PSU Motherboard

PUS Motherboard power switch)


HV Operation Manual / Documentation / HV setting file & logfile location

HV cable map

North Top Lg cells

North Bot Lg cells

South Top Lg cells

South Bot Lg cells


South Sml Cells

North Sml Cells

Slow Control & Online DB integration Plan• No big change in HV system itself is planned • It should remain “experts” only to operate HV (Zener Diode issue, no trip, no on/off while dump)• Instruction to shift : Watch LED plots in Pplot, call expert if any change

Do no turn on/off HV

Who is “expert(s)” / who is allowed to change HV See Les’s management talk

• Sending log-files to Online-DB is not essential and not planned – bandwidth issue– LED monitor will do most of the job– low priority, but if required, need ~2FTE month

• Messaging to STAR alarm system is not essential and not planned

– It was stable (There was no HV trips)– LED monitor will do most of the job– low priority, but if required, need ~2FTE month


FMS reconstruction code

Raw Data (Encoded QT data)

Decoded QT data

Hit (Mapped & Calibrated Energy) list

Cluster list

Photon list

QT decoder

Mapping & Calibration

Cluster Finder

Shower Shape fit

MC cell list from GSTARSumming, mappingInverse-Calibration, Digitization & Calibration


• We’ll have 1st order calibration relatively quick (online pi0 reconstructions)• Final calibrations with energy dependence (none-linearity) & run dependence comes much later

User analysis

Geometry & Cuts

Online and Offline Analysis code Status

Trigger Data file

DAQ file

HBOOK ntuple (raw)

BNL package

StEvent (raw)

MuDST (raw)

HBOOK ntuple (raw + EMC/TPC)

PSU package

Calibration text files

Geometry text files

Map text files

HBOOK ntuple (MC)

Parameter text files

Experiment GSTAR (FPD & FMS geometry)

PYTHIA with specialized filter


BEMC model

DAQ file

StEvent (raw + cluster + point)

MuDST (raw + cluster + point)

Offline DB (preliminary)

EMC makers in BFC (DB + ClusterFinder + PointFinder)

StEvent on memory (raw + cluster + point)

MuDST on memory (raw + cluster + point)

Offline DB (updated)

Mudst2StEvent + EMC makers


GSTAR file



Online and Offline Analysis code StatusTrigger Data file and ntuple from GSTAR Analysis is NOT just “online” monitoring

• Large volume of this analysis is happening just (~min) after run is taken • Used as “online” monitoring• Used as feedback to HV/LUT gain • Used as “offline” analysis for inclusive physics results, up to final papers• MC saves many CPU hours by not simulating particles into mid-rapidity/east

MuDST file AnalysisMuDST is produced ~months laterUsed for FMS-TPC or FMS-BEMC correlation analysis


Online and Offline Analysis code StatusBNL & PSU packages are based on the same reconstruction code (“Yiqun’s code”)

- Some differences because improvements made since code was split

- BNL package = fortran/hbook+paw wrapped+ New cluster finder (Ermes’s work) for hole treatment+ Energy dependence/Run dependence corrections+ SMD reconstructionCode is available : rcas://hank/put/the/file.tar

- PSU package = c++/root wrapped+ Code cleanup/re-organization+ New cluster finderCode is available : rcas://Steve/put/the/file.tar


Analysis Code Plan• Preserve “Trigger Data file analysis” path

– Established user codes/scripts– Light weight for quick turn around (Concern on speed / overhead if we switch)

• We want one code to do “trigger data file analysis”, “MuDST analysis” and “MC analysis”

– Re-merging “reconstruction (yiqun) code” in BNL and PSU package– One code in CVS, included in both Makers and “BNL/PSU packages”– Separate cluster finder and shower shape fitting– Add options/switches to have different code/versions

• Define classes in StEvent/MuDST for– Raw Data – Hit (Mapped & calibrated energy) list– Cluster list– Photons list

• Map, Geometry and Calibration in DB• g2r (Never needed correlated MC sample so far) • Man power



Trigger Data file

DAQ file

HBOOK ntuple (raw)

BNL package

StEvent (raw)

MuDST (raw)

HBOOK ntuple (raw + EMC/TPC)

PSU package

Calibration text files

Geometry text files

Map text files

HBOOK ntuple (MC)

Parameter text files

Experiment GSTAR (FPD & FMS geometry)

PYTHIA with specialized filter



DAQ file

StEvent (raw + cluster + photon)

MuDST (raw + cluster + photon)

Offline DB (preliminary)

FMS makers in BFC (DB + ClusterFinder + Photon Fit)

StEvent on memory (raw + cluster + photon)

MuDST on memory (raw + cluster + photon)

Offline DB (updated)

Mudst2StEvent + FMS makers


GSTAR file


Trigger Data file

Trigger data file reader


Online Package(s)


StEvent (raw)

MuDST (raw)

FMS analysis Maker(s) (Hit + Cluster + Photon list) Cluster Finder

Trigger Data file

HBOOK ntuple (raw)

Shower fit

MuDST on memory (raw + hit + cluster + photons)Offline DB

text files


GSTAR file


DAQ file



Summary of FSM integration plan• Trigger - Done• DAQ - Done• Monitor – LED• Slow Control / Online DB – No need• Software

– Unify to one code – Preserve “fast” path– Bring FMS raw data, HIT, Cluster and Photon to MuDST




Analysis Code PlanFTE month Pros Cons

Plan1 0 No work…

Not integrated…

Plan2 6??? Fully Integrated…

A lot of workFilesize…

Plan3 2??? Less workMaintain “current” pathA step towards plan2…


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