online assignment # 6

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Molson Coors Marketing Initiative assignment


Molson Coors Marketing Initiative

Marketing Research and Planning (P.310): By discovering the need in Canada’s society, it has focused on the cleanup and growth of forests, attracting more consumers who are also interested in preserving our lands. Molson Canadian discovered the need to clean up Canada’s country through its market research. Molson Canadian has gone beyond their competitors by bringing people together in Canada’s society to take action and clean up the nation. By doing this they have also given the participants incentives by giving them concert tickets.

Target Market (P.313): Molson Canadian’s target audience is mostly the adult age people (everyone over 19) and those who care about Canada’s outdoors. They are targeting different geographic divisions in Canada as its homeland has different characteristic to work on across the nation and also to help and care for their homeland so that we can preserve it and prevent it from being covered in garbage and destroyed. It is encouraging Canadians to make a difference in their country and they can do that by buying their products. Molson Canadian goes from cleaning up the oceans coasts, to cleaning public parks and planting trees. It all helps preserve the nation’s land that its target audience cares so much about.

4 P’s of Marketing (P. 305): Product: Molson Canadian has differentiated itself from other beers by cleaning up the country and being Canada’s national known beer, it attracts Canadians by making a difference in cleaning up our country, making it unique compared to other lagers. Price: Those who participate in the Red Leaf Program receive free tickets to a local concert taking place later that day. This is a price encouragement for people to participate in cleaning up our nation and to buy the beer. Promotion:. This persuades the target audience because the consumers are more likely to buy a beer where the company is making a difference in the world. Place: Molson Canadian is distributed in Canada and strives to be Canada’s most patriotic beer. Their ads and Red Leaf Program are dedicated to cleaning up the country that they produce and sell their beer in.

Marketing Environment (P.308): Molson Canadian has taken the initiative to not only sell their lagers as a beer, but to have some of the proceeds go to protecting Canada’s home land. Molson Canadian is getting a gain on its other competitors by realizing the need to clean up Canada’s shorelines, community parks, and planting trees. This separates itself from its competitors taking their company past just selling beer, to also helping Canada’s environment that it strives to be so patriotic for. Red Leaf Program brings them together and makes them feel like they are making a difference. Therefore, evaluating a company’s competitive market is essential if that company wants to succeed.

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